English Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the language is English.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Daisye f English
Variant of Daisy.
Daisymae f English
Combination of Daisy and Mae.
Daisymay f English (Rare)
Combination of Daisy and May.
Daja f Literature, English (Modern)
Name of one of the main characters in Tamora Pierce's Circle of Magic series.
Dajohn m English (American)
Combination of the prefix Da and John.
Dakhota f & m English
Variant of Dakota.
Dakin m English
Transferred use of the surname Dakin, a pet form of the English surname Day, itself derived from a pet form of David.
Dakoda m & f English (Modern)
Variant of Dakota.
Dakotah m & f English
Variant of Dakota.
Dalee f English (Modern, Rare)
Feminine variant of Daley.
Daleen f English
Diminutive of Magdalene.
Dalen m English (American, Rare)
Perhaps a variant of Daylon?
Dalena f English (Rare)
Possibly a short form of Magdalena or a variant of Delina. Apparently this is also used as a feminine elaboration of Dale.
Dalgliesh m English (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Dalgliesh.
Dali f Spanish, English
Diminutive of Dalia 1 and variant of Dolly.
Dali f English
Transferred use of the surname Dalí.
Dalian m English (Rare)
Meaning uncertain. This name might be a masculinization of Dalia 1 or Dahlia, but it could also be a combination of Dale with either Ian or the English suffix -ian, which is ultimately derived from the Latin suffix -ianus.... [more]
Dalis f English
Variant of Dallas.
Dalisha f English (Modern, Rare)
Possibly a variant of Delicia via its other variant Delisha.
Dallie f English (American)
Diminutive of names beginning with the sound Dal-, such as Delilah and Dallas.
Dallis f & m English (American, Rare)
Possibly a variant of Dallas.
Dallon m English (American, Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Dallon.
Dally m English (American), Literature, Indonesian
Short form of Dallas. Dallas 'Dally' Winston from the novel The Outsiders by S.E Hinton bears this name.
Dalphon m Biblical
Dalphon, meaning "to weep," was one of the ten sons of Haman, killed along with Haman by the Jews of Persia.
Daltyn m English
Variant of Dalton.
Damain m English
Probably a variant form of Damian.
Damarus f & m English (Rare)
As a feminine name, it may be a variant of Damaris.
Dameon m English
Variant of Damian.
Dameron m & f English (American, Rare)
Possibly from the surname Dameron.
Dami f English (Rare)
Diminutive of Damaris.
Damianne f English
Feminine form of Damian.
Damilka f South Slavic, English
It derives from the slavic form of Damian, name that means "tamer" and the diminutive suffix -lka
Damned m English (Puritan)
Diminutive of If-Christ-had-not-died-for-thee-thou-hadst-been-damned. Meaning, "condemned by God to suffer eternal punishment in hell."
Damond m English (American)
Possibly a variant of Damon.
Damone m English (Rare)
Possibly a variant of Damon.
Damron m English (American)
Possibly from the surname Damron.
Damya f French, English (Rare)
Feminine form of Damian.
Danae f African American, English (American)
Combination of the phonetic elements da and nay.
Danali f & m English (Modern)
Variant of Denali.
Danay f English (Modern, Rare), Spanish (Latin American)
English variant of Danaë and Spanish variant of Dánae.
Dandelion f English (Rare)
The English name, Dandelion, is a corruption of the French dent de lion meaning "lion's tooth", referring to the coarsely toothed leaves. It is usually is used as a nickname.
D'Andra f English (American, Rare)
Most likely to be a feminization of the masculine name D'Andre.... [more]
Dandridge m English (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname.
Danea f English (American, Rare)
Possibly a variant of Danaë.
Danece f English
Variant of Denise.
Daneille f English (Rare), Jamaican Patois
Possibly an anagram of Danielle influenced by Tennille.
Danelia f Spanish (Latin American), English (Rare), Filipino (Rare)
Probably a shift from Daniela. Regarding Latin American usage, it is mainly used in Nicaragua and neighbouring Honduras.
Danell m & f English
Transferred use of the surname Danell or a variant of Danielle.
Danelle f English (Rare)
Possibly a variant of Danielle or Donelle.
Danetta f English
Variant of Danette.
Danforth m English
Transferred use of the surname Danforth.
Danger m & f English
From the English word "danger" meaning "liability to exposure to harm or risk; an instance or cause of liable harm; or ability to harm; someone's dominion or power to harm". From the Middle English daunger 'power, dominion, peril', ultimately derived from the Latin dominus 'lord, master'.... [more]
Danice f English (American, Rare), Filipino (Rare)
Either a variant of Denise or a feminine elaboration of Dan 2 using the popular name suffix -ice from Alice.
Danielina f English (Rare)
Elaboration of Daniela or a feminization of Daniel.
Daniell f & m English (American)
Variant spelling of Danielle or Daniel.
Daniette f English (Rare)
Feminine diminutive of Daniel. See also Danette.
Danikah f English
Variant of Danica.
Danise f English (Modern)
Variant of Denise.
Dannah f English (Modern)
Variant of Danna (the spelling perhaps influenced by that of the rhyming name Hannah).
Dannan f & m English (Rare)
Variant of Dannon.
Danneel f English
Possibly an altered form of Danielle influenced by Tennille.
Dannel m & f English (American, Rare)
Variant of Danell or possibly Daniel.
Danney m English
Variant of Danny.
Danniel m English
Variant of Daniel.
Danniella f English (Rare)
Variant of Daniela/Daniella. British actress, Danniella Westbrook, bears this name.
Dannielle f English, Jèrriais
Jèrriais form and English variant of Danielle.
Dannii f English (Australian)
Variant of Danni. A notable bearer is Australian singer Dannii Minogue (1971-).
Dannion m English (American)
Possibly a combination of Danny with a name that ends in -(i)on, such as Damion. Also compare the similar-looking name Dannon.... [more]
Danno m Irish, English (Rare)
Diminutive of Daniel. This was borne by Irish Gaelic footballer Daniel "Danno" O'Keeffe (1907-1967) and Irish wrestler Danno O'Mahony (1912-1950). A fictional bearer is Danny "Danno" Williams, a young police officer on the television police drama series Hawaii Five-O (1968-1980).
Dannon m English (American, Modern)
Of unknown origin and meaning. Possibly a variant of Daniel or Dane, or perhaps a diminutive of either with 'dan' plus the suffix 'non' to give it a Celtic or French sound.... [more]
Danyaal m English (Rare), Arabic
Rare variant of Daniel and a variant transcription of Danyal
Danyel f & m English (Modern)
Variant spelling of Danielle or Daniel.
Danyell f & m English (Modern)
Variant of Danielle or Daniel, which supposedly originated in the American state of Louisiana. In the USA it was given to 149 girls in 1974 and 32 boys in 1976.
Danyl m & f English (Rare)
Possibly a variant of Daniel or Danielle.
Danyon m English
First known from Olympic gold medallist swimmer Danyon Loader of New Zealand. Now becoming more popular in New Zealand.
Danzel m English (Rare)
Variant of Denzel, possibly influenced by Daniel.
Daph f English
Short form of Daphne.
Daphine f English
Likely variant of Daphne.
Daphnie f English
Variant of Daphne.
Daphy f English
Diminutive of Daphne.
Daralyn f & m English (Rare)
A combination of Dara and Lyn.... [more]
Daralynn f & m English (Modern, Rare)
A combination of Dara and Lynn.... [more]
Darbe f & m English
Variant of Darby.
Darbee f English
Variant of Darby.
Darbey m English
Variant of Darby.
Darbi f & m English
Variant of Darby.
Darbie f English
Variant of Darby.
Darbye f English
Variant of Darby.
Darcas f English (Puritan)
Archaic variant of Dorcas.
Darce m & f English
Diminutive of Darcy.
Darcel f & m English (American)
From the French surname, Darcel, a variant of the surname Darcy/D'Arcy (see Darcy)
Darcia f English (Rare), Dutch (Rare), Spanish (Mexican, Rare), Swiss (Rare)
In English-speaking countries, this name is probably a variant of Darcy, one that may have been inspired by the name Marcia.... [more]
Darcilla f English (Rare)
Possibly an altered form of Drusilla, or an elaboration of Darcy with the clearly feminine ending illa.
Darcus m English
Possibly a blend of the names Darius and Marcus. A known bearer of this name is Darcus Howe, a British broadcaster, columnist and civil rights campaigner.
Darda m Biblical
Meaning "pearl of wisdom," he was one of the exemplars of wisdom than whom Solomon was wiser. (I Kings 4:31)
Dardanella f English (Rare), Popular Culture
From the name of the Dardanelles, one of the straits that separate European Turkey from Asian Turkey. The place name apparently derives from the name of Dardanos, son of Zeus and Electra in Greek myth.... [more]
Dare f & m English (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Dare. It was borne by Canadian American photographer and author Dare Wright (1914-2001).
Darel m & f English (Rare), Hebrew (Rare)
In Hebrew it’s a combination of the name Dar, means "(mother of) pearl, nacre" and El, reference to God. In English it’s used as variant of Darell.
Darelle f English
Feminization of Darell.
Dariann f English (Rare)
Feminine form of Darian.
Darielle f English
Strictly feminine form of Dariel.
Darienne f English
Feminine form of Darien.
Darlaine f English
Variant of Darlene.
Darlan m Brazilian, English
Unknown meaning.
Darlanne f English (Rare)
Combination of Darla or Darlene with Anne 1.
Darlee f English (Modern)
Variant of Darlene using the popular name suffix lee.
Darlen f English (American)
Variant of the name Darlene. This name was giving to former Bad Girl Darlen Escobar. Darlen featured in the show Bad Girls Club (2006-2017).
Darlena f Polish (Modern, Rare), English (American)
English variant and Polish borrowing of Darlene.
Darlie f English
Diminutive of Darlene.
Darline f English, French (Modern), French (Belgian, Modern, Rare), Haitian Creole, Dutch (Antillean), Flemish
French and Flemish borrowing of Darlene, as well as an English variant.
Darling f & m English, Spanish (Latin American), Filipino
Transferred use of the surname Darling, or else derived directly from the word.
Darlington m English
Transferred use of the surname Darlington.
Darlynne f English
Variant of Darlyn.
Darnel m English
Variant of Darnell.
Darnielle f English (Australian, Rare), English (New Zealand, Rare)
Likely an invented name. It might possibly be a variant of Danielle, possibly influenced by Darnell. Also may be transferred usage of the surname Darnielle.
Darold m English (American, Rare)
This given name originated in the United States, where it is a combination of a name starting with Dar- (such as Darrell, Darryl and Darren) with Harold... [more]
Daron m English
Variant of Darren. A known bearer of this name was the American country singer Daron Norwood (1965-2015).
Darrena f English
Feminine form of Darren.
Darrene f English
Feminine form of Darren.
Darrian m & f English
Variant of Darian.
Darrick m English
Either a variant form of Derrick, or a blend of a name starting with Dar- (such as Darren or Darryl) with Rick.
Darrien m & f English
Variant of Darien.
Darrne m & f English
Variant of Darren or Darrene
Darroll m English
Variant of Darrell.
Darry m English
Diminutive of Darrell or other names beginning with the element Darr.
Darrylene f English (Rare)
Feminine form of Darryl influenced by Darlene.
Darryll m English
Variant of Darrell.
Darsee m & f English
Variant of Darcy.
Darsie f English
Variant of Darcy.
Dartanian m English (American, Rare)
Anglicized form of D'Artagnan. A known bearer of this name is the American up-and-coming child actor Dartanian Sloan.
Darva f English (American)
Origin unknown. This may be considered a feminine form of Darvin.
Darvin m English
Variant of Darwin.
Darwina f English
Feminine form of Darwin.
Darwood m English (American)
Darwood Kaye (born Darwood Kenneth Smith) was an American child actor known for his role of Waldo in the series of short films The Little Rascals (aka Our Gang) between 1937 - 1940. Later in life he became a pastor.
Darwyn m English
Variant of Darwin.
Dary m & f English
Diminutive of names beginning with Dar.
Darylyn f English (Modern)
Combination of Daryl and the popular name suffix lyn.
Daryn m & f English
Variant of Darren.
Dashie f English (Modern, Rare)
Strictly feminine form of "Dash".
Dassy f English (Modern, Rare)
Rare English Diminutive of Hadassah
Davalynn f English (American, Modern, Rare)
Allegedly a feminization of David via its short form Dave and the popular name suffix -lynn.
Davana f English (American)
Possible variant of Devana or Devona, or from the name of a plant called Davana.
Daveed m English
Variant of David.
Daveian m English (Rare)
Combination of Dave and Ian.
Daveigh f English
Modern coinage, a feminine form of David. Actress Daveigh Chase is a famous bearer.
Daveline f English (Modern, Rare)
Presumably a feminization of David combining its short form Dave with the common feminine name suffix -line.
Davenie f English
Davenie is the birth name of Joey Heatherton (born September 14, 1944), an American actress, dancer, and singer.
Davenport f English
Transferred use of the surname Davenport.
Davidena f English (Canadian)
Feminine form of David used in Prince Edward Island, Canada and possibly amongst Irish.
Davidson m English (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Davidson.
Davinci m English
Derived from Leonardo da Vinci, with da Vinci meaning "of Vinci". Vinci is a village in Italy location near Florence, and it was the hometown of Leonardo da Vinci... [more]
Davynn f English (Modern, Rare)
Variant of Davin. Davynn was given to 6 girls in 2012 according to the SSA.
Dawayne m English
Variant of Duane, utilizing a combination of the prefix "Da-" and the name Wayne
Dawna f English
Variant of Donna with the influence of "Dawn".
Dawne f English (Modern, Rare)
Variant spelling of both Dawn and its diminutive Dawnie. The pronunciation of the name depends on which of the two Dawne is based on, which is something that will differ from person to person.
Dawnetta f English
Elaborated form of Dawn. Also compare Dawna, Donetta and Donnetta.
Dawnette f English, Jamaican Patois
Possibly an elaborated form of Dawn influenced by Danette.
Dawnia f English (Rare)
Variant form of Dawn, which may possibly have come into being via its diminutive Dawnie. Also compare Dawnya.
Dawnie f English (Rare)
Diminutive of Dawn.
Dawnielle f English (American, Rare)
Combination of Dawn and Danielle. Per the SSA 13 girls were given this name in 1975.
Dawnn f English (American, Rare)
Rare variant of Dawn. A notable bearer is American actress Dawnn Lewis (1961-).
Dawnyale f African American, English (American)
Variant of Danielle, perhaps inspired by Dawn.
Dawsen m & f English (Rare)
Variant of Dawson.
Dawsyn f & m English (Rare)
Variant of Dawson.
Day f & m English
From the Old English dæġ, from the Proto-Germanic dagaz, from the Proto-Indo-European dʰegʷʰ- meaning 'to burn'.
Dayani f English
This name means “Goddess of Compassion”, and originated from Sanskrit.
Daydreanne f English (Modern, Rare), Obscure
Presumably a feminine form of Dadrian, the spelling altered to resemble the word daydream. This spelling appears to be unique.
Dayla f English (American)
Possibly a feminine form of Dale, or a variant of Dahlia.