Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
Gender Masculine

Meaning & History

Possibly derived from Tupi piripiri, which refers to a type of reed. This is the name of the hero of José de Alencar's novel The Guarani (1857), a fictional member of the Goitacá people of Brazil. The Brazilian singer Pery Ribeiro (1937-2012) was born Peri Oliveira Martins.
Added 8/22/2016 by LMS
Edited 10/8/2023 by SeaHorse15 and LMS

Gender Feminine & Masculine
Scripts פֵּרִי(Hebrew)
Pronounced Pron. PE-ree  [key]
Other Forms FormsPery

Meaning & History

Diminutive of Perach and variant of Pri. A known bearer was Franz 'Peri' Neufeld (1913-1982), a Hungarian-born Israeli footballer.
Added 9/8/2018 by anonymous
Edited 10/8/2023 by SeaHorse15 and Evil

Gender Feminine
Usage Spanish
Other Forms FormsPera

Meaning & History

Diminutive of Esperanza.
Added 5/10/2022 by anonymous
Edited 10/7/2023 by SeaHorse15 and Felie

See Also

Peri, and user submission Perî