Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
GvozdenmSerbian, Croatian Derived from the adjective gvozden, meaning "iron-like". Notable bearer is Gvozden Flego, Croatian former Minister of Science and Technology.
HirošimSerbian Serbian description of Japanese Hiroshi. Hiroši is name of Branko Vukelić's son. Branko Vukelić are been most biggest spy in second world wear. Name mean tolerant on japanese.
HotimirmCroatian, Serbian, Slovene Croatian, Serbian and Slovene cognate of Chociemir. A bearer of this name was Hotimir, a prince of Carantania who lived in the 8th century AD.
HrastimirmCroatian The first element of this name is derived from the Serbo-Croatian noun hrast "oak (tree)". The second element is derived from Slavic mir "peace".
HristomirmBulgarian This name is Christian in origin. The first element is derived from Hristos, which is the Slavic form of Christ and thus refers to Jesus Christ. The second element is derived from Slavic mir "peace"... [more]
HristoslavmBulgarian This name is Christian in origin. The first element is derived from Hristos, which is the Slavic form of Christ and thus refers to Jesus Christ. The second element is derived from Slavic slav "glory"... [more]
HvalimirmSerbian The first element of this name is derived from the Serbo-Croatian noun hvala "thanks". The second element is derived from Slavic mir "peace". A known bearer of this name was Hvalimir Belojević, a 9th-century Serbian duke.
IankafBulgarian, Flemish (Rare) Alternate transcription of Yanka. The name has also seen some use in Flanders, which is the Dutch-speaking part of Belgium. It has not been used in the neighbouring Netherlands, that is to say: no Dutch newborn girls were ever given the name - so far, only immigrants have borne the name.... [more]
IkonijafCroatian (Rare), Serbian Derived from the Croatian and Serbian noun ikona (which is written as икона in Serbian) meaning "icon", which is derived from Greek εικόνα (eikona), itself ultimately derived from ancient Greek εἰκών (eikon) meaning "likeness, image, portrait".... [more]
IlyanafArabic, Bulgarian, Serbian Feminine form of Ilya. Ilyana is an indirect Quranic name and a non-standard formation that originates from Ilana. It means "sun", "sun ray", "kindness", "softness", "leniency", and "gentleness".
IlyomBulgarian Variant transcription of Ильо (see Ilio). Ilyo Voyvoda (also known as Dedo Iljo Maleshevski, born Iliya Markov, 1805 – 1898) was a Bulgarian revolutionary from the region of Macedonia, who is considered a national hero in both Bulgaria and North Macedonia.
InelafBosnian Meaning unknown at this time. A famous bearer of this name is Inela Nogić (b. 1976), a Bosnian woman who won a beauty pageant contest during the Siege of Sarajevo (1992-1996). The story behind the contest as well as amateur footage of it led to the making of a documentary titled Miss Sarajevo, which added to the international pressure to end the siege... [more]
IskrenmBulgarian, Serbian (Rare), Croatian (Rare) Derived from Bulgarian and Serbian искрен (iskren) "sincere, honest; true, devoted". This name is borne by Bulgarian soccer player Iskren Pisarov (b. 1985).
IskroslavmCroatian The first element of this name is derived from the Serbo-Croatian noun iskra "spark". Also see Iskra, which is of the same etymology. The second element is derived from Slavic slav "glory".
IsmailomSerbian Serbian form of ISHMAEL. Ismailo is older son of Avram, in old testament of Bible.
JagormCroatian (Rare) Meaning unknown, originating from the main character of the eponymous fairy tale Jagor (part of the anthology Croatian Tales of Long Ago, by Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić).
JelimirmCroatian, Serbian The first element of this name is derived from Serbo-Croatian jelen "deer, stag, buck", which is ultimately derived from Proto-Slavic (j)elenъ "deer, stag". The second element is either derived from Slavic mir "peace" or Slavic mer "great, famous".
JelislavmCroatian The first element of this name is derived from Serbo-Croatian jelen "deer, stag, buck", which is ultimately derived from Proto-Slavic (j)elenъ "deer, stag". The second element is derived from Slavic slav "glory".
JericafSlovene Originally a diminutive of Jera, used as a given name in its own right.
JerinafSerbian (Rare), Medieval Serbian A form of Irene. The most notable bearer was Despotess Jerina (originally: Irene Kantakouzene), the wife of Serbian Despot Đurađ Branković, who lived in the 15th century and who is known in Serbian folk legends as Damned Jerina because of many hardships she reportedly imposed on the people... [more]
JerotejmSerbian (Rare) Serbian form of Hierotheos. A notable bearer of this name was the Serbian writer Jerotej Račanin (born c. 1650, died after 1727).
JerotijemSerbian (Rare) Variant of Jerotej. A known bearer of this name was the Serbian professor Jerotije Topalović (1870-1914).