CrixusmGaulish This was the name of a Gallic gladiator and military leader in the Third Servile War between the Roman Republic and rebel slaves (died 72 B.C.). His name means "one with curly hair" in Gaulish.
CrocusmGreek Mythology (Latinized) Derived from Greek κρόκος (krokos) "crocus". In Greek mythology, Crocus was a mortal youth who was changed by the gods into a saffron flower.
CroixmObscure French cognate of Cruz, possibly taken from the name of St. Croix, the largest of the Virgin Islands (which was originally Santa Cruz, "Holy Cross" in Spanish, the name given by Columbus).
CrovanmHistory Meaning uncertain, perhaps from Middle Irish crobh bhan "white hand". This was the byname of Godred Crovan (d. 1095), an 11th-century Norse conqueror who ruled the Isle of Man. It has been interpreted as a mocking reference to Godred's supposed habit of wearing white gauntlets into battle and aversion to getting his hands dirty in combat.
Crowm & fEnglish (Rare) Derived from the small black bird. All in all, crows represent death, danger, misfortune, and illness but also rebirth, self-reflection, intelligence, and loyalty, and as such can be both good and bad omens, depending on the culture and beliefs.
CrucesfSpanish (European, Rare) Plural form of Cruz, taken from the titles of the Virgin Mary La Virgen de las Cruces and Nuestra Señora de las Cruces, meaning "The Virgin of the Crosses" and "Our Lady of the Crosses" respectively... [more]
CrucificiafLate Roman, Italian, Spanish Earliest known usage stemmed from the mid 4th century in Rome, following the rule of Constantine. The meaning of the name is "Crucifixion."
Crucisf & mVarious Means "of the cross" in Latin (the genitive form of Crux), referring to the cross of the crucifixion. This is used as the second part of compound religious or monastic names, such as Maria Crucis ("Mary of the (Holy) Cross") and Johannes Crucis ("John of the Cross").... [more]
CrudormArthurian Cycle Crudor is the knight who requires a mantle of knights' and ladies' hair from his lady Briana before he is willing to marry her in Book 6, Canto 1 of "The Faerie Queene". He is reformed by Calidore.
CruithnechánmHistory (Ecclesiastical), Old Irish Means "little grain" in Old Irish, from Old Irish cruithnecht "wheat, grain" combined with a diminutive suffix. This was the name of a 6th-century Irish saint known as one of the mentors of Columba.
CruxmAstronomy Latin for "cross". This is the name of a constellation in the southern hemisphere, commonly known as the Southern Cross.
CruzamanthefFrench (Rare, Archaic) Extremely rare name which was likely inspired by the novel Cruzamante ou la Sainte Amante de la Croix by Marie Françoise Loquet, published in 1786.
CrysiafAncient Greek The name Crysia or Chrysia, Χρυσια in Greek comes from the Greek word for "gold", Χρυσεος. It means as much as "the golden one" or figuratively "the anointed". The name is related to Chryssa although the later has a slightly different etymological root.
CrystlefEnglish (Modern) Variant spelling of Crystal. Also compare Krystle. Notable bearers of this name include the Canadian-American actress Crystle Lightning (b... [more]
CtesyllafGreek Mythology (Latinized) Latinized form of Greek Κτήσυλλα (Ktesylla), derived from Greek κτῆσις (ktesis) meaning "acquisition, possession, property", which is ultimately derived from Greek κτάομαι (ktaomai) meaning "to acquire, to procure for oneself" as well as "to possess"... [more]
CuadrosfSpanish (European, Rare) From the title of the Virgin Mary Nuestra Señora de Cuadros (Our Lady of Cuadros), native to the town of Bedmar y Garcíez in the province of Jaén, Spain. The name ultimately comes from the river next to its Marian sanctuary, river Cuadros (meaning "squares").
CuauhatlmNahuatl Possibly means "eagle flood", from Nahuatl cuauhtli "eagle" and atl "water".
Cuauhcoatlm & fNahuatl Means "eagle serpent" or "wooden snake" in Nahuatl, derived from either cuauhtli "eagle" or cuahuitl "tree, wood" and cōātl "snake".
CuauhcopilmNahuatl Possibly derived from cuauhtli "eagle" and copil, a kind of conical hat or headpiece.
CuauhicopimNahuatl Means "the eagle closes its eyes" in Nahuatl, from cuauhtli "eagle" and icopi "to close the eyes; to blink, to wink".
CuauhilamamNahuatl Possibly means either "eagle old woman" or "old woman’s head", from Nahuatl cuauhtli "eagle" or cuaitl "head" combined with ilama "old woman".
CuauhnecahualmNahuatl Possibly from Nahuatl cuauhtli "eagle" and cahua "to leave, abandon something" or "to be left; to remain, survive" (see Necahual).
CuauhnenemimNahuatl Means "walks like an eagle" or "travelling eagle" in Nahuatl, from cuauhtli "eagle" and nenemi "to travel, to go about; to walk, to run".
CuauhnochtlimNahuatl Means "eagle cactus fruit" in Nahuatl, derived from cuauhtli "eagle" and nochtli "prickly-pear cactus fruit". Could be used to describe the hearts of victims sacrificed to Huitzilopochtli, or as a judicial title, often involved with execution.
CuauhpanmNahuatl Means "eagle banner" in Nahuatl, from cuauhtli "eagle" and panitl "banner, flag". Alternatively, the first element could be cuahuitl "tree, wood".
CuauhpopocamNahuatl Means "smoking eagle" in Nahuatl, from cuauhtli "eagle" and popoca "to smoke".
Cuauhquenm & fNahuatl Means "eagle garment", from Nahuatl cuauhtli "eagle" and quemitl "garments, clothing; ritual vestments".
CuauhquiyahuacatlmNahuatl Means "person from Cuauhquiyahuac" in Nahuatl, a location meaning "eagle door" or "eagle gate".
CuauhtapalcamNahuatl Means "eagle covert feathers" in Nahuatl, referring to the tough feathers found on the bird’s neck, back, and wings.
CuauhtecpanmNahuatl Meaning uncertain. Possibly a combination of cuauhtli "eagle" and either tecpan "palace", tecpantli "twenty", or tecpana "to put in order, to arrange in a row".
CuauhtemalmNahuatl Possibly means "Guatemalan, person from Guatemala" in Nahuatl, derived from Cuahtemallan "Guatemala".
CuauhtepotzomNahuatl Means "hunchbacked eagle" or "crooked tree" in Nahuatl, from cuauhtli "eagle" or cahuitl "tree, wood" and tepotzotli "hunchback".
CuauhtilmamNahuatl Means "eagle cape" in Nahuatl, from cuauhtli "eagle" and tilmatli "cloak, blanket, length of cloth". The cuauhtilmatli was a garment associated with warriors and nobility, often worn in mourning ceremonies.
CuauhtinmNahuatl Means "eagles" in Nahuatl, the plural form of cuauhtli. This was the name of an Aztec military faction. Alternatively, this name could be the plural form of cuahuitl "tree, wood".
CuauhtlamatimNahuatl Possibly means "wise eagle", derived from Nahuatl cuauhtli "eagle" and tlamati "to know something".
CuauhtlapetzfNahuatl Meaning uncertain. Possibly derived from cuauhtli "eagle" or cuahuitl "tree, wood" combined with tlapetzolli "burnished, polished", which stems from petztli "pyrite; something smooth or shiny".
CuauhtlapeuhmNahuatl Etymology uncertain. Possibly means "wooden plow" or "eagle trap", derived from Nahuatl cuauhtli "eagle" or cuahuitl "tree, wood" combined with either tlapehua "to plow (a field, the land)" or tlapehualli "trap for catching animals; animals or land that have been brought under control".
CuauhtlatoamNahuatl Means "he talks like an eagle", from Nahuatl cuauhtli "eagle" and tlatoa "to speak; to issue commands".
CuauhtlatzacuilotlmNahuatl Means "wooden door" or "eagle gate" in Nahuatl, from cuahuitl "tree, wood" or cuauhtli "eagle" combined with tlatzacuilotl "gate, entrance, bridge".
CuauhtlaxayamNahuatl Possibly derived from Nahuatl cuauhtli "eagle" and xayacatl "face, mask".
Cuauhtlim & fNahuatl Means "eagle; fifteenth day-sign of the tonalpohualli" in Nahuatl.
CuauhtlichimalmNahuatl Means "eagle shield" in Nahuatl, from cuauhtli "eagle" and chimalli "shield".
CuauhtopillimNahuatl Means "wooden staff" or "eagle staff" in Nahuatl, from cuahuitl "tree, wood" or cuauhtli "eagle" and topilli "rod, sceptre, staff of office".
CuauhtziquitlmNahuatl Means "small tree" in Nahuatl, from cuahuitl "tree, wood" and tziquiton "a little bit".
CuauhtzitzimitlmNahuatl From Nahuatl cuauhtli "eagle" and tzitzimatl "supernatural being; demon".
CuauhtzonteconmNahuatl Means "eagle head" in Nahuatl, from cuauhtli "eagle" and tzontecoma "head, skull".
Cuauhxilotlm & fNahuatl From Nahuatl cuauhxilotl which has two seperate meanings; the first refers to a tropical tree that bears cucumber-like fruit (also called the cuajilote), derived from cuahuitl "tree, wood" and xilotl "green ear of maize, young corncob"; the second refers to the chest and back feathers of the golden eagle, derived from cuauhtli "eagle" and xilotl.
CuauhxoxocmNahuatl Possibly means "green tree, tree with green leaves" or "new growth", derived from Nahuatl cuahuitl "tree, wood" and xoxoctic "green, unripe" or xoxoctia "to turn green".
CuauhyollomNahuatl Means "eagle heart" or "centre of the tree, pith" in Nahuatl, from cuauhtli "eagle" or cuahuitl "tree, wood" and yōllōtl "heart, life".
CuauhztonmNahuatl Means "eagle hair" or "wooden head" in Nahuatl, from cuauhtli "eagle" or cuahuitl "tree, wood" combined with tzontli "hair, head". It can also be derived directly from the vocabulary word cuauhtzontli, meaning either "eagle wig, crown, feathered headdress" (a kind of ornament worn by captains, tied to their backs), or "tree trunk, tree top".
CuazolmNahuatl Possibly derived from Nahuatl cuaitl "head" and zolin "quail".
CubafRoman Mythology Goddess who helped the child transition from cradle to bed.
CubafEnglish (American, Rare) Derived from the place name Cuba, which refers to an island and country in the Caribbean Sea. It rose in popularity in the United States in 1898, when Spain lost the colony of Cuba during the Spanish-American War.
CubitusmLiterature Derived from Latin cubitus meaning "reclined, lying down", which is ultimately derived from the Latin verb cubito meaning "to recline, to lie down (often)". Also compare the Latin noun cubitum meaning "elbow" and the Greek noun κύβιτον (kybiton) meaning "elbow".... [more]
CubymHistory (Ecclesiastical) Cornish form of Cybi. Saint Cuby was a 6th-century Cornish bishop, saint and, briefly, king, who worked largely in North Wales.
ČučimirmSerbian (Archaic), History, Medieval Serbian Medieval Serbian name of which the first element is of uncertain origin. It may possibly have been derived from Slavic chucha or chusha, which may signify something small. An other possibility may be Slavic chuzh "foreign, alien, strange" - compare modern Russian chuzhoy, Polish cudzy and Slovak cudzí, all of which mean "foreign, alien, strange"... [more]
CucomSpanish Diminutive of Cristóforo. This is also used as a strictly masculine diminutive of Refugio, as in the case of Mexican singer-songwriter José del Refugio "Cuco" Sánchez (1921-2001)... [more]
Cucuf & mSundanese Derived from Sundanese incu meaning "grandchild".
CucunuchimYokut An indigenous alcalde of Mission San José and a member and leader of the Lakisamni tribe of the Yokut people of northern California, popularly known as Estanislao.
CucuphasmPhoenician Phoenician origin with the meaning of "he who jokes" or "he who likes to joke". Saint Cucuphas is a is a martyr of Spain who lived from roughly 269 A.D. to 304 A.D. ... [more]
CudiusmGaulish Derived from Gaulish *cud- / *coud- "concealed, hidden".
CudjoemAfro-American (Slavery-era) Anglicized form of Kojo used by early slaves in the American South. It is attested in the 1730s in South Carolina. This name was borne by Cudjoe Lewis (c. 1840-1935), the last known survivor of the Atlantic slave trade between Africa and the United States.
ČudomirmCroatian (Archaic) Derived from Serbo-Croatian čudo "miracle, wonder" combined with Slavic mir "peace". As such, the name roughly means "miracle of peace" or "peace is a miracle". In some instances, this name is mistaken for a variant form of Čedomir and even Godemir.
CuecuexmNahuatl, Aztec and Toltec Mythology Probably derived from Nahuatl cuecuextli, a kind of ornament worn on the leg. Alternately, it could be from cuecuexi "to shake". This was another name for the god Xocotl.
CuetlaxxochitlfNahuatl Means "poinsettia" in Nahuatl, a plant used in traditional medical infusions.
CuetzpallimNahuatl Means "lizard" in Nahuatl, derived from cuetzpalin, the fourth day-sign of the tonalpohualli.
CuevafSpanish (European, Rare) From the Spanish word cueva meaning "cave", itself from the title of MaryVirgen de la Cueva ("Our Lady of the Cave"), belonging to the town of Esparragosa de Lares (Badajoz, Spain).
Cueva SantafSpanish (Rare) Means "holy cave" in Spanish, taken from the titles of the Virgin Mary, La Virgen de la Cueva Santa and Nuestra Señora de la Cueva Santa, meaning "The Virgin of the Holy Cave" and "Our Lady of the Holy Cave" respectively.... [more]
CuffmAfro-American (Slavery-era) Anglicized form of Kofi. According to George Rippey Stewart in American Given Names (1979): 'It was a common name for a black during the slave period, but died out in the late 19th century.'