Medieval Submitted Names

These names were used in medieval times.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Härjulf m Old Swedish, Swedish
Old Swedish form of Hæriulfr.
Härlef m Old Swedish
Old Swedish form of Herleifr.
Härlek m Old Swedish
Old Swedish form of Herleikr.
Härlög m Old Swedish
Old Swedish form of Herlaugr.
Hartika m Old Swedish
Old Swedish form of Harteke.
Hartwik m Old Swedish
Old Swedish form of Hartwig.
Hartz m Medieval Basque
Derived from Basque hartz "bear".
Hasala f Medieval German
Probably a hypochoristic form of names containing the name element hadu "battle, combat". In Old High German, the word hasala means "hazel", but I don't think that this is the etymology of the name.
Hasse m Old Danish
Means "from Hesse, Germany".
Hasten m Old Danish, Old Swedish
Old Danish and Old Swedish form of Hásteinn.
Havelok m Literature, Medieval English
Transferred use of the surname Havelok. This name is also the source of the English surname Havelock.
Haveron m Medieval English
Medieval variant of Harvey.
Haward m Medieval English, English, Anglo-Scandinavian
Anglo-Scandinavian form of Heahweard and or Hávarðr. The modern form is derived from the surname Haward... [more]
Hawiz f Medieval Breton
Breton cognate of Hawise.
Hawkin m Medieval English
Diminutive of Henry.
Hazecha f Medieval German
A diminutive form of names with the secondary German name element HAZ derived from the Germanic name element HAD "battle, combat".... [more]
Hebbla f Old Swedish
Old Swedish name of unknown origin. Found in Östergötland in Sweden and in Finland.
Hebla f Old Swedish
A variant form of Hebbla.
Hedhindis f Old Swedish
Old Swedish form of Heðindís.
Hedwiga f Prague German, Medieval Polish, Romanian (Rare)
Prague German form of Hedvika and older Polish form of Jadwiga.
Hefni m Old Danish
Old Danish form of Hæfnir.
Hehild f Medieval English
Variation of Heahhild used in the Old English times.
Heijlwidis f Medieval German
Medieval German form of Eloise.
Heijndelen m Medieval Dutch
Possibly a diminutive of Hendrick.
Heile f Medieval Dutch
Short form of names beginning with the Old German element heil meaning "healthy, whole".
Heilecke f Medieval German
Medieval German form of Heilike.
Heilken f Medieval Dutch, Medieval German
Medieval pet form of Helena, Heilwig and Hildegonda (and similar names starting with Heil- and Hil-)... [more]
Heilwige f Medieval Flemish, Medieval German
Variant of Heilwig. This was the name of a Christian mystic from Brussels.
Heinman m Medieval Dutch
Diminutive of Hein 1 (compare Hanneman).
Hekosz m Medieval Polish
Diminutive of Ekard via the variant Hekard.
Hektorka f Medieval Polish
Medieval Polish feminine form of Hector.
Helenora f Medieval Latin
Medieval Latin form of Eleanor, recorded in England.
Helewis f Medieval English
Medieval English form of Eloise.
Helewise f Medieval English
Medieval English form of Eloise.
Helewivis f Medieval German
Medieval German form of Eloise.
Helger m Old Swedish, Swedish (Rare), Estonian
Old Swedish form of Hæilgæirr and Swedish variant of Helge.
Helghi m Old Danish
Old Danish form of Helgi.
Hélias m Medieval French, French (Modern)
French form of Helias. The name was revived in the 1990s.
Heliga f Old Swedish
Variant of Helga.
Helina f Medieval Polish
Medieval Polish variant of Alina.
Helioner f Medieval English
Medieval English form of Eleanor.
Helissent f Medieval French
Probably from an Old French form of the Germanic name Alahsind, which is composed of the elements alah "temple" and sinþs "path" (compare Elisenda).
Helja f Old Swedish, Finnish (Rare), Estonian (Rare)
Originally an Old Swedish diminutive of Helga, Helena and other names beginning with the element Hel-. See also Heljä.
Hellicha f Medieval Dutch
Hellicha of Wittelsbach was Duchess consort of Bohemia from 1189 to 1198, married to Duke Conrad II.
Helloysis f Medieval French
Medieval French form of Eloise.
Helmtrud f Medieval German, German (Rare, Archaic)
Derived from Old High German helm "helmet, protection" combined with þruþ "strength."
Helmuastus m Old Swedish
Latinized form of Hialmfastr.
Heloys f Medieval French
Medieval French variant of Héloïse.
Helpfrid m Medieval German
Old High German combination of helfa "help" and fridu "peace", "friendship".
Helusch f German (Silesian, Archaic), Medieval German
Diminutive of names starting in *Hel-* or *Hil-* like Helene, Helmtrud, or Hiltrud.
Helvi f Old Swedish
Old Swedish form of Hæilví.
Helvid' f Medieval French (Rare)
Medieval French form of Eloise.
Helvig f Old Danish
Danish form of Heilwig. It has sometimes been conflated with Hedvig.
Helvira f Medieval Spanish
Medieval form of Elvira.
Helviz f Medieval French
Medieval French form of Eloise.
Helwys f Medieval English
Medieval English form of Eloise.
Helyenors f Medieval French
Medieval Latin form of Eleanor, recorded in France.
Helyoudis f Medieval French
Medieval French form of Eloise.
Helzbieta f Medieval Polish
Medieval variant of Elżbieta.
Hemard m Medieval French
Derived from Old High German heim, Old Frankish *haim "home" and Old Saxon hard, Old High German hart meaning "strong, hard".
Hemkil m Old Swedish
Old Swedish form of Hæimkæll.
Hemmingus m Old Swedish
Latinized form of Hemming.
Hendina f Medieval English
Meaning uncertain. According to, the name was derived from the Old English word (ge)hende meaning "courteous, handsome". But in Wiktionary, it is said that the word gehende means "close, near, nearby".
Hendrie m Scots (Archaic), Medieval Scottish
Medieval Scots variant of Hendry.
Henkel m Medieval German
Diminutive of Johann.
Henkil m Old Danish, Old Swedish
Old Danish and Old Swedish form of Hæimkæll.
Henna f Medieval English
Feminization of Henn, a medieval diminutive of Henry.
Henna f Judeo-Anglo-Norman
Variant of Hanna 1 as well as a short form of Jehanna.
Henne m & f German (Rare, Archaic), Medieval German
A short form of Heinrich or Johannes. The name is occasionally also used on females.
Henric m Gascon, Swedish (Rare), Romanian, Medieval Dutch
Gascon and Romanian form of Henry, Swedish variant of Henrik and medieval Dutch variant of Hendrick.
Henrick m Swedish (Rare), Dutch (Rare), Medieval Baltic
Swedish and Dutch variant of Henrik as well as a medieval Latvian variant of Hinrick.
Henriet m Medieval French
Diminutive of Henri.
Henrrique m Portuguese (Brazilian), Medieval Spanish
Brazilian Portuguese variant of Henrique and medieval Spanish variant of Enrique.
Herannuen f Medieval Breton
Derived from Old Breton hoiarn "iron" and the feminine suffix -uen.
Herbern m Medieval Dutch, Frisian (Archaic)
Medieval Dutch and Frisian form of Heribern.
Herbertus m Medieval, Dutch (Rare)
Latinized form of Herbert.
Herborg f Norwegian, Faroese, Icelandic, Old Norse, Old Swedish, Danish (Rare), Swedish (Rare)
Derived from Old Norse harja or herr "army" combined with Old Norse björg "protection, help".
Herbort m Medieval Polish
Derived from the Germanic elements heri / hari "army" and brort "blade, spearhead, edge (of a sword)".
Hereburg f Medieval English
Possibly derived from Old English elements here meaning "army, military" and burg meaning "fortress".
Hereswind f Medieval German
A dithematic name formed from the Germanic name elements heri "army" and swind "strong".
Heri m Medieval Scandinavian, Faroese, Danish
Faroese name of uncertain derivation, used since at least the 14th century. It is possibly a diminutive of names beginning with the Old Norse element herr meaning "army", or derived from Old Norse héri "hare" or "hare-hearted"... [more]
Herilde f Medieval French
Derived from Old High German heri "host, army" and hiltja "battle".
Herith f Medieval English
Variation of Heregyð used in the Old English times.
Herlewin m Medieval English, Medieval German
Derived from Old English eorl "earl" or Old Saxon erl "earl, man" combined with Old English wine or Old High German wini "friend".
Herlinde f German (Rare), Medieval German
The name Herlinde is formed from the Germanic name elements heri "army" and linta "linden tree, lime; shield (made of lime wood); gentle, soft".... [more]
Herlugh m Old Danish
Old Danish form of Hærlaugr.
Hermoth m Old Danish
Old Danish form of Herimot.
Hermuthruda f Old Danish
A dithematic Germanic name formed from the name elements irmin "whole, universal" and drud "strong".... [more]
Herse m Old Swedish
Derived from the Old Norse 'hersir' (Viking chief or prince). Often associated with the wide-ranging Bure dynasty, who trace their lineage back to Herse Falesson Bure (born circa 1350), and possibly even to Herse Bure (born circa 940).
Hersent f Medieval French, Medieval English
Old French form of a Germanic name derived from the elements heri meaning "host, army" and Old Saxon swith, Gothic swinþs meaning "strong".
Hervor f Swedish, Norwegian (Rare), Medieval Scandinavian
Swedish and Norwegian form of Hervǫr. This was the name of two heroines in the 'Hervarar saga', written in the 13th century. It also appears in 'Landnámabók' (in chapter 10, belonging to Hervor, daughter of Þórgerðr Eylaugsdóttir).
Heske f German (Silesian, Archaic), Medieval German
Medieval Silesian German diminutive of Hedwig.
Hesther f Old Swedish
Old Swedish variant of Hester.
Hew m English, Medieval English
Diminutive of Matthew as well as a medieval diminutive of Hugh.
Hewet m Medieval English
Diminutive of Hugh. See also Huguette.
Hextilda f Medieval Scottish (Latinized)
Latinized form of an Old English name, the deuterotheme of which is hild "battle, war" (cf. Hilda, Hildr). The prototheme is disputed, but may be Old English hīehst, hēhst "highest, greatest, most illustrious".... [more]
Heyman m Medieval Dutch, Dutch (Rare)
Medieval Dutch form of Hagiman. In that era, Heyman was sometimes also used as a pet form of Hendrick.... [more]
Heyne m Medieval Dutch
Short form of Hendrick.
Hezelo m Medieval German, Medieval French
A hypocoristic of any of various names beginning with Old Saxon hētha, Old High German heida and Gothic haiþi meaning "heath". Hezelo, as well as Hezel, can also be a Middle High German diminutive of either Herman or Henry.
Hiælm m Old Swedish
Old Swedish form of Hialmr.
Hiælmger m Old Swedish
Old Swedish form of Hialmgæirr.
Hiälmdis f Old Swedish
Old Swedish form of Hialmdís.
Hiälmlög f Old Swedish
Old Swedish form of Hialmlaug.
Hich m Medieval English
Medieval diminutive of Richard (compare Hicke). In England, this name was common in the 13th century, particularly in Cheshire.
Hick m Medieval English
Medieval diminutive form of Richard using rhyming slang. It has dropped out of use because of the word 'hick' being a derogatory slang term used to refer to an uneducated, unsophisticated person from the country.
Hicke m Medieval English
Medieval diminutive of Richard. The change in the initial consonant is said to have been caused by the way the velar Norman R was pronounced by the English (compare Dick 1).... [more]
Hickin m Medieval English
Diminutive of Isaac.
Hidhin m Old Swedish
Old Swedish form of Heðinn.
Hielm m Old Danish
Old Danish form of Hialmr.
Hiérosme m Medieval French
Medieval French variant of Jérôme.
Higg m Medieval English
Diminutive of Isaac.
Higgin m Medieval English
Diminutive of Isaac.
Higgot m Medieval English
Diminutive of Isaac.
Hildebod m Medieval French, Medieval German
Derived from Old High German hiltja "battle" and Old High German boto "messenger".
Hildebold m Medieval German
A dithematic name form from the Germanic name elements hild "battle" and bald "bold".
Hildeburg f Medieval English, Medieval French, Medieval German
Derived from Old High German hiltja meaning "battle" and Old High German burg "castle, city, stronghold" or Old High German berg "mountain, hill".
Hildegærdh f Old Swedish
Old Swedish form of Hildegard.
Hildegaud m Medieval French
Derived from Old High German hiltja meaning "battle" and Tribal name Gaut meaning "Geat".
Hildegod m Medieval French
Derived from Old High German hiltja meaning "battle" and Old High German, Old Dutch got, Old Saxon, Old Frisian, Old English god meaning "god, deity".
Hildegude f Medieval French
Derived from Old High German hiltja meaning "battle" and Old High German guot, Old Frisian, Old Saxon gōd meaning "good".
Hildeken f Medieval Dutch, Flemish (Rare)
Medieval Dutch diminutive of feminine given names that contain the Germanic element hild meaning "battle", such as Hildegonda and Mathilde... [more]
Hildelinde f Medieval French
Derived from Old High German hiltja meaning "battle" and Proto-Germanic *linþaz meaning "gentle, sweet, mild".
Hildenibia f Medieval French
Derived from Old High German hiltja meaning "battle" and Gothic niujis, Old High German niuwi, niwi meaning "new".
Hildesinde f Medieval German, Medieval French
Derived from Old High German hiltja meaning "battle" and Old Saxon swīth, Gothic swinþs from Proto-Germanic *swinþaz meaning "strong".
Hildgyð f Medieval English
Possibly derived from Old English elements hild meaning "battle" and guð also meaning "battle".
Hildiard f Anglo-Norman
Anglo-Norman French form of Hildegard.
Hildith f Medieval English
Medieval English form of Old English Hildgyð.
Hildois f Medieval French
Derived from Old High German hiltja meaning "battle" and Old Saxon widu, wido, Old High German witu meaning "wood".
Hille f East Frisian, Estonian, German (Rare), German (Silesian, Rare), Medieval Dutch
Short form of names containing the element hild, for example Mathilda. It was first recorded in the 1300s and is still occasionally used (as opposed to some of its variant forms)... [more]
Hinrick m East Frisian, Medieval Baltic
East Frisian variant of Hinrich and medieval Latvian form of Heinrich.
Hinz m Medieval German, German (Archaic)
A once very popular short form of Heinrich.
Hitch m Medieval English
Medieval diminutive of Richard.
Hithin m Old Danish
Old Danish form of Heðinn.
Hizecha f Medieval German
A diminutive from names with the secondary name element HIZ (derived from hild "battle, strength").
Hjälm m Old Swedish
Old Swedish variant of Hiælm.
Hjälmger m Old Swedish
Old Swedish form of Hialmgæirr.
Hnabi m Medieval German
German form of Hnefi.
Hobby m Medieval English
Medieval English diminutive of Robin. This is where the English word hobby was derived.
Hodge m Medieval English
Medieval diminutive of Roger. The change in the initial consonant is said to have been caused by the way the velar Norman R was pronounced by the English.... [more]
Hodierna f Medieval French (Latinized)
Medieval French form of Odierne, an Old French form of Audigerna, with the spelling altered under influence by Latin hodierna "of today, present-day, existing now"... [more]
Hodierne f Medieval French
Old French variant of Hodierna, which was apparently less common than the more usual Odierne.
Hoelun f Medieval Mongolian
Etymology uncertain. Name borne by an Olkhonud woman, who was the mother of Genghis Khan.
Høghne m Old Swedish
Old Swedish form of Hǫgni.
Hoghni m Old Danish
Old Danish form of Hǫgni.
Högne m Old Swedish, Norse Mythology
Swedish form of Hagni. This was the name of a legendary king of the Swedish province Östergötland. He appears in the epic works 'Heimskringla' and 'Volsunga saga' written in the 13th century by Snorri Sturluson.
Høk m Old Danish, Old Swedish
Old Danish and Old Swedish form of Haukr.
Holbert m Medieval English
From the Germanic elements hold "friendly, gracious, loyal" and beraht "bright".
Holgerd f Old Danish (Rare)
Likely derived from the male given name Holger.
Holiver m Medieval Catalan
Late medieval Catalan variant of Oliver.
Holmdis f Old Swedish
Old Swedish form of Holmdís.
Holmgun f Old Swedish
Old Swedish combination of holmr "small island" and gunnr "battle, fight".
Holmlög f Old Swedish
Old Swedish form of Holmlaug.
Holmstanus m Old Swedish
Latinized form of Holmsten.
Holmsten m Old Swedish, Old Danish
Old Swedish and Old Danish form of Holmstæinn.
Honesta f Medieval Italian
Derived from Latin honesta "distinguished, reputable; respected, honorable".
Horabona f Medieval Italian
Derived from Latin hora meaning "hour; time, season" and Latin bona meaning "good, kind, right, pleasant; valid, useful, healthy".
Horsa m Judeo-Catalan (Archaic), Medieval Jewish
Of uncertain origin and meaning. Current theories include an adaption of Hebrew Hoshaya and a variant of Catalan Ursí (via the variant Ors).
Horsan m Medieval Occitan
Variant of Horsa (see user-submitted name).
Hose m Judeo-Anglo-Norman
Might be a variant of Hosea
Hostivít m Medieval Czech
Means "to welcome guests", from the Slavonic hosti, meaning "guests", and vítat, meaning "to welcome". Hostivít was the last of the seven Bohemian mythical princes between the (also mythical) founder of the Přemyslid dynasty, Přemysl the Ploughman and the first historical prince Bořivoj.
Houde f Medieval French
Medieval French cognate of Otta.
Houkin m Medieval English
Diminutive of Hugh.
Hożanka f Medieval Polish
Medieval Polish diminutive of Ożanna.
Hrotsvitha f Medieval German
Medieval German form of Roswitha.
Hubald m Medieval French, Medieval English, Medieval German
Derived from Old German hugu meaning "mind, heart" and Old High German bald meaning "bold".
Hubertin m Medieval French
Medieval French diminutive of Hubert, as it contains the French masculine diminutive suffix -in.
Hubertine f Medieval French, French (Rare), French (Belgian), Dutch, German (Rare)
Medieval French diminutive of Huberte, as it contains the French feminine diminutive suffix -ine. In other words: this name is the feminine form of Hubertin.... [more]
Hudkin m Medieval English
Medieval diminutive of Hudde
Hudria f Medieval French
Recorded in 16th-century French-speaking Switzerland.
Hug m Medieval German
Medieval German form of Hugo.
Hugelin m Medieval English
Diminutive of Hugh.
Huggin m Medieval English
Diminutive of Hugh.
Hughe m Old Danish, Medieval Dutch
Old Danish form of Hugi and medieval Dutch variant of Hugo.
Hugheman m Medieval Dutch
Diminutive of Hughe (compare Hanneman).
Hughi m Old Swedish
Old Swedish form of Hugi.
Hugolina f Medieval English
Feminine form of Hugo or Hugolin used in the Old English times.
Hugonet m Medieval English
Diminutive of Hugh.
Huguelin m Medieval French
Double diminutive of Hugues.
Hugyn m Medieval English
Diminutive of Hugh.
Huldegarde f Medieval French
Derived from Old High German hold meaning "friendly, comely, graceful" and Old Saxon gard, Old High German gart meaning "enclosure, protection; yard, garden".
Huldward m Medieval French
Derived from Old High German hold meaning "friendly, comely, graceful" and Old High German wart meaning "guard, ward".
Huldwin m Medieval French
Derived from Old High German hold meaning "friendly, comely, graceful" and Old High German wini meaning "friend".
Hullah f Medieval Arabic
Means "dress, garment" in Arabic.
Human f Medieval Arabic (Moorish)
Means "melted snow" in Arabic.
Humbelina f Polish (Rare), Medieval French
Feminine form of Humbelin, which in turn is a double diminutive of Humbert. Folk etymology connects it to Latin umbria meaning "shadow"... [more]
Humfroy m Medieval French
Medieval French variant of Onfroi and Humphrey. Also compare Humbert and Godefroy.
Humiliana f Medieval Italian (Rare)
The name is derived from the Latin word humilis "humble".
Humilis m Late Roman, Medieval Italian, Medieval Latin
Means "humble" in Latin, from humilis meaning "low". Used by an Italian saint of the same name.
Hunger m Medieval German
A dithematic name formed from the name elements hun "bear cub" and ger "javelin, spear".... [more]
Hunold m German (Rare, Archaic), Medieval Polish
Formed from the two Germanic name elements hun "bear cub" and walt "to rule".