CaritmDanish (Rare) Invented by the Danish author Carl Brosbøll (1816-1900) for use as a pen name; his pseudonym, Carit Etlar, was an anagram of Carl and Tertia (his given name and that of his muse, Tertia Fabricius).
CarlgustavmSwedish (Rare) Very rare combination of Carl and Gustav. More commonly spelled with a hyphen, Carl-Gustav, or with a space between the names, Carl Gustav.
Carlinf & mEnglish (Rare) Transferred use of the surname Carlin or a variant of Carline. A notable masculine bearer was an American rugby union and rugby sevens player: Carliln Isles... [more]
CarljohanmSwedish (Rare) Rare combination of the names Carl and Johan. More commonly spelled with a hyphen, Carl-Johan, or with a space between the names, Carl Johan.
CarmentafRoman Mythology From Latin carmen "song, verse, enchantment, religious formula", from canere "to sing" (the notion is of chanting or reciting verses of magical power). In Roman legend Carmenta was a goddess of prophecy and childbirth, the mother of Evander by Mercury... [more]
CarmillafLiterature Used by Irish writer Sheridan Le Fanu for the title character of his Gothic novella 'Carmilla' (1872), about a lesbian vampire. Le Fanu probably based the name on Carmella.
CarmindyfAmerican (Rare) Perhaps a contraction of Carmen and Mindy. American makeup artist Carmindy Bowyer (1971-) appears on the reality television show 'What Not to Wear'.
CarminiusmLate Roman Roman nomen gentile which was probably derived from Latin carminum "song, poem", which is a Late Latin form of carmen "song, poem" (see also Carmen)... [more]
CarmiyafHebrew (Modern, Rare) Possibly means "vineyard of God" (or "God is my vineyard") from Hebrew כֶּרֶם (kérem) "vineyard of" and יָהּ (yah) "Yahweh". Alternatively it may be from the surname of Adolphe Crémieux (1796-1880), a French-Jewish statesman, or from the name of Crémieu, an historic Jewish community in France.
CarmomGaulish Derived from Gaulish *carmon- "weasel".
CarnafRoman Mythology The goddess who makes strong muscles, and defends the internal organs from witches or strigae.
CarnationfEnglish (Rare), Romani (Archaic) Derived from the flower of the same name; its etymology is uncertain. It has been suggested that it may ultimately come from English coronation (which in turn ultimately comes from Anglo-French coroner "to crown")... [more]
CarneiscusmAncient Greek Ancient Greek philosopher of the Epicurean school. His only surviving writing is on the subject of the death of a friend.... [more]
Carnelianf & mEnglish After the brownish red mineral of the same name, of which the name is a corruption of cornelian, which in turn is derived from Latin cornelianus (see Cornelianus).
CaroleefEnglish (American) Combination of Carol 1 and the popular phonetic suffix lee. A known bearer was the American performance artist Carolee Schneemann (1939-2019).
Carpathiaf & mEnglish (Rare) In reference to the mountain range of Eastern Europe, from Thracian Greek Karpates oros, probably literally literally "Rocky Mountain"; related to Albanian karpe "rock." From 1630s in reference to the island of Carpathos in the Aegean... [more]
CarpentermEnglish Transferred use of the surname Carpenter or in reference to the word carpenter, from Middle English from Anglo-Norman French, from Old French carpentier, charpentier, from late Latin carpentarius (artifex) ‘carriage (maker)’, from carpentum ‘wagon’, of Gaulish origin.
CarpofGreek Mythology (Latinized), Astronomy Latinized form of Greek Καρπώ (Karpô), which is derived from Greek καρπόω (karpoô) "to bear fruit; to reap or enjoy fruit". In Greek mythology this was the name of one of the Horae or Seasons; Carpo was the goddess of autumn and of the harvest, that is, the fruits of summer... [more]
CarpocratesmAncient Greek (Latinized) Latinized form of Karpokrates. A known bearer of this name was Carpocrates of Alexandria, the founder of an early Gnostic sect from the 2nd century AD.
CarrascafSpanish (European, Rare) Means "holm oak" in Spanish (species Quercus ilex). It is taken from the title of the Virgin Mary Nuestra Señora de la Carrasca meaning "Our Lady of the Holm Oak". She is the patron saint of the municipality of Villahermosa, in the province of Ciudad Real, Spain.... [more]
CarriaricmGermanic, History This name might be derived from Gothic kara "worry" combined with rîcja "powerful, strong, mighty." (The second element is also closely related to Celtic rîg or rix and Gothic reiks, which all mean "king, ruler.") But it is probably a form of either Hariric or Gararic... [more]
CarriettafEnglish (American, Rare), Popular Culture Elaborated form or diminutive of Carrie. In many movie adaptations of Stephen King's horror novel Carrie (1974) this is the full name of the title character, Carrie White, though her full name is spelled Carietta in the original novel.
CartanmSomali The name Cartan may be linked to terms or concepts in Somali language that emphasize strength or steadfastness, though its exact root is difficult to pinpoint. Many Somali names are descriptive, referring to virtues or traits that parents hope their child will embody, such as courage or leadership.
CartelmEnglish (Rare) From the English word "cartel"; in turn from Occitan cartel or Catalan cartell meaning "poster", or from Italian cartello, a diminutive of carta, meaning "card" or "page".