Submitted Names with "moon" in Description

This is a list of submitted names in which the description contains the keyword moon.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Mohishakar f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek moh meaning "moon, month" and shakar meaning "sugar, candy, sweet(s)".
Mohisharaf f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek moh meaning "moon, month" and sharaf meaning "honour, glory".
Mohisuluv f Uzbek
Derived from moh meaning "moon, month" and sulu(v) meaning "beautiful".
Mohizar f Uzbek
Derived from moh meaning "moon, month" and zar meaning "gold" or "wealth".
Mohizevar f Uzbek
Derived from moh meaning "moon, month" and zevar, the name of a decoration sewn in colourful silk thread on traditional Uzbek footwear called mahsi.
Mohjahon f Uzbek
Derived from moh meaning "moon, month" and jahon meaning "the world".
Mohruxsor f Uzbek
Derived from moh meaning "moon, month" and ruxsor meaning "face".
Mohsafar f Uzbek
Derived from moh meaning "moon, month" and safar, the second month of the Islamic lunar calendar.
Mohsanam f Uzbek
Derived from moh meaning "moon, month" and sanam meaning "beauty, beautiful woman", also an Uyghur classical music genre.
Mohshod f Uzbek
Derived from moh meaning "moon, month" and shod meaning "joyful, happy".
Mohxumor f Uzbek
Derived from moh meaning "moon" and xumor meaning "strong desire, longing".
Molayne m Popular Culture
Derived from the name of the mullein plant. This is the name of a character from the video games Pokemon Sun and Moon. Molayne is the head of the Hokulani Observatory.
Mona f Japanese
From Japanese 最 (mo) meaning "utmost, most, extreme", 望 (mo) meaning "ambition, full moon, hope, desire, aspire to, expect", 杏 (mo) meaning "apricot", 杜 (mo) meaning "woods, grove", 桃 (mo) meaning "peach", 椛 (mo) meaning "autumn foliage, birch, maple, (kokuji)", 百 (mo) meaning "hundred", 花 (mo) meaning "flower", 苺 (mo) meaning "strawberry", 茂 (mo) meaning "overgrown, grow thick, be luxuriant", 萌 (mo) or 萠 (mo) both meaning "sprout, bud", 裳 (mo) meaning "skirt" or 雲 (mo) meaning "cloud" combined with 奈 (na) meaning "apple tree", 菜 (na) meaning "vegetables, greens", 那 (na) meaning "what", 凪 (na) meaning "lull, calm", 南 (na) meaning "south", 愛 (na) meaning "love, affection", 渚 (na) meaning "beach", 真 (na) meaning "true, reality", 夏 (na) meaning "summer", 名 (na) meaning "name", 梨 (na) meaning "pear", 椰 (na) meaning "coconut tree", 永 (na) meaning "eternity, long, lengthy", 花 (na) meaning "flower", 隆 (na) meaning "noble, prosperous", 納 (na) meaning "settlement, obtain, reap, pay, supply, store" or 和 (na) meaning "harmony, Japanese style, peace, soften, Japan"... [more]
Moon f & m English (Rare)
From Old English mōna, from Proto-Germanic *mēnô.
Moon f Dutch
Dutch short form of Monica and Simone 1.
Moon f Korean
Moon means "letters" in Korean
Moonbeam f Popular Culture (Rare)
Derived from the word "moonbeam", which describes the brilliant silver light the full moon shines down. This name was borne by a character from the Filmation Associates company "Happily Ever After"... [more]
Moonbyul f Korean
Moon-Byul-yi known by the mononym Moonbyul is South Korean rapper,singer,songwriter,dancer and actress. She is the main rapper and dancer of the South Korean group Mamamoo. In May 2018, she made her debut as a solo artist releasing the digital single "Selfish."
Moonsky f & m American (Rare)
Mix of the words "moon" and "sky" sky meaning "beyond earth" and moon after the planet that reflects the light of the sun
Moyue f Chinese
From the Chinese 茉 (mò) meaning "white jasmine" and 月 (yuè) meaning "moon".
Mozh f Caucasian Mythology
Meaning unknown. Mozh was the evil sister of the sun and moon in Vainakh mythology. She ate all her relatives and constantly chases the sun and moon, an eclipse occurring when she catches up to them... [more]
Mramza f Abkhaz
Means "sun-moon" from Abkhaz амра (amra) meaning "sun" and амза (amza) meaning "moon".
Mtvarisa f Georgian
Means "of the moon" in Georgian. It is derived from Georgian მთვარის (mtvaris), which is the genitive of the Georgian noun მთვარე (mtvare) meaning "moon".
Mudzuki f Japanese
From Japanese 夢 (mu) meaning "Dream" and 月 (dzuki) meaning "Moon; Month".
Mu-n f Japanese
From Japanese 月 (mu-n) meaning "moon" or other kanji which are pronounced the same way.... [more]
Mūna f Lombardic
Mūna means moon. It’s also known to mean prideful.
Mune m Popular Culture
Mune is the main character in the French computer-animated movie: 'Mune: Guardian of the Moon' (2014). His name could be a mashup of the French word lune and the English word moon, both meaning "moon".
Mutsuki f & m Japanese
This name combines 睦 (boku, moku, mutsu.bu, meaning "friendly, harmonious, intimate", 夢 (bou, mu, kura.i, yume, yume.miru) meaning "dream, illusiom, vision" or 陸 (riku, roku, oka, mu) meaning "land, six" with 月 (gatsu, getsu, tsuki) meaning "month, moon."... [more]
Mutsumi f & m Japanese
As a unisex name, this name can be used as 睦 (boku, moku, mutsu.bu, meaning "friendly, harmonious, intimante." It can also combine 睦 with 実 (shitsu, jitsu, makoto, makotoni, mi) meaning "reality, truth", 美 (bi, mi, utsuku.shii) meaning "beautiful, beauty", 己 (ki, ko, onore, tsuchinoto, na, mi) meaning "self, serpent, snake" or 巳 (shi, mi) meaning "sign of the snake/serpent (6th sign of the Chinese zodiac)."... [more]
Muyue f Chinese
From the Chinese 慕 (mù) meaning "long for, desire, admire" and 月 (yuè) meaning "moon".
Mwezi m Swahili
Swahili masculine name meaning "moon" or "month".
Mycale f Greek Mythology
Mother o Orius, was famous for her incantations, which she had often used to conjure down the shining twin-horns of the unwilling moon, one of the Lapiths.
Myeong-wol m Korean
From Sino-Korean 明 (myeong) "bright, light, brilliant; clear" and 月 (wol) "moon". This name can be formed using other hanja combinations as well.
Mzagho f Georgian, Literature
Meaning uncertain. Georgian sources state that the name is derived from either a Circassian word that means "restless", or a Kabardian word that means "light". Also compare Abkhaz амза (amza) meaning "moon", Georgian მზე (mze) meaning "sun" and Kabardian мазэ (maza) meaning "moon".... [more]
Nadimoy f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek nadim meaning "companion" and oy meaning "moon".
Nafasoy f Uzbek
Derived from nafas meaning "breath, breathing", also in culture meaning a breath which has healing powers, and oy meaning "moon".
Naiá f Tupi, Guarani
Per the legend, an indigenous tribe believed that the moon was the goddess Jaci, who came at night and kissed and lit up the faces of the most beautiful virgins in the village. When the moon hid behind the mountain, she would take girls with her and turn them into stars.... [more]
Naito m Japanese
From Japanese 乃 (nai), a possessive particle, 夏 (na) meaning "summer", 夜 (nai, naito) meaning "night", 夢 (nai) meaning "dream", 奈 (na) meaning "apple tree", 星 (na) meaning "star", 那 (na), an interjection or 騎 (nai) meaning "equestrian, riding on horses", 生 (i) meaning "life, genuine, birth" or 依 (i) meaning "reliant, depend on, consequently, therefore, due to" combined with 斗 (to), which refers to a Chinese constellation, 愛 (ito) meaning "love, affection", 智 (to) meaning "wisdom, intellect, reason", 月 (to) meaning "moon", 翔 (to) meaning "soar, fly", 十 (to) meaning "ten" or 士 (to) meaning "gentleman, scholar, samurai"... [more]
Nāmaka f Polynesian Mythology
Means "the eyes" in Hawaiian from "the (plural)" and maka "eye". In Hawaiian mythology, Nāmaka was a sea goddess, the daughter of Haumea, and the sister of Pele and Hiʻiaka... [more]
Nanepashemet m Wampanoag
Means "the moon god" in Wampanoag.
Nannaia f Near Eastern Mythology
Nannaia was a Parthian moon goddess.
Nantu m Shuar
Means "moon" in Shuar.
Naphaphen f Thai
From Thai นภา (napha) meaning "sky" and เพ็ญ (phen) meaning "full moon".
Napir m Near Eastern Mythology, Elamite Mythology
In the Elamite pantheon, Napir was the god of the moon. Some sources state that the meaning of his name is "(the) shining one", but this is questionable - it is more likely that it is derived from Elamite nap or napir meaning "god" (see Napirisha).
Napir-asu f Ancient Near Eastern, Elamite
Possibly derived from the name of the Elamite god of the moon Napir. Name borne by Napir-Asu, who was the queen of Elam during the Middle Elamite period... [more]
Natica f English
Possible variation of Nautica (or perhaps a blend of Natalie and Monica).... [more]
Natsuno f Japanese
From Japanese 夏 (natsu) meaning "summer", 菜 (na) meaning "vegetables, greens", 奈 (na) meaning "apple tree", 那 (na) meaning "what", 捺 (natsu) meaning "press, print, affix a seal, stamp", 南 (na) meaning "south", 寧 (na) meaning "rather, preferably, peaceful, quiet, tranquility", 納 (na) meaning "settlement, obtain, reap, pay, supply, store", 七 (na) meaning "seven" or 名 (na) meaning "name", 津 (tsu) meaning "haven, port, harbor, ferry", 都 (tsu) meaning "metropolis, capital, all, everything", 摘 (tsu) meaning "pinch, pick, pluck, trim, clip, summarize", 通 (tsu) meaning "traffic, pass through, avenue, commute, counter for letters, notes, documents" or 月 (tsu) meaning "moon" combined with 乃 (no), a possessive particle, 之 (no), a possessive marker, 野 (no) meaning "area, field", 信 (no) meaning "faith, truth, fidelity, trust", 音 (no) meaning "sound" or 望 (no) meaning "ambition, full moon, hope, desire, aspire to, expect"... [more]
Navendu m Indian
New Moon
Navro'zoy f Uzbek
Derived from nav'roz refering to a New Year's celebration widely celebrated in Central Asia, also meaning "springtime" or the name of a kind of apricot, and oy meaning "moon".
Naziraoy f Uzbek
Derived from nazira meaning "a literary work meant to represent or respond another work by another author" and oy meaning "moon".
Ndari f Indonesian
Means "full moon" in Indonesian.
Ne'matoy f Uzbek
Derived from ne'mat meaning "blessings" and oy meaning "moon".
Neoma f English (Rare)
Altered form of Naomi 1 (compare Naoma), though it is popularly claimed to mean "new moon" in Greek (apparently by association with the prefix neo "new, young" and mene "moon").
Neso f Greek Mythology, Astronomy
Derived from Greek νῆσος (nêsos) meaning "island". In Greek mythology this name was borne by one of the Nereids. A moon of Neptune bears this name in her honour.
Ngondu m & f Luba
Means "moon" in Luba-Kasai.
Niholoy f Uzbek
Derived from nihol meaning "sprout, shoot, young growth" and oy meaning "moon".
Nila f Tamil
Means "moon" in Tamil.
Niraimathi f Tamil (Rare)
Means "full moon" in Tamil. From the Tamil நிறைகலை 'the full moon', from நிறை (niṟai) 'become full'.
Nishonoy f Uzbek
Derived from nishon meaning "mark, sign" and oy meaning "moon".
Nisshoku m Japanese
‘“Nis’ meaning ‘Sun or Moon’, and ‘shoku’ meaning “food” or “eclipse”... [more]
Niði m Old Norse, Norse Mythology
From Old Norse name meaning "dark one" from Old Norse nið meaning "new moon". This is also the name of a dwarf in Norse Mythology.
Niyoka f African American (Modern, Rare)
Possibly derived from Mende niyaka "moon".
Niyozmoh f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek niyoz meaning "alms, supplication" and moh meaning "moon".
Niyozoy f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek niyoz meaning "alms, supplication" and oy meaning "moon".
Noctiluca f Roman Mythology, Literature
From Latin noctilūca meaning "something that shines by night" - thus also "moon" and "lantern" - from nox "night" and luceo "to shine". It may be an epithet of the Roman goddess Juno... [more]
Noroy f Uzbek
Derived from nor which can mean "camel", "birthmark", "pomegranate" or "fire" and oy meaning "moon".
Noumenios m Ancient Greek, Biblical Greek
Derived from Greek νουμήνιος (noumenios) meaning "new moon" (also the first day of the month of the Ancient Greek calendar).
Novvotoy f Uzbek
Derived from novvot meaning "rock sugar" and oy meaning "moon".
No'xatoy f Uzbek
Derived from no'xat meaning "chickpea" and oy meaning "moon".
Nozikoy f Uzbek
Derived from nozik meaning "fine, delicate" and oy meaning "moon".
Nuanyue f Chinese
From the Chinese 暖 (nuǎn) meaning "warm, genial" and 月 (yuè) meaning "moon".
Nuit f English (British), Egyptian Mythology
Nuit is the Ancient Egyptian goddess of the heavens, with her name meaning "sky." Originally she was only the goddess of the night sky, but gradually she came to represent the sky in general. Nuit also protects people in the afterlife... [more]
Nuqraoy f Uzbek
Derived from nuqra meaning "silver" and oy meaning "moon".
Nurlioy f Uzbek
Derived from nurli meaning "radiant, shining" and oy meaning "moon".
Nuroy f Uzbek
Derived from nur meaning "divine light" and oy meaning "moon".
Nyanko f Popular Culture
Name of an antagonist in Sailor Moon. Composed of "nyan", an otomonopoeia and Japanese equivalent to "meow", and "ko", meaning "child".
Nyinakwezi f Kiga
Means "mother of the moon" in Rukiga.
Ochiloy f Uzbek
Derived from ochil- meaning "to relax, cheer up", "flower, blossom", "light up" or "to get bright, lighten" and oy meaning "moon".
Odsar f & m Mongolian
Means "star and moon" in Mongolian, from од (od) meaning "star" and сар (sar) meaning "moon".
Odzuki f Japanese
小 means “little” in Japanese while 月 means “moon”, so this name literally means “Little Moon”
Olea f Mormon
In the Book of Abraham, it is said that this is the name of the moon in the pure language.
O'lmasoy f Uzbek
Derived from o'lmas meaning "eternal, undying, never losing its value" and oy meaning "moon".
Oltinoy f Uzbek
Derived from oltin meaning "gold" and oy meaning "moon".
Omonoy f Uzbek
Derived from omon meaning "safe, healthy" and oy meaning "moon".
Onechanh f & m Lao
From Lao ອ່ອນ (one) meaning "soft, gentle, mild" and ຈັນ (chanh) meaning "moon".
Ooljee f Navajo
Moon "ooljééʼ"
Oqiloy f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek oqil meaning "intelligent, wise" and oy meaning "moon".
Orana f Indigenous Australian
Meaning "the moon" in Australian Aboriginal.
Oray f Turkish
A red moon like fire... [more]
O'rmonoy f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek o'rmon meaning "forest" and oy meaning "moon".
Oybadan f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and badan meaning "skin, complexion".
Oybahor f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and bahor meaning "spring".
Oybali f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and bali, an interjection meaning "Bravo! Very good!".
Oybanot f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and banot meaning "velvet".
Oybarno f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and barno meaning "youthful, beautiful".
Oybaxti f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and baxt meaning "happiness" or "luck, good fortune".
Oybibi f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and bibi meaning "learned woman".
Oybonu f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and bonu meaning "lady (title)".
Oybo'ri f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek oy meaning "moon" and bo'ri meaning "wolf".
Oybo'ston f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and bo'ston meaning "garden".
Oychaman f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and chaman meaning "field of flowers, flower garden".
Oychechak f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek oy meaning "moon" and chechak meaning "flower".
Oychehra f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and chehra meaning "face".
Oychevar f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek oy meaning "moon" and chevar meaning "master seamstress".
Oychilla f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and chilla refering to specific days in the year or a person's life - the forty hottest or coldest days of the year, the forty days following a child's birth, the forty days following a person's marriage, or a religious rite involving forty days of seclusion and prayer.
Oychin f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and chin meaning "true, real".
Oychiroq f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and chiroq meaning "lamp, light", also an endearing term for children.
Oycho'lpon f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek oy meaning "moon" and cho'lpon meaning "Venus (planet)".
Oydavlat f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek oy meaning "moon" and davlat meaning "wealth" or "fortune, happiness".
Oydono f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek oy meaning "moon" and dono meaning "wise".
Oygilos f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and gilos meaning "sweet cherry".
Oygo'zal f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and go'zal meaning "beautiful".
Oygulbonu f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon", gul meaning "rose, flower", and bonu meaning "lady (title)".
Oyhalima f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and halim meaning "gentle, tender".
Oyjahon f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and jahon meaning "the world".
Oyjamol f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and jamol meaning "beauty".
Oyjon f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and jon meaning "spirit, soul".
Oyjo'ra f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and jo'ra meaning "peers at a social gathering".
Oyjuma f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and juma meaning "Friday".
Oykaram f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and karam meaning "grace".
Oykulcha f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and kulcha meaning "a small loaf of bread".
Oykumush f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and kumush meaning "silver".
Oykun f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek oy meaning "moon" and kun meaning "day".
Oylola f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and lola meaning "tulip", but also potentially "red" or "nectarine".
Oylo'nda f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and lo'nda meaning "piece, bit".
Oymahal f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and mahal meaning "moment, occasion".
Oymakham f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and makham meaning "tough, strong, resolute".
Oymalak f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and malak meaning "angel".
Oymaral f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and maral meaning "Caspian deer".
Oymos f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and mos meaning "fitting, suitable".
Oynishon f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and nishon meaning "sign, mark".
Oyniyoz f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek oy meaning "moon" and niyoz meaning "alms, supplication".
Oynovvot f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and novvot meaning "rock sugar".
Oynoz f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek oy meaning "moon" and noz meaning "flirtatiousness", "whim", "tenderness" or "fondness".
Oynuqra f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and nuqra meaning "silver".
Oynur f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and nur meaning "divine light".
Oyparcha f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and parcha meaning "piece, fragment" or refering to a type of brocade.
Oyparda f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and parda meaning "screen, curtain".
Oypari f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and pari meaning "fairy".
Oypaxta f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and paxta meaning "cotton, cotton plant".
Oyposhsha f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and poshsha an endearing term for a girl or woman
Oyqamar f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and qamar meaning "moon".
Oyqand f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and qand meaning "sugarcube".
Oyqora f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and qora meaning "black".
Oyqosh f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and qosh meaning "eyebrow(s)".
Oyqo'zi f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and qo'zi meaning "lamb".
Oyrohat f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and rohat meaning "pleasure, comfort".
Oyruxsor f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and ruxsor meaning "face".
Oysabo f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and sabo meaning "morning breeze".
Oysaboh f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and saboh meaning "dawn" or "hope".
Oysada f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and sada, a type of elm tree.
Oysadaf f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek oy meaning "moon" and sadaf meaning "mother-of-pearl".
Oysafar f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and safar, the second month of the Islamic lunar calendar.
Oysanam f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and sanam meaning "beauty, beautiful woman", also an Uyghur classical music genre.
Oysara f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and sara meaning "best".
Oysari f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and sari meaning "yellow" or "best".
Oyshakar f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and shakar meaning "sugar, candy, sweets".
Oysharaf f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and sharaf meaning "honour, glory".
Oyshirin f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and shirin meaning "sweet, pleasant".
Oyshuhrat f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and shuhrat meaning "fame".
Oyshu'la f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and shu'la meaning "luster, shining" or "flame, glow".
Oysihat f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and sihat meaning "health".
Oysiymo f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and siymo meaning "appearance".
Oysoat f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and soat meaning "clock, time".
Oysuluv f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and sulu(v) meaning "beautiful".
Oysurat f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and surat meaning "drawing, painting".
Oytan f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and tan meaning "body, person".
Oytemir f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and temir meaning "metal, iron".
Oytoj f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and toj meaning "crown".
Oyto'l f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and to'l meaning "born late".
Oyto'la f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and to'la meaning "full, complete".
Oyto'lin f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and to'lin meaning "full moon".
Oyto'liq f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and to'liq meaning "full, complete".
Oyto'lqin f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and to'lqin meaning "wave".
Oyto'qa f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and to'qa meaning "clasp or belt buckle set with jewels".
Oyto'ti f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and to'ti meaning "parrot" or "pretty woman".
Oytovus f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and tovus meaning "peacock".
Oytoza f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and toza meaning "clean, pure".
Oytug' f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and tug' meaning "banner, flag".
Oytuman f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and tuman meaning "mist, fog, haze".
Oytuqqan f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and tuqqan meaning "kin".
Oytuvg'on f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and tuvg'on meaning "kin, close relative".
Oyulug' f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and ulug' meaning "great".
Oyxol f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and xol meaning "mole, dot, beauty mark".
Oyxonim f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and xonim meaning "lady".
Oyxumor f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and xumor meaning "strong desire, longing".
Oyyaxshi f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and yaxshi meaning "good, fine".
Oyyorqin f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and yorqin meaning "bright, vivid", "clear" or "happy, lucky".
Oyyorug' f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and yorug' meaning "light, illumination", "full of light" or "shining".
Oyyulduz f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and yulduz meaning "star".
Oyzebo f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and zebo meaning "beautiful, lovely".
Oyzilol f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and zilol meaning "crystal clear".
Oyzirak f Uzbek
Derived from oy meaning "moon" and zirak meaning "earring".
Özənay f Azerbaijani
Etymology uncertain, possibly from the Turkish ozan meaning "poet" and ay meaning "moon".
Özay f Turkish
Derived from öz meaning "self" and ay meaning "moon".
Özgünay f Azerbaijani
From the Turkish özgün meaning "original, unique" and ay meaning "moon".
Pandia f Greek Mythology (Latinized)
In some cases this is a latinized form of Greek Πανδείη (Pandeie) or Πανδεία (Pandeia) - though the spelling Πανδία (Pandia) has also been used - which may be related to the word πανδῖος (pandios) meaning "all-divine"... [more]
Panyue f Chinese
From the Chinese 盼 (pàn) meaning "look, gaze, expect, hope for" and 月 (yuè) meaning "moon".
Parchaoy f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek parcha meaning "piece, fragment" or a type of brocade and oy meaning "moon".
Parchinoy f Uzbek
Derived from parchin, either meaning "horseshoe" or refering to a type of colourful ceramic tile, and oy meaning "moon".
Pardaoy f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek parda meaning "screen, curtain" and oy meaning "moon".
Parvani f Indian
From a Sanskrit word meaning "full moon".
Pasha'ay f Uyghur
Derived from the name Pasha and -ئاي‎ (-'ay) meaning "moon".
Pengyue f Chinese
From the Chinese 捧 (pěng) meaning "hold in both hands" and 月 (yuè) meaning "moon".
Penpak f Thai
Means "full moon" in Thai.
Phaxsi f Aymara
Means "moon" in Aymara.
Phaxsi Jalsu f Aymara
From the Aymara phaxsi meaning "moon" and jalsu meaning "east; sunrise" or "spring".
Phaxsi Jiwaki f Aymara
From the Aymara phaxsi meaning "moon" and jiwaki meaning "nice, pretty".
Phaxsi Nayra f Aymara
From the Aymara phaxsi meaning "moon" and nayra meaning "eyes".
Phen f Thai
Means "full moon" in Thai, of Khmer origin.
Pheng m & f Lao
Means "song" or "full (moon)" in Lao.
Phennapha f Thai
From Thai เพ็ญ (phen) meaning "full moon" and นภา (napha) meaning "sky".
Phensi f Thai
From Thai เพ็ญ (phen) meaning "full moon" and ศรี (si) meaning "honour, glory, splendour".
Phensiri f Thai
From Thai เพ็ญ (phen) meaning "full moon" and ศิริ (siri) meaning "glory, splendour".
Phouchanh f Lao (Rare)
From Lao ພູ (phou) meaning "mountain" and ຈັນ (chanh) meaning "moon".
Pirimtvarisa f Literature, Georgian (Rare)
Means "face of the moon" in Georgian. It is derived from the Georgian noun პირი (piri) meaning "face" as well as "mouth" (see Okropir) combined with Georgian მთვარის (mtvaris), which is the genitive of the noun მთვარე (mtvare) meaning "moon".... [more]
Pokkii f Japanese
From Japanese 歩 (po) meaning "walk" combined with 月 (kki) meaning "moon". Other kanji combinations are possible.... [more]
Poltak m Batak
Means "rise, appearance (of the moon)" in Batak.
Poshshaoy f Uzbek
Derived from poshsha, an endearing term for a girl or woman, and oy meaning "moon".
Proselenos f Literature
From Greek proselênos meaning "older than the moon" or "before the moon", which was "an epithet used of the people of Arcadia, who prided themselves on their antiquity" (Sheard, 2011). This was the name of an elderly witch in Petronius' 1st-century novel 'The Satyricon'.
Punam f Indian, Hindi
Means "night or day of the full moon" in Hindi, ultimately from Sanskrit पूर्णिमा (purnima).
Purnamasari f Indonesian
From Indonesian purnama meaning "full moon" combined with sari meaning "essence".
Qaammatip-inua m Greenlandic, Inuit Mythology
Means "man in the moon". This is the name of a character in Greenlandic mythology.
Qamara f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek qamar meaning "moon".
Qamar al-Din m Arabic
From قمر (qamar) meaning "moon" and الدين (aldin) meaning "(of) the religion".
Qamariyya f Arabic
From masculine قَمَرِيّ (qamariyy) or feminine قَمَرِيَّة (qamariyya), both meaning "lunar, related to the moon" in Arabic. It may therefore be seen as a strictly feminine variant of Qamar.
Qamarjamol f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek qamar meaning "moon" and jamol meaning "beauty".
Qamar ud-Din m Arabic
Means "moon of the religion", derived from Arabic قمر (qamar) meaning "moon" and دين (din) meaning "religion".
Qamarunnisa f Arabic
Means "moon of women" in Arabic, from قمر (qamar) meaning "moon" and نساء (nisa) meaning "women"
Qammar m Afghan
Qamra f Arabic (Rare), Malay (Rare)
Possibly from Arabic قَمَر (qamar) meaning "moon" (see Qamar).
Qemer f Uyghur
Means "moon" in Uyghur.
Qianyue m & f Chinese
From Chinese 千 (qiān) meaning "thousand", 茜 (qiān) meaning "rubia plant, madder plant", or 骞 (qiān) meaning "soar, fly, rise" combined with 月 (yuè) meaning "moon", 跃 (yuè) meaning "jump, leap", 越 (yuè) referring to the Yue people who inhabited southern China and northern Vietnam or 岳 (yuè) meaning "tall mountain"... [more]
Qiaoyue f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 巧 (qiǎo) meaning "artful, skillful, clever" or 俏 (qiào) meaning "like, similar, resemble" and 月 (yuè) meaning "moon" or 越 (yuè) meaning "exceed, go beyond".
Qimmatoy f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek qimmat meaning "dear, precious, priceless" and oy meaning "moon".
Qirmizoy f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek qirmiz(i) meaning "red, scarlet" and oy meaning "moon".
Qiziloy f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek qizil meaning "red" and oy meaning "moon".
Qizoy f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek qiz meaning "girl" and oy meaning "moon".
Qo'ng'iroy f Uzbek
Derived from qo'ng'ir which can mean "brown", "reddish brown", "dark grey" or "great crested grebe" and oy meaning "moon".
Qo'zioy f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek qo'zi meaning "lamb" and oy meaning "moon".
Qudratoy f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek qudrat meaning "strength, power" and oy meaning "moon".
Quilla f Inca Mythology (Hispanicized)
Hispanicized form of Killa. In Inca mythology Mama Quilla or Mama Killa was the goddess of the moon, worshipped in particular by women and often represented by a disc made of either gold or silver... [more]
Quillasisa f Quechua
Means "moon flower" in Quechua.
Quillasumaq f Quechua
Means "beautiful moon" in Quechua.
Qunduzoy f Uzbek
Derived from qunduz meaning "otter" and oy meaning "moon".
Qurbonoy f Uzbek
Derived from qurbon meaning "religious offering, oblation" and oy meaning "moon".
Qutluay f Azerbaijani
Possibly from the Ottoman Turkish قوتلو (kutlu, qutlu) meaning "fortunate, lucky" and ay meaning "moon".
Quyoshoy f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek quyosh meaning "sun, sunlight" and oy meaning "moon".
Raguna m Popular Culture
Meaning uncertain. This is the name of the male protagonist in Rune Factory: A Fantasy Harvest Moon for the Nintendo DS.
Rahrakwasere m Mohawk
Means "he follows the moon" in Mohawk. Mohawk names are created uniquely for each individual and are not to be repeated while the bearer is living. There is currently a living bearer of this name.
Rajin m Indian, Sanskrit, Hinduism, Hindi, Tamil, Nepali, Sinhalese, Punjabi, Bengali
Name : Rajin राजिन्... [more]
Raka f Tamil, Telugu, Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Odia
Meaning "Full Moon".
Ráðný f Old Norse, Norse Mythology, Icelandic
Derived from the Germanic name elements ráð "advise, counsel, decision" and "new moon, waxing moon". This is the name of a character in the Old Norse poem Sólarljóð ("song of the sun").
Ratnacandra m & f Indonesian
Combination of Ratna and Candra, derived from रत्नचन्द्र (rathnachandra), "jewel of the moon" or "shining treasure" in Sanskrit.
Ravichandra m Indian
Combination of Ravi meaning "sun" and Chandra meaning "moon".
Ravshanoy f Uzbek
Uzbek feminine name derived from ravshan meaning "bright, clear" and oy meaning "moon".
Raye f & m English (Rare), Popular Culture
Variant of either Ray or Rae.... [more]
Reito m Japanese
From Japanese 伶 (rei) meaning "actor", 嶺 (rei) meaning "peak, summit", 怜 (rei) meaning "wise", 澪 (rei) meaning "water route, shipping channel", 玲 (rei) meaning "sound of jewels", 礼 (rei) meaning "salute, bow, ceremony, thanks, remuneration", 禮 (rei) meaning "social custom, manners, courtesy, rites", 羚 (rei) meaning "antelope", 鈴 (rei) meaning "bell", 零 (rei) meaning "zero", 麗 (rei) meaning "lovely, beautiful, graceful, resplendent" or 黎 (rei) meaning "dark, black, many" combined with 人 (to) meaning "person", 斗 (to), which refers to a Chinese constellation, 月 (to) meaning "moon", 登 (to) meaning "ascend, climb up", 都 (to) meaning "metropolis, capital, all, everything", 音 (to) meaning "sound", 仁 (to) meaning "humanity, virtue, benevolence, charity, man, kernel", 翔 (to) meaning "soar, fly", 飛 (to) meaning "fly", 渡 (to) meaning "transit, ford, ferry, cross, import, deliver, diameter, migrate", 土 (to) meaning "soil, earth, ground", 燈 (to) meaning "lamp, light" or 士 (to) meaning "gentleman, scholar, samurai"... [more]
Rinka f Japanese
From Japanese 李 (rin) meaning "plum", 梨 (rin) meaning "pear", 厘 (rin) meaning "rin, 1/10 sen, 1/10 bu", 林 (rin) meaning "grove, forest", 麟 (rin) meaning "Chinese unicorn, genius, giraffe, bright, shining", 鈴 (rin) meaning "bell", 凛 (rin) meaning "dignified, severe, cold", 稟 (rin) meaning "salary in rice" or 凜 (rin) meaning "cold, strict, severe" combined with 果 (ka) meaning "fruit, reward, carry out, achieve, complete, end, finish, succeed", 花 (ka) or 華 (ka) both meaning "flower", 楓 (ka) meaning "maple", 火 (ka) meaning "fire", 佳 (ka) meaning "excellent, beautiful, good, pleasing, skilled", 馨 (ka) meaning "fragrant, balmy, favourable", 夏 (ka) meaning "summer", 架 (ka) meaning "erect, frame, mount, support, shelf, construct", 歌 (ka) meaning "song, sing", 魁 (ka) meaning "charging ahead of others", 香 (ka) meaning "fragrance", 風 (ka) meaning "wind, air, style, manner", 蘭 (ka) meaning "orchid", 伽 (ka) meaning "nursing, attending, entertainer", 嘉 (ka) meaning "applaud, praise, esteem, happy, auspicious", 霞 (ka) meaning "be hazy, grow dim, blurred", 月 (ka) meaning "moon" or 奏 (ka) meaning "play music, speak to a ruler, complete"... [more]
Rinon f & m Japanese
From Japanese 光 (ri) meaning "light", 凛 (rin, ri) meaning "dignified, severe, cold", 凜 (rin) meaning "cold, strict, severe", 利 (ri) meaning "profit, advantage, benefit", 吏 (ri) meaning "officer, an official", 咲 (ri) meaning "blossom", 哩 (ri) meaning "mile", 奏 (ri) meaning "play music, speak to a ruler, complete", 月 (ri) meaning "moon", 望 (rin) meaning "ambition, full moon, hope, desire, aspire to, expect", 李 (ri) meaning "plum", 栞 (ri) meaning "bookmark, guidebook", 梨 (ri) meaning "pear", 浬 (ri) meaning "knot, nautical mile", 涼 (ri) meaning "cool, refreshing", 理 (ri) meaning "reason, logic", 琳 (rin) meaning "jewel, tinkling of jewelry", 瑠 (ri) meaning "lapis lazuli", 璃 (ri) meaning "glassy, lapis lazuli", 羽 (ri) meaning "feathers", 莉 (ri) meaning "jasmine", 裡 (ri) meaning "reverse, inside, palm, sole, rear, lining, wrong side", 里 (ri) meaning "village" or 鈴 (rin) meaning "bell" combined with 音 (non, on) meaning "sound", 暖 (non) meaning "warmth", 響 (on) meaning "echo, sound", 季 (non) meaning "seasons", 姫 (on) meaning "princess", 乃 (non), a possessive particle, 夢 (non) meaning "dream", 望 (on) meaning "ambition, full moon, hope, desire, aspire to, expect" or 希 (non) meaning "hope, rare"... [more]
Ritsuki m & f Japanese
From Japanese 里 (ri) meaning "village" combined with 月 (tsuki) meaning "moon". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Rohatoy f Uzbek
Derived from rohat meaning "pleasure" or "comfort, ease" and oy meaning "moon".
Rongyue f Chinese
From the Chinese 荣 (róng) meaning "glory, honour, prosper" and 月 (yuè) meaning "moon", 悦 (yuè) meaning "pleased, contented" or 玥 (yuè) meaning "mythological pearl, gem".
Ro'zaoy f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek ro'za meaning "Ramadhan" and oy meaning "moon".
Rua f & m Japanese
From Japanese 月 (ru) meaning "moon" combined with 愛 (a) meaning "love, affection". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Ruda m Near Eastern Mythology
The meaning "well disposed", Ruda is a moon god worshipped in North Arabian tribes of pre-islamic Arabia.
Rumondang f Batak
Means "moon, moonbeam" in Batak.
Runa f Japanese
Japanese name meaning "moon", influenced by the Japanese pronunciation of the Latin word luna or from Japanese 月 (ru) meaning "moon" combined with 愛 (na) meaning "love, affection", 菜 (na) meaning "vegetables, greens", 南 (na) meaning "south", 那 (na) meaning "what", 奈 (na) meaning "apple tree" or 姫 (na) meaning "princess"... [more]
Runako f Japanese
From Japanese 月 (runa) meaning "moon" combined with 子 (ko) meaning "child". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Runami f Japanese
From Japanese 月 (runa) meaning "moon" or 留 (ru) meaning "to stay" combined with 美 (mi) meaning "beautiful" or 南 (nami) meaning "south". This name can also be formed of other kanji combinations.
Runoa f Japanese
From Japanese 月 (runo) meaning "moon" combined with 碧 (a) meaning "green, blue, jade". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Ruo f Chinese
光 "light", 音 "sound", 月 "moon", and several other variations.
Rurina f Japanese
From Japanese 月 (ru) meaning "moon", 姫 (ri) meaning "princess" combined with 夜 (na) meaning "night". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Ruru f Japanese
From Japanese 月 (ru) meaning "moon", 流 (ru) meaning "current, a sink, flow, forfeit", 涙 (ru) meaning "tears, sympathy", 琉 (ru) meaning "precious stone, gem, lapis lazuli", 瑠 (ru) meaning "lapis lazuli", 留 (ru) meaning "detain, fasten, halt, stop", 羅 (ru) meaning "gauze, thin silk", 羽 (ru) meaning "feathers", 蕗 (ru) meaning "butterbur, bog rhubarb", 陽 (ru) meaning "light, sun, male" or 麗 (ru) meaning "lovely, beautiful, graceful, resplendent" combined with 々, a phonetic character indicting a duplication of the beginning kanji, 夢 (ru) meaning "dream", 流 (ru) meaning "current, a sink, flow, forfeit", 琉 (ru) meaning "precious stone, gem, lapis lazuli", 瑠 (ru) meaning "lapis lazuli", 留 (ru) meaning "detain, fasten, halt, stop", 陽 (ru) meaning "light, sun, male", 優 (ru) meaning "tenderness, excel, surpass, actor, superiority, gentleness", 月 (ru) meaning "moon", 空 (ru) meaning "sky", 羽 (ru) meaning "feathers", 雨 (ru) meaning "rain", 彩 (ru) meaning "colour", 輝 (ru) meaning "radiance, shine, sparkle, gleam, twinkle", 愛 (ru) meaning "love, affection" or 要 (ru) meaning "need, main point, essence, pivot, key to"... [more]
Ruxsatoy f Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek ruxsat meaning "permission" or "please" and oy meaning "moon".
Ryutsuki f & m Japanese
Ryu means "dragon", and tsuki means "moon".
Sachishi f & m Japanese
From Japanese 倖 (sachi) meaning "happiness, luck" combined with 月 (shi) meaning "moon"
Saengchan f & m Thai
Means "moonlight" from Thai แสง (saeng) meaning "light, ray, beam" and จันทร์ (chan) meaning "moon".
Saengchanpheng f Lao
Means "light of the full moon" in Lao.
Saengduean f Thai
Means "moonlight" from Thai แสง (saeng) meaning "light, ray, beam" and เดือน (duean) meaning "moon, month".
Safaroy f Uzbek
Derived from safar, the name of the second month of the Islamic lunar calendar, and oy meaning "moon".
Sahar m & f Hebrew (Modern)
"Sahar" means crescent moon in literary Hebrew.... [more]
Sahira f Muslim (Rare)
Feminine form of Sahir, meaning "wakeful". Also used to mean "moon, moonlight" or "plain (as in a land without mountains or trees)".
Samaiya f Arabic
Meaning of Samaiya: Name Samaiya in the Arabic origin, means A woman who forgives. Name Samaiya is of Arabic origin and is a Girl name.... [more]
Sami f Sanskrit
Lord Vishnu name; SkandajitLord Vishnu Wife of Lord Vishnu SomatraLord Vishnu Excelling the Moon SragviLord Vishnu Tulasi Sacred
Samuray m Azerbaijani
Means "sable moon" in Azerbaijani.
San f & m Burmese
Derived from Burmese စန္ဒာ (sanda) meaning "moon".
Sanamoy f Uzbek
Derived from sanam meaning "beauty, beautiful woman", which is also the name of a classical Uyghur music genre, and oy meaning "moon".
Sənay f Azerbaijani
From the Azerbaijani sən meaning "you" and ay meaning "moon".
Sansuma m Bodo
Meaning "Moon".
Saran f Mongolian, Buryat
Derived from Mongolian саран (saran) meaning "moon".
Saranbaatar m Mongolian
Derived from the Mongolian сар (sar) meaning "moon" and баатар (baatar) meaning "hero".
Saranchimeg f Mongolian
Derived from the Mongolian сар (sar) meaning "moon" and чимэг (chimeg) meaning "decoration, ornament".
Sarangarakh f & m Mongolian (Rare)
Means "moonrise" in Mongolian, from саран (saran) meaning "moon" and гарах (garakh) meaning "to appear, occur".
Sarankhökhöö m & f Mongolian
Derived from the Mongolian сар (sar) meaning "moon" and хөхөө (khökhöö) meaning "cuckoo".
Saranmandakh f & m Mongolian
Derived from Mongolian саран (saran) meaning "moon" and мандах (mandakh) meaning "ascent, rising".
Sarantsatsral f Mongolian
Means "moonbeam" in Mongolian, from саран (saran) meaning "moon" and цацрал (tsatsral) meaning "radiation, light beam".
Sarantsetseg f Mongolian
Means "moon flower" in Mongolian, from саран (saran) meaning "moon" and цэцэг (tsetseg) meaning "flower".
Sarantungalag m & f Mongolian
Derived from the Mongolian сар (sar) meaning "moon" and тунгалаг (tungalag) meaning "serenity, clarity" or "serene, clear, unclouded, transparent".
Sarantuyaa f Mongolian
Means "moonbeam" in Mongolian, from саран (saran) meaning "moon" and туяа (tuya) meaning "ray, beam (of light)".