Gender Feminine
Pronounced Pron. /də.ˈmiː/(English) /ˈdɛm.i/(English)  [key·simplify]

Meaning & History

Alternate transcription of Greek Δήμη or Ντίμι or Ντίμη (see Dimi), as well as a short form of Demetria. A famous bearer is American actress Demi Moore (1962-), and it is because of her that the name rose in popularity in the United States in the late 1980s. Though some sources claim Moore's birth name is Demetria, the actress herself has said she was born as Demi and named after a makeup product. The name received a further boost after 2008 with the release of the debut album by the singer Demi Lovato (1992-), who pronounces the name differently than the older actress. Lovato's birth name is Demetria.

Related Names

Other Languages & CulturesDemetria(Ancient Greek) Demeter(Greek Mythology) Demetra(Italian) Dumitra, Demetra(Romanian)


People think this name is

modern   youthful   informal   refined   strange   simple  


Entry updated December 7, 2022