American Submitted Names

American names are used in the United States. See also about American names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Kaytelin f English (Modern)
Variant spelling of Caitlin.
Kaytelynne f English (Modern)
Variant spelling of Caitlin.
Kaytey f English (American, Modern, Rare)
This is a variant of the name Katie.
Kayti f English
Variant of Katie.
Kaytlin f English
Variant of Caitlin. This name was given to 53 girls born in the USA in 2010.
Kaytlyn f English
Variant of Caitlin. This name was given to 38 girls born in the USA in 2010.
Kaytlyne f English
Variant of Caitlin.
Kaytlynn f English
Variant of Caitlin. This name was given 36 girls born in the USA in 2010.
Kayton m English (Modern)
Perhaps an invented name based on similar-sounding names such as Keaton.
Kayzlie f English (American, Modern)
Combination of Kaylee and Paisley. Spelling variation of Kaisley.
Kaz m & f English, Polish, Lithuanian, Russian
Short form of Kazimieras, Kazimir, and other names beginning with Kaz.
Kden m English (American, Modern, Rare)
Variant of Kayden based on the pronunciation of the letter K.
Keagan m & f English
Variant of Keegan.
Keanan m English
African American form and variant of Keenan or Kenan 1.
Keanan m African American
African American form and variant of Keenan or Kenan 1.
Keandre m English, African American
Combination of the popular name prefix Ke and Andre.
Kearn m English (Anglicized, Rare)
This is an Anglicized version of Ciarán, which means "little black haired one."
Kearney m & f American (Modern, Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Kearney.
Keasia f African American (Modern)
Combination of the popular name prefix ke and Asia 1, likely based on the sounds found in names such as DeAsia, Keisha, Keyana and Kiara.
Keatan m & f English
Variant of Keaton.
Keathley m English (American)
family name of the burrow family in kentucky
Keatin m & f English
Variant of Keaton.
Keating m & f American (Modern, Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Keating.
Keats m American
Transferred use of the surname Keats.
Keatyn m & f English
Variant of Keaton.
Keavon m African American (Modern, Rare)
A modern invented name.
Kecia f English, African American, Finnish
Now often seen as a variant of Keisha, but originally used in the USA and Canada because of Kecia Nyman, a fashion model born in Finland on January 17, 1941, who was featured on the cover of many North American fashion magazines in the 1960s.
Keedie f English (Modern)
Unknown, perhaps a diminutive of Katherine
Keegen m English
Variant of Keegan.
Keelee f English
Variant of Keely.
Keelen m English (Rare)
Strictly the masculine variant of Keelan.
Keenen m English (Modern)
Possibly a variant of Kenan 1 or Keenan
Keener m American (South, Rare, Archaic)
Maybe transferred from the surname Keener or from the common English word keen.
Keeth m English
Variant spelling of Keith.
Keever m American (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Keever.
Kefira f Hebrew (?), English (Rare)
Claimed to be a feminine variant of Kfir, though it coincides with a Hebrew word meaning "heresy, denial of God".
Keiana f English
Possibly a variant of Qiana. This name was given to 42 girls born in the USA in 2010.
Keidrich m English (American)
Meaning uncertain; it is possible that this given name was originally derived from the rare German surname Keidrich, which in turn might have been derived from the name of the German place Kiedrich... [more]
Keifer m English (Modern)
Transferred use of the surname Keifer.
Keiffer m English (American, Modern, Rare)
Probably transferred use from the surname Keiffer.... [more]
Keigan m & f English (Rare)
Variant of Keegan.
Keighlea f English
Variant of Kaylee.
Keighlee f English
Variant of Kaylee.
Keighli f English
Variant of Kaylee.
Keighly f English
Variant of Kaylee.
Keilan m & f English (Rare)
Variant of Caelan.
Keilee f English
Variant of Kaylee.
Keileigh f English
Variant of Kaylee.
Keiley f English
Variant of Kaylee.
Keili f English
Variant of Kaylee.
Keilie f English
Variant of Kaylee.
Keilley f English
Variant of Kaylee.
Keillie f English
Variant of Kaylee.
Keilly f English
Variant of Kaylee.
Keily f English, Spanish (Latin American)
Transferred use of the surname Keily.... [more]
Keily f English (Rare)
Derived from the Irish word Cadhla, meaning "Graceful."
Keiren m English
Variant of Kieren.
Keirnan m & f English (American)
Transferred use of the surname Keirnan, and a variant of Kiernan influenced by Keira.
Keishera f Caribbean, English
Possibly an elaboration of Keisha.
Keithlyn f English (Rare)
Feminine variant of Keith using the suffix lyn.
Keivana f African American (Modern)
Female name of undetermined origin.
Kejuan m African American
A combination of the phonetic element ke with Juan. It can also be spelt as KeJuan.
Keke f English
Pet form of names that start with Ke, such as Kelly or Keisha. Variant spelling of Kiki... [more]
Kel f & m English (Modern, Rare)
Short form of Kelly.
Kelanna f English (Rare)
Feminine form of Kelan.
Kelby m & f English (Modern, Rare)
A name of Norse origin meaning "lives at a farm near a well or spring".
Kelcee f American
Variant of Kelsey.
Kelci f & m English
Variant of Kelsey.
Kelcy f & m English (Rare)
Variant of Kelsey.
Keleigh f English
Variant of Kaylee or Kelly.
Kelen m & f English (Rare)
Variant of Kellen.
Kelham m English (Rare), Irish (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Kelham.
Kelilah f English (Rare)
Variant transcription of Kelila.
Kelinda f English (Rare)
Combination of the prefix Ke- and Linda.
Kelis f African American (Modern)
Popularized by the American singer Kelis Rogers (1979-) in whose case it is a combination of Kenneth and Eveliss, the names of her parents.
Kelise f English (Modern, Rare), African American (Modern, Rare)
Variant of Kelis. Otherwise, it could be a blend of the sounds of Kelly or Kelsey and Elise.
Kell f & m English (Modern)
Diminutive of names beginning with Kell, like Kelly or Kellin.
Kella f English (Rare)
Possibly a Latinization of Kelly.
Kellah f English
Variant of Kella.
Kellcee f English (Modern)
Variant spelling of Kelsey.
Keller f & m American
Transferred use of the surname Keller. Used in L. J. Smith's 'Night World' series.
Kelliana f American (Modern, Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian)
Either a variant of Keliana, an elaboration of Kellia or an elaboration of Kelly.
Kellina f English
Either an elaboration of Kelly or a variant of Kelina.
Kelline f English
Alternate spelling of Kellina.
Kelm m English (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Kelm.
Kelon m African American (Modern, Rare)
Invented name, likely based on the sounds of names like Jaylon and Kaylon.
Kelpie f & m Celtic Mythology, English (Modern, Rare)
The name of a shape-shifting water spirit that takes the form of a greyish black horse. The Kelpie drowns then devours anyone who tries to ride it.... [more]
Kelsa f English (Rare)
Possibly a form of Kelsey.
Kelsee f & m American
Variant of Kelsey.
Kelseigh f English
Variant of Kelsey.
Kelso m & f English, Irish
From the surname Kelso.
Kelson m Brazilian, English (American, Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Kelson.
Kelsy f English
Variant of Kelsey.
Kelton m English
Transferred use of the surname Kelton.
Kelty f English (American, Rare), English (Canadian)
Transferred use of the surname Kelty.
Kelwan f English
Feminine variant of Kelwin.
Kelwyn m English
Variant of Kelwin.
Kemma f Medieval English, English
Variation of Cymme, used as a diminutive form of Cyneburga. In modern times, it is most likely influenced by Gemma and Kenna.
Kemper m American (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Kemper.
Kempton m English
Transferred use of the surname Kempton.
Kenai m & f English (Modern, Rare)
Means "flat land" in the Dena'ina language. From the Dena'ina ken 'big flat' and ken'ey 'two big flats with a river cutback'.... [more]
Kenath m English
Variant of Kenneth.
Kenburrow f English (Rare, Archaic)
Possibly a form of Kinborough, recorded in 1610.
Kendale f English
Variant of Kendall.
Kendalia f English (Rare)
Elaborated form of Kendal(l)
Kendalyn f English (Modern)
Elaboration of Kendall with the popular name suffix -Lyn.
Kendan m English
Likely an invented name, an elaboration of Ken 1, or any name starting with Ken-.
Kenden m English
Variant of Kendan.
Kendi f & m English (Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare)
Most likely a variant of Kennedy or Candy.... [more]
Kendrea f English (American)
Perhaps an elaborated form of Kendra influenced by Andrea 2
Kendrell m African American (Modern, Rare)
Perhaps recent coinage, possibly a blend of Kendrick and Tyrell/Terrell. This is the middle name of an American Rapper: Offset.
Kendrew m English (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Kendrew. Notable name sake is English born actor Kendrew Lascelles (1935-).
Kendrica f American (Rare)
Feminization of Kendrick in the style of Henrica (See also Kendra and Kenna).
Kendrix f & m American
A variant of Kendrick, influenced by the sound of names like Hendrix.
Kendyll f English
Variant of Kendall.
Keneah f English
Variant of Kenya.
Kenedie f English
Variant of Kennedy
Kenedy f English
Variant of Kennedy.
Keneley f & m English (Rare)
Variant of Kenley.
Kenella f African American
Feminine form of Ken 1 using the suffix -ella
Keneth m English
Variant of Kenneth.
Kenette f English (Modern, Rare)
Combination of the masculine name Ken 1 and the feminine suffix -ette.
Kenia f English (American, Modern)
Variant of Kenya or a feminine form of Ken 1 (see also Kenna).
Kenice f English (American, Rare)
Feminine elaboration of Ken 1 in the style of Janice.
Kenickie m English
Transferred use of the surname Kenickie. The name was borne by a “Grease” character played by Jeff Conaway.
Kenise f African American (Rare)
Possibly a rhyming variant of Denise influenced by Ken 1/Kenna/Kenneth.
Kenisha f African American (Modern), Caribbean
Combination of Ken 1 and the popular phonetic elements nee and sha... [more]