Submitted Names with "eagle" in Meaning

This is a list of submitted names in which the meaning contains the keyword eagle.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Acuauh m Nahuatl
Means "hawk" or "crane hawk" in Nahuatl, ultimately derived from atl "water" and cuauhtli "eagle".
Adolar m History (Ecclesiastical), German (Rare, Archaic)
A dithematic Germanic name with prototheme adal "noble" and deuterotheme aro "eagle" or hari "army".... [more]
Æringunnr f Old Norse
Combination of Ancient Scandinavian ǫrn "eagle" and gunnr "battle, fight".
Ærinví f Old Norse
Old Norse name with several possible meanings. The first element can be derived from Old Norse ǫrn or ari, both meaning "eagle". It's also identical to Old Swedish ærin (Old Norse arinn) "hotbed, hearth"... [more]
Ærngautr m Old Norse
Old Norse combination of ǫrn "eagle" and gautr "goth".
Águila f Spanish
Means "eagle" in Spanish (see Aquila), taken from the titles of the Virgin Mary, La Virgen del Águila and Nuestra Señora del Águila, meaning "The Virgin of the Eagle" and "Our Lady of the Eagle" respectively.... [more]
Akleja f Swedish (Modern, Rare)
Swedish form of Aquilegia, the name of a genus of plants derived from Latin aquila, "eagle".
Aladfar f Astronomy
Derived from Arabic al-’uz̧fur, meaning "the talons of the swooping eagle". This is the traditional name of the star Eta Lyrae in the constellation Lyra.
Alathfar f Astronomy
This is the traditional name of a star in the constellation Lyra - Mu Lyrae. Its traditional name Alathfar comes from the Arabic الأظفار al-ʼaẓfār, meaning "the talons (of the swooping eagle)".
Alfarinn m Norse Mythology
Has several possible etymologies. Maybe derived from Old Norse alfr ("elf, supernatural being") and ǫrn ("eagle"); alf and arinn ("fire, immolation place"), a word meaning "far, long" and far ("to travel"), or ala ("entire, all") and a word meaning "deserted".... [more]
Alkhazur m Chechen
Means "eagle" in Chechen.
Amke f West Frisian (Rare)
Means "eagle" in Frisian.
Angying m Chinese
From the Chinese 昂 (áng) meaning "rise, raise; proud, bold; upright" and 鹰 (yīng) meaning "eagle, hawk, falcon".
Anna f Germanic
Old German short form of names beginning with the element arn meaning "eagle".
Anzû m Near Eastern Mythology, Sumerian Mythology
Possibly means "heavenly eagle". Name borne by a Mesopotamian demon, who was drawn in the form of a huge fire and water breathing bird, or a lion-headed eagle.
Aquillius m Ancient Roman
Roman nomen gentile derived from Latin aquila "eagle" (see also Aquila). This name was borne by several consuls from ancient Rome.
Aquilo m Roman Mythology
Possibly derived from Latin aquila, meaning "eagle". Aquilo was the name of the Roman god of the north wind, equated with its Greek counterpart Boreas.
Arabert m Germanic
The meaning and origin of the first element in this Germanic name is rather uncertain, and so there are various possibilities to the name's meaning. The most likely possibility is that the first element is derived from Proto-Germanic aran or arna "eagle" (ara in Gothic and arn in Old High German)... [more]
Aragund f Germanic
The meaning and origin of the first element in this Germanic name is rather uncertain, and so there are various possibilities to the name's meaning. The most likely possibility is that the first element is derived from Proto-Germanic aran or arna "eagle" (ara in Gothic and arn in Old High German)... [more]
Aramund m Germanic
The meaning and origin of the first element in this Germanic name is rather uncertain, and so there are various possibilities to the name's meaning. The most likely possibility is that the first element is derived from Proto-Germanic aran or arna "eagle" (ara in Gothic and arn in Old High German)... [more]
Ard m Dutch
This name is often a short form of Arnoud (and other names containing the Germanic element aran or arn meaning "eagle", such as Arend) and Eduard... [more]
Arda f Dutch (Rare)
Short form of given names containing the Germanic element aran or arn meaning "eagle", such as Arnolda and Arenda... [more]
Ardin m Dutch (Rare)
Short form of Ardinus. In some cases, the name can also be an elaboration of Ard, which itself is a short form of Arnoud (and other names containing the Germanic element aran or arn meaning "eagle") as well as of Eduard and Adriaan.... [more]
Ardziv m Armenian
Means "eagle" in Armenian.
Ardzvig f Armenian
Means "young eagle" in Armenian.
Aregis m Germanic
The meaning and origin of the first element in this Germanic name is rather uncertain, and so there are various possibilities to the name's meaning. The most likely possibility is that the first element is derived from Proto-Germanic aran or arna "eagle" (ara in Gothic and arn in Old High German)... [more]
Arendje m & f Dutch
When borne by a female person, this name is a good example of how one can turn a very masculine name (Arend) into a feminine name by simply adding the diminutive suffix -je to the original name... [more]
Arhild f Anglo-Saxon
Possibly derived from Old Norse Arnhildr, "eagle battle". Alternatively, could be from the Old English elements ār "honour, glory, grace" (see aizō) and hild "battle"... [more]
Ariwald m Germanic
The meaning and origin of the first element in this Germanic name is rather uncertain, and so there are various possibilities to the name's meaning. The most likely possibility is that the first element is derived from Proto-Germanic aran or arna "eagle" (ara in Gothic and arn in Old High German)... [more]
Arna f Medieval German, Medieval Scandinavian, Old Swedish, German (Rare), Dutch (Rare), Norwegian (Rare), Swedish (Rare), Danish (Rare), Icelandic, Faroese (Rare)
Originally a medieval feminine form of Germanic masculine names beginning with the Old High German element arn, Old Norse ǫrn meaning "eagle" (Proto-Germanic *arnuz)... [more]
Arnbert m Medieval French, Germanic, Old High German (?)
Derived from Old High German and Old Saxon arn meaning "eagle" and Old High German beraht, Old Saxon berht meaning "bright" from Proto-Germanic *berhtaz.
Arnbjörn m Swedish
Derived from Old Norse ari or arn "eagle" combined with Old Norse björn "bear".
Arnbrand m Medieval Scandinavian, Medieval English, Norwegian (Archaic)
Anglo-Scandinavian name derived from the Old Norse elements ǫrn "eagle" and brandr "fire, sword-blade".
Arnbrandr m Old Norse
Derived from Old Norse ari or arn "eagle" combined with Old Norse brandr "sword."
Arndís f Icelandic, Old Norse
A Germanic name formed from the name elements arn "eagle" and dís "goddess".
Arnevi f Finnish (Rare), Finland Swedish (Rare), Swedish (Rare)
Combination of Old Norse arn "eagle" and meaning "holy" or "devoted, dedicated".
Arnfastr m Old Norse
Derived from Old Norse arn "eagle" combined with Old Norse fastr "firm, fast".
Arnfrid f Norwegian, Swedish
Modern Norwegian form of Arnfríðr, an Old Norse name derived from the elements arn "eagle" and fríðr "peace, love" or "beloved" (later "beautiful, fair"; compare Fríða, an Old Norse short form of Arnfríðr and other feminine names containing the element).
Arnfríðr f Old Norse
Combination of the Old Norse elements ǫrn "eagle" and fríðr "beautiful", originally "beloved".
Arnfrøðr m Old Norse
Derived from Old Norse ǫrn "eagle" and friðr "love, peace".
Arngeirr m Old Norse
Derived from Old Norse ari or arn "eagle" combined with Old Norse geirr "spear".
Arngerðr f Old Norse
Derived from Old Norse arn "eagle" and gerd "enclosure".
Arngilde f Frankish
Derived from the Old High German or Old Saxon element arn, Old Norse ǫrn meaning "eagle" and Proto-Germanic *geldą meaning "reward, gift, money".
Arngísl m Old Norse
Combination of Old Norse ǫrn "eagle" and gísl "pledge, hostage."
Arngrímr m Old Norse
Derived from Old Norse ǫrn "eagle" and grímr "person wearing a face mask".
Arnheid f Old High German
A dithematic name formed from the Germanic name elements arn "eagle" and haidu "kind, sort, type".... [more]
Arnheiðr f Old Norse
Derived from Old Norse ǫrn "eagle" and heiðr "honor".
Arnhelm m Germanic, German (Rare)
Derived from the Germanic element arn meaning "eagle" combined with helm meaning "helmet, protection".
Arnhildr f Old Norse
Derived from Old Norse ari or arn "eagle" combined with Old Norse hildr "battle".
Arnhǫfði m Norse Mythology, Old Norse
Means "eagle-headed", derived from Old Norse ǫrn "eagle" and hǫfuð "head". This is a by-name for Odin.
Arnida f Faroese
Of unknown origin and meaning. Current theories include a variant of Armida and a combination of the Old Norse name elements ǫrn "eagle" and "industrious; work; activity".
Arnketill m Old Norse
Derived from Old Norse ari or arn "eagle" combined with Old Norse kettil "kettle, cauldron" (see also Kettil).
Arnlaug f & m Old Norse, Norwegian (Rare), Icelandic (Rare)
Combination of Old Norse ǫrn "eagle" and laug possibly meaning "betrothed woman".
Arnlín f Icelandic (Rare)
Derived from the Old Norse elements ǫrn "eagle" and lín "flax, linen". Alternatively the second element could be derived from Hlín (which occurs in many Old Norse poetic compounds meaning "woman") or Lína.
Arnljótr m Old Norse
Old Norse combination of ǫrn "eagle" and ljótr "shining, bright".
Arnmóðr m Old Norse
Derived from the Germanic name elements ǫrn "eagle" and móðr "mind, spirit, courage".
Arnmundr m Old Norse
Derived from Old Norse ǫrn "eagle" and mund "protection".
Arnniútr m Old Norse
Derived from Old Norse ǫrn "eagle" and njóta "to use".
Arnrós f Icelandic (Archaic)
Derived from Old Norse ǫrn meaning "eagle" and rós meaning "rose".
Arnrún f Icelandic
Combination of the Old Norse name elements ǫrn "eagle" and rún "secret".
Arnþjófr m Old Norse
Derived from the Germanic name elements ǫrn "eagle" and þjófr "thief".
Arnþrúðr f Old Norse
Derived from the Germanic elements ǫrn "eagle" and þrúðr "strength".
Arnulfr m Old Norse
Derived from the Germanic name elements ǫrn "eagle" and ulfr "wolf".
Arnveig f Norwegian
Relatively modern name (from 1908) created by combining the Old Norse name elements ǫrn "eagle" and veig "power, strength".
Arnwin m Medieval English
From Old English Earnwine, derived from Old English earn "eagle" and wine "friend".
Arny f Norwegian
Variant of Arna or a combination of the Old Norse name elements ǫrn "eagle" and nýr "new".
Artyphios m Old Persian (Hellenized)
Greek form of the Old Persian name *Ardufya meaning "eagle".
Arulf m Germanic
The meaning and origin of the first element in this Germanic name is rather uncertain, and so there are various possibilities to the name's meaning. The most likely possibility is that the first element is derived from Proto-Germanic aran or arna "eagle" (ara in Gothic and arn in Old High German)... [more]
Arvin m Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, English (Archaic)
Either a Scandinavian form of Arwin (see Erwin) or a combination of the Old Norse name elements ari "eagle" and vinr "friend".
Atsa f Navajo
Navajo name meaning "Eagle".
Banoy m Filipino
Means "eagle" in Tagalog.
Bennu f Turkish
Means "an eagle" in Turkish. It's the name of a character in the Turkish TV series 'Binbir Gece'.
Bürged m Mongolian
Means "eagle" in Mongolian.
Burgutoy f Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek burgut meaning "eagle" and oy meaning "moon".
Burkit m Kazakh (Rare)
Means "golden eagle" in Kazakh.
Bürkitbay m Kazakh
From the Kazakh бүркіт (bürkit) meaning "eagle" and бай (bay) meaning "bey".
Cecuauh m Nahuatl
Means "one eagle" in Nahuatl, a calendrical name.
Chamuk f Nivkh
From Nivkh ch'am meaning "eagle".
Chiconcuauh m Nahuatl
Means "seven eagle" in Nahuatl, a calendrical name.
Chilina f Romanian (Archaic)
Probably from Akilina which itself comes from Latin Aquilina "eagle".
Chimalcuauhtli m Nahuatl
Means "shield eagle" in Nahuatl, from chimalli "shield" and cuauhtli "eagle".
Chunying f & m Chinese
From Chinese 春 (chūn) meaning "spring (the season)" combined with 莹 (yíng) meaning "lustrous, lustre of gems", 鹰 (yīng) meaning "eagle, hawk, falcon", or 英 (yīng) meaning "flower, petal, brave, hero"... [more]
Cuauhatl m Nahuatl
Possibly means "eagle flood", from Nahuatl cuauhtli "eagle" and atl "water".
Cuauhcoatl m & f Nahuatl
Means "eagle serpent" or "wooden snake" in Nahuatl, derived from either cuauhtli "eagle" or cuahuitl "tree, wood" and cōātl "snake".
Cuauhcopil m Nahuatl
Possibly derived from cuauhtli "eagle" and copil, a kind of conical hat or headpiece.
Cuauhicopi m Nahuatl
Means "the eagle closes its eyes" in Nahuatl, from cuauhtli "eagle" and icopi "to close the eyes; to blink, to wink".
Cuauhihuitl m Nahuatl
Means "eagle feathers" in Nahuatl.
Cuauhilama m Nahuatl
Possibly means either "eagle old woman" or "old woman’s head", from Nahuatl cuauhtli "eagle" or cuaitl "head" combined with ilama "old woman".
Cuauhnecahual m Nahuatl
Possibly from Nahuatl cuauhtli "eagle" and cahua "to leave, abandon something" or "to be left; to remain, survive" (see Necahual).
Cuauhnenemi m Nahuatl
Means "walks like an eagle" or "travelling eagle" in Nahuatl, from cuauhtli "eagle" and nenemi "to travel, to go about; to walk, to run".
Cuauhnochtli m Nahuatl
Means "eagle cactus fruit" in Nahuatl, derived from cuauhtli "eagle" and nochtli "prickly-pear cactus fruit". Could be used to describe the hearts of victims sacrificed to Huitzilopochtli, or as a judicial title, often involved with execution.
Cuauhpan m Nahuatl
Means "eagle banner" in Nahuatl, from cuauhtli "eagle" and panitl "banner, flag". Alternatively, the first element could be cuahuitl "tree, wood".
Cuauhpopoca m Nahuatl
Means "smoking eagle" in Nahuatl, from cuauhtli "eagle" and popoca "to smoke".
Cuauhquen m & f Nahuatl
Means "eagle garment", from Nahuatl cuauhtli "eagle" and quemitl "garments, clothing; ritual vestments".
Cuauhquiyahuacatl m Nahuatl
Means "person from Cuauhquiyahuac" in Nahuatl, a location meaning "eagle door" or "eagle gate".
Cuauhtapalca m Nahuatl
Means "eagle covert feathers" in Nahuatl, referring to the tough feathers found on the bird’s neck, back, and wings.
Cuauhtecolotl m Nahuatl
Derived from Nahuatl cuauhtli "eagle" and tecolotl "owl".
Cuauhtecpan m Nahuatl
Meaning uncertain. Possibly a combination of cuauhtli "eagle" and either tecpan "palace", tecpantli "twenty", or tecpana "to put in order, to arrange in a row".
Cuauhtepotzo m Nahuatl
Means "hunchbacked eagle" or "crooked tree" in Nahuatl, from cuauhtli "eagle" or cahuitl "tree, wood" and tepotzotli "hunchback".
Cuauhtilma m Nahuatl
Means "eagle cape" in Nahuatl, from cuauhtli "eagle" and tilmatli "cloak, blanket, length of cloth". The cuauhtilmatli was a garment associated with warriors and nobility, often worn in mourning ceremonies.
Cuauhtlamati m Nahuatl
Possibly means "wise eagle", derived from Nahuatl cuauhtli "eagle" and tlamati "to know something".
Cuauhtlapetz f Nahuatl
Meaning uncertain. Possibly derived from cuauhtli "eagle" or cuahuitl "tree, wood" combined with tlapetzolli "burnished, polished", which stems from petztli "pyrite; something smooth or shiny".
Cuauhtlapeuh m Nahuatl
Etymology uncertain. Possibly means "wooden plow" or "eagle trap", derived from Nahuatl cuauhtli "eagle" or cuahuitl "tree, wood" combined with either tlapehua "to plow (a field, the land)" or tlapehualli "trap for catching animals; animals or land that have been brought under control".
Cuauhtlatoa m Nahuatl
Means "he talks like an eagle", from Nahuatl cuauhtli "eagle" and tlatoa "to speak; to issue commands".
Cuauhtlatoatzin m Nahuatl
Means "talking eagle" in Nahuatl.
Cuauhtlatzacuilotl m Nahuatl
Means "wooden door" or "eagle gate" in Nahuatl, from cuahuitl "tree, wood" or cuauhtli "eagle" combined with tlatzacuilotl "gate, entrance, bridge".
Cuauhtlaxaya m Nahuatl
Possibly derived from Nahuatl cuauhtli "eagle" and xayacatl "face, mask".
Cuauhtli m & f Nahuatl
Means "eagle; fifteenth day-sign of the tonalpohualli" in Nahuatl.
Cuauhtlichimal m Nahuatl
Means "eagle shield" in Nahuatl, from cuauhtli "eagle" and chimalli "shield".
Cuauhtopilli m Nahuatl
Means "wooden staff" or "eagle staff" in Nahuatl, from cuahuitl "tree, wood" or cuauhtli "eagle" and topilli "rod, sceptre, staff of office".
Cuauhtzitzimitl m Nahuatl
From Nahuatl cuauhtli "eagle" and tzitzimatl "supernatural being; demon".
Cuauhtzontecon m Nahuatl
Means "eagle head" in Nahuatl, from cuauhtli "eagle" and tzontecoma "head, skull".
Cuauhxilotl m & f Nahuatl
From Nahuatl cuauhxilotl which has two seperate meanings; the first refers to a tropical tree that bears cucumber-like fruit (also called the cuajilote), derived from cuahuitl "tree, wood" and xilotl "green ear of maize, young corncob"; the second refers to the chest and back feathers of the golden eagle, derived from cuauhtli "eagle" and xilotl.
Cuauhyollo m Nahuatl
Means "eagle heart" or "centre of the tree, pith" in Nahuatl, from cuauhtli "eagle" or cuahuitl "tree, wood" and yōllōtl "heart, life".
Cuauhzton m Nahuatl
Means "eagle hair" or "wooden head" in Nahuatl, from cuauhtli "eagle" or cuahuitl "tree, wood" combined with tzontli "hair, head". It can also be derived directly from the vocabulary word cuauhtzontli, meaning either "eagle wig, crown, feathered headdress" (a kind of ornament worn by captains, tied to their backs), or "tree trunk, tree top".
Earngeat m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements earn "eagle" (see arn) and Ġēat "Geat". The latter element refers to large North Germanic tribe who inhabited Götaland "land of the Geats" in modern southern Sweden from antiquity until the Late Middle Ages.
Earngith f Medieval English
Possibly derived from Old English elements earn meaning "eagle" and guð meaning "battle".
Earnsige m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements earn "eagle" (compare Old German arn) and sige "victory".
Earnweald m Anglo-Saxon
Old English cognate of Arnold, derived from Old English earn "eagle" (compare arn) and weald "powerful, mighty" or "ruler, authority".
Earnwig m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements earn "eagle" and wig "war, battle".
Earnwine m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from Old English earn "eagle" and wine "friend, protector, lord".
Earnwulf m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements earn "eagle" and wulf "wolf", making it a cognate of Arnulf and Arnulfr.
Edahna f Sekani
Means "golden eagle" in the Sekani language. From the Sekani ’ehda 'golden eagle'.
Eheder m Ancient Berber
Means "eagle" in Amazigh.
Ehrentraud f German, Germanic
From the Germanic elements arn "eagle" and trud "strong, defensive, power, violence".... [more]
Eitam m Hebrew (Modern, Rare)
Eitam means "sea eagle" in Hebrew.
Ēkara f & m Maori
Means "eagle" in Maori.
Elang m Indonesian
Means "falcon, eagle" in Indonesian.
Elya m Kalmyk
Means "eagle" in Kalmyk.
Erelis m Lithuanian
In Lithuanian means "eagle".
Erngeat m Anglo-Saxon
Variant of Earngeat, derived from the Old English elements earn "eagle" and Geat referring to a member of the North Germanic tribe from present-day Götaland in southern Sweden.
Ernoul m German
A German given name of Old French origin. It is a diminutive form of the name Ernault, which is itself a diminutive form of the name Ernald. Ernald is a compound name formed from the Old German words "arn" (eagle) and "wald" (ruler)... [more]
Fumitaka m Japanese
From Japanese 文 (fumi) "writing, sentence" combined with 隆 (taka) meaning "noble, prosperous", 貴 (taka) meaning "valuable, expensive", 敬 (taka) meaning "respect, honor, reverence", 孝 (taka) meaning "filial piety", 高 (taka) meaning "tall, high", or 鷹 (taka) meaning "falcon, eagle, hawk"... [more]
Garuda m Hinduism
Means "eagle, devourer" in Sanskrit. This is the name of a divine bird-like creature in Hindu belief. He is considered the mount of Vishnu.
Gorbat m Pashto
Means "eagle" in Pashto.
Haiying f & m Chinese
From Chinese 海 (hǎi) meaning "sea, ocean" combined with 英 (yīng) meaning "flower, petal, brave, hero" or 鹰 (yīng) meaning "eagle, hawk, falcon"... [more]
Harapšeki f Hittite
Meaning uncertain, possibly derived in part from the Hittite element ḫāran ("eagle"). Name borne by a Hittite queen (fl. 15th century BCE).
Ḫarapšili f Hittite
Meaning uncertain, possibly derived in part from the Hittite element ḫāran ("eagle"). Name borne by a Hittite queen (fl. circa 1550 BCE).
Huitzilcuauh m & f Nahuatl
From Nahuatl huitzilin "hummingbird" and cuauhtli "eagle".
Icnocuauh m Nahuatl
Means "humble eagle" or "sad eagle" in Nahuatl, from icno- "humble; in a sad state, bereaved" (from icnotl "an orphan, someone or something poor, humble, worthy of compassion and aid") and cuauhtli "eagle"... [more]
Itza-chu m Apache
Apache name derived from the elements itzd (hawk) and chu (great): hence, "great hawk, eagle."
Itzcuauh m Nahuatl
Means "obsidian eagle" in Nahuatl, from itztli "obsidian" and cuauhtli "eagle".
Itzcuauhtli m Nahuatl (Modern, Rare)
Means "obsidian eagle" in Nahuatl, referring to the golden eagle, a bird of prey.
Joddur m & f Yi
Means "eagle wings" in Yi.
Jojji m Yi
Means "flying eagle" in Yi.
Jonuo m Yi
Means "black eagle" in Yi.
Kartal m Turkish, Medieval Hungarian
Derived from Turkish kartal "eagle" (ultimately from Proto-Turkic *kạ̄rt- "falcon, hawk" via Ottoman Turkish قرتال‎ (kartal)). This name was also used in medieval Hungary.
Khotoy m Yakut
Means "eagle" in Yakut.
Kodee f Akan
Means "eagle" in Akan.
Kutskan m Mordvin
Means "eagle" in Moksha.
Kwahu m Hopi
Means "eagle" in Hopi.
Ma'enetse m Cheyenne
Means "Red Eagle" in Cheyenne.
Makya f & m Hopi
Means "hunting eagle" in Hopi.
Matlaccuauh m Nahuatl
Means "ten eagle" in Nahuatl, a calendrical name.
Minying f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 敏 (mǐn) meaning "agile, nimble, quick, fast, clever" and 瑛 (yīng) meaning "luster of gem, crystal" or 鹰 (yīng) meaning "eagle, hawk, falcon".
Nagtoralik m Greenlandic
Means "white-tailed sea-eagle" in Greenlandic.
Nkanga m Central African
Kikongo for "eagle".
Nobutaka m Japanese
From Japanese 修 (nobu) meaning "discipline, study", 宣 (nobu) meaning "proclaim, say, announce", 暢 (nobu) meaning "stretch", or 順 (nobu) meaning "obedience, order, sequence" combined with 喬 (taka) meaning "high, boasting", 尭 (taka) meaning "lofty, high, far", 尚 (taka) meaning "furthermore, still, yet, more, still more, in addition, greater, further", 尊 (taka) meaning "precious, valuable, priceless, noble, exalted, sacred", 登 (taka) meaning "ascend, climb up", 鷹 (taka) meaning "eagle, falcon, hawk", or 能 (taka) meaning "capacity, ability, talent, skill"... [more]
Ntsu m Sotho
Means "eagle" in Sesotho.
Omecuauh m & f Nahuatl
Means "two eagle" in Nahuatl, a calendrical name.
O'Peqtaw-Metamoh f Menominee
Means "flying eagle woman" in Menominee.
Orenthal m African American (Rare)
This given name is best known for being the first name of the retired American football player and actor O. J. Simpson, who was born in 1947 as Orenthal James Simpson. According to a 1968 interview with LIFE magazine, Simpson himself does not know the meaning and origin of his first name, telling the reporter that his aunt was the one who had named him and that she would only ever tell him that she had named him after a French or Italian actor.... [more]
Orlaw m German (Modern, Rare)
The name Orlaw is probably derived from the Russian word орёл (oryol') "eagle".... [more]
Orlin m Bulgarian
Derived from Bulgarian орел (orel) "eagle".
Örn m Icelandic, Swedish
From an Old Norse name and byname derived from ǫrn meaning "eagle". It coincides with the modern Icelandic and Swedish noun örn, also denoting the bird.
Oryol m Russian
Russian nickname meaning "eagle".
Oryol m Russian (Rare)
Means "eagle"
Otoncuauh m Nahuatl
Means "Otomi eagle" in Nahuatl, the Otomi being an ethnic group indigenous to central Mexico. They were also an elite Aztec military order, named after the Otomi people.
Ou m Japanese
From Japanese 央 (ou) meaning "centre, middle", 鴎 (ou) meaning "seagull", 紘 (ou) meaning "vast, expansive", 桜 (ou) meaning "cherry blossom", 鷹 (ou) meaning "eagle, falcon, hawk", 汪 (ou) meaning "vast, extensive, deep" or 泱 (ou) meaning "great, expansive" or other kanji which are pronounced the same way.
Paka Wara f Aymara
From the Aymara paka meaning "eagle" and wara wara meaning "star".
Phakalane m Tswana
Means "eagle" in Setswana.
Qartal m Azerbaijani
Means "eagle" in Azerbaijani.
Q'orianka f Quechua
Quechua feminine name derived from the words qori meaning "gold" and anka which means "eagle".
Quauhchimal m Nahuatl
Means "monkey, black howler" in Nahuatl, derived from cuauchimalli "wooden shield". Alternately, may be a combination of quauhtli "eagle" and chimalli "shield".
Quauhtlapochin m Nahuatl
Possibly means "young eagle", derived from Nahuatl cuauhtli "eagle" and -poch "young". Alternately, the second element may derive from poctli "smoke, fumes, vapour".
Quauhtliztac m Nahuatl
Means "white eagle" in Nahuatl.
Quenah-evah m Comanche
Means "eagle drink" in Comanche.
Quetzalcuauh m Nahuatl
Means "eagle plume" or "precious eagle" in Nahuatl, from quetzalli "quetzal feather, precious thing" and cuauhtli "eagle".
Shqiponja f Albanian
Derived from Albanian shqiponjë "eagle, golden eagle" and, figuratively, "proud and brave person; skillful person".
Sigurörn m Icelandic (Modern, Rare), Pet
Derived from Old Norse sigr "victory" and ǫrn "eagle". This was the name given to a white-tailed eagle that was rescued from drowning by a 12-year-old girl in Kirkjufellslón lagoon in Iceland in 2006 (the eagle was found to have damaged tail feathers, was rehabilitated and returned to the wild); the incident received some media coverage in Iceland.
Simurg f Persian, Persian Mythology
From the name of a monstrous bird in Persian mythology, derived from Pahlavi sin "eagle" and murgh "bird". In the 11th-century epic the 'Shahnameh', Simorğ was a mighty bird who nursed the infant Zāl (father of Rostam).
Soo-ri m & f Korean
Modern name formed from the characters su (秀) meaning "luxuriant, beautiful, elegant, outstanding" combined with ri (裡) "admist by, surrounded in" when read in hanja. Can also take on the meaning "eagle" when written in hangeul or interpreted as one (鳥).
Suban m Thai
Means "garuda, eagle" in Thai, ultimately from Sanskrit सुपर्णा (suparna).
Taka m & f Japanese
From 鷹 (taka) meaning "hawk, falcon, eagle". Other kanji or kanji combinations are possible.... [more]
Takaichirou m Japanese
From Japanese 鷹 (taka) meaning "eagle, falcon, hawk", 一 (ichi) meaning "one" combined with 郎 (rou) meaning "son". Other combinations of kanji characters are also possible.
Takami m & f Japanese
From Japanese 貴 (taka) meaning "expensive", 岳 (taka) meaning "mountain peak", 空 (taka) meaning "sky", 孝 (taka) meaning "filial piety" or 鷹 (taka) meaning "eagle, falcon, hawk" combined with 己 (mi) meaning "self", 三 (mi) meaning "three", 実 (mi) meaning "fruit", 臣 (mi) meaning "minister; statesman; official", 水 (mi) meaning "water", 美 (mi) meaning "beautiful", 巳 (mi) meaning "sign of the snake", 弓 (mi) meaning "archery bow", 見 (mi) meaning "to see", 海 (mi) meaning "sea, ocean", 弥 (mi) meaning "extensive, full" or 身 (mi) meaning "body, identity"... [more]
Ugo m & f Igbo
Means "eagle" in Igbo. It is also a short form of names containing the element ùgó.
Ugonna m Igbo
Meaning "eagle of the father" or "father's glory" in Igbo.
Ukkiboy m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek ukki meaning "eagle owl" and boy meaning "rich, wealthy".
Úlfarna f Old Norse
Derived from the Germanic name elements ulfr "wolf" and ǫrn "eagle".
Vóaxaa'éma'heóná'e f Cheyenne
Means "Bald Eagle Medicine Woman" in Cheyenne.
Vóaxaa'éméóná'e f Cheyenne
Means "Eagle Trail Woman" in Cheyenne.
Vóaxaa'ȯhnéstooestse m Cheyenne
Means "Screeching Eagle" in Cheyenne.
Vóaxaa'ȯhvó'komaestse m Cheyenne
Means "White Eagle" in Cheyenne.
Wamblee m Sioux
Means "eagle, golden eagle" in Lakota. From the Lakota waŋblí (wahm-hel'-lee) 'eagle, golden eagle', sometimes used as a generic term for both golden eagles and bald eagles.
Wamlisapa f Sioux
Means "black eagle" in Lakota. From the Lakota waŋblí (wahm-hel'-lee) 'eagle, golden eagle', and sah'-pah "black".
Warba m Abkhaz
Means "eagle" in Abkhaz.
Washio m Japanese
From Japanese 鷲 (washi) meaning "eagle" combined with 夫 (o) meaning "husband", 男 (o) meaning "male" or 雄 (o) meaning "manly". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Washoe m Popular Culture, Cherokee
Nickname of Cordell Walker in the famous Tv series: 'Walker, Texas Ranger'. The name is claimed to be Cherokee meaning "lone eagle".
Wohali m Cherokee
Means "eagle".
Yaqulpak m Yupik
Meaning, “eagle.”
Youki m Japanese
From Japanese 鷹 (you) meaning "eagle, falcon, hawk" combined with 貴 (ki) meaning "expensive". Other kanji combinations are possible.