Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the meaning contains the keywords big or large or giant or tall.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Jūrōta m Japanese (Rare)
This name combines 十 (ji', juu, ju', to, too) meaning "ten" or 重 (juu, chou, e, omo, omo.i, omo.ri, kasa.naru, kasa.neru) meaning "heap up, heavy, pile up" & 郎 (ryou, rou, otoko) meaning "son" or 朗 (rou, aki.raka, hoga.raka) meaning "bright, cheerful, clear, merry" with 太 (ta, tai, futo.i, meaning "big plump, thick."... [more]
Jutarō m Japanese
From Japanese 壽 (ju) meaning "longevity, long life", 太 (ta) meaning "thick, big" combined with 郎 (rou) meaning "son". Other combinations of kanji characters are also possible.... [more]
Juutarou m Japanese
From Japanese 受 (juu) meaning "to receive; to accept" or 重 (juu) meaning "heavy, weighty", 太 (ta) meaning "thick, big" combined with 郎 (rou) meaning "son". Other combinations of kanji characters are also possible.... [more]
Kahananui m & f Hawaiian
Meaning "the great work, the hard job". From Hawaiian ka "the", hana "work" and nui "big".
Kaitarou m Japanese
From Japanese 海 (kai) meaning "sea, ocean", 太 (ta) meaning "thick, big" combined with 郎 (rou) meaning "son". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Kajükho m Mao
From the Mao kajü meaning "big".
K'ajutarssuaĸ m Greenlandic
Greenlandic name with the combination of K'ajutaĸ and suffix -rsuaq "big, great".
Kamalipa f Hinduism
Kamal, Kamala, Kamalika & Kamalipa. All these names orginated from the flower name "Kamal(Lotus". The name Kamalipa means "Big Lotus"
Kanta m Japanese
From the Japanese kanji 寛 (kan) meaning "tolerant, gentle" or 貫 (kan) meaning "pierce" or 幹 (kan) meaning "stem; core; talent" combined with 太 (ta) meaning "big, thick, great" or 汰 (ta) meaning "scour, wash out"... [more]
Kanui f Hawaiian
Means "the big" in Hawaiian.
Katonah m Lenape, History
Meaning uncertain, possibly derived from a Munsee cognate of Unami kitahtëne meaning "big mountain". This was the name of a 17th-century Native American leader, the sachem (chief) of the Munsee-speaking Ramapo people in present-day western Connecticut... [more]
Kazuhiro m Japanese
From 一 (kazu) meaning "one" and 紘 (hiro) meaning "large, wide, broad, big". Other kanji combinations can be used.
Keitarou m Japanese
From Japanese 圭 (kei) meaning "jade pointed at top", 太 (ta) meaning "thick, big" combined with 郎 (rou) meaning "son". Other kanji combinations are possible. ... [more]
Kentarou m Japanese
From Japanese 健 (ken) meaning "healthy, strong", 太 (ta) meaning "thick, big" and 郎 (rou) meaning "son". Many different combinations of kanji characters can also form this name.
Keun-byeol m & f Korean (Modern, Rare)
From Byeol prefixed with 큰 (keun), the present determiner form of adjective 크다 (keuda) meaning "big, large, great."
Kiều f & m Vietnamese
From Sino-Vietnamese 嬌 (kiều) meaning "seductive, spoiled, loveable" or 喬 (kiều) meaning "tall, lofty".
Kinta m Japanese
From 金 (kin) meaning "gold, metal" and 太 (ta) meaning "thick, big". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Kintarō m Japanese
This name combines 金 (kin, kon, gon, kana-, kane, -gane) meaning "gold", 欣 (kin, gon, kon, yoroko.bu, meaning "take pleasure in, rejoice", 欽 (kin, kon, meaning "respect, revere, long for", 錦 (kin, nishiki) meaning "brocade, fine dress, honors" or 琴 (kin, koto) meaning "harp, koto" with 太郎 (tarou) meaning "eldest son" (from 太 (ta, tai, futo.i, meaning "big around, plump, thick" and 郎 (ryou, rou, otoko) meaning "son.")... [more]
Kirua f Japanese
From Japanese 貴 (ki) meaning "expensive", 琉 (ru) meaning "precious stone" combined with 阿 (a) meaning "big mound". Other kanji combinations are possible.
K'itdlarssuaĸ m Greenlandic
Combination of K'itdlaĸ and suffix -rsuaq meaning "big, great".
Kōichi m Japanese
From Japanese 晃 (kō) meaning "clear, bright", 幸 () meaning "happiness, blessing, fortune", 光 () meaning "light", 孝 () meaning "filial piety, obedience", 弘 (kō) meaning "vast, broad, wide", 浩 () meaning "prosperous", 宏 (kō) meaning "wide, large", or 耕 (kō) meaning "till, plow, cultivate" combined with 一 (ichi) meaning "one"... [more]
Komeng m Malay, Indonesian
Means "always small" or "not big" in both Indonesian and Malay.
Kong Kea m Khmer
Means "big water" in Khmer.
Kong-Kea f & m Khmer
Means "big water" in Khmer.
Kōshirō m Japanese
This name combines 光 (kou, hikari, meaning "light, ray," 公 (ku, kou, ooyake) meaning "formal, official, prince, public," 功 (ku, kou, isao) meaning "achievement, honour, merit, success," 孝 (kyou, kou) meaning "filial piety," 宏 (kou, hiro.i) meaning "large, wide, vast" or 幸 (kou, saiwa.i, sachi, meaning "blessing, fortune, happiness" with 四 (shi, yo, yo'.tsu, yo.tsu, yon) meaning "four" or 士 (shi) meaning "gentleman, samurai" and 郎 (ryou, rou, otoko) meaning "son."... [more]
Kotaro m Japanese
From Japanese 幸 () meaning "good luck", 孝 (, "obedience"), 耕 (, "to plow") or 光 (, "shine") combined with 太 (ta) meaning "big" and 郎 () meaning "son"... [more]
Kou m & f Japanese
This name can be used as 幸 (kou, saiwa.i, sachi, meaning "blessing, fortune, happiness," 光 (kou, hikari, meaning "light, ray," 康 (kou) meaning "ease, peace," 興 (kyou, kou,, meaning "entertain, interest, pleasure, retrieve, revive," 亘 (kan, kou, moto.meru, meaning "request, span," 孝 (kyou, kou) meaning "child's respect, filial piety," 幸 (kou, saiwa.i, meaning "happiness, luck," 候 (kou, sourou) meaning "climate, weather, season," 功 (ku, kou, isao) meaning "achievement, credit, honour, merits, success," 好 (kou, i.i,, su.ku, yo.i) meaning "fond, like something, pleasing," 鴻 (kou, gou, oogari, ootori, hishikui) meaning "great, large (bird), powerful, prosperous, wild goose" or 浩 (kou, ooki.i, hiro.i) meaning "abundance, vigorous, wide expanse."... [more]
Kouri f Japanese
From Japanese 高 (kou) meaning "tall, high" combined with 里 (ri) meaning "village". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Koushi m Japanese
From Japanese 黄 (kou) meaning "yellow", 興 (kou) meaning "entertain", 光 (kou) meaning "light", 公 (kou) meaning "official, governmental", 功 (kou) meaning "a success, a great achievement", 厚 (kou) meaning "kind, thick, heavy", 好 (kou) meaning "fondness; what one likes", 孝 (kou) meaning "filial piety", 工 (kou) meaning "workman, artisan", 巧 (kou) meaning "clever, skillful", 幸 (kou) meaning "happiness", 康 (kou) meaning "peace", 弘 (kou) meaning "to spread, enlarge, expand", 恒 (kou) meaning "always; constant", 晃 (kou) meaning "clear", 浩 (kou) meaning "prosperous", 港 (kou) meaning "port", 紅 (kou) meaning "crimson", 紘 (kou) meaning "vast, expansive", 耕 (kou) meaning "plow, cultivate", 考 (kou) meaning "thought", 行 (kou) meaning "a line of text", 香 (kou) meaning "fragrance", 高 (kou) meaning "tall", 剛 (kou) meaning "firm; strong; hard", 嵩 (kou) meaning "high, lofty", 虹 (kou) meaning "rainbow", 亘 (kou) meaning "request", 晧 (kou) meaning "daybreak", 洸 (kou) meaning "sparkle, glitter", 煌 (kou) meaning "brilliant", 皓 (kou) meaning "bright, luminous" or 耿 (kou) meaning "bright, shining" combined with 史 (shi) meaning "history", 志 (shi) meaning "purpose, will, determination, aspiration, ambition", 司 (shi) meaning "officer; official", 四 (shi) meaning "four", 師 (shi) meaning "teacher, master, one's mentor", 士 (shi) meaning "samurai, warrior", 沙 (shi) meaning "sand", 之 (shi) meaning, a possessive marker, 至 (shi) meaning "to reach; to arrive", 紫 (shi) meaning "purple; violet" or 資 (shi) meaning "money; fund; wealth; capital"... [more]
Koutarou m Japanese
From Japanese 光 (kou) meaning "light", 幸 (kou) meaning "happiness", 孝 (kou) meaning "filial piety", 耕 (kou) meaning "plow, cultivate", 興 (kou) meaning "entertainment, pleasure, interest", 浩 (kou) meaning "prosperous", 康 (kou) meaning "peaceful" or 廣 (kou) meaning "broad, wide, extensive, vast", 太 (ta) meaning "thick, big" combined with 郎 (rou) meaning "son"... [more]
Kugüdə̑r f Mari
Derived from kugu meaning "big" and üdə̑r meaning "girl, daughter". This name was traditionally given to girls born on Fridays.
Kugüdyr f Mari
Means "big daughter" in Mari.
Kugumari m Mari
Means "big man" in Mari.
Kunihiro m Japanese
From Japanese 国 (kuni) meaning "a land, a large place" combined with 寛 (hiro) meaning "tolerant". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Kunihito m Japanese
From Japanese 国 (kuni) meaning "a land, a large place" combined with 人 (hito) meaning "person". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Kuniyasu m Japanese
From 国 (kuni) meaning "country, large place," and 安 (yasu) meaning "cheap, low, relax, inexpensive". Other kanji combinations can be used.
Kurōta m Japanese (Rare)
This name combines 九 (kyuu, ku, kokono, kokono.tsu) meaning "nine" & 郎 (ryou, rou, otoko) meaning "son" or 朗 (rou, aki.raka, hoga.raka) meaning "bright, cheerful, clear, merry" with 太 (ta, tai, futo.i, meaning "big, plump, thick."... [more]
Kurotaro m Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 黒 (kuro) meaning "black" combined with 太 (ta) meaning "thick, big, great" and 郎 (rō, ryo) meaning "son". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Kwatoko m Hopi
Means "bird with a large beak" in Hopi.
Kyōtarō m Japanese
This name combines 京 (kyou, kin, kei, miyako) meaning "capital", 恭 (kyou, uyauya.shii) meaning "respect, reverent", 響 (kyou, hibi.ku) meaning "echo, resound, ring, sound, vibrate", 杏 (an, kyou, kou, anzu) meaning "apricot" or 喬 (kyou, taka.i) meaning "high, boasting" with 太郎 (tarou) meaning "eldest son" (from 太 (ta, tai, futo.i, meaning "big around, plump, thick" and 郎 (ryou, rou, otoko) meaning "son") or 太 and 朗 (rou, aki.raka, hoga.raka) meaning "bright, cheerful, clear, melodious, serene."
Langiva f Medieval English (Latinized)
Latinized form of an uncertain name, probably Old English *Langgifu (composed of the elements lang "long, tall, lasting" and giefu "gift") or perhaps Old Norse Langlíf (otherwise Latinized as Langliva).
Lanqiao m & f Chinese
From the Chinese 澜 (lán) meaning "overflowing, waves, ripples" or 兰 (lán) meaning "orchid" and 乔 (qiáo) meaning "tall, lofty, proud".
Lewalevu f Polynesian Mythology
The name of a fertility goddess in Fijian mythology, derived from lewa meaning "authority" and levu meaning "big, large".
Lian m Chin
Means "big, large, great" in Hakha Chin.
Lingjun m & f Chinese
From Chinese 灵 or 靈 (líng) meaning "spirit, soul" or 令 (lìng) meaning "cause, make, order, decree" combined with 均 (jūn) meaning "equal, even, level", 俊 (jùn) meaning "talented, handsome", or 頵 (jūn) meaning "large-headed, top-heavy"... [more]
Lis m Albanian, Kosovar
Derived from Albanian lis "oak; tall tree".
Logi m Norse Mythology, Icelandic
Means "flame, blaze" in Old Norse. In Norse legend Logi was 'a handsome king of a land north of Norway. A descendant of giants, his name became Hálogi - "tall Logi" - the legendary source of the modern Hålogaland region of Norway… His daughters were Eisa and Eimyrja, names both meaning "embers", and his wife's name Glöd probably means "red-hot embers" - all suggestive that Logi is a personification and deity of fire' (K.M. Sheard, 2011).
Lomahongva m Hopi
Hopi name meaning "reed standing tall and healthy", from lomá "good, beautiful" combined with hóngva "just raised, just stood up" (from hóng "raised up, erected, caused to stand" and the suffix va).
Lut m Mongolian
Means "large, immense, very" in Mongolian.
Macedon m Ancient Greek
From Greek makednos meaning "tall" or from Illyrian maketia meaning "cattle".
Macedonio m Spanish (Rare), Italian (Rare)
This name is derived from Latin Macedonius meaning "Macedonian," which is derived from Greek Makedones. That word literally means "highlanders" or "the tall ones," which is related to makednos meaning "long, tall" and makros "long, large."... [more]
Machiko f Japanese
From Japanese 町 (machi) meaning "town" or 海 (machi) meaning "large, wide, vastly gathered, sea, ocean" and 子 (ko) meaning "child". Other kanji combinations can be used.
Mackinac m Indigenous American
Mean "big Turtle" in ojibwe
Macrinus m Late Roman, History
Roman cognomen, which because of the -inus suffix must be a diminutive, probably of what should be macrus. Macrus is either derived from Latin macer "thin, meagre", or a latinized form of Greek makros "large, long"... [more]
Macris f Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Μακρις (Makris), which is possibly derived from Greek μακρός (makros) "large, long; far, distant" or μάκαρ (makar) "blessed, happy" (compare Makarios).
Maenwallon m Medieval Breton
Old Breton name, recorded in Latin as Maenuuallon, meaning "great and valorous" from Old Breton maen, from Latin magnus "large, great, strong", and Old Breton uuallon or Old Welsh uualaun, uualon "valorous".
Maenwobri m Medieval Breton
Derived from Old Breton maen, from Latin magnus "large, great, strong", combined with Old Breton uuobri "serious, important".
Magnentius m Late Roman
Probably derived from the Latin adjective magnus meaning "great, large" (also see Magnus). This name was borne by a Gallo-Roman usurper from the 4th century AD.
Magnia f Late Roman
Derived from Latin magnus "great, big".
Magpie f English
Diminutive of Maggie and Margaret, from the English word for the common European bird, known for its chattering, before c.1600 known simply as pie... [more]
Mahapajapati f Sanskrit
Means "leader of a great assembly", derived from Sanskrit महा (mahā) meaning "great, large" combined with प्रजा (prajā) meaning "subjects, people" and पति (patī) meaning "husband, lord, master"... [more]
Mahkate:wi-meši-ke:hke:hkwa m Indigenous American
Means "be a large black hawk" in the Sauk dialect of the Fox language.... [more]
Mairenui f Polynesian, Tahitian
Polynesian name, composed by "Maire", that is the Tahitian name of the flower Alyxia Stellata and "nui", meaning "big", "great".
Maito m Japanese
This name combines 舞 (bu, mai, ma.u, -ma.u) meaning "circle, dance, flit, wheel" with 人 (jin, nin, -to, hito, -ri) meaning "person" or 斗 (to, tou) meaning "Big Dipper."... [more]
Makanui f & m Hawaiian
Hawaiian unisex name meaning "big eyes".
Makedon m Greek Mythology
Related to Greek μακεδνός (makednos) meaning "tall, slim". This was the name of the legendary eponymous ancestor of the ancient Macedonians.
Makkapitew m Algonquin
Means "he has large teeth" in Algonquin, from Algonquin mamàngàbide "to have large teeth".
Makrobios m Ancient Greek
Essentially means "long life" or "long-lived", derived from Greek μακρός (makros) "large, wide, long" combined with Greek βιος (bios) "life."
Malaki m Filipino, Tagalog
Means "big; great; handsome" in Tagalog.
Malinalxochitl f Nahuatl, Aztec and Toltec Mythology
Means "grass flower" or "wildflower" in Nahuatl, from Nahuatl malinalli, "tall grass, twisted grass", and xōchitl, "flower". In Aztec mythology, Malinalxochitl was a sorceress and goddess of snakes, scorpions, and desert insects, and the sister of Huitzilopochtli.
Mancinagross m Medieval Italian
Derived from Italian mancina meaning "left-handed person" and Latin grossus meaning "great, large; thick; coarse".
Mandara f Indian, Kannada
Means "large" or "firm".
Mang f & m Chin
Means "dream" or "big" in Hakha Chin.
Mantarō m Japanese
From Japanese 万 (man) meaning "very many", 太 (ta) meaning "thick, big" combined with 郎 (rou) meaning "son". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Manutooq m Greenlandic
Means "one with a big fur under chin" in Greenlandic.
Masataro m Japanese
From Japanese 正 (masa) meaning "correct, right, proper, justice" or 成 (masa, naru) meaning "to become, to get", 太 (ta) meaning "thick, big, great" and 郎 (rō, ryo) meaning "son"... [more]
Masatomo m Japanese
From 匡 (masa) meaning "rectify, correct, straighten up", 将 (masa) meaning "commander, military rank, general, leader" or 大 (masa) meaning "big, large, great" combined with 朝 (tomo) meaning "morning" or 友 (tomo) meaning "friend"... [more]
Masaya m Japanese
From Japanese 允 (masa) meaning "license, sincerity, permit", 栄 (masa) meaning "flourish, prosperity, honor, glory, splendor", 雅 (masa) meaning "gracious, elegant, graceful, refined", 宜 (masa) meaning "best regards, good", 匡 (masa) meaning "correct, save, assist", 公 (masa) meaning "public, prince, official, governmental", 順 (masa) meaning "obey, order, turn, right, docility, occasion", 将 (masa) meaning "leader, commander, general, admiral, or, and again, soon, from now on, just about", 昌 (masa) meaning "prosperous, bright, clear", 真 (masa, ma) meaning "true, reality", 仁 (masa) meaning "humanity, virtue, benevolence, charity, man, kernel", 征 (masa) meaning "subjugate, attack the rebellious, collect taxes", 政 (masa) meaning "politics, government", 正 (masa) meaning "correct, justice, righteous", 聖 (masa) meaning "holy, saint, sage, master, priest", 壮 (masa) meaning "robust, manhood, prosperity", 大 (masa) meaning "big, great", 方 (masa) meaning "direction, person, alternative", 麿 (ma) meaning "I, you", 万 (ma) meaning "ten thousand", 理 (masa) meaning "reason, logic", 諒 (masa) meaning "fact, reality, understand, appreciate" or 和 (masa) meaning "harmony, Japanese style, peace, soften, Japan", 佐 (sa) meaning "assistant, help", 瑳 (sa) meaning "polish, brilliant white luster of a gem, artful smile" or 三 (sa) meaning "three" combined with 哉 (ya), an exclamation, 也 (ya) meaning "also", 矢 (ya) meaning "dart, arrow", 弥 (ya) meaning "all the more, increasingly", 寧 (ya) meaning "rather, preferably, peaceful, quiet, tranquility", 八 (ya) meaning "eight", 允 (ya) meaning "license, sincerity, permit" or 伸 (ya) meaning "expand, stretch, extend, lengthen, increase"... [more]
Masuta m Japanese
From Japanese 真 (ma) meaning "true, reality", 寿 (su) meaning "long life" combined with 太 (ta) meaning "thick, big". Other kanji combinations are possible. ... [more]
Masutarou m Japanese
From Japanese 萬 (ma) meaning "ten thousand", 壽 (su) meaning "long life", 太 (ta) meaning "thick, big" combined with 郎 (rou) meaning "son". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Mataro m Japanese
From 真 or 眞 (ma) meaning "real, genuine", 太 (ta) meaning "big", and 郎 (ro) meaning "son".
Ma'xėhó'nehe m Cheyenne
Means "Big Wolf" in Cheyenne.
Ma'xenáhkohe m Cheyenne
Means "Big Bear" in Cheyenne.
Megabates m Ancient Greek, Old Persian (Hellenized)
Hellenized form of Old Persian Bagapātah, influenced by the Ancient Greek elements μέγας (megas) meaning "great, large, mighty" and -βάτης (-bates) meaning "walker", itself from βαίνω (baino) "to go, to step".
Megabazus m Old Persian (Hellenized)
From Ancient Greek Μεγάβαζος (Megábazos), a Hellenized form of Old Persian Bagavazdā, influenced by Greek μέγας (megas) meaning "great, large, mighty"... [more]
Megabyxos m Old Persian (Hellenized)
Hellenized form of Old Persian Bagabuxša, influenced by Greek μέγας (megas) meaning "great, large, mighty".
Megabyzos m Old Persian (Hellenized)
Hellenized form of Old Persian Bagabuxša, influenced by Greek μέγας (megas) meaning "great, large, mighty".
Megaclite f Greek Mythology (Latinized), Astronomy
Latinized form of Greek Μεγακλειτή (Megakleite), possibly derived from the Greek adjective μέγας (megas) "great, large, mighty" combined with κλειτός (kleitos) "celebrated, famous, illustrious" (compare Megakles)... [more]
Megakles m Ancient Greek
Means "great glory", derived from Greek μέγας (megas) "great, large, huge" combined with Greek κλεος (kleos) "glory".
Meganeira f Greek Mythology
Means "man-exalting, lordly", derived from Greek μέγας (megas) meaning "great, large, huge" and ἀνήρ (aner) meaning "man".
Megasidres m Old Persian (Hellenized)
Hellenized form of Bagacithra, probably influenced by Greek μέγας (megas) meaning "great, large, mighty".
Megasthenes m Ancient Greek
Means "great strength", derived from Greek μέγας (megas) "great, large, huge" combined with Greek σθενος (sthenos) "vigour, strength." This name was borne by a Greek ethnographer and explorer from the 3rd century BC.
Mezin m Kurdish
Derived from Kurdish mezin meaning "great, big".
Michigan m Obscure
From the name of a state in the United States, originally applied to lake Michigan, perhaps from Old Ojibwa (Algonquian) meshi-gami meaning "big lake".
Mihiro f & m Japanese
From Japanese 位 (mi) meaning "rank, grade, throne, crown, about, some", 海 (mi) meaning "sea, ocean", 光 (mi) meaning "light", 三 (mi) meaning "three", 実 (mi) meaning "reality, truth", 珠 (mi) meaning "pearl, gem, jewel", 充 (mi) meaning "allot, fill", 心 (mi) meaning "heart, mind, spirit", 深 (mi) meaning "deep, heighten, intensify, strengthen", 真 (mi) meaning "true, reality", 仁 (mi) meaning "humanity, virtue, benevolence, charity, man, kernel", 水 (mi) meaning "water", 翠 (mi) meaning "green, kingfisher", 瑞 (mi) meaning "congratulations", 美 (mi) meaning "beautiful", 碧 (mi) meaning "blue, green", 未 (mi) meaning "un-, not yet, hitherto, still, even now, sign of the ram, 1-3PM, eighth sign of Chinese zodiac", 巳 (mi) meaning "sign of the snake or serpent" or 弥 (mi) meaning "all the more, increasingly", 飛 (hi) meaning "fly, skip (pages), scatter", 妃 (hi) meaning "queen, princess" or 比 (hi) meaning "compare, race, ratio, Philippines" combined with 洋 (hiro) meaning "ocean, sea", 寛 (hiro) meaning "tolerant, leniency, generosity, relax, feel at home, be at ease, broadminded", 広 (hiro) meaning "wide, broad, spacious", 尋 (hiro) meaning "inquire, fathom, look for", 拓 (hiro) meaning "clear (the land), open, break up (land)", 宙 (hiro) meaning "mid-air, air, space, sky, memorization, interval of time", 呂 (ro) meaning "spine, backbone", 央 (hiro) meaning "centre, middle", 博 (hiro) meaning "Dr., command, esteem, win acclaim, Ph.D., exposition, fair", 宏 (hiro) meaning "wide, large", 浩 (hiro) meaning "wide expanse, abundance, vigorous", 四 (hiro) meaning "four", 大 (hiro) meaning "large, big", 紘 (hiro) meaning "large", 宥 (hiro) meaning "soothe, calm, pacify", 弘 (hiro) meaning "vast, broad, wide", 皓 (hiro) meaning "white, clear", 裕 (hiro) meaning "abundant, rich", 海 (hiro) meaning "sea, ocean", 光 (hiro) meaning "light", 丈 (hiro) meaning "length" or 優 (hiro) meaning "tenderness, excel, surpass, actor, superiority, gentleness"... [more]
Mijao m Manipuri
Means "big child" in Meitei.
Minetarou m Japanese
From Japanese 峰, 峯 (mine) meaning "peak, summit", 太 (ta) meaning "thick, big" combined with 郎 (rou) meaning "son". Other kanji combinations are possible.... [more]
Minqiao f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 敏 (mǐn) meaning "agile, quick, clever" and 乔 (qiáo) meaning "tall, lofty, proud".
Min-Seok m Korean
From Sino-Korean 珉 (min) meaning "jade", 玟 (min) meaning "streaks in jade, gem", 民 (min) meaning "people, citizens", 閔 (min) meaning "mourn, grieve, pity" or 岷 (min) referring to a mountain or river in China combined with 錫 (seok) meaning "tin", 碩 (seok) meaning "big, great", 析 (seok) meaning "to split wood, to break apart" or 石 (seok) meaning "stone"... [more]
Mistahi-maskwa m Cree
Means "big bear" in Cree.
Mitsuka f Japanese
From 蜜 (mitsu) meaning "nectar, honey, molasses" combined with 鹿 (ka) meaning "deer, antelope". As a word, 蜜花 means "giant honey flower, Melianthus major". Other kanji combinations can be used.
Momohiro f & m Japanese
From Japanese 百 (momo) meaning "hundred" combined with 尋 (hiro) meaning "fathom" or 博 (hiro) meaning "wide, spacious, vast, broad, large". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Momotarō m Japanese
From Japanese 百 (momo) meaning "hundred" or 桃 (momo) meaning "peach", 太 (ta) meaning "thick, big" combined with 郎 (rou) meaning "son". Other kanji combinations are possible.... [more]
Moriba m African
The name Moriba originates from the Mali empire(Mandingo). The name means "a big and powerful man" in the region.
Mörön m & f Mongolian
Means "river, large river" in Mongolian.
Morvern f Scottish
Variant of Morven. From the Scottish place name Morvern, a district in north Argyll, Mhorbhairne in the original Gaelic, meaning "sea gap" or "big gap" (muir "sea" or mór "great", bhairne "gap")... [more]
Motohiro m Japanese
This name is made up of 元 or 本 (moto) meaning "source, origin, root" combined with 大 (hiro, tai, dai) meaning "big, great", 博 (hiro, hiroshi) meaning "esteem, command", 広 (hiro) meaning "broad, wide, vast", or 裕 (hiro, hiroshi) meaning "abundant"... [more]
Munehiro m Japanese
From 宗 (mune) meaning "clan, ancestry, sect, origin, religion" and 裕 (hiro) meaning "abundant", 大 (hiro) meaning "big, great", or 博 (hiro) meaning "command, esteem"... [more]
Murun m & f Mongolian
Means "large river" in Mongolian.
Mutsuto m Japanese
From 睦 (boku, moku, mutsu.bu, meaning "friendly, harmonious, intimate", or 六 (riku, roku, mu, mui, mu'.tsu, mu.tsu) meaning "six", combined with 斗 (to, tou) meaning "Big Dipper, sake dipper, constellation", 人 (jin, nin, -to, hito, -ri) meaning "person" or 翔 (shou,, to.bu) meaning "fly, soar."
Myint f & m Burmese
Means "tall, high, elevated" in Burmese.
Nabon m Arthurian Cycle
He was “a great mighty giant”, lord of the Isle of Servage.... [more]
Nannan f & m Chinese
From Chinese 囡 (nān) meaning "daughter, child", 楠 (nán) meaning "Chinese cedar, Chinese giant redwood" or 南 (nán) meaning "south" combined with themselves... [more]
Naoshige m Japanese
From 巨 (nao) meaning "enormous, giant" and 成 (shige) meaning "to become". Other kanji combinations can be used.
Naotoyo m Japanese (Rare)
From 巨 (nao) meaning "enormous, giant" and 豊 (toyo) meaning "plentiful, abundant". Other kanji combinations can be used.
Naoyuan f Chinese
From the Chinese 婥 (nào) meaning "beautiful" and 瑗 (yuàn) meaning "large jade ring".
Natsutarou m Japanese
From Japanese 夏 (natsu) meaning "summer", 太 (ta) meaning "thick, big" combined with 郎 (rou) meaning "son". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Navssârssuaĸ m Greenlandic
Greenlandic name meaning "big/great find/discovery". Combination of Navssâĸ and suffix -rsuaq "big, great".
Nayfaurud m Ancient Egyptian
From Egyptian nꜣy.f-ꜥꜣw-rwḏ meaning "his great ones (ancestors) are flourishing" or "his greatness is flourishing", derived from the possessive pronoun nꜣy combined with .f "his", the plural form of ꜥꜣ "great, big, important", and rwḏ "to be firm, to prosper".
Nobuhiro m Japanese
From 伸 (nobu) meaning "extend, stretch, open", 延 (nobu) meaning "prolong, stretch" or 信 (nobu) meaning "trust" combined with 大 (hiro) meaning "big, great" or 博 (hiro) meaning "command, esteem"... [more]
Norito m Japanese
From Japanese 紀 (nori) meaning "chronicle, account, narrative, history, annals, geologic period", 規 (nori) meaning "standard, measure", 軌 (nori) meaning "rut, wheel, track, model, way of doing", 宜 (nori) meaning "best regards, good", 巨 (nori) meaning "gigantic, big, large, great", 教 (nori) meaning "teach, faith, doctrine", 慶 (nori) meaning "jubilation, congratulate, rejoice, be happy", 憲 (nori) meaning "constitution, law", 功 (nori) meaning "achievement, merits, success, honor, credit", 式 (nori) meaning "style, ceremony, rite, function, method, system, form, expression", 祝 (nori) meaning "celebrate, congratulate", 宣 (nori) meaning "proclaim, say, announce", 則 (nori) meaning "rule, follow, based on, model after", 智 (nori) meaning "wisdom, intellect, reason", 哲 (nori) meaning "philosophy, clear", 典 (nori) meaning "code, ceremony, law, rule", 登 (nori) meaning "ascend, climb up", 徳 (nori) meaning "benevolence, virtue, goodness, commanding respect" or 範 (nori) meaning "pattern, example, model" combined with 人 (to) meaning "person", 登 (to) meaning "ascend, climb up" or 士 (to) meaning "gentleman, scholar, samurai"... [more]
Notarou m Japanese
From Japanese 野 (no) meaning "area, field", 太 (ta) meaning "thick, big" combined with 郎 (rou) meaning "son". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Nui m Maori
Means "large, abundant, of high rank, important" in Maori.
Oda m Japanese
From 男 (o) meaning “male, man, son”, 夫 (o) meaning “man, husband”, 雄 (o) meaning “hero, male, manly”, 緒 (o) meaning “thread”, 桜, 櫻 (o) meaning “cherry blossom”, 大 (o) meaning “big, great, vast, high”, 央 (o) meaning “center”, or 小 (o) meaning “small”, combined with 大 (da) meaning “big, great”, 太 (da) meaning “thick, grand”, 男 (da) meaning “man, male”, 達 (da) meaning “accomplish, attain”, or 田 (da) meaning “field, rice paddy”.
Oki m Japanese
From 大 (o) meaning "big, large, great" and 樹 (ki) meaning "tree, wood". Other kanji combinations can be used.
Oozora m & f Japanese (Modern)
From 大空 (oozora) meaning "(literally) big sky, heavens, firmament, the blue," derived from a combination of 大 (oo) meaning "big, large" and 空 (sora) meaning "sky, heaven."... [more]
Opukiri m Ijaw
Means "big land" in Ijaw.
ʻŌpūnui f & m Hawaiian (Archaic)
Meaning "large-bellied". From Hawaiian ʻōpū "belly" and nui "big".
Orochi f Japanese Mythology
From Japanese 大蛇 meaning "big snake". In Mythology, this was the name of a serpent that demanded virgin sacrifices.
Oropher m Literature
Means "tall beech-tree", from Sindarin oro ("high") and fêr ("beech"). In Tolkien's Legendarium this is the name of an Elf, the father of Thranduil and grandfather of Legolas.
Osata m Japanese
From Japanese 長 (osa) meaning "chief, head, leader" combined with 太 (ta) meaning "thick, big". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Ostenaco m Cherokee
Meaning, "big head."
Ōta m Japanese (Modern)
This name combines 桜 (ou, you, sakura) meaning "cherry (blossom) tree" with 太 (ta, tai, futo.i, meaning "big around, plump, thick" or 大 (tai, dai, oo-, -oo.ini, oo.kii, ta) meaning "big, large."... [more]
Otachi f & m Japanese
Means "big sword" in Japanese
Pakota m Indigenous American, Yavapai
Means "big man" in Yavapai. Name borne by a 19th century Yavapai leader that attended a peace conference with Ulysses S. Grant in 1872.
Pālau m & f Hawaiian
From the Hawaiian word which can mean "to tell tall tales, talk", "war club", or "taro".
Palchen m Tibetan
From Tibetan དཔལ་ཆེན (dpal-chen) meaning "great glory", derived from དཔལ (dpal) meaning "glory, splendour" and ཆེན (chen) meaning "great, big, large".
Pasatu m Miwok
Meaning "bear's big foot"; "bear's paw".... [more]
Phaisan m Thai
Means "vast, wide, large" in Thai, ultimately from Sanskrit विशाल (vishala).
Pichulonko m Mapuche
Means "Big Pichula" in Mapuche. mapuche
Pilgun m Nivkh
Derived from Nivkh pild meaning "to be large".
Pisal m Khmer, Thai
Means "large, wide, broad" in Khmer. It is also an alternate transcription of the Thai name พิศาล (see Phisan) of the same meaning and origin.
Poenui f Polynesian, Tahitian
Polynesian name, meaning "big pearl".
Puyi m History
From Chinese 溥 (pǔ) meaning "big, great, vast, wide" combined with 仪 () meaning "ceremony, rites". This was the name of the last emperor of China who was forced to abdicate the throne in 1912.
Qayax̂ m Aleut
Meaning "tall".
Qianyue m & f Chinese
From Chinese 千 (qiān) meaning "thousand", 茜 (qiān) meaning "rubia plant, madder plant", or 骞 (qiān) meaning "soar, fly, rise" combined with 月 (yuè) meaning "moon", 跃 (yuè) meaning "jump, leap", 越 (yuè) referring to the Yue people who inhabited southern China and northern Vietnam or 岳 (yuè) meaning "tall mountain"... [more]
Qiaoai f Chinese
From the Chinese 乔 (qiáo) meaning "tall, lofty, proud" and 爱 (ài) meaning "love".
Qiaolin f Chinese
From the Chinese 乔 (qiáo) meaning "tall, lofty, proud" and 琳 (lín) meaning "beautiful jade, gem".
Qiaoling f Chinese
From Chinese 巧 (qiǎo) meaning "skillful" or 乔 (qiáo) meaning "tall, lofty" combined with 灵 (líng) meaning "spirit, soul", 铃 (líng) meaning "bell, chime", 玲 (líng) meaning "tinkling of jade" or 岭 (lǐng) meaning "mountain range"... [more]
Qiaolu f Chinese
From the Chinese 乔 (qiáo) meaning "tall, lofty, proud" or 俏 (qiào) meaning "like, similar, resemble" and 璐 (lù), a kind of jade, or 露 (lù) meaning "dew".
Qiaoxin f Chinese
From the Chinese 巧 (qiǎo) meaning "artful, skillful, clever", 乔 (qiáo) meaning "tall, lofty, proud" or 俏 (qiào) meaning "like, similar, resemble" and 欣 (xīn) meaning "happy, joyous" or 心 (xīn) meaning "heart, mind, soul".
Qiaoxue f Chinese
From the Chinese 巧 (qiǎo) meaning "artful, skillful, clever", 乔 (qiáo) meaning "tall, lofty, proud", or 俏 (qiào) meaning "like, similar, resemble" and 雪 (xuě) meaning "snow".
Qiaoyan f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 乔 (qiáo) meaning "tall, lofty, proud" or 俏 (qiào) meaning "like, similar, resemble" and 妍 (yán) meaning "beautiful, handsome" or 燕 (yàn) meaning "swallow (bird)".
Qiaoyi f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 巧 (qiǎo) meaning "artful, skillful, clever" or 乔 (qiáo) meaning "tall, lofty, proud" and 怡 (yí) meaning "happy, joyful, harmony".
Qiaoyu f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 乔 (qiáo) meaning "tall, lofty, proud", 俏 (qiào) meaning "like, similar, resemble" or 翘 (qiào) meaning "lift, elevate" and 羽 (yǔ) meaning "feather", 钰 (yù) meaning "rare treasure" or 誉 (yù) meaning "fame, reputation, praise".
Qingtai m Chinese
From Chinese 晴 (qíng) meaning "clear weather, sunny", 清 (qīng) meaning "clear; clean", 情 (qíng) meaning "feeling, emotion, love, affection, sentiment", 輕 (qīng) meaning "gentle, soft; light", or 青 (qīng) meaning "blue, green; young" combined with 太 (tài) meaning "big, thick"... [more]
Quikinna'qu m Siberian Mythology
Derived from a Koryak word meaning "big raven". In Koryak mythology, Quikinna'qu (or Kutkinnaku) is a shapeshifting deity who taught humans to hunt, fish, and create fire.
Raiariinui m Tahitian
From the Tahitian ra'i meaning "sky", ari'i meaning "noble" and nui, an archaic term meaning "big".
Raito m Japanese (Modern)
This name combines 来 (tai, rai,, meaning "become, cause, come, due, next" or 頼 (rai,, tano.moshii, meaning "request, trust" with 斗 (to, tou) meaning "Big Dipper, sake dipper", 都 (tsu, to, miyako) meaning "capital, metropolis", 人 (jin, nin, -to, hito, -ri) meaning "person" or 翔 (shou,, to.bu) meaning "fly, soar."... [more]
Ranginui m Polynesian Mythology, Maori, Cook Islands Maori
Derived from Rangi and nui meaning "large, big, vast, great." This is another name for the Maori god of the sky.
Raya f Indonesian
Means "big, large, grand, great" in Indonesian.
Reita m Japanese
From Japanese 令 (rei) meaning "order, command" combined with 太 (ta) meaning "thick, big". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Reitarou m Japanese
From Japanese 黎 (rei) meaning "black, bluish black", 太 (ta) meaning "thick, big" combined with 郎 (rou) meaning "son". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Renta m Japanese
From Japanese 蓮 (ren) meaning "lotus" combined with 太 (ta) meaning "thick, big". Other combinations of kanji are possible.
Rentaro m Japanese
From Japanese 連 (ren) "join, connect", 太 (ta) "big", and 郎 (rō) "gentleman".
Rentarou m Japanese
From Japanese 錬 (ren) meaning "smelt metals", 太 (ta) meaning "thick, big" combined with 郎 (rou) meaning "son". Other kanji combinations are possible.... [more]
Reo m & f Japanese (Modern)
Borrowed from Leo, as seen in the occasional usage of 獅 (or 獅子), on its own or as a first element kanji.... [more]
Revanui m Tahitian
Means "big flag" in Tahitian.
Rikito m Japanese
From 力 (rii, riki, ryoku, chikara) meaning "bear up, exert, power, strain, strength, strong", 吏 (ri) meaning "an official, officer", 基 (ki, moto, motoi) meaning "foundation, fundamentals", and 貴 (ki, tatto.i, touto.i) meaning "esteem, honour, precious, prize, value," combined with 斗 (to) meaning "Big Dipper" or 翔 (to) meaning "soar, fly"... [more]
Rinta m Japanese
From Japanese 倫 (rin) meaning "ethics", 林 (rin) meaning "woods" or 麟 (rin) meaning "Female Chinese Unicorn" combined with 太 (ta) meaning "thick, big". Other combinations of kanji characters are possible.
Rintarou m Japanese
From Japanese 倫 (rin) meaning "ethics", 太 (ta) meaning "thick, big" combined with 郎 (rou) meaning "son". Other kanji combinations are possible.... [more]
Rokurōta m Japanese (Rare)
This name combines 六 (riku, roku, mu, mui, mu'.tsu, mu.tsu) meaning "six" & 郎 (ryou, rou, otoko) meaning "son" or 朗 (rou, aki.raka, hoga.raka) meaning "bright, cheerful, clear, melodious, serene" with 太 (ta, tai, futo.i, meaning "big around, plump, thick."... [more]
Routa m Japanese
From Japanese 朗 (rou) meaning "bright, clear" combined with 太 (ta) meaning "thick, big". Other combinations of kanji characters can also form this name.
Ruitarou m Japanese
From Japanese 塁 (rui) meaning "baseball", 太 (ta) meaning "thick, big" combined with 郎 (rou) meaning "son". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Ryggia m Old Norse
An Old Norse byname related to the Nynorsk word ryggja meaning "very big animal".
Ryūta m Japanese
From Japanese 隆 (ryuu) meaning "noble, prosperous" and 太 (ta) meaning "thick, big".
Ryūtarō m Japanese
From Japanese 龍 (ryū) meaning "dragon", 太 (ta) meaning "big, thick" and 郎 (rō) "son". Other kanji combinations can form this name.
Saburōta m Japanese (Rare)
This name combines 三 (san, zou, mi, mi'.tsu, mi.tsu) meaning "three" & 郎 (ryou, rou, otoko) meaning "son" or 朗 (rou, aki.raka, hoga.raka) meaning "bright, cheerful, clear, melodious, serene" with 太 (ta, tai, futo.i, meaning "big around, plump, thick."... [more]
Sadahiro m Japanese
From Japanese 定 (sada) meaning "determine, establish, decide" or 貞 (sada) meaning "virtue, faithfulness, chastity" combined with 裕 (hiro) meaning "abundant", or 大 (hiro) meaning "big, great"... [more]
Sadataka m Japanese
From 節 (sada) meaning "season" and 太 (taka) meaning "big, great, thick". Other kanji combinations can be used.
Sakutarou m Japanese
From Japanese 咲 (saku) meaning "blossom", 作 (saku) meaning "make, production, prepare, build", 朔 (saku) meaning "conjunction (astronomy), first day of month, north", 柵 (saku) meaning "stockade, fence, weir, entwine around" or 策 (saku) meaning "scheme, plan, policy, step, means", 多 (ta) meaning "many, much" or 太 (ta) meaning "thick, big" combined with 朗 (rou) meaning "bright, clear" or 郎 (rou) meaning "son"... [more]
Sambali m Hausa
Means "tall, well-formed" in Hausa.
Sang m & f Burmese
It means "tall" or "above others"
Sanzendai f Japanese
From Japanese "三" (san) meaning "three", "善" (zen) meaning "virtuous" and "大" (dai) meaning "big, thick". You can use other kanji so the name will have better meaning.
Sarvi f Persian
From the Persian سرو (sarv) meaning "cypress" or a poetic word meaning "tall and slim".
Šauška f Hurrian Mythology, Hittite Mythology
Means "the great one" or "the magnificent one", deriving from the Hurrian element šavuši ("great, big"). Name borne by the Hurrian goddess of love, war, and healing. She was later associated with the Mesopotamian goddess Ishtar, and was also incorporated into the Hittite pantheon.
Seita m Japanese
From Japanese 歳 (sei) meaning "year", 済 (sei) meaning "help, aid, relieve", 省 (sei) meaning "to examine; to inspect", 世 (sei) meaning "world", 制 (sei) meaning "system", 勢 (sei) meaning "forces", 征 (sei) meaning "to go on a long journey", 成 (sei) meaning "to become", 政 (sei) meaning "rule; government; politics", 星 (sei) meaning "star", 晴 (sei) meaning "clear up", 正 (sei) meaning "straight; upright; central; in proper position", 清 (sei) meaning "clear; limpid", 生 (sei) meaning "raw, live", 精 (sei) meaning "essence", 聖 (sei) meaning "holy, sacred", 誠 (se) meaning "sincerity", 誓 (sei) meaning "swear, pledge", 静 (sei) meaning "calm, quiet, silent" or 彗 (sei) meaning "comet" combined with 太 (ta) meaning "thick, big", 大 (ta) meaning "big, great" or 多 (ta) meaning "many, much"... [more]
Seitaro m Japanese
From 整 (sei) meaning "arrange, settle, organize", 太 (ta) meaning "thick, big, great" and 郎 () meaning "son". Other kanji combinations can be used.
Seok-gyeong m Korean
From Sino-Korean 碩 (seok) meaning "large, big, great", 錫 (seok) meaning "tin", or 石 (seok) meaning "stone, rock" and 卿 (gyeong) "noble", 敬 (gyeong) "respect, honor" or 耿 (gyeong) "bright, shining".
Seok-Hwan m Korean
From Sino-Korean 石 (seok) meaning "stone", 碩 (seok) meaning "big, great" or 奭 (seok) meaning "red, anger" combined with 煥 (hwan) meaning "shining, brilliant, lustrous", 桓 (hwan) meaning "Chinese soapberry" or 奐 (hwan) meaning "numerous, brilliant"... [more]
Seukja f Korean
From 碩 "great, eminent; large, big" and 子 (ja) meaning "child".
Shaharnasib m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek shahar meaning "city, large town" and nasib meaning "assigned, rewarded".
Shichirōta m Japanese (Rare)
This name combines 七 (shichi, nana, nana.tsu, nano) meaning "seven" & 郎 (ryou, rou, otoko) meaning "son" or 朗 (rou, aki.raka, hoga.raka) meaning "bright, cheerful, clear, melodious, serene" with 太 (ta, tai, futo.i, meaning "big around, plump, thick."... [more]
Shinta m Japanese
From Japanese 真 (shin) meaning "real, genuine" combined with 太 (ta) meaning "thick, big". Other kanji combinations can also form this name.... [more]
Shintarou m Japanese
From Japanese 信 (shin) meaning "trust, faith", 太 (ta) meaning "thick, big" and 郎 (rou) meaning "son". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Shiqiao f Chinese
From the Chinese 诗 (shī) meaning "poetry, poem" and 巧 (qiǎo) meaning "artful, clever, skillful", 乔 (qiáo) meaning "tall, lofty, proud", or 翘 (qiào) meaning "lift, elevate".
Shirōta m Japanese (Rare)
This name combines 四 (shi, yo, yo'.tsu, yo.tsu, yon) meaning "four", 志 (shi, kokorozashi,, shiringu) meaning "aspire, hopes, intention, motive, plan, resolve, shilling", 資 (shi) meaning "assets, be conductive to, capital, contribute to, data, funds, resources", 紫 (shi, murasaki) meaning "purple, violet", 市 (shi, ichi) meaning "city, market, town" or 次 (shi, ji, tsugi, meaning "next, order, sequence" & 郎 (ryou, rou, otoko) meaning "son" or 朗 (rou, aki.raka, hoga.raka) meaning "bright, cheerful, clear, melodious, serene" with 太 (ta, tai, futo.i, meaning "big around, plump, thick."... [more]
Shizudayuu m Japanese (Rare)
From Japanese 志 (shi) meaning "purpose, will, determination, aspiration, ambition", 寿 (zu) meaning "longevity, long life", 太 (da) meaning "thick, big" combined with 夫 (yuu) meaning "man, husband"... [more]
Shizuta m Japanese
From Japanese 静 (shizu) meaning "calm, quiet, silent" combined with 太 (ta) meaning "thick, big". Other combinations of kanji characters are also possible.
Shoutarou m Japanese
From Japanese 咲 (shou) meaning "blossom", 匠 (shou) meaning "artisan, workman, carpenter", 商 (shou) meaning "make a deal, selling, dealing in, merchant", 奨 (shou) meaning "exhort, urge, encourage", 将 (shou) meaning "leader, commander, general, admiral, or, and again, soon, from now on, just about", 小 (shou) meaning "little, small", 尚 (shou) meaning "esteem, furthermore, still, yet", 庄 (shou) meaning "level, in the country, manor, village, hamlet", 承 (shou) meaning "acquiesce, hear, listen to, be informed, receive", 捷 (shou) meaning "victory, fast", 昇 (shou) meaning "rise up", 昌 (shou) meaning "prosperous, bright, clear", 昭 (shou) meaning "shining, bright", 晶 (shou) meaning "sparkle, clear, crystal", 梢 (shou) meaning "treetops, twig", 照 (shou) meaning "illuminate, shine, compare, bashful", 祥 (shou) meaning "auspicious, happiness, blessedness, good omen, good fortune", 象 (shou) meaning "elephant, pattern after, imitate, image, shape, sign (of the times)", 鍾 (shou) meaning "spindle, gather, collect", 鐘 (shou) meaning "bell, gong, chimes", 政 (shou) meaning "politics, government", 正 (shou) meaning "correct, justice, righteous", 荘 (shou) meaning "villa, inn, cottage, feudal manor, solemn, dignified", 翔 (shou) meaning "soar, fly", 薔 (shou) meaning "a kind of grass", 鏘 (shou) meaning "tinkling of jade or metal pendants" or 頌 (shou) meaning "eulogy", 太 (ta) meaning "thick, big", 多 (ta) meaning "many, frequent, much" or 大 (ta) meaning "large, big" combined with 郎 (rou) meaning "son", 朗 (rou) meaning "bright, clear" or 良 (rou) meaning "good, pleasing, skilled"... [more]
Shunta m Japanese
From Japanese 春 (shun) meaning "spring", 瞬 (shun) meaning "wink, blink, twinkle", 駿 (shun) meaning "a good horse, speed, a fast person", 旬 (shun) meaning "Decameron, ten-day period", 準 (shun) meaning "semi-, correspond to, proportionate to, conform, imitate", 尚 (shun) meaning "esteem, furthermore, still, yet" or 隼 (shun) meaning "falcon" combined with 太 (ta) meaning "thick, big" or 汰 (ta) meaning "washing, sieving, filtering, weeding out, luxury"... [more]
Shuntarō m Japanese
From Japanese 俊 (shun) meaning "talented, handsome" combined with 太 (ta) meaning "thick, big, great" and 郎 () meaning "son"... [more]
Shuo m & f Chinese
From Chinese 硕 (shuò) meaning "large, big, great", 朔 (shuò) meaning "new moon, north", 烁 (shuò) meaning "bright, brilliant, luminous, glisten, glimmer" or 铄 (shuò) meaning "fuse, melt, fine, glorious", as well as other characters that are pronounced similarly.
Shuqiao f Chinese
From the Chinese 舒 (shū) meaning "open up, unfold" or "comfortable, easy" or 姝 (shū) meaning "beautiful girl" and 巧 (qiǎo) meaning "artful, clever, skillful" or 乔 (qiáo) meaning "tall, lofty, proud".
Shuuta m Japanese
From Japanese 秀 (shuu) meaning "excellent, outstanding" combined with 太 (ta) meaning "thick, big". Other kanji combinations are possible. ... [more]
Solborg f Norwegian (Rare), Swedish (Rare)
From an Old Norse name derived from the elements sól meaning "the sun" (or sölr "sun-coloured, yellow, sallow"; according to, this name element's original meaning of "house with one room, big room, hall" (compare Salabert) has been displaced by the later interpretation "sun") and björg "protection, help".
Sorata m Japanese
From Japanese 空 (sora) meaning "sky" combined with 太 (ta) meaning "thick, big". Other combinations of kanji are possible.
Sou m Japanese
From Japanese 崇 (sou) meaning "adore", 壮 (sou) meaning "big, large", 双 (sou) meaning "set of two, pair, couple, double", 創 (sou) meaning "genesis", 奏 (sou) meaning "to play (music)", 爽 (sou) meaning "bright; clear", 想 (sou) meaning "thought, idea, concept", 操 (sou) meaning "chastity", 総 (sou) meaning "general, overall, total", 綜 (sou) meaning "arrange threads for weaving", 聡 (sou) meaning "intelligent, clever, bright", 草 (sou) meaning "herb", 蒼 (sou) meaning "blue, green", 装 (sou) meaning "dress, clothes, attire", 霜 (sou) meaning "frost", 慥 (sou) meaning "sincere, earnest" or 颯 (sou) meaning "the sound of the wind"... [more]
Soutarou m Japanese
From Japanese 繰 (sou) meaning "winding, reel, spin, turn (pages), look up, refer to", 桑 (sou) meaning "mulberry", 宗 (sou) meaning "religion, sect, denomination, main point, origin, essence", 庄 (sou) meaning "level, in the country, manor, village, hamlet", 曾 (sou) meaning "once, before, formerly, ever, never, ex-", 創 (sou) meaning "genesis, wound, injury, hurt, start, originate", 双 (sou) meaning "pair, set, comparison", 壮 (sou) meaning "robust, manhood, prosperity", 奏 (sou) meaning "play music, complete", 爽 (sou) meaning "refreshing, bracing, resonant, sweet, clear", 宋 (sou) meaning "dwell", 惣 (sou) meaning "all", 想 (sou) meaning "concept, think, idea, thought", 操 (sou) meaning "maneuver, manipulate, operate, steer, chastity, virginity, fidelity", 相 (sou) meaning "inter-, mutual, together, each other, minister of state, councillor, aspect, phase, physiognomy", 総 (sou) meaning "general, whole, all, full, total", 綜 (sou) meaning "rule, synthesize", 聡 (sou) meaning "wise, fast learner", 草 (sou) meaning "grass, weeds, herbs, pasture, write, draft", 荘 (sou) meaning "villa, inn, cottage, feudal manor, solemn, dignified", 蒼 (sou) meaning "blue", 壯 (sou) meaning "big, large, robust, name of tribe", 滄 (sou) meaning "ocean", 艸 (sou) meaning "grass, plants" or 颯 (sou) meaning "sudden, quick, sound of the wind", 多 (ta) meaning "many, much", 太 (ta) meaning "thick, big" or 大 (ta) meaning "big, great" combined with 朗 (rou) meaning "bright, clear" or 郎 (rou) meaning "son"... [more]
Stóri m Old Norse
Old Norse byname, from Old Norse stórr meaning "large, big".
Stórolfr m Old Norse
Derived from the Germanic name elements stórr "large, big" and ulfr "wolf".
Sudárka f Hungarian (Rare)
Derived from Hungarian sudár "tall; slender; fair".
Su-hwan m Korean
Combination of a su hanja, like 洙 meaning "riverside," 壽 meaning "life(span); longevity," 受 meaning "accept, receive, collect," 粹 meaning "pure, innocent; detailed; precise," 秀 meaning "excellent, outstanding, exceptional" or 守 meaning "defence, protection; rule," and a hwan hanja, such as 煥 meaning "flame, blaze; beautiful colouring," 丸 meaning "round," 奐 meaning "clear; magnificent" or 桓 meaning "strong, firm; big."
Sunbeom m Korean
From 宣 (seon) meaning "declare, announce, proclaim" and 範 meaning "standard, norm; example, model," 凡 meaning "all, everyone" or 汎 "large, big, extensive."
Suzutarou m Japanese
From Japanese 錫 (suzu) meaning "tin" or 鈴 (suzu) meaning "bell", 太 (ta) meaning "thick, big" combined with 郎 (rou) meaning "son". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Tadakuni m Japanese
Tada means "loyalty" and kuni means "country, large place".
Taebeom m Korean
泰 (tae) meaning "big, large, great, extensive" and 範 meaning "standard, norm; example, model,".
Tae-geun m Korean
From Sino-Korean 泰 "great, exalted, superior; big" and 根 "root; foundation"
Tae-ha f Korean
From Sino-Korean 泰 (tae) "great, exalted, superior; big" and 夏 (ha) meaning "summer, great, grand".
Tae-heon m Korean
Combination of a tae hanja, e.g. 泰 meaning "big, large, great; easy, calm," and a heon hanja, e.g. 憲 meaning "lesson, guidance; enlightenment."
Tae-hui m & f Korean
Korean unisex name which can have several different meanings depending on the hanja chosen; 太 (tae) meaning "big, great" or 泰 (tae) meaning "great, superior, exhalted, big" and meaning "bright, glorious", or 泰 (tae) as before and meaning "hope".
Tae-hyeong m Korean
From Sino-Korean 泰 "great, exalted, superior; big" and 亨 "smoothly, progressing, no trouble".
Tae-hyung m Korean
From the Korean Hangul character 태 (tae) based on the Hanja character 泰 (tài) meaning "big; great; good" combined with 형 (hyung; hyeong) derived from 亨 (hēng) meaning "bright; brilliant; smooth; progressing".... [more]
Tae-jin m Korean
Combination of a tae hanja, like 泰 meaning "big, large, great; easy, calm," 兌 meaning "change, switch; happiness" or 太 meaning "big, large; heavy," and a jin hanja, such as 鎭 meaning "quellable," 珍 meaning "treasure," 振 meaning "shake," 進 meaning "advance, progress" or 辰, referring to the Dragon as the fifth of twelve earthly branches in the Chinese zodiac.
Tae-ri f & m Korean
From Sino-Korean 泰 (tae) meaning "big, large, great; easy, calm" and 梨 (ri) meaning "pear (tree)" or 利 (ri) meaning "benefit, advantage," along with other hanja combinations.... [more]
Tae-u m Korean
From Sino-Korean 泰 "great, exalted, superior; big" and 愚 "stupid, doltish, foolish".
Tai m & f Japanese
This name can be used as 大 (tai, dai, oo-, -oo.ini, oo.kii) meaning "big, large", 泰 (tai) meaning "calm, easy, peace, peaceful, Thailand," 太 (ta, tai, futo.i, meaning "big around, plump, thick", 耐 (tai, ta.eru) meaning "enduring" or 諦 (tai, tei, akira.meru, tsumabiraka, makoto) meaning "abandon, give up."... [more]
Taichirou m Japanese
From Japanese 太 (ta) meaning "thick, big", 一 (ichi) meaning "one" and 郎 (rou) meaning "son". Other combinations of kanji characters can also form this name.
Taiga m & f Japanese
This name combines 大 (tai, dai, oo.kii) meaning "big, large", 太 (ta, tai, futo.i, meaning "big around, plump, thick" or 泰 (tai) meaning "calm, easy, peace, peaceful, Thailand" with 河 (ka, kawa) meaning "river", 我 (ga, wa,, waga-, ware) meaning "ego, I, oneself, our, selfish", 芽 (ga, me) meaning "bud, germ, spear, sprout", 賀 (ga) meaning "congratulations, joy" or 雅 (ga, meaning "elegant, graceful, gracious, refined."... [more]
Taigo m Japanese
From Japanese 太 (tai) meaning "big, great" combined with 吾 (go) meaning "I, me". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Taihei m Japanese
From 大 (tai) meaning "big, great" and 平 (hei) meaning "peace, flat, even". Other kanji combinations can be used.
Taiichirou m Japanese
From Japanese 太 (tai) meaning "thick, big", 一 (ichi) meaning "one" combined with 郎 (rou) meaning "son". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Taikai m Japanese
From Japanese 大 (tai) meaning "big, great" combined with 海 (kai) meaning "sea, ocean" or it can also come from Japanese 大海 (taikai) meaning "sea; ocean". Other kanji combinations are also possible... [more]
Taikuu m Japanese
From Japanese 大 (tai) meaning "big, large" combined with 空 (kuu) meaning "sky". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Taimi f Japanese
From Japanese 大 (tai) meaning "large, big", 泰 (tai) meaning "peaceful, calm" or 鯛 (tai) meaning "sea bream, red snapper" combined with 美 (mi) meaning "beauty, beautiful" or 実 (mi) meaning "truth, reality"... [more]
Taira m Japanese
From Japanese 太 (tai, ta) meaning "thick, big", 泰 (tai) meaning "peaceful, calm", 大 (tai) meaning "big, great", 坦 (taira) meaning "flat, smooth", 田 (ta) meaning "rice paddy", 平 (taira) meaning "level; even; flat", 和 (taira) meaning "peace, harmony" or 萍 (taira) meaning "duckweed", 平 (i) meaning "level; even; flat" or 井 (i) meaning "well" combined with 良 (ra) meaning "good", 洋 (ra) meaning "ocean", 楽 (ra) meaning "comfort, music" or 等 (ra) meaning "rank, class, order"... [more]
Taisei m Japanese
From 苔 (tai) meaning "moss", 泰 (tai) meaning "Thailand, calm, peaceful" or 大 (tai) meaning "big, great" combined with 成 (sei) meaning "to become", 青 (sei) meaning "blue, green", 生 (sei) meaning "grow, birth, life, genuine" or 星 (sei) meaning "star, dot"... [more]
Taishi m Japanese
From Japanese 太 (tai) meaning "big, great" combined with 史 (shi) meaning "history". Other kanji combinations are possible.... [more]
Taisuke m Japanese
This name is used as 泰 (tai) "great, exalted, superior", "big" or "Thai, referring to Thailand" combined with 輔 (suke) meaning "cheek, cheekbone" or "assist". Other kanji combinations are also possible.
Taito m Japanese
From Japanese 帯 (tai) meaning "band, belt", 戴 (tai) meaning "to respect; to esteem", 泰 (tai) meaning "peaceful, calm", 大 (tai) meaning "big, great" or 民 (tai) meaning "nation, peoples" combined with 人 (to) meaning "person", 斗 (to), which refers to a Chinese constellation, 登 (to) meaning "to go up; to climb; to mount; to rise", 翔 (to) meaning "soar, fly" or 愛 (to) meaning "love, affection"... [more]
Taiyou m Japanese
From Japanese 太 (tai) meaning "big, thick", 泰 (tai) meaning "peaceful, calm" or 大 (tai) meaning "big, large" combined with 陽 (you) meaning "light, sun, male", 洋 (you) meaning "ocean" or 耀 (you) meaning "shine, sparkle, dazzle"... [more]
Taizō m Japanese
This name combines 大 (tai, dai, oo-, -oo.ini, oo.kii) meaning "big, large", 太 (ta, tai, futo.i, meaning "big around, plump, thick", 泰 (tai) meaning "calm, easy, peace, peaceful, Thailand" or 退 (tai, shirizo.ku, shirizo.keru, hi.ku, no.ku, no.keru, do.ku) meaning "retreat, withdraw, retire, resign, repel, expel, reject" with 三 (san, zou, mi, mi'.tsu, mi.tsu) meaning "three", 蔵 (sou, zou, osa.meru, kaku.reru, kura) meaning "have, hide, own, possess, storehouse" or 造 (zou,, tsuku.ri, -dzuku.ri) meaning "create, make, structure, physique."... [more]
Takae f Japanese
From Japanese 孝 (taka) "filial piety, obedience" and 江 (e) "large river".
Takaichi m Japanese
From Japanese 高 (taka) meaning "tall, high" combined with 一 (ichi) meaning "one". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Takakazu m Japanese
From 高 (taka) meaning "tall, high" and 数 (kazu) meaning "number". Other kanji combinations can be used.
Takaken m Japanese
Meaning "tall and strong", from Japanese (taka) "tall", combined with (ken) "strong".
Takamaru m Japanese (Rare)
This name combines 隆 (ryuu, taka) meaning "high, hump, noble, prosperity," 孝 (kyou, kou, taka) meaning "child's respect, filial piety," 高 (kou, taka.i, taka, -daka, taka.maru, taka.meru) meaning "expensive, high, tall," 尭 (gyou, taka.i) meaning "far, high" or 鷹 (ou, you, taka) meaning "hawk" with 丸 (gan, maru, maru.i, maru.meru) meaning "curl up, explain away, full, make round, month, perfection, pills, roll up, round, seduce".... [more]
Takane f & m Japanese
This name can be written with 高 (taka) meaning "tall, high" or 貴 (taka) meaning "valuable, expensive, worthful" and 嶺 (ne) meaning "peak, summit" or 音 (ne) meaning "sound"... [more]
Takanori m Japanese
From 宇 (taka) meaning "roof, eaves, the universe, the whole world", 学 (taka) meaning "education, learn, school, study, science", or 喬 (taka) meaning "boasting, tall, high" combined with 仙 (nori) meaning "enlightened person, sage, hermit, mage, wizard", 基 (nori) meaning "to be based on, foundation" or 智 (nori) meaning "intellect, knowledge, wisdom"... [more]
Takato m Japanese
From 高 (taka) meaning "tall, high" or 考 (taka) meaning "consideration, thoughts" and 人 (to) meaning "person". Other kanji combinations can be used.
Takayoshi m Japanese
From Japanese 喬 (taka) meaning "tall, high" combined with 貴 (yoshi) meaning "expensive, worthful, precious, superior, aristocratic, to esteem" or 美 (yoshi) meaning "beauty, beautiful"... [more]
Takeaki m Japanese
From Japanese 偉 (take) meaning "admirable", 威 (take) meaning "intimidate", 岳 (take) meaning "mountain peak", 健 (take) meaning "healthy, strong", 建 (take) meaning "build, establish, erect, found", 剛 (take) meaning "firm; strong; hard", 壮 (take) meaning "big, large", 竹 (take) meaning "bamboo", 武 (take) meaning "military, martial", 勇 (take) meaning "brave" or 雄 (take) meaning "hero, manly" combined with 英 (aki) meaning "excellent, fine", 哲 (aki) meaning "philosophy, clear", 明 (aki) meaning "clear", 亮 (aki) meaning "clear, help", 秋 (aki) meaning "autumn", 彰 (aki) meaning "obvious, clear", 昌 (aki) meaning "good, prosper", 昭 (aki) meaning "shining", 晶 (aki) meaning "clear", 章 (aki) meaning "chapter; section", 陽 (aki) meaning "light, sun, male", 朗 (aki) meaning "bright, clear", 暁 (aki) meaning "dawn, daybreak", 顕 (aki) meaning "manifest, display", 晃 (aki) meaning "clear" or 揚 (aki) meaning "scatter, spread"... [more]
Taku m Japanese
This name can be used as 拓 (taku, hira.ku) meaning "clear (the land), open, break up (land)", 卓 (taku) meaning "eminent, table, desk, high", 琢 (taku, miga.ku) meaning "polish" or 択 (taku, era.bu) meaning "choose, select, elect, prefer."... [more]
Takuko f Japanese
From Japanese 拓 (taku) meaning "expand, open, support", 琢 (taku) meaning "polish jade", 宅 (taku) meaning "home", 啄 (taku) meaning "to peck" or 卓 (taku) meaning "tall and erect" combined with 子 (ko) meaning "child"... [more]
Takutarou m Japanese
From Japanese 拓 (taku) meaning "expand, open" or 倬 (taku) meaning "noticeable, large", 太 (ta) meaning "thick, big" combined with 郎 (rou) meaning "son". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Talek m Cornish
Derived from Cornish talek "big-browed", ultimately from Old Cornish talawg "high forehead" or "big brow".
Tamon m Japanese
This name can be used as 多門, 多聞, 太門, 汰門 or 田門 with 多 (ta, oo.i,, meaning "frequent, many, much", 太 (ta, tai, futo.i, meaning "big around, plump, thick", 汰 (ta, tai,,, yona.geru) meaning "luxury, select", 田 (den, ta) meaning "rice field/paddy", 門 (mon, kado, to) meaning "gate" and 聞 (bun, mon, ki.ku, ki.koeru) meaning "ask, hear, listen."... [more]
Tamong m Chamorro
Means "huge, large" in Chamorro.
Tamotsu m Japanese
Derived from the Japanese kanji 保 (tamotsu) meaning "protection" or 維 (tamotsu) meaning "keep; mantain" as well as the combination of two or more characters for example 太 (ta) meaning "big; great" combined with 持 (motsu) meaning "hold; have"... [more]
Tanto m Javanese
From Javanese tanta meaning "big, large, more, a lot".
Tarin f & m Japanese
From Japanese 太 (ta) meaning "thick, big" and 凛 (rin) meaning "dignified, severe, cold". Other Kanji combinations are possible.
Tarōta m Japanese (Rare)
This name combines 太 (ta, tai, futo.i, meaning "big around, plump, thick" or 田 (den, ta) meaning "rice field/paddy" & 郎 (ryou, rou, otoko) meaning "son" or 朗 (rou, aki.raka, hoga.raka) meaning "bright, cheerful, clear, melodious, serene" with 太.... [more]
Tarouichi m Japanese
From Japanese 太 (ta) meaning "thick, big", 郎 (rou) meaning "son" combined with 一 (ichi) meaning "one". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Taroushi m Japanese
From Japanese 太 (ta) meaning "thick, big", 朗 (rou) meaning "bright, clear" or 郎 (rou) meaning "son" combined with 子 (shi) meaning "child". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Tatonga m Sioux
Means "large deer" in Lakota. From the Lakota tȟáȟča 'deer' and tȟáŋka (ton'-kah) 'to be large, big, great'.
Tatsuki m & f Japanese
As a unisex name, this name can be used as 太月, 汰月 or 竜貴 with 太 (ta, tai, futo.i, meaning "big around, plump, thick", 汰 (ta, tai,,, yona.geru) meaning "luxury, select", 月 (gatsu, getsu, tsuki) meaning "month, moon", 竜 (ryuu, ryou, rou, ise, tatsu) meaning "dragon, imperial" and 貴 (ki, tatto.i, tatto.bu, touto.i, touto.bu) meaning "esteem, honour, precious, prize, value."... [more]
Tayu f & m Japanese (Rare)
Combination of a ta kanji, like 太 meaning "plump, thick," 多 meaning "many, much," 大 meaning "large, big" or 手, the bound form of te meaning "hand," and a yu kanji, such as 結 meaning "tie, bond" or 優 meaning "gentle, elegant."... [more]
Teetonka m Sioux
"talks too much; big lodge"
Tegshmurun m Mongolian
From Mongolian тэгш (tegsh) meaning "equal, even, flat, smooth" and мөрөн (mörön) meaning "river, large river"
Tetsuta m Japanese
From Japanese 哲 (tetsu) meaning "philosophy, clear" combined with 太 (ta) meaning "thick, big". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Thái m & f Vietnamese
From Sino-Vietnamese 太 (thái) meaning "very, extreme", 泰 (thái) meaning "big, large, great" or 彩 (thái) meaning "colour".
Thawan m & f Thai
Means "reign, rule, big, large" in Thai.
Þraslaug f Old Norse, Icelandic
Derived from the Germanic name elements þrasa "to snort, to talk big, to make a bold show" and laug possibly meaning "betrothed woman".
Þrasmundr m Old Norse
Old Norse combination of þrasa "to snort, to talk big, to make a bold show" and mund "protection".
Thurisind m Germanic
The meaning and origin of the first element in this Germanic name is rather uncertain, and so there are various possibilities to the name's meaning. The most likely possibility is that the first element comes from Old High German turs (compare Old Norse Þurs) "giant." An other possibility is that the first element refers to the Thuringii, a Germanic tribe... [more]
Thurismund m Germanic
The meaning and origin of the first element in this Germanic name is rather uncertain, and so there are various possibilities to the name's meaning. The most likely possibility is that the first element comes from Old High German turs (compare Old Norse Þurs) "giant." An other possibility is that the first element refers to the Thuringii, a Germanic tribe... [more]
Thurismut m Germanic
The meaning and origin of the first element in this Germanic name is rather uncertain, and so there are various possibilities to the name's meaning. The most likely possibility is that the first element comes from Old High German turs (compare Old Norse Þurs) "giant." An other possibility is that the first element refers to the Thuringii, a Germanic tribe... [more]
Thusnelda f Old Norse (Latinized), Germanic, History, German (Rare)
From the name Tussinhilda, originally an Old Norse name of which the second element is derived from Old Norse hildr "battle". The etymology of the first element has two possibilities. The first is that it is derived from Old Norse Þurs "giant" (as in, a giant, not an adjective illustrating something big), which would mean that the entire name's meaning is roughly "battle with a giant"... [more]
Tiaa f Ancient Egyptian
From Egyptian tj-ꜥꜣ possibly meaning "the great", derived from a variant of tꜣ "the; she of" combined with‎ ꜥꜣ "big, great, important". Tiaa was an ancient Egyptian queen consort during the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt (1550-1292 BC)... [more]
Tiarenui f Tahitian
From the Tahitian tiare meaning "flower, tiare flower" and nui, an archaic term meaning "big".
Tireem m Arabic
Means "tall", "thick clouds", or "honey".
Titan m English, Hungarian
From the English word referring to "any of the giant gods in Greek mythology who preceded the Olympian gods". From the Ancient Greek titan (Τιτάν) of the same meaning.
Tokhmesarv f Persian
Means "tall like a cypress" in Persian.
Tokita m Japanese
From Japanese 時 (toki) meaning "time" combined with 太 (ta) meaning "thick, big". Other combinations of kanji are possible.
Tokitarou m Japanese
From Japanese 時 (toki) meaning "time", 太 (ta) meaning "thick, big" combined with 郎 (rou) meaning "son". Other combinations of kanji characters are also possible.
Tokuhiro m Japanese
From Japanese 徳 (toku) meaning "virtue, ethics", 督 (toku) meaning "coach, command", 説 (toku) meaning "theory" or 悳 (toku) meaning "ethics, morality, virtue", and 大 (hiro) meaning "big, great" or 裕 (hiro) meaning "abundant... [more]
Tomohisa m Japanese
From 大 (tomo) meaning "big", 燈 (tomo) meaning "light, lamp" or 朝 (tomo) meaning "morning" and 悠 (hisa) meaning "permanence". Other kanji combinations can be used.
Tomoki m Japanese
From Japanese 皆 (tomo) meaning "all, everything", 丈 (tomo) meaning "jō, a traditional Japanese unit of length based on 10 shaku, 31⁄33 meters", 大 (tomo) meaning "big, large, great", combined with 基 (ki) meaning "to be based on, fundamental", 幾 (ki) meaning "how many, how much, how far, how long, nearly, almost, omen, please", 毅 (ki) meaning "strong", 来 (ki) meaning "come, next, since, passing, approaching", 規 (ki) meaning "standard, rule, norm, measure" or 亀 (ki) meaning "tortoise, turtle"... [more]
Tomu m & f Japanese (Modern)
This name combines 十 (ji', juu, ju', to, too) meaning "ten", 登 (shou, chou, to, tou, dou, a.garu, meaning "ascend, climb up", (to, tou) meaning "Big Dipper, sake dipper", 都 (tsu, to, miyako) meaning "capital, metropolis", 富 (fu, fuu, tomi, meaning "abundant, enrich, wealth" or 吐 (to, tsu.ku, ha.ku) meaning "belch, confess, spit, tell (lies), vomit" with 夢 (bou, mu, kura.i, yume, yume.miru) meaning "dream, illusiom, vision."... [more]
Toshihiro m Japanese
From Japanese 俊 (toshi) meaning "talented, handsome" or 敏 (toshi) meaning "quick, clever, sharp" combined with 大 (hiro) meaning "big, great" or 裕 (hiro) meaning "abundant"... [more]
Tou m & f Japanese
From Japanese 塔 (tou) meaning "pagoda, tower, steeple", 冬 (tou) meaning "winter", 涛, 濤 (tou) both meaning "large waves", 祷 (tou) meaning "pray", 陶 (tou) meaning "pottery, ceramics" or from 縢 (tou) meaning "bind, tie up, restrain"... [more]
Touta m Japanese
From Japanese 兜 (tou) meaning "helmet", 通 (tou) meaning "pass through", 登 (tou) meaning "rise, ascend", 東 (tou) meaning "east" or 桃 (tou) meaning "peach" combined with 太 (ta) meaning "thick, big"... [more]
Trác m Vietnamese
From Sino-Vietnamese 卓 (trác) meaning "tall, elevated".
Tshintu m & f Luba
Means "big object" in Luba-Kasai.
Tsuguhiro m Japanese
From 次 (tsugu, ji) meaning "next, order, sequence, below", 亜 (a, tsugu) meaning “second, Asia, sub-”, or 嗣 (tsuguru, tsugu) meaning "descendants, heirs" combined with 裕 (hiro) meaning "abundant", 大 (hiro) meaning "big, great" or 広 (hiro) meaning "vast, wide"... [more]
Tsugutaro m Japanese (Rare)
From 承 (tsugu, sho) meaning "acquiesce, consent" combined with 太 (ta) meaning "thick, big, great" and 郎 () meaning "son". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Tsukitarou m Japanese
From Japanese 月 (tsuki) meaning "moon", 太 (ta) meaning "thick, big" and 郎 (rou) meaning "son". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Tuvicha m Guarani
Means "big" in Guarani.
Uan m & f Lao
Means "younger brother or sister, beloved" in Lao. If written ອ້ວນ (uan) it means "stout, fat, large".
Ulaavarsuaq m Greenlandic
Greenlandic name with the combination of Ulaavi and suffix -rsuaq "big, great".