Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the gender is feminine; and the usage is German.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Kleeblatt f & m German (Rare)
German word for Clover leaf.
Klemensa f Polish, German (Rare)
Polish and Germanised spelling of Clemensa.
Klementine f German (Rare)
Feminine form of Klemens.
Kleopha f German (Archaic)
Derived from Latin Cleophae "of Cleophas" (see Cleofe). Cf. Cleophea, Kleofa.
Klexi f German (Rare)
Nickname and diminutive for Alexandra. Rarely---if ever---used as an official given name in Germany.
Klotilda f Croatian (Rare), Lithuanian, Czech (Rare), Slovak (Rare), Kashubian, Slovene, German (Bessarabian), Albanian
Croatian, Lithuanian, Czech, Slovak, Kashubian, Albanian and Slovene form of Clotilde.
Konrada f German, Polish (Rare)
German and Polish feminine form of Conrad.
Konradina f German (Rare)
Feminine form of Konrad and Konradin as well as an elaboration of Konrada.
Kordelia f Czech, Polish, German (Bessarabian)
Czech and Polish form of Cordelia. In the Czech Republic, it is also used as a form of Cordula, to which it is probably etymologically unrelated.
Kordula f Polish, Czech (Rare), Slovak (Rare), German (Rare)
Polish, Czech and Slovak form and German variant of Cordula.
Kundry f Theatre, German (Rare)
The female protagonist in the opera 'Parsifal' by Richard Wagner.
Kune m & f Dutch (Rare), German (Archaic), East Frisian (Archaic), West Frisian (Rare)
In Dutch and Frisian, this name is a short form of given names containing the Germanic element kuni meaning "clan, family, kin, race, kind". In other words, you could say that this name is the Dutch and Frisian cognate of Kuno.... [more]
Kunegunde f German (Silesian)
Silesian German variant of Kunigunde and Kunegunda.
Ladislaja f German (Rare)
A feminine form of Ladislaus.
Lale f German
The name was popularized by the German singer and actress Lale Andersen, whose real name was Liese-Lotte Helene Berta Bunnenberg.
Laraina f Romansh (Modern), German (Swiss, Modern)
Recently coined Romansh name of unknown origin and meaning, although a Romansh variant of Lorraine, a Romansh variant of Lorena 1 and an elaboration of Laura have been suggested.
Laralisa f German (Rare), Dutch
More written as "Lara Lisa", this is an common combination with Lara 1 and Lisa.
Lätitia f German (Rare)
German form of Laetitia (see Letitia).
Lebefromm m & f German (Rare, Archaic)
Means "live piously" from German lebe "live" and fromm "pious". This name was created in the 17th century.
Lelija f German (East Prussian)
In the case of the East Prussian German name, Lelija is not a derivative of Ancient Roman Laelia.... [more]
Lenchen f German
Diminutive of Helene.... [more]
Lenelotte f German (Rare)
A contraction of Helene or Magdalene with Charlotte.... [more]
Lenja f German (Modern), Dutch (Rare)
Most likely a German invention, created by combining the popular name Lena with other names that were popular in Germany such as Anja, Maja 1, Tanja or Katja... [more]
Lenor f Alsatian (Archaic)
Vernacular form of Leonore.
Lenorte f German (East Prussian)
East Prussian German contraction of Lene-Dorothea.
Lenza f German (Rare)
Feminine form of Lenz.
Leokadie f Czech (Rare), German (Rare)
Czech and German form of Leocadia.
Leoni f German
Variant of Leonie.
Leonille f German (Rare)
An elaboration of Leonie.
Leontine f German (Rare), Estonian (Rare)
German and Estonian form of Léontine and Leontina.
Leopoldina f German (Rare), English (Rare), Portuguese (Rare), Galician, Romanian, Slovene, Hungarian
German, Portuguese and English variant and Galician, Romanian, Hungarian and Slovene form of Leopoldine. Leopoldina of Austria (1797 – 1826) was the first Brazilian empress.
Lestin f Alsatian (Archaic)
Vernacular short form of Cölestina and Celestine.
Levina f German (Rare), Hungarian
Feminine form of Levin.
Levke f East Frisian, German
Younger form of Leefke and feminine form of Leve.
Libeste f German (Silesian, Archaic), Medieval German
Medieval Silesian German diminutive of Liphilt.
Libusch f German (Silesian, Archaic), Medieval German
Medieval Silesian German diminutive of Liphilt.
Libuscha f German (Rare), Prague German
German borrowing of Libuše or a diminutive of German names starting with Lieb- like Liebgard. See also Libusch
Lickel f Alsatian (Archaic)
Vernacular diminutive of Angelika.
Lidvina f German (Rare), Lengadocian, Provençal, Gascon, Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare), History (Ecclesiastical)
German variant and Portuguese, Languedocian, Provençal and Gascon form of Lidwina. Saint Lidwina of Schiedam is considered the patron saint of the disabled.
Lidwina f Dutch, German
Dutch and German variant of Ludwina, a feminine variant of Leutwin. It was borne by Lidwina (or Lydwina) of Schiedam, a Dutch mystic and Roman Catholic saint of the 15th century.
Lidwine f Dutch, German, French
Dutch, German and French form of Lidwina.
Lie f German (Rare), Swedish (Rare), Dutch (Rare)
Probably a short form of names ending with -lie, like Annelie and Emilie.
Liebgard f German (Rare)
Containing name elements liob and gard.
Lieschen f German (Archaic)
Nickname for names containing lis, lies, lise, liese or lisa such as Elisabeth. Not used as a full first name in Germany.
Lieserl f Upper German
Diminutive form of Elisabeth. Supposedly, the name of Albert Einstein's speculated illegitimate daughter.... [more]
Liesgret f German (Rare)
Contraction of Liese and Grete.
Lilie f German
Directly derived from the German word Lilie meaning "lily". This can also be used as a spelling variant of Lily.
Lille f German (Swiss, Rare)
Hypochoristic form of Alice.... [more]
Lintrude f German (Rare), Medieval French (?), Frankish (?)
A dithematic Germanic name formed from the name elements linta "linden tree, lime; shield (made of lime wood); gentle, soft" and drud "strength."... [more]
Lioba f History, German
Short form of Liobgetha, Latinized form of Leofgyð. She was an 8th-century English saint active as a missionary in Germany.... [more]
Lisabeth f German, Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, Alsatian
German and Alsatian truncated form of Elisabeth and Scandinavian variant of Lisabet.
Lisann f German
Variant of Lisanne.
Lisel f Upper German (Rare)
Variant of Liesel, more frequently used as a diminutive and rarely used as a given name.
Lisi f German (Swiss)
Variant of Lisy.
Lissie f German
Variant of Lissy.
Lissy f German
Diminutive of Elisabeth and Melissa.
Lisy f German (Swiss)
Diminutive of Elisabeth.
Liuda f Lithuanian, German (East Prussian)
Lithuanian short form of names beginning with Liud-, like Liudvika or Liudmila, and East Prussian German short form of Liudvise.
Liudvise f German (East Prussian)
East Prussian German form of Liudvika.
Liutberga f Old High German, Medieval, Medieval French, German (Austrian, Archaic), Medieval German
Old High German liut "people" + Old High German berg "mountain, hill" or Old High German burg "castle, city, stronghold".... [more]
Loki f German (Modern, Rare)
Derived as a pet name from Hannelore.... [more]
Lolani f Popular Culture, German (Modern, Rare)
The title character from 'Star Trek Continues' Episode 2.... [more]
Loni f Alsatian (Archaic)
Vernacular form of Leonie.
Loni f German (Archaic), Luxembourgish
Traditional German diminutive of Apollonia and sometimes also used as a diminutive of Eleonore or Ilona.
Lönna f German (Modern, Rare)
This name became popular in Germany in the 2010s as a femine form to Lönne.
Lorelotte f German (Rare)
Combination of Lore 1 and Lotte.
Lorentine f German (East Prussian, Rare)
Feminization of Lorenz influenced by names such as Florentine and Leontine.
Lottchen f Literature, German (Modern, Rare)
Diminutive of Lotte, Lotta, or Charlotte. Rarely (if ever) used as an official given name.... [more]
Lottika f German (Rare)
Variation of Lotta.
Lovelyn f English (Modern, Rare), German (Modern, Rare)
Combination of Love and the popular name suffix lyn.... [more]
Lowis f Alsatian (Archaic)
Vernacular form of Louise.
Lubeca f German
Allegoric personification of the German city Lübeck. Very rarely used as a given name.
Ludi m & f German, Dutch (Rare)
German and Dutch diminutive of given names that contain the Germanic element hlut meaning "famous" (such as Ludwig) as well as of given names that contain the Germanic element liut meaning "people" (such as Ludger, Ludwina and Luitgard).
Ludolfine f German (Archaic)
Feminine form of Ludolf.
Ludovika f German (Rare), Hungarian, Slovene
German feminine form of Ludwig via the Latinization Ludovicus as well as a Hungarian borrowing of this name and the Slovene feminine form of Ludvik... [more]
Ludovike f German (Rare, Archaic)
Rare German variant of Ludovika (see Ludwig).... [more]
Ludowika f German
German form of Ludovica.
Lufthansa f German (Rare)
Lufthansa is the name of the German national carrier. It was given as a second name to a girl born on a Lufthansa flight to New York in the 1960s.... [more]
Lüfthildis f Medieval German, German (Modern, Rare)
Lüfthildis is a variant of the Germanic name Liuthild.... [more]
Lupinchen f Popular Culture, German (Modern, Rare)
German diminutive of Lupine. The name is borne by a feminine Wolf in the German Comic Series 'Fix und Foxi'.
Lusja f Russian, German (Rare)
Variant transcription of Lusya.
Luzei f Upper German (Archaic)
Old Upper German variant of Lucia.
Luzie f German (Rare), Friulian
Friulian form of Lucia and German variant of Luzia.
Luzifa f German (Modern, Rare)
Probably created as a feminine form to Luzifer.
Luzilla f German (Rare), Swedish (Rare)
A German and Swedish form of Lucilla.
Lysy f German (Swiss)
Bernese German form of Elisabeth.
Machtalena f German (Archaic)
Historic variant of Magdalena.
Madelberta f Dutch, German
Variant spelling of Madalberta.
Madelheid f German
German form of Madalhaid.
Madlen f Croatian (Rare), German (Rare), Bulgarian, Medieval German, Alsatian, Hungarian, Welsh
Bulgarian, Croatian, Alsatian, and German variant of Madeleine as well as a Hungarian borrowing of this name as well as a medieval German contracted and the Welsh regular form of Magdalena.
Madlena f Bulgarian, Croatian, Georgian, German, Serbian, Sorbian, Romansh
Bulgarian, Croatian, German and Serbian variant of Magdalena as well as the standard Sorbian and Romansh form of the name.... [more]
Madlene f Alsatian
Variant of Madeleine reflecting the French pronunciation of this name.
Madline f German (East Prussian)
East Prussian German form of Madeleine.
Madlong f Alsatian (Archaic)
Alsatian form of Madelon reflecting the French pronunciation.
Magriste f German (Rare)
Maybe a contraction of Marie-Christine.
Magryta f German (East Prussian)
East Prussian German form of Margarethe.
Mailin f German (Modern)
Combination of Mai and Lina 2 or Line.
Makrena f German (Bessarabian)
Bessarabian German form of Makrina.
Makrina f German, Russian, Serbian, Greek, Banat Swabian, Hungarian
German, Greek, Russian, Hungarian and Serbian form of Macrina.
Malchen f German (Rare, Archaic), Literature
Diminutive of Amalia with the common German diminutive ending -chen.... [more]
Malea f German (Modern), German (Swiss, Modern)
Anglicized spelling of Malia. It is often claimed that this name means "flower" in Hawaiian. This is false. The Hawaiian word for "flower" is "pua".
Maleen f German, Hunsrik, Folklore
German short form of Magdalene and Hunsrik form of the related name Marlene.... [more]
Malle f German (Rare, Archaic)
Hypochoristic form of Amalia.
Malu f Portuguese, Spanish, German
Portuguese contraction of Maria Luísa, Maria de Lurdes and Maria Lúcia, Spanish contraction of María Luisa and German contraction of Marie Luise... [more]
Maluna f German (Modern, Rare)
A new formation containing the Latin word luna "moon". 'Maluna Mondschein' is a series of German children's books by Andrea Schütze.
Malva f Swedish, Finnish (Rare), German, Danish, Spanish (Latin American)
Short form of Malvina. It may be partly inspired by Latin, Swedish and Finnish malva "mallow, hollyhock (flower)".
Malwine f German
German variant of Malwina.
Manjou f German (Modern, Rare)
Of unknown origin and meaning.... [more]
Marai f Upper German, German (Austrian), German (Swiss), Afrikaans
German variant of Marei and Afrikaans variant of Maria.
Maralde f German (Rare)
Maybe a dithematic name formed from the Germanic name elements mari "famous" and walt "to govern, to rule".... [more]
Marei f Upper German
Southern German variant of Marie. Sometimes, rarely though, also used as a diminutive form of Maria.
Mareice f German (Rare)
Variant of Mareike. Despite the spelling with "c", it is pronounced like Mareike with "k".
Mareile f Upper German (Rare), German (Rare), Alsatian (Rare), Literature
Upper German and Alsatian diminutive of Marei, nowadays used in all parts of Germany.
Mareilis f Alsatian (Archaic)
Contraction of Marie and Elisabeth (compare Marei and Marlis).
Margrit f Alsatian
Alsatian form of Marguerite reflecting the French pronunciation. The name coincides with the Alsatian word for the daisy flower.
Mariechen f German (Modern, Rare), English (American, Rare)
A German diminutive of Marie or Maria. Rarely used as an official name.... [more]
Marielene f German (Rare)
Combination of Marie and Lene.
Marieli f German (Swiss)
Diminutive of Marie.
Marielis f German (Rare)
Combination of Marie and Lise (compare Marilies).
Marigard f German (Rare, Archaic)
Contraction of Marie and Irmgard. The name was borne by Marigard Bantzer, illustrator and widow of e.o.plauen.
Marili f German (Swiss)
Diminutive of Maria.
Marith f Dutch, Norwegian, Swedish (Rare), German (Modern, Rare)
Dutch variant of Mariet as well as a variant spelling of the Scandinavian name Marit.
Marliese f German
Variant of Marlies.
Marlisa f English (Rare), German (Swiss)
Combination of Marie or Maria and Lisa. This name is borne by Australian singer Marlisa Ann Punzalan (born 1 October 1999, also known simply as Marlisa).
Marlitt f German (Rare)
This was assumed as a surname by the 19th-century German writer Eugenie John, who used the pen name E. Marlitt. She may have invented it, perhaps basing it on Marlene or Marlies.... [more]
Marolina f German
Variant of Marola.
Martraud f German (Rare)
Combination of Maria with a feminine given name that ends in -traud, such as Gertraud, Hiltraud and Waltraud... [more]
Martrud f German (Rare)
Combination of Maria with a feminine given name that contains the Germanic element thrud meaning "strength", such as Gertrud and Hiltrud... [more]
Marula f German (Rare)
German form of Μαρουλα Maroula a Greek pet form of Maria.
Marusch f German (Silesian, Archaic), Medieval German
Medieval Silesian German diminutive of both Margarethe and Maria.
Marusha f Russian, German (Modern, Rare)
Diminutive of Mariya. Compare Marushka, Marusya, and also Marusch.... [more]
Maryke f German (East Prussian)
East Prussian German form of Marike.
Marzella f German (Rare)
Feminine form of Marzell.
Marzelline f Theatre, German (Rare)
Feminine form of Marzellin. This name is borne by a character in Ludwig van Beethoven's only opera, Fidelio (1805).
Masephi f German (Rare)
A contraction of Maria and Josephine (or Josepha).
Matla f German (Silesian), Silesian
Diminutive of Marta, occasionally used as a given name in its own right.
Matthäa f German (Rare)
Feminine form of Matthäus.
Matthild f Faroese, Upper German (Archaic)
Faroese form and archaic Upper German variant of Mathilda.
Mavie f German (Modern)
Recently coined German name of uncertain origin. Although folk etymology has it that this name is taken directly from the French phrase ma vie "my life", it is more likely a Germanized form of Mavis which might indeed have been inspired by the French phrase.... [more]
Maxime f German
Feminine version of Maxim and variant of Maxima.
Maximilia f German (Rare, Archaic)
Obscure feminine form of Maximilian, in former times mainly used by noble families.... [more]
Medu m & f German
1.Mean in latvian "Honey"... [more]
Megalopolis f German
Allegoric personification of the German state Mecklenburg. Very rarely (if ever) used as a given name.
Mei f Alsatian (Archaic)
Diminutive of Marie and Maria.
Meiev f Alsatian (Archaic)
Alsatian vernacular contraction of Marie - Eva.
Meinhild f German
German form of Maganhild.
Meinrada f German (Rare)
Feminine form of Meinrad.
Melli f German (Rare), Estonian (Rare)
Short form of Melanie, Amelie, Melissa and other names containing mel.... [more]
Melusina f German (Rare, Archaic), English (Rare), Provençal (Rare)
Variant of Melusine. This was the name of Petronilla Melusina von der Schulenburg (1693-1778), an illegitimate daughter of George I of Great Britain.
Menja f German (Rare)
German transcription of Menya.
Mentona f German (Swiss, Rare)
Derived from the name of the commune Menton (Côtes d'Azur).
Meolie f German (Modern, Rare)
The given name of the German gymnast Meolie Jauch.
Meret f German, German (Swiss), Sami
Low German variant of Merete as well as a Swiss German short form of Emerentia and a Sami variant of Märet.... [more]
Merret f German
Variant of Meret.
Metta f German, Low German, American, Hungarian
German variant of Mette and Meta and Low German short form of Mechthild as well as a Hungarian borrowing of this name.
Metze f Medieval German, German (Archaic)
A once very popular short form of Mechthild.
Michaelina f German (Bessarabian)
Feminine form of Michael. This name was borne by Michaelina Hordashevska (later known as Josaphata Hordashevska, 1869 – 1919), a Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Religious Sister, who was the first member and co-foundress of the Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate.
Miechen f German (Rare)
A diminutive of Marie.
Migele f Alsatian (Archaic)
Vernacular diminutive of Maria.
Millennia f German
The name Millennia is derived from the Latin word millennium. It was given to some German girls around the millennium year 2000.
Minchen f German (Rare)
German diminutive of Wilhelmina and other feminine names that contain -min- (such as Jasmin 1), as it has the German diminutive suffix -chen.... [more]
Minka f German
Variant of Minke.
Minona f Literature, Theatre, German (Rare, Archaic)
Coined by Scottish poet James Macpherson for his 18th-century Ossian poems where the name is borne by Minona, a singer who sings before the king the song of the unfortunate Colma. Macpherson names the alleged Scottish Gaelic words Min-ónn "gentle air" as an etymological explanation of the name (compare Scottish Gaelic mìn "gentle; soft (of a sound)" and fonn "tune, melody").... [more]
Miroslawa f German (Rare)
German borrowing of Mirosława.
Mirrianne f German (Modern, Rare)
Mirrianne Mahn is a Black German politician in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Mizzi f Upper German (Rare)
Obsolescent Upper German diminutive of Maria, usually not used as a given name in its own right.
Monalda f Dutch (Archaic), German (Rare), Italian (Rare)
Feminine form of Monald (Dutch and German) and Monaldo (Italian).
Mone f German
Short form of Monika.
Moni f English (Rare), Croatian, French, German, Spanish
Diminutive of Monika, Mónica, and other related names. It can also be used as a diminutive of Simone 1 or Ramona.
Monja f German, Norwegian (Rare), Swedish (Rare), Croatian (Rare), Afrikaans, Dutch
Variant transcription of Russian Моня (see Monya).
Mönle f German
A diminutive form of Monika.... [more]
Mutgard f German (Rare)
A dithematic name formed from the German name elements muot "mind, spirit" and #gard* "enclosure".
Myriel f German
Form of Muriel, derived from the Keltic words muir- "the sea" and gael "shining". Putting the meaning of the name at "Shining Sea".... [more]
Myrta f English (Rare), German (Swiss, Rare), Spanish (Rare), Italian (Rare)
English and German cognate of Myrtle and Spanish and Italian variant of Mirta.
Naddel f German
A short form and nickname for Nadja or Nadine.... [more]
Nadeschda f German
German transcription of Надежда (see Nadezhda).
Naëma f Hebrew, Scandinavian, German
Naëma Lösche (Maiden name: von Kahlden) - German writer, born Sept 27, 1854
Naemi f Swedish, Finland Swedish, German, Norwegian (Rare), Danish (Rare)
A German and Nordic variant of Naomi 1. This name was used in the German translation of The Bible.
Naira f Romansh, German (Swiss)
Derived from the Surselvan Romansh word nair (ner in other Romansh variants) "black; dark".
Naliandra f German (Modern, Rare), Literature
A figure in 'The Dreaming' by Barbara Wood. The name is taken from an Australian Aboriginal language and means 'butterfly'.
Name f German (East Prussian)
East Prussian German form of Naomi 1.
Namika f German
Non-Turkish spelling of Namıka.... [more]
Naminé f Popular Culture, German (Modern, Rare)
From the video game 'Kingdom Hearts'.... [more]
Nanna f German (Rare)
Diminutive of Anna (compare English Nan).
Nannerl f German (Austrian)
Diminutive of Anna, usually not used as a given name in its own right.... [more]
Nastassja f German
German transcription of Nastasya. This name is borne by the German American actress Nastassja Kinski (1961-).
Nathanja f Dutch (Modern, Rare), German (Rare)
Variant of Nethaniah used as a feminine name.