American Submitted Names

American names are used in the United States. See also about American names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Hynden f English (Modern, Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Hynden.
Iainn m English (Rare)
Variant of Ian.
Iann m English (Rare)
Variant of Ian.
Ianna f English (Modern, Rare)
Feminine form of Ian
Ianne f & m English (Rare), Filipino (Rare)
Variant spelling of Ian as well as a feminine form.
Ib f English
Diminutive for Elizabeth
Ibby f English
Diminutive of Isabel and its variants.
Ibe m & f English
Ibiza f American (Hispanic, Rare), Spanish (Mexican, Rare)
From the name of the Spanish island located in the Mediterranean Sea off the east coast of Spain (see Ibiza).
Ibram m English
Possibly a variation of Abram 1 influenced by Ibrahim. It is most often associated with Russian-American sculptor Ibram Lassaw.
Ice f & m Popular Culture, African American (Modern, Rare)
From the English word that denotes water frozen to a solid state. In the case of American rapper Ice Spice (2000-) it is a short form of Isis, her real name. A fictional bearer is Ice, a DC comic book superheroine... [more]
Iceland f English (American, Modern, Rare)
From the name of the European country (see Iceland). This name was used by American rapper Gucci Mane (real name Radric Davis) for his daughter born 2023, probably inspired in part by the slang word ice meaning "diamond jewelry".
Icelyn f English (American, Modern, Rare)
Apparently a combination of Ice and the popular name suffix lyn, perhaps influenced by Iceland.... [more]
Icelynn f English (American, Rare)
Variant of Icelyn given to 13 girls in 2018.
Iceses f English (American, Modern)
Extremely rare variant of Isis, possibly influenced by the English word ice.
Icesis f English (Modern, Rare)
Variant of Isis influenced by the English word Ice.
Icess f English (American, Rare)
Variant of Isis. According to the Social Security Administration, Icess was given to 6 girls in 2013.
Icey f English
Variant of Icie.
Icie f English
Diminutive of Berenice, used in America in the 19th and early 20th centuries.
Ick m English
Diminutive of Ichabod.
Icy f English (Rare)
Variant of Icie. The spelling was perhaps influenced by the English word "icy" meaning "pertaining to, resembling, or abounding in ice; cold; frosty; or characterized by coldness, as of manner, influence".
Idabelle f English (Rare)
Combination of Ida and Belle, perhaps influenced by Isabelle.
Idah f English
Variant of Ida
Idahlia f English
Alternate spelling of Idalia
Idaho m American (Rare)
From the name of a state in the United States of America. The name of the state was made in the early 1860s, when the United States Congress was considering organizing a new territory in the Rocky Mountains, eccentric lobbyist George M. Willing suggested the name "Idaho", which he claimed was derived from a Shoshone language term meaning "the sun comes from the mountains" or "gem of the mountains".
Idalah f American (Rare, Archaic)
From an Old Testament place name, Yidh’alah in the original Hebrew, which means either "memorial of God" or "the hand of slander, cursing" or "snares".
Idalene f African American
Derivative of Ida, or variant of Idaline, Idalene has its origins in the Germanic and English languages, and Spanish Idalina.
Idalina f English (Rare), Portuguese (Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian), Romanian (Rare)
Combination of Ida with the popular suffix -lina.
Idamae f English
Combination of Ida and Mae.
Idamarie f English (?), Danish, Swedish
Combination of Ida and Marie, see Idamaria
Idéa f Louisiana Creole, Greek Mythology (Gallicized)
French form of Idaea. As a given name, it may be an elaboration of Ide (the French form of Ida).
Idell f English
Variant of Idella.
Iden m English
Masculine form of "Idena".
Idena f English
Meaning "wealth, blessed".
Idina f English, Hebrew
Possibly related to Adina 1. Actress Idina Menzel is a well-known bearer.
Idolia f Louisiana Creole (Archaic)
Louisiana Spanish form of Eudolie.
Idonae f English (Archaic)
An Old English name that later became Idonea, possibly to feminise it. 19th century author Charlotte Mary Yonge writes that the derivation of Idonae from Iðunn is almost certain, noting that although Idonae may be "the feminine of the Latin idoneus (fit), its absence in the Romance countries may be taken as an indication that it was a mere classicalizing of the northern goddess of the apples of youth.
Idonna f American (Rare), Filipino (Rare)
Most likely a combination of the letter I and the name Donna.
Idrianne f English (American)
Variant of Adrianne, possibly influenced by Idria or Idris.
Ierne f English (Rare)
Anglicized form of Eireann (compare Erin, Ériu). This was the middle name of Dolly Wilde (1895-1941), niece of the Irish writer Oscar Wilde.
Iescha f Biblical Greek, Biblical Latin, English (American, Rare)
Form of Iscah used in the Greek and Latin Old Testament.
Iggey f English (Rare)
Diminutive of Ignatia. A known bearer of this female name is the Australian rapper and songwriter Iggy Azalea (1990), real name Amethyst Amelia Kelly.
Iggi m & f English (Rare)
Variant of Iggy.
Iggie m American, Italian
Variant of Iggy.
Ignacius m English (Rare)
Variant of Ignatius.
Ignatious m English (Rare)
Variant spelling of Ignatius.
Ika f English
Feminine form of Ike.
Ikea f African American (Rare)
After the Swedish furniture company IKEA, itself an acronym of its founder's name (Ingvar), birthplace (Elmtaryd), surname (Kamprad) and hometown (Agunnaryd)... [more]
Ikey m English
Diminutive of Isaac.
Ikia f African American (Rare)
Invented name inspired by similar-sounding names like Ikea, Mikia and Nikia.
Ilah f English (Rare)
Variant of Isla.
Ilaina f English (Rare)
Variant of Elaina.
Ildibad m Germanic, Dutch, English, German, Norwegian, Swedish, History
Variant spelling of Hildebad. Ildibad was a 6th-century king of the Ostrogoths in Italy.
Ilesha f African American (Rare)
Variant of Alicia (See also Iesha).
Iliad f & m English (Rare)
Derived from the Iliad, an ancient Greek epic poem attributed to Homer.
Ilianna f Greek, American (Hispanic, Rare)
Hispanic American variant of Ileana. As a Greek name it is likely a variant of Iliana (a feminine form of Ilias, the Modern Greek form of Elias).
Ilithia f English (Rare)
Perhaps a variant of Ilithyia.
Illdiko f English
Variant of Ildiko.
Illinois m & f American (Archaic)
The state is named for the French adaptation of an Algonquian language (perhaps Miami) word apparently meaning "speaks normally" (cf. Miami ilenweewa, Old Ottawa ilinoüek, Proto-Algonquian elen-, "ordinary" and -we·, "to speak"), referring to the Illiniwek (Illinois) people... [more]
Illyrian m English (American, Rare, Archaic)
From Illyrian, denoting an inhabitant of Illyria, an ancient region in southeast Europe, the western part of what is now the Balkan Peninsula.
Illythia f English (Rare)
Perhaps a variation of Ilithyia.
Ilsalina f English
Elaboration of Ilsaline.
Ilsaline f English
Combination of Ilsa and the popular prefix -line.
Ily f English (Modern, Rare)
Acronym of the phrase I love you.
Ilyasah f African American (Rare)
Ilyasah is the name of one of Activist Malcolm X and Betty Shabazz's six daughters.
Ilyse f English
Variant of Elise.
Ilyssa f English (Modern, Rare)
Variant of Alyssa or Elissa 2/Elisa. The USA Social Security Administration has recorded 41 girls with the name Ilyssa in 2004.... [more]
Ilythia f English (Rare)
Perhaps a variation of Ilithyia.
Imari f & m African American (Rare)
Perhaps a variant of Amari influenced by Imani. This is also the name of a brand of perfume, which was introduced by Avon in 1985.
Imblim m English
Variation of Emblem
Imo f American
Possibly a diminutive of Imogene.
Imojean f American (South)
Variant of Imogene used in the southern United States.
Imojeen f American
Variant of Imogen.
Imperia f Medieval Italian, Literature, English (American, Modern, Rare)
Derived from Latin imperium meaning "command; authority; rule, power; empire". This was the name of an obscure saint, who was venerated in Mauprévoir, France (also known as Impère and Impérie)... [more]
Imriel m Literature, English
character from the Kushiel's Legacy Trilogy by Jacqueline Carey... [more]
Imy f English
Diminutive of Imogen or Imogene.
Inaara f English (Modern, Rare)
Derived from Arabic ﺇِﻧَﺎﺭَﺓ (ʔināra), which is the verbal noun form of أنار (ʔanāra) meaning "to light, to illuminate". It was popularized in the United States by the socialite Inaara Aga Khan (born Gabriele Renate Homey, 1963-) when she married Prince Karim Aga Khan in 1998... [more]
Inah f Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare), English (American, Rare, Archaic)
Variant of Ina. A notable bearer is Brazilian nun and supercentenarian Inah Canabarro Lucas (1908-).
Inara f English (Modern, Rare)
Variant of Inaara. This name was popularized in the United States by character Inara Serra on the space Western TV show Firefly (2002).
Indiasa f American
Spanish and Indonesian meaning-waters of healing or blessings of salvation
Indiga f English (American, Modern, Rare)
Perhaps intended as a feminine variant of Indigo.
Indigoe m & f English (Rare)
Variant of Indigo.
Indio m Spanish (Latin American, Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian), English (Modern)
Most likely a variant of Indigo or a Latinized masculine form of India.... [more]
Indius m English (Rare)
Masculine form of India.
Indus f & m English (Rare)
Derived from Indus, the name of a river in Asia. It starts in Tibet and flows through India and Pakistan, where it ends in the Arabian Sea.
Ineka f English (Rare), German (Rare), Dutch (Rare)
Most likely a variant of Ineke.
Inell f English (American, Rare), American (South)
Perhaps an altered form of Inez.
Infinite m African American (Modern)
From the English word infinite meaning "having no boundaries or limits".
Infiniti f English (American, Rare)
Variant of Infinity. Use of this spelling has been influenced by the name of the Infiniti luxury car brand owned by Nissan.
Infinity f & m English (American, Modern, Rare)
Directly taken from the English word, ultimately from Latin infinitas "endlessness; boundlessness".
Ingall m German (Rare), English (Rare)
A German name meaning “angel”, or possibly transferred use of the surname Ingalls.
Ingalls m English
Transferred use of the surname Ingalls.
Ingaret f English (Rare, Archaic)
Anglicized form of Angharad, perhaps influenced by Margaret.
Ingle m English (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Ingle.
Inglebert m English (American, Modern, Rare)
The eldest son of Antionette Fitzwig of Willow Creek.
Ingleberta f English (American, Modern, Rare)
The name of Inglebert Fitzwig's eldest daughter. She was also Antionette Fitzwig's granddaughter.
Inid f English (Rare)
Variant of Enid.
Inkie f English
Variant of Inky.
Inman m English
Transferred use of the surname Inman.
Inspektor m English
Swedish for inspector, meaning "overseer, superintendent," from Latin inspector "one who views or observes," agent noun from past participle stem of inspicere "look at, observe, view; look into, inspect, examine,"
Integrity f English (American, Modern, Rare)
From the English word integrity, which is derived via Middle French from Latin integritās meaning "soundness, integrity".
Inverno m English
From the Italian word for "winter"
Invicta f English (American, Rare)
From the Latin word meaning “unconquered”.
Inyz f English (Rare)
Variant of Inez.
Ioletta f English
Old English form of Violet
Iolette f American (Rare)
Diminutive of Iola.
Ion m English (Rare)
Variant of Ian.
Ionia f English (American, Rare)
Name of an ancient coastal region of Anatolia, from the name of the ancient Greek Ionians.... [more]
Ionie f Jamaican Patois, English (Rare)
Possibly a variant of Ione or Ionia.
Iowa f American (Modern)
By way of French Aiouez, from the Dakota word ayúxba/ayuxwe and named after the Iowa tribe. The name seems to have no further known etymology though some give it the meaning "sleepy ones".
Iphagenia f English
Variant form of Iphigenia
Iquan m African American (Rare)
Meaning uncertain, perhaps a variant of Tyquan which ends with the popular phonetic element quan.
Irby m English (American)
Transferred from the surname, Irby.
Iredell m English (American, Rare), American (South, Rare)
From the surname Iredell. This was the name of American philosopher Iredell Jenkins (1909-1988), who wrote about the philosophy of art in the 1950s.
Iree f English
Variant of Irie, also possibly comes from a nickname for Irene.
Irelyn f English (American, Modern, Rare)
Variant of Ireland using the popular name suffix lyn.
Irenaea f English (Rare)
Feminization of Irenaeus.
Ireth f & m English (American, Rare)
Transferred from the surname "Ireth".
Ireton m English (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Ireton.
Irie m & f Jamaican Patois, African American
Irie is used in the music and culture of Jamaica. The meaning is to have no worries or be at peace with everything around you. You hear the saying feeling Irie in many Regea songs.
Irish m & f English, Filipino
Means a person from Ireland or of Irish descent.
Irl m English
Variant of Earl
Irlene f Brazilian, English (Rare)
Possibly a feminine form of Irl.
Irlon m English (Modern, Rare)
Masculine Varient of Ireland.
Irna f English (Rare), Swedish, Danish
Variant of Erna 2. Irna Phillips (July 1, 1901 – December 23, 1973) was an American scriptwriter, screenwriter, casting agent and actress... [more]
Irv m English
Short form of Irving.
Irva f English
Either a feminine form of Irving or Irvin.
Irven m English
Variant of Irvin.
Irvette f English (Rare)
Probably a combination of Irva, Irving or Irvine with the suffix -ette.
Iry m French (Cajun), American
Diminutive of Ira 1.
Is f & m English (Rare)
Short form of Isabel, Isidore, and other names beginning with the is- sound. An alternate version of Iz.
Isaaca f English (Rare)
Feminine form of Isaac.
Isaaq m Somali, English
Variant of Isaac.
Isabau f English (Rare)
Rare variant form of Isabel.
Isabecca f American (Rare, Archaic)
A blend of Isabella and Rebecca which seems to have disappeared in the early 1900s.
Isabellia f English (American, Rare, Archaic)
Elaboration of Isabella. In some cases usage of the name might also have been inspired by the name of the species of orchid, Isabellia virginalis.
Isabellina f Italian, English
Elaborated form of Isabella.
Isabeth f English (American, Rare), Dutch (Rare), Spanish (Latin American)
Likely a truncated form of Elisabeth. As an English name, however, it might also be a transferred use of the French surname, which is ultimately a matronym derived from the given name.
Isadell f English (Rare, Archaic)
A combination of Isa and Dell.
Isaden m English (?)
A combination of Isa and Den
Isaiya m Russian, English (Rare)
Variant spelling of Isaiah, reflecting the English pronunciation.
Isamae f English
Combination of Isa and Mae.
Isamay f English (Modern)
A combination of Isa and May
Isannah f English (American, Rare), Literature
Of uncertain origin and meaning, although theories include a combination of Isabella and Susannah. This name was first recorded in the Boston area in the early 1700s and famously borne by one of Paul Revere's daughters who died in infancy... [more]
Isbell f Scots (Archaic), Medieval Scottish, American (Rare)
Variant of Isbel, which in the case of the Scots name is an approach at a phonetic spelling of Gaelic Iseabail.
Isela f Spanish (Latin American), American (Hispanic)
Elaborated form of Isel as well as a truncated form of Marisela and Gisela... [more]
Isella f Italian (Rare), Spanish (Latin American), American (Hispanic)
Italian diminutive of Isa 2 as well as a Latin American variant of Isela.
Ish m & f English
Diminutive of Ishmael and Felisha.
Isha f English
Short form of names with the ending -isha. such as Alisha or Felisha.
Isham m English (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Isham.
Ishbell f English
Variant of Ishbel.
Island f English (American, Modern, Rare)
From the English word island: "A tract of land surrounded by water, and smaller than a continent".... [more]
Isley f & m English (Modern)
Transferred use of the surname Isley. This name is pronounced identically to Eisele, which was used by American country singer Hillary Scott of Lady Antebellum for her daughter born 2013.
Ismaella f English
Feminization of Ismael.
Ismary f Spanish (Latin American, Rare), American (Hispanic, Rare), Medieval English, English (Archaic)
Spanish variant of Ismaria as well as a Medieval English vernacular form and Early Modern English variant of Ismeria.
Isobeth m & f Biblical, English
In the Bible, this is a variant of Ishbosheth. ... [more]
Isola f English (Rare), Italian (Rare)
Popularly claimed to be derived from the Italian word isola "island", this name might actually rather be a variant of Isolda.... [more]
Isolene f English (Rare)
19th-century elaboration of Isola.
Isom m American (Rare), African American
Transferred use of the surname Isom, a variant of Isham itself a transferred use of the surname Isham.
Isonie f American (South)
American English regional name (Appalachian), possibly influenced by the name Ione.
Israell m English (Archaic)
Variant of Israel recorded in the 16th century.
Israelle f American (Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare)
Feminization of Israel using the French feminine diminutive suffix -elle modeled on Danielle and Gabrielle or a variant of Israëlle.
Isreal m American
Variant of Israel.