History Submitted Names

These names are used primarily to refer to historical persons. They are not commonly used by other people.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Eulabios m Late Greek, History (Ecclesiastical)
Derived from the Greek noun εὐλάβεια (eulabeia) meaning "discretion, caution" (see Eulabeia). Also compare the Greek adjective εὐλαβής (eulabes) meaning "taking hold well, holding fast, clinging" as well as "discreet, cautious, undertaking prudently".
Eulade m Medieval French, French (African), History (Ecclesiastical)
French form of Euladius. Eulade of Nevers was a Pre-congregational saint and first bishop of the Diocese of Nevers in France.
Euladius m History (Ecclesiastical), Ancient Greek (Latinized)
From Helladius and Hellade, Also inspired many female names.
Eulampia f Late Greek, History (Ecclesiastical)
Feminine form of Eulampios. This name was borne by the 4th-century martyr and saint Eulampia, who was put to death together with her brother Eulampius.
Eulampius m Late Greek (Latinized), History (Ecclesiastical)
Latinized form of Eulampios. This name was borne by 4th-century martyr and saint Eulampius, who was put to death together with his sister Eulampia.
Eumenes m Ancient Greek, History (Ecclesiastical)
Derived from the Greek adjective εὐμενής (eumenes) meaning "well-disposed, gracious, kindly", itself derived from Greek εὖ (eu) "good, well" combined with Greek μένος (menos) "power, strength, spirit"... [more]
Eunan m Irish, History (Ecclesiastical)
Anglicized form of Adomnán, an Old Irish diminutive of Ádhamh, used to refer to Saint Eunan or Adomnán of Iona (died 704).
Eunomus m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Greek Mythology (Latinized), History
Latinized form of Eunomos. Notable bearers of this name include a Spartan king (8th century BC) and an Athenian admiral who participated in the Corinthian War (4th century BC).
Euny m Medieval Cornish, History (Ecclesiastical)
The name of a 6th-century Cornish saint.
Euphrône m French (Archaic), French (Quebec, Archaic), History (Ecclesiastical)
French form of Euphronios via its latinized form Euphronius.
Euphronius m Ancient Greek (Latinized), History (Ecclesiastical)
Latinized form of Euphronios. A known bearer of this name is saint Euphronius, who was bishop of Tours (in France) from 555 AD to 573 AD.
Euprepios m Late Greek, History (Ecclesiastical)
Means "well-looking, comely, seemly", derived from Greek εὖ (eu) "well, good" and the verb πρέπω (prepo) "to be clearly seen, to be conspicuously fitting"... [more]
Eupsychios m Ancient Greek, History (Ecclesiastical)
Derived from either the Greek noun εὐψυχία (eupsychia) meaning "good courage, high spirit" (see Eupsychia) or the Greek adjective εὔψυχος (eupsychos) meaning "of good courage, stout of heart" (see Eupsychos).... [more]
Eupsychius m Ancient Greek (Latinized), History (Ecclesiastical)
Latinized form of Eupsychios. This name was notably borne by Eupsychius of Caesaria, a 4th-century Christian martyr and saint from Asia Minor. He is venerated in both the Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church.
Eurycrates m Ancient Greek (Latinized), History
Latinized form of Eurykrates. This name was borne by a Spartan king from the 7th century BC.
Eurysthenes m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology, History
Derived from the Greek adjective εὐρύς (eurys) meaning "wide, broad" combined with the Greek noun σθένος (sthenos) meaning "vigour, strength". This name was borne by a Spartan king from the 10th century BC.... [more]
Eustathe m History (Gallicized)
French form of Eustathios via Eustathius.
Eustochia f Polish (Rare, ?), History (Ecclesiastical)
From a Greek word meaning "well-aimed", derived from εὖ (eu) "good" and στόχος (stochos) "an aim, shot". This was borne by Saint Eustochia Calafato, a 15th-century nun from Sicily.
Eustolia f Late Greek, Spanish (Mexican), History (Ecclesiastical)
Feminine form of Eustolios. This name was borne by a saint from the 7th century AD.
Eustorge m History (Ecclesiastical)
French form of Eustorgios via Eustorgius.
Eustrate m History (Gallicized), History (Ecclesiastical)
French form of Eustratios via its latinized form Eustratius.
Eustratius m Late Greek (Latinized), History (Ecclesiastical)
Latinized form of Eustratios. This name was borne by several saints.
Eutharic m Germanic, History
The meaning and origin of the first element is rather uncertain: we know that it comes from eutha, but we don't exactly know where eutha itself comes from. But there are a few possibilities... [more]
Euthyme m History (Ecclesiastical)
French form of Euthymios via Euthymius.
Evellius m History (Ecclesiastical)
Evellius (died 66 AD) was an early Christian martyr. He was a counselor to Nero, but was eventually martyred at Pisa after he converted to Christianity.
Evlampia f Greek, Russian (Archaic), Ukrainian (Archaic), History (Ecclesiastical)
Modern Greek transliteration of Ευλαμπία (see Eulampia) and Russian and Ukrainian variant transliteration of Евлампия (see Evlampiya) as well as the Romanian form of this name.
Evlavi m Georgian (Archaic), History (Ecclesiastical)
Georgian form of Eulabios via its modern Greek transcription Evlavios.... [more]
Evnon m Georgian (Archaic), History (Ecclesiastical)
Georgian form of Eunon via its modern Greek transcription Evnon. This was the name of a 7th-century Catholicos of Caucasian Iberia.
Expeditus m Late Roman, History
From the Latin past participle of expidere "make fit or ready, prepare", literally "free the feet from fetters". This was the name of an obscure, semi-legendary saint, who is invoked against procrastination.
Famianus m Medieval Latin, History (Ecclesiastical)
Derived from the Latin noun fama meaning "fame" combined with the Latin suffix -ianus.... [more]
Fandila m History (Ecclesiastical), Spanish (European, Rare)
Unknown meaning. This is the name of a Mozarabic martyr born in Guadix (Spain) who died in Córdoba in the 9th century AD.
Fannia f Ancient Roman, History
Feminine form of Fannius. Fannia (fl. around 100 AD) was a woman of ancient Rome, notable as the granddaughter of Arria Major.
Fantinus m History (Ecclesiastical)
This was the name of two saints, namely Fantinus the Elder (294-336) and Fantinus the Younger (c. 927-1000). Both hailed from the deep south of what is now Italy: Fantinus the Elder was born either on the island of Sicily or in the mainland region of Calabria (sources disagree), whilst Fantinus the Younger is certain to have been born somewhere in Calabria.... [more]
Faoiltiarna ? Old Irish, History (Ecclesiastical)
Derived from Irish Gaelic faol "wolf" (compare Faolán) and tigerna meaning "lord" or "mistress"... [more]
Farabert m Germanic, History
Derived from Langobardic fara "family, line, kind" or Gothic faran "to travel" combined with Old High German beraht "bright." Farabert was King of the Franks in the 2nd century AD.
Fastrada f Germanic, History
Feminine form of Fastrad. Fastrada (765-794 AD) was the fourth wife of Charlemagne and had borne him two children.
Fatimeja f History
Albanian form of Fatimah used in reference to Fatimah al-Zahra, the daughter of the Islamic prophet Muhammad and Khadijah.
Felicissima f History (Ecclesiastical)
Feminine form of Felicissimus, borne by a 3rd-century saint from Italy.
Felicissimus m Late Roman, History (Ecclesiastical)
Means "happiest, luckiest" in Latin. This name was borne by two obscure saints, from the 3rd and 4th centuries AD, as well as by a public officer known for leading an uprising of mint workers against the Roman emperor Aurelian.
Fenenna f Biblical Latin, History, Medieval Hungarian, Medieval Polish
Form of Peninnah used in the Latin Old Testament.... [more]
Ferdulf m Germanic, History
Variant of Fardulf. Ferdulf was the name of an 8th-century duke of Friuli (Italy).
Fides f Croatian (Rare), Polish (Rare), History (Ecclesiastical), Roman Mythology
From Latin fides, meaning "faith, belief; trust". The name was perhaps originally given in reference to the early French saint Faith of Agen/Conques (martyred 287, 290, or 303), who is known as Sancta Fides in Latin... [more]
Filofteia f Romanian, History (Ecclesiastical)
Romanian form of Philothea. Saint Filofteia of Tarnovo is a child saint from the 13th century. She is considered the Protectress of Romania.
Filoména f Czech, Slovak, Hungarian, History (Ecclesiastical)
Czech, Slovak and Hungarian form of Philomena.
Fingar m History (Ecclesiastical)
The name of an obscure Irish saint. According to legend, Fingar and his sister Piala were children of an Irish king. They were converted by Saint Patrick, driven into exile by their father, and landed first in Brittany, where they were well received, before moving on to Cornwall where they died at the hand of Tewdrick, king of Dumnonia... [more]
Fingola f Manx, History
Manx form of Finnguala. Fingola was the name of the queen of Godred III of Mann.
Firmatus m History, Medieval English (Latinized, ?), Late Roman (?), Old Norman (?)
Derived from Latin firmatus meaning "firmed, strengthened", itself a derivative of firmus "firm, strong, enduring, stable" (making it a cognate of Firminus; also compare Firmus)... [more]
Firmilian m History, History (Ecclesiastical)
Usual English form of Firmilianus, used to refer to both the Late Roman Governor and a 3rd-century bishop
Firmilianus m Late Roman, History (Ecclesiastical)
Variant of Firminus. This was the name of a Late Roman Governor and a 3rd-century bishop.
Flav m History
Albanian form of Flavius.
Flavījs m History
Latvian form of Flavius. Flavius Magnus Aurelius Cassiodorus Senator (c. 485 – c. 585), Flāvijs Magnuss Aurēlijs Kasiodors Senators in Latvian, was a Roman statesman, renowned scholar of antiquity, and writer serving in the administration of Theodoric the Great, king of the Ostrogoths.
Flavitus m History (Ecclesiastical)
Meaning uncertain, possibly related to Latin flāvī ("I have breathed). This was the name of a 6th century hermit saint from Lombardy.
Floribert m French (Rare), French (Belgian, Rare), Flemish (Rare), Dutch (Rare), History (Ecclesiastical)
Derived from Latin florens "prosperous, flourishing" combined with Old High German beraht "bright."
Floscel m History (Ecclesiastical)
French and Norman form of Floscellus.
Floscellus m History (Ecclesiastical)
Derived from Latin floscellus, a diminutive of flosculus (which itself is a diminutive of flos "flower, blossom"), meaning "small flower". Saint Floscellus was a young man who was martyred in the persecutions of Marcus Aurelius... [more]
Fortunius m History (Ecclesiastical)
Derived from Latin fortuna, meaning "luck". This name was borne by a martyr who became an archbishop of the Church of Carthage during the early 7th century.
Fosca f Italian, History (Ecclesiastical)
Feminine form of Fosco. Raised in a pagan family, at age 15 Saint Fosca converted to Christianity and was baptized along with her nursemaid, Saint Maura 1... [more]
Foulques m French (Rare), History (Ecclesiastical)
French form of Fulk. The name was borne by five counts of Anjou (898-1129), the last of whom abdicated to become king of Jerusalem (1131-1143); it was also the name of an 11th-century count of Angoulême.
Francon m History (Ecclesiastical)
French and Norman form of Franco.
Fredegar m Germanic, History
Variant of Fridegar. Fredegar was a 7th-century Burgundian writer who had started "The Chronicle of Fredegar."
Fredegund f Germanic, English, History
English form of Fridegund. Fredegund was the Queen consort of Chilperic I, a 6th-century Frankish king from the Merovingian dynasty.
Frederuna f Frankish (Latinized), History
Latinized form of Friderun. This name was borne by the first wife of king Charles III of France (10th century AD).
Frédérune f Frankish (Gallicized), History
Gallicized form of the name Frederuna.
Friðustan m Anglo-Saxon, History (Ecclesiastical)
Derived from the Old English elements friþ "peace" and stan 1 "stone". This name was borne by the Anglo-Saxon Bishop of Winchester from 909 until his resignation in 931.
Fritigern m Germanic, History
Variant spelling of Fridegern. Fritigern, who died circa 380 AD, was a leader of the Thervingi, a Germanic tribe.
Frontasius m History (Ecclesiastical)
Meaning and origin uncertain. One source states that it is ultimately derived from the Latin noun frons meaning "forehead, brow" as well as "front", which would thus make the name etymologically related to the Latin names Fronto and Frontinus... [more]
Frotho m History
Latinized form of Fróði. This name was borne by six kings of Denmark.
Frumar m Germanic, History
Short form of Frumaher. Frumar was the name of a 5th-century Suebi king of Galicia.
Frutos m Spanish (Rare), History (Ecclesiastical, Hispanicized)
Spanish form of Fructus. It also coincides with the related Spanish word frutos meaning "fruits". Notable bearers of this name include Frutos Baeza (1861-1918), a Spanish poet and writer of the Murcian dialect, and Frutos Feo Pérez (1972-), a retired Spanish sprinter.
Fulcran m History (Ecclesiastical), French (Archaic)
French and English form of Folcram. Saint Fulcran (died 13 February 1006) was a French saint. He was bishop of Lodève.
Fursey m Old Irish, History
Possibly derived from Latin virtus "virtue" via Old Irish firt. Saint Fursey was an early medieval Irish monk and visionary whose "celebrated visions had considerable influence on dream literature of the later Middle Ages", including Dante's 'Divine Comedy'.
Fursy m French (Belgian, Rare), Picard, History (Ecclesiastical)
French and Picard form of Fursey via Latinized Furseus.
Galaction m Late Greek (Latinized), History (Ecclesiastical)
Latinized form of Galaktion as well as the Romanian form of this name. It was borne by a saint from the 3rd century AD, who was also known as Galation.
Galactorius m Late Greek (Latinized), History (Ecclesiastical)
Probably ultimately derived from Greek γάλακτος (galaktos) meaning "milk". This name was borne by Galactorius of Lescar, a French saint from the 6th century AD.
Gandulf m Germanic, History (Ecclesiastical)
From the elements gand "magic, charm, magic wand" and wulf "wolf". Used by a thirteenth century saint.
Gąska m Polish, History
From gęś "goose" with a diminutive suffix. This was the other name of Stańczyk, the famous Polish court jester
Gatien m French, French (Belgian), History (Ecclesiastical)
French form of the Latin name Gatianus, which is of unknown origin. Early on it has been conflated with Gratianus. This was the name of the first bishop of Tours (3rd century).
Geberic m Germanic, History
Variant of Gebaric. Geberic was the name of a 4th-century king of the Goths, a Germanic tribe.
Geertruyt f Medieval Dutch, Dutch (Rare), History (Ecclesiastical)
Medieval Dutch form of Gertrude. It remains in use to this day, but it's extremely rare.... [more]
Geiseric m Germanic, History
Variant spelling of Gaiseric. Geiseric the Lame was king of the Vandals and the Alans in the 5th century AD.
Gelasius m Late Greek (Latinized), History (Ecclesiastical), Irish (Archaic), English (African, Rare, ?)
Latinized form of the Greek name Γελάσιος (Gelasios), which is derived from Greek γέλασις (gelasis) "laughing", from the verb γελασείω (gelaseiô) "to be ready to laugh"... [more]
Gelimer m Germanic, History
Variant of Geilmer. Gelimer was a 6th-century king of the Vandals and Alans.
Geminian m Venetian, Polish (Archaic), History (Ecclesiastical)
Venetian and Polish form of Geminianus. This was the name of a saint from the 4th century AD.
Geminianus m Late Roman, History (Ecclesiastical)
Extended form of Geminius. Saint Geminianus was a fourth-century deacon who became Bishop of Modena.
Genebald m Frankish, History (Ecclesiastical)
Saint Genebald was a 6th-century Frankish bishop of Laon.
Gennade m History (Ecclesiastical)
French form of Gennadios via Latinized Gennadius.
Gerberga f Germanic, History, Medieval German
Variant of Gariburg. Gerberga was the name of the second wife of Charlemagne.
Gerland m History (Ecclesiastical), Dutch (Rare), Flemish (Rare)
Dutch and German form of Gariland. Saint Gerland of Agrigento (Italian: San Gerlando di Agrigento), also known as Gerland of Besançon (d. 25 February 1100) was a bishop of Agrigento in Sicily.
Germerius m History (Ecclesiastical)
Saint Germerius was bishop of Toulouse from 510 to 560 AD. There is some question as to whether he actually existed. He is the patron saint of the abbey of Lézat.
Gerolfo m History (Ecclesiastical)
Spanish and Italian form of Gerulf.
Géronte m History (Ecclesiastical)
French form of Gerontios via Gerontius.
Gerswintha f Germanic, History
The first element of this name is derived from Gothic gairu (gêr in Old High German) "spear", or from garva (garo in Old High German, and gearu in Anglo-Saxon) "ready, prepared." The second element is derived from Gothic svinths (swind in Old High German) "strength." Gerswintha was the name of one of Charlemagne's concubines.
Gerulfo m History (Ecclesiastical)
Italian and Spanish form of Gerulf
Gesalec m Germanic, History
Form of Giselaic. Gesalec was the name of a 6th-century king of the Visigoths.
Getulius m Late Roman, History (Ecclesiastical)
Variant spelling of Gaetulius, a name that has two possible etymological origins. One is that it means "inhabitant of Gaeta", which is an Italian city that ultimately derives its name from Greek kaiétas meaning "cave"... [more]
Geum m History, Korean
Meaning unknown. This was the personal name of Yeongjo (1694-1776), twenty-first king of Joseon.
Ghias-ad-din m Arabic, Medieval Turkic, History
Ghias ad-Din (born circa 1206; date of death unknown but possibly circa 1226) was a prince of the Sultanate of Rum (now part of Turkey) who became king consort of Georgia through his marriage to Queen Rusudan.
Gibuld m Germanic, History
Variant short form of Gebavultus. Gibuld was the name of a 5th-century king of the Alamanni, a Germanic tribe.
Gigantios m Late Greek, History (Ecclesiastical)
Derived from the Greek adjective γιγάντιος (gigantios) meaning "gigantic".... [more]
Giovan m Italian (Rare), Romansh (Archaic), History (Ecclesiastical)
Italian short form of Giovanni and Romansh short form of Giovannes. Giovan Giuseppe della Croce (John Joseph of the Cross in English; 15 August 1654 – 5 March 1739) was an Italian priest and a professed member from the Order of Friars Minor who hailed from the island of Ischia... [more]
Gistemar m Germanic, History
Form of either Gismar or Giselmar. Gistemar was a 7th-century mayor of the palace of Neustria and Burgundy.
Gisulf m Germanic, History
The meaning and origin of the first element is rather uncertain: we know that it comes from gis (the original form was possibly gîs), but we don't exactly know where gis itself comes from... [more]
Gladusa f Old Welsh (Latinized), History (Ecclesiastical, Latinized)
Latinized form of Gwladus. The 6th-century Welsh saint Gwladys ferch Brychan was known as Gladusa or Claudia in Latin.
Glaucias m History
Latinized form of Glaukias.
Glaukias m Ancient Greek, History
Ancient Greek form of the Roman cognomen Glaucia. Glaukias (ruled 335 – c. 302 BC) was a ruler of the Taulantian kingdom which dominated southern Illyrian affairs in the second half of the 4th century BC.
Glauku m History
Albanian form of Glaukias.
Glonokor m Georgian (Archaic), History (Ecclesiastical)
Meaning unknown. This was the name of a 5th-century archbishop of the Georgian city of Mtskheta.
Gobryas m Old Persian (Hellenized), History
Hellenized form of Gaubaruva. This name was borne by several Persian noblemen; one of them was both the father-in-law as well as the brother-in-law of Darius the Great.
Godeberta f Dutch (Rare), History (Ecclesiastical)
Feminine form of Godebert. Saint Godeberta (c. 640—June 11, c. 700) was a Frankish saint. She was born at Boves, near Amiens, to a noble family that was associated with the court of Clovis II... [more]
Godeleine f Walloon (Rare), Flemish (Rare), French (Rare), French (Belgian, Rare), History (Ecclesiastical)
Walloon form of Godelina. The 11th-century Flemish martyr Saint Godeliva (or Godeliève) is known by this name in French.
Godepert m Germanic, History
Variant spelling of Godebert. Godepert was a 7th-century king of the Lombards in Italy.
Godigisel m Germanic, English, German, Italian, Norwegian, History
Variant spelling of Godegisel. Godigisel was a 4th-century king of the Hasdingi Vandals.
Godrico m History (Ecclesiastical)
Italian and Portuguese form of Godric.
Goiswintha f Germanic, History
Derived from Gothic gavi "region, district" or Gothic gauja "inhabitant" combined with Gothic svinths (swind in Old High German) "strength." Goiswintha was the wife of Athanagild, a 6th-century king of the Visigoths.
Golinduch f Middle Persian (Latinized), History (Ecclesiastical)
From Γολινδούχ (Golindouch), a hellenized form of a Persian name, possibly Golān-doḵt meaning "daughter of roses" (compare modern Persian گل (gol) "rose" and دخت (doxt) "daughter")... [more]
Gommarus m Frankish (Latinized), Germanic (Latinized), History (Ecclesiastical), Dutch (Rare), Flemish (Rare)
Variant of Gummarus. This is one of the names by which the 8th-century Frankish saint Gummarus of Lier is known, particularly in Flanders (Belgium) and the Netherlands.
Gong m Korean, History
Meaning unknown. This was the personal name of Sunjo (1790-1834), twenty-third king of Joseon.
Gontrão m History
Portuguese form of Guntram.
Gorgo f Ancient Greek, History
Most likely derived from Greek γοργός (gorgos) meaning "grim, fierce, terrible". However, it's also possible that the name is derived from the Greek verb γοργεύω (gorgeuō) meaning "to move rapidly, to hasten", which itself is related to the Greek noun γοργία (gorgia) meaning "agility, nimbleness, mobility"... [more]
Gorgonia f Late Greek, History (Ecclesiastical), Spanish (Philippines)
Feminine form of Gorgonios. This was the name of a daughter of Saints Gregory the Elder and Nonna, also venerated as a saint.
Gotfrid m Hungarian (Rare), History
Hungarian form of Gottfried. Gotfrid (c. 650–709) was the Duke of Alemannia in the late 7th century and until his death. He was of the house of the Agilolfing, which was the dominant ruling family in the Frankish Duchy of Bavaria.
Goueznou m Medieval Breton, History (Ecclesiastical)
The name of a 7th-century Breton saint of Cornish origin.
Gourmaelon m Medieval Breton, History
According to the Celtic linguist Joseph Loth, this name would mean "the one with the brown eyebrows" or "the prince, the chief". This was the name of the Count of Cornouaille and de facto ruler of Brittany from 907 – c. 914.
Goustan m Breton, History (Ecclesiastical)
The name of a saint from the 10th century. He is considered the patron saint of sailors and fishers.
Grasulf m Germanic, History
Derived from the Germanic element gras (or grasan) "grass, herb, plant" combined with Gothic vulfs "wolf." Grasulf II was a 7th-century duke of Friuli (Italy).
Grata f History (Ecclesiastical), Late Roman
Feminine form of Gratus. A famous bearer of this name was Justa Grata Honoria (5th century), the sister of the Western Roman emperor Valentinian III. It was also borne by Saint Grata of Bergamo, an early 4th-century martyr.
Gratus m Polish (Archaic), Late Roman, History (Ecclesiastical)
Derived from Latin gratus "pleasing, acceptable; dear, beloved; grateful, thankful". This name was borne by several saints.
Gregentios m History (Ecclesiastical), Late Greek (?)
Meaning uncertain. Gregentios was the missionary Bishop of Himyaritia for over 30 years in the 6th century, when the area was under Aksumite control, playing an important role in the restoration of Orthodox Christianity there after the persecution of Dunaan.
Grifo m Frankish, Medieval Italian, History
Derived from the noun grifo, which means "griffin" in both Italian and Old High German. In turn, it is derived from the Latin noun gryphus, which itself is ultimately derived from the Greek noun γρύψ (gryps) --- see Griffin.... [more]
Grimoald m Germanic, History
Variant of Grimwald. Grimoald I was a 7th-century king of the Lombards, a Germanic people.
Gruoch f Medieval Scottish, History
Meaning unknown. This was the name of the wife of King Macbeth of Scotland. She was immortalized as Lady Macbeth in the Shakespeare play Macbeth, though the facts about her are few.
Gualfard m History (Ecclesiastical)
Catalan and French form of Wulfhard via it's Latinized form Gualfardus.
Gualfardo m History (Ecclesiastical)
Italian and Spanish form of Wulfhard via it's Latinized form Gualfardus
Gubazes m Old Persian (Latinized), History
Latinized form of Greek Γουβάζης (Goubázēs) or Γωβάζης (Gōbázēs), which itself is the hellenized form of an ancient Persian compound name. The original Persian form of the name is unclear, as is its meaning... [more]
Guénolé m Breton (Gallicized), History (Ecclesiastical, Gallicized)
Gallicized form of Breton Gwenole, which was derived from Breton uuin, uuen, Middle Welsh guin, gwynn, guen meaning "sacred, pure, blessed; white" and Old Breton uual meaning "valor"... [more]
Guercino m History
Nickname of Giovanni Francesco Barbieri (1591-1666), an Italian Baroque painter and draftsman from Cento in the Emilia region. His nickname comes from a diminutive of Italian guercio meaning "squinter", since he was born cross-eyed.
Guinefort m Folklore, History (Ecclesiastical)
This is the name of a 13th-century dog (specifically a greyhound) from near the city of Lyon in southeastern France, which at the time was part of the Holy Roman Empire. He lost his life after successfully protecting an infant from a snake, after which people began to venerate him as a patron saint of infants... [more]
Gu-ji f Korean, History
Meaning unknown. Yi Gu-ji (d. 1489) was a Joseon-dynasty princess, writer, artist and poet who was executed for having an affair with a slave.
Gummarus m Frankish (Latinized), Germanic (Latinized), History (Ecclesiastical), Dutch (Rare), Flemish (Rare)
Latinization of the Germanic name Gummar, of which the first element is either gumô meaning "man" or gunda meaning "battle, war" (compare Gundemar)... [more]
Gundelina f Spanish (Philippines, Rare), History (Ecclesiastical)
Variant of Gundelinda, the Spanish form of Gundelindis. Gundelina (or Gundlinda) (c. 692 – c. 740) was the third daughter of Duke Adalbert of Alsace and his first wife Gerlinda and niece to the famous blind Saint Odilia, the abbess of Hohenburg... [more]
Gundelindis f Frankish (Latinized), History (Ecclesiastical)
Latinized form of Gundelind. This was borne by a niece of Saint Odilia.
Gundemar m Germanic, History
Means "famous war", derived from Old High German gund "war" combined with Old High German mâri "famous." Gundemar I was a 7th-century king of the Visigoths in Hispania.
Gunderic m Germanic, History
Derived from Old High German gund "war" combined with rîcja "powerful, strong, mighty." The second element is also closely related to Celtic rîg or rix and Gothic reiks, which all mean "king, ruler." Gunderic was a 5th-century king of the Vandals and Alans.
Gundobad m Germanic, Dutch, German, Polish, Swedish (Archaic), History
Variant of Gundebad. Gundobad was a 5th-century Burgundian king.
Gundomad m Germanic, History
The first element of this Germanic name comes from Old High German gund "war." The meaning and origin of the second element is rather uncertain: we know that it comes from mâtha but we don't exactly know where mâtha itself comes from... [more]
Gundomar m Germanic, History
Variant spelling of Gundemar. Gundomar I was a 5th-century king of Burgundy.
Gunifort m History (Ecclesiastical)
The earliest known bearer of this name is saint Gunifort of Pavia (northern Italy), who is said to have lived in the early 4th century, during the reign of the Roman emperors Diocletian and Maximian... [more]
Gunthamund m Germanic, History
Variant spelling of Gundamund. Gunthamund was a 5th-century king of the Vandals and Alans.
Gurias m History (Ecclesiastical)
Latinized form of Γουρίας (Gourias), which is a hellenization of a name that was of Aramaic or Hebrew origin. It was derived from either Aramaic גורי‎ (gure) or Hebrew גוּר (gur), which both mean "lion cub, young lion"... [more]
Gurloës m Breton (Gallicized), History (Ecclesiastical, Gallicized)
The name of a saint from the 11th century.
Hadelin m History (Ecclesiastical), Frankish, French (Belgian, Rare)
Possibly from a diminutive of Old High German hadu meaning "battle". This was the name of a 7th-century Frankish saint.
Hǣlcelde f Anglo-Saxon (Hypothetical), History (Ecclesiastical, Hypothetical)
Hypothetical Old English form of Alkelda (meaning "healing spring" from Old English hǣlan "to heal" and celde "spring").
Haeng-ni m Korean, History
Meaning unknown. I Haeng-ni was an ancestor of the Joseon dynasty's royal family. His descendants posthumously granted him a royal title and declared him King Ikjo of Joseon.
Hampsicora m History
Meaning unknown. Could be a Latin form of Ampsaga, the name of a river (today known as Rhummel in Algerian Arabic) bordering with the Numidian Massylii in the vicinity of Cirta.... [more]
Hangfeizi m History
Hanfeizi was a scholar who developed the teachings of legalism.
Hardicanute m History
Anglicized form of Harthacnut.
Harduin m History (Ecclesiastical)
French form of Hardwin and variant of Arduin.
Harthacnut m History
From Danish hardeknud - lit. "tough knot". This was the name of a semi-legendary king of Denmark and England, who was a half-brother of Edward the Confessor.
Harytyna f Ukrainian (Archaic), History (Ecclesiastical)
Variant transliteration of Харитина (see Haritina).
Hatixheja f History
Albanian form of Khadija, used to refer to Khadijah bint Khuwaylid, the first wife and first follower of the Islamic prophet Muhammad.
Haude f Old Celtic (Gallicized), History (Ecclesiastical), French
Gallicized form of the Celtic name Eodez or Heodez.... [more]
Havam m History
Meaning uncertain. This was the name of a king of Haripuñjaya (located in what is now Northern Thailand).
Hécatée m History (Gallicized)
French form of Hekataios via Hecataeus.
Hegesipo m History
Basque and Spanish form of Hegesippus.
Hellade m History (Ecclesiastical)
French form of Helladios via Helladius.
Héraclite m History (Gallicized)
French form of Herakleitos via its latinized form Heraclitus.
Herculan m History (Ecclesiastical)
French and Romanian form of Herculanus.
Hereka f History
Alternate name for Kreka, the first wife of Attila the Hun.
Herena f History (Ecclesiastical), Polish (Archaic), Catalan
The name of an early Christian Saint from North Africa martyred in the 3rd century. Nothing about her is known except from her name.
Hermaeus m Ancient Greek (Latinized), History
Latinized form of Hermaios. This name was borne by an Indo-Greek king from the 1st century BC.
Hermanfrid m Germanic, English, History
Variant spelling of Ermanfrid. Hermanfrid lived in the 6th century AD and was the last independent king of the Thuringii, a Germanic tribe.
Hermeric m Germanic, History
Variant spelling of Hermenric or a variant of Ermeric. Hermeric was the name of a 5th-century Suebi king of Galicia.
Hermolaus m Ancient Greek (Latinized), History (Ecclesiastical)
Latinized form of Hermolaos. This name was borne by Hermolaus of Macedon (4th century BC), a page of Alexander the Great who was executed for planning regicide... [more]