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Gender Feminine
Pronounced Pron. KAY-lin  [key]
Other Forms FormsCailyn, Caleigh, Kaelyn, Kailee, Kailey, Kailyn, Kaleigh, Kaley, Kalie, Kalyn, Kat, Kate, Kathi, Kathie, Kathy, Kay, Kaye, Kayla, Kaylee, Kayleigh, Kayley, Kaylie, Kaylin, Kaylynn, Kit, Kitty, Caelie, Caileigh, Cailin, Cayley, Kae, Kaelea, Kaelee, Kayleah, Kayleen, Kayly, Keighley

Meaning & History

Variant of Kaylyn.
Added 3/31/2016 by Sofia