This is a list of submitted names in which the gender is masculine; and the usage is Arabic.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Harib حارب m ArabicMeans "war-wager" in Arabic, from the root حارب
(ḥāraba) meaning "to wage war against, to battle".
Harreeb حرب m ArabicIt means "war-wager; evil person". Harreeb is a variant of
Harib. The background comes from Arabic "حرب" meaning war. This name is disliked by Muslims since it has the word ''war'' in it.
Hasan ud-Din حسن الدين m ArabicMeans "beauty of the religion" from Arabic حَسَن
(ḥasan) meaning "beautiful, good" combined with اَلدِين
(al-dīn) meaning "the religion".
Hashir هاشير m Arabic, MuslimFrom 'Al-Haashir', meaning "the gatherer," which is one of the names for the Prophet.
Hasni حسني f & m Arabic, Malay, IndonesianDerived from Arabic حَسُنَ
(hasuna) meaning "to be good, to be beautiful". It is unisex in Arabic-speaking countries and Malaysia while it is only feminine in Indonesia.
Hatam حاتم m ArabicMeaning "helper", "generous" in Arabic.
Hatar m ArabicMeans “danger” or “peril” in Arabic, derived from the root خطر (khaṭara), meaning “to be risky or hazardous”.
Hesam m ArabicHesam means a sharp sword in arabic ( but also iranian people use it ! ) .
Hibatullah هبة الله m ArabicMeans "gift of
Allah", derived from Arabic هبة
(hiba) meaning "gift, donation" combined with Arabic الله
Hidayat Allah هداية الله m ArabicMeans "guidance of
Allah" from Arabic هداية
(hidāya) meaning "guidance" combined with الله
Hilmi حلمي m & f Arabic, Turkish, Malay, IndonesianMeans "my forbearance, my tolerance" from Arabic حلم
(ḥilm) meaning "forbearance, longanimity, self-restraint". It is occasionally used as a feminine name in Indonesia.
Hisam m ArabicHisam is of Arabic origin and means “sword.”
Hisham ud-Din هشام الدين m ArabicMeans "generosity of the religion" from Arabic هشام
(hisham) meaning "generous, generosity" and دين
(dīn) meaning "religion, faith".
Hozefa m ArabicVariant form or transcription of the name
Huzaifa or
Huzaifah, which is a modern form of
Hud هود m ArabicHud was a prophet of ancient Arabia mentioned in the Qur’an.
Hudhayfah حذيفة m ArabicMeans "little short one" or "short-statured" in Arabic, derived from a diminutive that ultimately comes from the Arabic verb حذف
(hadafa) or
(hadhafa) meaning "to shorten, to reduce" as well as "to remove, to take away"... [
Hudhud هدهد m ArabicThis is the word for hoopoe-bird. This animal is one of the main protagonists of Surah An-Naml (the Ant) in the Qur'an.
Hulifah m & f ArabicA name which derives from an Arabic word meaning "pledged"
Humam همام m ArabicMeans "hardworking, enthusiastic, energetic" in Arabic.
Humayd حميد m ArabicMeans "praiseworthy", derived from a diminutive of Arabic حميد
Humza حمزة m ArabicVariant transcription of
Hamza. A famous bearer of Humza is Humza Yousaf (1985-) is a Scottish politician who is the Minister for Europe and International Development and a Scottish National Party Member of the Scottish Parliament for Glasgow... [
Hunayn m ArabicPossibly derived from
John. Hunayn ibn Ishaq (latin:
Iohannitius) (809 – 873) was a famous and influential scholar, physician, and scientist of Arab Christian descent.
Husam ad-Din حسام الدين m ArabicMeans "sword of the religion" from Arabic حسام
(ḥusām) meaning "sword, sabre" combined with دين
(dīn) meaning "religion, faith".
Husn al-din حسن الدين m ArabicMeans "beauty of the religion" from حسْن (
ḥusn) meaning "beauty, godess" and دين (
dīn) meaning "religion, faith"
Hussam حسام m ArabicVariant transcription of
Husam. Known bearers of this name include the Iraqi singer Hussam Al-Rassam (b. 1978), the Palestinian soccer player Hussam Abu Saleh (b... [
Huzaifah حُذَيْفَة m ArabicHuzaifah is an Arabic name for boys that means “sheep” or "little sheep". It also refers to a type of duck. It is the name of many of the companions of the Prophet, peace and blessings of God be upon him and his companions.
Ibadat m & f Kazakh, Persian, Turkish, ArabicDerived from the Turkish word
ibadet, meaning "worship" (ultimately derived from Arabic
ibādat). Used in Kazakh, Persian, Turkish, Arabic, Turkmen, Tajik, Uzbek, & Pashto languages.
Ibadullah عِبَادُ الله m Arabic, UrduThe first element of this name is derived from Arabic عباد
('ibad), which is the plural of the noun عبد
('abd) meaning "servant, slave". The second element is derived from the Arabic noun الله
(Allah) meaning "God" (see
Allah)... [
Iftikhar افتخار m Arabic, UrduMeans "pride, haughtiness, loftiness" in Arabic, from the root افتخر
(iftakhara) meaning "to be proud of, to brag, to flaunt".
I'jaaz اعجاز m Pakistani, ArabicAstonishing, Miracle. In Islamic Context refers to the belief that the Qur'an is of such high quality in content and form that one is unable to imitate it.
Ijaz إعجاز m Arabic, UrduMeans "miracle, marvel" in Arabic. In Islamic doctrine this term refers to the inimitability and miraculous nature of the Quran.
Ikhlas إخلاص f & m Arabic, IndonesianMeans "sincerity, devotion, loyalty" in Arabic. This is the name of the 112th chapter of the Quran (surah Al-Ikhlas).
Ikhtiyar Al-din اختيار الدين m ArabicMeans "chosen one of the religion" from اختيار (
ikhtiar) meaning "chosen, appointed" combined with دين (
dīn) meaning "religion"
Ikrima عكرمة m & f Arabic, IndonesianMeans "female pigeon, dove" in Arabic, used as a feminine name in Indonesia and a masculine name elsewhere. This was the name of a companion of the Prophet
Imad al-Din عماد الدين m ArabicMeans "pillar of the faith" from Arabic عماد
('imad) meaning "support, pillar" combined with دين
(dīn) meaning "religion, faith".
Inamalhaqq إنعام الحق m ArabicMeans "bestower of the truth" from
إنعام (
in'am) meaning "giving, bestower" and
الحق (
al-haqq) meaning "the truth"
Insaf إنصاف f & m Arabic, Tatar, BashkirMeans "fairness, impartiality, justice, equity" in Arabic, from the root أنصف
(ʿanṣafa) meaning "to act justly, to be fair".
Inzamam انضمام m Arabic, UrduMeans "joining, congregation" in Arabic, from the root انضم
(indhamma) meaning "to put together, to join".
Iqlim إِقْلِيمٌ, اقلیم m Arabic, PersianMeans "climate" in Arabic and Persian, ultimately from Ancient Greek κλίμα (klíma).
Irfanullah عرفان الله m Arabic, UrduDerived from the Arabic noun عرفان
(irfan) meaning "knowledge, awareness, learning" (see
Irfan) combined with the Arabic noun الله
(Allah) meaning "God" (see
Allah).... [
Irtiqa ترویج f & m ArabicMeans "To mature" or "To become better" in Arabic
Ismatullah عصمت الله m Arabic, Indonesian, PashtoMeans "protection of
Allah" or "perfection of
Allah", from Arabic عِصْمَة
(ʿiṣma) "protection, defence" or "flawlessness, perfection" combined with الله
Israr إسرار m Arabic, UrduMeans "secret" in Arabic, derived from أَسَرَّ
(asrarra) meaning "to keep secret, to hide, to conceal".
Istiak m ArabicMale name of Arabic origin meaning "longing" or "craving".
Iyad إياد m ArabicMeans "force, strength, support, reinforcement" in Arabic, from the root أيد
(ʾayyada) meaning "to support".
Izan إذعان m & f ArabicFrom Arabic إذْعان (iḏʻān), meaning "obedience, submission."
Izhar إظهار m Arabic, Urdu, Malay, IndonesianMeans "manifestation, demonstration, display" in Arabic, from the root أظهر
(ʾaẓhara) meaning "to show, to exhibit".
Izzat عزت m Arabic, MalayDerived from Arabic عزّ
(‘izz) meaning "glory, power" or "honor, majesty".
Izzat Allah عزت الله m ArabicMeans "glory of
Allah" from Arabic عزة
(ʿizza) meaning "honour, glory, power, might" combined with الله
Jadir جدير m Arabicfrom the Arabic root ج د ر (J D R) related to worth. constructed in the pattern to mean "worthy"
Jarallah جار الله m Arabic (Rare)Means "neighbour of
Allah", from Arabic جار
(jār) meaning "neighbour, refugee" combined with اللّٰه
(allāh) "Allah".
Jarrah جراح m ArabicMeans "surgeon" in Arabic, from the root جرح
(jaraḥa) meaning "to wound, to hurt".
Jasser جاسر m ArabicAn ancient Arab name meaning "brave", "valiant, "dauntless", "fearless", and "daring".
Jawhar جوهر m ArabicMeans "jewel, gem, precious stone" in Arabic, ultimately from Persian گوهر
Jazeel جَزِيل m ArabicFrom Arabic جَزِيل (jazeel) meaning "very much".
Joud جُود m & f ArabicDerived from Arabic جَوْد (
jawd) meaning "abundant rain". جُود (
joud) written with different wovels reflect the generosity and munificence because in the desert rain is a rare gift.
Jubran جبران m ArabicMeans "healing, comfort, recompense" in Arabic, from the root جبر
(jabara) meaning "to restore, to comfort, to treat kindly".
Jud جُود m & f ArabicFrom the root ج و د (
j-w-d) that bring the meaning of "generous" (see
Jawad). Jud is a plural form of it.
Kaddour قدور m Arabic (Maghrebi)Derived from Arabic قَدَرَ
(qadara) meaning "to be able, to be capable, to have power" (chiefly Algerian).
Kadhem كاظم m ArabicLiterally means "withholds", in reference to a common Arabic phrase meaning "withholds anger". Could be translated as "he who withholds anger" or simply "well-tempered". The Arabic root is kdhm, meaning "to withhold, to restrain, to control".
Kamal ad-Din كمال الدين m ArabicMeans "perfection of religion", from Arabic كمال
(kamāl) meaning "perfection" combined with دين
(dīn) "religion, faith".
Kamilan كَامِلَان m ArabicMeans "whole", "complete", "without flaws".
Kanzuddin كَنْز الدِّين m ArabicMeans "treasure of the faith", referring to someone Muslims treasure because of their beliefs and virtues.
Karamatullah كرامات الله m Arabic, Afghan, PakistaniThe first element of this name is derived from Arabic كرامات
(karamat), which is the plural form of كرامة
(karama) meaning "dignity, generosity" (compare
Karam)... [
Karamullah كَرَم الله m ArabicMeans "God's generosity", "God's honoring of humans", or "gift from God".
Karrar كرار m ArabicMeans "recurring, repeating" in Arabic, from the word كَرَّرَ
(karrara) meaning "to repeat".
Kasber كاسبر m ArabicArabic form of Casper meaning "treasurer"
Kasbir كاسبر m ArabicArabic form of Casper meaning "treasurer".
Kasbr كاسبر m ArabicArabic form of Casper meaning "treasurer"
Kedar m Arabic, Biblical HebrewFrom the Hebrew verb קדר (qadar), meaning "to be or become dark, gloomy, or dirty." In the Bible, Kedar is one of the twelve sons of Ishmael.
Kefah كِفَاح m ArabicVariant transcription of
Kifah. A known bearer of this name is the Palestinian-born Dutch television host Kefah Allush (b. 1969).
Khai f & m ArabicA name with ancient Egyptian origins that means “crowned” or “royalty.”... [
Khair خير m Arabic, UrduAlternate transcription of Arabic خير (see
Khayr), as well as the Urdu form.
Khalaf خلف m ArabicMeans "successor, descendant" in Arabic, from the root خلف
(khalafa) meaning "to succeed, to follow". This is an honorific title given to generations of Muslims after the third.
Khalifatullah خليفة الله m Pashto, Urdu, Indonesian, ArabicComes from خليفة الله (
khalifah allah), “representative of God” in Arabic, a term in the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community synonymous with a prophet, seer, or messenger.
Khalil al-Din خليل الدين m ArabicMeans "friend of the religion" from خليل (
khalil) meaning "friend" combined with دِين (
dīn) meaning "religion, faith"
Khalil Allah خليل الله m ArabicMeans "friend of
Allah" from Arabic خليل
(khalīl) meaning "friend" combined with الله
Khatir خاطر m ArabicMeans "heart", "mind", "idea", "notion".
Khayal خيال m & f ArabicMeans "imagination, shadow" in Arabic.
Khayrullah خير الله m ArabicMeans "goodness of
Allah" from Arabic خير
(khayr) meaning "goodness, charity" combined with الله
Khidr خضر m ArabicMeans "green" in Arabic. Khidr (or al-Khidr) is a legendary figure mentioned in the Qur'an who is variously described as a guardian angel, a prophet, or a saint (wali). He is sometimes identified with Saint
Khusaib خُصَيْب m ArabicMeans "palm tree that bears much fruit", "growth", "fruitfulness", "productivity".