Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
Gender Feminine
Usage Latvian

Meaning & History

Of uncertain origin and meaning, this name has been in use from the late 19th century onwards. A derivation from Latvian taiga has been suggested.
Added 11/22/2012 by anonymous
Edited 3/10/2019 by Frollein Gladys and Ora

Gender Masculine & Feminine
Usage Japanese
Scripts 大河, 大我, 大芽, 大賀, 大雅, 太我, 太河, 太芽, 太賀, 太雅, 泰河, 泰我, 泰芽, 泰賀, 泰雅(Japanese Kanji) たいが(Japanese Hiragana) タイガ(Japanese Katakana)
Pronounced Pron. TAH-EE-GAH  [key]

Meaning & History

This name combines 大 (tai, dai, oo.kii) meaning "big, large", 太 (ta, tai, futo.i, meaning "big around, plump, thick" or 泰 (tai) meaning "calm, easy, peace, peaceful, Thailand" with 河 (ka, kawa) meaning "river", 我 (ga, wa,, waga-, ware) meaning "ego, I, oneself, our, selfish", 芽 (ga, me) meaning "bud, germ, spear, sprout", 賀 (ga) meaning "congratulations, joy" or 雅 (ga, meaning "elegant, graceful, gracious, refined."

All the kanji used with Taiga, with the exception of 大河, are given to boys only. In the case for 大河, it is a unisex name.

Taiga (大河) refers to a large river and it can be added to other words like 大河ドラマ/たいがドラマ/taigadorama (taiga drama) and 大河小説/たいがしょうせつ/taigashōsetsu (roman-fleuve).

Bearers of this name include Japanese painter and calligrapher Ike no Taiga (池 大雅) (1723–1776), Taiga Aisaka (逢坂 大河) who is one of the main (female) characters of light novel and manga, Toradora, and TV & movie actor Taiga (太賀) (1993-).

In recent years, this name can also be used in reference to the word 'tiger,' which is usually written as タイガー.
Added 1/20/2015 by m4yb3_daijirou
Edited 11/29/2024 by ShioTanbo1, Mike C, LMS and more

Taiga 3
Gender Feminine & Masculine
Pronounced Pron. TIE-gah  [key]

Meaning & History

Means "taiga" in Finnish.
Added 2/21/2016 by Yippal