Submitted Names with "moon" in Description

This is a list of submitted names in which the description contains the keyword moon.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Abaangui m Guarani
The name of a god from Guaraní mythology credited with creating the moon.
Abalendu m Sanskrit, Indian
Means "full moon" from Sanskrit.
Abylay m Kazakh
Combination of Abyl with the Kazakh noun ай (ay) meaning "moon". As such, the meaning of this name is basically "father of the moon".... [more]
Achelois f Greek Mythology, Ancient Greek
Feminine form of Acheloios. In Greek myth this was the name of a minor moon goddess as well as a general name for water nymphs and an epithet of the Sirens (as the daughters of Achelous).
Adad-guppi f Babylonian
Means "Adad has saved", possibly deriving from the Old Akkadian element gamalum ("to save"). Name borne by a prominent priestess of the moon god Sin.
Adinay f Kyrgyz
Derived from Persian آدینه (âdine) meaning "Friday" combined with Kyrgyz ай (ay) meaning "moon".
Adzumi f Japanese
From Japanese 愛 (a) meaning "love, affection", 月 (dzu) meaning "moon" combined with 心 (mi) meaning "heart, mind, soul". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Affy f English (Australian)
Australian name meaning "Princess of the moon".
Agharna m Sanskrit
Means "the moon" in Sanskrit.
Aibala f Kazakh
Derived from Kazakh aй (ai) meaning "moon" and бала (bala) meaning "child". Some provide the meaning as "like the moon" or "beautiful like the moon".
Aibanu f Kazakh
From Kazakh ай (ay) meaning "moon" and Persian بانو (bânu) meaning "lady, woman".
Aibarsha f Kazakh
Derived from Kazakh ай (ay) meaning "moon" and барша (barsha) "fabric, brocade, cloth" (of Persian origin).
Aibergen m Kazakh
From Kazakh ай (ay) meaning "moon" and the past tense of беруге (beruge) "to give".
Aibol m Kazakh
Derived from Kazakh ай (ay) meaning "moon" and бол (bol) meaning "to be, to occur".
Aibolat m Kazakh
From Kazakh ай (ay) meaning "moon" and болат (bolat) meaning "steel" (of Persian origin).
Aidamir m Circassian, Chechen
From Turkish ay meaning "moon, month" combined with demir "iron".
Aidoann f Literature
Means "moon" in the Romulan language created by Diane Duane for her non-canon series of science fiction novels Star Trek: Rihannsu.
Aidos m Kazakh
From Kazakh ай (ay) meaning "moon" and дос (dos) meaning "friend".
Aigana f Kazakh
Derived from ай (ay) meaning "moon" and the title khan meaning "king, ruler"
Aiganym f Kazakh
From Kazakh ай (ay) meaning "moon" and ханым (khanym) meaning "mistress, madam, lady".
Aigiarn f Medieval Mongolian
Means "shining moon" in Mongolian. This is the name of one of Kublai Khan's nieces.
Aiglanor m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek noun αἴγλη (aigle) meaning "light (of the sun or moon)" as well as "radiance" and "glory" (see Aegle) combined with the Greek noun ἀνήρ (aner) meaning "man".
Aigol f Tatar, Bashkir
From Tatar and Bashkir ай (ay) meaning "moon" combined with гөл (göl) "flower".
Aijalon m & f Biblical, English (American, Rare), African American (Rare)
From an Old Testament place name meaning "place of gazelles" in Hebrew (compare Ayala). Aijalon or Ajalon was the name of several biblical locations, including the valley in Dan where the Israelites defeated the Amorites while the sun and moon stood still in answer to their leader Joshua's prayer.
Ai-mökö m Shor
Derived from Ай (ai) meaning "moon" and Мöкö (mökö) meaning "strong man".
Ainar m & f Kazakh
As a masculine name, it means "male moon" and is derived from Kazakh ай (ay) meaning "moon" combined with Persian نر (nar) meaning "male, masculine" while as a feminine name, it means "fire moon" or "pomegranate moon" from Kazakh ай (ay) meaning "moon" combined with Arabic نَار (nār) meaning "fire, flame, light" or Persian نار (nâr) meaning "pomegranate" (or also, "fire"; see Ainara).
Ainara f Kazakh (Rare)
Derived from Kazakh ай (ay) meaning "moon" combined with Arabic نَار (nār) meaning "fire, flame, light" or Persian نار (nâr) meaning "pomegranate" (or also, "fire").
Aindavi f Sanskrit, Indian
Aindavi is sanskrit female name.... [more]
Aiperi f Kyrgyz
Means "moon fairy", from Turkic ay meaning "moon, month" and Persian پری (pari) meaning "fairy".
Aisholpan f Kazakh (Rare)
Derived from Kazakh ай ‎(ay) meaning "moon" combined with шолпан (sholpan) "Venus (the planet)".
Aisulu f Kazakh
From Kazakh ай (ay) meaning "moon" and сұлу (sulu) meaning "beautiful, beauty" (also see the Kyrgyz cognate Aisuluu).
Aisuluu f Kyrgyz
From Kyrgyz ай (ay) meaning "moon" and сулуу (suluu) meaning "beautiful" (also see the Kazakh cognate Aisulu).
Aitana f Kazakh (Rare)
Derived from Kazakh ай (ay) meaning "moon" combined with таң (tañ) meaning "dawn, daybreak", though it is also considered a variant of the name Aidana.
Aizada f Kazakh
From Kazakh ай (ay) meaning "moon" and Persian زاده (zadeh) meaning "offspring".
Aizat f & m Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Tatar
Derived from Kazakh aй (ay) meaning "moon" and Persian زاده (zâde) "offspring, child". It is a feminine and masculine name in Kazakhstan, solely feminine in Kyrgyzstan, and solely masculine in Tatarstan.
Aizatullah m Kazakh
Translates roughly to "divine offspring of the moon". Derived from the Kazakh word ay, meaning "moon", the Kazakh and Persian word zâde meaning "offspring", and the Kazakh and Arabic suffix -ullah, meaning "Allah (God)".
Aizhurek f Kazakh (Rare)
From Kazakh ай (ay) meaning "moon" and жүрек (zhurek) meaning "heart".
Akatsuki m & f Japanese (Rare), Popular Culture
From 暁 (akatsuki) meaning "dawn, daybreak," shifted from earlier akatoki, made up of 明 (aka) meaning "bright" and 時 (toki) meaning "time."... [more]
Akay f & m Turkish
From Turkish ak, meaning "white" and ay, meaning "moon".
Akinari m Japanese
From the Japanese Kanji 秋 (aki) meaning "autumn" or 旺 (aki) meaning "prosperous; energic" combined with 成 (nari) meaning "to become". ... [more]
Akylai f Kyrgyz
Derived from Kyrgyz акыл (akyl) meaning "mind, intellect, reason" and ай (ay) meaning "moon". and In the Kyrgyz poem the Epic of Manas, Akylai is one of the two wives of the hero Manas.
Alahtin f New World Mythology
The name of the Chumash goddess of the moon who also governs over purification, health and menstruation.
Aldynay f Tuvan
From Tuvan алдын (aldyn) meaning "golden" and ай (ay) meaning "moon".
Alkina f Indigenous Australian, Yawaru
Means "moon" in the Yawaru language.
Alkmenor m Greek Mythology
The first element of this name is derived from either the Greek adjective ἀλκμαῖος (alkmaios) meaning "young" or the Greek name Alkmene (see Alcmene)... [more]
Almaqah m Near Eastern Mythology
A moon-god and tutelary god of the South Arabian kingdom of Saba.
Alpay m Turkish
Means "Brave moon" in Turkish. Alp meaning Brave and Ay meaning Moon.
Altaluna f Medieval Italian
Derived from Italian alta, the feminine form of the adjective alto, meaning "high; deep; big; towering; elevated" and, when used in a poetic context, "grand; sublime; noble" and luna "moon".... [more]
Altınay f Karachay-Balkar
Means "golden moon" in Karachay-Balkar.
Altynai f Kazakh, Kyrgyz
Means "golden moon" from Kazakh and Kyrgyz алтын (altyn) meaning "gold" and ай (ay) meaning "moon".
Amaloy f Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek word amal meaning "influence, bewitch, charm" or the Arabic name Amal 1 combined with oy meaning "moon".
Amane m & f Japanese
From Japanese 亜 (a, ama) meaning "second, Asia", 愛 (a, ama) meaning "love, affection", 雨 (ama) meaning "rain", 海 (amane, ama) meaning "sea, ocean", 吾 (a) meaning "I, my, our, one's own", 周 (amane, ama) meaning "circumference, circuit, lap", 星 (ama) meaning "star", 天 (amane, ama) meaning "heavens, sky, imperial", 普 (amane) meaning "universal, wide(ly), generally", 遍 (amane) meaning "everywhere, times, widely, generally", 弥 (amane) meaning "all the more, increasingly" or 和 (amane) meaning "harmony, Japanese style, peace, soften, Japan", 真 (ma) meaning "true, reality", 麻 (ma) meaning "hemp, flax, numb", 万 (ma) meaning "ten thousand", 満 (ma) meaning "full, fullness, enough, satisfy", 茉 (ma) meaning "jasmine" or 舞 (ma) meaning "dance" combined with 音 (ne) meaning "sound", 弥 (ne) meaning "all the more, increasingly", 峰 (ne) meaning "summit, peak", 寧 (ne) meaning "rather, preferably, peaceful, quiet, tranquility", 嶺 (ne) meaning "peak, summit", 韻 (ne) meaning "rhyme, elegance, tone", 希 (ne) meaning "hope, beg, request, pray, beseech, Greece, dilute (acid), rare, few, phenomenal", 羽 (ne) meaning "feathers", 使 (ne) meaning "use, send on a mission, order, messenger, envoy, ambassador, cause" or 望 (ne) meaning "ambition, full moon, hope, desire, aspire to, expect"... [more]
Amza f & m Abkhaz (Rare)
Means "moon, month" in Abkhaz.
Aningâĸ m Greenlandic, Inuit Mythology
Means "big brother of a girl" in Greenlandic. Aningâĸ is the name of the moon in Greenlandic mythology.
Aningan m Inuit Mythology, Greenlandic
The god of the moon among the Inuit of Greenland. He is called Igaluk by the Inuit of Canada and Alaska.
Anningan m Inuit Mythology
Variant of Aningan. In Greenlandic mythology Anningan is the god of the moon and the brother of Malîna, the sun goddess... [more]
Annit f Near Eastern Mythology
Annit was a northern Babylonian moon goddess who was later replaced by Ishtar.
Anumati f Hindi
Anumati is the Hindu godess of the moon. The meaning of the name is moon.
Aomi f & m Japanese
From Japanese 葵 (ao) meaning "hollyhock, althea", 翠 (ao) meaning "green, kingfisher", 青, 蒼 (ao) meaning "blue", 碧 (ao) meaning "blue, green", 明 (ao, a) meaning "bright", 藍 (ao) meaning "indigo", 粟 (a) meaning "millet", 緒 (o) meaning "cord, strap", 百 (o) meaning "hundred" or 生 (o) meaning "live" combined with 海 (mi) meaning "sea, ocean", 巳 (mi), referring to the Snake, the sixth of the twelve Earthly Branches, 美 (mi) meaning "beautiful", 水 (mi) meaning "water", 実 (mi) meaning "fruit, good result, truth", 深 (mi) meaning "deep, heighten, intensify, strengthen", 望 (mi) meaning "ambition, full moon, hope, desire, aspire to, expect", 未 (mi) referring to the Sheep, the eighth of the twelve Earthly Branches, 魅 (mi) meaning "fascination, charm", 弥 (mi) meaning "all the more, increasingly", 洋 (mi) meaning "ocean" or 歩 (mi) meaning "walk"... [more]
Aqloy f Uzbek
Derived from aql meaning "mind, intelligence" and "smarts, common sense, advise" and oy meaning "moon".
Arana f Tagalog
Means "fresh, new, summer, vegetables, greens, moon" in Tagalog. Usage of this name is, most likely, influenced by the name Alana and Alanna.
Araziel m Hebrew, Judeo-Christian-Islamic Legend
Apparently means "light of God" or "moon of God" in Hebrew. This is the name of a fallen angel who was cast out of heaven by God for having relations with earthly women.
Ardhendu m Indian, Bengali
Means "half moon" or "crescent moon" in Sanskrit. This is also the name of a constellation sometimes called अर्धचन्द्र (ardhacandra).
Aruna f Japanese
From Japanese 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia" combined with 月 (runa) meaning "moon". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Asaki m & f Japanese
From Japanese 朝 (asa) meaning "morning" combined with 月 (ki) meaning "moon" or 咲 (ki) meaning "blossom". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Asaloy f Uzbek
Derived from asal meaning "honey" and oy meaning "moon".
Aseney f Karachay-Balkar
From the Karachay-Balkar эсен (esen) meaning "healthy, happy, unharmed" and ай (ay) meaning "moon".
Așkay f & m Turkish (Modern, Rare)
From Turkish așk meaning "love" and Turkic ay meaning "moon".
Atamahina m & f Tongan
Means "rising of the moon" in Tongan.
Atziri f Yucatec Maya
Variant of Athziri or Athziri; Meaning "The most beautiful flower that lives in the water" or "Moon flower/moonflower"
Aúju f Aguaruna
Means "nightjar" in Awajún. In Awajún mythology, this is the name of the wife of the moon also known as ayaimama.
Aušrinė f Lithuanian, Baltic Mythology
Derived from Aušra with the feminine adjectival suffix -inė, referring to something made from or pertaining to a noun, ultimately meaning something along the lines of "auroral; pertaining to the dawn."... [more]
Auszrine f Baltic Mythology
Either an older or a Polonized form of Aušrinė (or possibly both seeing as many of the early documents on Baltic deities were composed by Polish authors).... [more]
Avijit m Indian
MEANING - Who won the Moon or who cannot be won over. ... [more]
Ay m & f Turkish
Means "moon" (also, by extension, "month") in Turkish.
Aya f Kazakh
Means "canopy, shelter, hideout" in Kazakh. It may also be derived from Kazakh ай (ay) meaning "moon".
Ayămpi f Chuvash
Means "moon lady" in Chuvash.
Aybala f Chuvash
Means "moonchild" in Chuvash, from Ай (ay) meaning "moon" combined with бала (bala) meaning "child".
Aybəniz f Azerbaijani
From Turkic ay meaning "moon" and Persian بانو (banu) meaning "lady".
Aybars m Turkish
Pure and beautiful like moon.... [more]
Aybatïr m Bashkir
From Bashkir ай (ay) meaning "moon" and батыр (batïr) meaning "hero".
Ayben f Turkish
Turkish feminine name derived from ay "moon" and ben "I", usually translated as "I am like the moon".... [more]
Aybergen f Kazakh
From the Kazakh ай (ay) meaning "moon" and берген (bergen) meaning "given".
Aybige f Turkish
An alternate spelling of Aybüke, deriving from Turkish ay meaning "moon" combined with büke meaning "queen, woman".
Aybikä f Bashkir
Combination of ай (ay) meaning "moon" and бикә (bikä), which is a Bashkir name element.
Aybike f Turkish
One of medieval Turkic feminine names, Aybüge consists of Ay (the Moon) and Büge (lady, madam, gentlewoman). The name means "lady of the moon" Its form Aybüge is modernized as Aybike in modern Turkish.
Aybolat m Kazakh
From the Kazakh ай (ay) meaning “moon” and болат (bolat) meaning “steel”.
Aybora m Turkish
Combination of Turkish ay "moon" and bora "storm, squall".
Aybüke f Turkish
Derived from Turkish ay "moon" and büke "queen, woman".
Aybulat m Bashkir
Combination of Bashkir ай (ay) meaning "moon" and Persian پولاد (pulâd) meaning “steel”.
Ayça f Turkish
Directly taken from Turkish ayça meaning "new moon" or "crescent".
Aycan f & m Turkish
Combination of Turkish ay "moon" and can "soul, life, being".
Aycayaq f Karachay-Balkar
From the Karachay-Balkar ай (ay) meaning "moon" and джаякъ (cayaq) meaning "cheek".
Ayçıq f Karachay-Balkar
From the Karachay-Balkar ай (ay) meaning "moon" and the diminutive suffix -чыкъ (çıq).
Aydamir m Circassian
From Turkic ay meaning "moon" and temür meaning "iron".
Aydamirkhan m Crimean Tatar, Adyghe
From айдамир (aydamir) meaning "moon iron" and хан (khan) meaning "king, ruler"
Aydar m Bashkir, Tatar, Kazakh
Means "forelock, topknot", referring to the hairstyle worn by ancient Turkic warriors. Alternatively, it could be from Kazakh, Bashkir, and Tatar ай (ay) meaning "moon, month" combined with Arabic حَيْدَر‏ (ḥaydar) meaning "lion".
Ay-daš m Tuvan
Means "moon rock" in Tuvan.
Ay-demir m Tuvan
Means "moon iron" in Tuvan.
Aydemir m Turkish
Derived from Turkish ay meaning "moon" and demir meaning "iron".
Aydinç m & f Turkish
Derived from Turkish ay "moon" and dinç "vigorous".
Aydoğan f & m Turkish
Derived from Turkish ay "moon" and doğan “falcon”.
Aydoğmuş m Turkish
Derived from Turkish ay "moon" and doğmuş "born".
Aydos m Kazakh
From the Kazakh ай (ay) meaning “moon” and ‎ дос (dos) meaning “friend”.
Aydyn m & f Kazakh
Derived from Kazakh ай (ay) meaning "moon" combined with дин (din) meaning "religion, faith".
Ayerke f Kazakh
From ай (ay) meaning "moon" and ерке (erke) meaning "darling#
Aýgüla f Turkmen
From meaning "moon" (from Turkic ay) and gül meaning "flower" (ultimately from Persian گل (gol))
Aygüzäl f Bashkir
From the Bashkir aй (ay) meaning "moon" and гүзәл ( güzäl) meaning "beautiful".
Ayjis f Western Yugur
Means "moon malachite" in Western Yugur.
Ayjürek f Kazakh
From the Kazakh ай (ay) meaning “moon” and жүре́к (jürék) meaning "heart".
Ayke f Karachay-Balkar
Means "small moon" in Karachay-Balkar.
Aykerek f Karachay-Balkar
From the Karachay-Balkar ай (ay) meaning "moon" and керек (kerek) meaning "instrument" or "necessary".
Aykhanım f Kazakh
Combination of Kazakh ай (ay) and ханым (khanım), literally "moon queen".
Aykız f Turkish
Ay meaning “Moon” in Turkish and Kız Meaning “Girl” in Turkish
Aykömöš f Bashkir
Derived from Bashkir ай (ay) meaning "moon" and көмөш (kömöš) meaning "silver".
Ayliz f Turkish
From Turkish ay meaning "moon".
Aymaral f Turkish
From the Turkish ay meaning "moon" and maral meaning "doe, deer".
Aymölek f Karachay-Balkar
From the Karachay-Balkar ай (ay) meaning "moon" and Arabic ملك (malak) meaning "angel".
Aymonchok f Kyrgyz
Means "moon necklace" in Kyrgyz.
Aynaza f Bashkir
Derived from Bashkir ай (ay) meaning "moon" and Persian نازی (nazi) meaning "sweet, coy".
Ayqız f Karachay-Balkar
Means "moon girl" in Karachay-Balkar. This is another name of the mythological figure Satanaya.
Ayqoyaš f Bashkir
Derived from Bashkir ай (ay) meaning "moon" and ҡояш (qoyaš) meaning "sun".
Ayşən f Azerbaijani
Means "happy moon", from Azerbaijani ay meaning "moon" and şən meaning "cheerful, happy".
Aysary f Karakalpak
From Turkic ay meaning "moon".
Aysäsäk f Bashkir
Derived from Bashkir ай (ay) meaning "moon" and сәсәк (säsäk) meaning "flower".
Aysaule f Kazakh
Derived from Kazakh ай (ay) meaning "moon" combined with сәуле (säule) "ray, halo, radiance".
Ayşen f Turkish
Means "you are like the moon" in Turkish.
Aysev f Turkish
Modern Turkish name taken from the common name element ay, meaning "moon" and sev, which could be taken from the words sevgi or sevmek meaning "love" and "to love" respectively... [more]
Ayshet f Circassian, Ingush
Adyghe and Ingush form of Aisha. It can also be derived from Turkish ay meaning "moon, month" combined with Persian شاد (šâd) meaning "glad, happy, cheerful"
Aysibär f Bashkir
Derived from Bashkir ай (ay) meaning "moon" and сибәр (sibär) meaning "beautiful".
Aysilu f Tatar
Means "beauty as moon" in Tatar.
Ayşin f Turkish
As beautiful as moon.
Aysulo f Mari
Derived from the Tatar ай (ay) meaning "moon" and сул (sul) meaning "beautiful".
Aysulpan f Bashkir
Derived from Bashkir ай (ay) meaning "moon" and сулпан (sulpan) meaning "morning star".
Aysurat f Karachay-Balkar
From the Karachay-Balkar ай (ay) meaning "moon" and сурат (surat) meaning "picture".
Aysylu f Tatar
From Tatar ай (ay) meaning "moon" and сылу (sylu) meaning "elegant, graceful, refined".
Aytaş m Turkish
Derived from Turkish ay meaning "moon" and taş meaning "stone".
Aytek m Turkish
Derived from Turkish ay meaning "moon" and tek meaning "one, only, single".
Aytekin m Turkish
Derived from Turkish ay "moon" and tekin "single".
Aytolkyn f Kazakh
From Kazakh ай (ay) meaning "moon" and толқын (tolqyn) meaning "wave".
Aytuğ m Turkish
Means "moon banner" in Turkish.
Aytunç m Turkish
Derived from Turkish ay meaning "moon" and tunç meaning "bronze".
Aytuuğan f Karachay-Balkar
From the Karachay-Balkar ай (ay) meaning "moon" and туугъан (tuuğan) meaning "born".
Ayün f Turkish
Modern Turkish name taking the common name element ay, meaning "moon" and the element ün, meaning "fame".
Ayyur m Berber
Means "moon" in Tamazight.
Ayza f Arabic (Mashriqi), Russian, Kazakh, Tajik, Arabic
From Turkic ай (ay) meaning "moon" and Tajik зар (zar) meaning "gold," which derives from Persian زر (zar).
Ayzanat f Chechen, Dagestani
Derived from Turkic ay meaning "moon, month" combined with Persian زن (zan) meaning "woman, wife".
Ayzhigit m Kazakh, Kyrgyz
From ай (ay) meaning "moon" and жигит (zhigit) meaning "boy, young man"
Ayziräk f Tatar
From the Tatar aй (ay) meaning "moon" and зирәк (ziräk) meaning "gifted, clever".
Ayzöhrä f Bashkir
From the Bashkir ай (ay) meaning "moon" and Arabic زُهْرَة‎ (zuhra) meaning “Venus".
Badariah f Indonesian, Malay
Most likely derived from Arabic بدر (badr) meaning "full moon".
Bader m Arabic
Means "full moon" in Arabic.
Badr al-Din m Arabic
From Arabic بدر (badr) meaning "full moon" and دين (din) meaning "religion, faith".
Badri m Arabic, Indonesian, Malay
Means "my full moon" in Arabic, derived from بدر (badr) meaning "full moon".
Badriyah f Sindhi
Badriyah is a Muslim Girl name which originates from the Arabic language. Badriyah name meaning in Urdu is "پورے چاند کی مشابہت". In Sindhi, the name meaning Is Resembling The Full Moon."
Badroulbadour f Literature, Folklore
From Arabic بدر البدور‎ (Badr ul-Budūr) meaning "full moon of full moons" (see also Budur). This is the name of the princess in the Middle Eastern fairy tale 'Aladdin', one of the tales in the 'Arabian Nights'.
Badrul m Arabic, Bengali, Malay, Indonesian
First part of compound Arabic names beginning with بدر ال (Badr al) meaning "full moon of the" (such as Badr al-Din).
Badr-un-nissa f Persian
The name of a Mughal princess meaning "full moon amongst women".
Bahoroy f Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek bahor meaning "spring" and oy meaning "moon".
Baoyue f Chinese
From the Chinese 宝 (bǎo) meaning "treasure, jewel; precious, rare" and 月 (yuè) meaning "moon" or 玥 (yuè) meaning "mythological pearl".
Bartsalay f Lezgin
Means "full moon" in Lezgin.
Basoy f Uzbek
From the Uzbek bas meaning "enough, stop" and oy meaning "moon".
Batii f Oromo
Oromo name meaning "moon."
Bäz̦är f Bashkir
Means "moon" in Bashkir.
Bedrifelek f Ottoman Turkish
From Arabic بدر (badr) meaning "full moon" and فلك (falak) meaning "sky, firmament".
Begimay f Kyrgyz
Derived from begum, the feminine form of the Turkish military title beg meaning "chieftain, master", combined with Kyrgyz ай (ay) meaning "moon".
Bejamoy f Uzbek
From the Uzbek bejama meaning "decoration" and oy meaning "moon".
Bendis f Thracian Mythology
Thracian goddess of the moon and the hunt.
Bérylune f Theatre
Perhaps an elaborated form of French béryl meaning "beryl", possibly blending it with the word lune "moon". This was used by the Belgian playwright and poet Maurice Maeterlinck for a fairy in his play 'The Blue Bird' (1908).
Bibioy f Uzbek
From the Uzbek bibi meaning "mother, learned woman, authoritative woman" and oy meaning "moon".
Bibiqamar f Uzbek
From the Uzbek bibi meaning "mother, learned woman, authoritative woman" and qamar meaning "moon".
Bilguunsaran f Mongolian (Rare)
Means "wise moon", from Bilgüün meaning "wise" and саран (saran) meaning "moon".
Bingchang f Chinese
From the Chinese 炳 (bǐng) meaning "bright, luminous, glorious" and 嫦 (cháng), from the name of a moon goddess.
Boramey f Khmer
Means "day of the full moon" in Khmer.
Borgný f Old Norse, Icelandic, Faroese
Combination of the Old Norse name elements borg "stronghold, fortification, castle" or bjǫrg "help, deliverance" and nýr "new; young; fresh" or "new moon, waxing moon".
Bounchanh m & f Lao
From Lao ບຸນ (boun) meaning "happiness, prosperity, goodness" and ຈັນ (chanh) meaning "moon".
Buachan f Lao
From Lao ບົວ (bua) meaning "lotus" or "fruit" and ຈັນ meaning "moon".
Buleuën f Acehnese
Means "moon, month" in Acehnese.
Burgutoy f Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek burgut meaning "eagle" and oy meaning "moon".
Buwan f & m Tagalog
Means "moon" in Tagalog. It is not often used as a given name.
Canay f Karachay-Balkar
From the Persian جان (jan) meaning "soul" and Karachay-Balkar ай (ay) meaning "moon".
Candra m & f Indonesian
Means "moon" in Indonesian, ultimately from Sanskrit चन्द्र (chandra).
Candraningsih f Indonesian
Combination of Indonesian candra meaning "moon" and the given name Ningsih.
Candrawati f Indonesian
From Indonesian candra meaning "moon" combined with the feminine suffix -wati.
Caomeng f Chinese
From the Chinese 草 (cǎo) meaning "grass, herbs" and 朦 (méng) meaning "condition or appearance of the moon".
Carpo f Greek Mythology (Latinized), Astronomy
Latinized form of Greek Καρπώ (Karpô), which is derived from Greek καρπόω (karpoô) "to bear fruit; to reap or enjoy fruit". In Greek mythology this was the name of one of the Horae or Seasons; Carpo was the goddess of autumn and of the harvest, that is, the fruits of summer... [more]
Catty f English (Archaic), Literature
Variant Cattie. This is the name of a fictional character in the Daughters of the Moon book series by Lynne Ewing.
Célimène f Literature, Theatre, French (Rare)
This name was invented by Molière for his play "The Misanthrope" (17th century). Given that many characters in his play bear names that are obviously of Greek origin (or inspired by the Greek language), the name Célimène must then at least be partly Greek as well... [more]
Chamendra m Sinhalese (Modern, Rare)
Means "the king of the moon".
Chanchira f Thai
From Thai จันทร์ (chan) meaning "moon" and จิร (chira) meaning "long-lasting, long time".
Chandima m Sinhalese
From Sanskrit चन्द्र (chandra) meaning "moon".
Chandrakala f Indian, Kannada, Telugu
Derived from Sanskrit चन्द्र (candrá) meaning "moon".
Chandranan m Telugu, Kannada, Bengali, Assamese, Hindi, Marathi, Sindhi
Meaning "Handsome as a Moon" or "Beautiful as a Moon".
Chandrani f Telugu
This is a unique name and the meaning of the name is wife of the moon
Chandraprabha m Buddhism
Means "moonlight" in Sanskrit, from चन्द्र (chandra) meaning "moon" and प्रभा (prabha) meaning "light, radiance"... [more]
Chandravati f Indian, Hindi
From Sanskrit चन्द्र (chandra) meaning "moon" and वती (vati) meaning "having".
Changning f Chinese
From the Chinese 嫦 (cháng), the name of a moon goddess, and 宁 (níng) meaning "peaceful, calm".
Changqian f Chinese
From the Chinese 嫦 (cháng), the name of a moon goddess, and 芊 (qiān) meaning "exuberant and vigorous foliage".
Changxiang f Chinese
From the Chinese 嫦 (cháng), the name of a moon goddess, and 相 (xiāng) meaning "mutual, each other".
Changyuan f Chinese
From the Chinese 嫦 (cháng), the name of a moon goddess, and 媛 (yuàn) meaning "beauty, beautiful woman".
Changzeng f Chinese
From the Chinese 嫦 (cháng), the name of a moon goddess, and 增 (zēng) meaning "increase, add to".
Chanh m & f Lao
Means "moon" in Lao.
Chanhpheng f & m Lao
Means "full moon" in Lao.
Chanmony f Cambodian
Meaning of Chanmony: Name Chanmony in the Cambodian origin, means One who shines like moon.. Name Chanmony is of Cambodian origin and is a Girl name. People with name Chanmony are usually Hindu by religion.
Chanmony f & m Khmer
From Khmer ច័ន្ទ (chan) meaning "moon" and មុនី (mony) meaning "scholar, wise".
Chanphen f Thai
Means "full moon" from Thai จันทร์ (chan) meaning "moon" and เพ็ญ (phen) meaning "full (moon)".
Chansom m & f Lao
From the Lao ຈັນ (chan) meaning "moon" and ໂສມ (som) meaning "form, appearance" or "pretty".
Chantara f Thai
This is a feminine name of Thai origin. It means "moon water".
Chantha f & m Khmer, Thai, Lao
Derived from Khmer ចន្ទ (cɑn), Thai จันทร์ (jan), or Lao ຈັນ (chan) meaning "moon".
Chanthaboun m & f Lao
From Lao ຈັນທະ (chantha) meaning "moon" and ບຸນ (boun) meaning "happiness, prosperity, goodness".
Chanthara f Thai
From Thai จันทร์ (chan) meaning "moon" and ธารา (thara) meaning "water, stream".
Chanthi f Lao
Etymology uncertain, perhaps from Lao ຈັນ (chan) meaning "moon" and ທີ (thi) meaning "time".
Chanthira f Thai
Of Thai origin meaning “moon”
Chantria f Khmer
Variant of Chantrea. Meaning - moon, moonlight.
Chía f New World Mythology
Pre-Columbian goddess of the moon.... [more]
Chibiusa f Popular Culture
Usagi/Sailor Moon and Mamoru/Tuxedo Mask's daughter from Sailor Moon, an extremely popular magical girl themed manga. Chibi means "small, little" and usa is abbreviation of usagi meaning "rabbit".
Chiminigagua m Muisca Mythology
Chiminigagua was a universally good god and represented the only light that existed when it was night time. When the world was created there was only darkness and the only light was given by Chiminigagua... [more]
Chitsuki f & m Japanese
From Japanese 千 (chi) meaning "a thousand" or 知 (chi) meaning "wisdom" combined with 月 (tsuki) meaning "moon".
Chors m Slavic Mythology
The moon god in Slavic Mythology.
Chunyue f Chinese
From the Chinese 纯 (chún) meaning "pure, clean, simple" and 月 (yuè) meaning "moon".
Crescent m History (Ecclesiastical), Biblical Romanian, Biblical French, French (Rare), English (Rare)
French and Romanian form and English variant of Crescens. In the English-speaking world, it is now considered a nature name referring to the phase of the moon, derived from Old French creissant, ultimately from Latin crescere "come forth, spring up, grow, thrive".... [more]
Cresent m English (Rare)
From the English-speaking word cresent, a face of the moon.
Cresentia f Biblical French (Latinized, Modern)
This feminine name has Old French and Latin roots, as well as Swiss origins, and comes from the name Crescent or Cresentius. Translating to "increasing" or... [more]
Cоşqunay f Azerbaijani
Means "stormy, turbulent, fiery, exhuberant moon" in Azerbaijani.
Cuichang f Chinese
From the Chinese 翠 (cuì) meaning "kingfisher, green" and 嫦 (cháng), the name of a moon goddess.
Dal m Korean
Derived from the Korean word for "moon".
Dalbit f & m Korean (Modern, Rare)
From native Korean 달빛 (dalbit) meaning "moonlight," from a combination of 달 (dal) meaning "moon" and Bit.
Dalbyeol f & m Korean (Modern, Rare)
Means "satellite" from 달 (dal, “moon”) combined with 별 (byeol, “star”).
Dalğınay f Azerbaijani
Means "pensive moon" in Azerbaijani.
Dal-nim f Korean Mythology
In Korean mythology, she is the moon. She is the sister to the sun, Hae-nim.
Davaajav m & f Mongolian
Derived from Mongolian даваа (davaa) meaning "Monday" or "mountain pass, threshold" and жав (jav) meaning "salvation, deliverance"... [more]
Davlatoy f Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek davlat meaning "country" or "wealth, fortune, happiness" and oy meaning "moon".
Davronoy f Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek davron meaning "ages, epochs" and oy meaning "moon".
Dayax m & f Somali
Means "moon" in Somali.
Demiray m Turkish
Means "iron moon" in Turkish.
Dewi Sri f Indonesian Mythology
From Indonesian dewi meaning "goddess", ultimately from Sanskrit देवी (devi), and sri, a title of respect derived from Sanskrit श्री (shri)... [more]
Dоğanay f Azerbaijani
Means "rising moon" in Azerbaijani.
Diao-chan f Chinese
one of the four chinese beauties.the moon have to hide it faces because shame of her beauty.
Diaochan f Chinese Mythology
Diaochan is the name of one of the Four Beauties of ancient China. Her name literally means "sable cicada" in Chinese (貂 diāo "sable", 蝉 chán "cicada"), believed to have been derived from the sable tails and jade decorations in the shape of cicadas which adorned the hats of high-ranking officials in the Eastern Han dynasty... [more]
Dоnmuşay f Azerbaijani
From the Turkish dоnmuş meaning "frozen" and ay meaning "moon".
Dolunay m & f Turkish
Means "full moon" in Turkish.
Donoma f Omaha-Ponca
Means "sight of the sun" in Omaha–Ponca, from Omaha dóⁿbe "to see, look at, perceive" and miⁿ "sun, moon".
Douangchanh f & m Lao
Means "moon" in Lao.
Douangdeuane f Lao (Rare)
Means "moon" in Lao.
Duangchan f & m Thai, Lao
Means "moon" in Thai, also used as a Lao alternate transcription of Douangchanh. It is only used as a feminine name in Thailand while it is unisex in Laos.
Duangduean f Thai
Means "moon" in Thai.
Duangkhae f Thai
Means "moon" in Thai.
Duean f Thai
Means "moon, month" in Thai.
Dueanchai f Thai
From Thai เดือน (duean) meaning "moon, month" and ชัย (chai) meaning "victory".
Dueanphen f Thai
From Thai เดือน (duean) meaning "moon, month" and เพ็ญ (phen) meaning "full (moon)".
Duongchhann f Khmer
Means "disc, sphere of the moon" in Khmer.
Durjonoy f Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek dur meaning "pearl, jewel", jon meaning "soul" and oy meaning "moon".
Eclipse f & m English (Rare)
From the English word eclipse (derived from Latin eclipsis, ultimately from the Greek verb ἐκλείπω (ekleipô) meaning "to fail", i.e. fail to appear); a solar eclipse is when the sun and moon are aligned exactly so that the moon casts a great shadow over the Earth; a lunar eclipse is when the moon is right in front of the sun, showing only a bright slither of light... [more]
Edae f Crimean Tatar
Means "as beautiful as the moon" from Crimean Tatar ay meaning "moon".
Ehaan m Arabic
Means "full moon" or "full bright moon". According to the SSA, Ehaan was given to 8 boys in 2018.
Ehan m Arabic
Means "full moon" or "expected".
Ehsonoy f Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek ehson meaning "good work, good deed" or "present, gift" and oy meaning "moon".
Eirný f Old Norse, Icelandic
Combination of the Old Norse name elements eir "protection; peace; calm; help; mercy; benignity" and "new moon, waxing moon" or nýr "new; young; fresh".
Eiðný f Icelandic (Rare)
Combination of the Old Norse name elements eiðr "oath" and nýr "new; young; fresh" or "new moon; waxing moon".
Ekanamsha f Hinduism
The name of a Hindu goddess, which may mean "the single, portionless one" or be derived from the Sanskrit एकांत (ekant) meaning "secluded, private, secret". This is also the name of the new moon.
Ekashtaka f Hinduism
From Sanskrit एक (eka) meaning "one; happening only once, that one only" and अष्टका (ashtaka) meaning "eighth day after a full moon", possibly referring to the eighth day after the full moon of the month of Magha... [more]
Eray m Turkish
First Moon
Erenay f Turkish
From Turkish eren "saint, mystic, dervish" (cf. Eren) and ay "moon".
Ergashoy f Uzbek
From the Uzbek ergash meaning "to follow" and oy meaning "moon".
Erkaoy f Uzbek
From the Uzbek erka meaning "coddled" and oy meaning "moon".
Escanor m Arthurian Cycle
This name seems to be comprised of Irish/Norse.... [more]
Esege m Mongolian Mythology
Esege Malan (Mongolian: Эсеге Малан, Buryat: Эсэгэ, Russian: Эсэгэ Малан), according to Mongol myth and the belief of the Buryats, is the great Creator of all living things... [more]
Éše'he Ȯhmo'ȯhtávaestse m Cheyenne
Means "black moon" in Cheyenne.
Éše'he Ȯhnéšesėstse m Cheyenne
Means "two moon" in Cheyenne.
Éše'he Ȯhvó'komaestse m Cheyenne
Means "white moon" in Cheyenne.
Éše'hȯhma'aestse m Cheyenne
Means "Red Moon" in Cheyenne.
Esmeraude f Popular Culture
Derived from French word for emerald, émeraude, possibly influenced by Esmeralda (which also means "emerald"). This is the name of a member of the Black Moon Clan from the manga and anime 'Sailor Moon'.
Esmeray f Turkish
Derived from Turkish esmer "dark" and ay "moon".
Ethyne f Literature
It was used by Kelly Barnhill in her novel 'The Girl who Drank the Moon'.
Eupheme f Ancient Greek
Alternate form of Euphemia. The name of an Ancient Greek personification of praise, acclamation, and shouts of triumph. She was likely one of the younger Charites... [more]
Euporie f Greek Mythology (?), Astronomy
A form of Euporia. A moon of Jupiter bears this name in honour of Euporia or Euporie, the Greek goddess of abundance and one of the third generation of Horai.
Fanný f Icelandic, Faroese
Icelandic and Faroese form of Fanny as well as an Icelandic combination of the Old Norse name elements fǫnn "snow, snowdrift" and "new moon, waxing moon" or nýr "new; young; fresh".
Fanyue f Chinese
From the Chinese 繁 (fán) meaning "numerous, complex" and 月 (yuè) meaning "moon".
Farishtamoh f Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek farishta meaning "angel" and moh meaning "moon".
Faxrioy f Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek faxr meaning "pride" or faxriy meaning "honourary, of honour", and oy meaning "moon".
Feiyue f Chinese
From the Chinese 菲 (fēi) meaning "fragrant, luxuriant" or 霏 (fēi) meaning "falling of snow and rain" and 悦 (yuè) meaning "pleased, contented" or 月 (yuè) meaning "moon".
Fengyue f Chinese
From the Chinese 风 (fēng) meaning "wind, air; manners" and 月 (yuè) meaning "moon".
Fróðný f Icelandic
Combination of Icelandic fróðr "clever, wise" and "new moon, waxing moon".
Fuchang f Chinese
From the Chinese 芙 (fú) meaning "hibiscus" and 嫦 (cháng), the name of a moon goddess.
Fudzuki f Japanese
From Japanese 婦 (fu) meaning "married woman, woman, lady", 芙 (fu) meaning "lotus, Mt Fuji", 楓 (fu) meaning "maple", 風 (fu) meaning "wind, air, style, manner", 文 (fu) meaning "sentence" or 歩 (fu) meaning "walk" combined with 月 (dzuki) meaning "moon"... [more]
Fūgetsu m & f Japanese, Popular Culture
The latter half of the proverb Kachō Fūgetsu literally means ‘Windy Moon’ in the Japanese language. It is well known internationally as the given name of Kachō’s twin in Hunter X Hunter, a well known manga-based franchise.
Furumu-n f Japanese
From Japanese 満月 (furumu-n) meaning "full moon".... [more]
Fuyue f Chinese
From the Chinese 馥 (fù) meaning "fragrance, aroma" and 月 (yuè) meaning "moon".
Fuyutsuki f & m Japanese
The name 'Fuyutsuki' is rooted in Japanese poetry.... [more]
Ganau m Hausa
From the Hausa ganī meaning "see". This name is traditionally given to boys born on the night of a full moon.
Gavharoy f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek gavhar meaning "jewel, gem" or "pearl" and oy meaning "moon".
Geena f Hindi
Geena or Jeena means - My Life , Our Life , Living , Existing, God is gracious , Moon like Silver
Gencay m & f Turkish
it means the firs moon of the month. generally it is crescent. so it has the same meaning with MİRAY and İLKAY. but this is more masculine than these names. otherwise, it is rarely used by females... [more]
Getsumei m Japanese
From Japanese 月明 (getsumei) meaning "moonlight", combined with 月 (getsu) meaning "moon" and 明 (mei) meaning "bright, clear, tomorrow". Other kanji or kanji combinations can form this name as well.
Getsurin m Japanese
Combination of 月 (getsu), meaning "moon", and 輪 (rin), meaning "ring, loop". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Ghmerti m Georgian Mythology
Derived from Georgian ღმერთი (ghmert'i), from Old Georgian ღმერთი ‎(ɣmerti), and ultimately from Proto-Kartvelian *ɣamort- meaning "God". Ghmerti is the supreme god in Georgian mythology and head of all the other deities... [more]
Gladion m Popular Culture
Derived from the name of the flower gladiolus. This name is borne by a character from the video games Pokemon Sun and Moon.
Göher'ay f Uyghur
Derived from Uyghur گۆھەر‎ (göher) meaning "treasure" or "invaluable, treasured" and -ئاي‎ (-'ay) meaning "moon".