Submitted Names Matching Pattern *ah

This is a list of submitted names in which the pattern is *ah.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Aabidah f Arabic
Feminine form of Aabid.
Aahliyah f Obscure
Rare variant of Aaliyah.
Aaishah f Arabic (Rare)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عائشة (see Aisha).
Aakifah f Muslim
Feminine form of Akif.
Aalijah m & f English (American, Modern, Rare)
Variant of Elijah perhaps influenced by Aaliyah.... [more]
Aamilah f Urdu, Arabic
Means "worker" in Arabic. It may also mean "one who hopes", making it related to Amal 1.
Aanisah f Muslim (Rare)
Variant transcription of Anisa.
Aarah f Indian (Muslim), English
Variant of Aara, though it may also be used as a feminine form of Aaron.
Aarifah f Pakistani
Derived from Urdu عارفة (ʿārfa) meaning "knowing".
Aariyah f English (Modern)
Variant of Aria 1, the spelling is probably influenced by Aaliyah.
Aasiyah f Arabic
Variant of Asiya.
Aayizah f Arabic
Means "replacement" in Arabic.
Abdah f & m Medieval Arabic, Arabic
Variant of Abda.
Abd al-Fattah m Arabic
Means "servant of the opener" from Arabic عبد ال (ʿabd) meaning "servant" combined with فتاح (fattāḥ) meaning "opener, conqueror".
Abdallah m Arabic
Alternate transcription of Abd Allah.
Abdel-Fattah m Arabic (Egyptian)
Means "servant of the conqueror" from Arabic عبد ال ('abd al) meaning "servant of the" combined with فتاح‎ (fattah) meaning "conqueror"... [more]
Abdelfattah m Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic عبد الفتاح (see Abd al-Fattah).
Abdelfettah m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عبد الفتاح (see Abd al-Fattah) chiefly used in North Africa.
Abdelilah m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عبد الإله (see Abd al-Ilah) chiefly used in Morocco.
Abdelillah m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic عبد الإله (see Abd al-Ilah) chiefly used in North Africa.
Abdiah m Biblical
Greek variant of Hebrew Obadiah. Meaning, "servent of Yahweh" which differs slightly from the Hebrew meaning of, "worshipper of Yahweh."
Abdilah m Indonesian
Indonesian variant of Abd al-Ilah.
Abdillah m Indonesian, Malay, Comorian
Indonesian, Malay and Comorian variant of Abd al-Ilah.
Abdulelah m Arabic
Alternate transcription of Abd al-Ilah.
Abdul Fattah m Arabic, Malay
Alternate transcription of Arabic عبد الفتاح (see Abd al-Fattah), as well as the regular Malay form.
Abdurrahmansyah m Indonesian (Rare)
Combination of Abdurrahman and Persian شاه (shah) meaning "king".
Aberah f Hebrew
Variant transcription of Abira.
Abriyah f Ancient Hebrew (Rare)
Means "one who loves God".
Abu Hanifah m Arabic (Rare), Malay, Indonesian
Alternate transcription of Arabic أبو حنيفة (see Abu Hanifa), as well as a Malay and Indonesian variant.
Abu Haniffah m Malay
Malay variant of Abu Hanifa.
Adaliah f Biblical
It is a biblical name that means "One that draws water, poverty, cloud, death.
Adaliyah f African American (Modern, Rare)
Possibly a combination of the element adal and the name Aaliyah.
Adayah f Hebrew
Variant of Adaiah.
Adelah f English
Variant of Adela
Adibah f Arabic, Malay
Alternate transcription of Arabic أديبة (see Adiba), as well as a Malay variant.
Ad'ifaah f Arabic
Meaning:Smart, Talented.
Adilah f Arabic, Malay, Indonesian
Alternate transcription of Arabic عادلة (see Adila), as well as the Malay and Indonesian form.
Adilşah f Ottoman Turkish
From Arabic عادل ('adil) meaning "just, fair, equitable" and Persian شاه (shah) meaning "king, shah".
'Adnah m Biblical
Variant transcription of Adnah 1. This transcription is used in The Complete Jewish Bible.
Adnah m Biblical
The name comes from the Hebrew noun עדן ('eden), meaning "luxury", "delight", or "pleasure".... [more]
Adnah m Biblical
The name is of uncertain meaning. It is very similar to Adnah 1, however they are not exactly the same. They both come from the Hebrew noun עדן ('eden), meaning "luxury", "delight", or "pleasure"... [more]
Adoniah f Biblical
Variant of 'Adoniyah and Adonijah, said to be the Cushite wife of Moses per the book of Jasher.
Afiah m Efik
Means "fourth son" in Efik.
Afiqah f Malay
Feminine form of Afiq.
Afrah f Arabic
Means "joys, mirths, celebrations" in Arabic, the plural of فرح (farah) meaning "happiness, joy".
Ah f Korean
The Korean Hanja "娥" means "Beautiful".
Ahah m Mormon
son of Seth, Jaredite king.
Ahamah m Thai (Muslim)
Alternate transcription of Thai อาหามะ or อาหะมะ (see Ahama).
Ahashdah m Mormon (Rare)
An alias used by Newel K. Whitney in a few chapters of Mormon scripture.
Ahaziah m Ancient Hebrew, Biblical
Derived from אֲחַזְ ('ahaz) meaning "to hold" and יָהוּ (yahu), composing the meaning "held by Yahweh"
Ahijah m Biblical
Meaning, "brother of Jehovah."
Ahmadshah m Pashto, Malay
Combination of Ahmad with Shah.
Ahmadsyah m Indonesian
Combination of the name Ahmad and Persian شاه (shah) meaning "king".
Ahmadullah m Persian, Tatar, Crimean Tatar
A Persian combination of Ahmad and Abdullah.
Aiah f English
Variant of Ayah.
Aiah m Biblical
Meaning "falcon". Aiah is mentioned in the bible as a son of Zibeon and the father of Rizpah.
Aidah f Arabic, Indonesian, Malay
Alternate transcription of Arabic عائدة (see Aida), as well as the Indonesian and Malay form.
Aisah f Indonesian, Filipino, Maranao, Malay
Indonesian, Maranao and Malay form of Aisha.
A'ishah f Arabic
Variant transcription of Aisha.
Aiyanah f Obscure
Variant of Ayanna.
Aizatullah m Kazakh
Translates roughly to "divine offspring of the moon". Derived from the Kazakh word ay, meaning "moon", the Kazakh and Persian word zâde meaning "offspring", and the Kazakh and Arabic suffix -ullah, meaning "Allah (God)".
Ajah m Biblical Hebrew
In Genesis 36:24 and 1 Chronicles 1:40, Ajah is a son of Zibeon. Ajah means "hawk.
Ajah m & f Bandial
Means "the clever one" in Bandial.
Ajouah f Obscure
Meaning and origin unknown.
Akaiyah f African American (Modern, Rare)
Possibly a combination of the phonetic prefix a and Kaya 2. It shares a sound with names such as Makiyah.
Akeelah f African American (Modern, Rare), South African (Modern, Rare)
Variant of Akilah popularized by the 2006 movie 'Akeelah and the Bee'.
Akifah f Indonesian
Feminine form of Akif.
Alabrah m Ijaw
Means "how long" in Ijaw.
Alainah f English (American, Modern, Rare)
Variant of Alaina. 39 girls in the USA were named Alainah in 2011.
Alamsyah m Indonesian
From Arabic عالم ('alam) meaning "world, universe" and Persian شاه (shah) meaning "king".
Alanah f English
Variant of Alana.
Alayjah f American (Rare)
Most likely a combination of the names Allison and Asia (or Aja). May be related to Elijah.
Albaldah m & f Astronomy
This is the official name of the star Pi Saggitarii. Albaldah was the traditional name of a star system. It comes from the Arabic بلدة bálda "the town".
Aldhibah f Astronomy
This is the traditional name of the star Zeta Draconis in the Draco constellation. Zeta Draconis has the old Arabic name الذئب al-dhiʼb "the wolf", given in its feminine form Al Dhiʼbah (ذئبة)
Aleighah f Obscure
Variant of Aaliyah.
Alemşah f & m Ottoman Turkish
From Ottoman Turkish alem meaning "world, universe" combined with şah meaning "shah, king".
Alexah f English
Alternate spelling of Alexa.
Aleyah f Arabic
Variant of Aaliyah.
Alfiansyah m Indonesian
From the name Alfian combined with Persian شاه (shāh) meaning "king".
Algjebbah m Astronomy
The name of a star in Orion, also called Ensis.
Alhamdulillah m Pashto (Rare), Indonesian (Rare)
From the Arabic phrase الحمد لله (al-hamdu li-llahi) meaning "praise be to Allah".
Aliah m English
Variant of Aaliyah.
Alifah f Arabic, Malay, Indonesian
Alternate transcription of Arabic أليفة (see Alifa), as well as the Malay and Indonesian form.
Aliffah f Malay, Indonesian
Malay and Indonesian variant of Alifa.
Alikah f Hawaiian
Decent, fine, kind-natured, truthful, most beautiful
Al-ʾilah m Theology
Means 'the deity' in Arabic.
Alimah f Arabic, Indonesian, Malay
Feminine form of Alim.
Alirah f English
Variant of Alira
Alivyah f Obscure
Variant of Olivia.
Aliyannah f Obscure
Variant of Aliana.
Aliyiah f English
Variant of Aaliyah.
Alkirdah m Astronomy
The star Xi Cephei in the constellation Cepheus bore the traditional names Kurhah, Alkirdah or Alkurhah... [more]
Alkurhah m Astronomy
The star Xi Cephei in the constellation Cepheus bore the traditional names Kurhah, Alkirdah or Alkurhah... [more]
Alluah m Arabic (Modern)
From southern Arabia
Allyiah f English
Variant of Aaliyah.
Almairah f Maranao
Possibly a variant of Almirah.
Almaqah m Near Eastern Mythology
A moon-god and tutelary god of the South Arabian kingdom of Saba.
Almirah f Maranao, Maguindanao
Feminine form of Al-Amir.
Alyiah f English
Variant of Aaliyah.
Amalickiah m Mormon
Nephite traitor who becomes king of the Lamanites and wars with Nephites - killed by Teancum (c. 70 BC).
Amamah f Arabic, Muslim
Amamah is a name originate from the Qua'ranic verse 33:72 referring to the trust God placed in mankind.
Aman Allah m Arabic
Means "protection of Allah" from Arabic أمان (ʾamān) meaning "protection, shelter, security, peace" combined with الله (Allah).
Amankwah m Akan, Western African
Comes from Akan aman meaning ‘nation(s)’ + kwa meaning ‘free’.
Amanollah m Persian
Persian form of Aman Allah.
Amanullah m Arabic, Pashto, Urdu, Bengali
Alternate transcription of Arabic أمان الله (see Aman Allah), as well as the Pashto, Urdu and Bengali form.
Amatullah f Muslim
Feminine form of Abdullah.
Ameenah f Arabic
Variant of Amina.
Ameerah f Arabic, Malay
Alternate transcription of Arabic أميرة (see Amira 1), as well as the Malay form.
Amen-allah m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic أمين الله (see Amin Allah).
Amenallah m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Arabic أمين الله (see Amin Allah) chiefly used in Tunisia.
Amerah f Arabic, Maranao
Alternate transcription of Arabic أميرة (see Amira 1), as well as a Maranao variant.
Amiah f English (American)
Either a merged form of Amy and Mariah or a variant of Amia
Amierah f Malay
Malay form of Amira 1.
Amilah f Arabic
The etymology of Amilah can be traced back to the Arabic word “amal,” which means “hope” or “expectation.” The addition of the suffix “-ah” adds a feminine touch to the name, making it a particularly fitting choice for girls.... [more]
Amileah f Obscure (Modern, Rare)
Spelling variant of Amelia.
Amin Allah m Arabic
From Arabic أمين (ʾamīn) meaning "true, trustworthy" combined with الله (Allah).
Aminollah m Persian
Persian form of Aminullah.
Aminullah m Arabic, Pashto, Urdu, Indonesian
Alternate transcription of Arabic أمين الله (see Amin Allah), as well as the Pashto, Urdu and Indonesian form.
‘Amirah f Arabic
“Leader”... [more]
Ammaarah f Arabic
Variant of Ammara 2.
Ammah m Mormon
Nephite missionary.
Ammaraah f Arabic (Maghrebi, Rare, ?)
Possibly an Arabic form of Amara
Ammenguyyah m Bandial
Means "he has many graves" in Bandial.
Amnah f Arabic, Indonesian, Malay
Arabic alternate transcription of Amna or Aminah 1 as well as the Indonesian and Malay form.
Amnigaddah m Mormon
Son of Aaron, the Jaredite king.
Amrah f Pakistani
Pakistani form of Amra.
Amrullah m Arabic, Pashto, Indonesian
Means "command of Allah" from Arabic أمر ('amr) meaning "order, command" combined with الله (Allah).
Amzah m Indonesian, Malay
Possibly a variant of Hamzah.
Anaiah f English (Modern, Rare)
Variant of Aniyah. This name was given to 167 girls born in the USA in 2011.
Analeah f English (Modern, Rare)
Combination of Ana and Leah.
Anammeriah f English (Puritan), English (British, Archaic)
Variant of Anna Maria recorded in 1715 in the parish register of Finchley Church, England, referring to Anne, Queen of Great Britain, and her elder sister, Queen Mary II of England.
Ananiah m Biblical
Means "cloud of Yahweh" or "Yahweh has covered", from the Hebrew nouns עָנָן (ʿanan) "cloud" and יָהּ (yah) referring to the Hebrew God... [more]
Anayah f Arabic
Means "care, protection, diligence" in Arabic.
Aneesah f American (Rare)
Variant transcription of Anisa.
Aniqah f Arabic
Feminine form of Aniq.
Anisah f Arabic, Malay, Indonesian, Maranao
Alternate transcription of Arabic أنيسة (see Anisa), as well as the Malay, Indonesian and Maranao form.
Anissah f Arabic, Indonesian, Malay
Alternate transcription of Anisa as well as an Indonesian form.
Anitah f English (African, Rare)
Variant of Anita 1 primarily used in Uganda.
Annabellah f English (Rare)
Very rare variant of Annabella.
Annaleah f English (American)
Combination of either of Anna and Leah
Annisah f Indonesian, Malay
Indonesian and Malay form of Anisa.
Anorrah f Obscure
Variant of Annora.
Antionah m Mormon
a chief ruler in Ammonihah
Antothijah m Biblical, Hebrew
Essentially a combination of Anathoth with yah "Yahweh", thus the meaning is effectively "prayers answered by Yahweh"... [more]
Anugrah m Indonesian, Indian, Hindi
Derived from Indonesian anugerah meaning "award, bestowment", ultimately from Sanskrit अनुग्रह (anugraha) "favour".
Anwarullah m Bengali (Muslim)
Meaning unknown.
A'Nyah f African American (Modern, Rare)
Variant of Aniyah, or a combination of Nyah with a phonetic prefix.
Aphiah m Biblical Hebrew
Aphiah, of the tribe of Benjamin, was an ancestor of King Saul and of his commander Abner... [more]
Aphrah f & m English, English (Puritan)
From the biblical place Aphrah in the Book of Micah, meaning "dust." This name was used by Puritans, but has since become rare.
Aqilah f Arabic, Malay
Alternate transcription of Arabic عقيلة or عاقلة (see Aqila), as well as the usual Malay form.
Aquinnah f Wampanoag
From Wampanoag Âhqunah meaning "the end of the island". This is also the name of a town on the island of Martha's Vineyard in Massachusetts. American actor Michael J. Fox gave this name to his daughter Aquinnah Kathleen born in 1995.
Arah f Biblical Hebrew
Means "guest" in Hebrew.
Araunah m Biblical
Araunah was a Jebusite who was mentioned in the Second Book of Samuel who owned the threshing floor on the summit of Mount Moriah that David purchased and used as the site for assembling an altar to God... [more]
Aravah f Hebrew (Rare)
Variant transliteration of עֲרָבָה (see Arava).
Arayah f English (Modern)
An invented name influenced by Aria 1.
Ardiansyah m Indonesian
Combination of the name Ardian and Persian شاه (shah) meaning "king".
Areebah f Arabic (Rare)
Means "wise, intelligent" in Arabic.
Areeshah f Pakistani
the name areeshah is a pakistan name areeshah was the first name of the baby in pakistan
Arfah m Urdu
Means "High" in Urdu
Ariannah f English
Variant of Arianna.
Arifah f Arabic, Malay, Indonesian
Alternate transcription of Arabic عارفة (see Arifa), as well as the Malay and Indonesian form.
Arifullah m Arabic, Urdu
Means "expert of the religion" from عارف (ʿārif) meaning "learned, knowing, expert" combined with الله (Allah)
Armishah m Malay (Rare)
Malay form of Armish.
Arryah f Obscure
Possibly an alternate spelling of Aria 1 or Ariah.
Artafarnah m Old Persian
Derived from Old Persian arta "truth, right, righteous" combined with Old Persian farnah "glory, splendour, fortune".
Arvaeyah f African American (Modern, Rare)
Invented name using the popular elements ar (present in Arshawn), vay (like in Vayda and Vayla) and ya... [more]
Arvantapātah m Old Persian
From Old Persian *arvāh meaning "swift" and 𐎱𐎠𐎫 (pātaʰ) meaning "protected".
Asaiah m Biblical
Means "Yahweh has made" or "made by Yahweh" in Hebrew. This was the name of several characters in the Old Testament.
Asamoah m & f Western African, Akan
Means "apostles" in Akan. It is also a surname. A famous bearer is Ghanaian soccer player Asamoah Gyan (1985-).
Asarelah m Biblical
One of the Asaphites appointed by David to the temple service.
Ashiq Ullah m Urdu (Modern), Arabic (Modern)
Means "lover of Allah" in Arabic.
Ashnah f Biblical
The name of a city either near Palestine or near Bethlehem, mentioned in the Bible
Ashrah f Popular Culture
Means "ten" in Arabic. This is the name of a Mortal Kombat character.