Croatian Submitted Names

Croatian names are used in the country of Croatia and other Croatian communities throughout the world.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Jazon m Croatian, Polish
Croatian and Polish form of Jason.
Jeka f Serbian, Croatian (Rare)
Used as a nickname for Jelena or Jelisaveta.
Jelenka f Serbian, Croatian
Diminutive of Jelena.
Jelenko m Serbian, Croatian
Serbian and Croatian masculine form of Jelenka.
Jelimir m Croatian, Serbian
The first element of this name is derived from Serbo-Croatian jelen "deer, stag, buck", which is ultimately derived from Proto-Slavic (j)elenъ "deer, stag". The second element is either derived from Slavic mir "peace" or Slavic mer "great, famous".
Jelislav m Croatian
The first element of this name is derived from Serbo-Croatian jelen "deer, stag, buck", which is ultimately derived from Proto-Slavic (j)elenъ "deer, stag". The second element is derived from Slavic slav "glory".
Jelkica f Croatian
Diminutive of Jelka.
Jeremija m Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian form of Jeremiah.
Jerolim m Croatian
Variant form of Jeronim.
Jeronima f Dutch (Rare), Croatian (Rare), Catalan (Rare), Hungarian
Dutch variant spelling of Hieronyma, Croatian feminine form of Jeronim, Catalan feminine form of Jerónimo and Hungarian feminine form of Jeromos.
Jesena f Serbian (Rare), Croatian (Rare)
From jesen meaning "autumn".
Jišaj m Czech (Rare), Croatian (Rare)
Czech and Croatian form of Jesse.
Jokebed f Croatian (Rare)
Croatian form of Jochebed.
Jola f Croatian (Rare)
Croatian form of Iole.
Jona m Croatian, Serbian, Swedish, Norwegian (Rare), Sorbian, Afrikaans
Croatian, Serbian, Sorbian, Afrikaans and Scandinavian form of Jonah.
Jošija m Croatian (Rare), Serbian (Rare)
Croatian and Serbian form of the Hebrew name Yoshiyahu (see Josiah).
Jošua m Croatian
Croatian form of Joshua.
Jotapijan m Croatian
Croatian form of Jotapianus.
Jova m Serbian, Croatian
Short form of Jovan.
Jovijan m Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian form of Jovian.
Joža m Croatian
Diminutive of Josip.
Jožek m Croatian, Slovene
Diminutive of Josip.
Jugana f Serbian (Rare), Croatian (Rare)
Derived from the Slavic element jug, meaning "south".
Jugomir m Croatian (Rare), Serbian
The first element of this name is derived from the Serbo-Croatian noun jug "south", which is ultimately derived from Proto-Slavic jugъ "south". The second element is derived from Slavic mir "peace".
Jugoslav m Croatian, Serbian, Macedonian
Derived from југ, jug meaning "south" and слава, slava meaning "fame".... [more]
Julije m Croatian (Rare)
Croatian form of Julius.
Julijeta f Croatian
Croatian form of Juliet.
Julika f German, Literature, Estonian, Croatian, Serbian, Hungarian, Slovene
Hungarian and Slovene diminutive of Julia. Swiss author Max Frisch used this name on one of his characters in his novel 'I'm not Stiller', published in 1954.
Juliška f Croatian (Rare)
Croatian form of Juliska
Junije m Croatian (Rare), Serbian (Rare)
Croatian and Serbian form of Junius.
Jura m Croatian
Short form of Juraj.
Jurja f Croatian (Rare)
Feminine form of Juraj.
Justinijan m Croatian
Croatian form of Justinian.
Kaćuša f Croatian (Rare)
Croatian form of Katyusha.
Kajin m Croatian (Rare)
Croatian form of Cain.
Kajo m Croatian
Croatian form of Gaius or a short form of Kajetan.
Kalinik m Bulgarian, Croatian, Serbian
Bulgarian, Croatian and Serbian form of Callinicus.
Kalista f Polish, Croatian, Russian (Rare)
Polish, Russian and Croatian form of Calista.
Kalistrat Калистрат m Ukrainian, Croatian, Bosnian
Ukrainian, Croatian, and Bosnian form of Callistratus.
Kaloker m Croatian, Russian, Slovene
Croatian, Russian and Slovene form of Calocaerus and Calocerus, which are both latinizations of the Greek given name Kalokairos.
Kalpurnija f Croatian
Croatian form of Calpurnia.
Kalpurnijan m Croatian
Croatian form of Calpurnianus.
Kalpurnije m Croatian
Croatian form of Calpurnius.
Kamelija f Croatian
Croatian form of Camelia.
Kamilo m Croatian, Slovene (Rare), Albanian (Rare)
Croatian and Slovene form of Camillus.
Kancij m Slovene (Rare), Croatian (Rare)
Slovene and Croatian form of Cantius.
Karin m Croatian
Croatian form of Carinus.
Karloman m Bosnian, Croatian, Norwegian, Polish, Swedish
Variant of Carloman. In Swedish and Norwegian, only used in translations of historical documents regarding the Frankish rulers.
Kasija f Serbian, Croatian
A variant form of Cassia.
Kasijan Касијан m Croatian (Rare), Serbian (Rare)
Croatian and Serbian form of Cassianus (see Cassian).
Kasijana f Croatian
An elaborate form of Kasija.
Kasije m Croatian (Rare), Serbian (Rare)
Croatian and Serbian form of Cassius.
Kasiodor m Bosnian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Serbian
Bosnian, Bulgarian, Croatian and Serbian form of Cassiodorus.
Kasja f Serbian, Croatian, Polish
Serban and Croatian variant of Kasija as well as the Polish feminine form of Kasjusz (and thus a cognate of Cassia).
Kažimir m Croatian
Croatian form of Casimir.
Kefej m Croatian
Croatian form of Cepheus.
Kehat m Croatian (Rare)
Croatian form of Kohath.
Kej m Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian form of Koios via its latinized form Coeus.
Kerber m Croatian
Croatian form of Cerberus.
Kerubina f Croatian (Rare), Hungarian (Rare)
Croatian and Hungarian form of Cherubina.
Keti f Croatian, Serbian, Slovene
Short form of Katarina, influenced by the English pronunciation of Katie. Cognate of Kati.
Kiki m Croatian
Croatian male nickname for Kristijan.
Kilperik m Croatian, Finnish
Croatian and Finnish form of Chilperic.
Kirijak m Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian form of Cyriacus.
Kita f Croatian
Short form of Katarina. The word has become slang for the male organ so it isn't used anymore.... [more]
Kitica f Croatian
Diminutive of Kita.
Klarica f Croatian, Serbian
Diminutive of Klara.
Klaudije m Croatian
Croatian form of Claudius.
Kleobul m Croatian
Croatian form of Cleobulus.
Kleofa f Croatian (Rare)
Croatian feminine form of Cleophas.
Kleona f Albanian, Croatian (Rare)
Albanian and Croatian form of Cleona.
Klimak m Croatian, Polish
Croatian and Polish form of Climacus.
Klitemnestra f Croatian, Lithuanian
Croatian and Lithuanian form of Clytemnestra.
Klonimir m Croatian, Russian, Serbian
The first element of this archaic name is possibly derived from Russian klyon or kljon "maple (tree)". Also compare Polish klon, which also means "maple (tree)". The second element is derived from either Slavic mir "peace" or Slavic mer "great, famous"... [more]
Klor m Croatian
Croatian form of Chlorus.
Klotar m Danish, Norwegian, Croatian, Finnish
Danish, Norwegian, Finnish and Croatian form of Chlothar. Only used in translations of historical documents regarding the kings of the Franks.
Klotilda f Croatian (Rare), Lithuanian, Czech (Rare), Slovak (Rare), Kashubian, Slovene, German (Bessarabian), Albanian
Croatian, Lithuanian, Czech, Slovak, Kashubian, Albanian and Slovene form of Clotilde.
Klukas m Croatian (Rare), Slavic Mythology
An old Croatian name of unknown meaning.... [more]
Kolinda f Croatian (Rare)
Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović (born 1968) was the president of Croatia 2015–2020. She was named after a 1967 song ‘Colinda’ by the Croatian singer Zdenka Vučković... [more]
Kolja m Croatian, Danish (Rare), Dutch (Rare), German, Serbian, Swedish (Rare)
Croatian and Serbian diminutive of Nikola 1. In the other languages listed, Kolja is their standard form of the Russian name Kolya.
Komod m Bulgarian, Croatian, Serbian
Bulgarian, Croatian and Serbian form of Commodus.
Komodijan m Croatian
Croatian form of Commodianus.
Konkordija Конкордија f Croatian (Archaic), Lithuanian (Archaic), Serbian (Archaic)
Croatian, Lithuanian and Serbian form of Concordia.
Konstancija f Croatian (Rare), Lithuanian, Latvian (Rare)
Croatian, Latvian and Lithuanian form of Constantia.
Korana f Croatian
Croatian place name, a river in Croatia.
Kordelija f Lithuanian, Croatian
Croatian and Lithuanian form of Cordelia.
Koriolan m Croatian, Polish, Serbian
Croatian, Polish and Serbian form of Coriolanus.
Kornelije m Croatian
Croatian form of Cornelius.
Kornelio m Croatian
Croatian variant of Cornelius.
Korvin m Bulgarian, Croatian, Russian, Ukrainian, Hungarian
Bulgarian, Croatian, Hungarian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Corvinus.
Kosenc m Croatian (Rare), Slavic Mythology
An old Croatian name of unknown meaning.... [more]
Kosjenka f Croatian (Rare), Literature
The name of a fairy in the book Croatian Tales of Long Ago by Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić.
Koviljka f Croatian, Serbian
Derived from the plant name kovilje (Lat. Stipa pennata), in English known as feather grass.
Kraljica f Croatian (Rare, Archaic)
Means "queen" in Croatian.
Kras m Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian form of Crassus.
Krasna f Croatian
Means "beautiful" in Croatian, derived from the Slavic element krasa "beauty, adornment".
Krasomila f Czech, Slovak, Croatian, Slovene, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Literature
Composed of the Old Slavonic elements kras meaning "beauty" and mil meaning "gracious, dear".... [more]
Kratil m Croatian
Croatian form of Cratylus.
Krij m Croatian
Croatian form of Kreios via Crius.
Krina f Croatian, Serbian
Diminutive of Kristina.
Krinka f Serbian, Croatian
Means "lily", from Ancient Greek κρίνον (krínon).
Krisp m Croatian
Croatian form of Crispus.
Krispin m Croatian, Russian, Ukrainian
Croatian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Crispinus (see Crispin).
Krispinijan m Croatian
Croatian form of Crispinian.
Kristiana f Bulgarian, Croatian, Norwegian, Danish, Swedish, Kashubian
Scandinavian variant and Croatian and Kashubian form of Christiana as well as a Bulgarian variant transcription of Кристиана (see Kristiyana).
Kristijana f Croatian, Slovene
Croatian and Slovene form of Christiana.
Kristof m Croatian, Breton, Banat Swabian
Croatian and Breton form of Christopher and Banatswabian variant of Christof.
Križan m Croatian
Derived from the word križ meaning "cross". It is also used as a surname.
Kron m Croatian
Croatian form of Cronus.
Krševan m Croatian
Croatian form of the Greek name Chrysogonus.
Krsta m & f Serbian (Rare), Croatian (Rare)
Feminine form and variant male form of Krsto.
Kruna f Serbian, Croatian
Short form of Krunoslava and feminine form of Kruno. It also coincides with a Croatian and Serbian word kruna meaning ''crown''.
Krunimir m Croatian
Variant form of Krunomir.
Krunomir m Croatian
Derived from the Slavic elements kruna "crown" and mirŭ "peace".
Krunoslava f Croatian
Feminine form of Krunoslav.
Ksaver m Croatian, Slovene
Croatian and Slovene form of Xavier.
Ksenofan m Croatian
Croatian form of Xenophanes.
Ksenokrat m Croatian, Russian, Serbian, Ukrainian
Croatian, Russian, Serbian and Ukrainian form of Xenokrates.
Kulomir m Croatian (Archaic)
The first element of this archaic name is probably derived from Slavic kula "globe, sphere, orb, ball". Also compare Middle High German kugel, which can mean "ball" as well as "bullet"... [more]
Kunoslav m Croatian
The first element of this name is derived from Croatian kuna, which is now the name of the Croatian currency, but it meant "marten" (as in, the animal) in older times. The second element is derived from Slavic slav "glory".
Kvijet m Croatian
Croatian form of Quietus.
Kvint m Bulgarian, Croatian, Macedonian, Russian, Serbian, Slovene, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Croatian, Macedonian, Russian, Serbian, Slovene and Ukrainian form of Quintus.
Kvintil m Bulgarian, Croatian, Serbian
Bulgarian, Croatian and Serbian form of Quintillus.
Kvintilijan m Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian form of Quintilianus (see Quintilian).
Kvintilije m Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian form of Quintilius.
Kvintin m Croatian, Russian, Serbian
Croatian, Russian and Serbian form of Quintinus.
Kvirin m Bulgarian, Croatian, Macedonian, Russian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Croatian, Macedonian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Quirinus.
Kviterija f Bosnian (Rare), Croatian (Rare)
Bosnian and Croatian form of Quiteria.
Ladimir m Croatian
Croatian form of Vladimir.
Lado m Polish, Serbian, Russian, Croatian
Lado is a recurring word in Slavic folk songs celebrating the summer solstice. It's meaning is unknown. The use of the word in the songs convinced 16th century scholars that Lado was a god of love... [more]
Ladomir m Croatian
Variant form of Ladimir.
Lahorka f Croatian
From Croatian lahor meaning ''breeze''.
Lajla f Bosnian, Croatian, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Dutch (Rare)
Bosnian variant spelling of Lejla and Scandinavian variant of Laila 2.
Lamek m Croatian (Rare)
Croatian form of Lamech.
Latica f Croatian
It means "flower petal" in Croatian.
Latin m Croatian (Rare)
Latins referred originally to an Italic tribe in ancient central Italy. As Roman power spread Latin culture, Latins came to mean anyone who lives in a Latinized culture and speaks Latin or a Romance language.
Lav m Croatian, Serbian
Means "lion" in Croatian and Serbian.
Lavanda f Croatian, Russian, Italian
Means "lavender" in Croatian, Italian and Russian.
Lavoslav m Croatian
Means "glorious lion", derived from Croatian lav "lion" combined with Slavic slav "glory".
Lazo m Croatian, Serbian, Georgian (Rare)
Croatian and Serbian short form of Lazar as well as a Georgian short form of Lazare.
Ledimir m Croatian
Derived from (Serbo-)Croatian led "ice" combined with Slavic mir "peace".
Ledomir m Croatian
Variant form of Ledimir.
Leja f Croatian, Slovene
Croatian and Slovene form of Leah.
Lelija f Croatian
Croatian form of Laelia. There is a poem from the famous Croatian poet Dragutin Tadijanović (1905.-2007.) named "Lelija".
Lelijan m Croatian
Croatian form of Laelianus.
Lelije m Croatian
Croatian form of Laelius.
Lenko m Bulgarian, Croatian
Male form of Lena or a nickname for names containing the element len (Milenko, Alen, Milenije, etc.)
Leofant m Catalan, Croatian
Catalan and Croatian form of Leophantos.
Leonel m Croatian, English
Croatian form and English variant of Lionel.
Leontije m Croatian
Croatian form of Leontius.
Lepomir m Croatian, Serbian
Derived from Serbo-Croatian lepota or ljepota "beauty, prettiness, fairness" combined with Slavic mir "peace".
Leposava f Serbian, Croatian
Variant form of Leposlava.
Leposlav m Croatian, Serbian
Derived from Serbo-Croatian lepota or ljepota "beauty, prettiness, fairness" combined with Slavic slav "glory".
Leposlava f Croatian, Serbian
Feminine form of Leposlav.
Leticija f Croatian (Rare)
Croatian form of Letitia.
Leukip m Bosnian, Croatian
Bosnian and Croatian form of Leukippos via its latinized form Leucippus.
Lijana f Serbian (Rare), Croatian (Rare), Slovene
Short form of names ending in -lijana, such as Julijana and Lilijana.
Linka f Croatian, Slovene
Diminutive of Lina 2.
Lipa f Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian, Russian, Ukrainian
It derives from the Slavic name for the linden tree Lipa (Липа), which originates from the Greek word "Lipos" (λίπος) meaning: "fat, thick". And a shorter form of the Russian and Ukrainian name Olimpiada.
Lira f Croatian (Rare)
From the name of the musical instrument lira (from Latin lira, from Ancient Greek λύρα (lúra)), called "lyre" in English.
Livijan m Croatian
Croatian form of Livianus.
Livije m Croatian
Croatian form of Livius.
Lizimah m Bosnian, Croatian
Bosnian and Croatian form of Lysimachus.
Lizinka f Russian, Croatian, Theatre
Diminutive of Yelizaveta. This was the title character of an opera by Croatian composer Ivan Zajc, Lizinka (1878).
Lizip m Croatian, Slovene
Croatian and Slovene form of Lysippos via its latinized form Lysippus.
Ljubdrag m Croatian (Rare)
Derived from the Slavic elements lyuby "love" and dragu meaning "precious".
Ljubenko m Croatian (Rare), Serbian (Rare)
From the Slavic element lyuby "love".
Ljubomira f Croatian, Slovene
Feminine form of Ljubomir.
Ljubuša f Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian form of Libuše.
Ljupka f Croatian, Serbian, Macedonian
Derived from Slavic ljupko, ljupka, meaning "delightful, gracefully".
Lobel m Croatian (Rare), Slavic Mythology
An old Croatian name of unknown meaning.... [more]
Lordan m Croatian
Either a masculine form of Loredana or derived from the English word lord.
Lorijana f Slovene, Croatian (Rare)
Slovene and Croatian form of Loriana.
Lorina f English (Rare), Italian (Rare), Romanian (Rare), Albanian, Swedish (Rare), Norwegian (Rare), Danish (Rare), Hungarian, Croatian, Romani (Archaic)
Italian elaboration of Lora and variant of Laurina as well as a Scandinavian feminine form of Lorens... [more]
Lota f Croatian, Slovene, Estonian
Croatian and Slovene form and Estonian variant of Lotta.
Lovrek m Croatian
Nickname for Lovro.
Lovren m Croatian
Croatian form of Lovrenc.
Lovrenac m Croatian (Rare)
Croatian form of Lovrenc.
Lovrenko m Croatian (Rare)
Diminutive form of Lovrenac.
Lučiano m Croatian (Rare)
Croatian form of Luciano.
Lucijana f Croatian, Slovene
Croatian and Slovene form of Luciana.
Lucijano m Croatian
Croatian spelling of Luciano.
Lucije m Croatian
Croatian form of Lucius.
Ludovik m Croatian
Croatian form of Ludwig.
Lugomir m Croatian, Serbian
The first element of this name is possibly derived from Russian lug "meadow". Also compare modern Polish łąka, Czech louka and Slovak lúka, all of which also mean "meadow"... [more]
Lujo m Croatian (Rare)
Croatian form of Louis.
Lukan m Croatian (Rare), German, Polish, Russian
Croatian, German, Polish and Russian form of Lucanus (see Lucan).
Lukrecija f Croatian, Lithuanian
Croatian and Lithuanian form of Lucretia.
Lukrecije m Croatian
Croatian form of Lucretius.
Lukša m Croatian
Diminutive of Luka.
Maca f Croatian, Serbian, Slovene
Diminutive of Marija, used as a given name in its own right.
Madlen f Croatian (Rare), German (Rare), Bulgarian, Medieval German, Alsatian, Hungarian, Welsh
Bulgarian, Croatian, Alsatian, and German variant of Madeleine as well as a Hungarian borrowing of this name as well as a medieval German contracted and the Welsh regular form of Magdalena.
Madlena f Bulgarian, Croatian, Georgian, German, Serbian, Sorbian, Romansh
Bulgarian, Croatian, German and Serbian variant of Magdalena as well as the standard Sorbian and Romansh form of the name.... [more]
Magica f Croatian
Diminutive of Magdalena or Margareta.
Majkl m Croatian (Rare), Slovene (Rare), Czech (Rare), Serbian (Rare), Macedonian (Rare)
Variant spelling of Michael, reflecting the English pronunciation.
Majorijan m Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian form of Majorian.
Makarije m Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian form of Makarios via Macarius.
Makrin m Croatian, Russian, Serbian, Ukrainian
Croatian, Russian, Serbian and Ukrainian form of Macrinus.
Maksencije m Croatian
Croatian form of Maxentius.
Maksimijan m Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian form of Maximian.
Maksimin m Bulgarian, Croatian, Russian, Serbian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Croatian, Russian, Serbian and Ukrainian form of Maximinus (see Maximino).
Malahija m Croatian
Croatian form of Malachi.... [more]
Mandolina f Croatian (Rare)
From the name of the musical instrument, called mandolin in English.
Manduša f Serbian, Croatian
Further diminutive of Manda.
Mani f & m English, Croatian, Spanish
Diminutives of names beginning with Man-
Marac m Croatian (Rare)
Rare Croatian nickname for male names starting with Mar-, like Mario, Marko, etc.
Marcija f Slovene (Rare), Croatian (Rare)
Slovene and Croatian form of Marcia.
Marcijan m Croatian
Croatian form of Marcian.
Marije m Croatian
Croatian form of Marius.
Mariora f Serbian, Croatian (Rare)
Serbian and Croatian elaborated form of Maria.
Marka f English (Rare), Croatian (Rare)
Croatian feminine form of Marko or a diminutive form of Mara 2.
Markica m Croatian (Rare)
Diminutive form of Marko.
Maro m Croatian
Croatian form of Marius or Marianus.
Maroje m Croatian
Variant of Maro.
Marsel m Slovene, Tatar, Albanian, Croatian
Cognate of Marcel; in the case of Tatar usage, it is inspired by the name of Marcel Cachin (1869–1958), a French politician.
Marsela f Albanian, Croatian
Feminine form of Marsel. Albanian folk etymology likes to derive this name from Albanian mars "(the month of) March", popularly interpreted to mean "March child; born in March".
Martinijan m Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian form of Martinian.
Maruška f Croatian, Czech, Slovak, Slovene
Croatian, Czech, Slovak and Slovene form of Marushka. Also compare Maruša.
Mašenka f Slovene, Croatian
Feminine diminutive form of Maša.
Mata m Croatian
Short form of Mateo, Matej or Matija in some parts of Croatia.
Matek m Croatian
Diminutive of Mato.
Mauzol m Croatian
Croatian form of Mausolus.
Mavro m Croatian
Croatian form of Mauro.
Medena f Croatian (Rare), Serbian (Rare)
From med meaning ''honey''. It's also used as a nickname for a dear person.
Melani f Spanish, Croatian, Slovene, Greek (Rare), Hungarian, English (American, Modern, Rare)
Spanish borrowing, Croatian and Slovene form, Modern Greek and English variant of Melanie and Hungarian variant of Melánia... [more]
Melita f Latvian, Czech (Rare), Slovak (Rare), Croatian, Slovene, Polish, Estonian, Albanian
Albanian, Latvian, Czech, Slovak, Croatian, Slovene, Polish and Estonian form of Melitta.
Melkior m Croatian
Croatian form of Melchior.
Menelaj m Bosnian, Croatian
Bosnian and Croatian form of Menelaus.
Merkur m Bosnian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, German, Norwegian, Albanian
Albanian, Bosnian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, German and Norwegian form of Mercurius (see Mercury).
Mića m Croatian, Serbian
Short form of Milan.
Mica f Croatian, Serbian, Slovene
Short form of Marija.
Mićo m Croatian, Serbian
Short form of Milan.
Mihalj m Croatian
Regional Croatian variant of Mihael.
Mihej m Croatian
Croatian form of Micah.
Mihi f & m Croatian
Short form of Mihaela or Mihael.
Mija f Croatian
Croatian variant of Mia.
Mijat m Serbian, Croatian
Derived from Milan or Mihael.
Mika m Croatian, Serbian
Variant of Miha.
Mikac m Croatian (Archaic)
Old Croatian diminutive of Mika, itself either a variant of Miha or a pet form of Mikula/Mikulaš.
Milania f Croatian (Rare), English
Croatian variant spelling of Milanija.... [more]
Milava f Serbian (Archaic), Croatian (Archaic)
From the Slavic element milu meaning "gracious, dear".
Milenka f Serbian, Croatian, Sorbian, Slovene
Originally a diminutive of Milena, used as a given name in its own right.
Miliana f Croatian (Rare), Serbian (Rare), Romanian (Rare)
Serbian and Croatian variant of Milijana.
Milijan m Croatian, Serbian
Elaborated form of Milan.