Croatian Submitted Names

Croatian names are used in the country of Croatia and other Croatian communities throughout the world.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Stjepana f Croatian
Female form of Stjepan.
Stojanka f Serbian, Croatian, Macedonian, Slovene, Bulgarian
Serbian, Croatian, Macedonian and Slovene feminine form of Stojan and Bulgarian variant transcription of Стоянка (see Stoyanka).
Strahimir m Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian variant form of Strahomir. A bearer of this name was Croatian poet Silvije Strahimir Kranjčević (1865-1908).
Strahinja m Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian
From the noun strah meaning "fear, dread". Borne by Strahinja Banović, a legendary Serbian nobleman and folk hero.
Strahomir m Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian form of Strachomir.
Sudomir m Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian form of Sędomir.
Suza f Croatian, Serbian, English
Short form of Suzana. It also means "a tear" in Croatian and Serbian.
Svemila f Serbian, Croatian (Rare)
From Serbian све (sve) meaning "all" and мила (mila) meaning "dear" thus the name means "dear to all".
Svemir m Croatian (Rare)
Means "universe" in Croatian.
Svemirka f Croatian (Rare)
Feminine form of Svemir.
Svetislav m Serbian, Croatian, Slovene
Derived from the Slavic svet meaning "holy, blessed" and slav meaning "glory".
Svetlan m Bulgarian, Croatian (Rare)
Masculine form of Svetlana. A known bearer of this name is the Bulgarian former soccer player Svetlan Kondev (b. 1976).
Sveto m Croatian, Serbian
Short form of Svetozar, Svetoslav and other names beginning with svet meaning "blessed, holy, bright".
Svetozar m Serbian, Croatian, Czech
Derived from Slavic svet "blessed, holy, bright" and zar, zariti meaning "radiant, beaming; delight".
Svevlad m Serbian, Croatian (Rare)
From Slavic elements све (sve) meaning "all" and влад (vlad) meaning "ruler". Hence the name means "ruler of all".
Svjetlan m Croatian (Rare)
Croatian variant form of Svetlan. A known bearer of this name is Svjetlan Junaković (b. 1961), a Croatian painter, sculptor and illustrator.
Tacijan m Croatian
Croatian form of Tatian.
Taida f Croatian (Rare), Latvian (Archaic), Lithuanian (Rare), Polish (Rare), Serbian (Rare), Spanish (Rare)
Form of Thaïs - also compare its Italian form Taide. In Slavic countries, this name can also be a variant of Taisiya, which is ultimately of Coptic origin.
Tajna f Croatian, Serbian, Macedonian
Derived from Serbo-Croatian тајна, tajna, meaning "a secret".
Talija f Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian, Slovene, Macedonian
Bosnian and Croatian form of Talya.
Tatijana f Serbian, Croatian
From Tatjana or Tajana. In Croatian the prononciation is the same prononciation as Tatiana.
Tatomir m Polish, Serbian, Croatian (Rare)
Derived from Slavic tata "father" combined with Slavic mir "peace". A known bearer of this name was Tatomir Anđelić (1903-1993), a Serbian mathematician and expert in mechanics.
Telesfor m Bulgarian, Croatian, Polish (Rare), Russian, Serbian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Croatian, Polish, Russian, Serbian and Ukrainian form of Telesphoros (see Télesphore).
Temistije m Croatian
Croatian form of Themistios via Themistius.
Teobald m Polish, Croatian (Rare), Gascon
Polish, Croatian and Gascon form of Theobald.
Teodorik m Croatian
Croatian form of Theodoric.
Teodozije m Bosnian, Croatian
Bosnian and Croatian form of Theodosius.
Teokrit m Croatian
Croatian form of Theocritus.
Teron m Bulgarian, Croatian, Polish
Bulgarian, Croatian and Polish form of Theron.
Tertulijan m Croatian
Croatian form of Tertullianus.
Tetija f Bosnian, Croatian, Lithuanian
Bosnian, Croatian and Lithuanian form of Tethys.
Tetrik m Croatian
Croatian form of Tetricus.
Tezej m Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian form of Theseus.
Tiaša f Slovene, Croatian
Diminutive of Tatjana.
Tiberije m Bosnian, Croatian
Bosnian and Croatian form of Tiberius.
Tiburcije m Croatian (Rare)
Croatian form of Tiburtius (see Tiburcio).
Ticijan m Croatian
Croatian form of Tiziano.
Tiho m Croatian
Derived from Slavic tih "quiet", also used as a nickname for Tihomir and Tihomil.
Tihomil m Croatian (Rare)
Derived from the Slavic elements tih "quiet" and mil "gracious, dear".
Tihomila f Croatian (Rare)
Feminine form of Tihomil.
Timaj m Croatian (Rare), Serbian (Rare), Slovene (Rare)
Croatian, Serbian and Slovene form of Timaeus.
Timej m Croatian
Croatian form of Timaeus.
Tinka f Croatian, Slovene
Diminutive of Tina.
Tirtej m Croatian
Croatian form of Tyrtaios via Tyrtaeus.
Tisa f Slovene, Croatian, Serbian
Of debated origin and meaning. Theories include a derivation from the name of the river flowing through Ukraine, Romania, Hungary and Serbia and a derivation from tisa "yew tree".
Titomir m Croatian, Serbian
There are two possible explanations for the etymology of the first element of this name. The first is that it is derived from Tito, which is the Serbo-Croatian form of Titus... [more]
Titoslav m Croatian, Serbian
There are two possible explanations for the etymology of the first element of this name. The first is that it is derived from Tito, which is the Serbo-Croatian form of Titus... [more]
Tizian m Croatian (Rare), German
Croatian and German form of Titian.
Tješimir m Croatian
Croatian cognate of Techomir.
Tomka f Serbian, Croatian
Serbian and Croatian female version of Tomislav or Toma 2.
Tonček m Croatian, Slovene
Diminutive form of Anton and Antonio via Toni 1.
Tončika f Croatian (Rare)
Feminine form of Tonček.
Tonimir m Bulgarian, Croatian
The first element of this name is possibly derived from Russian tónkij or tónkiy "thin, slim, slender", which is ultimately derived from Proto-Slavic tьnъkъ "thin". The second element is derived from Slavic mir "peace"... [more]
Tonko m Croatian, Slovene
Croatian and Slovene diminutive of Anton or Antonio.
Torkvat m Croatian
Croatian form of Torquatus.
Trankvil m Bosnian, Croatian
Bosnian and Croatian form of Tranquillus.
Tripun m Croatian
Croatian form of the Greek Tryphon.
Trojan m Serbian, Croatian
From Serbian троје (troje) literally meaning "three people" but denoting "trinity".
Trpimir m Croatian
Derived from the Slavic elements trpi "endure, bear, suffer" and mir meaning "peace" or "world".
Tuga f Croatian (Rare), Slavic Mythology
Means "sadness" in Croatian. According to a folk tradition, she and her sister Buga, together with their five brothers Klukas, Lobel, Kosenc, Muhlo and Hrvat, led the Croats into the ancient Roman province of Dalmatia in the 7th century.
Tugomil m Croatian (Rare)
From the Slavic elements togo "strong, mighty, potent" and milu meaning "gracious, dear".
Tugomila f Croatian (Rare)
Feminine form of Tugomil.
Tugomir m Croatian, Serbian, Slovene
Croatian and Slovenian form of the Old Slavic name Togomir, which is derived from Slavic togo "strong, mighty, potent" combined with Slavic mir "peace". Known bearers of this name were Croatian poet and storyteller Tugomir Alaupović (1870-1958) and Tugomir Franc (1932-1983), a Croatian opera singer.
Tulije m Croatian
Croatian form of Tullius (see Tullio).
Tuna m & f Croatian (Rare)
Male variant and female form of Tuno.
Tuno m Croatian (Rare)
Nickname for Antun.
Tuone m Italian, Friulian, Croatian, South Slavic
Short form of Antonio. A notable bearer was Tuone Udaina (1823–1898), the last speaker of Dalmatian language.
Turpilijan m Croatian
Croatian form of Turpilianus.
Uliks m Croatian (Rare), Serbian (Rare)
Croatian and Serbian form of Ulysses.
Una f Croatian
Either inspired by the name of the river Una (bordering Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina), whose meaning is uncertain but could be from Latin una "(female) one", or directly from Latin. It's a modern name, used since the 20th century.
Urija m Croatian
Croatian form of 'Uriyah (see Uriah) via its latinized form Urias.
Valek m Popular Culture, Slavic (Rare), Croatian (Rare)
The name is a Slavic short form of Valentin or Valerian (or other names starting in Val-).
Valentinijan m Croatian
Croatian form of Valentinian.
Valerijan m Croatian
Croatian form of Valerian.
Valerije m Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian form of Valerius.
Vatren m Serbian (Rare), Croatian (Rare)
From ватрен (vatren) meaning "fiery, passionate".
Vatromir Ватромир m Serbian, Croatian (Rare)
From Serbian ватра (vatra) meaning "fire" and мир (mir) meaning "peace" or "glory". Thus the name means "vigorous or passionate for glory/peace".
Vatroslava f Croatian
Feminine form of Vatroslav.
Većeslav m Croatian
Croatian form of Wenceslas.
Velebit m Croatian (Rare)
Velebit is the largest mountain range in Croatia.
Venecija f Croatian (Rare)
Croatian form of Venice.
Venio m Italian, Croatian (Rare)
From Latin veniō ‎meaning ''come, approach''.
Ver m Bosnian, Catalan, Croatian
Bosnian, Catalan and Croatian form of Verus.
Vergilije m Bosnian, Croatian
Bosnian and Croatian form of Virgil.
Veruša f Croatian (Rare), Czech, Slovak
Croatian, Czech and Slovak form of Verusha. Also compare Veruška.
Veruška f Croatian, Czech, Slovak
Croatian, Czech and Slovak form of Verushka. Also compare Veruša.
Veseljka f Croatian, Slovene
Feminine form of Veseljko.
Vespazijan m Bosnian, Croatian
Bosnian and Croatian form of Vespasian.
Vibor m Croatian
Possibly from Hungarian bíbor meaning "purple", or a short form of Velibor.
Vice m Croatian
Croatian short form of Vincent.
Vicko m Croatian
Diminutive form of Vincent, Vice or Viktor.
Vidak m Croatian (Rare), Serbian (Rare)
From the verb vidjeti meaning ''to see''.
Vidoje m Serbian, Croatian
Elaboration of Vid.
Vidomir m Croatian, Serbian
The first element of this name is probably derived from Serbo-Croatian videti or vidjeti "to see, to sight, to look, to behold", which is derived from Proto-Slavic viděti "to see"... [more]
Vidoslav m Bulgarian, Croatian, Serbian
The first element of this name is probably derived from Serbo-Croatian videti or vidjeti "to see, to sight, to look, to behold", which is derived from Proto-Slavic viděti "to see"... [more]
Vigilije m Croatian (Rare), Serbian (Rare)
Croatian and Serbian form of Vigilius.
Vigo m Swedish (Rare), Danish (Rare), Croatian, Dutch (Modern), Galician
Croatian and Galician form and Swedish and Danish variant of Viggo as well as a Dutch borrowing of the Scandinavian name.
Vigor m History (Ecclesiastical), Croatian, Serbian, Italian, Swedish, Medieval French
Derived from Latin vigor "vigor, strength, liveliness".
Vihor m Croatian (Modern, Rare)
Meaning ''whirlwind''.
Viktora f Croatian (Archaic)
Feminine form of Viktor.
Viktorik m Croatian
Croatian form of Victoricus.
Vilena f Croatian
Variant of Vilina.
Vilenka f Croatian (Rare)
Very rare name in Croatia, exclusively for women and most commonly used in the coastal region. Meaning uncertain, possibly coming from the mythological creature ''Vila'' (Slavic fae).
Vilina f Russian, Bulgarian, Croatian (Rare)
Derived from the Slavic element vila meaning "fairy".
Vina m Croatian
Diminutive of Vinko.
Vincencija f Slovene, Serbian, Croatian
Croatian, Serbian, and Slovene feminine form of Vincent.
Vincenta f Lithuanian, Croatian
Lithuanian and Croatian feminine form of Vincent.
Visarion m Bulgarian, Croatian, Romanian, Serbian
Bulgarian, Croatian, Romanian and Serbian form of Bessarion via Vissarion. Bearers of this name include Romanian metropolitan bishop Visarion Puiu (1879-1964) and Serbian metropolitan bishop Visarion Ljubiša (1823-1884).
Vivijana f Slovene (Rare), Croatian (Rare)
Slovene and Croatian form of Viviana.
Vjenceslav m Croatian
Croatian form of Wenceslas
Vjeran m Croatian
Means "faithful".
Vjerka f Croatian
Diminutive of Vjera.
Vlada f & m Russian, Ukrainian, Serbian, Croatian
Feminine form of Vlad and a female and male short form of names starting with this element, like Vladimira, Vladimir, Vladan or Vladislava.
Vladek m Czech, Croatian
Diminutive of Vlado.
Vladica f & m Serbian, Croatian (Rare)
Diminutive of Vlad and Vlada.
Vlajko m Serbian, Croatian
Short form of Vladimir.
Vlatkica f Croatian
Diminutive form of Vlatka.
Voja m Serbian, Croatian
Short from of names containing the element voj, like Milivoj, Vojislav.
Vojimira f Slovene, Croatian
Feminine form of Vojimir.
Vojka f Croatian, Serbian, Slovene
Feminine form of Vojko.
Vojko m Croatian, Slovene
Derived from the Slavic element voi meaning "soldier".
Vojmil m Croatian (Rare), Czech (Rare), Slovak (Rare), Serbian
Derived from the Slavic elements vojĭ "warrior, soldier" and milŭ "gracious, dear".
Vojmir m Croatian, Slovene
Derived from the Slavic elements voi "soldier" and mir meaning "peace" or "world"..
Vojmira f Croatian, Slovene
Feminine form of Vojmir.
Vojnomir m Croatian, Slovene
Means "war and peace", derived from Slavic vojna meaning "war" combined with Slavic mir meaning "peace".
Volfgang m Croatian (Rare), Czech (Rare)
Croatian and Czech form of Wolfgang.
Volimir m Bulgarian, Croatian, Russian, Ukrainian
Means "peaceful will", derived from Proto-Slavic volja "will, volition" combined with Slavic mir "peace".
Vona f English (Rare), Croatian (Rare, ?)
In Croatia, this name is allegedly a short form of Ivona.... [more]
Vonka f Croatian
Diminutive of Ivona.
Vukan m Serbian, Croatian (Rare)
Derived from South Slavic vuk "wolf".
Vukomir m Croatian, Serbian
The first element of this name is derived from Serbo-Croatian vuk "wolf", which is ultimately derived from Proto-Slavic vьlkъ "wolf". The second element is derived from Slavic mir "peace"... [more]
Vukoslav m Croatian, Serbian
The first element of this name is derived from Serbo-Croatian vuk "wolf", which is ultimately derived from Proto-Slavic vьlkъ "wolf". The second element is derived from Slavic slav "glory"... [more]
Žac m Croatian
Short form of Željko.
Zaga f Serbian, Croatian
Croatian and Serbian diminutive of Zagorka.
Zagorka f Serbian (Rare), Croatian (Rare)
From Croatian and Serbian загорје (zagorye) meaning "up behind the mountains, plains". It may also designate an inhabitant of Hrvatsko Zagorje, an area of Croatia.
Zakarija m Croatian
Croatian form of Zechariah.
Zana f Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian, Kashubian
Croatian, Serbian and Bosnian short form of Suzana and Kashubian short form of Zuzana.
Žarana f Serbian, Croatian (Rare)
A Serbo-Croatian name meaning "early", "from an early age" or "premature". A notable name bearer is Žarana Papić (1949-2002), an influential Serbian social anthropologist and feminist theorist. This name shares a similar spelling with the Sanskrit name Zarana, but holds a distinctly different meaning.
Žarka f Croatian (Rare)
Feminine form of Žarko.
Zdravomir m Bulgarian, Croatian, Serbian
The first element of this name is derived from Bulgarian zdráve or Serbo-Croatian zdravlje "health", which is ultimately derived from Proto-Slavic sъdorvъ "healthy". The second element is derived from either Slavic mir "peace" or Slavic mer "great, famous".
Želimira f Serbian, Croatian
Feminine form of Želimir.
Željan m Croatian
Derived from South Slavic želja meaning "desire".
Željana f Croatian, Serbian
Feminine form of Željan.
Ženja m & f Slovene, Croatian, Serbian, Bosnian
Southern Slavic form of Zhenya.
Zenobija f Croatian (Rare), Serbian (Rare)
Serbian and Croatian form of Zenobia.... [more]
Zinka f Croatian
Croatian variant of Zrinka, or a diminutive of names ending in -zina.
Žitomir m Croatian, Serbian
Means "to live in peace", derived from Proto-Slavic žiti "to live" combined with Slavic mir "peace". In other words, this name is more or less the Croatian and Serbian cognate of the Polish name Życiomierz.
Živomir m Croatian, Serbian
The first element of this name is derived from the Serbo-Croatian adjective živ "alive, live, living", which is ultimately derived from Proto-Slavic živъ "live, alive". Also compare the Serbo-Croatian noun život "life, living, lifetime"... [more]
Životije m Serbian, Croatian (Rare)
From Serbian живот (život) meaning "life".
Zlatana f Croatian, Serbian
Feminine form of Zlatan.
Zlatibor m Serbian (Rare), Croatian (Rare)
From the Slavic elements zlato "gold" and bor "battle". This is the name of a mountain in Serbia.
Zlatoje m Serbian (Rare), Croatian (Rare)
Derived from zlato, the Slavic word for "gold", meaning "golden, like gold".
Zlatomir m Bulgarian, Serbian, Croatian (Rare), Slovene (Rare)
Derived from Slavic zlato "gold" combined with Slavic mir "peace".
Zoil m Catalan, Basque, Croatian, Polish, Russian
Basque, Catalan, Croatian, Polish and Russian form of Zoilus.
Zoki m Croatian
Diminutive form of Zoran.
Zorislav m Croatian, Serbian
Derived from Serbo-Croatian zora "dawn, aurora" combined with Slavic slav "glory".
Zorko m Croatian, Slovene
Derived from zora which means "dawn".
Zosim m Bulgarian, Croatian, Russian (Rare), Serbian, Slovene, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Croatian, Russian, Serbian, Slovene and Ukrainian form of Zosimos (see Zosimus).
Žuva f Croatian (Rare)
It is a Dalmatian dialectical form of the Venetian Zuana or a Croatian form of Junia.
Žuža f Croatian (Rare)
Croatian form of Zsuzsa.
Žuži f Croatian (Rare)
Croatian form of Zsuzsi.
Zvinimir m Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian form of Svinimir.
Zvizdana f Croatian
Derived from dialectal Croatian zvizda meaning "star". The standard form is zvijezda or Serbian zvezda.
Zvjezdan m Croatian
Masculine form of Zvjezdana.
Zvonka f Croatian, Slovene
Feminine form of Zvonko.
Zvonkica f Croatian
Diminutive form of Zvonka.