Greek Submitted Names

Greek names are used in the country of Greece and other Greek-speaking communities throughout the world. See also about Greek names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Mantalena Μανταλένα f Greek
A hellenized form of Maddalena.
Mantha Μάνθα f Greek
Mantis Μαντής m Greek (Rare)
Diminutive of Diamantis.
Manto Μαντώ f Greek
Diminutive of Diamanto.
Mardocheos Μαρδοχαίος m Greek (Archaic)
Modern Greek form of Mardochaios.
Margaritis Μαργαρίτης m Greek
Masculine form of Margarita.
Marialena Μαριαλένα f Greek
Contraction of Maria and Lena.
Mariana Μαριάνα f Greek
Diminutive of Marianthi.
Marianthe Μαριάνθη f Greek
Alternate transcription of Greek Μαριάνθη (see Marianthi).
Marigo Μαριγώ f Greek, Albanian
Diminutive of Maria or Margarita. This was borne by 19th-century Greek actress Marigo Alkaiou (1790-1865) and 19th-century Greek revolutionary Marigo Zarafopoula... [more]
Marigoula Μαριγούλα f Greek
Diminutive of Maria.
Marilia f Spanish (Latin American), Greek, Portuguese (Brazilian)
A mishmash of Maria and Emilia, and likely inspired by the Marília municipality in midwestern Rio de Janeiro in Brazil... [more]
Marilita Μαριλίτα f Greek
Diminutive of Maria.
Mariliza Μαριλίζα f Greek
Mario Μαριώ f Greek
Diminutive of Maria.
Mariori Μαριωρή f Greek (Rare)
Possibly derived from Maria or Marjorie.
Marirena Μαριρένα f Greek
Combination of Maria with Eirini.
Maritina Μαριτίνα f Greek
Contraction of Maria and Christina or Konstantina.
Maritsa Μαρίτσα f Greek, Greek (Cypriot)
Greek diminutive of Maria, as -ίτσα (-itsa) is a Greek feminine diminutive suffix.
Markela Μαρκελα f Greek
Greek form of Marcela.
Markella f Greek
Variant of Marcella.
Markellos m Greek (Rare), Ancient Greek
Greek form of Marcellus (see Marcel).
Markia Μαρκία f Greek (Rare)
Greek form of Marcia.
Markiani Μαρκιανή f Greek (Rare)
Greek feminine form of Marcianus.
Maro Μάρω f Greek
Diminutive of Maria.
Maroula Μαρούλα f Greek
Greek diminutive of Maria.
Maroulla Μαρούλλα f Greek (Cypriot)
Variant of Maroula.
Martinos Μαρτίνος m Ancient Roman (Hellenized), Greek (Rare)
Hellenized form of Martinus (see Martin).
Mata Μάτα f Greek
Diminutive of Stamatia and Stamatina.
Mathaios Μαθαιος m Greek
Variant of Matthaios.
Mathios m Greek
Variant of Matthias.
Matina Ματίνα f Greek
Short form of Stamatina, which in turn is a diminutive of Stamatia.
Matoula Ματούλα f Greek
Diminutive of Stamatia.
Matthiani Ματθιανη f Greek (Rare)
Feminine form of Matthias.
Matthildi Ματθίλδη f Greek
Greek form of Matilda.
Matthios Ματθιος m Greek
Variant of Matthias.
Mavra Μαύρα f Greek (Rare), Georgian, Russian (Archaic), Ukrainian, Moldovan, Romanian, History (Ecclesiastical), Theatre
Modern Greek form of Maura 1, which has spread to Eastern Europe and the Caucasus region via the Eastern Orthodox Church.... [more]
Mavrikios Μαυρίκιος m Greek
Greek form of Mauricius (See Maurice).
Mavritios Μαυριτίως m Greek
Greek from of Maurice via its latinized form Mauritius.
Mavros m Greek
Means "black" in Greek, originally used as a descriptive nickname for a person with a dark or swarthy complexion. Mavros is more commonly found as a surname.
Mavroudis Μαυρουδής m Greek
Maximos Μάξιμος m Greek
Greek form of Maximus.
Mayia Μάγια f Greek
Variant transcription of Magia, a feminine form of Magos.
Melaini Μελαινη f Greek
Variant transcription of Melaine.
Melaneia Μελάνεια f Greek
Greek variant form of Melanie. This form is used to refer to St. Melania the Elder (325-417, feast day June 8).
Melani Μελάνη f Spanish, Croatian, Slovene, Greek (Rare), Hungarian, English (American, Modern, Rare)
Spanish borrowing, Croatian and Slovene form, Modern Greek and English variant of Melanie and Hungarian variant of Melánia... [more]
Melanthe Μελανθη f Greek (Rare, Archaic)
Feminine form of Melanthos.
Melanthi Μελάνθη f Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek feminine form of Melanthos.
Melanthia f Greek
Variant of Melanthi.
Melenia Μελένια f Greek, Romani (Archaic)
Méli Μέλι f Greek (Portuguese-style, Rare)
It means "honey" in Greek.
Melissanthe Μελισσάνθη f Greek (Rare)
Composed of Greek μελισσα (melissa) "honeybee" and ανθος (anthos) "flower". It is used as a Graecized form of Mélisande (e.g., the 12th-century queen Melisende of Jerusalem is known as Melissanthe in Greek)... [more]
Meliz Μελίζ f Greek (Cypriot), Turkish (Hellenized)
Possibly a Hellenized form of the Turkish name Melis. A known bearer is Turkish Cypriot sprinter Meliz Redif (1989-).
Memas Μεμάς m Greek (Rare)
Diminutive of Gerasimos.
Memos Μέμος m Greek (Rare)
Diminutive of Agamemnon.
Meni Μένη f Greek
Diminutive of Melpomeni.
Merkourios Μερκούριος m Greek (Rare)
Greek form of Mercury.
Merkouris Μερκούρης m Greek (Rare)
Variant of Merkourios.
Mersa Μέρσα f Greek
Diminutive of Myrsini.
Metaxia Μεταξία f Greek
Comes from the word for silk in Greek metaxi (μετάξι).
Michaila Μιχαηλα f Greek
Feminine form of Michail.
Michalakis Μιχαλάκης m Greek
Modern Greek diminutive of Michalis, as it contains the modern Greek diminutive suffix -άκης (-akis). This name is typically only used informally, meaning: it does not appear on birth certificates.
Michalitsa Μιχαλιτσα f Greek
Greek diminutive of Michaela.
Mika Μίκα f Greek
Short form of Mimika, a diminutive of Dimitra.
Mikhalis Μιχαλης m Greek
Variant transcription of Michalis.
Mikis Μίκης m Greek
Short form of Michail and Michalis. A notable bearer of this name is the Greek composer Michail "Mikis" Theodorakis (b... [more]
Mikolas Μικολάς m Greek
Variant of Nikolaos.
Milia Μίλια f Greek
Truncated form of Aimilia and Emilia.
Milios Μίλιος m Greek (Rare)
Diminutive of Emilios.
Miltiadis Μιλτιάδης m Greek
Modern form of Miltiades.
Miltos Μίλτος m Greek
Short form of Miltiades.
Mimi Μίμη f Greek
Diminutive of Dimitra.
Mimika Μιμίκα f Greek
Diminutive of Dimitra.
Mimis m Greek
Short form of Dimitris.
Mina Μίνα f Greek
Diminutive of Asimina.
Minadora Μηναδώρα f Georgian (Rare), Greek (Rare), Romanian (Rare)
Georgian form of Menodora as well as a Greek and Romanian variant of Minodora.... [more]
Minas Μηνάς m Greek, Armenian
Greek and Armenian form of Menas.
Mini Μίνη f Greek
Diminutive of Vilelmini.
Minoas Μίνωας m Greek (Rare)
Variant of Minos.
Miraphora f Greek (Rare)
Possibly a variant of Myrophora. It is borne by graphic designer Miraphora Mina, who worked on all of the 'Harry Potter' films.
Miria Μύρια f Greek (Cypriot, Rare)
Variant transliteration of Μύρια (see Myria).
Mirsini Μυρσίνη f Greek
Alternate transcription of Greek Μυρσίνη (see Myrsini).
Mirsiny Μυρσίνη f Greek (Rare)
Alternate transcription of Myrsini.
Mitrofanis Μητροφάνης m Greek
Modern Greek form of Metrophanes.
Mitros Μήτρος m Greek
Diminutive of Dimitrios.
Mitsa Μήτσα, Μίτσα f Greek
Diminutive of Efthymia.
Mitsi Μίτση f Greek
Diminutive of Dimitra.
Mitsos Μήτσος m Greek
Diminutive of Dimitrios.
Mixalis Μιχάλης m Greek
Alternate transcription of Greek Μιχάλης (see Michalis).
Moameth Μωάμεθ m Arabic (Hellenized), Greek
Greek form of Muhammad.
Mochamet Μοχάμετ m Greek (Rare), Muslim
Greek (Islamic) form of Mohamed.
Mona Μόνα f Greek
Diminutive of Lemonia.
Monik Μονίκ f Greek (Modern, Rare)
Greek form of Monique.
Morfo Μόρφω f Greek
Diminutive of Evmorfia.
Morfoula Μορφούλα f Greek
Diminutive of Evmorfia.
Moscha Μόσχα f Ancient Greek, Greek
Derived from Greek μόσχος (moschos) "calf, young bull" (compare Moschion, Moscho).
Moscho Μόσχω f Late Greek (?), Greek (Rare)
Derived from Greek μόσχος (moschos), which meant "a young shoot, calf" and "musk". Moscho was one of the Forty Holy Virgin Martyrs who are celebrated on September 1. Bearer Moscho Tzavela (1760-1803) was a Greek-Souliote heroine of the years before the Greek War of Independence.
Moschokarfenia Μοσχοκαρφένια f Greek
Derived from Greek μοσχοκάρφι meaning carnation.
Moschoula Μοσχούλα f Greek
Derived from Ancient Greek μόσχος (móskhos) meaning "young shoot; calf" or "musk" (the two senses having differing etymologies) with the diminutive suffix -ούλα (-oula).
Moysis Μωυσής m Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek form of Mouses. Also compare Moyses.
Mpakis Μπάκης m Greek (Rare)
Diminutive of Charalampos.
Mpampis Μπάμπης m Greek (Rare)
Diminutive of Charalampos.
Mpety Μπέτυ f Greek (Rare)
Greek form of Betty, used as a diminutive of Elisavet. A known bearer is the Greek actress Mpety or Betty Arvaniti (1939-), who was born Elisavet.
Mpia Μπία f Greek
Diminutive of Olympia and Charalampia.
Mpilis Μπίλης m Greek
Diminutive of Vasilis.
Mylis Μύλης m Greek
Modern Greek transcription of Myles 2.
Myllo Μψλλό m Greek
Alternative spelling of Milo.
Myria Μύρια f Greek (Cypriot)
Possibly a variant of Μύριαμ (Myriam), a Greek form of Miriam.
Myrianthe Μυριάνθη f Greek (Rare), Greek (Cypriot, Rare)
The first element of this name is derived from Greek μυριάς (myrias) meaning "ten thousand", which is ultimately derived from Greek μυρίος (myrios) meaning "countless, numberless, infinite"... [more]
Myrofora Μυροφόρα f Greek
Modern form of Myrophora.
Myrophora Μυροφόρα f Late Greek, Greek
Derived from Greek Μυροφόροι (Myrophóroi) meaning "Myrrhbearers", which in Eastern Orthodox Christianity is a term that refers to the women with myrrh who came to the tomb of Christ early in the morning, only to find it empty... [more]
Myrsini Μυρσίνη f Greek
Modern Greek form of Myrsine.
Nadia Νάντια f Greek
Diminutive form of Konstantina.
Nafsika Ναυσικά f Greek
Modern Greek form of Nausicaa.
Nakis Νάκης m Greek
Short form of diminutives such as Antonakis and Stefanakis.
Nancy f Greek (Modern)
Diminutive of Athanasia, influenced by the unrelated English name Nancy.
Nansy Νάνσυ f Greek
Diminutive of Athanasia, influenced by Nancy.
Nantia Νάντια f Greek
Greek form of Nadia 1.
Naouma Ναούμα f Greek (Rare)
Feminine form of Naoum.
Narkisos Νάρκισος m Greek (Rare)
Variant of Narkissos.
Nasia Νάσια f Greek (Cypriot)
Short form of Athanasia.
Nasos Νασος m Greek
Either a diminutive of Athanasios or Anastasios.
Nasoula Νασούλα f Greek
Diminutive of Athanasia.
Nataly Νάταλυ f English (Modern), Spanish (Latin American), Portuguese (Brazilian), Greek (Rare), Russian, Ukrainian, Estonian (Rare)
English variant and Spanish and Portuguese borrowing of Natalie, as well as a variant transcription of Russian Натали and Ukrainian Наталі (see Natali).
Natassa Νατάσσα f Greek
Variant of Natasa, and it is also a diminutive of Natalia.
Nathanail Ναθαναήλ m Greek
Modern Greek form of Nathanael.
Nausika Ναυσικά f Greek (Rare), Albanian (Rare)
Greek variant and Albanian form of Nausikaa.
Neapoli Νεάπολη f Greek (Rare)
Derived from Νεάπολη (Neapoli), the name of several places in modern Greece. These places were originally called Νεάπολις (Neapolis), which means "new city" in ancient Greek, as it is derived from the Greek adjective νέος (neos) meaning "new, young" combined with the Greek noun πόλις (polis) meaning "city".
Nectarios m Greek
Semi-latinized form of Nektarios. The proper and full latinization of the name is Nectarius.
Nektaris Νεκτάρης m Greek (Rare)
Variant of Nektarios.
Neli Νέλη f Greek
Diminutive of Pinelopi.
Nelli Νέλλη f Greek
Diminutive of Eleni influenced by the English name Nelly.
Nena Νένα f Greek
Diminutive of Irini.
Neofitos Νεόφυτος m Greek (Rare)
Variant of Neofytos.
Neoklis Νεοκλής m Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek form of Neokles.
Nephelie Νεφέλη f Greek
Variant transliteration of Νεφέλη (see Nefeli).
Nerantzo Νεράντζω f Greek (Rare)
Possibly derived from Greek νεραντζιά (nerantzia) meaning "bitter orange".
Neratzo Νεράτζω f Greek (Rare)
Variant of Nerantzo.
Neratzoula Νερατζούλα f Greek (Rare)
Diminutive of Neratzo.
Nervas Νέρβας m Ancient Roman (Hellenized), Late Greek, Greek
Late Greek and modern Greek form of Neroua, which is the ancient Greek form of Nerva.
Nestoras Νέστορας m Greek (Rare), Greek (Cypriot)
Variant of Nestor.
Nicos m Greek
Variant spelling of Nikos.
Nifon Νήφων m Greek (Rare), Romanian (Rare), History (Ecclesiastical)
Modern Greek form of Nephon as well as the Romanian form of the name.
Nikiforos Νικηφόρος m Greek
Modern Greek form of Nikephoros. It also coincides with the Modern Greek adjective νικηφόρος (nikifóros) meaning "victorious".
Nikitas Νικήτας m Greek
Modern Greek form of Niketas.
Nikodimos Νικοδημος, Νικοδιμος m Greek
Modern Greek spelling of Nikodemos. A known bearer of this name is the Cypriot soccer manager and former soccer player Nikodimos "Nikki" Papavasiliou (b. 1970).
Nikolaki Νικολάκι m Greek
A diminutive of Nikolaos.
Nikolakis Νικολάκης m Greek
Modern Greek diminutive of Nikolaos and Nikolas, as it contains the modern Greek diminutive suffix -άκης (-akis)... [more]
Nikolia Νικολία f Greek
Feminine form of Nikolaos.
Nikolis Νικολής m Greek
Diminutive of Nikolaos.
Nikomidis Νικομήδης m Greek
Modern Greek form of Nikomedes (see Nicomedes).
Niovi Νιόβη f Greek
Modern transcription of Niobe.
Nitsa Νίτσα f Greek
Diminutive of Irini and Eleni.
Noeme Νοεμή f Greek (Modern, Rare), Spanish, Portuguese (Brazilian)
Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese cognate and Modern Greek form of Noemin.
Nondas Νώντας m Greek
Modern Greek short form of Epaminondas.
Noni Νόνη f Greek
Diminutive of Pagona.
Nopi Νόπη f Greek
Diminutive of Parthena and Parthenopi.
Nora Νόρα f Greek
Diminutive of Panorea.
Notis Νότης m Greek
Diminutive of Panagiotis.
Noula Νουλα f Greek
Diminutive of Anna (via its diminutive Annoula), Ekaterini (via its diminutive Katerinoula), Fotini (via its diminutive Foteinoula), Gianna (via its diminutive Giannoula) and any other pet forms that end in -noula.
Nouli Νούλη f Greek
Diminutive of Adriani.
Ntaiana Νταϊάνα f Greek
Greek form of Diana, reflecting the English pronunciation.
Ntaizi Νταίζη f Greek (Rare)
Greek form of Daisy.
Ntana f Greek
Greek form of Dana.
Ntaniel Ντάνιελ m Greek (Rare)
Variant transliteration of Daniel.
Ntaniela Ντάνιελα, Δάνιελα f Greek
Greek variant transliteration of Daniela.
Ntemi Ντέμη f Greek
Greek form of Demi, used as a diminutive of Dimitra.
Ntenis Ντένης m Greek
Greek form of Denis, used as a diminutive of Dionysios.
Nteniz Ντενίζ f Greek
Greek form of Denise.
Ntepi Ντέπη f Greek
Diminutive of Despina.
Ntepy Ντέπυ f Greek
Diminutive of Despina.
Ntia Ντία f Greek
Diminutive of Konstantia.
Ntiana Ντιάνα f Greek (Rare)
Rare (and rather deviant) back-transcription of Diana from Modern Greek.
Ntimi Ντίμη f Greek
Variant of Dimi; a diminutive of Dimitra.
Ntina Ντίνα f Greek
Short form of Konstantina.
Ntinos Ντίνος m Greek (Cypriot)
Diminutive of Avgoustinos.
Ntomenika Ντομένικα f Greek (Rare)
Greek feminine form of Dominic.
Ntora Ντόρα f Greek
Variant transcription of Ντόρα (see Dora).
Nysis Νύσης m Greek
Diminutive of Dionysios.
Odisseas Οδυσσέας m Greek (Rare)
Variant transcription of Οδυσσέας (see Odysseas).
Odysseas Οδυσσέας m Greek
Modern Greek form of Odysseus (see also Odyssefs). Known bearers of this name include Odysseas Androutsos (a hero of the Greek War of Independence) and Odysseas Elytis (winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1979).
Odyssefs Οδυσσεύς m Greek
Modern Greek form of Odysseus (see also Odysseas).
Ofiros Οφίρος m Greek (Modern, Rare)
Possibly a masculine Greek form of Ofir.
Okeanis Ωκεανίς f Greek (Rare)
Feminine form of Okeanos.
Oleander m & f Greek (Rare), English (Rare)
The name Oleander originated as an Greek name. In Greek, the name Oleander means "an evergreen tree."... [more]
Olivianos Ολιβιανός m Greek
Greek form of Olivianus (see Olivian).
Olivvia Ολιβία, Ολιββία f Greek (Modern, Rare)
Modern Greek form of Olivia.
Olymbia Ολυμπία f Greek (Cypriot)
Variant transcription of Ολυμπία (see Olympia).
Olymbiada Ολυμπιάδα f Greek (Cypriot, Rare)
Variant transcription of Ολυμπιάδα (see Olympiada).
Olympiada Ολυμπιάδα f Greek
Modern Greek form of Olympias.
Olyvia Ολύβια f Greek (Modern, Rare)
Modern Greek form of Olivia.
Onisiforos Ονησίφορος m Greek
Modern form of Onesiphoros.
Oraiozili Ωραιοζήλη f Greek (Rare)
Alternate transcription of Greek Ωραιοζήλη (see Oreozili).
Oratios Οράτιος m Greek
Greek form of Horatio.
Oreithyius m Greek (Rare)
Masculine form of Oreithyia.
Oreozili Ωραιοζήλη f Greek (Rare), History (Ecclesiastical)
Meaning uncertain, perhaps a Greek form of a Hebrew name in which the initial element is אוֹר ('or) meaning "light". Saint Horaeozele or Oriozela of Reuma in Byzantium was an early Christian virgin martyr.
Orestiada Ορεστιάδα f Greek (Rare)
Feminine form of Orestis.
Orfefs Ορφεύς m Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek form of Orpheus.
Orianthi Οριάνθη f Greek (Rare)
Probably derived from the Greek noun ὄρος (oros) meaning "mountain, hill" (compare Orestes) combined with the Greek noun ἄνθος (anthos) meaning "flower"... [more]
Orpheas Ορφέας m Greek (Rare)
Variant of Orpheus.
Orsalia Ορσαλία f Greek
Greek variant of Ursula.
Ortansia Ορτανσία f Greek (Rare)
Derived from Greek ορτανσία (ortansia) meaning "hydrangea".
Othon m Greek, German (Hellenized)
Greek form of Otto, used by the first modern king of Greece, who was born Prince Otto of Bavaria.
Othonas m Greek
Variant of Othon.
Otos m Greek
From Greek ὢτος (otos) meaning "horned owl".
Ougko Ουγκώ, Ουγκό m Greek (Rare)
Greek form of Hugo.
Ouiliam Ουίλιαμ m Greek
Phonetic transliteration of William.
Oumvertos Ουμβέρτος m Greek (Rare)
Greek form of Humbert.
Oursoula Ούρσουλα f Greek
Greek form of Ursula.
Padelis Παντελης m Greek (Rare)
Variant transcription of Pantelis
Pafnoutios ΠΑΦΝΟΎΤΙΟΣ m Greek
Modern Greek form of Paphnoutios (see Paphnutius)
Pafsanias Παυσανίας m Greek
Modern Greek form of Pausanias. A known bearer of this name was the Greek army officer and politician Pafsanias Katsotas (1896-1991).
Pagona Παγώνα f Greek
Derived from Greek παγώνι (pagóni) meaning "peacock".
Pagratia Παγκρατία f Greek
Derived from greek παγκρατής meaning "all-powerful".
Paisios Παΐσιος m Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek form of Païsios.
Palmýra Παλμύρα f Czech, Slovak, Greek
Czech, Slovak and Greek form of Palmyra.
Pamfili Παμφίλη f Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek transcription of Pamphile.
Pamfilos Πάμφιλος m Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek transcription of Pamphilos.
Panagioti Παναγιώτη, Παναγιώτης m Italian (Rare), Greek
Italian form and Greek variant of Panagiotis.
Panagiotitsa Παναγιωτίτσα f Greek
Diminutive of Panagiota.
Panagioula Παναγιούλα f Greek
Diminutive of Panagiota.
Panagis Παναγής m Greek
Diminutive of Panagiotis.
Panaiota f Greek (Rare, Expatriate, ?)
Alternate transcription of Greek Παναγιωτα (see Panagiota).
Panajiotis Παναγιώτης m Greek
Variant transcription of Panagiotis.
Panayiota Παναγιώτα f Greek, Greek (Cypriot)
Variant transliteration of Παναγιώτα (see Panagiota).
Panayis Παναγής m Greek
Diminutive of Panayiotis.
Panayota Παναγιώτα f Greek
Alternate transcription of Greek Παναγιώτα (see Panagiota).
Panayotis Παναγιώτης m Greek
Variant transcription of Panagiotis.
Panayoula Παναγιούλα f Greek
Variant transcription of Παναγιούλα (see Panagioula).
Pandelis m Greek
Variant of Pantelis.
Pani Πάνη f Greek
Diminutive of Panagiota.
Pania f Greek (Cypriot, Rare)
Feminine form of Panos.
Panikos Πανίκος m Greek (Cypriot)
Diminutive of Panagiotis.
Panoraia Πανωραία f Greek
Variant transcription of Πανωραία (see Panorea).
Panorea Πανωραία f Greek
Panoria Πανώρια f Greek (Rare)
Variant of Panorea.
Pantelakis Παντελάκης m Greek
Modern Greek diminutive of Pantelis, as it contains the modern Greek diminutive suffix -άκης (-akis). This name is typically only used informally, meaning: it does not appear on birth certificates.
Pantelina Παντελίνα f Greek
Feminine form of Pantelis.
Pantelitsa Παντελίτσα f Greek (Cypriot)
Feminine diminutive of Pantelis.
Pantoleon Παντολέων m Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek form of Pantaleon.
Parascevas Παρασκευας m Greek (Rare), Late Greek (Latinized)
Alternate transcription of Greek Παρασκευας (see Paraskevas).
Paris Πάρης, Πάρις m Greek
Diminutive of Paraskevas.
Partalia Παρταλία f Greek
The meaning of this name come from the Greek word παρτάλι meaning cloth.
Parthena Παρθένα f English (Rare), Ancient Greek, Greek
Derived from Greek παρθένος (parthenos) meaning "maiden, virgin".
Parthenice f Greek (Rare)
Derived from Greek parthenikos, meaning "of a maiden" or "for a maiden". This is the botanical name for a genus in the daisy family.
Parthenios Παρθένιος m Ancient Greek, Greek
Masculine form of Parthenia.
Parthenopi Παρθενόπη f Greek
Modern Greek transcription of Parthenope.
Pascalia f Greek (Germanized, Rare), English (African)
Germanized form of Paschalia as well as a Kenyan borrowing of this name.
Pascalis Πασχάλης m Medieval Latin, Dutch (Rare), Greek
Variant of Paschalis (see Pascal) as well as an alternate transcription of modern Greek Πασχάλης (see Paschalis).... [more]
Paschalia Πασχαλία f Greek, English (African)
Feminine form of Paschalis.
Paschos Πάσχος m Greek (Rare)
Meaning uncertain. It might possibly be a short form of Paschalis.
Pastolis παστολη m Greek
Short form, or variant form, of Apostolis.
Pasxalis Πασχάλης m Greek
Alternate transcription of Greek Πασχάλης (see Paschalis).
Patra Πάτρα f English (Rare), Greek (Rare)
Possibly a variant of Petra or a short form of Cleopatra.
Patrikios Πατρίκιος m Greek
Greek form of Patricius.
Patroula Πατρούλα f Greek
Diminutive of Patra.
Pavlakis Παυλάκης m Greek
Modern Greek diminutive of Pavlos, as it contains the modern Greek diminutive suffix -άκης (-akis). This name is typically only used informally, meaning: it does not appear on birth certificates.
Pavlinos Παυλίνος m Greek
Modern Greek spelling of Paulinos, which is the ancient Greek form of Paulinus.
Pege Πηγή f Greek
Means "source" or "spring" in Greek.
Peggy Πέγκυ f Greek (Modern)
Variant transcription of Πέγκυ (see Pegky).
Pegky Πέγκυ f Greek (Modern)
Diminutive of Pagona and Pelagia influenced by the unrelated English name Peggy.
Penny f Greek (Modern)
Variant of Peny influenced by the unrelated English name Penny.
Peny Πένυ f Greek
Diminutive of Panagiota and Panorea.
Pepi Πέπη f Greek
Diminutive of Despina and Efterpi.
Peris Πέρης m Greek
Short form of Periandros and Periklis.
Peristera Περιστέρα f Greek
From Greek περιστέρι (peristeri) meaning "dove, pigeon," from Ancient Greek περῐστέρῐον (peristérion), the diminutive of περιστερᾱ́ (peristerā́).... [more]
Permanthoula Περμανθούλα, Περμανθία, Περμανθέα f Greek
From the ancient greek name Permanthea, derived from the greek word anthos meaning "flower, blossom".
Persa Πέρσα f Greek (Rare), Serbian (Rare), Medieval Italian
A form of Persis. In Serbian usage, also a short form of Persida.
Perseas Περσέας m Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek form of Perseus.
Pete m Greek (Anglicized)
Anglicized form of Pit.
Petrakis Πετράκης m Greek
Modern Greek diminutive of Petros, as it contains the modern Greek diminutive suffix -άκης (-akis). This name is typically only used informally, meaning: it does not appear on birth certificates.... [more]
Petrinola Πετρινόλα f Greek
A rare Greek given name, found mostly on the island Naxos of Cyclades where it probably originated. It is possibly a derivative form of the Latin name Petronilla, since Naxos and most of Cyclades were occupied, as the Duchy of Naxos, by the Republic of Venice from 1207 to 1579 A.D.
Phaedon Φαίδων m Greek, Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Variant latinization of Phaidon, as well as a modern transcription. (Its proper latinized form is Phaedo.)
Phaethon Φαέθων m Greek
From Greek meaning "Shining one". Phaethon was the son of the sun god Helios, who asked to drive the celestial chariot that drove the sun across the sky. After losing control, Zeus killed him with a lightning strike.
Philantha f Greek
Philantha is a girl's name of Greek origin meaning "lover of flowers".... [more]
Philia f English (Rare), Dutch (Rare), German (Rare), Greek (Rare), Greek (Cypriot, Rare)
Derived from Greek philia "love", specifically referring to any kind of platonic love. In the English-speaking world, this name has seen occasional usage from the 17th century onwards.
Philippe Φιλίππη f Greek (Rare)
Feminine form of Philippos.
Philothei Φιλοθέη f Greek (Archaic)
Medieval Greek form of Philothea. This name was notably borne by the Greek saint Philothei of Athens (1522-1589), whose birth name was Revoula Benizelou.
Phoebi Πηοεβι f Greek
Variant of Phoebe.
Phoivos Φοίβος m Greek
Variant transcription of Foivos.
Photini Φωτεινη f Greek
Variant transcription of Fotini.
Photon m Greek
Comes from the elementary particle that transmits light. From the Ancient Greek phos.
Pieros Πιέρος m Greek (Cypriot, Rare), Greek (Rare)
Greek adoption of Piero.
Pierros Πιέρρος m Greek (Rare)
Variant of Pieros.