Yunalisf & mIndonesian (Rare), Malay (Rare) Meaning uncertain, possibly a recently coined name. A notable bearer is Yunalis binti Mat Zara'ai (1986-), a Malaysian singer professionally known as Yuna.
YunifIndonesian From the name of the month of June (Juni in Indonesian), usually used as a given name for a girl born in June.
YuniafIndonesian From the name of the month of June (Juni in Indonesian).
YuniantifIndonesian From the name of the month of June (Juni in Indonesian), usually used as a given name for a girl born in June.
YuniantomIndonesian From the name of the month of June (Juni in Indonesian), usually used as a given name for a boy born in June.
Yuniarf & mIndonesian From the name of the month of June (Juni in Indonesian), usually used as a given name for someone born in June.
YuniartomIndonesian From the name of the month of June (Juni in Indonesian) combined with harta meaning "treasure, wealth". It is usually used as a given name for a boy born in June.
YunitafIndonesian From the name of the month of June (Juni in Indonesian), usually used as a given name for a girl born in June.
Yusrim & fArabic, Malay, Indonesian Means "my comfort, my prosperity" from Arabic يسر (yusr) meaning "comfort, ease, wealth, prosperity". It is sometimes used as a feminine name in Indonesia while it is typically masculine elsewhere.
ZahrahfMalay, Indonesian Malay and Indonesian form of Zahra. It is often paired with Fatimah in reference to the Arabic title for the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad, فاطمة الزهراء (Fatimah Az-Zahrā’), meaning "Fatimah the Splendid".
Zaitunf & mArabic, Malay, Indonesian Alternate transcription of Arabic زيتون (see Zaytun), as well as the usual Malay and Indonesian form. It is sometimes used as a masculine name in Indonesia.
Zakatuddinزَكَاة الدينmIndonesian, Indian (Muslim) Combination of Arabic زَكَاة (zakāh) meaning "purification" and Arabic الدين (ad-din) meaning “the faith”.
Zamzamf & mArabic, Somali, Indonesian From the name of a holy well in Mecca that, according to Islamic tradition, was miraculously created by Allah for Hajar and and her son Isma'il while the two were left in the desert without water... [more]
ZawawimMalay, Indonesian From the name of 12th-century Islamic jurist and grammarian Ibn Muti al-Zawawi, whose name was derived from the Berber tribe of Zawawa.
Zulfaf & mArabic, Indonesian, Dhivehi Means "closeness, nearness, proximity" in Arabic, also referring to a period of time marking the commencement of either day or night. It is sometimes used as a masculine name in Indonesia.
ZulfadlimMalay, Indonesian From Arabic ذو الفضل (dhū al-faḍl) meaning "possessor of generosity", derived from ذو (dhū) meaning "possessor, holder, master" and فضل (faḍl) meaning "grace, generosity".
ZulfahmimIndonesian, Malay From Arabic ذو الفهم (dhū al-fahm) meaning "holder of understanding", derived from ذو (dhū) meaning "possessor, holder, master" and فهم (fahm) meaning "understanding, comprehension".
ZulfikrimIndonesian, Malay From Arabic ذو الفكر (dhū al-fikr) meaning "possessor of thought", derived from ذو (dhū) meaning "possessor, holder, master" and فكر (fikr) meaning "thinking, thought, idea".
ZulhadimMalay, Indonesian Derived from Arabic ذُو (ḏū) meaning "possessor (of), owner (of)" combined with Hadi.
ZulhelmimMalay, Indonesian Means "possessor of dreams" from Arabic ذو (dhu) meaning "possessor (of), owner (of)" and حلم (hulm) meaning "dream, wish".
ZulkhairimMalay, Indonesian Means "possessor of goodness" from Arabic ذو ال (dhu al) meaning "possessor of the, goodness of the" combined with خير (khayr) meaning "goodness, good".