Scandinavian Submitted Names

Scandinavian names are used in the Scandinavia region of northern Europe. For more specific lists, see Swedish names, Danish names and Norwegian names. See also about Scandinavian names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Rådgärd f Swedish (Rare)
Modern Swedish form of Radhgärdh.
Rådgrid f Norwegian (Hypothetical)
Norwegian form of Ráðgríðr, only used in translations of Old Norse texts.
Rådny f Swedish (Rare)
Modern form of Ráðný.
Radny f Swedish
Swedish form of Ráðný.
Rafn m Icelandic, Old Danish
Old Danish form of Hrafn.
Rafney f Icelandic
Icelandic variant of Hrafney.
Rafnhildur f Icelandic
Icelandic younger form of Rafnhildr.
Rafnkell m Icelandic
Icelandic variant of Hrafnkell.
Ragge m Old Swedish, Swedish
Old Swedish form of Raggi or Swedish diminutive of Ragnar.
Råggierd f Swedish (Rare, Archaic)
Swedish former (until the 18th century) dialectal variant of Radhgärdh.
Rågiähl f Swedish (Rare, Archaic)
Swedish former (until the 18th century) dialectal variant of Radhgärdh.
Rågierd f Swedish (Rare, Archaic)
Swedish former (until the 18th century) dialectal variant of Radhgärdh.
Ragnborg f Old Norse, Swedish (Rare), Finland Swedish (Rare), Norwegian (Rare)
Combination of Old Norse regin "power (of the gods)" and bjarga "to help, to save".
Ragne f Norwegian (Rare), Estonian (Rare)
Norwegian variant and Estonian form of Ragna.
Ragner m Danish
Variant of Ragnar.
Ragnfríð f Faroese
Modern Faroese form of Ragnfríðr.
Ragnfríður f Icelandic
Icelandic younger form of Ragnfríðr.
Ragni f Norwegian, Swedish (Rare)
Short form of names starting with the Old Norse name element regin "advice, counsel", like Ragnhild and Ragnfrid.
Ragnor m Norwegian (Rare, Archaic)
Possibly a combination of the Old Norse name elements regin "advice, counsel" and norðr "north", though it could also be a variant of Ragnar.
Ragnvaldur m Faroese
Faroese form of Ragnvaldr.
Ragnvi f Old Swedish, Swedish
Old Swedish form of Ragnví.
Ragnvør f Faroese
Faroese younger form of Ragnvǫr.
Ragnvy f Swedish
Swedish variant of Ragnvi.
Ragúel m Icelandic
Icelandic form of Raguel.
Raiår m Norwegian (Rare)
Rare dialectal variant of Reidar.
Rakul f Faroese
Faroese form of Rachel.
Ralff m Danish
Variant of Ralf.
Rambor f Swedish (Archaic)
Swedish dialectal variant of Ramborg used until the 19th century.
Rammfre f Swedish (Rare)
Swedish dialectal variant of Ramfrid.
Rammfrö f Swedish (Rare)
Swedish dialectal variant of Ramfrid.
Randarsól f Faroese
Combination of the Old Norse name elements rǫnd "shield; rim, edge (of a shield)" and sól "sun".
Randvi f Old Swedish, Swedish (Rare)
Old Swedish and younger form of Randví.
Rangela f Swedish (Rare)
Younger form of Ragnhilda traditionally found in the western parts of Sweden.
Rani m & f Faroese, Old Danish
Faroese and Old Danish form of Hrani.
Rannvá f Faroese
Faroese form of Rannveig.
Rannveig f Old Norse, Danish (Rare), Faroese, Icelandic, Norwegian, Swedish (Rare)
The first element of this name is either derived from Old Norse regin or rögn "advice", or from Old Norse rann "house." The second element is derived from Old Norse veig "strength".
Rannvør f Faroese
Combination of the Old Norse name elements rann "house" and vár "spring (the season); woman (in a poetic context); truth".
Ranstein m Norwegian (Rare, Archaic)
Norwegian combination of rann "house" and steinn "stone".
Rara f Swedish (Rare)
From Swedish rar meaning "sweet, cute", originally "rare", a word ultimately derived from Latin rarus. This name has been used in Sweden since the latter half of the 19th century.
Rasmia f Scandinavian
Feminine form of Rasmus.
Rasmine f Danish (Rare), Norwegian (Archaic)
Danish and Norwegian feminine form of Rasmus. However, in Denmark, Rasmine has been used as a term for domineering, despotic, tyrannical, bossy women.
Ráðgeir m Icelandic
Icelandic younger form of Ráðgeirr.
Ráðhildur f Icelandic
Derived from Icelandic ráð "advise", "counsel", "decision" and hildr "battle", "fight".
Ráðný f Old Norse, Norse Mythology, Icelandic
Derived from the Germanic name elements ráð "advise, counsel, decision" and "new moon, waxing moon". This is the name of a character in the Old Norse poem Sólarljóð ("song of the sun").
Ráðvarður m Icelandic
Icelandic younger form of Ráðvarðr.
Ravn m Norwegian, Danish
Norwegian and Danish form of Hrafn.
Ravnhild f Faroese, Norwegian (Archaic)
Younger form of Hrafnhildr as well as a Faroese variant form of Ragnhild.
Raynor m Scandinavian
A Norse name meaning "mighty army." It is sometimes listed as an early version of the name Ragnar.
Redar m Swedish
Swedish younger form of Redhar.
Reginbjörg f Icelandic
Icelandic variant of Ragnbjörg.
Regitza f Danish (Rare)
Danish form of Richiza.
Regnar m Danish
Danish variant of Regner.
Regner m Old Danish, Danish
Old Danish and Danish form of Ragnarr.
Reiår m Norwegian (Rare)
Norwegian dialectal variant of Reidar.
Reidmar m Norwegian (Archaic), Swedish (Rare)
Norwegian and Swedish form of Hreiðmarr.
Reidulf m Norwegian
Norwegian younger form of Hræiðulfr.
Reiel m Norwegian
Norwegian dialectal variant of Reidulf.
Reifnir m Old Norse, Norse Mythology, Icelandic
Derived from reifir ("giver, helper"). This is the name of a sea-king in Norse mythology.
Rein f Swedish
Short form of German names beginning with Rein-, short form of Nordic names beginning with Hrein-, or short form of Nordic names beginning with Reyn-.
Reinaldur m Faroese
Faroese modern form of Reinaldr.
Reinar m Scandinavian, Faroese
Scandinavian form of Reiner and Faroese form of Reinhard.
Reiðar m Faroese
Faroese modern form of Hreiðarr.
Reiulf m Norwegian
Norwegian dialectal variant of Reidulf.
Rejar m Norwegian
Norwegian variant form of Reidar.
Rekål m Swedish (Rare, Archaic)
Former Swedish dialectal variant of Rikard.
Remi m Norwegian
Norwegian spelling of Rémi and short form of Jeremias.
Rena f Estonian, Greek, Swedish (Rare), Danish (Rare), Norwegian (Rare), German (Modern, Rare)
Greek short form of Irini and Irene, Estonian short form of both Irena and Renate, and Scandinavian and German short form of Renate and Renata as well as a short form of names beginning with the Germanic element regin or ending in -rena... [more]
Renja f Swedish
Swedish transcription of Renya.
Revna f Faroese (Rare)
Faroese form of Hrefna.
Reykdal m Icelandic (Modern, Rare)
From an Icelandic surname that was probably derived from a place name composed of Old Norse reykr meaning "smoke" and dalr meaning "dale, valley".
Reyn f Icelandic
Icelandic variant of Rein.
Reynar m Icelandic
Icelandic variant of Reinar.
Reyndís f Icelandic
Icelandic form of Ragndis as well as a combination of the Old Norse name elements reynir "rowan (tree)" and dís "goddess; woman, lady; sister" or dis "wise woman, seeress; woman, virgin".
Reynhildur f Icelandic (Rare)
Icelandic name derived from Old Norse reynir meaning "rowan tree" (compare Reynir) and hildr meaning "battle"... [more]
Reynir m Icelandic
Taken directly from Icelandic and Old Norse reynir meaning "rowan, mountain ash".
Reyr m Icelandic
Derived from Old Norse reyrr, a type of plant, known as the common reed in English (genus Arundo). This also coincides with the Icelandic word for a type of grass known as "sweet vernal grass" in English (Anthoxanthum odoratum).
Reyður m Faroese
Means "red" in Faroese.
Riborg f Norwegian (Rare), Danish (Rare)
Variant of Rigborg. The first element is either from Old Norse ríki "empire, kingdom" or ríkr "mighty, distinguished, rich, mighty". The second element is from either Old Norse bjarga "to help, save", or bjǫrg "help", or from borg "castle, fortification"... [more]
Richarður m Icelandic
Icelandic form of Richard.
Rie f Dutch, Danish, Limburgish
Dutch, Danish and Limburgish short form of Maria and Marie.
Rig m Swedish
Short form of names containing the name element RIK or a Swedish form of Rex.
Ríkarður m Icelandic
Icelandic modern form of Rikarðr.
Rikharð m Icelandic
Icelandic variant of Ríkharður.
Ríkharður m Icelandic
Icelandic younger form of Rikarðr.
Rín f Icelandic
Icelandic form of Rina.
Rind f Norwegian, Swedish
Norwegian and Swedish form of Vrindr.
Ringborg f & m Swedish (Rare)
Combination of Swedish ring "ring" and borg "fortification, castle".
Ringhild f Swedish (Rare)
Swedish name with the combination of hringr "ring" and hildr "battle, fight". It might have been influenced by Inghild and Ragnhild.
Ringvor f Swedish (Rare)
Early 20th century combination of Swedish ring "circle, ring (piece of jewelry)" and Old Norse vǫr "vigilant, cautious" (compare Ingvor and Ragnvor).
Ríó m Icelandic
Icelandic form of Rio 1.
Risa f Danish (Rare), Swedish (Rare), Norwegian (Rare)
Short form for Richiza and names that end in ris, risa, or rise.
Rise f Danish
Short form of Regitze.
Riselille f Danish (Archaic)
Diminutive of Rise, using the Danish word lille "little" (compare Lill).
Ríta f Icelandic
Icelandic form of Rita.
Riulf m Norwegian
Norwegian dialectal variant of Reidulf.
Riulv m Norwegian
Variant of Riulf.
f Faroese (Modern)
Directly taken from Faroese "calm, tranquility; peace; quiet; rest".
Róa f Faroese
Variant of Róða.
Róar m Faroese
Faroese modern form of Hróarr.
Robban m Swedish
Swedish diminutive of Robert.
Robbin m & f Swedish, English
Variant of Robin.
Rodgjerd f Norwegian (Rare)
Norwegian younger variant of Ráðgerðr.
Rodmund m Norwegian (Rare, Archaic)
Norwegian younger form of Hróðmundr.
Rodmundur m Faroese
Faroese younger form of Hróðmundr.
Rodrik m Swedish (Rare), Popular Culture
Swedish form of Roderick. A notable bearer is Ser Rodrik Cassel from HBO's ever-popular TV show 'Game of Thrones'.
Roel m Swedish (Rare)
Swedish dialectal form of Roald.
Röfn f Icelandic (Rare)
Meaning uncertain. It may be from Icelandic röfn "broken, severed" or a feminine form of Hrafn.
Rogerd f Norwegian (Rare)
Norwegian younger variant of Ráðgerðr.
Rögnvaldur m Icelandic
Icelandic form of the Old Norse name Rǫgnvaldr, a variant of Ragnvaldr.
Rógvi m Faroese
Faroese form of Hrói.
Rói m Old Norse, Faroese
Old Norse variant and Faroese form of Hrói.
Róin m Faroese
Faroese masculine form of .
Roine m & f Swedish, Finnish (Rare)
From the name of a lake in Häme, Finland. There are theories on the origin of this name, it could've come from Germanic hreini meaning "clean, clear" or from Pre-Germanic/Baltic *kroinis meaning "clean"... [more]
Rökkva f Icelandic
Icelandic feminine form of Rökkvi.
Rökkvi m Icelandic
Icelandic younger form of Rǫkkvi.
Rókur m Faroese
Faroese younger form of Hrókr.
Róland m Icelandic, Faroese
Icelandic and Faroese form of Roland.
Rólant m Icelandic, Faroese
Icelandic and Faroese variant of Róland.
Rolle m Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish
A pet form of names containing the name element hrod, for example Rolf.
Rolof m Low German, Dutch (Rare), Swedish (Rare), Medieval Dutch
Low German form of Rodolf, as well as a Dutch variant of Roelof and a Swedish adoption.
Róman m Icelandic (Modern, Rare), Kashubian
Icelandic and Kashubian form of Roman.
Rómeó m Icelandic, Hungarian
Icelandic and Hungarian form of Romeo.
Romund m Old Swedish, Norwegian
Old Swedish and Norwegian form of Hrómundr.
Rómundur m Faroese
Faroese younger form of Rómundr.
Ronia f Literature, English, Swedish
Variant of Ronja used in the English translation of Swedish children's book 'Ronja Rövardotter' ('Ronia the Robber's Daughter') by Astrid Lindgren.
Rønnaug f Norwegian
Dialectal variant of the given name Rannveig.
Rora f English, Swedish
Short form of Aurora. In Sweden its earliest documented usage is 1889.
Rósalind f Icelandic
Icelandic form of Rosalind.
Rósanna f Icelandic
Icelandic adoption of Rosanna.
Rósar m Icelandic (Rare)
Combination of Rós and the Old Norse element herr meaning "army".
Rósberg m Icelandic
Masculine form of Rósbjörg.
Rósbjörg f Icelandic (Rare)
Derived from Old Norse rós meaning "rose" and bjǫrg meaning "help, save, rescue".
Rósborg f Icelandic
Icelandic variant of Rósbjörg.
Róselía f Icelandic (Rare)
Icelandic form of Rosalia.
Roselil f Danish (Rare)
Possibly a combination of Danish rose meaning "rose" and lilje meaning "lily" or lille meaning "little". Roselil og hendes moder (Roselil and Her Mother) is a Danish song by Christian Knud Frederik Molbech (1821-1888)... [more]
Rosemaj f Swedish (Modern, Rare)
Combination of Swedish ros "rose" and Maj 2 as well as a diminutive of Rosemarie.
Rósenberg m Icelandic
Icelandic variant of Rósberg.
Rosenkrans m & f Danish (Rare)
Nordic form of the German surname Rosenkranz meaning "rosary".
Rósey f Icelandic
Combination of the Old Norse name elements rós "rose" and ey "island; flat land along a coast" (which is also often related to the Old Norse name element auja "(gift of) luck; fortune").
Rósfríður f Icelandic (Rare)
Derived from Icelandic rós meaning "rose" (see Rós) and Old Norse fríðr meaning "beautiful, beloved"... [more]
Rósi m Icelandic
Icelandic masculine form of Rósa.
Rósingur m Faroese (Rare, ?)
Combination of Rós and the Old Norse suffix ingr meaning "son of, belonging to".
Rósinkar m Icelandic (Rare)
Allegedly means "tub of roses" in Icelandic, from rós "rose" and kar "tub".
Rósinkara f Icelandic
Feminine form of Rósinkar.
Róska f Icelandic (Modern, Rare)
In the case of Icelandic avant-garde artist Róska (1940-1996), it was apparently a contraction of her real name, Ragnhildur Óskarsdóttir (i.e. presumably formed from R, the first letter of her given name, and Óska, the first four letters of her surname - itself a derivative of the given name Óskar).
Röskva f Icelandic
Icelandic younger form of Rǫskva.
Roskva f Norwegian (Rare)
Norwegian form of Røskva.
Róslín f Icelandic (Rare)
Icelandic form of Roslin.
Róslind f Icelandic (Rare)
Contracted form of Rósalind.
Rósmann m Icelandic (Rare)
Combination of Rós and the Old Norse element maðr meaning "person, man" (genitive manns).
Rósmarý f Icelandic
Icelandic adoption of Rosemary.
Rósmunda f Icelandic
Icelandic form of Rosamunda.
Rósmundur m Icelandic
Icelandic form of Rosamund.
Rósý f Icelandic
Icelandic form of Rosy.
Róða f Faroese
Faroese form of Hróða.
Róðbjartur m Faroese
Modern Faroese form of Róðbjartr.
Róðolvur m Faroese
Faroese form of Rudolph.
Röðull m Icelandic (Rare)
Derived from Old Norse rǫðull meaning "glory, halo" (poetic for "sun"). This is also a poetic word for "sun" in Icelandic.
Royne m Swedish
Variant of Roine.
Royða f Faroese
Directly taken from Faroese royða "tufa".
Rúbar m Icelandic
Icelandic form of Rubar.
Rubekur m Faroese
Faroese masculine form of Rebekka.
Rúbý f Icelandic
Icelandic form of Ruby.
Rúdólf m Icelandic
Icelandic form of Rudolf.
Rulle m Swedish
Short form of Rudolf.
Rún f Icelandic
Icelandic form of Runa.
Rúndís f Old Norse, Icelandic
Derived from Old Norse rún "secret lore" combined with Old Norse dís "goddess, priestess".
Runer m Swedish (Rare)
Probably a variant of Runar or Rune. A famous bearer is the Swedish author Runer Jonsson (1916-2006).
Runný f Icelandic
Meaning unknown.
Rúrik m Icelandic
Icelandic spelling of Rurik.
Rustan m Swedish
Possibly a Swedification of the Persian name Rostam, or a modern form of Old Norse Hróðstæinn.
Rútur m Icelandic
Icelandic variant of Hrútur.
Saamund m Norwegian (Rare)
Variant of Såmund (see Salmundr).
Sabína f Icelandic (Rare), Slovak
Icelandic and Slovak form of Sabina.
Sabrína f Icelandic
Icelandic form of Sabrina.
Sackeus m Swedish (Rare)
Swedish form of Zacchaeus.
Sæbergur m Icelandic
Icelandic masculine form of Sæbjörg.
Sæbjartur m Icelandic
Icelandic masculine form of Sæbjört.
Sæbjörg f Icelandic
Icelandic form of Sæbjørg.
Sæbjørg f Old Norse, Norwegian, Faroese
Ancient Scandinavian, Norwegian and Faroese combination of sær "sea" and bjǫrg "help, deliverance".
Sæbjörn m Icelandic
Icelandic younger form of Sǽbiǫrn.
Sæbjørn m Norwegian, Faroese
Norwegian and Faroese younger form of Sǽbiǫrn.
Sæbjört f Icelandic (Rare)
Icelandic name meaning "bright sea", derived from Old Norse sær meaning "sea" and bjǫrt meaning "bright, shining" (from bjartr).
Sæborg f Icelandic
Icelandic variant of Sæbjörg.
Sædís f Icelandic
Icelandic name meaning "sea goddess", formed from the Old Norse elements "sea" and dís "goddess". The suffix dís is fairly common in Icelandic names.
Sædis f Faroese, Norwegian
Faroese and Norwegian form of Sædís.
Sæfinn m Norwegian (Rare, Archaic)
Norwegian younger form of Sæfinnr.
Sæfinna f Icelandic (Rare)
Icelandic feminine form of Sæfinnur.
Sæfinnur m Faroese
Modern Faroese form of Sæfinnr.
Sæla f Icelandic
From Old Norse sæla, meaning “happiness, bliss”. Officially approved as a given name in 2015.
Sælaug f Icelandic (Rare)
Derived from the Old Norse elements sær meaning "sea" and laug possibly meaning "vowed, promised, bound in oath".
Sælaugur m Icelandic
Masculine form of Sælaug.
Sæmann m Icelandic (Rare)
Derived from the Old Norse elements sær "sea" and maðr "person, man" (genitive manns).
Sæmar m Icelandic (Modern, Rare)
Derived from the Old Norse elements sær "sea" and mærr "famous".
Sæmund m Norwegian (Rare), Old Swedish
Norwegian and Old Swedish form of Sæmundr.
Sæmunda f Icelandic
Feminine form of Sæmundur.
Sæný f Icelandic (Rare)
Derived from the Old Norse elements sær "sea" and nýr "new".
Sær m Icelandic
From Icelandic sær meaning "sea".
Særós f Icelandic
Derived from Icelandic sær "sea" and rós "rose".
Særún f Icelandic
Means "secret of the sea", derived from Old Norse sær "sea" combined with Old Norse rún "secret".
Sæsól f Icelandic (Rare)
Derived from Old Norse sær meaning "sea" and sól meaning "sun".
Sæþór m Icelandic
Icelandic younger form of Sǽþórr.
Sæunn f Icelandic, Faroese
From Old Norse sær meaning "sea", and unnr meaning "wave".
Sævald m Norwegian (Rare), Icelandic
Norwegian younger form of Sævaldi.
Sævaldur m Icelandic
Icelandic younger form of Sævaldi.
Sævar m Icelandic
Meaning "sea warrior", derived from the Old Norse elements sær "sea" and arr "warrior".
Sævör f Icelandic
Icelandic younger form of Søyvǫr.
Safina f Scandinavian
Means "sapphire"
Safír m Icelandic
Icelandic form of Safir.
Sagga f Swedish (Rare)
Diminutive of Sara traditionally found in Norrland.
Sagitta f Ancient Roman, Astronomy, Swedish (Rare)
Means "arrow" in Latin. ... [more]
Sakarías m Icelandic
Icelandic form of Sakarias.
Sakine f Swedish (Rare), Norwegian (Rare), Danish (Rare)
Nordic feminine variant of Zacharias and short form of Isakine.
Sakkeus m Finnish, Norwegian
Finnish and Norwegian form of Zacchaeus.
Saldis f Faroese
Faroese form of Saldís.
Salgerð f Faroese
Faroese modern form of Salgerðr.
Salgerður f Icelandic
Icelandic younger form of Salgerðr.
Salgjerd f Norwegian (Rare)
Norwegian younger form of Salgerðr.
Salín f Icelandic
Icelandic variant of Salína.
Salína f Icelandic
Icelandic form of Salina.
Sälla f Swedish (Rare)
Directly taken from Swedish säll "blissful, happy".
Sällfrid m Swedish (Rare)
Relatively modern name (late 19th century) created by combining Swedish säll meaning "blissful, happy" with frid meaning "peace, protection".
Sällvi f Swedish (Archaic)
Swedish name with the combination of sæll "blissful", "happy" and "home", "temple", "sanctuary".
Salm m Norwegian (Rare)
Norwegian form of Salmo.
Salmann m Icelandic (Rare)
Derived from Old Norse salr "hall, house" and maðr "person, man" (genitive manns). Alternatively this could be an Icelandic form of a German name in which the first element is derived from Old High German salo "dirty gray" (related to English sallow and Old Norse sölr "dirty yellow").... [more]
Salóme f Icelandic
Icelandic form of Salome.
Sálomon m Faroese
Faroese form of Solomon.
Salómon m Icelandic
Icelandic form of Solomon.
Salvör f Icelandic
Icelandic form of Sǫlvǫr.
Salvør f Faroese
Faroese form of Sǫlvǫr.
Sámal m Faroese
Faroese form of Samuel.
Sameline f Norwegian (Archaic)
Norwegian dialectal variant of Samuline recorded in Austlandet.
Samine f Norwegian (Archaic), Danish (Rare), Swedish (Rare)
Feminine form of Samuel. In modern times, this is also considered a variant of Samina.
Samúel m Icelandic
Icelandic form of Samuel.
Samulina f Judeo-Anglo-Norman, Faroese
Judeo-Anglo-Norman feminine form of Samuel and Faroese form of Samuline.
Samuline f Norwegian (Rare)
Feminine form of Samuel.
Sámur m Faroese
Faroese modern form of Sámr.
Såne m Swedish (Rare)
Swedish variant of Sune.
Sanny m Swedish (Rare)
Perhaps a variant of Sonny or a diminutive of a name containing a syllable pronounced san (like Alexander).
Sanný f Faroese
Faroese form of Sanny.
Santía f Icelandic
Icelandic form of Santia.
Sarína f Icelandic
Icelandic form of Sarina.
Sarke f Low German, Frisian, Norwegian
Low German and Frisian diminutive of Sara.
Saron m & f Swedish (?)
Swedish form of Sharon.