Greek Submitted Names

Greek names are used in the country of Greece and other Greek-speaking communities throughout the world. See also about Greek names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Pigi Πηγή f Greek
Derived from Greek πηγή (pêgê) "a spring, fountain; fount, source", possibly taken from the Greek title of the Virgin Mary, Ζωοδόχος Πηγή (Zôodochos Pêgê), meaning "life-giving spring" (or πηγή ζωής (pêgê zôês) "fountain of life" or "source of life")... [more]
Pinio Πηνιώ f Greek
Diminutive of Pinelopi.
Pipina Πιπίνα f Greek
Diminutive of Despina.
Pipis Πίπης m Greek
Diminutive of Spyridon.
Pipitsa Πιπίτσα f Greek
Diminutive of Spyridoula.
Pit Πητ, Πιτ m Greek
Diminutive of Panagiotis.
Pitsa Πίτσα f Greek
Diminutive of Kalliopi.
Ploumisti Πλουμιστή f Greek (Modern, Rare)
Used in the eastern region of Macedonia, Greece. It comes from the ancient Greek word πλουμίον (ploumíon) or the Latin word pluma, which means "painted or embroidered decorative design, flower, ornament"... [more]
Plousia Πλουσία f Late Greek, Greek
From Greek πλούσιος (plousios) meaning "rich, wealthy, noble", a derivative of πλοῦτος (ploutos) "wealth".
Polemia f Greek (Rare), Medieval French, Medieval Latin
Derived from Greek πόλεμος (polemos) meaning "warlike, hostile".
Polikarpos Πολύκαρπος m Greek (Rare)
Variant transcription of Πολύκαρπος (see Polykarpos).
Polivios Πολύβιος m Greek (Rare)
Variant transcription of Πολύβιος (see Polyvios).
Polixeni Πολυξένη f Greek (Rare)
Variant transcription of Πολυξένη (see Polyxeni).
Polly f Greek
Variant of Poly.
Poly Πόλυ f Greek
Diminutive of Apostolia.
Polycarpos Πολυκαρπος m Greek (Modern, Rare)
Variant transcription of Polykarpos.
Polychronis Πολυχρόνης m Greek
Variant of Polychronios. A notable bearer of this name was the Greek painter Polychronis Lembesis (1848-1913).
Polyna f Ukrainian, Russian, Greek (Cypriot)
Variant transcription of Polina.
Polyniki Πολυνίκη f Greek
Modern Greek transcription of Polynike.
Polytimi Πολυτίμη f Greek
Feminine of Polytimos.
Polyvios Πολύβιος m Greek
Modern Greek form of Polybios.
Polyzois Πολυζώης m Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek form of Polyzoes.
Pontida m & f Greek (Rare)
Son of Pontos, from the Greek suffix -idas, meaning "son of". Alternatively, this name could be in reference to the Italian commune of Pontida. While most commonly used as a surname, there have been instances in which it has been used as a first name.
Popi Πόπη f Greek
Diminutive of Pinelopi.
Pothitos Ποθητός m Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek form of Pothetos.
Potoula Ποτούλα f Greek
Diminutive of Panagiota.
Poulcheria Πουλχερια f Greek
Modern Greek form of Pulcheria. 'It is not a very common name, but relatively popular in the northern regions of the Greek mainland and also among the people who come from Pontus.'
Pouloudia Πουλουδιά f Greek
Derived from πούλουδο (pouloudo) meaning "flower".
Pouvlios Πούβλιος m Greek
Modern Greek spelling of Poublios, which is the ancient Greek form of Publius.
Pragmatius m Greek (Latinized), Late Roman
Derived from Greek πράγματος (pragmatos) "to gather evidence", which itself is ultimately derived from Greek πρᾶγμα (pragma) "deed, action". Also compare Greek πράσσειν (prassein) meaning "to do"... [more]
Proas Προας m Greek
Short form of Prometheus. Derived from Greek προμηθεια (prometheia) meaning "foresight, forethought". In Greek myth he was the Titan who gave the knowledge of fire to mankind... [more]
Prodromakis Προδρομάκης m Greek
Modern Greek diminutive of Prodromos, as it contains the modern Greek diminutive suffix -άκης (-akis). This name is typically only used informally, meaning: it does not appear on birth certificates.
Prodromos Πρόδρομος m Greek
Means "precursor, forerunner" in Greek, literally "running before, going in advance" from πρό (pro) "before, in front of" and δρόμος (dromos) "a course, running". It is taken from the title of Saint John the Baptist, Ιωάννης ο Πρόδρομος (Ioannis o Prodromos); in Eastern Christianity, John is commonly referred to as the forerunner of Jesus, since John announces Jesus' coming.
Psychoula Ψυχούλα f Greek
Diminutive of Efpsychia.
Pyra Πυρά f Greek
Form of Pyrrha.
Pyrros Πύρρος m Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek form of Pyrrhos.
Rachil Ραχήλ f Greek, Judeo-Greek
Modern Greek form of Rachel via Biblical Greek Rhachel.
Radamanthys Ραδάμανθυς m Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek of Rhadamanthos.
Rafaelos Ραφαέλος m Greek (Rare)
Variant of Rafail.
Rafailia Ραφαηλία f Greek
Feminine form of Rafail.
Rafailos Ραφαήλος m Greek (Rare)
Variant of Rafail.
Rallia Ραλλία f Greek (Rare)
Feminine form of Ράλλης (Rallis), a Greek form of the Norman name Raoul.
Rallou Ραλλού f Greek
Diminutive of Rallia.
Rania Ράνια f Greek, Romani (Archaic)
Greek short form of Ourania and Romani short form of Urania.
Raphail Ραφαήλ m Greek
Variant transcription of Rafail.
Rea Ρέα f Greek
Short form of Panorea.
Regas Ρήγας m Greek (Cypriot, Rare)
Apparently a Greek form of Régis.
Reginos Ρηγίνος m Greek (Cypriot)
Masculine form of Regina.
Rena Ρένα f Estonian, Greek, Swedish (Rare), Danish (Rare), Norwegian (Rare), German (Modern, Rare)
Greek short form of Irini and Irene, Estonian short form of both Irena and Renate, and Scandinavian and German short form of Renate and Renata as well as a short form of names beginning with the Germanic element regin or ending in -rena... [more]
Renatos Ρενάτος m Greek (Rare)
Greek form of Renatus.
Reveka Ρεβέκα f Greek
Variant of Revekka, the Modern Greek form of Rebecca (via Biblical Greek Rhebekka).
Revekka Ρεβέκκα f Greek
Modern Greek form of Rebecca.
Rhais f Greek
Variant of Irais.
Rhodonice Ροδονίκη f Greek
From Greek ροδον (rhodon) "rose" combined with νίκη (nike) meaning "victory"
Rhodothea Ροδοθέα f Greek, Ancient Greek, Greek (Cypriot)
Derived from Greek ῥόδον (rhodon) meaning "rose" and θέα (thea) meaning "sight, view". Alternatively, the second element could derive from θεά (thea) meaning "goddess".
Ria Ρία f Greek
Diminutive of Glykeria and Eleftheria.
Richardos Ριχάρδος m Greek (Rare)
Greek form of Richard.
Rigina Ρηγίνα f Greek
Greek form of Regina.
Riginos Ρηγίνος m Greek (Cypriot)
This is the name of the patron saint of the Greek island of Skopelos. According to tradition, he was a 4th-century bishop who was tortured to death.
Rigoulos Ρήγουλος m Greek
Modern Greek spelling of Regoulos, which is the ancient Greek and late Greek form of Regulus.
Rina Ρήνα f Greek
Diminutive of Irini.
Rinio Ρηνιώ f Greek
Diminutive of Irini.
Rinoula Ρηνούλα f Greek
Diminutive of Irini. Also compare Rina 5.
Rita Ρίτα f Greek
Diminutive of Eleftheria.
Ritsa Ρίτσα f Greek
Short form of Agoritsa and diminutive of Glykeria and Eleftheria.
Robertos Ροβέρτος m Greek
Greek form of Robert.
Rodanthe Ροδάνθη f Greek (Rare)
Variant of Rodanthi.
Rodanthi Ροδάνθη f Greek
Modern Greek transcription of Rhodanthe.
Rodi Ρόδη f Greek
Modern Greek form of Rhode.
Rodolfos Ροδόλφος m Greek
Greek form of Rudolph.
Rodopi Ροδόπη f Greek
Modern Greek form of Rhodope.
Rodosthenis Ροδοσθένης m Greek (Cypriot)
Derived from Greek ῥόδον (rhodon) meaning "rose" combined with Greek σθενος (sthenos) meaning "vigour, strength".
Rogeros Ρογήρος m Greek (Cypriot)
Greek form of Roger.
Rogiros Ρογήρος m Greek (Cypriot)
Variant of Rogeros.
Roi Ρόη f Greek
Short form of Kallirroi.
Rolandos Ρολάνδος m Greek (Cypriot), Greek (Rare)
Greek form of Roland.
Romylia Ρωμυλία f Greek
Variant of Romelia.
Romylos Ρωμύλος m Greek (Rare)
Greek form of Romulus.
Roufinos Ρουφίνος m Greek
Modern Greek spelling of Rouphinos, which is the ancient Greek form of Rufinus.
Roufos Ρούφος m Greek
Modern Greek spelling of Rouphos, which is the ancient Greek form of Rufus.
Roula Ρούλα f Greek
Short form of names ending in roula, such as Stavroula, Petroula, Zacharoula, Argyroula or Dimitroula.
Roulis Ρούλης m Greek
Diminutive of Christoforos.
Roulitsa Ρουλίτσα f Greek
Diminutive of Argyro, via its diminutive Argyroula. See also Roula.
Routh Ρουθ f Biblical Greek, Greek (Rare)
Greek form of Ruth 1, as it first appeared in the Septuagint.
Rovertos Ροβέρτος m Greek
Variant transcription of Robertos.
Roxani Ρωξάνη f Greek
Modern Greek form of Roxana.
Rozanna Ροζάνα f English (American, Rare), Dutch (Rare), Flemish, Hungarian, Polish, Greek
English and Dutch variant and Hungarian and Polish form of Rosanna as well as a Greek variant of Rozana.
Rozy Ρόζυ f Judeo-Greek, Greek (Rare), Jewish
Greek form of Rosy. It is not a traditional Greek name except in Jewish communities where it mirrors the Judeo-Spanish name Rosa.
Sakis Σάκης m Greek
Short form of Greek diminutives that end in -σάκης (-sakis), such as Anastasakis, Athanasakis and Dionysakis.... [more]
Salomi Σαλωμη f Greek
Modern Greek form of Salome.
Samouil Σαμουηλ m Greek
Modern Greek form of Samouel (see Samuel).
Samprina Σαμπρίνα f Greek
Greek form of Sabrina.
Sandroula Σανδρουλα f Greek
Diminutive of Sandra.
Sandy f Greek (Modern)
Variant of Santi and Santy, influenced by the unrelated English name Sandy.
Santi Σάντη f Greek
Diminutive of Kyriaki.
Santra Σάντρα f Greek (Rare)
Variant transcription of Σάντρα (see Sandra).
Santy Σάντυ f Greek
Diminutive of Kyriaki.
Sapfo Σαπφώ f Greek
Modern Greek form of Sappho.
Sarandis Σαράντης m Greek (Rare)
Variant transcription of Σαράντης (see Sarantis).
Sarandos Σαράντος m Greek (Rare)
Variant transcription of Σαράντος (see Sarantos).
Sarantis Σαράντης m Greek
Modern Greek form of Sarantes.
Saroula f Greek
Diminutive of Sara.
Savinos Σαβίνος m Greek
Modern Greek spelling of Sabinos, which is the ancient Greek form of Sabinus.
Savvina Σαββίνα f Greek
Greek feminine name, a cognate of the given name Sabine.
Sefis m Greek
A Cretan dialectal form of Joseph.... [more]
Serapheim Σεραφείμ m Greek (Archaic)
Variant transcription of Serafeim.
Seraphim Σεραφείμ m & f Greek, English (Puritan), English (Modern, Rare), History (Ecclesiastical)
Directly from the biblical word seraphim which meant "fiery ones", from Hebrew שרף (saraf) meaning "to burn", referring to an order of angels described in the Book of Isaiah (see Seraphina)... [more]
Sergiani Σεργιανή f Greek
Feminine form of Sergios.
Sergios Σέργιος m Ancient Roman (Hellenized), Biblical Greek, Greek
Hellenized form of Sergius. It was only after the advent of Christianity that ethnic Greeks began to use this name amongst their own.... [more]
Servios Σέρβιος m Ancient Roman (Hellenized), Late Greek, Greek
Late Greek and modern Greek form of Serouios, which is the ancient Greek form of Servius.
Sēth Σηθ m Greek
Modern Greek form of Seth 1.
Sevasti Σεβαστή f Greek
Means "respected" in Greek. Also compare the related name Sebastian. A known bearer of this name was Sevasti Kallisperi (1858-1953), the first Greek woman to attain a university degree.
Sevastiana Σεβαστιάνα f Bulgarian (Rare), Romanian (Rare), Russian, Greek (Rare), Greek (Cypriot, Rare)
Bulgarian, Romanian and Russian form of Sebastiana and modern Greek spelling of Sebastiana.... [more]
Sevastiani Σεβαστιανή f Greek
Modern Greek variant of Sevastiana.
Sevastianos Σεβαστιανός m Greek
Modern Greek transcription of Sebastianos.
Sevastidis Σεβαστίδης m Greek
Greek form of Sebastian.
Sevastinos m Greek
Greek form of Sebastian.
Sevastos Σεβαστός m Greek
Modern Greek transcription of Sebastos.
Severinos Σεβερίνος m Ancient Roman (Hellenized), Late Greek, Greek
Late Greek and modern Greek form of Seouerinos, which is the ancient Greek form of Severinus.
Sevi Σέβη f Greek
Diminutive of Sevasti, Sevastiani or Efsevia.
Sevira Σεβήρα f Greek, Russian (Rare)
Modern Greek form of Severa and Russian feminine form of Sevir.
Sevirianos Σεβηριανός m Greek
Modern Greek form of Severianos.
Seviros Σεβήρος m Greek
Modern Greek form of Severos.
Sia Σία f Greek
Short form of names ending in sia, such as Anastasia, Athanasia or Dionysia.
Sideris m Greek
Transferred used of the surname Sideris or the reduced and altered form of the personal name Isidoros (see Isadore), altered by folk etymology as if derived from sidero ‘iron’ (classical Greek sideron), and hence regarded as an omen name: ‘may the child grow up to be as strong as iron’.
Sifis Σήφης m Greek
Cretan form of Joseph.
Silia Σήλια f Greek (Rare)
Greek form of Celia.
Silvestros Σιλβέστρος m Greek
Greek form of Silvester.
Simela Σιμέλα f Greek
Variant of Symela.
Simos Σίμος m Greek
Short form of Simeon.
Sisilia Σησιλια f Greek (Rare)
Greek form of Cecilia.
Sissy Σίσσυ f Greek
Diminutive of Athanasia, Anastasia and Aspasia.
Sitsa Σίτσα f Greek (Rare)
Diminutive of various Greek names such as Isaia, as -ίτσα (-itsa) is a Greek feminine diminutive suffix. This was borne by Sitsa Karaiskaki (1897-1987), a Greek propagandist for women of the 4th of August (or Metaxas) regime.
Skarlatos Σκαρλάτος m Greek (Rare)
Hellenized form of Scarlat. This name is very rare in modern Greece; one is much more likely to encounter it as a surname instead.... [more]
Skevi f Greek
Short form of Paraskevi.
Skevo Σκεύω f Greek
Diminutive of Paraskevi.
Smaragdi Σμαράγδη f Greek
Modern Greek diminutive or variant of Smaragda.
Smaragdo Σμαράγδω f Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek variant of Smaragda.
Smaro Σμαρώ f Greek
Diminutive of Smaragda.
Smaroula Σμαρούλα f Greek
Diminutive of Smaragda or Smaragdi.
Sof f Greek
The name 'Sof' is a short form derived from various names like Sofia or Sofie, which have Greek origins
Sofoula Σοφούλα f Greek
Diminutive of Sofia.
Sosanna Σωσάννα f Greek, Greek (Cypriot)
Soso Σωσώ f Greek
Diminutive of Sotiria.
Sotia Σώτια f Greek (Cypriot)
Short form of Sotiria. A known bearer was the Greek lyricist Sotia Tsotou (1942-2011), who was born Sotiria.
Sotir Σωτήρ m Greek
Modern Greek form of Soter.
Sotirakis Σωτηράκης m Greek
Modern Greek diminutive of Sotirios and Sotiris, as it contains the modern Greek diminutive suffix -άκης (-akis)... [more]
Soula Σούλα f Greek
Diminutive of Athanasoula.
Soultana Σουλτάνα f Greek (Modern)
Possibly the Greek form of Sultana.
Souzi Σούζη f Greek
Diminutive of Soultana.
Souzy Σούζυ f Greek
Diminutive of Soultana.
Spelios Σπήλιος m Greek
Variant transcription of Σπήλιος (see Spilios).
Sperantza Σπεράντζα f Greek (Rare)
From the Italian word speranza meaning "hope" (compare Speranza); perhaps in some cases a Greek form of the Romanian name Speranța... [more]
Speros Σπύρος m Greek
Variant of Spyros.
Spilios Σπήλιος m Greek
Variant of Spyridon via its short form Spyros.
Spylios Σπύλιος m Greek
Variant of Spilios.
Spyrakis Σπυράκης m Greek
Modern Greek diminutive of Spyros, as it contains the modern Greek diminutive suffix -άκης (-akis). This name is typically only used informally, meaning: it does not appear on birth certificates.
Spyridonas Σπυρίδωνας m Greek (Rare)
Variant of Spyridon.
Stalo Στάλω f Greek
Diminutive of Krystalia.
Stamatina Σταματίνα f Greek
Diminutive of Stamatia.
Stamos m Greek
Diminutive of Stamatios.
Stasoula f Greek
Diminutive of Anastasoula.
Stauros Σταύρος m Greek
Variant transcription of Stavros.
Stauroula Σταυρούλα f Greek (Rare)
Variant transcription of Σταυρούλα (see Stavroula).
Staurus Σταύρος m Greek (Latinized)
Latin form of Stavros
Stavra f Greek
Variant of Stavroula.
Stavrakis Σταυράκης m Greek
Modern Greek diminutive of Stavros, as it contains the modern Greek diminutive suffix -άκης (-akis). Also compare the related name Staurakios.... [more]
Stavriani Σταυριανή f Greek
Feminine form of Σταυριανός (Stavrianos), an archaic derivative of Stavros.
Stavrina Σταυρίνα f Greek (Rare), Albanian (Rare)
Feminine form of Stavros.
Stefanakis Στεφανάκης m Greek
Modern Greek diminutive of Stefanos, as it contains the modern Greek diminutive suffix -άκης (-akis). This name is typically only used informally, meaning: it does not appear on birth certificates.
Stefi Στέφη f Greek
Diminutive of Stefania, or sometimes Stavroula.
Stefos m Greek
Diminutive of Stephanos / Stefanos.
Stelina Στελίνα f Greek
Diminutive of Styliani.
Stelios Στέλιος m Greek
Diminutive of Asterios.
Stellina Στελλίνα f Greek
Form of Styliani. (Cf. Stelios.)
Stergiani Στεργιανή f Greek
Feminine form of Stergios.
Stergios Στέργιος m Greek
Derived from Greek στεργω (stergo) "to love, to be content". This was an epithet or descriptive byname of the 6th-century saint Stylianos of Paphlagonia, the patron saint of children.
Stevi Στέβη, Στεύη f Greek
Diminutive of Stavroula.
Stilianos Στυλιανός m Greek (Rare), Albanian (Rare)
Greek variant transcription of Στυλιανός (see Stylianos) as well as an Albanian form.
Strati Στρατή f Greek
Diminutive of Efstratia.
Stratis Στρατής m Greek
Diminutive of Efstratios.
Stratos Στράτος m Greek Mythology, Greek
Derived from the ancient Greek noun στρατός (stratos) meaning "army". In modern times, the name is often encountered as a diminutive or short form of Efstratios.... [more]
Styllou Στυλλού f Greek (Cypriot)
Possibly a Greek Cypriot dialectal variant of Styliani. A known bearer of this name was Greek Cypriot convicted murderer Styllou Christofi (1900-1954), who became the penultimate (second to last) woman to be hanged in the United Kingdom for strangling her daughter-in-law to death.
Suzy f Greek (Modern)
Variant of Souzy, influenced by the unrelated English name Suzy.
Sylvestros Σιλβέστρος m Greek (Modern, Rare)
Greek form of the given Latin name Sylvester.
Symela Συμέλα f Greek
From the name of the Sumela monastery, which is located in Trabzon, Turkey. It is derived from Greek σου μελά (sou mela) meaning "black mountain".
Tacoula f Greek
Variant transcription of Tasoula.
Tania Τάνια f Greek
Diminutive of Soultana.
Tasa Τάσα f Greek
Diminutive of Anastasia.
Tasos Τάσος m Greek
Diminutive of Anastasios.
Tassia f Greek
Diminutive of Anastasia. This name belonged to an 8th-century Lombard queen, the Roman wife of Ratchis.... [more]
Tassos Τάσσος m Greek
Variant of Tasos.
Tatiana Τατιάνα f Late Greek, Greek, Georgian
Derived from Attic Greek τάττω (tatto) meaning "to place in order, to arrange, to form". This name is not to be confused with the Latin name Tatiana.
Tatiane Τατιανή f Late Greek, Greek (Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian)
In Greece, this name can be a variant form of the Greek name Tatiana as well as the Latin name Tatiana. In Brazil, Tatiane is usually a variant form of the Latin name Tatiana.
Tatiani f Greek
Greek form of Tatiana.
Taxiarchis Ταξιάρχης m Greek
Means "commander" in Greek.
Taysa m Greek
Means “bound together” in Greek.
Tefkros Τεύκρος m Greek (Cypriot, Rare)
Modern Greek transcription of Teukros. This name is rare and used mostly in Cyprus.
Telis Τέλης m Greek
Diminutive of Aristotelis and Pantelis.
Telly m & f Various, Greek (Expatriate)
A diminutive of several names, such as Aristotelis, Donatella, Estella, Theodore and more... [more]
Teri Τέρη f Greek
Diminutive of Eleftheria.
Terios m Greek
Originated from the Old Greek word, which is roughly translated to "making dreams come true".
Teris Τέρης m Greek
Diminutive of Lefteris.
Terpsichori Τερψιχόρη f Greek
Modern Greek form of Terpsichore.
Terpsihori Τερψιχόρη f Greek (Rare), Albanian (Rare)
Greek variant transcription of Τερψιχόρη (see Terpsichori) as well as an Albanian form of Terpsichore.
Terry m Greek (Modern)
Variant of Teris influenced by the unrelated English name Terry 1 or Terry 2.
Tery Τέρυ f Greek
Diminutive of Eleftheria.
Tesa Τέσα f Greek
Diminutive of Anastasia.
Teti Τέτη f Greek
Diminutive of Erato and Efterpi.
Thadeesa f Greek
It is a one of the feminine variations of the masculine name Thaddeus, which means "Gift of God". The other feminine variation of the name Thaddeus is Thadoosa.
Thaliliás Θάλίλιασ m Folklore, Greek
A Greek name can be use in tales or stories, this name is the masculine form of Thalilia.
Thalis Θαλής m Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek form of Thales. A known Greek bearer of this name is the former soccer player Thalis Tsirimokos (b. 1959).
Thalitsa Θαλίτσα f Greek
Diminutive of Thalia.
Thallis Θαλλής m Greek
Variant of Thalis 2.
Thanasakis Θανασάκης m Greek
Modern Greek diminutive of Thanasis, as it contains the modern Greek diminutive suffix -άκης (-akis). This name is typically only used informally, meaning: it does not appear on birth certificates.
Theagenis Θεαγένης m Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek form of Theagenes.
Themi Θέμη f Greek
Diminutive of Efthymia.
Themis Θέμης m Greek, Greek (Cypriot)
Short form of Efthymios and Themistoklis.
Thenia Θένια f Greek
Theocharis Θεοχάρης m Greek
Means "grace of god", from Greek θεος (theos) "god" and χαρις (charis) "grace, kindness".
Theodis m English (American), Greek
Possibly a variant of Theodore.
Theodorakis Θεοδωράκης m Greek
Modern Greek diminutive of Theodoros, as it contains the modern Greek diminutive suffix -άκης (-akis). This name is typically only used informally, meaning: it does not appear on birth certificates.
Theodoris Θεοδωρής m Greek, English (Rare)
Theodoritos Θεοδώρητος m Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek form of Theodoretos.
Theodoros Θεόδωρος m Greek
Theodosis Θεοδοσης m Greek
Variant of Theodosios.
Theodoula Θεοδούλα f Late Greek, Greek
Late Greek and modern Greek form of Theodoule.
Theofano Θεοφανώ m Greek
Modern Greek form of Theophanes
Theofili Θεοφίλη f Greek
Modern Greek transcription of Theophile.
Theofrastos Θεόφραστος m Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek transcription of Theophrastos.
Theogenis Θεογένης m Greek
Modern form of Theogenes.
Theognosia Θεογνωσία f Greek (Cypriot)
From Greek θεογνωσία (theognosia) meaning "the knowledge of God".
Theoharis Θεοχάρης m Greek, Albanian
Greek variant transcription of Θεοχάρης (see Theocharis), as well as an Albanian form.
Theoklitos Θεόκλητος m Greek
Theologia Θεολογία f Greek
From the Koine Greek (or Biblical Greek) noun θεολογία (theologia) meaning "theology, science of things divine". Also compare the related Late Greek name Theologos.
Theologos Θεολόγος m Late Greek, Greek
Derived from the Greek noun θεόλογος (theologos) meaning "one who discourses of the gods" i.e. a theologian. It consists of the Greek noun θεός (theos) meaning "god" combined with the Greek noun λόγος (logos) meaning "word, speech, utterance".... [more]
Theoni Θεώνη f Greek
Modern Greek transliteration of Θεώνη (see Theone), a feminine form of Theon.
Theonymfi Θεονύμφη f Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek transcription of Theonymphe.
Theonymphi Θεονύμφη f Greek (Rare)
Alternate transcription of Greek Θεονύμφη (see Theonymfi).
Theophanu Θεοφανώ f Greek
Variant of Theophania. Theophanu (c. 955 – June 15, 991) was the niece of the Byzantine Emperor John I Tzimiskes. By her marriage with Holy Roman Emperor Otto II, she was Empress consort of the Holy Roman Empire and held regency as Empress dowager upon her husband's death in 983.
Theopisti f Greek (Cypriot)
Modern Greek form of Theopiste. A known bearer of this name is the Greek politician Theopisti "Peti" Perka (b. 1961).
Theopistos Θεόπιστος m Late Greek, Greek (Rare)
Derived from the Greek adjective θεόπιστος (theopistos) meaning "faithful to God", which consists of the Greek noun θεός (theos) meaning "god" and the Greek adjective πιστός (pistos) meaning "faithful, trusty" (also see Pistis).
Theopoula Θεοπούλα f Greek
Means "daughter of god" from Greek θεος (theos) "god" combined with the patronymic suffix -πουλος (-poulos).
Theseas Θησεας m Greek (Rare), Ancient Greek
Original Greek form of Theseus.
Thespina Θεσπίνα f Greek
Variant of Despina.
Thessaloniki Θεσσαλονίκη f Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek form of Thessalonike.
Thetida Θέτιδα f Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek variant of Thetis.
Thiresia Θηρεσία f Greek
Greek form of Theresa.
Thiseas Θησεας m Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek transcription of Theseas.
Thisefs Θησεύς m Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek form of Theseus.
Thodora Θοδώρα f Greek (Rare)
Contracted form of Theodora.
Thodoris Θοδωρής m Greek
Variant of Theodoros.
Thodoros Θόδωρος m Greek
Contracted form of Theodoros.
Thomai Θωμαή f Greek
Presumably a variant of Thomais, the traditional Greek feminine form of Thomas. A known bearer is Greek singer Thomai Apergi (1988-).
Thomaida Θωμαΐδα f Greek (Rare)
Variant of Thomais, from the genitive form Θωμαΐδος (Thomaidos). In other words, this is a Greek feminine form of Thomas.
Thomaie f Greek (Anglicized, Rare), English (Rare)
A rare English transcription of the Greek name Θωμαή (see Thomai). See also Thomais.
Thomais Θωμαΐς f Greek, History (Ecclesiastical)
Greek feminine form of Thomas. This name was borne by Thomaïs of Lesbos, a relatively unknown saint from the 10th century AD.
Thomaitsa Θωμαΐτσα f Greek
Diminutive form of Thomais, Thomai, or Thomaida.
Thomaiy f Greek
Variant of Thomaie.
Thomakis Θωμάκης m Greek
Modern Greek diminutive of Thomas, as it contains the modern Greek diminutive suffix -άκης (-akis). This name is typically only used informally, meaning: it does not appear on birth certificates.
Thomi Θώμη f Greek
Feminine form of Thomas.
Thomoula Θωμούλα f Greek (Rare)
Diminutive of Thomais, Thomai or Thomaida. In other words, this is a Greek feminine diminutive of Thomas.
Thoukydidis Θουκυδίδης m Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek form of Thoukydides (see Thucydides).
Thrasivoulos Θρασύβουλος m Greek (Rare)
Variant transcription of Θρασύβουλος (see Thrasyvoulos).
Thrasyllos Θράσυλλος m Ancient Greek, Greek
Derived from Greek θρασύς (thrasys) meaning "bold, courageous, reckless, impudent".
Thymios Θύμιος m Greek
Short form of Efthymios.
Timeon m Greek
Variation of Timon.
Timis Τίμης m Greek
Diminutive of Efthymios.
Timmy m Greek (Modern)
Variant of Timis influenced by the unrelated English name Timmy.
Timos Τίμος m Greek
Diminutive of Efthymios and Timotheos.
Timun m Greek
Greek name meaning "God fearing"
Tina Τίνα f Greek
Diminutive of Konstantia, Konstantina and Fotini.
Tisifoni Τισιφόνη f Greek (Modern, Rare)
Modern Greek form of Tisiphone.
Tisiphonus m Greek (Rare)
Masculine form of Tisiphone.
Titi Τίτη f Greek
Diminutive of Afroditi.
Titika Τιτίκα f Greek
Diminutive of Xanthippi and Christina.
Titos Τίτος m Greek
Diminutive of Vaptistis.
Titsa Τίτσα f Greek
Short form of Panagiotitsa and other names ending in the same sound.
Tolis Τόλης m Greek
Diminutive of Apostolos.
Tomai m Greek
A masculine name meaning "Honoring Thomas"
Tonis Τόνης, Τώνης m Greek, Medieval Baltic
Greek short form of Antonios and Antonis and medieval Latvian short form of Antonijs.
Tota Τότα f Greek
Diminutive of Panagiota.