Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the gender is masculine; and the usage is German.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Achill m German (Rare)
German cognate of Achilles.
Achmed m Arabic, Indonesian, German (Rare)
Variant transcription of Ahmad.
Adael m & f Hebrew (Rare), German (Rare)
Means Noble; Ornament of God; God witnesses.... [more]
Adalbarn m German (Archaic, ?), East Frisian (Archaic)
Containing name elements adal and bearn the name was recorded in the 9th and 11th centuries in East Frisia.
Adalrich m German
German form of Adalric.
Adamus m Hebrew (Latinized), Medieval Latin, Dutch (Rare), English (Archaic), German (Archaic)
Latinized form of Adam, used primarily as a baptismal name or as an official name on birth certificates. In western Europe, this name was especially common in the medieval period.
Ade m Alsatian (Archaic)
Diminutive of Adam.
Adelberg m German
Containing name elements Adel und Berg.
Adelfried m Dutch, German
Dutch and German variant of Adelfrid.
Adibert m German (Rare)
Combination of Adi 3 and Bert.
Adolar m History (Ecclesiastical), German (Rare, Archaic)
A dithematic Germanic name with prototheme adal "noble" and deuterotheme aro "eagle" or hari "army".... [more]
Adolt m East Frisian, German (Rare, Archaic)
A dithematic name formed from the Germanic name elements adal "noble" and walt "to rule".
Adonia m Dutch, German, Italian, Biblical Swedish
Dutch, German, Italian and Swedish form of 'Adoniyah (see Adonijah) via its hellenized form Adonias.
Ägid m German (Rare)
German form of Aegidius (see Giles).
Ago m German (Rare, Archaic)
In the case of the most famous bearer of the name, the German diplomat Ago von Maltzan, it is a nickname based on the initials of his three given names Adolf Georg Otto.
Ahasver m German (Rare, Archaic)
German form of the Biblical name Ahasueros.... [more]
Aiko m West Frisian, German, East Frisian, Dutch (Rare)
Short form of names containing the Germanic name element agjō or agil "edge (of a sword)", such as Ekkehard or Aai.
Alarich m Czech, German
Czech and German form of Alaric.
Albertos m Galician, German (Hellenized)
Galician and older Greek form of Albert.
Albi m German
Diminutive of Albert and Albrecht as well as Alban and Albin.
Aldemar m Germanic, Dutch, German
Derived from Gothic alds (alt in Old High German) "old" combined with Old High German mâri "famous". The name might also be a metathesis of Adalmar.
Alderich m German
German form of Alderic.
Aldrich m German
German form of Aldric.
Alewiss m German (Swiss)
Swiss German form of Aloysius.
Alfried m Dutch, German
Short form of Adalfried and variant of Alfred.
Alfuns m Alsatian (Archaic)
Vernacular form of Alfons.
Älian m German
German form of Aelian.
Alis m Alsatian (Archaic)
Vernacular form of Aloysius.
Allerheiligen m & f German (Rare, Archaic)
The German word for All Saints' Day given to a child who was born or baptized on this day.
Almi m & f German
Diminutive of names with Alm- such as Alma 1 or Almar.
Almund m Dutch, German
Short form of Adalmund.
Aloys m Dutch, German, German (Silesian)
German variant and Silesian German form of Alois, and Dutch short form of Aloysius.
Alphart m German
German variant of Alphard.
Altfrid m Medieval German, German (Rare, Archaic)
A dithematic Germanic name formed from the name elements alt "old" and fridu "peace".
Altfried m German
German form of Aldfrid.
Altman m Dutch, German
Variant of Aldman.
Altmann m German
German variant of Altman.
Alto m Spanish, Portuguese, English, Italian, German, Dutch
Directly taken from Latin altus meaning "to raise, to make high, to elevate". As a musical term it refers to the contrapuntal part higher than the tenor and its associated vocal range.... [more]
Amalarich m German
German form of Amalaric.
Ambros m German (Rare), Cornish, Luxembourgish (Archaic), Romansh
German, Luxembourgish, Romansh and Cornish form of Ambrose. This name was borne by Austrian composer Ambros Rieder (1771-1855).
Ämilian m German (Rare)
German form of Aemilianus (see Emiliano).
Ämilius m German (Archaic)
German form of Aemilius (see Emil).
Amon m Biblical Hebrew, Biblical Greek, Biblical, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian
From the Hebrew name אָמוֹן, which derived from the root אמן meaning "solid, stable, constant, faithful". In the Old Testament this ist the name of a king of Judah.
Anaklet m Bulgarian, Croatian, German, Polish, Russian
Bulgarian, Croatian, German, Polish and Russian form of Anakletos (see Anacletus).
Ander m German
German short form of Alexander.
Anderl m Upper German
Upper German diminutive of Andreas. Anderl Hinterstoißer (3 October 1914 – 21 July 1936) was a German mountain climber active in the 1930s. He died during an attempt to climb the Eiger north face.
Anderß m German (Archaic), Danish (Germanized, Archaic)
Variant of Anders recorded in the 17th century.
Andrebis m German (Silesian, Archaic), Medieval German
Medieval Silesian German variant of Andreas.
Andree f & m German
Spelling variation of André and Andrée.
Äneas m German
German form of Aeneas
Änis m German (Modern, Rare)
Rare transcription of the Arabic name Anis.... [more]
Anjo m & f Frisian (Rare), Dutch (Rare), German (Rare)
This given name is rare for both genders, even though it is more often seen on men than on women.... [more]
Ansas m German (East Prussian)
East Prussian German form of Hans.
Ansfried m Dutch, German
Dutch and German form of Ansfrid.
Antoni m & f German, German (Archaic)
Short version of Antonius or Antonia.
Apollodor m German
German form of Apollodorus.
Aribert m Germanic, German, French
Germanic variant of Haribert, though there can also easily be cases where the name is a variant of Arabert and Arinbert (see Arnbert).... [more]
Aristipp m German, Russian
German and Russian form of Aristippos via its latinized form Aristippus.
Arnest m German (Silesian, Archaic)
Silesian German variant of Ernst and Arnošt.
Arnhelm m Germanic, German (Rare)
Derived from the Germanic element arn meaning "eagle" combined with helm meaning "helmet, protection".
Arnim m German
German name that first surfaced in the late 1800s. It was originally taken from the name of the town of Arnim near Berlin, later inspired by the surname of poet Bettina von Arnim and finally (mis)understood as a variant of Armin.
Artemidor m German, Polish
German and Polish form of Artemidoros.
Artöm m German (Modern, Rare)
Variant of the Russian name Artyom.
Arved m German, Estonian
Variant of Arvid.
Ascan m German (Rare), Danish (Archaic)
German and Danish form of Ascanius. It can also be a younger form of an ancient Germanic name that consists of the elements asc meaning "ash tree" and wini meaning "friend".... [more]
Aschwin m Dutch, German
Dutch and German form of Answin. A known bearer of this name is Prince Constantijn of the Netherlands (b. 1969), who carries the name Aschwin as a middle name, in honour of his maternal grandfather's only brother, Aschwin zur Lippe-Biesterfeld (1914-1988).
Asman m German (Silesian, Archaic)
Silesian German form of Erasmus via the Low German form Asmus.
Asmodäus m German
German form of Asmodaeus.
Astolf m German (Rare, Archaic)
A dithematic name of Germanic origin formed from the name element *AST "branch (of a tree)" and *WOLF "wolf".
Aswin m Dutch, German
Dutch and German form of Answin.
Atanasius m Dutch (Rare), Finnish (Rare), German (Rare)
Dutch, Finnish and German variant of Athanasius.
Athalarich m German
German form of Athalaric.
Athalmar m Upper German
Derived from the Germanic name elements *adal "noble" and *mar "famous".
Athanarich m German
German form of Athanaric.
Atze m German
A short form or nickname of Arthur or Adolf.... [more]
Aurik m German
Variation on Alaric meaning all-powerful ruler.
Austein m German (Silesian, Archaic), Medieval German
Medieval Silesian German contracted form of Augustin.
Baderich m German
German form of Baderic.
Badischte m German (Swiss)
Alemannic German form of Baptiste.
Balderick m German
Balderick means "prince ruler".
Baldram m Medieval German, German (Rare, Archaic)
A dithematic name formed from the Germanic name elements bald "bold" and hraban "raven".
Balduin m German (Rare)
Variant of Baldwin showing contamination from other names like Baudouin or Baldur.
Balian m German (Modern, Rare), Medieval French, French (Modern, Rare), Popular Culture
Meaning uncertain. This is most known for being the name of Balian of Ibelin (c. 1140-1193), a lord of the Crusader state of Jerusalem.... [more]
Barnim m Medieval German, German (Modern, Rare), Polish, Kashubian
Short form of names beginning with Barni- and Broni-, such as Bronimir, Barnimir, Bronisław and Barnisław... [more]
Barthlin m German (Archaic)
German diminutive of Bartholomew.
Bartimäus m German
German form of Bartimaeus.
Bascha m Upper German
A diminutive variant of the name Sebastian.
Basti m German
Diminutive of Sebastian, not commonly used as a given name in its own right.
Behrend m German, East Frisian
Contracted form of Bernhard, first recorded in the 1500s and still in occasional use today.
Behrendt m German (Archaic), East Frisian (Archaic)
Variant of Behrend, recorded between the 1500s and 1800s.
Benediktus m Indonesian, German (Bessarabian)
Indonesian and Bessarabian German form of Benedictus (see Benedict).
Beno m Kashubian, German (Bessarabian)
Short form of names beginning with either Ben- or Bern-, such as Benedikt, Beniamin and Bernat.
Beri m Alsatian
Alsatian diminutive of Albert.
Bernald m German
German form of Bernwald.
Bernfried m German
The name is made up of the name elements bern meaning "bear" and fridu meaning "peace".
Berno m Medieval German, German (Rare)
Short form of names containing the element bern "bear" making it a cognate of Björn. Borne by the first abbot of Cluny venerated as a saint.
Bernold m Dutch, German
Dutch and German form of Bernwald.
Bernulf m Germanic, Dutch, German
Derived from Proto-Germanic beran or bernu "bear" (bero and bern in Old High German) combined with Gothic vulfs "wolf."
Bernwald m Germanic, German
Derived from the Proto-Germanic beran or bernu meaning "bear" (bero and bern in Old High German) combined with Gothic valdan meaning "to reign".
Bernward m Medieval German, German (Rare), Dutch (Rare)
This name derives from the Old High German name “Bernward”, composed of two elements bern "bear" plus wart "guard"... [more]
Bertel m & f German
Diminutive of Berta, Berthold or other names with Bert-.
Bertfried m German
German form of Bertfrid.
Berti m German
Diminutive of Hubert and other names containing bert (often derived from the Germanic element beraht meaning "bright").... [more]
Bertl m & f German
Diminutive of Bert (masculine), Berta (feminine) and other names that contain the Germanic element beraht meaning "bright".
Bertolt m Medieval Baltic, German, Dutch
Medieval Latvian form of Berthold as well as a German and Dutch variant.
Bertulf m Germanic, German
Derived from Old High German beraht "bright" combined with Gothic vulfs "wolf."
Bertulis m German (East Prussian)
East Prussian German form of Bertulis.
Bertwin m Germanic, Dutch, German
Means "bright friend", derived from Old High German beraht "bright" combined with Old High German wini "friend."
Blade m German (East Prussian)
East Prussian German short form of Ladislaus.
Bladis m German (East Prussian)
East Prussian German short form of Ladislaus.
Bleibefromm m German (Rare)
Meaning "stay pious". The name is literally made up of the two German words bleibe, meaning "stay", and fromm, meaning "pious" or "devout".
Blithar m German (Rare)
From the name elements blid meaning "cheerful, mild, joyful" and heri meaning "army"... [more]
Boguslaw m German (Silesian)
Silesian German form of Bogusław.
Bolloronus m Alsatian (Archaic)
A historical name from Southern Alsace.
Bombastus m German (Swiss)
Possibly descended from Latin bombax meaning "cotton" or "indeed (interjection)" or from German Bombast meaning "pompous language".
Bonifazius m Medieval Latin, German (Rare)
Variant of Bonifacius, itself a variant of Bonifatius; the name originally meant "good fate" (from Latin bonum "good" and fatum "fate"), but folk law altered the meaning to "well-doer" or "doer of good deeds" (from Latin bonum and facere "to do")... [more]
Börge m Swedish, German (Rare)
Swedish form of Børge.
Borromäus m German (Rare)
From the surname of Saint Carlo Borromeo, whose name is translated as Carolus Borromäus in German.... [more]
Bortwin m German (Archaic)
Containing the name elements bort meaning "shield" and wini meaning "friend".
Borusso m German (Rare)
Meaning "prussian".
Borwin m German (Rare)
The name Borwin is formed from the Slavonic name element BOR "fight, battle" and the Germanic name element WIN "friend".... [more]
Boy m North Frisian, West Frisian, East Frisian, Dutch, Danish, German, English (Rare)
Variant form of Boye. In English-speaking countries, the name is usually derived from the English word boy meaning "boy" (in a manner comparable to the name Sonny) or a short form of the given names Boyce and Boyd.... [more]
Braun m German
Transferred from the surname "Braun", which means "brown."
Bricitus m Medieval Latin, German (Archaic)
German latinized version of Brice.
Bringfried m German
A name coined during World War 1 with the literal meaning "bring peace".
Brix m & f German (Rare)
Short version of Bricitus or Beatrix.
Brixen m German (Silesian)
German Silesian form of Brice
Brixius m German
German form of Brice.
Brone f & m German (East Prussian)
Feminine form and masculine short form of Bronys.
Bronys m German (East Prussian)
East Prussian German form of Bronius.
Brose m German
Short form of Ambros.
Brösel m & f German (Archaic)
Obsolete diminutive form of both Ambros and Ambrosia.... [more]
Brosi m German (Archaic)
German diminutive form of Ambrosius (see Ambrosios), which is now rather archaic or at least old-fashioned.
Brosius m German (Archaic)
Short form of Ambrosius (see Ambrosios). This name is now rather archaic and one is more likely to come across it in German-speaking areas as a surname, rather than a first name.
Bubi m German
A nickname meaning "little boy" (from the German word Bube "boy").... [more]
Burgfried m German
Containing name elements Burg and Fried probably a newer creation.
Burgold m Medieval German, German (Silesian, Archaic)
Composed from the Germanic name elements burg "protection; protected place" and walt "to rule".
Burki m German
Diminutive of masculine given names that contain the Germanic element burg meaning "fortress", such as Burkhard.... [more]
Bürklin m Upper German (Archaic)
Historic diminutive of the name Burkhard.
Calasanz m German (Austrian, Rare, Archaic), Spanish (Rare)
Derived from the surname Calasanz. Joseph Calasanz (known in Spanish as José de Calasanz; September 11, 1557 – August 25, 1648) was a Spanish Catholic priest, educator and the founder of the Pious Schools, providing free education to the sons of the poor, and the Religious Order that ran them, commonly known as the Piarists... [more]
Campino m German (Rare)
Campino is the stage name of Andreas Frege.
Cardel m German (East Prussian)
Probably a diminutive of names ending in -kard like Burkhard.
Carlmaria m German (Rare)
Combination of Carl and Maria.
Cäsarion m German
German form of Caesarion.
Cassiodor m Catalan, German
Catalan and German form of Cassiodorus.
Ceslaus m German (East Prussian, Latinized), German (Silesian, Latinized)
East Prussian German and Silesian German form of Czesław.
Ceslaw m German
German from Czesław.
Chararich m German
German form of Chararic.
Childerich m German
German form of Childeric.
Chilperich m German
German form of Chilperic.
Christ m & f Dutch, Flemish, Danish (Archaic), German (Archaic)
Short form of given names that contain the Greek adjective χριστός (christos) meaning "anointed", such as Christiaan, Christian, Christine and Christoffel.... [more]
Christchen m & f German (Rare)
A diminutive of Christian using the german diminutive suffix -chen.
Christfried m German
A name coined from the name elements Christ "Christus" and *Frid* "peace" by German pietists in the 18th century.
Christhelf m German (Archaic)
Meaning "May Christ help". See also Gotthelf.
Christl m & f German (Austrian)
Austrian German diminutive of given names that start with Christ-, such as Christian, Christoph and Christina.
Christlieb m German (Rare)
Derived from the archaic German noun Christ meaning "Christ" combined with the German adjective lieb meaning "dear, sweet" (ultimately from ancient Germanic leub meaning "dear, beloved")... [more]
Chrysanth m German
German form of Chrysanthos (see Chrysanthus).
Chrysipp m German
German form of Chrysippos via its latinized form Chrysippus.
Cilas m German (East Prussian), Lithuanian
Lithuanian short form of Cecilijus and East Prussian German short form of Cäcilius.
Cilian m German (Modern)
additional German version of "Cillian"
Cillian m German (Swiss)
Swiss German form of Caecilianus.
Clamor m German (Rare)
From Latin clāmor "clamor, loud cry, a shout", taken from the liturgical prayer 'Clamor meus ad te veniat' meaning "Let my cry come to thee".
Clarentius m Danish (Archaic), German (Archaic), Dutch (Rare)
Saint Clarentius was a bishop of Vienne, in France, who lived in the early part of the 7th century.
Clobes m German (Archaic)
Dialectal short form of Nikolaus found in the state of Hesse.
Columban m German, German (Austrian), Romanian
German and Romanian form of Columbanus.
Corvin m English, German (Swiss, Rare), Romanian
English,German and Romanian form of Corvinus.
Corvinus m Late Roman, German, German (Swiss)
Diminutive of Corvus. A bearer of this name was Marcus Valerius Messalla Corvinus, a Roman general from the 1st century AD.
Crescenz f & m German
Spelling variation of Kreszenz and occasionally Crescens.
Cunad m German (Silesian, Archaic), Medieval German
Medieval Silesian German variant of Conrad via the variant Cunrad.
Cunibert m History (Ecclesiastical), German (Rare, Archaic)
English and French form and German variant of Kunibert.
Cuno m Dutch, German
Variant of Kuno.
Curd m German (Rare)
Variant of Kurt. This name was borne by Curd Jürgens (13 December 1915 – 18 June 1982), a German-Austrian stage and film actor. He was usually billed in English-speaking films as Curt Jurgens.
Cyrill m German (Swiss), Romansh, French (Rare), Dutch (Rare)
Swiss German and Romansh form of Cyril as well as a French variant and a Dutch variant of Cyriel.
Dagarich m German
German form of Dagaric.
Dagomar m Germanic, Dutch, German
Means "famous day", derived from the Germanic element daga "day" combined with Old High German mâri "famous."
Dalmatius m Late Roman, Dutch (?), German (?)
From Latin Dalmatius meaning "Dalmatian, of Dalmatia". This was the name of a 4th-century Roman emperor who was a nephew of Constantine. It was also borne by several early saints.
Damasus m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Dutch, German
Latinized form of Damasos. This name was borne by a pope from the 4th century AD.
Dankegott m German (Rare, Archaic)
Meaning "thank god". Literally made up of the German words Danke meaning "thanks" and Gott meaning "god.
Dankfrid m German
German form of Thancfrid.
Dankhard m German
German form of Thanchard.
Dankman m German
German form of Thancman.
Dankmar m Dutch, German
Dutch and German form of Thancmar.
Dankmut m & f German (Rare)
The name is made of the word dank- "thanks" and the name element -muot "Sense, Spirit, Soul".
Dankrad m Dutch, German
Dutch and German form of Thancrad.
Dankward m German
German form of Thancward.
Dankwart m German (Rare, Archaic), Germanic Mythology
Formed from the German name elements DANK "thought" and WART "guard".... [more]
Dänu m German (Swiss)
Bernese German form of Daniel.
Darian m Bulgarian, Croatian, German (Modern), Slovene, French (Modern)
Derived from Slavic dar, meaning "gift". It is sometimes also considered a derivative of Darius.
Dävu m German (Swiss)
Bernese German form of David.
Degenhard m German
German form of Theganhard.
Degenolf m German
German form of Theganolf.
Demian m Literature, German (Modern, Rare), Dutch, Ukrainian (Polonized)
German variant of Damian (via the Ukrainian form Demyan). Since the 1980s, it has been in occasional use in German-speaking countries.... [more]
Demokratius m German (Rare)
Latinization of the German word "Demokrat" meaning democrat.
Desider m German (East Prussian)
East Prussian German form of Desiderius.
Detthold m German
Variation of Diethold.
Dettlef m German
Variant of Detlef.
Deuthold m German (Rare, Archaic)
Variant of Dietwald. The name is traditional in the von Gaudecker family.
Devid m German (Modern, Rare)
Variant of David. The spelling is chosen to enforce an anglicised pronounciation.
Dexipp m German
German form of Dexippos via its latinized form Dexippus.
Dictatus m German (Bessarabian)
From Latin dictatus, meaning "repeated, dictated".
Dienegott m German (Rare, Archaic)
A pietist coinage with the literal meaning "serve god".
Dietbald m Dutch, German
Dutch and German form of Theudebald.
Dietbert m Dutch, German
Dutch and German form of Theudebert.
Dietger m German (Rare, Archaic)
A dithematic name formed of the name elements diota (from earlier þeudō) "people" and ger "javelin, spear".
Dietgrim m German
The name is made up of the name elements diot meaning "people" and grima meaning "mask, helmet".
Dietgulf m German (Rare)
The name is made up of the name elements diot meaning "people" and gulf of unknown meaning.
Diethold m German
Variation of Dietwald.
Dietholf m German
Variation of Dietwolf or Dietlof.