English Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the language is English.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Derik m English
Variant of Derek.
Derika f English
Feminine form of Derik.
Derique m English
Variant of Derek.
Derl m English (American)
Meaning unknown, possibly created to sound like names such as Merl and Burl.
Dermud m English
English form of Diarmad
Dernell m English
Variant of Darnell.
Deronda f English (American, Rare)
This is regarded as a combination of the popular name prefix de and Rhonda, and can be spelled DeRonda or Deronda. Also compare Laronda, Sharonda... [more]
Derral m English
Variant of Darrell.
Derran f & m Welsh, English (Rare)
Means "bird" in Welsh. Also used as a variant of Darren.
Derran m English
Variant of Darren.
Derrell m English
Variant of Darrell.
Derrence m English (Rare)
A variation of Derren with the -ence suffix.
Derrial m English, Popular Culture
Possibly derived from Darryl. ... [more]
Derrica f English (American, Rare)
Feminine form of Derrick, influenced by Erica.
Derrik m English
Variant of Derek.
Derron m English
Variant of Deron
Derwent m English (Australian), English (British)
From the name of multiple rivers in England, which comes from Celtic dwr-gent "clear water", or else a transferred use of the surname (see Derwent)... [more]
Derwood m English (American, Rare)
Taken from the surname, Derwood.
Deryl m & f English
Variant of Daryl.
Desarai f English
Another form of Desiree
Desire f & m English (Puritan)
Derived from Latin desidero "to long for; to wish for; to desire" (via Old French desir). This name was first used in the 16th century by the Puritans, probably with the intended meaning of "desire the Lord"... [more]
Desirus m English (Modern)
Masculine variant of Desiree, possibly based on the English word desirous.
Deslyn f English (Modern, Rare), Antillean Creole, Papuan
Perhaps a combination of Desi and the popular name suffix lyn.
Desmen m English (Modern)
Probably another form of the name Desmond.
Desna f English (Rare)
Appeared in the 1940s and then disappeared again. The equally mysterious Desne is found in the late 1930s and survived until the early 1950s. Desney also occurred in the 1940s and '50s... [more]
Dessert m English
Transferred usage of the surname Dessert.
Dessi f English
Variant of Dessie.
Dessi f Scandinavian, English
Commonly used as a nickname for Desiré.
Dessy f English
Variant of Dessie.
Destinae f English
Variant of Destiny.
Destinay f English
Variant of Destiny.
Destinei f English
Variant of Destiny.
Destiney f English
Variant of Destiny.
Destini f English
Variant of Destiny.
Destry m & f Popular Culture, English
English form of Destrier, a French surname derived from the Anglo-Norman word destrer meaning "warhorse". This name was popularized by the western novel 'Destry Rides Again' (1930, by Max Brand) and two subsequent identically-named film adaptations (1932 and 1939).
Destyn m & f English (Modern)
Variant of Destin.
Destyne f English
Feminine form of Destin.
Destynee f English
Variant of Destiny.
Destyni m English
Masculine form of Destiny.
Destynie f English
Variant of Destiny.
Detra f English
Variant of Deitra.
Detrick m English (American, Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Detrick.
Dette f English (Rare)
Diminutive of names ending in dette. In the book So B. It by Sarah Weeks, Heidi's mother calls Heidi's next door neighbour, Bernadette, "Dette".
Deuard m & f English (Rare, ?)
Possibly a version of Edward.
Dev f English
Diminutive of Devorah.
Dev m & f English
Diminutive or short form of Devin and other variations of the same name
Deveny f Dutch (Modern, Rare), English (American, Modern, Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Deveny. This is the title of the 1994 love song 'Deveny' by Dutch singer Marc Daniëls, thus why this name is most popular in the Netherlands.
Devereaux m & f English
Transferred use of the surname Devereaux.
Deverlee f English (Modern)
Possibly an invented name blending Devery and Everley.
Devery m & f English
Transferred use of the surname Devery. A bearer of this name was Devery Freeman (1913-2005), an American screenwriter who also authored the novel "Father Sky: A Novel", upon which the 1981 film "Taps" was based.
Devion f & m English (Modern)
Elaborated form of Devin, perhaps inspired by Dion.
Devlin m English (Modern)
Transferred use of the surname Devlin.
Devlon m English
Variant of Devlin.
Devona f English (Rare)
Elaboration of Devon to create a strictly feminine form of this name.
Devone m & f English (Rare)
Variant of Devon.
Devonika f English (American, Rare)
Feminine elaboration of Devon.
Devonne f English (Modern, Rare)
Feminine variant of Devon.
Devore m English (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Devore.
Devynn f & m English (American, Modern, Rare)
Variant of Devon or Devyn. Devynn was given to 29 girls in 2018 according to the SSA.
Dew m & f English
Rare name from english word “dew”.
Deward m English (American)
Transferred use of the surname Deward.
Dewitt m English
Derived from a Dutch surname that was originally written as De Witt (it is common for Dutch immigrants to an English-speaking country to write their surname as one 'word', to make it easier to write for the citizens of that particular English-speaking country), it literally means "the white one"... [more]
Dexton m English (Modern, Rare)
A combination of Dex and the popular suffix -ton.
Dextra f English (Rare)
Feminine form of Dexter.
Dexx m English, Dutch
Variant of Dex.
Dexy m English
Diminutive of Dexter.
Dey f English (Rare)
Dey Young is an American actress and sculptor. She is the sister of Leigh Taylor-Young.
Deyla f English
Variant of Dayla.
Deyna f English
Variant of Dana 2.
Dez m English
Variant of Des.
Dezmond m English
Variant spelling of Desmond.
Dezzi m & f English
Diminutive of Desiree, Desmond, and other names that start with the similar DEZ- sound.
Dhilan m & f English (American, Modern, Rare)
Variant of Dylan. Dhilan was given to 31 boys in 2015 according to the SSA.
Dhillon m & f English (American, Modern, Rare)
Variant of Dillon. Dhillon was given to 9 boys in 2014 according to the SSA.
Diabolique f & m English (American, Rare), Obscure
Means "diabolic" in French, from the title of a 1996 movie. This was given to 8 girls and 7 boys born in the United States in 1996, and to 6 girls born in the U.S. in 1997.
Diah f English (Rare)
Variant of Dia.
Diahann f English (Rare)
Variant of Diane. Notable bearer of this name is the American actress Diahann Carroll (1935-2019), whose birth name was Carol Diann Johnson.
Dialyn f English (Modern, Rare)
Potentially a modern combination of the prefix Dia-, and popular suffix -lyn.
Diamonique f African American (Rare), English (Rare)
Presumably a variant of Dominique influenced by the English word diamond.
Dian f English
Variant of Diane.
Dianca f English (American, Rare)
Possibly a combination of Diana and Bianca.
Dianette f English (Rare), Central American
Combination of Diane with the suffix -ette.
Diaz m & f English (Rare)
Transferred use of the Spanish surname Díaz. In the UK, it's more often a unisex name.
Diblaim f Biblical
Means "cakes of pressed figs". In the bible, this was the mother of the prophet Hosea's wife, Gomer.
Dica f English (Rare)
Variant of Dice.
Dice f Greek Mythology (Latinized), English (Rare)
Latinized form of Dike. It was occasionally used as a given name in the English-speaking world of the 1800s.
Dice m English
From the English word "dice", the plural of die, referring to "a polyhedron, usually a cube, with numbers or symbols on each side and used in games of chance, typically in gambling".
Dicentra f English (Rare)
A genus of flowering herbs, also known as “bleeding-hearts”. Originally from Ancient Greek δίκεντρος (díkentros) “having two stings”, itself from δίς (dís) “double” combined with κέντρον (kéntron) “goad, spur, sting”.
Dicken m English
Variant of Dickon.
Dickerson m English (American, Rare)
Derived from the English patronymic surname Dickerson.... [more]
Dicki m English
Diminutive of Richard.
Dickie m English
Diminutive of Richard.
Dickinson m English (American)
Transferred use of the surname Dickinson.
Dicksie f English (American, Rare)
Variant of Dixie, influenced by Dick 1.
Dickson m English, Scottish
Transferred use of the surname Dickson.
Dicky m English, Indonesian
Diminutive of Richard or William.
Diem f English
Transferred use of the surname Diem. Possibly used in reference to Latin carpe diem meaning "pluck the day (as it is ripe)" i.e. enjoy the moment.
Dierdre f English
Variant of Deirdre.
Dierks m English
Transferred use of the surname Dierks.
Diesel m English (Rare), Popular Culture
Modern given name, sometimes transferred use of the surname Diesel.
Dietta f Medieval German, English
Medieval German variant of Theuda.
Dietz m Medieval German, English (American), German (Modern, Rare)
A German short form of Dietrich that survived as a surname and was revived as a given name in the USA.
Die-well m English (Puritan)
Referring to living, and ultimately dying, a godly life.
Diezel m English (Modern, Rare)
Variant of Diesel. This name was used by American singer Toni Braxton and musician Keri Lewis for their son born 2003.
Diffidence f English (Puritan)
From late Middle English (in the sense ‘lacking confidence or trust in someone or something’) from Latin diffident- ‘failing in trust’, from the verb diffidere, from dis- (expressing reversal) + fidere ‘to trust’.
Digger m English (Australian)
Slang term for an Australian soldier, with strong patriotic overtones, and links to the Anzac legend. Most often used as a nickname or a middle name.
Digory m English (British, Rare), Medieval English, Cornish
Variant of Diggory, used by author C. S. Lewis for a character in his 'Chronicles of Narnia' series.
Dikki f English (Rare)
Variant of Rikki, influenced by Dick 1
Dil m English
Diminutive of Dylan.
Diligence f & m English (Puritan)
Meaning, "careful and persistent work or effort."
Dill m English (American)
Dill Harris was the childhood friend of Jem and Scout in Harper Lee's book To Kill a Mockingbird. Dill, whose given name was Charles Baker Harris, is believed to be based on Lee's real-life friend, Truman Capote.... [more]
Dillard m English
Meaning and origin uncertain with various opinions relating to English "dull" plus the suffix ard, Old English dol meaning "conceited or proud" and ard meaning "hard", the French "d'Illard", or a variation of similar English names like Tilliard or Tilyard... [more]
Dillion m English (Modern)
Either a variant of Dillon or a transferred use of the surname Dillion.
Dillynn m & f English (Modern)
Variant spelling of Dylan.
Dilton m English
All I know is that Dilton is an Archie character.
Dilynn f & m English (Modern, Rare)
Variant of Dylan using the popular suffix lynn.
Dimity f English (Australian, Rare)
The name given to a type of lightweight sheer cotton fabric used for bed upholstery and curtains, used as a female given name mainly in the United Kingdom and Australia.
Dimon m English (American, Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Dimon. A known bearer of this name is the American businessman Dimon McFerson.
Dimple f English (Rare), Indian
From the English word dimple, likely of Germanic origin; related to German Tümpel "pond".
Dinero m English (American, Rare)
Means "money" in the Spanish language.
Dinorah f English, Spanish (Latin American), Spanish (Mexican), Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare), Theatre
Possibly derived from Aramaic dinur (also denur) meaning "of fire", derived from di "of" and nur "fire, light". Because of the similarity with the Hebrew word din "trial, judgement", this name is sometimes seen as a more elaborate form of the name Dinah... [more]
Diodemus m Ancient Greek (Latinized), English (American, Archaic)
Latinized form of Diodemos. A known bearer of this name was the American lawyer Diodemus Socrates Dorn (1860–1913), the father of the American textile designer Marion Dorn (1896-1964).
Diona f English, Albanian
Feminine form of Dion. In some of the American cases, it may also be a variant of Diana.
Dionis f English (Archaic)
Probably a contracted form of Dionisia. A notable bearer of the name was Dionis Stevens Coffin (1610-1684), the wife of Tristram Coffin and an ancestress of the Coffin family of the United States... [more]
Dionntae m English (Modern)
Variant of Deonte; blend of Dion and Dante.
Diontae m & f English
Variant of Deonte.
Diora f English
Feminine form of Dior. A known bearer of this name is American actress Diora Baird.
Diotrephes m Ancient Greek, Biblical
Derived from Greek Διος (Dios) "of Zeus" combined with Greek τρέφω (trepho) "to nourish, to feed" (also see Trophimus)... [more]
Dirik m German (Rare), English (American, Rare)
Shortned form of Dietrich, compare also Dirk.
Dirmid m English (Canadian)
Simplified form of Diarmaid.... [more]
Dirus m English (Rare)
In Latin the adjective dirus as applied to an omen meant "dire, awful."
Discipline m English (Puritan)
Middle English (in the sense ‘mortification by scourging oneself’) via Old French from Latin disciplina ‘instruction, knowledge’, from discipulus. Referring to Hebrews 12:11.
Disco m English (Australian)
From the French word discothèque (French for "library of phonograph records", but it was subsequently used as a term for nightclubs in Paris), on the pattern of bibliothèque ‘library... [more]
Discretion f English (Puritan), Literature
Used in reference to Proverbs 2:11, "Discretion shall preserve thee, understanding shall keep thee."
Dishan m Biblical
Meaning "ibex," he was the youngest son of Seir the Horite. (Genesis 36:21)
Disney f & m Spanish (Latin American, Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare), English (American, Modern, Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Disney, given after American filmmaker Walt Disney (1901-1966) and his company.
Ditty f Dutch (Rare), English (Rare)
Diminutive of Diede (Dutch) and Edith (Dutch and English). Also compare Didi, Ditte and Dietje.
Diva f English (Rare)
From Italian diva (“diva, goddess”), from Latin dīva (“goddess”), female of dīvus (“divine, divine one; notably a deified mortal”).
Divan m English (Australian)
Possibly a variation of Devan or Devin. Alternatively it may have come from the word 'Divine' or the word 'Divan' referring to a historical legislative body/ council in the Middle East.
Dividina f English (Rare)
A possible elaboration of Divina.
Divine f & m English (Rare), Filipino
This name is derived from the word of the name meaning "eternal, heavenly, holy, godlike" (from Old French devin, which, in turn, derives from Latin divinus meaning "of a God").
Divine-authority m English (Puritan)
derived from the authority of God, referring to the Scripture. Popular with Puritans
Divonne f English (Modern, Rare), African American
Divonne les Bains is a popular spa town in France. I have read that Divonne derives from the original Celtic, meaning "divine water". The only famous holder of the name is Divonne Holmes a Court, the New York-born wife of Australian billionaire businessman Peter Homes a Court.
Dixee f & m English
Variant of Dixie.
Dixi f English (American)
Variant of Dixie or Dyxie
Dlyla f English (American, Rare)
Possibly a spelling variation of Delilah.
D'Nae f English (American, Rare)
Variant of Denae, or a combination of the phonetic elements da and nay (perhaps modelled on Renee, Janae, etc).
Doak m English (American)
Transferred use of the surname Doak.
Dobbe m English
Medieval diminutive of Robert.
Dobie m & f English
From the English word dobie. The name of a character called Dobie Gillis from the TV series "The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis". Also known bearers of this name were the American singer-songwriter Dobie Gray (1940-2011), and American baseball player Dobie Moore (1895-1947).
Docey f English (Archaic)
Diminutive of vernacular form of Docia.
Docie f English (American, Rare, Archaic)
Possibly a variant of Eudocia or Theodocia or a short form of Eudocie... [more]
Dock m English (American, Rare)
Either from the surname Dock, or taken directly from the English vocabulary word referring to a structure attached to shore at which a ship can be secured, or the act of harbouring at one.
Dockery m English (American)
Transferred use of the surname Dockery.
Doctor m English (British, Archaic)
Middle English (in the senses ‘learned person’ and ‘Doctor of the Church’) via Old French from Latin doctor ‘teacher’ (from docere ‘teach’).
Dodavah m Biblical
Variant of Dodavahu used in the King James Version of the Old Testament.
Dodavahu m Biblical
From the Hebrew name Dodhawahu meaning "loved of God", which may be an extended form of David. It occurs briefly in 2 Chronicles in the Old Testament belonging to the father of a prophet called Eliezer.
Dodd m English (American, Rare)
Transferred from the English surname, Dodd
Dodgen m English
Elaboration of Dodge.
Dodger m English (Rare), Literature, Popular Culture
From the English word dodger meaning "one who dodges; one who avoids, evades, or sidesteps". Traditionally a nickname, it is occasionally used as a given name. Fictional bearers include Jack Dawkins, better known as the Artful Dodger, a character from Charles Dickens' novel Oliver Twist (1838) who befriends Oliver and entreats him to join Fagin's team of young pickpockets, as well as the title character in Terry Pratchett's 2012 novel Dodger (loosely based on Dickens' Dodger) and Mark 'Dodger' Savage, a character from the British soap opera Hollyoaks (introduced 2011)... [more]
Dodi f & m English (Rare)
As a feminine name, it's a variant of Dodie. ... [more]
Dodo m Biblical
From Hebrew dodho (or dodhay) meaning "beloved" (see David). In the Old Testament this name was borne by several minor characters.
Dodo f English
Variant of Dodie, a diminutive of Dorothy. It is also sometimes used as a diminutive of Dolores and other names beginning with Do.
Dods f English
Diminutive of Dorothy.
Dody f English (American)
Diminutive of Dolores. Could also probably be a variant of Dodie.
Do-good m English (Puritan, Rare)
An exhortatory puritanical name, hence it is very rarely seen.
Dolcie f English (British, Modern)
Variant of Dulcie. Popular in the UK.
Doll m English (American, Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Doll.
Dollar f & m English (American, Rare)
From the English word for the US currency.... [more]