PelémPortuguese (Brazilian) Famous bearer of this name is Pelé (Born as Edson Arantes do Nascimento) and is widely regarded as the greatest player of all time. ... [more]
PenhafPortuguese (Brazilian) Derived from Portuguese penha "cliff, rock", usually used in reference to the title of the Virgin Mary Nossa Senhora da Penha.
PercíliafPortuguese (Brazilian) Portuguese form of Percilia, the name of a genus of perch-like fish native to Chile. It is a diminutive of Latin perca, from Ancient Greek πέρκη (perke) "perch", cognate with περκνός (perknos) "dark-spotted".
PerimPortuguese (Brazilian), Tupi (?) Possibly derived from Tupi piripiri, which refers to a type of reed. This is the name of the hero of José de Alencar's novel The Guarani (1857), a fictional member of the Goitacá people of Brazil... [more]
PolianafPortuguese (Brazilian) Brazilian Portuguese adoption of Pollyanna. The name features prominently in the telenovela As Aventuras de Poliana (2018 - 2020), which is based on Eleanor H. Porter's classic children's novel Pollyanna (1913).
PrazeresfPortuguese (Brazilian, Rare) Derived from Portuguese prazeres, the plural form of prazer "pleasure", this name is used in reference to the title of the Virgin Mary Nossa Senhora dos Prazeres ("Our Lady of Pleasures")... [more]
PretafPortuguese (Brazilian, Rare) Means "black" in portuguese. This name is borne by the Brazilian actress and singer Preta Maria Gadelha Gil Moreira, mostly known as Preta Gil.
RaímPortuguese (Brazilian) A famous bearer is Raí Souza Vieira de Oliveira, commonly known as just Raí, is a Brazilian retired footballer who played as an attacking midfielder.
RiquellefDutch (Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare), English (Rare) Variant form of Richelle. Alternatively, in some cases, usage of this name can be inspired by the French surname Riquelle (also Riquel), which was derived from the male personal name Rickel, a short form of Germanic names containing the element ric "power, rule".
RivaldinhomPortuguese (Brazilian) Diminutive of Rivaldo. A famous bearer is the Brazilian soccer player Rivaldo Vítor Mosca Ferreira Júnior (1995-), who is usually called simply Rivaldinho; he is the son of the soccer star Rivaldo Vítor Borba Ferreira (who is commonly known only by his first name).
RobsonmEnglish, Portuguese (Brazilian) Transferred use of the surname Robson. Known bearers of this name are English actor Robson Green (b. 1964) and Brazilian football player Robson "Robinho" de Souza (b... [more]
RomêniafPortuguese (Brazilian) Either a variant of România or directly derived from Romênia, the Brazilian Portuguese name for the European country of Romania.
SeltonmPortuguese (Brazilian) Name of brazilian actor Selton Mello (Passos, Minas Gerais, 30/12/1972). Selton played Dom Pedro II, Emperor of Brazil, in the soap novel Nos Tempos do Imperador.