South Slavic Submitted Names

These names are used in regions that use South Slavic languages.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Elije m Croatian (Rare)
Croatian form of Aelius.
Elis f Estonian, Slovene (Rare)
Originally an Estonian short form of Eliisabet and a Slovene short form of Elizabeta, now used as a given name in its own right.
Elitsa f Bulgarian
Derived from Bulgarian елица, itself a diminutive form of Bulgarian ела "fir tree; spruce".
Elitza f Bulgarian
Variant transcription of Елица (see Elitsa).
Elka f Croatian, Slovene, Sorbian, Polish, Bulgarian
Croatian, Bulgarian and Slovene diminutive of names beginning with the syllable "El-", as well as a Polish diminutive of Elżbieta and a Sorbian diminutive of Elžbjeta.
Elmin m Bosnian
Bosnian form of Almin.
Eloiza f Russian (Rare), Bulgarian (Rare), Polish, Albanian, Italian (Rare)
Form of Eloise in several languages, also a variant of Polish Heloiza and Italian Eloisa.
Elva f Slovene, Spanish
Spanish short form and Slovene diminutive of Elvira.
Elvedina f Bosnian
Feminine form of Elvedin.
Elvica f Slovene
Diminutive of Elvira.
Elvija f Croatian
Croatian form of Elvia.
Elvir m Bosnian, Croatian
Male form of Elvira.
Elvisa f Slovene
Feminine form of Elvis.
Elzana f Macedonian, Serbian, Bosnian
Female name of Arabic derivation, from ezan, Islamic call to worship.
Elzen m Bosnian
Male form of Elzana.
Eman m Bosnian
Bosnian form of Aman.
Emana f Bosnian (Rare)
Feminine form of Eman.
Emanuilo m Serbian
Emanuilo is variant of Emanuel, one of Jesus Christ names, means God with us.
Emerencija f Croatian (Rare), Lithuanian (Archaic), Serbian (Rare)
Croatian, Lithuanian and Serbian form of Emerentia.
Emi f Slovene
Diminutive of Ema 1.
Emica f Croatian, Serbian, Slovene
Croatian, Serbian and Slovenian diminutive form of Ema 1 and Emilija, used in its own right.
Emika f Slovene
Diminutive of Ema 1.
Emilijan m Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian form of Emiliano.
Emilijana f Croatian, Serbian, Slovene
Croatian, Serbian and Slovene form of Emiliana.
Emilije m Croatian
Croatian form of Emil.
Emiljana f Slovene, Albanian
Slovene variant of Emilijana and Albanian form of Emiliana.
Emka f Croatian, Kashubian
Croatian diminutive of Ema 1 and Kashubian diminutive of Éma.
Emra f Bosnian
Variant of Amra.
Enea f Slovene
Variant of Eneja.
Eneja m Bosnian, Croatian
Bosnian and Croatian form of Aeneas.
Eneja f Slovene
Feminine form of Enej.
Enesa f Bosnian
Feminine form of Enes.
Enica f Croatian
Diminutive of Ena 2.
Enio m Bulgarian
Variant transcription of Еньо (see Enyo).
Enjo m Bulgarian (Germanized)
German transcription of Enyo
Enoš m Croatian (Rare)
Croatian form of Enosh.
Entoni m Serbian (Rare), Ukrainian (Rare), Albanian (Rare), Italian (Rare)
Variant of Anthony, reflecting the English pronunciation.
Envera f Bosnian, Turkish
Feminine form of Enver.
Enyo m Bulgarian
Form Bulgarian enyovden "midsummer, St. John's day (24 June)".
Eol m Croatian, Polish
Croatian and Polish form of Aiolos.
Epafrodit m Bulgarian (Archaic), Catalan (Archaic), Serbian (Archaic), Ukrainian (Archaic), Russian (Archaic)
Bulgarian, Catalan, Serbian and Ukrainian form of Epaphroditos as well as a Russian variant transcription of Yepafrodit.
Epaminonda m Croatian (Rare), Italian (Rare), Macedonian (Rare), Romanian (Rare), Serbian (Rare)
Croatian, Italian, Macedonian, Romanian and Serbian form of Epameinondas via its latinized form Epaminondas.
Epifaniy m Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Epiphanius.
Epikasta f Serbian
Serbian version of Epicaste (Ἐπικάστη), a name attributed to five women in Greek mythology, for example Epicaste, mother of Homer by Telemachus (son of Odysseus).
Epimetej m Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian form of Epimetheus.
Eratosten m Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian form of Eratosthenes.
Erazmo m Croatian (Rare), Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
Croatian form of Erasmus and Hispanic variant of Erasmo.
Erdonja f Bosnian (Archaic)
Possibly derived from the Spanish word doña, meaning "lady".
Ereb m Bosnian, Croatian
Bosnian and Croatian form of Erebus.
Ermin m Bosnian
Bosnian form of Armin.
Ermina f Slovene
Variant of Hermina.
Erminija f Slovene
Slovene form of Herminia.
Ernad m Bosnian
Derived from Erna.
Ernesa f Bosnian
Possibly a feminine form of Enes.
Ernica f Slovene
Diminutive of Erna 1.
Ernuša f Slovene
Diminutive of Erna 1.
Ervina f Bosnian, Croatian, Slovene, Lithuanian, Hungarian, Albanian, Romansh
Bosnian, Croatian, Slovene, Hungarian, Albanian, Romansh and Lithuanian feminine form of Ervin.
Esad m Bosnian, Albanian
Albanian and Bosnian form of Asad.
Esada f Bosnian
Feminine form of Esad.
Esed m Bosnian (Rare)
Variant of Esad.
Esmana f Bosnian
Elaborated form of Esma.
Esmin m Bosnian
Masculine form of Esmina.
Esmir m Bosnian
Allegedly a Bosnian variant of Emir.... [more]
Esterka f Czech, Slovene
Diminutive of Ester.
Estika f Slovene
Diminutive of Estera.
Estir f Greek (Rare), Macedonian, Bulgarian (Rare)
Bulgarian and Macedonian form and modern Greek variant of Esther.
Estira f Bosnian
Variant form of Estera attested in Bosnian Sephardic communities.
Estreja f Judeo-Spanish, Bosnian (Archaic)
Judeo-Spanish and Bosnian form of Estrella.
Eufemija f Croatian
Croatian form of Euphemia.
Eufronije m Croatian
Croatian form of Euphronios via its latinized form Euphronius.
Euklid m Croatian, German
German and Croatian form of Euclid.
Eumen m Croatian (Rare), Bosnian (Rare)
Croatian and Bosnian form of Eumenes.
Eurik m Croatian, Dutch, Frisian, Norwegian (Archaic), Swedish (Archaic)
Croatian, Dutch, Frisian, Norwegian and Swedish form of Euric. In Swedish and Norwegian, the name is not used outside of translations of historical documents about the 5th century king of the Visigoths.
Euripid m Bosnian, Croatian
Bosnian and Croatian form of Euripides.
Euzebija f Croatian (Rare)
Feminine form of Euzebije.
Euzebije m Croatian
Croatian variant of Eusebius.
Evalda f Slovene
Feminine form of Evald.
Evarist m Bosnian, Bulgarian, Catalan (Rare), Croatian (Rare), Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovene, Provençal
Bosnian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Croatian, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak and Slovene form of Evaristus.
Evdem m Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Eudemos.
Evdoksia f Georgian (Archaic), Bulgarian, Russian
Georgian form of Eudoxia as well as a variant transcription of Evdoksiya (Bulgarian) and Yevdoksiya (Russian).
Evdoksiy m Bulgarian (Archaic), Russian (Archaic)
Bulgarian form of Eudoxios and Russian variant transcription of Yevdoksiy.
Evdoksiya f Bulgarian, Russian
Bulgarian form of Eudoxia and Russian variant transcription of Yevdoksiya.
Evehma f Serbian (Rare)
Serbian form of Evaechme.
Evfemija f Slovene
Slovene form of Euphemia.
Evika f Estonian, Slovene
Estonian diminutive of Evi and Slovene diminutive of Eva, rarely used as a given name in its own right.
Evlalija f Slovene
Slovene form of Eulalia.
Evnika f Bulgarian (Rare), Kazakh (Rare), Russian (Rare)
Bulgarian, Kazakh and Russian form of Euneike and Eunike (see Eunice). Also compare the masculine name Evnik.
Evnoik m Bulgarian (Rare), Russian (Rare)
Bulgarian form of both Eunoicus and Eunoikos as well as a Russian variant transcription of Yevnoik.
Evridika f Bulgarian, Macedonian
Bulgarian and Macedonian form of Eurydike.
Evseviy m Bulgarian (Rare), Russian (Rare)
Bulgarian form of Eusebios and Russian variant transcription of Yevseviy.
Evstahij m Slovene
Slovene form of Eustace.
Evstahija f Slovene
Feminine form of Evstahij.
Evstati m Bulgarian, Georgian (Rare)
Bulgarian form of Eustathios (see Eustathius) as well as an older Georgian form of the name. The modern Georgian form is Estate... [more]
Evstratije m Croatian (Rare), Serbian (Rare)
Croatian and Serbian form of Eustratios.
Evtim m Bulgarian, Macedonian
South Slavic variant of Euthymius.
Evtimia f Bulgarian
Variant transcription of Евтимия (see Evtimiya).
Evtimiya f Bulgarian
Feminine form of Evtim.
Evtropiy m Bulgarian, Russian
Bulgarian and Russian form of Eutropios.
Evuša f Croatian (Rare), Czech, Slovak
Croatian, Czech and Slovak diminutive of Eva. Also compare Evuška.
Evuška f Croatian (Rare), Czech, Slovak
Croatian, Czech and Slovak diminutive of Eva. Also compare Evuša.
Ezan m Bosnian
Male name of Arabic derivation, from ezan, Islamic call to worship.
Ezav m Croatian
Croatian form of Esau.
Ezekijel m Croatian
Croatian form of Ezekiel.
Fabijana f Croatian, Slovene
Croatian and Slovene form of Fabiana.
Fabije m Bosnian, Croatian
Bosnian and Croatian form of Fabius.
Fabiy m Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Fabius.
Fabiya f Bulgarian, Russian
Bulgarian and Russian form of Fabia.
Fahret m Bosnian
Variant of Fahrudin.
Fahreta f Bosnian
Feminine form of Fahret.
Fahro m Bosnian
Bosnian short form of Fahrudin.
Fahrudin m Bosnian
Bosnian form of Fakhr al-Din.
Fani f Croatian, Slovene
Croatian and Slovene phonetic spelling of Fanny.
Fanika f Croatian, Slovene
Diminutive form of Franciska or Frančiška.
Fata f Bosnian
Bosnian short form of Fatima.
Feba f Russian, Bosnian (Rare), English (Rare), Croatian (Rare), Polish (Rare)
Bosnian, Russian, Croatian and Polish form of Phoebe as well as an English variant.
Feđa m Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian form of Fedya. A known bearer of this name is the Bosnian writer Feđa Isović (b. 1965).
Fedia f & m Medieval Baltic, Medieval Russian, Bulgarian, Russian
Variant transcription of Fedya, which in medieval times was also used on women. Recorded, among others, in 15th-century Lithuania.
Fedja m Bosnian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Russian, Serbian, Slovene, Danish (Rare), Dutch (Rare), German, Swedish (Rare)
Variant transcription of Feđa (Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian) and Fedya (Bulgarian and Russian).... [more]
Fedra f Greek, Azerbaijani, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Croatian (Rare), Galician, Italian, Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Serbian, Sicilian, Slovene, Spanish, Ukrainian, Theatre
Modern Greek form of Phaidra (see Phaedra) as well as the standard form in various other languages.... [more]
Fejsal m Bosnian
Bosnian form of Faysal.
Felicija f Lithuanian, Croatian
Lithuanian and Croatian form of Felicia.
Felicijan m Croatian (Rare), Slovene (Rare)
Croatian and Slovene form of Felicianus.
Felitsia f Bulgarian (Rare)
Bulgarian form of Felicia.
Ferekid m Croatian
Croatian form of Pherecydes.
Ferekrat m Serbian, Ukrainian
Serbian and Ukrainian form of Pherecrates.
Ferida f Bosnian, Arabic
Variant of Farida.
Feruna f Slovene (Rare)
Slovene dialectal variant of Veronica.
Fevronija f Serbian
Serbian form of Febronia.
Fića m Croatian
Nickname for Filip.
Fićo m Croatian
Nickname for Filip.
Fidanka f Bulgarian, Macedonian, Serbian
Means "sapling, sprout, shoot" in Macedonian.
Fides f Croatian (Rare), Polish (Rare), History (Ecclesiastical), Roman Mythology
From Latin fides, meaning "faith, belief; trust". The name was perhaps originally given in reference to the early French saint Faith of Agen/Conques (martyred 287, 290, or 303), who is known as Sancta Fides in Latin... [more]
Fika f Bosnian
Short form of Šefika or Fikreta.
Fiko m Bosnian
Short form of Šefik or Fikret.
Fikret m Bosnian, Crimean Tatar
Derived from Arabic فِكْرَة (fikra) meaning "thought, idea".
Fikrija m & f Bosnian
Bosnian male form of Fikri and a female form of Fikriyya.
Fila m Croatian
Short form of Filip.
Filadelf m Catalan, Croatian
Catalan and Croatian form of Philadelphus.
Filaret m Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian, Moldovan, Romanian, Polish (Rare)
Form of Philaretos used in several languages.
Filolaj m Croatian
Croatian form of Philolaus.
Filomela f Serbian, Macedonian, Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, Finnish, Indonesian, Turkish, Portuguese, Breton, Italian, Catalan, Basque, Galician, Spanish
Serbian, Macedonian, Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, Finnish, Indonesian, Turkish, Portuguese, Breton, Italian, Catalan, Basque, Galician, and Spanish form of Philomel.
Filon m Bulgarian, Croatian, Polish, Russian, Serbian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Croatian, Polish, Russian, Serbian and Ukrainian form of Philon.
Filotej m Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian form of Philotheos via its latinized form Philotheus.
Filumena f Neapolitan, Sicilian, Sardinian, Czech (Archaic), Croatian (Archaic)
Sardinian, Sicilian and Neapolitan form of Filomena as well as an obsolete Czech and Croatian variant of Filomena.
Finey m Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Phineus.
Flavijan m Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian form of Flavianus (see Flavian).
Flavije m Croatian
Croatian form of Flavius.
Flaviy m Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Flavius.
Flaviya f Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Flavia.
Florencija f Croatian (Rare), Lithuanian (Rare)
Croatian and Lithuanian form of Florentia (see Florence). Note that Florencija is also the Lithuanian name for the Italian city of Florence.
Florencije m Croatian (Rare)
Croatian form of Florentius (see Florence).
Florija f Croatian (Rare), Slovene (Rare)
Croatian and Slovene form of Floria.
Florijana f Albanian, Croatian (Rare), Slovene (Rare)
Albanian, Croatian and Slovene form of Floriana.... [more]
Florjan m Albanian, Croatian (Rare), Slovene (Rare)
Variant of Florijan. A known bearer of this name is Florjan Lipuš (b. 1937), a Carinthian Slovene writer.
Fok m Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Phokos.
Foroney m Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Phoroneus.
Fortunat m Romansh, Polish (Rare), Ukrainian (Archaic), Lengadocian, Provençal, Gascon, Croatian (Archaic), French (Archaic)
Romansh, Croatian, Polish, Ukrainian, French and Occitan form of Fortunatus.
Fostirije m Serbian (Archaic)
Serbian form of Phosterios via its modern Greek transcription Fostirios.
Fotin m Bulgarian, Russian
Bulgarian and Russian form of Φωτεινός (Photeinos) and Φωτίνος (Photinos).
Fotiy m Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Photios.
Frana f Croatian
Feminine form of Frano and Frane.
Franca f Croatian, Slovene
Contracted form of Franciska and Frančiška. This name is also considered the feminine form of Franc.
Franček m Slovene
Diminutive of Frančišek.
Frančeska f Latvian (Modern, Rare), Croatian
Croatian and Latvian borrowing of Francesca.
Francheska f Bulgarian (Rare), Russian (Rare)
Russian and Bulgarian borrowing of Francesca.
Francika f Croatian
Short form of Franciska.
Franica f Croatian
Diminutive form of Franka 2 and Frana.
Franica f Slovene
Originally a diminutive of Frančiška, used as a given name in its own right.
Franja m & f Croatian
Variant male, as well as a feminine form of Franjo.
Franja f Slovene
Originally a diminutive of Frančiška, used as a given name in its own right.
Franjica f Croatian, Slovene
Croatian feminine form of Francis and Slovene diminutive of Franja (used as a given name in its own right).
Franjka f Croatian
Feminine form of Franjo.
Friderika f Hungarian, Slovene (Rare), Slovak, Banat Swabian
Slovene feminine form of Friderik, Hungarian feminine form of Frigyes (via Friedrich) and Slovak feminine form of Fridrich.
Fridrih m Russian, Serbian
Russian and Serbian form of Frederick.
Fridrik m Croatian
Croatian form of Frederick.
Frontin m Bosnian, Bulgarian, French (Archaic), Russian, Serbian, Ukrainian
Bosnian, Bulgarian, French, Russian, Serbian and Ukrainian form of Frontinus. In France, the name Frontin can also be a diminutive of Front.
Fronton m Bulgarian, Croatian, French, Greek, Polish, Russian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Croatian, French, Greek, Polish, Russian and Ukrainian form of Fronto.
Fulgencije m Croatian
Croatian form of Fulgentius.
Fulvijan m Croatian
Croatian form of Fulvianus.
Fulvije m Croatian
Croatian form of Fulvius.
Furije m Croatian
Croatian form of Furius.
Gaber m Slovene
Either a short form of Gabrijel or from the tree gaber "hornbeam".
Gaj m Croatian
Croatian form of Gaius.
Gajo m Croatian
Croatian form of Gaius.
Gala f Croatian
Derived from the world gala, an old Croatian adjective meaning "black, brown".
Galab m Bulgarian
Derived from Bulgarian гълъб (galab) meaning "pigeon, dove".
Galabin m Bulgarian
Derived from Bulgarian гълъб (gǎlǎb) "dove, pigeon".
Galabina f Bulgarian
Feminine form of Galabin.
Galena f English, Bulgarian
Bulgarian variant of Galina and Latinized form of Galene.
Galia f Bulgarian
Variant transcription of Галя (see Galya).
Galin m Bulgarian
Bulgarian form of Galen.
Galja f Bulgarian
Variant transcription of Галя (see Galya).
Ganka f Bulgarian
Originally a diminutive of Gergana (via Gerganka), used as a given name in its own right.
Gašo m Serbian
Diminutive of Gavrilo.
Gašpar m Croatian, Slovak
Croatian and Slovak form of Jasper.
Gelica f Slovene
Diminutive of Angela.
Genadiy m Bulgarian
Bulgarian form of Gennadiy.
Genka f Bulgarian
Originally a diminutive of Gergana, used as a given name in its own right.
Georgije m Serbian
Variant of George.
Georgiya f Bulgarian, Russian
Bulgarian and Russian form of Georgia.
Geps m & f Slovene
Diminutive of Gašper
Gera f Slovene
Short form of Gertruda.
Gerlinda f Dutch (Rare), Polish, Slovene
Dutch variant and Polish and Slovene form of Gerlinde.
Geršon m Croatian (Rare)
Croatian form of Gershon.
Geruša f Croatian (Rare), Czech (Rare)
Diminutive of Gertruda (Czech and Croatian) and Geralda (Czech). Also compare Geruška.
Geruška f Croatian (Rare), Czech (Rare)
Diminutive of Gertruda (Czech and Croatian) and Geralda (Czech). Also compare Geruša.
Gheorghi m Bulgarian
Bulgarian form of George.
Gigo m Georgian, Macedonian, Bosnian, Montenegrin, Serbian
Diminutive of Giorgi (Georgian), Gligor (Macedonian), Grigol (Georgian) and Igor (Bosnian, Montenegrin and Serbian).
Gizela f Polish, Kashubian, Slovene, Croatian, Sorbian, Czech, Slovak
Polish, Kashubian, Slovene, Croatian, Czech, Slovak and Sorbian form of Giselle.
Gjorgjija m Macedonian (Rare)
Variant of Gjorgji, which is the main Macedonian form of George.... [more]
Gjorgjina f Macedonian
Feminine form of Gjorgji.
Gjuro m Croatian (Archaic)
Archaic spelling of Đuro.
Glavk m Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Glaukos.
Glicerija f Croatian (Archaic), Slovene (Archaic)
Croatian and Slovene form of Glykeria via its latinized form Glyceria.
Glicerije m Croatian (Rare), Serbian (Rare)
Croatian and Serbian form of Glykerios via its latinized form Glycerius.
Glikerija f Lithuanian (Rare), Serbian (Archaic)
Lithuanian and Serbian form of Glykeria.
Gnej m Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian form of Gnaeus.
Goca f Croatian, Serbian
Short form of Gordana.
Goce m Macedonian
Variant of Gjorgji.
Godemir m Croatian (Rare)
Croatian form of Godzimir.
Goga f Croatian, Serbian
Pet form of Gordana.
Goja f Slovene
Feminine form of Gojko.
Gojka f Slovene
Feminine form of Gojko.
Golijat m Croatian (Rare)
Croatian form of Goliath.
Goljat m Biblical Swedish, Biblical Finnish, Slovene
Swedish, Finnish and Slovene form of Goliath.
Gorian m Macedonian, Slovene
Means "mountain" or "wood". Derived from south Slavic gora "mountain" and is a variation of name Goran
Goriana f Bulgarian
Variant transcription of Горяна (see Goryana).
Gorimir m Croatian
The first element of this name is derived from Proto-Slavic gora "mountain". The name Goran is of the same etymology. The second element is derived from Slavic mir "peace".
Gorislav m Croatian, Russian
The first element of this name is derived from Proto-Slavic gora "mountain". Also see Goran, which is of the same etymology. The second element is derived from Slavic slav "glory".
Gorislava f Croatian, Russian
Feminine form of Gorislav.
Goroslav m Croatian (Rare)
Derived from South Slavic gora "mountain" and slava ''glory''.
Goryan m Bulgarian
From Bulgarian горя (gorya) meaning "to burn".
Goryana f Bulgarian
Feminine form of Goryan.
Goryanka f Bulgarian
Diminutive of Goryana.
Gospodin m Bulgarian
Derived from Bulgarian Господ (Gospod) meaning "Lord, God", referring to Jesus.
Gospodinka f Bulgarian
Feminine form of Gospodin.
Gostimir m Croatian, Serbian
Means "peaceful guest", derived from Slavic gost "guest" combined with Slavic mir "peace".
Gotse m Bulgarian
Diminutive of Georgi.
Gracija f Serbian, Croatian, Slovene, Macedonian
Serbian, Croatian, and Slovene form of Gratia.
Gracijan m Croatian
Croatian form of Gratian.
Gracijela f Croatian, Serbian, Slovene
Croatian, Serbian and Slovene form of Graciela.
Gradimir m Bulgarian, Macedonian, Russian, Serbian, Croatian
The first element of this name can be derived from Serbo-Croatian grȃd, which can mean "city, town" as well as "fortress, castle" (which is ultimately derived from Proto-Slavic gordъ "settlement, enclosed space")... [more]
Gradislav m Serbian, Croatian (Rare)
The first element of this name can be derived from Serbo-Croatian grȃd, which can mean "city, town" as well as "fortress, castle" (which is ultimately derived from Proto-Slavic gordъ "settlement, enclosed space")... [more]
Gratsiela f Bulgarian
Bulgarian form of Graciela and Graziella.
Greti f German (Swiss, Rare), Slovene
Swiss-German diminutive of Margarete and Slovene diminutive of Greta.
Gretica f Slovene
Diminutive of Greta, occasionally used as a given name in its own right.
Grgo m Croatian
Variant form of Grga.
Grigorije m Serbian
Serbian form of Gregory.
Grozdanka f Bulgarian
Feminine form of Grozdan.
Gustelj m Slovene
Diminutive form of Auguštin.
Guzel f Tatar, Bosnian, Bashkir
Variant transcription of Guzal, Bosnian form of Güzel.
Gvido m Croatian, Latvian
Croatian and Latvian cognate of Guido.
Gvozdana f Serbian, Croatian
Feminine form of Gvozden.