Afrikaans Submitted Names

Afrikaans names are used by Afrikaans speakers in the countries of South Africa and Namibia.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Liezel f Afrikaans
Variant of Liesel.
Lodewikus m Afrikaans
Afrikaans (i.e. South African) form of Ludovicus, inspired in its spelling by the Dutch name Lodewijk.
Lodewyk m Afrikaans
Afrikaans form of Lodewijk.
Lorika f Afrikaans
Variant of Laurika.
Loryn f & m Afrikaans
Afrikaans form of Lorijn.
Louw m Dutch, Afrikaans
Dutch variant spelling of Lau (which is more phonetical in nature), and Afrikaans nickname for Lodewikus.
Magdaleen f Dutch (Rare), Afrikaans (Rare)
Dutch and Afrikaans variant of Magdalene. This name is borne by South African author Magdaleen Van Wyk.
Maleagi m Afrikaans
Afrikaans form of Malachias.
Manie m Afrikaans
Diminutive of Hermanus.
Maraai f Afrikaans
Variant of Marai.
Marai f Upper German, German (Austrian), German (Swiss), Afrikaans
German variant of Marei and Afrikaans variant of Maria.
Maraliese f Afrikaans (Rare)
Combination of Mara 1 and Liese.
Mardene f English (American, Rare), Afrikaans (Rare)
Possibly a corruption of Martine influenced by Mardi, or a variant of Mardena.
Marechelle f Afrikaans (Rare, ?)
Possibly a variant of Marcella.
Mareli f Afrikaans
Short form of Marelise.
Marelie f Afrikaans
Variant of Mareli.
Mareza f Afrikaans
Variant of Maresa.
Marianka f Bulgarian, Dutch (Rare), Afrikaans (Rare)
Diminutive of Mariana. As a Dutch name, it may be a diminutive of Maria.
Marinda f Afrikaans
Feminine form of Marinus.
Marizanne f Afrikaans (Rare)
Combination of Maria and Zanne.
Marlie f Dutch, Flemish (Rare), French (Belgian, Rare), French (Modern, Rare), Haitian Creole, Afrikaans
Dutch diminutive of Marleen as well as a combination of Maria and names that end in lie.
Marlize f Afrikaans
Contraction of Maria and Elize (compare Marlies).
Marthelle f Afrikaans
Combination of Martha and Elle
Marthina f Afrikaans
Feminine form of Marthinus.
Marthinus m Afrikaans
Afrikaans form of Martinus.
Maryke f Afrikaans, Dutch (Archaic)
Afrikaans and archaic Dutch form of Marijke.
Marzanne f Afrikaans
Contraction of Maria and Zanne.
Mathys m Afrikaans
Afrikaans form of Mathijs.
Matthys m Medieval Dutch, Dutch (Rare), Afrikaans, West Frisian
Medieval Dutch form of Matthijs as well as the modern Afrikaans and West Frisian form of Matthijs. In the Netherlands, the name has survived to modern times, but it is highly rare there currently, especially when compared to its modern counterpart.... [more]
Mauritz m Afrikaans, Swedish, Finnish
Variant of Maurits. The "M" in the clothing company H&M's name stands for Mauritz (the original name is Hennes & Mauritz, H&M is an abbreviation).
Meraai f Afrikaans
Variant of Maraai.
Merinda f English (Rare), Afrikaans (Rare)
English variant of Marinda and Afrikaans variant of Marinda.
Miempie f Afrikaans
Possibly related to Miem, Miems or Miep.
Miems f Afrikaans
Diminutive of Willemina.
Miga m Afrikaans
Afrikaans form of Micha 1.
Migael m Afrikaans
Afrikaans form of Michael.
Minki f Afrikaans
Short form of Willemien.
Moegammad m Afrikaans (Rare)
Form of Muhammad used in Afrikaans translations of the Qur'an.
Monja f German, Norwegian (Rare), Swedish (Rare), Croatian (Rare), Afrikaans, Dutch
Variant transcription of Russian Моня (see Monya).
Mudene f South African, Afrikaans (Rare)
Meaning unknown. A known bearer was Mudene 'Dene' Smuts (1949-2016), a South African politician.
Mynhardt m Afrikaans
Afrikaans form of Mijnhard.
Mynie f Afrikaans
Afrikaans form of Mijnie.
Naas m Dutch (Rare), Afrikaans
Short form of Athanaas, Donaas and Ignaas.... [more]
Nehemia m Hawaiian, Biblical Hawaiian, Afrikaans, Biblical Finnish, German
German, Hawaiian, Finnish and Afrikaans form of Nehemiah.
Nelius m English (American), Afrikaans, Norwegian (Rare)
Afrikaans and Norwegian short form of Cornelius.
Nicolene f English, Dutch (Rare), Afrikaans, South African
Variant of Nicoline. Known bearers of this name include the South African race walker Nicolene Cronje (b. 1983) and the South African field hockey player Nicolene Terblanche (b... [more]
Nicus m Dutch (Rare), Afrikaans
Short form of Dominicus. In rare cases, this name can also be a latinization of Nico or Niek.
Nielas m German (Modern, Rare), Afrikaans (Rare)
German and Afrikaans borrowing of Nilas.
Noag m Afrikaans
Afrikaans form of Noah 1.
Ockie m Afrikaans
Short form of Ockert.
Oloff m Afrikaans
Variant of Olof.
Orpa f Biblical German, Biblical Dutch, Dutch (Rare), Afrikaans
German, Dutch and Afrikaans form of Orpah.
Peet m Estonian, Afrikaans, Dutch, Limburgish
Short form of Peeter (Estonian) as well as Peter and Petrus (Afrikaans, Dutch and Limburgish).... [more]
Phillippus m Afrikaans
Afrikaans form of Philip.
Pietertjie m Afrikaans
Afrikaans cognate of Pietertje.
Pietie m & f Afrikaans
Diminutive of Piet, as it contains the Afrikaans diminutive suffix -ie.... [more]
Pietjie f Afrikaans
Afrikaans cognate of Pietje.
Quilene f Afrikaans (Rare), Dutch (Rare), English (American, Rare), German (Rare)
Most likely a combination of a name starting with Qui- (such as Quinn and Quirijn) with a name that ends in -lene, such as Helene and Marlene.... [more]
Quintilla f Ancient Roman, Afrikaans (Rare), Dutch (Rare), English (Rare), Italian (Archaic), Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
Latin diminutive of Quinta, which thus makes this name the feminine equivalent of Quintillus.
Rachela f Italian (Rare), Polish (Rare), Dutch (Rare), Afrikaans (Rare)
Italian variant of Rachele, Polish form of Rachel as well as a Latinate form of Rachel.
Racheltjie f Afrikaans
Diminutive of Rachel.
Retief m Afrikaans
Transferred use of the surname Retief.
Riaan m Dutch, Afrikaans
Short form of Adriaan.
Riana f Afrikaans
Feminine form of Rian.
Riana f Dutch, Afrikaans
Variant of Rianna.
Rianie f Afrikaans
Likely a variant of Riane.
Ricus m Afrikaans
Short form of names ending in -ricus, such as Ulricus or Henricus.
Riette f Afrikaans
Variant of Riëtte.
Ronelda f Afrikaans
Feminine form of Ronald. Ronelda Kamfer (born 1981) is an Afrikaans-speaking South African poet.
Ronella f Afrikaans (Rare), Dutch (Rare), English (Rare)
Feminine form of Ronald, created by combining its short form Ron 1 with the popular feminine name suffix -ella.
Ruan m Afrikaans
Combination of Rudolf and Johan.
Ruandi f Afrikaans (Modern, Rare)
Most probably a combination of Ruan and Yolandi.
Ruhan m Afrikaans
Variant of Ruan.
Rynhard m Afrikaans
Afrikaans form of Rijnhard.
Saartjie f Afrikaans
Diminutive of Sara. This name was borne by Sarah "Saartjie" Baartman, an African slave (member of the Eastern Cape Khoisan, the indigenous herding tribe that once populated part of South Africa) who was displayed in Europe in the early 19th century.
Sagaria m Afrikaans
Afrikaans form of Zachariah.
Salomie f Afrikaans
Variant of Salome.
Sarel m Afrikaans
Afrikaans form of Charles.
Schalk m German (Archaic), Afrikaans
From Old German scalc meaning "servant".
Seef m & f Afrikaans (Rare), Dutch (Rare), Flemish (Rare), Limburgish (Rare)
This name is more often seen on men than on women. For men, the name is a short form of Josephus and in some cases also of Severinus and its Dutch form Severijn... [more]
Sefanja m & f Swedish (Rare), Afrikaans, Dutch, Dutch (Surinamese)
Swedish, Afrikaans and Dutch form of Zephaniah.
Shané f African American, Afrikaans
Probably a variant spelling of Shanae.
Sias m Afrikaans, Dutch (Rare), German (Archaic)
Short form of Josias. Known bearers of this name include the Dutch sculptor Sias Fanoembi (1949-2013) and the South African statesman Sias Hoffman (1807-1879).
Sonnika f Afrikaans
Either an elaboration of Sonya or derived from the German word Sonne "sun".
Stephanetta f Afrikaans (Rare)
Feminine form of Stephan. Stephanetta Johanna Paulina (Nettie) Bredell (1877-1920) was a granddaughter of Paul Kruger (Stephanus Johannes Paulus Kruger), President of the South African Republic (or Transvaal) from 1883 to 1900.
Steyn m Dutch (Rare), Flemish (Rare), Afrikaans
Dutch variant and Afrikaans form of Steijn. In the case of the Afrikaans name, it can also be a transferred use of the Afrikaans surname.
Stiaan m Afrikaans
Short form of Christiaan.
Sunette f English (American, Rare), Afrikaans, Dutch (Rare)
Meaning uncertain. In the English-speaking world, the name might perhaps be a combination of the English word sun with the French feminine diminutive suffix -ette, which would essentially give the name the meaning of "little sun"... [more]
Susara f Afrikaans
Contraction of Susanna and Sara.
Susarah f Afrikaans
Variant of Susara.
Tasché f Afrikaans
It probably derives from the hebrew "tach", meaning "crown".
Theonie f Afrikaans (Rare)
Afrikaans form of Théonie.
Theuns m Afrikaans
Afrikaans short form of Antonius.
Thys m Medieval Dutch, Dutch (Rare), Afrikaans
Medieval Dutch and Afrikaans short form of Matthys. But in other words, you could also say that this name is the medieval Dutch and Afrikaans equivalent of Thijs.... [more]
Tiaan m Afrikaans
Short form of Christiaan.
Tinus m Afrikaans, Dutch
Usually a short form of Martinus, but there are also cases where it is a short form of Constantinus.
Trofimus m Afrikaans (Archaic), Dutch (Archaic)
Afrikaans and Dutch form of Trophimus.
Trudene f English (Rare), Afrikaans
Elaborated form of Trudy.
Tryna f Afrikaans
Afrikaans form of Trijna and thus a short form of Catharina and Catherina (compare Tryntje).
Uys m Afrikaans
Transferred use of the surname Uys. The Uys family played a significant role in South African history during the nineteenth century and made distinguished contributions to South African culture, politics and sports during the course of the twentieth.
Valmarie f English (American), Afrikaans
Variant of Valmai influenced by Marie as well as a combination of Valerie and Marie.
Vasti f Biblical Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazilian), Biblical Dutch, Afrikaans, Biblical Spanish, Biblical Italian, Biblical Finnish
Finnish, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish form of Vashti and Dutch variant of Wasti.
Violett f English (Modern), Norwegian (Rare), Swedish (Rare), Hungarian (Rare), Afrikaans (Rare)
English variant and Swedish form of Violet as well as a Hungarian borrowing of French Violette. This name coincides with the Swedish word violett "purple (the color)".
Vivette f French (Rare), English (Rare), Dutch (Rare), Afrikaans (Rare), Norwegian (Rare)
Possibly a diminutive form of Vivienne (see also Viviette), but it could also be an independent name that is ultimately derived from Latin vivus "alive" or Latin vividus "full of life, lively, spirited".
Wicus m Afrikaans
Short form of Lodewicus.
Wikus m Afrikaans
Short form of Lodewikus.
Willanie f Afrikaans
Willanie is a female compound name. The "Will" is derived from "Willem" (German variant of William) which means determination and will. The "anie" is derived from the name Stephanie which means crown, victorious... [more]
Willene f English (American), American (South), Haitian Creole, Afrikaans
Feminine elaboration of Willie using the common name suffix lene, or perhaps a contraction of names such as Wilhelmina, Wilmadeene, and Willodean.
Wilmarie f Afrikaans, South African, Spanish (Caribbean), English (Rare)
Either a combination of names beginning with Wil-, such as Wilma, Willem or Wilfredo, and Marie or a feminine form of Wilmar... [more]
Wynand m Medieval Dutch, Dutch (Rare), West Frisian (Rare), East Frisian (Rare), Afrikaans (Rare)
Medieval Dutch form of Wijnand, Frisian variant of Winand and South African form of Winand.... [more]
Wynanda f Medieval Dutch, Dutch (Rare), West Frisian (Rare), Afrikaans (Rare), English (American, Rare)
Medieval Dutch form of Wijnanda, Frisian variant of Winanda and South African form of Winanda.
Yolandi f Afrikaans
Afrikaans variant of Yolande.
Yolindi f Afrikaans
South africa
Zanne f Afrikaans
Afrikaans form of Sanne.
Ziona f Hebrew, Jewish, English, Afrikaans
Feminine form of Zion.