Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
Gender Feminine
Usage Croatian
Pronounced Pron. LEL-ee-yah  [key]
Other Forms FormsLelia

Meaning & History

Croatian form of Laelia. There is a poem from the famous Croatian poet Dragutin Tadijanović (1905.-2007.) named "Lelija".
Added 2/23/2011 by enchy

Lelija 2
Gender Feminine

Meaning & History

In the case of the East Prussian German name, Lelija is not a derivative of Ancient Roman Laelia.
The name is derived from either Old Prussian lelija, lėlijates "lily" or else from Prussian-Lithuanian lelius "buttercup".
Added 10/6/2012 by Frollein Gladys