Greek Submitted Names

Greek names are used in the country of Greece and other Greek-speaking communities throughout the world. See also about Greek names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Cosmia Κοσμία f Ancient Greek (Latinized), Greek (Latinized, Rare), Spanish (Rare), Italian (Rare), English (Rare)
Latinized form of the Greek name Κοσμία (Kosmia), which meant "orderly, decent".
Costa Κωστας m Greek
Variant of Kosta.
Costakis Κωστάκης m Greek (Cypriot)
Variant transcription of Κωστάκης (see Kostakis) chiefly used in Cyprus.
Costeen f Greek (Anglicized, Rare, Expatriate)
English contracted form of the Greek name Konstantina. It is borne by Costeen Hatzipourganis, an Australian interior designer of Greek descent who is the girlfriend of tennis player Nick Kyrgios.
Cyprilla Κυπρίλλα f Greek
Derived from the plant Cyperus (Κύπερος).... [more]
Damaskinos Δαμασκηνός m Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek form of Damaskenos.
Damiani Δαμιανή f Greek
Feminine form of Damianos.
Danilos Δανιλος m Greek
Variant of Daniel.
Danos Δανος m Greek (Rare)
Diminutive of Daniel.
Demetris Δημήτρης m Greek (Cypriot)
Alternate transcription of Greek Δημήτρης (see Dimitris). This was borne by Cypriot president Demetris Christofias (1946-2019).
Demis Ντέμης m Greek
Short form of names like Themistoklis, Artemios...
Denia Ντένια f Greek
Diminutive of Dionysia.
Depi Ντέπη f Greek
Variant transcription of Ντέπη (see Ntepi).
Depy Ντέπυ f Greek
Variant transcription of Ντέπυ (see Ntepy).
Desmos m Greek (Rare)
Derived from Ancient Greek δεσμός (desmos) meaning "bond, fetter, chain; bondage, imprisonment", or metaphorically "charm, spell". In modern Greek, δεσμός means "bond, relationship, social tie"... [more]
Despo Δέσπω f Greek
Pet form of Despina.
Despoinus m Greek (Rare)
Masculine form of Despoina.
Dia Ντία f Greek
Variant transcription of Ντία (see Ntia).
Diamando Διαμάντω f Greek (Rare)
Variant transcription of Διαμάντω (see Diamanto).
Diasynou Διασυνού f Greek (Rare)
Probably a Greek dialectal variant of Dionysia.
Diatsenta Διατσέντα f Greek (Rare)
Greek form of Hyacintha.
Dimitrakis Δημητράκης m Greek
Modern Greek diminutive of Dimitrios and Dimitris, as it contains the modern Greek diminutive suffix -άκης (-akis)... [more]
Dimitria Δημητρια f Greek, Bulgarian
Modern Greek form of Demetria and Bulgarian feminine form of Dimitar.
Dimitrius Δημήτριος m Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Dimitrios, which is the modern Greek form of Demetrios (see Demetrius).
Dimitrou Δημητρού f Greek (Cypriot)
Cypriot Greek form of Dimitra.
Dimitroula Δημητρούλα f Greek
Diminutive of Dimitra.
Dimokratis Δημοκράτης m Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek form of Demokrates.
Dimokritos Δημόκριτος m Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek form of Demokritos.
Dina Ντίνα f Greek
Variant transcription of Ντίνα (see Ntina).
Dinos Ντίνος m Greek
Diminutive of Avgoustinos.
Dio Δηώ f Greek (Rare)
Diodora f Greek (Rare), Neapolitan (Rare), Sicilian, Spanish (Rare), Polish (Archaic)
Greek feminine form of Diodoros, Spanish and Neapolitan feminine form of Diodoro, Sicilian feminine form of Diodoru and Polish feminine form of Diodor.
Diogenis Διογένης m Greek
Modern Greek form of Diogenes.
Dionisios Διονύσιος m Greek (Rare), English (American, Rare)
Variant of Dionysios.
Dionysakis Διονυσάκης m Greek
Modern Greek diminutive of Dionysios, as it contains the modern Greek diminutive suffix -άκης (-akis). This name is typically only used informally, meaning: it does not appear on birth certificates.
Dionysis Διονυσης m Greek
Variant of Dionysios.
Domenika Ντομένικα f Albanian, Greek (Rare)
Albanian feminine form of Dominic. It is also a Greek variant transcription of Ντομένικα (see Ntomenika).
Doménikos Δομήνικος m Greek
Greek form of Dominic.
Dominiki Δομινίκη f Greek
Greek form of Dominica.
Dorkada Δορκάδα f Greek
Modern Greek form of Dorcas.
Doros Δώρος m Greek, Greek (Cypriot)
Diminutive of Theodoros.
Doukas Δούκας m Greek (Rare)
From the name of a Byzantine Greek noble family, whose branches provided several notable generals and rulers to the Byzantine Empire in the 9th–11th centuries. The name is derived from the Latin title dux, meaning "leader".
Doukissa Δούκισσα f Greek
Means "duchess" in Greek.
Doula Ντούλα f Greek (Rare)
Perhaps originally a short form of Spyridoula, Theodoula or another name ending in doula. This was borne by Doula Mouriki (1934-1991), a Greek art historian and Byzantinologist.
Doxa Δόξα f Ancient Greek, Greek
From Greek δόξα (doxa) meaning "glory, renown, honour". It is also used in modern Greek as a short form of Evdoxia.
Doxoula Δοξούλα f Greek
Diminutive of Doxa.
Droso Δρόσω f Greek (Rare, ?)
From the Greek word δρόσος (drosos) meaning "dew". This is a rather uncommon name, mostly heard in rural areas.
Drosos Δρόσος m Greek
Derived from Greek δρόσος (drosos), meaning "dew".
Drosoula Δροσούλα f Greek
Diminutive of Droso.
Edem f Greek
Used as a Greek variant of Eden in the New English Translation of the Septuagint. Genesis 4:16.
Edouardos Εδουάρδος m Greek
Greek form of Edward.
Effrosini Ευφροσύνη f Greek (Rare)
Variant transcription of Ευφροσύνη (see Effrosyni).
Efi Έφη f Greek
Diminutive of Efthymia, Eleftheria, Effrosyni and other names starting with or containing Ef-.
Efklidis Ευκλείδης m Greek
Modern Greek form of Euclid.
Efrosini Εὐφροσύνη f Greek
Modern Greek form of Euphrosyne.
Efsevia Ευσεβία f Greek
Modern Greek feminine form of Eusebios.
Efsevios Ευσέβιος m Greek
Modern Greek transcription of Eusebios.
Efstathia Ευσταθία f Greek
Modern Greek form of Eustathia.
Efstratia Ευστρατία f Greek
Modern Greek form of Eustratia.
Efstratios Ευστράτιος m Greek
Modern Greek spelling of Eustratios. A known bearer of this name is the Greek chess Grandmaster Efstratios Grivas (b. 1966).
Efstratis Ευστράτης m Greek
Short form of Efstratios.
Eftalia f Greek (Modern, ?)
Possibly a variant of Greek Efthalia or Turkish Eftalya.
Efthimis Ευθύμης m Greek
Shortening of Efthimios.
Efthymakis Ευθυμάκης m Greek
Modern Greek diminutive of Efthymios, as it contains the modern Greek diminutive suffix -άκης (-akis). This name is typically only used informally, meaning: it does not appear on birth certificates.
Efthymis Ευθύμιος m Greek
Variant of Efthimios.
Eftihia Ευτυχία f Greek
Variant transcription of Eftychia.
Eftychios Ευτύχιος m Greek
Modern form of Eutychios.
Egli Αίγλη f Greek (Cypriot)
Variant transcription of Αίγλη (see Aigli).
Eirina Ειρήνα f Greek (Rare)
Variant transcription of Ειρήνα (see Irina).
Eirinaios Ειρηναίος m Greek
Modern Greek form of Eirenaios.
Ekavi Εκάβη f Greek
Modern Greek form of Hekabe.
Ektor ´Εκτωρ m Greek, Russian (Rare), Bulgarian (Rare), Brazilian
Modern Greek and Bulgarian form of Hector.
Ektoras Έκτορας m Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek variant of Hector.
Elenie f Greek
Variant transcription of Eleni.
Elenio Ελενιώ f Greek
Diminutive of Eleni.
Elenitsa Ελενίτσα f Greek
Diminutive of Eleni.
Elenitza f Spanish (Latin American, Rare), Greek (Italianized)
Hispanic and Italian variant of Elenitsa. This was used in the Italian movie Le soldatesse (1965; The Camp Followers in English) for a Greek character, played by Anna Karina... [more]
Elenos Έλενος m Greek (Cypriot, Rare)
Masculine form of Elena.
Elephtheria Ελευθερια f Greek (Rare)
Form of Eleftheria.
Elesa Ελέσα f History (Ecclesiastical), Greek
Variant of Elessa.
Elessa Ελέσσα f Greek (Rare), History (Ecclesiastical)
The Holy Martyr Elessa of Kythira was a young woman from the Peloponnese who lived in the latter half of the fourth century. She was martyred by her father who objected to her becoming a Christian. St... [more]
Elianna Ελιάννα f Greek
Perhaps a combination of Elisavet or Eleni with Anna.
Eliki Ελίκη f Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek form of Helike.
Elikonida Ελικωνιδα f Greek (Rare), Russian (Rare)
Russian and modern Greek form of Helikonis.
Eliso Ελισώ f Greek (Rare)
Greek feminine form of Elisha.
Elissabet Ελισσάβετ f Greek (Anglicized)
Variant of Elisabet.
Elissaios Ελισσαίος m Greek
Greek form of Elisha.
Elisseos Ελισσαίος m Greek (Cypriot, Rare)
Variant of Elissaios.
Ellada Ελλάδα f Armenian, Azerbaijani, Greek
From Ellada, the native name of Greece.
Elmasia Ελμασία f Greek (Rare)
Used to be shared among Greek women in Anatolia, the Greek version of the Turkish name Elmas, ultimately of Persian origin.
Elpi Έλπη f Greek
Short form of Elpiniki.
Elpidia f Greek, Spanish, Italian, Polish, Theatre
Feminine form of Elpidius. Borne by the protagonist of 'L’Elpidia, ovvero Li rivali generosi' by Georg Friedrich Händel.
Elpiniki Ελπινίκη f Greek
Modern Greek form of Elpinike.
Elysse f Greek
Variant of Elyse.
Emmanouela Εμμανουέλα f Greek
Feminine form of Emmanouil.
Emmanouella Εμμανουέλλα f Greek
Female form of Emmanouil.
Emmanouilia Εμμανουηλία f Greek (Rare)
Feminine form of Emmanouil.
Emmanuela Εμμανουέλα f Greek (Modern, Rare), Italian (Rare), Provençal, Western African
Provençal feminine form of Emmanuèl and Italian variant of Emanuela, as well as an alternate transcription of Greek Εμμανουέλα (see Emmanouela).
Emmelia Εμμέλια f English (Rare), Greek (Cypriot), History (Ecclesiastical)
Latinized and Cypriot form of Emmeleia.
Enias Αινείας m Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek transcription of Aineias (see Aeneas).
Epafroditos ἘΠΑΦΡΌΔΙΤΟΣ m Greek
Modern Greek form of Epaphroditos.
Epameinondas Ἐπαμεινώνδας m Ancient Greek, Greek
Derived in part from Greek επι (epi) "on, upon, towards" and ἀμείνων (ameinôn) "better". This was the name of a 4th-century BC Theban statesman and general.
Epaminondas Ἐπαμεινώνδας m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Greek, Portuguese (Brazilian)
Latinized form and modern Greek transcription of Epameinondas. This name was borne by a general and statesman of 4th-century BC Greece who transformed the ancient Greek city-state of Thebes, leading it out of Spartan subjugation into a preeminent position in Greek politics... [more]
Epiktitos Επίκτητος m Greek (Cypriot, Rare)
Modern Greek form of Epiktetos.
Epistimi Επιστήμη f Greek, History (Ecclesiastical)
Modern Greek form of Episteme as well as a Romanian variant of Epistimia used in the Orthodox Church... [more]
Era Ήρα f Greek (Rare)
Alternate transcription of Greek Ήρα (see Ira 1). It may also be used as a short form of Irini.
Erasmia Ερασμια f Greek, Late Greek
Derived from Greek ερασμιος (erasmios) meaning "beloved" (compare Erasmos). This name was borne by one of 40 virgin martyrs who were tortured and killed with their teacher Ammon under Licinius, the ruler of Thrace.
Eratosthenis Ερατοσθένης m Greek
Modern Greek form of Eratosthenes.
Erietta Εριέττα f Greek
Greek form of Henriette.
Erifili Εριφύλη f Greek
Alternate transcription of Greek Εριφύλη (see Erifyli).
Erifyli Εριφύλη f Greek
Modern Greek form of Eriphyle.
Erikos Ερίκος m Greek, Albanian
Greek and Albanian form of Eric
Ermanos Ερμανος m Greek (Rare)
Greek form of Herman.
Ermioni Ερμιόνη f Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek form of Hermione.
Ermofili Ερμοφίλη f Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek feminine form of Hermophilos.
Ermogenis Ερμογενης m Greek
Modern Greek form of Hermogenes.
Ermokratis Ἑρμοκράτης m Greek
Modern Greek form of Hermocrates (see Hermokrates).
Ero Ηρώ f Greek (Rare)
Variant transcription of Ηρώ (see Iro), used as a diminutive of Argyri and Argyro.
Erotokritos Ερωτόκριτος m Greek, Literature
Means "the one who is tortured by love" or "chosen by love", from Greek ἔρως (erôs) "love" (genitive ἔρωτος (erôtos); see Eros) and κριτός (kritos) "separated, picked out, chosen"... [more]
Errieta Ερριέτα f Greek (Rare)
Variant of Erietta.
Errika Έρρικα f Greek
Feminine form of Errikos.
Errikos Ερρίκος m Greek
Greek form of Henry via its Latinized form Henricus.
Ersi Έρση f Greek, Albanian
Modern Greek form of Herse.
Ersy Έρση f Greek
Alternate transcription of Greek Έρση (see Ersi).
Esperia Εσπερία f Italian (Rare), Greek (Rare, ?)
Italian form of Hesperia, as well as the modern Greek transcription. Ἑσπερία (Hesperia) meaning "land where the sun sets, western land" was an ancient Greek name for Italy.
Esthir Εσθήρ f Greek
Modern Greek form of Esther.
Estia Εστία f Greek Mythology (Italianized), Greek (Rare), Afrikaans
Modern Greek and Italian form of Hestia.
Estir Εστήρ f Greek (Rare), Macedonian, Bulgarian (Rare)
Bulgarian and Macedonian form and modern Greek variant of Esther.
Euaggelia Ευαγγελία f Greek (Rare)
Variant transcription of Ευαγγελία (see Evangelia).
Eudemia f Greek (Rare, Archaic)
Derived from the Ancient Greek name Eúdēmos, composed of two elements: meaning "well" plus dêmos meaning "district, country, land".
Eutyches Εὐτυχής m Greek
Ancient greek name given to a presbyter and archimandrite of a monastery near Constantinople, first mentioned in 431. Eutyches was famous for his teachings about Jesus Christ devine nature.
Evaggelia Ευάγγελια f Greek, Greek (Cypriot)
Variant of Evangelia.
Evaggelos Ευάγγελος m Greek (Rare), Greek (Cypriot)
Variant of Evangelos.
Evagoras Ευαγόρας m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Greek Mythology (Latinized), Greek
Latinized form of Euagoras as well as the modern Greek form of the name.... [more]
Evanthis Ευάνθης m Greek (Cypriot)
Modern Greek transcription of Euanthes.
Evdoxia Ευδοξία f Greek
Modern Greek form of Eudoxia.
Evdoxios Ευδόξιος m Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek form of Eudoxios.
Evfemia f Greek
Variant of Euphemia.
Evfimia Ευφιμια f Greek, Russian
Variant of Euphemia.
Evfrosyni Ευφροσύνη f Greek
Alternate transcription of Greek Ευφροσύνη (see Effrosyni).
Evgenis Ευγένης m Greek
Variant of Evgenios.
Evita Εβίτα f Greek
Diminutive of Paraskevi.
Evlambios m Greek
Alternate transcription of Eulampius.
Evlampia Ευλαμπία f Greek, Russian (Archaic), Ukrainian (Archaic), History (Ecclesiastical)
Modern Greek transliteration of Ευλαμπία (see Eulampia) and Russian and Ukrainian variant transliteration of Евлампия (see Evlampiya) as well as the Romanian form of this name.
Evmenes Ευμένης m Greek
Modern Greek form of Eumenes.
Evmorfia Ευμορφία f Greek
Modern Greek form of Eumorphia.
Evniki Ευνίκη f Greek
Modern Greek form of Eunice.
Evropi Ευρώπη f Greek
Modern Greek form of Europe.
Evropia Ευρωπία f Greek (Rare)
Presumably a variant of Evropi, the modern Greek transcription of Europe.
Evrydiki Ευρυδίκη f Greek
Modern Greek form of Eurydike.
Evrytos Εύρυτος m Greek (Rare, ?)
Modern Greek form of Eurytos.
Evsevios Ευσέβιος m Greek
Modern Greek form of Eusebios.
Evstratis Ευστράτης m Greek
Variant transcription of Ευστράτης (see Efstratis).
Evthalia Ευτηαλια f Greek
Variant of Efthalia.
Evthymis Ευθύμης m Greek (Rare)
Variant transcription of Ευθύμης (see Efthimis).
Evtychia Ευτυχία f Greek (Cypriot, Rare)
Variant transcription of Ευτυχία (see Eftychia).
Evtychios m Greek
Modern Greek variant of Eutychius.
Faidon Φαίδων m Greek
Variant transcription of Φαίδων (see Fedon).
Faidonas Φαίδωνας m Greek (Rare)
Variant of Faidon.
Faidra Φαίδρα f Greek
Alternate transcription of Greek Φαίδρα (see Fedra and Phaedra).
Faii Φαίη f Greek
Diminutive of Sofia and Fotini.
Falitsa Φαλίτσα f Greek
Diminutive of Garyfallia.
Fani Φανή f Greek
Derived from the Ancient Greek word φανή (phane), both a noun meaning "torch" and an adjective meaning "bright, shining" (the feminine form of φανός (phanos)). In some cases it can be a short form of Stefania or Theofania.
Fanis Φάνης m Greek
Greek short form of Theofanis.
Fanoula Φανούλα f Greek
Diminutive of Fani.
Fanouria Φανουρία f Greek (Rare)
Feminine form of Fanourios, which is the modern Greek form of Phanourios.
Fanourios Φανούριος m Greek
Modern Greek spelling of Phanourios.
Fanouris Φανούρης m Greek (Rare)
Variant form of Fanourios. A known bearer of this name is the Greek soccer player Fanouris Goundoulakis (b. 1983).
Favia Φαβία f Greek
Modern Greek spelling of Phabia, which is the ancient Greek form of Fabia.
Faviana Φαβιάνα f Greek
Modern Greek spelling of Phabiana, which is the ancient Greek form of Fabiana.
Favianos Φαβιανός m Greek
Modern Greek spelling of Phabianos, which is the ancient Greek form of Fabianus.
Favios Φάβιος m Greek
Modern Greek spelling of Phabios, which is the ancient Greek form of Fabius.
Favrikios Φαβρίκιος m Greek
Modern Greek spelling of Phabrikios, which is the ancient Greek form of Fabricius.
Favsta Φαύστα f Greek, Russian, Ukrainian
Modern Greek spelling of Phausta, which is the ancient Greek form of Fausta.... [more]
Favstina Φαυστίνα f Greek, Russian (Archaic)
Modern Greek spelling of Phaustina, which is the ancient Greek form of Faustina.... [more]
Favstinos Φαυστίνος m Greek
Modern Greek spelling of Phaustinos, which is the ancient Greek form of Faustinus.
Favstos Φαύστος m Greek
Modern Greek spelling of Phaustos, which is the ancient Greek form of Faustus.
Fay Φαίη f Greek
Variant of Faii.
Fedon Φαίδων m Greek
Modern Greek form of Phaidon.
Fedonas Φαίδωνας m Greek (Rare)
Variant transcription of Φαίδωνας (see Faidonas).
Fedra Φαίδρα f Greek, Azerbaijani, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Croatian (Rare), Galician, Italian, Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Serbian, Sicilian, Slovene, Spanish, Ukrainian, Theatre
Modern Greek form of Phaidra (see Phaedra) as well as the standard form in various other languages.... [more]
Fedros Φαίδρος m Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek form of Phaidros (see Phaedrus).
Fei Φαίη f Upper German (Rare, Archaic), Greek
Very obscure German short form of Sofie, not used as a given name in its own right. This is also a Greek short form of Sofia (sometimes transcribed as Fay).
Fenareti f Greek
Modern Greek form of Phaenarete.
Fenia Φένια f Greek
Greek diminutive of Foteini, which is a variant form of Fotini.
Ferekidis Φερεκύδης m Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek transcription of Pherecydes.
Fifi Φιφή f Greek
Diminutive of Sofia.
Filareti Φιλαρέτη f & m Greek, Sicilian
Modern Greek transcription of Philarete (feminine) and Sicilian form of Philaretus (masculine).
Filaretos Φιλάρετος m Greek
Modern Greek form of Philaretos.
Fili Φίλη f Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek transcription of Phile.
Filia Φίλια f Greek
Diminutive of Triantafyllia.
Filina Φιλίνα f Greek
Filio f Greek
Derived from the Greek word 'filia', meaning friendship. Also a diminutive of Theofili.
Filios m Greek (Cypriot)
Male form of Filio.
Filippakis Φιλιππάκης m Greek
Modern Greek diminutive of Filippos, as it contains the modern Greek diminutive suffix -άκης (-akis). This name is typically only used informally, meaning: it does not appear on birth certificates.
Filis Φίλης m Greek
Diminutive of Triantafyllos.
Filiskos Φιλίσκος m Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek transliteration of Philiscus.
Filitsa Φιλίτσα f Greek
Diminutive of Garifallia.
Filix Φήλιξ m Greek
Modern Greek spelling of Phelix, which is the ancient Greek form of Felix.
Filopimin Φιλοποίμην m Greek
Modern Greek form of Philopoimen. A known bearer of this name was the Greek film producer Filopimin Finos (1908-1977).
Filothei Φιλοθέη f Greek
Modern Greek form of Philothei.
Filoumenos Φιλούμενος m Greek
Modern Greek form of Philoumenos. A notable bearer of this name is the Greek Cypriot saint Filoumenos of Jacob's Well (1913-1979), whose birth name was Sofoklis Chasapis (also written as Hasapis)... [more]
Fistos Φήστος m Greek
Modern Greek spelling of Phestos, which is the ancient Greek form of Festus.
Fivi Φοίβη f Greek (Rare)
Alternate transcription of Greek Φοίβη (see Foivi).
Fivos Φοιβος m Greek
Modern Greek form of Phoibos.
Fkiourou Φκιουρού f Greek
Derived from Fiorella, ultimately from the Italian fiore meaning "flower".
Florentios Φλωρέντιος m Greek
Modern Greek spelling of Phlorentios, which is the late Greek form of Florentius.
Floros Φλώρος m Greek
Modern Greek spelling of Phloros, which is the ancient Greek form of Florus.
Fobos m Greek (Russified)
Russified form of Phobos, used to refer to Greek God.
Fofi Φώφη f Greek
Diminutive of Fotini. This was borne by Greek politician Fotini 'Fofi' Gennimata (1964-2021).
Fofo Φωφώ f Greek
Diminutive of Fotini.
Foivi Φοίβη f Greek
Modern Greek transcription of Phoebe.
Foivos Φοίβος m Greek
Modern Greek form of Phoibos.
Fokas m Greek (Rare), Czech (Rare), Polish (Rare)
Greek, Czech and Polish form of Phocas.
Fokion Φωκίων m Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek form of Phokion.
Fokionas Φωκίωνας m Greek (Rare)
Variant of Fokion.
Fonis Φώνης m Greek (Rare)
Diminutive of Xenofon.
Fontas Φόντας, Φώντας m Greek
Short form of Xenofontas.
Foris Φόρης m Greek
Diminutive of Christoforos.
Foteinos Φωτεινός m Greek (Rare)
Variant transcription of Φωτεινός (see Photinos).
Fotia f Greek
It means fire, or blaze. It is a Greek name I stumbled across one time and liked the sound of it.
Fotina f Albanian (Rare, Archaic), Italian, Russian (Archaic), Greek (Rare)
Albanian, Italian and Russian form of Photine via its latinized form Photina as well as an obsolescent Greek variant of Photine.
Fotine Φωτινη f Greek
Variant transcription of Photine.
Fotoula Φωτούλα f Greek
Diminutive of Fotini. This was used in the film 'My Big Fat Greek Wedding' (2002), where it belonged to the central character (Fotoula "Toula").
Foula Φούλα f Greek
Diminutive of Sofoula.
Fourios Φούριος m Greek
Modern Greek spelling of Phourios, which is the ancient Greek form of Furius.
Fragkiska Φραγκίσκα f Greek (Rare)
Greek form of Francisca.
Fragkiskos Φραγκίσκος m Greek
Greek form of Franciscus (see Francis).
Frangiskos Φραγκίσκος m Greek (Cypriot, Rare)
Variant transcription of Φραγκίσκος (see Fragkiskos).
Fransiskos Φρανσισκος, Φρανκισκος m Greek (Rare), Indonesian
Greek form of Franciscus.
Frantzeska Φραντζέσκα f Greek
Greek form of Francesca. See also Fragkiska.
Frantzeskos Φραντζέσκος m Greek
Variant form of Fragkiskos.
Fratzeska Φρατζέσκα f Greek
Greek borrowing of Francesca.
Fregia Φρέγια f Greek
Diminutive of Afroditi.
Freid m Greek
Masculine Form of Freida
Freida Φρείδα f Greek
Diminutive of Afroditi.
Freideriki Φρειδερίκη f Greek (Rare)
Alternate transcription of Greek Φρειδερίκη (see Frideriki).
Freiderikos Φρειδερίκος m Germanic (Hellenized), Greek (Rare)
Alternate transcription of Greek Φρειδερίκος (see Friderikos).
Freya Φρέγια f Greek (Rare)
Variant transcription of Φρέγια (see Fregia).
Freyia Φρέγια f Greek (Rare)
Variant transcription of Φρέγια (see Fregia).
Frida Φρείδα, Φρίντα f Greek
Variant transcription of Φρείδα (see Freida) and Φρίντα (see Frinta), both diminutives of Afroditi.
Frideriki Φρειδερίκη f Greek (Rare)
Greek form of Friederike. The use of the name in Greece was most likely inspired by Friederike of Hanover (1917-1981), the German wife of king Pavlos of Greece (1901-1964).
Friderikos Φρειδερίκος, Φριδερίκος m Germanic (Hellenized), Greek (Rare)
Hellenized form of Frideric (possibly via its latinized form Fridericus). It also occurs as a hellenization of the younger name Friedrich, though in this day and age, that name is now usually hellenized to Φρίντριχ (literally Frintrich, but correctly transcribed as Fridrich, as -ντ- is a digraph in Greek).
Frini Φρύνη f Greek
Alternate transcription of Greek Φρύνη (see Fryni).
Frinta Φρίντα f Greek
Diminutive of Afroditi and Freideriki.
Frixos Φροίξος m Greek
Modern Greek form of Phrixos.
Frontinos Φροντίνος m Greek
Modern Greek spelling of Phrontinos, which is the late Greek form of Frontinus.
Fronton Φρόντων m Bulgarian, Croatian, French, Greek, Polish, Russian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Croatian, French, Greek, Polish, Russian and Ukrainian form of Fronto.
Froso Φρόσω f Greek
Diminutive of Effrosyni.
Frosoula Φροσούλα f Greek
Diminutive of Effrosyni, via its short form or diminutive Froso.
Fryni Φρύνη f Greek
Modern Greek form of Phryne.
Fyllio Φυλλιώ f Greek
Diminutive of Triantafyllia.
Fyllitsa Φυλλίτσα f Greek
Diminutive of Triantafyllia.
Galilaios γαλιλαίος m Greek, Late Roman (Hellenized)
Hellenized form of Galilaeus (see Galileo).
Galinos Γαληνός m Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek form of Galenos.
Gamaliil Γαμαλιήλ m Greek
Greek form of Gamaliel.
Garifallia Γαρυφαλλιά f Greek
Alternate transcription of Greek Γαρυφαλλιά (see Garyfallia).
Garyfalia Γαρυφαλιά f Greek
Variant of Garyfallia.
Garyfallia Γαρυφαλλιά f Greek
Derived from Greek γαρύφαλλo "carnation".
Garyphalia Γαρυφαλλιά f Greek
Greek feminine name derived from καρυόφυλλον (karyophyllon) meaning "carnation".
Gavriela Γαβριέλα f Greek, Hebrew
Hebrew feminine form of Gabriel. It is rarely used as Greek female form of Gavriil.
Gavriella Γαβριέλλα f Jewish, Greek, Hebrew
Feminine form of Gavriel.
Gavrielle Γαβριέλλη f Hebrew, Greek (Rare)
Feminine form of Gavriel.
Gavrilis Γαβρίλης m Greek (Cypriot, Rare)
Variant of Gavriil.
Georgakis Γεωργάκης m Greek
Modern Greek diminutive of Georgios, as it contains the modern Greek diminutive suffix -άκης (-akis). This name is typically only used informally, meaning: it does not appear on birth certificates.
Georgis Τζώρτζης m Greek
Variant of Georgios.
Georgoula Γεωργούλα f Greek
Modern Greek diminutive of Georgia, as it contains the modern Greek feminine diminutive suffix -ούλα (-oula). This name is typically only used informally, meaning: it does not appear on birth certificates.
Gerakina Γερακίνα f Greek, Folklore
From the Greek word for the common buzzard (species Buteo buteo), a bird native to mainland Europe, which is derived from a diminutive of Ancient Greek ἱέραξ (hierax) meaning "hawk, falcon" (see Hierax)... [more]
Gerasimakis Γερασιμάκης m Greek
Modern Greek diminutive of Gerasimos, as it contains the modern Greek diminutive suffix -άκης (-akis). This name is typically only used informally, meaning: it does not appear on birth certificates.
Gerion m Greek (Latinized)
Latinisation of Geryon.
Germanos Γερμανός m Greek
Greek form of Germanus.
Gertroudi Γερτρούδη f Greek
Modern Greek form of Gertrude.
Gesthimani Γεσθημανή f Greek
Shift from Koine Greek Γεθσημανῆ (Gethsēmanê) (see Gethsemane).
Giagkos Γιάγκος m Greek
Form of Giannis.
Giannakis Γιαννάκης m Greek
Modern Greek diminutive of Giannis, as it contains the modern Greek diminutive suffix -άκης (-akis). This name is typically only used informally, meaning: it does not appear on birth certificates.
Giannios Γιαννιός m Greek (Rare)
Variant of Giannis.
Giannos Γιάννος m Greek
Variant of Giannis.