American Submitted Names

American names are used in the United States. See also about American names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Janya f American (Modern)
Either an invented name by combining Jane with the -anya suffix found in names Tanya and Sonya or else a variant of Janiyah/Jania.
Janyce f English
Variant of Janice.
Janyla f African American (Modern, Rare)
A combination of the popular prefix ja and Nyla.
Janyse f English (Rare)
Variant of Janice. A notable bearer is Canadian voice actress Janyse Jaud (1969-).
Japhy m English
Diminutive of Japheth. Most commonly associated with Japhy Ryder, a character in Jack Kerouac's The Dharma Bums.
Japonica f English (American, Modern, Rare)
japonica is a Neo-Latin word meaning "japanese". As such, it is part of the name of several cultivated plants (e.g., Pieris japonica, Camellia japonica, or Skimmia japonica).
Jaq m & f English (Modern)
Variant of Jack and a diminutive and Jacqueline.
Jaqee f English
Diminutive of Jaquelin.
Jaqi f English
Nickname of Jacqueline and a variant of Jackie.
Jaquana f African American (Rare)
Feminine form of Jaquan. It can also be understood as a combination of the phonetic elements ja, qua and na.
Jaquanda f African American (Rare)
Combination of the phonetic elements ja, quan and da. It can be spelled JaQuanda or Jaquanda.
Jaquanna f African American (Rare)
Variant of Jaquana. It can also be understood as a combination of the phonetic elements ja, quan and na.
Jaquantay m African American (Rare)
Combination of the phonetic elements ja, quan and tay.
Jaquarius m African American (Modern, Rare)
Combination of the phonetic element ja and Aquarius.
Jaquasha f African American (Rare)
Combination of the phonetic element ja and the name Quasha. It can be spelled JaQuasha, Ja'Quasha or Jaquasha.
Jaquasia f African American (Rare)
Variant of Jaquasha. It can be spelled JaQuasia, Ja'Quasia or Jaquasia.
Jaquavius m African American (Modern, Rare)
Invented name, probably based on Jaquan and Octavius.
Jaquelyne f English (Rare)
Variant spelling of Jacqueline.
Jaqui m English
Variant of Jackie or Jacqui
Jaquie m & f English
Variant of Jackie.
Jaquonthin m African American
Possibly a blend of Jaquan and Jonathan.
Jarad m English
Variant of Jared.
Jarel m English
Possibly comes from the given name Gerald, and means "strong", "open-minded", and "spear-ruler".
Jaren m Hebrew, English
To sing or talk out loud
Jaret m English
Variant of Jarrett.
Jarid m English
Variant of Jared.
Jarius m African American (Rare)
Possibly an invented name based on Jerry and Darius.
Jarma f American (South, Rare)
Borne by the American actress Jarma Lewis (1931-1985), whose name was said to be of Czech origin.
Jarmecca f African American (Modern)
Not sure of the history or origin.
Jarrad m English
Variant of Jared.
Jarren m English
Variant of Jaron 1.
Jarret m English
Variant of Jarrett.
Jarrin m & f Caribbean, English
Variant of Jaron 2.
Jarron m English
Variant of Jaron 2.
Jarryd m & f English
Variant of Jared.
Jaruby f American (Hispanic)
Meaning: "Perfection"... [more]
Jas f & m English
Short form of Jasper, Jasmine and other names beginning with jas-.
Jasai m African American
Meaning unknown. Its usage is likely influenced by the popularity of other names that start with ja, such as Jamari, Jakai, and Jasiah.
Jasamine f American
Likely meant as a variant of Jasmine or Jessamine
Jasani f & m African American (Modern, Rare)
Invented name by combining the phonetic element ja and Dasani.
Jasean m African American (Rare)
Combination of the popular prefix Ja- and Sean.
Jasee m & f English (Modern, Rare)
Variant of Jasey (see also Jase and Jayse)
Jaselle f American (Modern)
Variant of Giselle influenced by the spelling fo Jasmine.
Jaselynn f English (Modern, Rare)
Elaboration of Jase using the popular name suffix lynn.
Jasen m English
Variant of Jason.
Jashauna f English (Modern, Rare)
Combination of the prefix Ja- and Shauna.
Jashawn m African American (Modern)
Combination of the popular prefix ja and Shawn.
Jashonda f African American (Rare)
Combination of the popular prefix ja and the name Shonda. It can be spelled JaShonda or Jashonda.
Jashua m English (Rare)
Variant of Joshua. Jashua was given to 52 boys in 2007 according to the SSA.
Jasiah m American
Variant of Josiah.
Jasika f English
History unknown. This name was borne to the actress Jasika Nicole, who plays Astrid Farnsworth on "Fringe."
Jasmarie f American (Modern, Rare)
Combination of Jasmine and Marie.
Jasmeen f English (American, Modern, Rare), Italian (Modern, Rare)
Variant of Jasmine also occasionally used in Italy.
Jasmeena f English
Variant of Jasmina.
Jasmiyah f African American (Modern, Rare)
Invented name combining the phonetic elements jaz, mee and ya, based on Jasmine.
Jasmon f & m American (Rare)
Variant or masculine form of Jasmine.
Jasmyne f English
Variant of Jasmine.
Jasonn m English (American)
Variant spelling of Jason
Jassandra f English (American)
A variation of Jessandra, a combination of Jess or Jae 2 and Sandra possibly African American too?
Jassyca f English (Modern)
Alternative spelling of Jessica.
Jaten m English (American, Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Jaten. It is also possible that there are cases where it is a variant of Jathan and even Jaden... [more]
Jathen m English (American, Rare)
Variant of Jathan. In modern times, there might also be cases where it is a variant of Jaden.
Jatia f American (Rare)
Most likely an invented name. ... [more]
Jatoree f African American
Combination of the prefix ja and Toree.
Jatori f & m African American (Modern, Rare)
Combination of the popular phonetic prefix ja and Tori, probably modelled on Natori.
Jatory m African American (Modern)
Combination of the prefix ja- with Tory.
Jaunita f American
Variant of Juanita.
Javada f English
Feminization of Javad.
Ja'Vahna f African American (Rare)
Possibly an anglicized form of Giovanna.
Javari m African American (Modern)
Possibly a variant of Javaris altered due to the influence of Jabari (and also sharing a sound with Jamari and Jakari).
Javarious m African American (Modern)
Elaborated form of Javaris. This name can be spelled Javarious or with a capitalized third letter as JaVarious.
Javaris m African American
Meaning uncertain, perhaps an invented name blending Jarvis with Tavares.
Javaughn m African American (Modern, Rare)
Variant of Javon, the spelling influenced by that of Vaughn. This name can be spelled Javaughn or with a capitalized third letter as JaVaughn.
Javen m English
Variant of Javan.
Javette f African American
Possibly a blend of the phonetic element ja with the name Yvette.
Javez m American (Modern, Rare)
Maybe a variant of Jabez (via Spanish pronunciation and spelling conventions).
Javicia f African American
Likely a combination of a name that starts with Jav- (such as Javiera) with a name that ends in -icia (such as Alicia).... [more]
Jawaan m African American
Contracted version of Jaquan. Spelling may be influenced by Dutch or Arabic.
Jawana f African American (Rare)
Perhaps an altered form of Joanna or Juana inspired by names such as Tawana, Shawana and Lawana.
Jaxana f English
Feminme form of Jaxon. Similar to Roxana.
Jaxann f English
Feminme form of Jaxson. Similar to Roxann.
Jaxanna f English
Feminme form of Jaxson. Similar to Roxanna.
Jaxanne f English
Feminme form of Jaxson. Similar to Roxanne. Nickname Jaxie, Jaxy, Jaxx.
Jaxie m & f English (Modern)
Diminutive of Jax.
Jaxine f English (Modern, Rare)
Possibly a feminizaton of Jax or Jackson in the style of Maxine.
Jaxlynn f English (American, Modern, Rare)
Feminine elaboration of Jax using the popular name suffix lyn, possibly modelled on Jaclyn.
Jaxom m English (American, Modern, Rare)
Used as a character name in "The white dragon" by Anne McCaffrey.
Jaxs m English (Rare)
Diminutive of Jackson or variation of Jax.
Jaxsin m English (American, Modern, Rare)
Variant of Jaxon. According to the SSA, Jaxsin was given to 22 boys in 2018.
Jaxstyn m English (American)
Variant of Jaxton. See also Jackston.
Jaxwell m English (Modern, Rare)
An invented name, using the same sounds found in names such as Jax and Maxwell.
Jaxxton m English (American, Modern, Rare)
Variant of Jaxton. According to the SSA, Jaxxton was given to 13 boys in 2018.
Jaxzen m English (Modern)
Variant of Jaxon. According to the SSA, Jaxzen was given to 10 boys in 2018.
Jaxzyn m English (American, Rare)
Modern, rare, variant of {Jackson}.
Jayacelys f American (Hispanic)
Victorious Charisma
Jayanna f African American (Modern), English (Rare)
Combination of the popular phonetic elements jy, ya and na, perhaps modelled on Ayanna.... [more]
Jaycina f African American
Jaycina Almond is a model and founder of the non-profit Tender Foundation.
Jaycinth f & m English (Rare)
Variant of Jacinth (possibly influenced by Jay 1 or Jayce).
Jayd m & f English (Rare)
Variant of Jade.
Jaydalynn f English (Modern, Rare)
Elaboration of Jayda using the popular name suffix lynn.
Jaydan m & f English (Modern, Rare)
Variant spelling of Jaden.
Jaydean m & f English (Modern, Rare)
Variant of Jayden or a combination of Jay 1/Jayde and Dean.
Jaydee m & f English (American), English (Modern)
Either a diminutive of Jade or a combination of Jay 1 and Dee. It is also a phonetic spelling of JD... [more]
Jaydia f American (Modern, Rare)
Presumably, and elaboration of Jayda by the -ia suffix in the style of India.
Jaydn f & m English (American, Modern, Rare)
Variant of Jaden (possibly inspired by Haydn)
Jaydy f American (Hispanic, Modern, Rare)
Perhaps a Spanish variant of Heidi. This is borne by Mexican model and actress Jaydy Michel (1975-), who was formerly married to the Spanish singer Alejandro Sanz.
Jayella f English (Rare)
A combination of Jay and Ella
Jayjay m English (Modern, Rare)
Phonetic spelling of the initials JJ.
Jayk m English (Modern, Rare)
Variant spelling of Jake.
Jaykeem m African American
Name meaning: ?. Is an Arabic influenced name
Jaykia f & m African American
Combination of Jay 1/Jack and Kia
Jaykob m English
Variant of Jacob.
Jaykub m English (Modern, Rare)
A modern variant of Jacob
Jaylani f African American (Modern)
Possibly a rhyming variant of Kaylani using the popular phonetic element jay. Also compare Jelani and Jaylon.
Jaylena f English (Modern)
Variant of Jaylene, with its spelling influenced by the suffix -lena.
Jaylia f English (American, Modern, Rare)
Presumably an elaboration of Jaylee or Jayla, perhaps influenced by Julia.
Jayliana f American (Modern, Rare)
Either an elaboration of Jaylia, in which results in a double elaboration of Jayla/Jaylee or a combination of Jayla/Jaylee/Jay 1 and Liana.
Jaylie f English
Variant of Jaylee.
Jaylissa f American (Modern, Rare)
An invented name, a combination of the popular phonetic element jay and the suffix lissa found in names such as Julissa and Melissa.
Jayly f English
Variant spelling of Jaylee.
Jaymee f & m English
Variant of Jamie.
Jaymere m African American (Modern, Rare)
Combination of the phonetic elements jay and meer, or a blend of Jamie and Jamir.
Jaymi f & m English
Variant of Jamie.
Jaymie f & m English (Rare)
Variant of Jamie.
Jaymond m English (American, Rare)
Combination of Jay 1 and the suffix -mond, as seen in names such as Raymond. It may be influenced by names like Jayson and Jayden.
Jaymz m English (Modern)
Variant of James. A known bearer is Canadian musician Jaymz Bee.
Jayn f English
Variant of Jane.
Jaynee f American
Diminutive of JANE
Jayney f English
Variant of Janey.
Jayquan m African American (Modern)
Combination of the phonetic elements jay and quan.
Jayron m English
Variant of Jayren
Jayse m English
Variant of Jayce.
Jayseon m American (Modern, Rare)
Variant of Jayceon influenced by Jase.
Jaysha f English (American, Modern, Rare), African American (Modern, Rare)
An invented name, using the phonetic elements jay and sha, and sharing a sound with names such as Daysha and Stacia.
Jayshawn m African American
Combination of Jay 1 and Shawn.
Jaystin m English (American, Modern, Rare)
Possibly a combination of the phonetic element jay and the given name Justin.
Jaysun m English (Modern)
Variant form of Jason.
Jayton m English (American, Rare)
Variant of Jaden in the style of Layton and Dayton.
Jayvier m African American (Modern, Rare)
Invented name, blending the popular phonetic element jay with the name Xavier, possibly inspired by the Spanish form Javier.
Jaywanna f African American (Rare)
Likely a combination of the phonetic element jay and the name Juana.
Jayy m American
Variant of Jay 1.