Greek Submitted Names

Greek names are used in the country of Greece and other Greek-speaking communities throughout the world. See also about Greek names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Totis Τότης m Greek
Diminutive of Panagiotis.
Toula Τούλα f Greek
Short form of Fotoula.
Tovias Τωβίας m Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek form of Tobias.
Traianos Τραϊανός m Greek
Greek form of Trajan 1.
Triada Τριάδα f Greek
Means "trinity" in Greek.
Triandafyllos Τριαντάφυλλος m Greek
Variant of Triantafyllos.
Triantaphillos Τριαντάφυλλος m Greek
Variant transliteration of Triantafyllos.
Triantaphyllos Τριαντάφυλλος m Greek
Variant transliteration of Triantafyllos.
Trisevgeni Τρισεύγενη f Greek
Modern Greek form of Trisevgene.
Tryfonas Τρύφωνας m Greek
Modern Greek form of Tryphonas.
Tsampika Τσαμπίκα f Greek
Possibly from Greek τσαμπίκα (tsampíka) or τσαμπέκα (tsampéka) referring to a musical instrument and type of ship, or from τσάμπα (tsámpa) meaning "fire, spark".
Tsitseka Τσιτσέκα f Greek (Rare, ?)
A form of Tzitzak or Çiçek. Empress Tzitzak was an 8th-century Khazar princess who converted to Christianity and was baptized Irene upon marrying the Byzantine emperor Constantine V.
Tydeas Τυδέας m Greek
Modern Greek form of Tydeus.
Tzamal Τζαμαλ m Greek (Rare)
Greek form of Jamal.
Tzamila Τζαμιλα f Greek
Greek form of Jamila.
Tzavalas Τζαβαλάς m Greek (Archaic)
Meaning unknown, possibly of Albanian origin. The best known bearer of this name is the Greek actor Tzavalas Karousos (1904-1969).
Tzemile Τζεμιλέ f Greek, Turkish (Hellenized)
Greek form of the Turkish name Cemile.
Tzeni Τζένη f Greek
Greek form of Jenny, used as a diminutive of Evgenia.
Tzenifer Τζένιφερ f Greek (Rare)
Greek form of Jennifer.
Tzeris Τζέρης m Greek
Diminutive of Gerasimos.
Tzesika Τζέσικα f Greek (Rare)
Greek form of Jessica.
Tzina Τζίνα f Greek
Diminutive of Giorgia, possibly influenced by Gina.
Tzoni Τζόνι m Greek (Modern)
Greek spelling of Johnny.
Tzonis Τζώνης m Greek
Diminutive of Ioannis.
Tzortzis Τζωρτζης m Greek
Greek elaborated form of George.
Tzouli Τζούλη f Greek
Diminutive of Neratzoula.
Tzoulia Τζούλια f Greek
Diminutive of Neratzoula.
Tzoulian Τζούλιαν m Greek
Greek form of Julian.
Tzoutzou Τζούτζου f & m Greek (Rare, ?)
Greek form of Juju.
Vagelis m Greek
Diminutive of Evangelos.
Vaggelio Βαγγελιώ f Greek
Variant transcription of Βαγγελιώ (see Vangelio).
Vaggelis Βαγγέλης m Greek
Variant of Vangelis.
Vagia Βάγια f Greek
Variant of Vaia.
Vaia Βαΐα f Greek
From the Egyptian word referring to the palm branch.... [more]
Vaios Βάιος m Greek
From the Egyptian word referring to the palm branch.... [more]
Vaitsa Βαΐτσα f Greek
Diminutive of Vaia.
Vakchos Βάκχος m Greek
Modern Greek form of Bacchus.
Valantios Βαλάντιος m Greek (Rare)
Valantis Βαλάντης m Greek
Short form of Chrysovalantis. A known bearer of this name is the Greek soccer player Chrysovalantis "Valantis" Kozoronis (b. 1992).
Valentini Βαλεντίνη f Greek
Feminine form of Valentinos. A known bearer is Greek model Valentini Daskaloudi (1979-).
Valentinianos Βαλεντινιανός m Ancient Roman (Hellenized), Late Greek, Greek, Armenian
Late Greek and modern Greek form of Oualentinianos, which is the ancient Greek form of Valentinianus... [more]
Valentinos Βαλεντίνος m Ancient Roman (Hellenized), Late Greek, Greek, Greek (Cypriot)
Late Greek and modern Greek form of Oualentinos, which is the ancient Greek form of Valentinus.
Valerianos Βαλεριανός m Ancient Roman (Hellenized), Late Greek, Greek
Late Greek and modern Greek form of Oualerianos, which is the ancient Greek form of Valerianus.
Valerios Βαλέριος m Ancient Roman (Hellenized), Late Greek, Greek
Late Greek and modern Greek form of Oualerios, which is the ancient Greek form of Valerius.
Valia Βάλια f & m Bulgarian, Georgian (Rare), Greek, Russian
In Bulgaria and Russia, this name is a variant transcription of the unisex name Valya.... [more]
Valsamo Βαλσαμώ f Greek (Rare)
Perhaps derived from Ancient Greek βάλσαμον (balsamon) meaning "balsam tree" (of Semitic origin).
Valvinos Βαλβίνος m Greek
Modern Greek spelling of Balbinos, which is the ancient Greek form of Balbinus.
Vana Βάνα f Greek
Diminutive of Ioanna.
Vangelio Βαγγελιώ f Greek
Diminutive of Evangelia.
Vanias Βάνιας m Greek
Diminutive of Ioannis.
Vanna Βάννα f Greek
Diminutive of Ioanna.
Vaptistis Βαπτιστής m Greek (Rare)
Greek form of Baptiste.
Varnavas Βαρνάβας m Greek
Modern Greek form of Barnabas.
Vartholomaios Βαρθολομαίος m Greek
Alternate transcription of Greek Βαρθολομαίος (see Vartholomeos).
Vartholomeos Βαρθολομαίος m Greek, Greek (Cypriot)
Modern Greek form of Bartholomaios (see Bartholomew).
Varvaritsa Βαρβαρίτσα f Greek
Greek diminutive of Varvara.
Varvaroula Βάρβαρουλα f Greek (Rare)
Greek diminutive of Varvara.
Varytimos Βαρύτιμος m Greek (Rare)
From the Ancient Greek adjective βαρύτιμος (barytimos) meaning "very costly, of great value", a word used in the New Testament (itself composed of βαρύς (barys) "heavy, deep" and τιμή (time) "value, esteem").
Vasilakis Βασιλάκης m Greek
Modern Greek diminutive of Vasilios and Vasilis, as it contains the modern Greek diminutive suffix -άκης (-akis)... [more]
Vasileia Βασιλεία f Greek
Modern Greek form of Basileia.
Vasilia Βασιλεία f Greek (Rare)
Alternate transcription of Greek Βασιλεία (see Vasileia). Also compare the masculine equivalent Vasilios.
Vasiliko Βασιλικώ f Greek
Diminutive of Vasiliki.
Vasilitsa Βασιλίτσα f Greek
Diminutive of Vasiliki, as -ίτσα (-itsa) is a Greek feminine diminutive suffix.
Vasilo Βασίλω f Greek, Albanian (Rare)
Diminutive of Vasiliki.
Vasos Βάσος m Greek
Diminutive of Vasilis.
Vasoula Βασούλα f Greek
Diminutive of Vasiliki (formed of Vaso 2 and the Greek feminine diminutive suffix -ούλα (-oula)).
Vassilia Βασιλεία f Greek
royal or kingly
Vaya Βάγια f Greek
Variant form of Greek Βάια (also spelled Βάϊα, Βαΐα; see Vaia).
Vayia Βάγια f Greek (Rare)
Variant transcription of Βάγια (see Vagia).
Veatriki Βεατρίκη f Greek
Greek form of Beatrice.
Velios Βέλιος m Greek
Diminutive of Velisarios/Velissarios.
Velisarios Βελισάριος m Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek transcription of Belisarios (see Belisarius).
Velissarios Βελισσάριος m Greek
Variant of Velisarios.
Veloudia Βελουδία f Greek (Rare)
Derived from Greek βελούδο (veloudo) meaning "velvet".
Venedikti Βενεδίκτη f Greek (Rare)
Feminine form of Venediktos.
Venediktini Βενεδικτίνη f Greek (Rare, ?)
Variant Greek feminine form of Venediktos.
Venediktos Βενέδικτος m Greek (Rare)
Greek form of Benedictus (see Benedict).
Venia Βένια f Greek
Diminutive of Evgenia.
Venios Βένιος m Greek
Diminutive of Evgenios.
Vera Βέρα f Greek
Short form of Varvara.
Vereniki Βερενίκη f Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek form of Berenike.
Veronike Βερονίκη f Greek (Rare), Dutch (Rare)
Greek form of Veronika and possible Dutch variant of Veronique.
Veroniki Βερονίκη f Greek
Greek form of Veronica.
Veta Βέτα f Greek
Diminutive of Elisavet.
Vianor Βιάνωρ m Greek (Archaic), Abkhaz (Rare), Georgian (Rare), Romanian (Rare), Russian (Rare)
Modern Greek transcription of Bianor as well as the Abkhaz, Georgian, Romanian and Russian form of the name.
Vicky Βίκυ f Greek
Variant of Viky influenced by the English name Vicky.
Vigilios Βιγίλιος m Greek
Greek form of Vigilius.
Vikentia Βικέντια f Greek (Rare)
Feminine form of Vikentios.
Vikentios Βικέντιος m Greek (Rare)
Greek form of Vincent
Vikentis Βικέντης m Greek
Diminutive of Vikentios.
Viki Βίκη f Greek
Diminutive of Vaia, Viktoria and Vasiliki.
Viky Βίκυ f Greek
Variant of Viki.
Vilelmini Βιλελμίνη f Greek
Greek form of Wilhelmine.
Vili Βίλη f Greek
Diminutive of Vasiliki and Vilelmini.
Villy Βίλλυ f Greek
Variant of Vili.
Vily Βίλυ f Greek
Variant of Vili.
Virgilios Βιργίλιος m Greek
Greek form of Vergilius (see Virgil).
Virsavee Βηρσαβεε f Greek
Modern Greek form of Bersabee, which is the ancient Greek form of Bathsheba. Also compare the Russian name Virsaviya.
Vithleem Βηθλεέμ f Greek (Rare)
Means "Bethlehem" in Greek. (Compare Bethleem.)
Vitsentzos Βιτσέντζος m Greek (Modern, Rare)
Greek form of Vincent.
Vivi Βιβή f Greek
Diminutive of Paraskevi, Vasiliki or Akrivi.
Vivian Βίβιαν f Greek
Diminutive of Paraskevi. Usage of this name is most likely influenced by the unrelated name Vivian.
Vivlida Βυβλίδα f Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek form of Byblis.
Vladimeros Βλαδίμηρος m Greek (Cypriot, Rare)
Variant of Vladimiros.
Vladimiros Βλαδίμηρος m Greek (Rare)
Greek form of Vladimir.
Vlasios Βλάσιος m Greek
Modern Greek form of Blasios. When looking at the native spelling, note the following: the first letter of this name (the beta) was a 'b' in ancient Greek, but it is a 'v' in modern Greek... [more]
Vlassios Βλάσσιος m Greek (Rare)
Variant of Vlasios.
Vonifatios Βονιφάτιος m Greek (Rare)
Greek form of Boniface.
Vrasidas Βρασίδας m Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek form of Brasidas.
Vrendanos Βρενδάνος m Greek (Archaic)
Modern Greek form of Brendan.
Vrisiida Βρισηίδα f Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek form of Briseida.
Vrisiis Βρισηίς f Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek form of Briseis.
Vroutos Βρούτος m Greek
Modern Greek form of Broutos.
Vyron Βυρων m Greek
Greek form of Byron.
Vyronas Βύρωνας m Greek (Rare)
Variant of Vyron.
Vyzantia Βύζαντια f Greek (Rare)
Feminine form of Vyzantios.
Xanthoula Ξανθούλα f Greek
Diminutive of Xanthippi and Xanthi.
Xara Χαρά f Greek
Alternate transcription of Greek Χαρά (see Chara).
Xaris Χάρης, Χάρις m & f Greek
Alternate transcription of Greek Χάρης or Χάρις (see Charis).
Xaverios Ξαβέριος m Greek (Rare)
Greek form of Xavier
Xenakis Ξενάκης m & f Greek (Cypriot)
Transferred use of the surname, which comes from 'xenos' meaning "stranger, foreigner" and the suffix '-akis'.
Xenofontas Ξενοφώντας m Greek (Rare)
Variant of Xenofon.
Xenos Ξενος m Greek
Derived from Greek ξενος (xenos) meaning "stranger, foreigner".
Xilon m Greek
The name Xilon means From The Forest and is of Greek origin it is a Boy Name.
Xristina Χριστίνα f Greek
Alternate transcription of Greek Χριστίνα (see Christina).
Xristodoulos m Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek form of Christodoulos.
Xristoforos Χριστόφορος m Greek
Alternate transcription of Greek Χριστόφορος (see Christoforos).
Yakinthi Υακίνθη f Greek
Modern Greek feminine form of Hyakinthos.
Yakinthos Υάκινθος m Greek (Rare)
Greek form of Hyacinthus.
Yani m Bulgarian, Greek
Variant of Yanni.
Yenovefa Γενοβέφα f Greek (Rare)
Alternate transcription of Greek Γενοβέφα (Genovefa), the Greek form of Geneviève via Italian Genoveffa.
Yerasimos Γεράσιμος m Greek
Variant transcription of Γεράσιμος (see Gerasimos).
Yesthimani Γεσθημανή f Greek (Cypriot, Rare)
Variant transcription of Γεσθημανή (see Gesthimani).
Yiannakis Γιαννάκης m Greek
Alternate transcription of Γιαννάκης (see Giannakis)
Yiannios Γιαννιός m Greek (Rare)
Variant transcription of Γιαννιός (see Giannios).
Yiannos Γιάννος m Greek
Variant transliteration of Γιάννος (see Giannos).
Yiannoula Γιαννούλα f Greek
Variant transcription of Γιαννούλα (see Giannoula).
Yiasemi Γιασεμή f Greek (?)
Possibly a variant transcription of Giasemi, which means "jasmine" in Greek (from the vocabulary word γιασεμί (yiasemi)).
Yiorgoula Γιωργούλα f Greek (Rare)
Variant transcription of Γιωργούλα (see Giorgoula).
Yioryia Γιωργία f Greek (Rare)
Variant transcription of Γιωργία (see Giorgia).
Yioryitsa Γιωργίτσα f Greek (Rare)
Variant transcription of Γιωργίτσα (see Giorgitsa).
Yiota Γιώτα f Greek (Cypriot)
Variant transcription of Γιώτα (see Giota).
Yiotis Γιώτης m Greek
Short form of Panayiotis.
Yioula Γιούλα f Greek (Cypriot)
Variant transcription of Γιούλα (see Gioula).
Yiouli Γιούλη f Greek
Variant transcription of Γιούλη (see Giouli).
Yioulika Γιούλικα f Greek (Cypriot, Rare)
Variant transcription of Γιούλικα (see Gioulika).
Yitsa Γίτσα f Greek (Rare)
Variant transcription of Γίτσα (see Gitsa).
Yola Γιόλα f Greek
Yoryis Γιώργης m Greek
Variant transcription of Γιώργης (see Giorgis).
Yota Γιώτα f Greek (Rare)
Variant transcription of Γιώτα (see Giota).
Youla Γιούλα f Greek
Alternate transcription of Greek Γιούλα (see Gioula).
Youli Γιούλη f Greek (Rare)
Variant transcription of Γιούλη (see Giouli).
Ypapanti Υπαπαντή f Greek
From the name used in the Eastern Orthodox Church for the festival of Candlemas or Purification (February 2), which commemorates the meeting of the infant Jesus and his mother with Simeon and Anna in the temple... [more]
Ypatia Υπατία f Greek
Modern Greek form of Hypatia.
Ypatios Υπάτιος m Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek form of Hypatios.
Yvonni Υβόννη f Greek
Greek form of Yvonne.
Zacharenia Ζαχαρένια f Greek
Greek feminine form of Zacharias. This coincides with the Greek vocabulary word ζαχαρένια (zacharenia) meaning "sugary", from ζάχαρη (zachari) "sugar, sucrose".
Zacharoula Ζαχαρούλα f Greek
Greek feminine form of Zacharias.
Zachos Ζάχος m Greek (Rare)
Short form of Zacharias.
Zafeirios Ζαφείριος m Greek
Variant of Zafeiris.
Zafeiris Ζαφείρης m Greek
From Greek ζαφείρι (zafeíri), derived via Italian from Ancient Greek σάπφειρος (sáppheiros) (see Sapphire) through Latin (compare Zafeiro).
Zafeiro Ζαφειρώ f Greek
From Greek ζαφείρι (zafeíri), derived via Italian from Ancient Greek σάπφειρος (sáppheiros) (see Sapphire) through Latin (compare Zafeiris).
Zafeiroula Ζαφειρούλα f Greek
Feminine form of Zafeiris, using the diminutive suffix -ούλα (-oula).
Zafiris m & f Greek
From Greek ζαφείρι ή σαπφειρός meaning "sapphire".
Zaharias Ζαχαρίας m Greek
Alternate transcription of Greek Ζαχαρίας (see Zacharias).
Zaharoula Ζαχαρούλα f Greek
Variant transcription of Zacharoula.
Zakelina Ζακελίνα f Greek (Rare)
Greek borrowing of Jacqueline.
Zampeti Ζαμπέτη f Greek (Rare)
Diminutive of Elisavet.
Zanet Ζανέτ f Greek
Greek borrowing of Jeanette.
Zaneta Ζανέτα f Greek
Greek borrowing of Jeanette.
Zanetta Ζανέττα f Greek
Greek borrowing of Jeanette.
Zanis Ζάνης m Greek
Diminutive of Ioannis.
Zannis Ζάννης m Greek
Diminutive of Ioannis.
Zaxarias Ζαχαρίας m Greek
Alternate transcription of Greek Ζαχαρίας (see Zacharias).
Zela Ζέλα f English (Rare), Greek (?)
Possibly an English variant of Zelia, Zella or Zelah. This is also said to be a Greek name, in which case it might be a diminutive of Zinovia; compare Zelina.
Zele Ζήλη f Greek
Variant transcription of Ζήλη (see Zili).
Zelina Ζελίνα f Greek
Diminutive of Zinovia.
Zenovios m Greek
Greek masculine form of Zenobia.
Zeta Ζέτα f Greek
Greek diminutive of Georgia. Also compare Zorzeta.
Zetta Ζέττα f Greek (Rare)
Variant of Zeta.
Zili Ζήλη f Greek
Diminutive of Oreozili.
Zinonas Ζήνωνας m Greek (Cypriot, Rare)
Variant of Zinon.
Zinovios Ζηνόβιος m Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek transcription of Zenobios. This was borne by Zinovios Valvis (1800-1886), a Greek politician who served two terms as Prime Minister of Greece, in 1863 and 1864.
Zisimos Ζήσιμος m Greek
Modern Greek form of Zesimos.
Zisis Ζήσης m Greek
From Ancient Greek ζήσει (zesei) meaning "he will live", itself from the verb ζάω (zao) "to live" (the source also of ζωή (zoe) "life").
Zissis Ζήσης m Greek
Alternate transcription of Greek Ζήσης (see Zisis).
Zissoula Ζησούλα f Greek (Rare)
Feminine form of Zissis.
Zografia Ζωγραφιά f Greek
Zoitsa Ζωίτσα f Greek
Diminutive of Zoi, as -ίτσα (-itsa) is a Greek feminine diminutive suffix.
Zorz Ζωρζ m Greek (Rare)
Hellenized form of Georges.
Zorzeta Ζωρζέτα f Greek (Rare)
Hellenized form of Georgette.
Zorzetta Ζωρζέττα f Greek
Diminutive of Giorgia.
Zorzis Ζώρζης m Greek
Diminutive of Georgios.
Zoumpoulia Ζουμπουλιά f Greek
Derived from Turkish zümbül or sümbül meaning "hyacinth".
Zozefina Ζοζεφίνα f Greek
Greek form of the French name Joséphine. Also compare Iosifina.
Zozo Ζωζώ f Greek
Diminutive of Zoi. Known bearers of this name include Greek actresses Zoi 'Zozo' Dalmas (1905-1988) and Zoi 'Zozo' Sapountzaki (1933-).
Zura f Greek
Variant of Zora.
Zympoul Ζυμπούλ f Greek
Cappadocian dialect form of Zoumpoulia.