Indonesian Submitted Names

Indonesian names are used on the island nation of Indonesia in southeast Asia. See also about Indonesian names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Saputra m Indonesian
Derived from Indonesian putra meaning "son".
Sarifah f Indonesian, Malay
Indonesian and Malay variant of Sharifa.
Sarifuddin m Indonesian
Indonesian form of Sharif ad-Din.
Sarifudin m Indonesian
Indonesian form of Sharif ad-Din.
Sarima f Arabic (Rare), Indonesian (Rare)
Derived from Arabic صَارِم‎ (ṣārim) meaning "resolute, decisive" or "stern, strict".
Sarip m Indonesian, Malay
Indonesian and Malay variant of Sharif.
Saripa f Indonesian, Filipino, Maranao, Maguindanao, Thai (Muslim)
Indonesian, Maranao, Maguindanao and Thai form of Sharifah.
Saripah f Indonesian, Malay
Indonesian and Malay variant of Sharifa.
Saripuddin m Indonesian
Indonesian form of Sharif ad-Din.
Saripudin m Indonesian
Indonesian form of Sharif ad-Din.
Sariwati f Indonesian
From Indonesian sari meaning "essence" combined with the feminine suffix -wati.
Sarkawi m Indonesian
From the name of Egyptian sufi writer and scholar Abdullah al-Sharqawi (1737-1812).
Sartika f Indonesian
Meaning uncertain, possibly of Sanskrit origin. A notable bearer was Indonesian women's education activist Dewi Sartika (1884-1947).
Sasono m Indonesian
From Javanese sasana meaning "place, position, seat".
Satria m Indonesian
Means "knight, warrior, hero" in Indonesian, ultimately from Sanskrit क्षत्र (kshatra) meaning "power, might, rule".
Satya m & f Indian, Hindi, Telugu, Odia, Bengali, Punjabi, Kannada, Assamese, Nepali, Indonesian
Means "pure, virtuous" or "truthful, true" in Sanskrit. This is a transcription of both the masculine form सत्य and the feminine form सत्या.
Saudah f Arabic, Indonesian, Malay
Arabic alternate transcription of Sawda as well as the Indonesian and Malay form.
Sawitri f Thai, Indonesian
Thai and Indonesian form of Savitri.
Sayuti m Indonesian, Malay
From the name of 15th-century Islamic scholar, jurist and mystic Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti, whose name was derived from the city of Asyut in Egypt.
Sefti f & m Indonesian
Variant of Septi.
Seftia f & m Indonesian
Variant of Septia.
Seftiya f & m Indonesian
Variant of Septia.
Sefty f & m Indonesian
Variant of Septi.
Seftya f & m Indonesian
Variant of Septia.
Selamah f Indonesian, Malay
Possibly from Indonesian and Malay selamat meaning "safe, healthy, secure" or perhaps a form of the name Salama.
Selamat m Indonesian, Malay
Means "safe, healthy, secure" in Indonesian and Malay, ultimately from Arabic سلامات (salamat).
Sella f African, Southern African, Eastern African, Indonesian
Meaning unknown. It may be a loan word from Arabic صَلَّى‎ (ṣallā), meaning "to pray, to bless," or Arabic سَلَّى‎ (sallā), meaning "to amuse, entertain, comfort." It may also be a variation of Selah.
Semuel m Indonesian
Indonesian form of Samuel.
Senang m & f Indonesian, Malay
Means "happy, content, loved" in Indonesian or "easy" in Malay.
Senin m Indonesian, Malay
Means "Monday" in Indonesian and Malay, ultimately from Arabic الِاثْنَيْنِ (al-iṯnayn).
Senja f Indonesian
Means "evening" in Indonesian, from Sanskrit संध्या (saṃdhyā), meaning "evening, twilight".
Seprianus m Indonesian
Indonesian form of Cyprianus (see Cyprian).
Septi f & m Indonesian
From the name of the month of September, usually used as a given name for someone born in September.
Septia f & m Indonesian
From the name of the month of September, usually used as a given name for someone born in September.
Septian m Indonesian
From the name of the month of September, usually used as a given name for a boy born in September.
Septiana f Indonesian
From the name of the month of September, usually used as a given name for a girl born in September.
Septiani f Indonesian
From the name of the month of September, usually used as a given name for a girl born in September.
Septianti f Indonesian
From the name of the month of September, usually used as a given name for a girl born in September.
Septianto m Indonesian
From the name of the month of September, usually used as a given name for a boy born in September.
Septiya f & m Indonesian
Variant of Septia.
Septuagesima f Indonesian
From the name of the 9th sunday before easter. The name of the sunday is derivded from the Latin word for "70th".
Septy f & m Indonesian
Variant of Septi.
Septya f & m Indonesian
Variant of Septia.
Seri f Malay, Indonesian
Malay and Indonesian form of Shri.
Servasius m Indonesian
Indonesian form of Servatius.
Setia m & f Indonesian
Means "loyal, obedient, faithful" in Indonesian, ultimately from Sanskrit सत्य (satya).
Setiabudi m Indonesian
Combination of Setia and Budi. A famous bearer is Indonesian nationalist Danoedirdja Setiaboedi (né Ernest Douwes Dekker).
Setiadi m Indonesian
From Indonesian setia meaning "loyal, obedient, faithful" combined with adi meaning "first" in Indonesian or "beautiful, good, valuable" in Javanese.
Setiawati f Indonesian
From Indonesian setia meaning "loyal, true" (of Sanskrit origin) combined with the feminine suffix -wati.
Setiya m & f Indonesian
Variant of Setia.
Setya m & f Indonesian
Variant of Setia.
Setyaningsih f Indonesian
Combination of Indonesian setia meaning "faithful, loyal, true" (of Sanskrit origin) and the given name Ningsih.
Sevilla f Spanish (Philippines, Rare), English (Rare), Indonesian (Rare)
Derived from the Spanish name for the city of Seville, in Spain (see Sevilla).
Shabrina f Indonesian
Indonesian variant of Sabrina.
Shafa f Indonesian
Indonesian variant of Safaa or Safaa'.
Shafariyanti f Indonesian
From Safar صفر (Safar)), the second month of the Islamic calendar. The month derives its name from the Arabic adjective صفر (safr) meaning "void, empty, vacant".... [more]
Shafiyah f Malay, Indonesian
Either means "forgiveness" from Arabic صَفْح (ṣafḥ) meaning "pardon, forgiveness, amnesty" or "healer, curer" from شَفَى (šafā) "to heal, to cure". It can also be considered a form of the name Safiyyah.
Shafwan m Indonesian
Indonesian variant of Safwan.
Shaleh m Indonesian
Indonesian variant of Salih.
Shalih m Indonesian
Indonesian variant of Salih.
Shalsabila f Indonesian
Indonesian variant of Salsabil.
Shalsabilla f Indonesian
Indonesian variant of Salsabil.
Shalshabila f Indonesian
Indonesian variant of Salsabil.
Sharip m Kyrgyz, Chechen, Kazakh, Malay, Indonesian
Form of Sharif used in various languages.
Shiddiq m Indonesian
Indonesian variant of Siddiq.
Shidik m Indonesian
Indonesian variant of Siddiq.
Shidiq m Indonesian
Indonesian variant of Siddiq.
Shihabudin m Indonesian, Malay
Indonesian and Malay form of Shihab ad-Din.
Shodik m Indonesian
Indonesian variant of Sadiq.
Shodiq m Indonesian
Indonesian variant of Sadiq.
Shofa f & m Indonesian
Indonesian variant of Safaa or Safaa'.
Shofian m Indonesian
Indonesian variant of Sufyan.
Shofiyah f Indonesian
Indonesian form of Safiyyah.
Shofiyan m Indonesian
Indonesian variant of Sufyan.
Shofwan m Indonesian
Indonesian variant of Safwan.
Shofyan m Indonesian
Indonesian variant of Sufyan.
Sholeh m Indonesian
Indonesian form of Salih.
Sholichah f Indonesian
Indonesian variant of Saliha.
Sholichin m Indonesian
Indonesian variant of Salihin.
Sholih m Indonesian
Indonesian variant of Salih.
Sholihin m Indonesian
Indonesian variant of Salihin.
Sholikhah f Indonesian
Indonesian variant of Saliha.
Sholikhin m Indonesian
Indonesian variant of Salihin.
Sholikin m Indonesian
Indonesian variant of Salihin.
Shwita f Indonesian (Rare)
Indonesian form of Shweta.
Siddik m Arabic, Bengali, Indonesian
Alternate transcription of Arabic صديق (see Siddiq), as well as a Bengali and Indonesian variant.
Sidiq m Arabic, Indonesian
Alternate transcription of Arabic صدّيق (see Siddiq), as well as an Indonesian variant.
Sigit m Javanese, Indonesian
Means "handsome, good" in Javanese.
Siprianus m Indonesian
Indonesian form of Cyprianus (see Cyprian).
Sirajuddin m Arabic, Dari Persian, Malay, Indonesian
Alternate transcription of Arabic سراج الدين (see Siraj al-Din), as well as the usual Dari Persian, Malay and Indonesian form.
Sirajudin m Indonesian
Indonesian variant of Siraj al-Din.
Sity f Indonesian, Malay
Variant of Siti.
Siwa m Thai, Indonesian
Thai and Indonesian form of Shiva 1.
Sjamsul m Indonesian
Older spelling of Syamsul influenced by Dutch orthography.
Skolastika ᮞ᮪ᮊᮧᮜᮞ᮪ᮒᮤᮊ f Indonesian, Swahili, Bulgarian, Croatian, Serbian, Finnish (Rare, Archaic)
A variant form of Scholastica.
Sobar m Indonesian
Variant of Sabar.
Sobri m Malay, Indonesian
Malay and Indonesian variant of Sabri.
Sodik m Indonesian
Indonesian variant of Sadiq.
Soegiarto m Javanese, Indonesian
Older spelling of Sugiarto influenced by Dutch orthography.
Soegiharto m Javanese, Indonesian
Older spelling of Sugiharto influenced by Dutch orthography.
Soekma f & m Indonesian
Older spelling of Sukma influenced by Dutch orthography.
Soeprijadi m Javanese, Indonesian
Older spelling of Supriyadi influenced by Dutch orthography.
Soerianto m Indonesian (Rare)
Variant transcription of Surianto based on Dutch orthography.
Soerja m Indonesian (Dutchified)
Older spelling of Surya influenced by Dutch orthography.
Soerjadi m Indonesian
Older spelling of Suryadi based on Dutch orthography.
Soeryadi m Indonesian
Older spelling of Suryadi influenced by Dutch orthography.
Sofiah f Malay, Indonesian
Malay and Indonesian variant of Safiyya.
Sofian m Arabic (Maghrebi), Indonesian, Malay
Alternate transcription of Arabic سفيان (see Sufyan) chiefly used in North Africa, as well as an Indonesian and Malay variant of the name.
Sofiyah f Indonesian
Indonesian variant of Safiyya.
Sofiyan m Indonesian
Indonesian variant of Sufyan.
Sofjan m Indonesian
Older spelling of Sofyan influenced by Dutch orthography.
Sofuan m Indonesian
Indonesian variant of Safwan.
Sofwan m Indonesian, Malay
Indonesian and Malay variant of Safwan.
Sofyan m Indonesian, Arabic (Maghrebi)
Indonesian variant of Sufyan, as well as an alternate transcription of the Arabic name chiefly used in North Africa.
Solah m Indonesian, Dhivehi
Indonesian and Dhivehi form of Salah 1.
Solahuddin m Indonesian, Malay, Thai (Muslim)
Indonesian, Malay and Thai form of Salah ad-Din.
Solahudin m Indonesian
Indonesian form of Salah ad-Din.
Soleh m Indonesian, Tajik
Indonesian and Tajik form of Salih.
Solehuddin m Indonesian
Indonesian form of Salah ad-Din.
Solehudin m Indonesian
Indonesian form of Salah ad-Din.
Solichah f Indonesian
Indonesian variant of Saliha.
Solichin m Indonesian
Indonesian variant of Salihin.
Solih m Indonesian, Dhivehi
Indonesian and Dhivehi form of Salih.
Solihah f Indonesian
Indonesian variant of Saliha.
Solihin m Indonesian
Indonesian variant of Salihin.
Solikhah f Indonesian
Indonesian variant of Saliha.
Solikhin m Indonesian
Indonesian variant of Salihin.
Solikin m Indonesian
Indonesian variant of Salihin.
Sonyawati ᮞᮧᮑᮝᮒᮤ f Indonesian
Combination of Sonya and Wati.
Sophian m Indonesian, Malay, Arabic (Maghrebi)
Variant transcription of Sufyan.
Sopiah f Indonesian, Malay
Indonesian and Malay form of Safiyyah.
Sopian m Indonesian
Indonesian form of Sufyan.
Sopiyan m Indonesian
Indonesian form of Sufyan.
Sopyan m Indonesian
Indonesian form of Sufyan.
Sriningsih f Indonesian
Combination of Sri and Ningsih.
Sriwati f Indonesian
From the Indonesian title of respect sri, ultimately from Sanskrit श्री (shri), combined with the feminine suffix -wati.
Sriwatiningsih ꦱꦿꦶꦮꦠꦶꦤꦶꦁꦱꦶꦃ, ᮞᮢᮤᮝᮒᮤᮔᮤᮀᮞᮤᮂ, ᬲ᭄ᬭᬶᬯᬢᬶᬦᬶᬂᬲᬶᬄ, سريواتينيڠسيه f Indonesian
Combination of Sriwati and Ningsih
Sriyati f Indonesian
From the name Sri combined with the Indonesian feminine suffix -yati.
Stefansyah m Indonesian
Combination of Stefan and شاه (shah), “king” in Persian
Stepanus m Indonesian
Indonesian form of Stephanus (see Stephen).
Subhi m Arabic, Indonesian
Means "my dawn, my morning" from Arabic صبح (ṣubḥ) meaning "dawn, daybreak, morning".
Subki m Indonesian, Malay
From the name of 14th-century Islamic scholar Taqi al-Din al-Subki, whose name was derived from the village of Subk in present-day Egypt. This name may also be given in honour of his son, scholar and historian Taj al-Din al-Subki.
Subuh m Indonesian
Means "dawn, morning, daybreak" in Indonesian, derived from Arabic صبح (subh).
Subur m Indonesian
Means "fertile, healthy, strong" in Indonesian.
Suci f Indonesian
Means "holy, sacred, pure, clean" in Indonesian, ultimately from Sanskrit शुचि (śuci).
Suciwati f Indonesian
From Indonesian suci meaning "holy, sacred, pure, clean" combined with the feminine suffix -wati.
Sudirman m Indonesian
From the Sanskrit prefix सु (su) meaning "good" combined with the name Dirman.
Sufyan m Arabic, Indonesian, Urdu
Means "slim, slender, light" in Arabic, from the root سفي (safiya) meaning "to be light in weight".
Sugatot ꦱꦸꦒꦛꦸꦠ꧀ m Indonesian, Javanese
From the Sanskrit prefix सु (su) meaning "good" combined with the name Gatot.
Sugianto m Javanese, Indonesian
From Javanese sugih meaning "rich, wealthy" combined with the masculine suffix -to.
Sugiarti f Javanese, Indonesian
Feminine form of Sugiarto.
Sugiarto m Javanese, Indonesian
From Javanese sugih meaning "rich, wealthy" combined with arta meaning "treasure, wealth, money".
Sugiono m Javanese, Indonesian
From Javanese sugih meaning "rich, wealthy" combined with either the masculine suffix -na or the word ana meaning "being, having, holding".
Suhaeli m Indonesian
Indonesian variant of Suhaili.
Suhaemi m & f Indonesian
Indonesian variant of Suhaimi.
Suhaili m & f Malay, Indonesian
From the name of 12th-century Muslim jurist and writer Abu al-Qasim al-Suhayli, whose name was derived from the city of Sohail (now Fuengirola) in present-day Andalusia, Spain. It it sometimes used as a feminine name in Malaysia.
Suhaimi m & f Malay, Indonesian
Derived either from Arabic سحيم (suhaim) meaning "black, dark" (a diminutive of سحم (sahima) meaning "to become black, to be blackened") or سهيم (suhaim) meaning "arrows" (the plural of سهم (sahm) meaning "arrow, dart")... [more]
Suhartini f Javanese, Indonesian
From the Sanskrit prefix सु (su) meaning "good" combined with the name Hartini.
Suherman m Indonesian
Possibly from the Sanskrit prefix सु (su) meaning "good" combined with the given name Herman.
Sujud f & m Arabic, Indonesian
Means "prostration" in Arabic, from the root سجد (sajada) meaning "to bow down, to prostrate". It is used as a masculine name in Indonesia, while it is feminine elsewhere.
Sukma f & m Indonesian
Means "soul, life, spirit" in Indonesian, ultimately from Sanskrit सूक्ष्म (sūkṣma).
Sukri m Indonesian, Malay, Thai (Muslim)
Indonesian, Malay and Thai form of Shukri.
Sulaeha f Indonesian
Indonesian variant of Zulaykha.
Sulaeman m Indonesian
Indonesian form of Sulayman.
Sulaimansyah سليمانشاه m Indonesian, Malay
Combination of Sulaiman and Persian شاه (shah) meaning “king”
Sulasmi f Indonesian
From the Sanskrit prefix सु (su) meaning "good" combined with the name Lasmi.
Suleman m Arabic, Urdu, Amharic, Indonesian
Alternate transcription of Arabic سليمان (see Sulayman), as well as the Urdu, Amharic and Indonesian form.
Sulkifli m Indonesian, Thai (Muslim)
Indonesian and Thai form of Dhu al-Kifl.
Sulthan m Indonesian
Indonesian variant of Sultan.
Sumarno m Javanese, Indonesian
From the Sanskrit prefix सु (su) meaning "good" combined with Javanese marna meaning "painted, colourful".
Sumitra f & m Hinduism, Indian, Bengali, Hindi, Odia, Marathi, Assamese, Punjabi, Kannada, Thai, Indonesian
Means "good friend" from the Sanskrit prefix सु (su) meaning "good" combined with मित्र (mitra) meaning "friend"... [more]
Sundari f Indonesian, Indian, Tamil
Feminine form of Sundara.
Suparmaningsih ꦱꦸꦥꦂꦩꦤꦶꦁꦱꦶꦃ, ᮞᮥᮕᮢᮙᮔᮤᮀᮞᮤᮂ f Indonesian
Combination of Suparman and Ningsih
Suparmansyah m Indonesian (Rare)
Combination of the name Suparman and Persian شاه (shāh) meaning "king".
Suparmawati ꦱꦸꦥꦂꦩꦮꦠꦶ f Indonesian
Combination of Suparman and Wati
Supian m Indonesian, Malay
Indonesian and Malay form of Sufyan.
Supiyan m Indonesian
Indonesian form of Sufyan.
Supriyadi m Javanese, Indonesian
From the Sanskrit prefix सु (su) meaning "good" combined with Javanese priya meaning "man, boy" and adi meaning "beautiful, good, valuable".
Supriyanto m Javanese, Indonesian
From the Sanskrit prefix सु (su) meaning "good" combined with the name Priyanto.
Supriyono m Javanese, Indonesian
From the Sanskrit prefix सु (su) meaning "good" combined with Javanese priya meaning "man, boy" and ana meaning "being, having, holding".
Supyan m Indonesian, Chechen
Indonesian and Chechen form of Sufyan.
Suria f & m Malay, Indonesian
Means "sun" in Malay, ultimately from Sanskri सूर्य (surya), also used as an Indonesian variant of Surya... [more]
Suriana f & m Malay, Indonesian
Derived from Malay suria or Indonesian surya meaning "sun". It is used as a unisex name in Indonesia while it is feminine in Malaysia.
Surianto m Indonesian
Derived from Indonesian surya meaning "sun", ultimately from Sanskrit सूर्य (surya).
Surjadi m Indonesian
Older spelling of Suryadi influenced by Dutch orthography.
Suryadi m Indonesian
From Indonesian surya meaning "sun" combined with adi meaning "first" in Indonesian or "beautiful, good, valuable" in Javanese.
Suryana m & f Indonesian
Derived from Indonesian surya meaning "sun", of Sanskrit origin.
Suryani f Indonesian, Malay
Derived from Indonesian surya or Malay suria both meaning "sun".
Suryaningsih f Indonesian
From Indonesian surya meaning "sun" combined with the name Ningsih.
Suryaningtyas f Indonesian
From Indonesian surya meaning "sun" combined with the name Ningtyas.
Suryanti f Javanese, Indonesian
Feminine form of Suryanto.
Suryanto m Javanese, Indonesian
Derived from Javanese or Indonesian surya meaning "sun", ultimately from Sanskrit सूर्य (sūrya).
Suryati f Indonesian
From Indonesian surya meaning "sun" combined with the feminine suffix -yati.
Suryawan m Indonesian
From Indonesian surya meaning "sun" (of Sanskrit origin) combined with the masculine suffix -wan meaning "man".
Suryawati f Indonesian
Derived from Indonesian surya meaning "sun", ultimately from Sanskrit सूर्य (surya), combined with the feminine suffix -wati.
Susanti f Indonesian
Feminine form of Susanto.
Susilaningsih f Indonesian
Combination of Susila and Ningsih.
Susilawati f Indonesian
From Indonesian susila meaning "decent, polite, well-mannered", ultimately from Sanskrit सुशील (sushila), combined with the feminine suffix -wati.
Sustri f Indonesian
From Sanskrit सुस्त्री (sustrī) meaning "chaste woman, good woman", derived from the prefix सु- (su-) meaning "good, well" and स्त्री (strī́) meaning "woman".
Sutrisni f Javanese, Indonesian
Feminine form of Sutrisno.
Suwahyu m Indonesian
From the Sanskrit prefix सु (su) meaning "good" combined with the name Wahyu.
Suwaibah f Indonesian, Malay
Indonesian and Malay variant of Thuwaybah.
Suwanto m Javanese, Indonesian
From the Sanskrit prefix सु (su) meaning "good" combined with Javanese wantah meaning "pure, true, unmixed".
Suwati f Indonesian
From the Sanskrit prefix सु (su) meaning "good" combined with the feminine suffix -wati.
Suwisnu ꦱꦸꦮꦶꦱ꧀ꦤꦸ m Indonesian, Javanese
From the Sanskrit prefix सु (su) meaning "good" combined with the name Wisnu.
Suyuti m Indonesian
Indonesian variant of Sayuti.
Swastika ꦱ꧀ꦮꦱ꧀ꦠꦶꦏ, سوستک f Indian, Bengali, Indonesian, Javanese
Feminine form of Swastik.
Syadiah f Indonesian
Indonesian form of Shadiya.
Syadiyah f Indonesian, Malay
Indonesian and Malay form of Shadiya.
Syaeful m Indonesian
Indonesian variant of Saiful.
Syaepul m Indonesian
Indonesian variant of Saiful.
Syafa f & m Indonesian, Malay
Indonesian and Malay variant of Safaa or Safaa'.
Syafii m Indonesian
From the name of 8th-century Islamic scholar and jurist Abu Abd Allah al-Shafi'i (called asy-Syafi'i in Indonesian), who founded the Shafi'i school of Sunni Islam.
Syafik m Malay, Indonesian
Malay and Indonesian variant of Shafiq.
Syafika f Malay, Indonesian
Malay and Indonesian variant of Shafiqa.
Syafrizal m Indonesian
From Persian شاه (shah) meaning "king" combined with the name Afrizal.
Syahid m Indonesian, Malay
Indonesian and Malay variant of Shahid.
Syahidah f Malay, Indonesian
Malay and Indonesian variant of Shahida.
Syahira f Malay, Indonesian
Malay and Indonesian variant of Shahira.
Syahla f Indonesian
Indonesian variant of Shahla.
Syahmahmud ‎‫شاه‬محمود m Indonesian
Means “the king is praised” (‫شاه‬ (shah), “king” in Persian + محمود (Mahmud), “praised” in Arabic)
Syahnaz f Indonesian
Indonesian form of Shahnaz.
Syahputra m Indonesian
From Persian شاه (šâh) meaning "king" and the given name Putra
Syahrahman m Indonesian (Rare)
From Persian شاه (shah) meaning "king" and the given name Rahman.