Portuguese Submitted Names

Portuguese names are used in Portugal, Brazil and other Portuguese-speaking areas. See also about Portuguese names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Edno m Portuguese
Portuguese masculine form of Edna.
Edson m Portuguese (Brazilian), English (American, Rare)
Variant of Edison or transferred use of the surname Edson. This was the name of Brazilian soccer player Pelé (Edson Arantes do Nascimento), widely considered one of the greatest players of all time... [more]
Eduíno m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Edwin.
Efísio m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Ephesius.
Egas m Medieval Portuguese, Portuguese (African)
Medieval Portuguese name, probably of Visigothic origin. It is likely from Proto-Germanic *agjō meaning "blade" (compare Ago and Egon).
Egeu m Catalan, Portuguese, Romanian
Catalan, Portuguese and Romanian form of Aegeus.
Eithel m Antillean Creole (Rare), Spanish (Latin American, Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare)
Meaning uncertain. Also compare the similar-looking name Eitel.
Elcana m Portuguese, Biblical Portuguese, Biblical Spanish, Spanish, Romanian
Portuguese and Romanian form of Elkanah and Spanish variant of Elcaná.
Elci f Portuguese (Brazilian)
Apparently a Brazilian Portuguese borrowing of Elsie, or else a variant of Erci.
Elem f Portuguese (Brazilian)
Possibly a short form of Suelem.
Eleno m Spanish (Rare), Italian (Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian)
Spanish, Italian and Portuguese form of Helenos and masculine form of Elena.
Eliander m Spanish (Latin American, Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare)
This given name is predominantly used in South America. In the Spanish-speaking countries of that continent, it is probably a combination of a name starting with Eli- (such as Elisa) with a name ending in -ander (such as Alexander)... [more]
Elianderson m Portuguese (Brazilian)
Probably a modern combination of a given name starting with Eli- (such as Elias and Elisa) with the English surname Anderson... [more]
Eliandro m Portuguese (Brazilian)
This given name is predominantly used in Brazil. Seeing as it is fairly common in especially Latin-American countries for parents to give their child a name that is a combination of their own names, this name is probably a combination of a name starting with Eli- (such as Elisabete) with a name ending in -andro (such as Leandro).... [more]
Eliano m Italian, Portuguese
Italian and Portuguese form of Aelian.
Élida f Spanish, Galician, Portuguese (Brazilian)
Possibly from Élide, the Spanish name for the historic region of Elis, located in Greece.
Elídia f Portuguese (Brazilian)
Portuguese feminine form of Elidius.
Elielson m Portuguese (Brazilian)
Combination of Eliel and the suffix -son, found in names like Edson, Wilson or Anderson.
Eliene f Portuguese (Brazilian)
Brazilian borrowing of Élienne.
Eliete f Portuguese (Brazilian)
Brazilian borrowing of Éliette.
Elimeleque m Biblical, Portuguese
Portuguese form of Elimelech.
Elinaldo m Portuguese (Brazilian)
Combination of Eli 1 and Naldo or else a variant of Erinaldo.
Éliton m Portuguese (Brazilian)
Possibly a variant of Wellington.
Elivelton m Portuguese (Brazilian)
Allegedly a combination of Eli 1 and Welton.
Elizeth f Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare), Portuguese (African, Rare), Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
Possibly a contraction of Elizabeth used in Latin America and Angola; also compare Lizeth. A famous bearer of this name was Elizeth Cardoso (1920-1990), a Brazilian singer and actress... [more]
Ellanova f Portuguese
Combination of Ella 2 and Nova.
Eloá f Portuguese (Brazilian)
Portuguese (Brazilian) form of Eloah.
Eloah m & f Theology, Portuguese (Brazilian)
A variant of Elah or a singular form of Elohim, typically occurring only in poetry and prose. This unusual singular form of Elohim is used in six places for heathen deities (cf... [more]
Elódia f Portuguese
Portuguese form of Elodia
Elvirinha f Portuguese
Diminutive of Elvira.
Elzo m Portuguese (Brazilian)
The meaning of this name is unknown.... [more]
Emanoel m Portuguese (Brazilian)
Brazilian variant of Emanuel.
Emélia f Portuguese
Portuguese form of Emmelia.
Emerenciana f Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan, Medieval Flemish
Catalan, Spanish, Portuguese and medieval Flemish form of Emerentiana.
Emilinha f Portuguese
Diminutive of Emilia.
Emilinho m Portuguese
Diminutive of Emilio.
Encarnação f Portuguese
Portuguese form of Encarnación.
Enedina f History (Ecclesiastical), Spanish, Portuguese (Brazilian), Sardinian (Rare), Medieval Basque
Possibly from Greek ἐνηδύνω (enedýno) meaning "to cheer, to gratify". This was the name of an early Christian saint from Sardinia, known as Henedina in Latin; she was martyred with Saints Justa and Justina in the year 130 AD... [more]
Eneias m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Aeneas.
Enesidemo m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Aenesidemus.
Enguerrando m Portuguese (Rare)
Portuguese form of Ingram.
Enilda f Portuguese (Brazilian), Spanish (Latin American)
Feminine form of Enildo or else a variant of Anilda.
Enopião m Portuguese (Rare)
Portuguese form of Oenopion.
Epafrodito m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Epaphroditus.
Epaminondas m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Greek, Portuguese (Brazilian)
Latinized form and modern Greek transcription of Epameinondas. This name was borne by a general and statesman of 4th-century BC Greece who transformed the ancient Greek city-state of Thebes, leading it out of Spartan subjugation into a preeminent position in Greek politics... [more]
Epimeteu m Catalan, Portuguese, Romanian
Catalan, Portuguese and Romanian form of Epimetheus.
Epitácio m Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare)
Probably comes from Greek επιτακτες (epitaktes), which means "leader, commander".
Epiteto m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Epiktetos via its latinized form Epictetus.
Equionte m Portuguese (Rare)
Portuguese form of Echion.
Erasto m Italian, Portuguese, Spanish
Italian Portuguese and Spanish forms of Erastos (see Erastus).
Eratóstenes m Galician, Spanish, Portuguese
Galician, Spanish and Portuguese form of Eratosthenes.
Érebo m Spanish, Portuguese
Spanish and Portuguese form of Erebus.
Eremita f Portuguese (Brazilian)
Derived from Portuguese eremita "hermit".
Erenita f Portuguese (Brazilian)
Apparently a variant of Eremita.
Erice m & f Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare)
Presumably a Brazilian form of Eric.
Erígio m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Erigyius.
Erigo m Italian (Rare), Spanish (Rare), Portuguese (Rare)
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Eric.
Erikon m Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare)
Possibly a transferred use of the surname Erikon.
Erinaldo m Portuguese (Brazilian)
Probably a variant of Rinaldo.
Erine f Portuguese (Brazilian, ?)
Unknown meaning. Perhaps a variant of Erin.
Erique m Portuguese (Brazilian)
Brazilian Portuguese form of Eric.
Erison m Portuguese (Brazilian)
Invented name, possibly inspired by similar names like Eric and Emerson.
Erivaldo m Portuguese (Brazilian)
Portuguese form of Hariwald and thus a variant of Haroldo.
Erlindo m Portuguese (Rare), Spanish (Latin American)
Probably a Portuguese variant of Arlindo as well as the Spanish equivalent of Arlindo.
Ermenilde f Portuguese (Rare)
Portuguese form of Irmhild.
Ermeson m Portuguese (Brazilian)
Possibly a variant of Emerson.
Ernandes m Portuguese (Brazilian)
Derived from the surname Hernandes.
Ernâni m Portuguese
Portuguese variant form of Hernâni.
Erondina f Portuguese (Brazilian)
Derived from Vulgar Latin *harundina, ultimately derived from Latin hirundo meaning "swallow".
Erundina f Spanish, Galician, Portuguese (Brazilian)
Spanish and Galician form of Erondina, also a Portuguese variant.
Esaú m Catalan (Rare), Spanish, Portuguese
Catalan, Spanish and Portuguese form of Esau.
Escamandro m Spanish, Portuguese
Spanish and Portuguese form of Skamandros via Scamander.
Escarlate f Portuguese (Rare)
Portuguese cognate of Scarlet.
Escauro m Spanish, Portuguese
Spanish and Portuguese form of Scaurus.
Escolástica f Spanish, Galician, Portuguese
Spanish, Galician and Portuguese form of Scholastica.
Escolástico m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Scholasticus (see Scholastica).
Escribónia f Portuguese
Portuguese form of Scribonia.
Escribônio m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Scribonius.
Esculápio m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Asklepios via Aesculapius.
Esmael m Filipino, Maguindanao, Persian, Portuguese (Brazilian)
Maguindanao form of Ismail, Persian alternate transcription of Esmail as well as a Brazilian Portuguese variant of Ismael.
Esmaragda f Spanish (Rare), Portuguese (Archaic)
Spanish and Portuguese form of Smaragda.
Esmaragdo m Spanish, Portuguese
Spanish and Portuguese form of Smaragdos via its latinized form Smaragdus.
Esmirna f Portuguese (Rare)
Portuguese form of Myrrha.
Espártaco m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Spartacus.
Esperidião m Portuguese (Brazilian)
Variant of Espiridião. This is borne by Brazilian politician Esperidião Amin (1947-).
Espeusipo m Spanish, Portuguese
Spanish and Portuguese form of Speusippos via its latinized form Speusippus.
Espiridião m Portuguese (Rare)
Portuguese form of Spyridon.... [more]
Espúrio m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Spurius.
Estácio m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Stachys.
Estanislau m Catalan, Galician (Rare), Gascon, Provençal, Portuguese (Brazilian)
Catalan, Galician, Portuguese, Gascon and Provençal form of Stanislav.
Estatília f Portuguese
Portuguese form of Statilia.
Estatílio m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Statilius.
Estaurácio m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Staurakios via its latinized form Stauracius.
Estelita f Spanish (Philippines), Portuguese (Brazilian)
Diminutive of Estela. A bearer of this name is Estelita Bantilan, a Filipino textile weaver.
Estrela f Galician (Rare), Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazilian)
Derived from Portuguese and Galician estrela "star" as well as a variant of Estela. As a Portuguese name, it is also used in reference to the title of the Virgin Mary Nossa Senhora da Estrela ("Our Lady of the Good Star").
Estúrmio m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Sturm via it's Latinized form Sturmius.
Etã m Portuguese (Rare)
Portuguese form of "Ethan"
Etão m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Ethan.
Etelberto m Italian (Rare), Spanish, Portuguese
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Ethelbert via its latinized form Ethelbertus. Also compare Edilberto.
Etiene f & m Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare), French (African, Rare)
Brazilian and French variant of Étienne. While the name is Masculine in French-Influenced Africa, in Brazil, this name is typically feminine.... [more]
Eucaris f Spanish, Spanish (Latin American), Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazilian)
Spanish and Portuguese form of Eucharis. It is most often used in Venezuela and Colombia.
Eufêmio m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Euphemios.
Eufrónio m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Euphronios via its latinized form Euphronius.
Eulina f Portuguese (Brazilian)
Possibly derived from Aeolia or else a diminutive of Eulalia.
Eulógio m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Eulogius (see Eulogios).
Eumênio m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Eumenius via Eumenes.
Eumir m Spanish (Latin American), Portuguese (Brazilian)
Combination of a name that starts with Eu- (such as Eugênio and Eustaquio) with a name that either starts with Mir- (such as Miriã and Mirta) or ends in -mir (such as Ademir).... [more]
Eunóico m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Eunoikos via its latinized form Eunoicus.
Eurico m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Euric.
Eurídice f Catalan, Spanish, Portuguese
Catalan, Spanish and Portuguese form of Eurydice.
Eurípedes m Portuguese
Variant of Eurípides, the Portuguese form of Euripides.
Euristeu m Catalan, Portuguese
Catalan and Portuguese form of Eurystheus.
Eustátio m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Eustathios via Eustathius.