Slavic Submitted Names

These names are used by Slavic peoples.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Larya m Russian
Diminutive of Ilarion.
Łarysa f Ukrainian
Variant transcription of Лариса using Polish phonetics (see Larysa)
Laryssa f Ukrainian
Variant transcription of Larysa.
Laslo m Serbian
Serbian variant form of László.
Latica f Croatian
It means "flower petal" in Croatian.
Latin m Croatian (Rare)
Latins referred originally to an Italic tribe in ancient central Italy. As Roman power spread Latin culture, Latins came to mean anyone who lives in a Latinized culture and speaks Latin or a Romance language.
Lato m Polish (Rare)
Really rare name. Means "Summer" in polish.
Latosław m Polish
The first element of this name is probably derived from Polish latać "to fly". The second element is derived from Slavic slav "glory".
Laudo m Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare), Polish (Archaic)
Portuguese and Polish form of Laud.
Laur m Polish
Polish form of Laurus.
Laùra f Kashubian
Kashubian form of Laura.
Laŭrencij m Belarusian
Belarusian form of Laurentius (see Laurence 1).
Laurencja f Polish
Polish form of Laurentia.
Laurenty m Polish
Polish form of Lawrence.
Laurentyn m Polish
Polish form of Laurentinus.
Laurentyna f Polish
Polish form of Laurentina.
Laurika f Afrikaans, Slovak
Afrikaans elaboration and Slovak diminutive of Laura. Laurika Rauch is a South African singer who performs in both Afrikaans and English.
Laùrka f Kashubian
Diminutive of Laùra.
Laŭruk m Belarusian
Diminutive of both Laŭr and Laŭrencij.
Lav m Croatian, Serbian
Means "lion" in Croatian and Serbian.
Lavanda f Croatian, Russian, Italian
Means "lavender" in Croatian, Italian and Russian.
Lavinija f Serbian
Serbian form of Lavinia.
Laviniya f Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian
Russian, Ukrainian, and Bulgarian form of Lavinia.
Lavon m Belarusian
Variant transcription of Liavon.
Lavoslav m Croatian
Means "glorious lion", derived from Croatian lav "lion" combined with Slavic slav "glory".
Lavrencij m Slovene
Variant Slovene form of Laurence 1.
Lavrencija f Slovene
Slovene form of Laurentia.
Lavrentina f Greek (Rare), Russian (Rare)
Modern Greek and Russian form of Laurentina.
Lavrin m Ukrainian
Ukrainian folk form of Laurence 1. Lavrin Kaydash is a character in Ivan Nechuy-Levytskyi's classic novel 'The family of Kaydash'.
Lawinia f Polish (Rare)
Polish form of Lavinia.
Ławr m Polish
Polish transcription of Lavr.
Lawr m Russian (Germanized)
German transcription of Lavr.
Lawra f Sorbian, English (Rare)
Sorbian form and English variant of Laura.
Ławrjenc m Sorbian
Sorbian form of Lawrence.
Lazarina f Bulgarian
Bulgarian feminine form of Lazar.
Łazarz m Polish
Polish form of Lazarus.
Lazo m Croatian, Serbian, Georgian (Rare)
Croatian and Serbian short form of Lazar as well as a Georgian short form of Lazare.
Łazôrz m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Lazarus.
Leb m Russian
Means "white" in Russian.
Led m Russian
Means "ice" in Russian.
Ledimir m Croatian
Derived from (Serbo-)Croatian led "ice" combined with Slavic mir "peace".
Ledomir m Croatian
Variant form of Ledimir.
Lefterka f Macedonian
Feminine form of Lefteris.
Leja f Croatian, Slovene
Croatian and Slovene form of Leah.
Lejna f Sorbian
Sorbian form of Lena and Lene.
Łękomir m Polish
Obscure old Polish male name composed of the Slavic elements łęka "cunning, guile, treachery" and mir "peace". The meaning may thus be something along the lines of "he who uses his cunning in order to establish peace".
Łękomira f Polish
Feminine form of Łękomir.
Łękosław m Polish
Derived from Polish lęk "fear" combined with Slavic slav "glory". This name thus means something along the lines of "fear of glory".
Łękosława f Polish
Feminine form of Łękosław.
Lëliana f Kashubian
Kashubian form of Liliana.
Lelija f Croatian
Croatian form of Laelia. There is a poem from the famous Croatian poet Dragutin Tadijanović (1905.-2007.) named "Lelija".
Lelijan m Croatian
Croatian form of Laelianus.
Lelije m Croatian
Croatian form of Laelius.
Lëliô f Kashubian
Kashubian form of Lily (compare Lilia).
Leliy m Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Laelius.
Lelya f Russian
Diminutive of Helen or Yelena.
Lemeana f Bosnian
Derived from Ehliman, Ehlimana - meaning believer
Lemir m Soviet, Russian
This name was created by Communist parents who were eager to reject traditional names. It can be a contraction of Ленин и мировая революция (Lenin i mirovaya revolyutsiya) meaning "Lenin and the world revolution", but it can also be a contraction of Ленин мировой идеал революций (Lenin mirovoy ideal revolyutsiy), which essentially means "Lenin is the revolutionary ideal of the world".... [more]
Lemira f Soviet, Russian (Rare)
Most likely an acronym of the surnames of Ленин (Lenin), Энгельс (Engels) and Маркс (Marx) combined with the Russian words интернационал революция (internatsional revolyutsiya) meaning "international revolution".
Lemira f Soviet, Russian
Feminine form of Lemir. This name was created by Communist parents who were eager to reject traditional names.
Lenar m Russian, Tatar
Name inspired by "Lenin's Army."
Lenča f Slovene
Diminutive of Helena via Lena.
Lencia f Polish
Diminutive of Milena and other names ending in -lena.
Lenčka f Slovene
Diminutive form of Helena.
Lenek m Polish
Diminutive form of Leonard.
Lenička f Czech
Diminutive of Lenka.
Leniza f Russian, Tatar, Arabic
Acronym based on Ленинские заветы, meaning "Lenin's testaments" which coincides with an Arabic name.
Lénka f Kashubian
Diminutive of Léna.
Leńka f Sorbian
Diminutive of Lejna.
Lenko m Bulgarian, Croatian
Male form of Lena or a nickname for names containing the element len (Milenko, Alen, Milenije, etc.)
Lenochka f Russian
Diminutive of Elena or Yelena, variant of Lena.
Lenuša f Czech
Diminutive of Jelena.
Lenuška f Slovak
Diminutive of Lenka.
Lenusya f Russian
Variant diminutive form of Yelena.
Lenya m Russian
Diminutive of Leonid
Leofant m Catalan, Croatian
Catalan and Croatian form of Leophantos.
Leokádia f Slovak
Slovak form of Leocadia.
Leokadie f Czech (Rare), German (Rare)
Czech and German form of Leocadia.
Leokadiusz m Polish
Polish form of Leocadius.
Léón m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Leon.
Léónarda f Kashubian
Feminine form of Léónôrd.
Leoncja f Polish
Polish form of Leontia.
Leoncjusz m Polish
Polish form of Leontius.
Leonek m Polish
Diminutive of Leon.
Leonel m Croatian, English
Croatian form and English variant of Lionel.
Leoniya f Russian
Russian variant of Leonie.
Leonka f Czech
Diminutive of Leona.
Léónôrd m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Leonard.
Leontii m Russian
Variant transcription of Леонтий (see Leontiy).
Leontije m Croatian
Croatian form of Leontius.
Leontiya f Russian
Russian form of Leontia.
Leontyn m Polish
Polish form of Leontinus.
Leontyna f Polish
Polish form of Leontina.
Leopard m Polish (Rare, Archaic), Germanic (Rare), English (Rare)
Variant, and English and Polish form of Leopardus.
Leopoldina f German (Rare), English (Rare), Portuguese (Rare), Galician, Romanian, Slovene, Hungarian
German, Portuguese and English variant and Galician, Romanian, Hungarian and Slovene form of Leopoldine. Leopoldina of Austria (1797 – 1826) was the first Brazilian empress.
Leopoldyna f Polish
Polish form of Leopoldina.
Leoś m Polish
Diminutive of Leon.
Leosia f Polish
Diminutive of Leonia.
Leośka f Polish
Diminutive of Leonia.
Léòsza f Kashubian
Kashubian form of Leocadia.
Lepa f Macedonian, Serbian
South Slavic feminine name meaning "beautiful".
Lëpka f Kashubian
Diminutive of Filëpa via Filëpka.
Lepomir m Croatian, Serbian
Derived from Serbo-Croatian lepota or ljepota "beauty, prettiness, fairness" combined with Slavic mir "peace".
Leposava f Serbian, Croatian
Variant form of Leposlava.
Leposlav m Croatian, Serbian
Derived from Serbo-Croatian lepota or ljepota "beauty, prettiness, fairness" combined with Slavic slav "glory".
Leposlava f Croatian, Serbian
Feminine form of Leposlav.
Lerka f Russian
Diminutive of Lera or Valeriya.
Les m Ukrainian
Variant of Oles. A notable bearer is Les Poderevianskyi, modern counter-culture writer and painter, who is famous for his absurdist and obscene dramas.
Lesana f Slovak (Modern, Rare)
Invented name based on Lesia.
Łesia f Ukrainian (Polonized)
Polonised form of Lesya.
Lesia f Ukrainian, Slovak (Rare)
Variant transcription of Lesya. A known bearer of this name is the Ukrainian tennis player Lesia Tsurenko (b. 1989).
Lesja f Ukrainian (Expatriate), Ukrainian (Rare)
Form of Lesya in languages that use the letter j for a y sound. Also a rare alternate transcription.
Leška f Czech
Diminutive of Alexandra.
Lesko m Ukrainian
Diminutive or folk form of Oleksandr or, less commonly, Oleksiy.... [more]
Lessia f Ukrainian (Gallicized), Italian, English
French transcription of Lesya.
Lessja f Ukrainian (Germanized)
German transcription of Lesya.
Leszja f Ukrainian (Magyarized)
Magyarised form of Lesya.
Lészk m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Leszek.
Leszka f Polish
Feminine form of Leszek.
Leticie f Czech
Czech form of Laetitia.
Leticija f Croatian (Rare)
Croatian form of Letitia.
Letisiya f Russian
Russian form of Letitia.
Letitsiya f Russian
Russian form of Letitia.
Létk m Kashubian
Diminutive of Léón.
Letosława f Polish (Rare)
From an uncertain first element combined with Slavic slava meaning "glory, fame".
Leucjusz m Polish
Polish form of Leucius.
Leucyp m Polish
Polish form of Leukippos via its latinized form Leucippus.
Leukip m Bosnian, Croatian
Bosnian and Croatian form of Leukippos via its latinized form Leucippus.
Leuška f Slovak
Diminutive of Lea, not used as a given name in its own right.
Leva f Russian (Archaic)
Feminine form of Lev 1.
Levit m Russian, Ukrainian, Bulgarian
Russian, Ukrainian, and Bulgarian form of Leviticus (see Levi).
Levkipp m Russian
Russian form of Leukippos.
Levkiy m Russian
Russian form of Leukios.
Levoslav m Slovak
Derived from Slovak lev "lion" and the Slavic name element slava "glory".
Lewek m Polish
Diminutive of Lew 2.
Lewiatan m Polish
Polish form of Leviathan.
Lewik m Polish
Diminutive of Lew 2.
Lewko m Polish
Diminutive of Lew 2.
Leysana f Russian
Russian variant of Leysan.
Ležimir m Serbian
Derived from Serbo-Croatian ležati "to lie (down), to recline, to repose" combined with Slavic mir "peace". As such, the meaning of this name is roughly "one in which the peace lies".
Liańko m Belarusian
Diminutive of Lieanid.
Liavon m Belarusian
Belarusian form of Leon.
Líba f Czech
Diminutive form of Libuše.
Liberat m Polish
Polish form of Liberatus.
Liberiusz m Polish
Polish form of Liberius.
Liberiy m Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Liberius.
Libuna f Czech
Diminutive of Libuše.
Libuša f Slovak
Slovak form of Libuše.
Libusza f Polish (Rare)
Polish form of Libuše.
Liceria f Polish
Feminine form of Liceriusz.
Licëta f Kashubian
Diminutive of Felicëta.
Licynia f Polish (Rare)
Feminine form of Licyniusz.
Licyniusz m Polish
Polish form of Licinius.
Lida f Danish (Rare), Dutch, Finnish (Rare), Georgian, Norwegian (Rare), Russian, Swedish (Rare), Ukrainian
Short form of Alida, Dalida, Lidia, Lidiya and other feminine names that contain -lid-.
Lideczka f Polish
Diminutive of Lidia.
Lidiia f Russian, Ukrainian
Variant transliteration of Лидия and Лідія (see Lidiya).
Lidunka f Czech (Rare)
Diminutive of Lída.
Lidusha f Russian
Diminutive form of Lidiya.
Liduška f Czech
Diminutive of Ludmila.
Lidwin m Polish
Variant of Ludwin.
Lidyjka f Polish
Diminutive of Lidia.
Lidzia f Polish
Diminutive of Lidia.
Lidzija f Belarusian
Belarusian form of Lydia.
Lieanid m Belarusian
Variant transcription of Leanid.
Liena f Latvian (Rare), Ukrainian, Maltese
Latvian variant of Liene and Maltese name related to Helen.
Liera f Belarusian
Diminutive form of Valieryja.
Lieselotta f Polish (Rare)
Partial polonisation of Lieselotte.
Lija f Slovene
Slovene variant of Lea as well as a short form of Lijana.
Lijana f Serbian (Rare), Croatian (Rare), Slovene
Short form of names ending in -lijana, such as Julijana and Lilijana.
Lika f Belarusian
Short form of Anzhalika.
Lika f Russian
Short form of Anzhelika and Glikeriya.
Likurg m Polish
Polish form of Lycurgus.
Lila f Polish
Diminutive of Liliana.
Lileia f Ukrainian (Rare)
Variant transliteration of Лілея (see Lileya).
Lileya f Ukrainian (Rare)
Derived from Ukrainian Лілея (lileya), itself a variant of Лілія (liliya), "lily".
Liliia f Ukrainian
Alternate transcription of Лілія (see Liliya)
Lilioza f Polish
Polish form of Liliosa.
Liliunia f Belarusian
Diminutive of Lilia.
Liliyana f Indonesian, Bulgarian
Variant spelling of Liliana.
Liljanna f Polish (Rare)
Variant of Lilianna, generally considered a misspelling. There were 33 women with this name in Poland in 2020.
Lilka f Polish, Yiddish
Polish diminutive of Liliana, Lucyna, Alicja, etc.
Lilla f Polish
Possibly a variant of Lila 5. It was popularized by Juliusz Słowacki's tragedy Lilla Weneda (1840).
Lilyushka f Russian
Variant Russian diminutive form of Liliya.
Lilyusya f Russian
Diminutive form of Liliya.
Limnei m Russian
Meaning "lake".
Limnii m Russian
Variant of Limnei.
Lin m Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian, French, French (Belgian, Rare)
Bulgarian, French, Russian and Ukrainian form of Linus.
Linka f Croatian, Slovene
Diminutive of Lina 2.
Liodor m Russian (Rare)
Variant (and shorter) form of Iliodor. A known bearer of this name was the Russian poet, translator and journalist Liodor Palmin (1841-1891).
Lionik m Belarusian
Diminutive of Lieanid.
Liôszk m Kashubian
Diminutive of Eliôsz.
Lipa f Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian, Russian, Ukrainian
It derives from the Slavic name for the linden tree Lipa (Липа), which originates from the Greek word "Lipos" (λίπος) meaning: "fat, thick". And a shorter form of the Russian and Ukrainian name Olimpiada.
Lira f Croatian (Rare)
From the name of the musical instrument lira (from Latin lira, from Ancient Greek λύρα (lúra)), called "lyre" in English.
Lisa f Russian
Short form of Larisa. It also means "fox" in Russian.
Lisandr m Russian, Ukrainian
Russian and Ukrainian form of Lysandros (see Lysander).
Lisipp m Russian
Russian form of Lysippos.
Liska f Kashubian
Diminutive of Eliza.
Litosław m Polish
Derived from Polish litość "mercy, pity" combined with Slavic slav "glory".
Liuba f Moldovan, Belarusian, Russian, Ukrainian
Variant transliteration of Люба (see Lyuba) as well as a Moldovan form of this name.
Liubamira f Belarusian
Belarusian feminine form of Lubomír.
Liubava f Medieval Slavic, Belarusian, Russian, Ukrainian
Belarusian usual form of Lyubava as well as a Russian and Ukrainian variant transcription of the name.
Liubena f Bulgarian
Variant transcription of Любена (see Lyubena).
Liucyja f Belarusian
Belarusian form of Lucia.
Liuška f Czech
Diminutive form of Liana.
Liutsyliya f Belarusian
Belarusian form of Lucilia.
Liveriy m Russian (Rare)
Russian form of Liberius via its modern Greek form Liverios. Also see Liberiy.
Livija f Slovene, Lithuanian
Slovene and Lithuanian form of Livia 1.
Livijan m Croatian
Croatian form of Livianus.
Livije m Croatian
Croatian form of Livius.
Liviy m Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Livius (see Livy 1).
Liviya f Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Livia 1.
Livjana f Slovene
Variant of Livijana.
Liwiusz m Polish
Polish form of Livius.
Liza f Kashubian
Diminutive of Alojza.
Lizander m Polish (Rare), Hungarian (Rare)
Polish and Hungarian form of Lysander.
Lizanka f Russian
Diminutive of Yelizaveta via its short form Liza. It is the equivalent of Lizziekins.
Lizavieta f Belarusian (Rare)
Belarusian cognate of Lizaveta.
Lizelota f Polish (Rare)
Polonisation of Liselotte.
Lizika f Slovene
Originally a diminutive of Liza, used as a given name in its own right.
Lizimah m Bosnian, Croatian
Bosnian and Croatian form of Lysimachus.
Lizinka f Russian, Croatian, Theatre
Diminutive of Yelizaveta. This was the title character of an opera by Croatian composer Ivan Zajc, Lizinka (1878).
Lizip m Croatian, Slovene
Croatian and Slovene form of Lysippos via its latinized form Lysippus.
Lizk m Kashubian
Dimunitive of Alojz and Alojzy.
Lizochka f Russian
Diminutive or pet form of Yelizaveta.
Lizymach m Polish
Polish form of Lysimachus.
Lizyp m Polish
Polish form of Lysippos via its latinized form Lysippus.
Ljeanid m Belarusian (Rare)
Variant transcription of Leanid.
Ljubava f Belarusian
Variant transcription of Liubava, which is the Belarusian form of Lyubava.
Ljubdrag m Croatian (Rare)
Derived from the Slavic elements lyuby "love" and dragu meaning "precious".
Ljubena f Bulgarian
Variant transcription of Любена (see Lyubena).
Ljubenko m Croatian (Rare), Serbian (Rare)
From the Slavic element lyuby "love".
Ljubina f Serbian
From the Slavic element lyuby meaning "love".
Ljubislava f Slovene
Feminine form of Ljubislav.
Ljubka f Bulgarian
Variant transcription of Любка (see Lyubka).
Ljubomira f Croatian, Slovene
Feminine form of Ljubomir.
Ljuboslava f Slovene
Feminine form of Ljuboslav.
Ljuboslaw m Bulgarian
Variant transcription of Любослав (see Lyuboslav).
Ljuboŭ f Belarusian
Variant transcription of Liubou.
Ljubuša f Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian form of Libuše.
Ljudovik m Bulgarian (Archaic)
Bulgarian form of Ludwig.
Ljupka f Croatian, Serbian, Macedonian
Derived from Slavic ljupko, ljupka, meaning "delightful, gracefully".
Lobel m Croatian (Rare), Slavic Mythology
An old Croatian name of unknown meaning.... [more]
Loda f Polish
Polish diminutive of Leokadia.
Lodzia f Polish
Diminutive of Leokadia.
Logwin m Belarusian
Belarusian name derived from the Latin name Longinus, meaning "long".
Lohvyn m Ukrainian
Ukrainian folk form of Longinus.
Lojs m Kashubian
Short form of Alojz and Alojzy.
Lojska f Slovene
Variant feminine form of Aloysius.
Lojza m Czech
Diminutive of Alois.
Lojzíček m Czech
Diminutive form of Alojz.
Lojzinka f Czech
Diminutive of Aloisie.
Lojzka f Slovene
Originally a diminutive of Alojzija, now used as a given name in its own right.
Lolek m Polish
Diminutive of Karol 1.
Lonia f Polish
Diminutive of Apolonia.
Lonka f Polish
Diminutive of names such as Leonia, Eleonora, Leonarda or Longina.
Lóra f Kashubian
Short form of Eléónora.
Lordan m Croatian
Either a masculine form of Loredana or derived from the English word lord.
Loreleya f Russian, Ukrainian
Russian and Ukrainian form of Lorelei.
Loreta f Slovene
Slovene form of Loretta.
Lorijana f Slovene, Croatian (Rare)
Slovene and Croatian form of Loriana.
Lorina f English (Rare), Italian (Rare), Romanian (Rare), Albanian, Swedish (Rare), Norwegian (Rare), Danish (Rare), Hungarian, Croatian, Romani (Archaic)
Italian elaboration of Lora and variant of Laurina as well as a Scandinavian feminine form of Lorens... [more]
Lorka f Polish
Diminutive of Laura