English Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the language is English.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Janola f English (American, Rare, Archaic)
Possibly an elaboration of Jane.
Janson m & f English
From the surname Janson.
Janssen m & f English (Modern, Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Janssen.
Jany m & f English
Diminutive of Jan
Janyce f English
Variant of Janice.
Janyse f English (Rare)
Variant of Janice. A notable bearer is Canadian voice actress Janyse Jaud (1969-).
Japhia m Biblical
Japhia was the king of Lachish, one of the five kings of the Amorites whose battle against the settling Israelites led by Joshua is reported in Joshua 10:1–15.
Japhy m English
Diminutive of Japheth. Most commonly associated with Japhy Ryder, a character in Jack Kerouac's The Dharma Bums.
Japonica f English (American, Modern, Rare)
japonica is a Neo-Latin word meaning "japanese". As such, it is part of the name of several cultivated plants (e.g., Pieris japonica, Camellia japonica, or Skimmia japonica).
Jaq m & f English (Modern)
Variant of Jack and a diminutive and Jacqueline.
Jaqee f English
Diminutive of Jaquelin.
Jaqi f English
Nickname of Jacqueline and a variant of Jackie.
Jaquelyne f English (Rare)
Variant spelling of Jacqueline.
Jaqui m English
Variant of Jackie or Jacqui
Jaquie m & f English
Variant of Jackie.
Jarad m English
Variant of Jared.
Jarel m English
Possibly comes from the given name Gerald, and means "strong", "open-minded", and "spear-ruler".
Jaren m Hebrew, English
To sing or talk out loud
Jaret m English
Variant of Jarrett.
Jarha m Biblical
Jarha was an Egyptian slave of Sheshan who was married to Sheshan's daughter according to 1 Chronicles 2:34-35.
Jaribi m Biblical (Hellenized)
Variant transcription of Jeribai.... [more]
Jarid m English
Variant of Jared.
Jarrad m English
Variant of Jared.
Jarren m English
Variant of Jaron 1.
Jarret m English
Variant of Jarrett.
Jarrin m & f Caribbean, English
Variant of Jaron 2.
Jarron m English
Variant of Jaron 2.
Jarryd m & f English
Variant of Jared.
Jas f & m English
Short form of Jasper, Jasmine and other names beginning with jas-.
Jasee m & f English (Modern, Rare)
Variant of Jasey (see also Jase and Jayse)
Jaselynn f English (Modern, Rare)
Elaboration of Jase using the popular name suffix lynn.
Jasen m English
Variant of Jason.
Jashauna f English (Modern, Rare)
Combination of the prefix Ja- and Shauna.
Jasho'be-am m Biblical
Variant transcription of Jashobeam.... [more]
Jashobeam m Biblical
The name is comprised of two parts: שוב (shub), meaning "to return" and עם ('am), meaning "people" or "kin". Together, it is said to mean "Let the people return".... [more]
Jashua m English (Rare)
Variant of Joshua. Jashua was given to 52 boys in 2007 according to the SSA.
Jashub m Biblical
Variant of Job.
Jasika f English
History unknown. This name was borne to the actress Jasika Nicole, who plays Astrid Farnsworth on "Fringe."
Jasmeen f English (American, Modern, Rare), Italian (Modern, Rare)
Variant of Jasmine also occasionally used in Italy.
Jasmeena f English
Variant of Jasmina.
Jasmyne f English
Variant of Jasmine.
Jasonn m English (American)
Variant spelling of Jason
Jassandra f English (American)
A variation of Jessandra, a combination of Jess or Jae 2 and Sandra possibly African American too?
Jassyca f English (Modern)
Alternative spelling of Jessica.
Jaten m English (American, Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Jaten. It is also possible that there are cases where it is a variant of Jathan and even Jaden... [more]
Jathan m Biblical
Form of Jonathan found in some versions of the apocryphal Book of Tobit (5:13), though most translations use the form Jonathas.
Jathen m English (American, Rare)
Variant of Jathan. In modern times, there might also be cases where it is a variant of Jaden.
Javada f English
Feminization of Javad.
Javen m English
Variant of Javan.
Jaxana f English
Feminme form of Jaxon. Similar to Roxana.
Jaxann f English
Feminme form of Jaxson. Similar to Roxann.
Jaxanna f English
Feminme form of Jaxson. Similar to Roxanna.
Jaxanne f English
Feminme form of Jaxson. Similar to Roxanne. Nickname Jaxie, Jaxy, Jaxx.
Jaxie m & f English (Modern)
Diminutive of Jax.
Jaxine f English (Modern, Rare)
Possibly a feminizaton of Jax or Jackson in the style of Maxine.
Jaxlynn f English (American, Modern, Rare)
Feminine elaboration of Jax using the popular name suffix lyn, possibly modelled on Jaclyn.
Jaxom m English (American, Modern, Rare)
Used as a character name in "The white dragon" by Anne McCaffrey.
Jaxs m English (Rare)
Diminutive of Jackson or variation of Jax.
Jaxsin m English (American, Modern, Rare)
Variant of Jaxon. According to the SSA, Jaxsin was given to 22 boys in 2018.
Jaxstyn m English (American)
Variant of Jaxton. See also Jackston.
Jaxwell m English (Modern, Rare)
An invented name, using the same sounds found in names such as Jax and Maxwell.
Jaxxton m English (American, Modern, Rare)
Variant of Jaxton. According to the SSA, Jaxxton was given to 13 boys in 2018.
Jaxzen m English (Modern)
Variant of Jaxon. According to the SSA, Jaxzen was given to 10 boys in 2018.
Jaxzyn m English (American, Rare)
Modern, rare, variant of {Jackson}.
Jayanna f African American (Modern), English (Rare)
Combination of the popular phonetic elements jy, ya and na, perhaps modelled on Ayanna.... [more]
Jaycinth f & m English (Rare)
Variant of Jacinth (possibly influenced by Jay 1 or Jayce).
Jayd m & f English (Rare)
Variant of Jade.
Jaydalynn f English (Modern, Rare)
Elaboration of Jayda using the popular name suffix lynn.
Jaydan m & f English (Modern, Rare)
Variant spelling of Jaden.
Jaydean m & f English (Modern, Rare)
Variant of Jayden or a combination of Jay 1/Jayde and Dean.
Jaydee m & f English (American), English (Modern)
Either a diminutive of Jade or a combination of Jay 1 and Dee. It is also a phonetic spelling of JD... [more]
Jaydn f & m English (American, Modern, Rare)
Variant of Jaden (possibly inspired by Haydn)
Jayella f English (Rare)
A combination of Jay and Ella
Jayjay m English (Modern, Rare)
Phonetic spelling of the initials JJ.
Jayk m English (Modern, Rare)
Variant spelling of Jake.
Jaykob m English
Variant of Jacob.
Jaykub m English (Modern, Rare)
A modern variant of Jacob
Jaylena f English (Modern)
Variant of Jaylene, with its spelling influenced by the suffix -lena.
Jaylia f English (American, Modern, Rare)
Presumably an elaboration of Jaylee or Jayla, perhaps influenced by Julia.
Jaylie f English
Variant of Jaylee.
Jayly f English
Variant spelling of Jaylee.
Jaymee f & m English
Variant of Jamie.
Jaymi f & m English
Variant of Jamie.
Jaymie f & m English (Rare)
Variant of Jamie.
Jaymond m English (American, Rare)
Combination of Jay 1 and the suffix -mond, as seen in names such as Raymond. It may be influenced by names like Jayson and Jayden.
Jaymz m English (Modern)
Variant of James. A known bearer is Canadian musician Jaymz Bee.
Jayn f English
Variant of Jane.
Jayney f English
Variant of Janey.
Jayron m English
Variant of Jayren
Jayse m English
Variant of Jayce.
Jaysha f English (American, Modern, Rare), African American (Modern, Rare)
An invented name, using the phonetic elements jay and sha, and sharing a sound with names such as Daysha and Stacia.
Jaystin m English (American, Modern, Rare)
Possibly a combination of the phonetic element jay and the given name Justin.
Jaysun m English (Modern)
Variant form of Jason.
Jayton m English (American, Rare)
Variant of Jaden in the style of Layton and Dayton.
Jayzen m English (Modern, Rare)
An invented name. It may also be a variant of either Jason or Jaden.
Jaz f & m English
Variant of Jazz or diminutive of Jazmine/Jasmine or Jazper/Jasper
Jazalynn f English (Modern, Rare)
Variant of Jazlyn, possibly influenced by Jocelyn (which is often pronounced as three syllables).
Jazeel f Biblical
Jahzeel A name found in the Bible.
Jazen m English
Derivative of Jason.
Jaziah m & f English
A variant of Josiah, perhaps influenced by Jazmyn or Jazz
Jazie m & f English
Variant of Jazzy.
Jazmyne f English
Variant of Jasmine.
Jazmynn f English
Variant of Jasmine.
Jazz f & m English (Modern)
Diminutive of Jazmine/Jasmine or Jazper/Jasper, or possibly given in reference to "jazz", the genre of music, or the English word jazz meaning "energy, excitement, excitability; very lively; of excellent quality, the genuine article".
Jazzabelle f English (American, Rare)
Altered form of Jezebel, possibly influenced by the popular name elements Jaz (found in names such as Jasmine and Jazlyn) and belle... [more]
Jazzella f English (Rare)
Either a variant of Gisella or a combination of Jazz and Ella 2... [more]
Jazzelle f English (American, Modern, Rare)
Variant of Giselle/Jazelle or a combination of the poular name "element" Jazz and the popular name suffix -Elle.
Jazzie f English
Diminutive of Jazzilyn, Jasmine, and other names with the "Jazz" sound.
Jazzilyn f English (American, Rare)
Variant of Jazlyn. The name can also be a combination of Jazz, a style of music, and the popular suffix -lyn.
Jazzlyn f English
Variant of Jazlyn.
Jazzman f & m English (American, Rare)
Either a variant of Jasmine or else from the English word jazzman: "A musician who plays or composes jazz music".
Jazzmin f English
Variant of Jasmine.
Jazzmine f English (Modern)
Variant of Jasmine, the spelling likely influenced by the word jazz.
Jazzmynne f English
Form of Jasmine, most likely influenced by the word jazz.
Jden m English (American, Modern, Rare)
Variant of Jayden based on the pronunciation of the letter J.
Jeanelle f English (American, Rare)
Variant of Janelle influenced by Jean 2.
Jeanice f English (American, Rare)
Most likely, a variant of Janice.
Jeaniene f English (Rare)
Variant spelling of Jeanine.
Jeanina f French (Rare), Swedish (Rare), Danish (Rare), Romanian (Rare), English (American, Rare), Filipino
Variant of Jeannina (French) or Jeanine (Swedish and Danish). This was borne by a daughter of Christine Stampe (1797-1868), a Danish baroness and patron of the arts.
Jeanmarie f English (Rare)
Combination of Jean 2 and Marie. Not to be confused with the French name Jean-Marie.
Jeannace f English
Variant of Janice incorporating the name Jean 2.
Jeanny f French, English
Diminutive of Jean 2 or Jeanne
Jearl m English (American, Rare)
Meaning unknown, however some theorise it comes from the words jewel or pearl, and other claim it may stem from names such as Jarl or Earl... [more]
Jebadiah m English, Hebrew, Biblical
Common among the Amish. Meaning "Beloved of the lord", the biblical term is a "blessing".
Jebediah m English
Possibly a combination of Jeb and Jedidiah
Jebson m English
Transferred use of the surname Jebson.
Jecca f English
Diminutive of Jessica.
Jecka f English (American)
Nickname for the name Jessica, notably used by a character in “Class of 09” and it’s re-up
Jedaiah m Biblical
English transcription or spelling of two distinct Hebrew names: יְדָיָ֥ה and ידַעְיָ֖ה. Both names occur in the Old Testament.... [more]
Jedd m English
Variant of Jed and likewise a short form of Jedidiah. Noted bearer is Australian musician Jedd Hughes.
Jeddie f & m English
Feminine form or diminutive of Jedidiah.
Jeddy m English (Rare)
Short form of Jedediah.
Jedi m English (Modern)
Diminutive of Jedidiah. In the Star Wars universe, Jedi, the name of the ancient knighthood, is a tip of the hat to Burrough's Barsoom, where lords bear the title of Jed or Jeddak.
Jedi'a-el m Biblical
Variant transcription of Jediael.... [more]
Jediael m Biblical
This name is comprised of two parts: ידע (yada'), meaning "to know" and אל ('el), which is the abbreviated form of אלהים ('elohim), referring to "God".... [more]
Jediel m Biblical (Hellenized)
Variant transcription of Jediael, as used in 1 Chronicles 7:6 and 11:45.... [more]
Jedihel m Biblical
Variant transcription of Jediael, as used in 1 Chronicles 11:45 and 12:20.... [more]
Jeduthan m Biblical, English (Puritan), Biblical Hebrew
Meaning, "praising." Jeduthun was one of the chiefs of the temple choir during the time of David. Jeduthun belonged to the Merari family of the tribe of Levi. He is considered to be the same person as Ethan... [more]
Jeenie f English (Rare)
Variant of Jennie
Jeezer m Biblical
Jeezer was a son of Gilead of the Tribe of Manasseh according to Numbers 26:30.
Jeffie m & f English (Rare), American (South, Archaic)
Diminutive and feminine form of Jefferson, or sometimes Jeffrey.
Jeffy m English
Diminutive of Jeffrey.
Jefra f English
Feminine form of Jeffrey.
Jehoahaz m Biblical
Means "Yahweh has held" derived from the elements yah the Hebrew god and haz "held"... [more]
Jehonadab m Biblical
From Hebrew יְהוֹנָדָב (Yehonadab) meaning "Yahweh is generous", from the roots יְהוֹ (yeho) referring to the Hebrew God and נָדָב (nadav) meaning "willing, generous"... [more]
Jehoshua m Biblical
The usual Hebrew form of the name "Joshua"; it occurs in the King James Version of Numbers 13:16 (the American Standard Revised Version "Hoshea"); and in some editions of the King James Version in 1 Chronicles 7:27, where others have the form "Jehoshuah" (h being wrongly added at the end).
Jehozabad m Biblical
Son of Shomer, was one of the assassinators of King Joash of Judah. II Kings 12:21. "This person is called Zabad, in 2 Chron... [more]
Jeiel m Biblical
Jeiel is referred to as the "father of Gibeon" and is an ancestor of King Saul.
Jekameam m Biblical
Means "my people will rise, may kinsman establish" in Hebrew, derived from the elements קוּם (qum) meaning "to raise" and עַם (ʿam) meaning "people, nation"
Jekamiah m Biblical (?)
1 Chronicles 2:41 Jekamiah was the son of Shallum and the father of Elishama.
Jekuthiel m Biblical, Jewish, Judeo-Anglo-Norman
Means "hope of the Lord" or "congregation of the Lord" in Hebrew.
Jelisa f English (American, Rare)
Corruption of names like Melissa or Alyssa but starting with a 'j'. It may also take influence from Jessica.