Hungarian Submitted Names

Hungarian names are used in the country of Hungary in central Europe. See also about Hungarian names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Klió f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Clio.
Kocsárd m Hungarian
Probably from kocsord meaning "Peucedanum plant".
Kökény f Hungarian (Modern, Rare)
Derived from Hungarian kökény "blackthorn, sloe tree".
Kolen m Hungarian
Hungarian varient of Colin.
Kolett f Hungarian
Short form of Nikolett.
Koletta f Hungarian
Truncated form of Nikoletta.
Kolomba f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Columba.
Kolozs m Hungarian
Variant of Kolos.
Konstancia f Swedish (Rare), Hungarian
Hungarian feminine form of Konstantin and Swedish variant of Constantia.
Korbin m Hungarian
Shortened version of Korbinián.
Kordélia f Hungarian (Rare)
Hungarian form of Cordelia. Its name day is October 22.
Koriolán m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Coriolanus.
Kornéliusz m Hungarian
Cognate of Cornelius, meaning "horn".
Korvin m Bulgarian, Croatian, Russian, Ukrainian, Hungarian
Bulgarian, Croatian, Hungarian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Corvinus.
Kövecs m Hungarian (Rare)
Old Hungarian first name, means "pebble", made out of the words , kavics.
Kozima f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Cosima.
Kreszcenciusz m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Crescentius.
Krimhilda f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Kriemhild.
Kriszta f Hungarian (Modern)
Hungarian short form of Krisztina.
Krisztiána f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Christiana.
Krizosztom m Hungarian
Cognate of Chrysostomos, meaning "golden mouth".
Küllikki f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Kyllikki.
Kunigunda f Slovene, Hungarian
Slovene and Hungarian form of Kunigunde.
Kunó m Hungarian
Cognate of Kuno, meaning "clan, family".
Kürt m Hungarian
From the name of an ancient Hungarian tribe. This tribal name was probably of Turkish origin and possibly meant "snow slip, avalanche". This name should not be confused with unrelated name Kurt.... [more]
Lacika m Hungarian
Diminutive of László.
Ladiszla f Hungarian
Feminine form of László via the Latinization Ladislaus.
Lajkó m Hungarian
Diminutive form of Lajos.
Larina f Hungarian (Rare)
Of uncertain origin and meaning. Theories include a diminutive of Hilária which is occasionally used as a given name in its own right.
Larion m Romanian, Ukrainian, Hungarian
Truncated form of Ilarion.
Larissza f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Larissa.
Lartia f Hungarian
Derived from the Latin nomen Lartius (see Larth).
Laslo m Hungarian (Modern), Serbian
Serbian form and Hungarian variant of László.
Lászlóné f Hungarian
Feminine form of Laszlo.
Lavínia f Catalan, Portuguese, Hungarian
Hungarian, Portuguese and Catalan form of Lavinia.
Leándrosz m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Leandros.
Léda f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Leda.
Lehel m Hungarian, History
Younger form of Lél. Lehel (died 955) was a Magyar chieftain, one of the military leaders of prince Taksony of Hungary, and a descendant of Árpád.
Lejla f Hungarian
Magyarized form of Leila.
Lél m Hungarian (Archaic)
Derived from Hungarian lélek "soul".
Lelle f Hungarian
Feminine form of Lél. While in the Middle Ages, Lelle was a masculine variant of Lél, it has been revived as a strictly feminine form of the name.
Lenci m Hungarian
Diminutive form of Lőrinc.
Lenke f Hungarian
Diminutive of Heléna and Magdaléna via German Lenchen and Slavic Lenka.
Lenóra f Hungarian
Contracted form of Eleonóra.
Leó m Icelandic, Hungarian
Icelandic and Hungarian form of Leo. A bearer is Daníel Leó Grétarsson, who is an Icelandic footballer and Leó Weiner who is a Hungarian composer.
Leonárd m Hungarian
Hungarian borrowing of Leonard.
Leónidasz m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Leonidas.
Leonidász m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Leonidas.
Leonóra f Hungarian
Truncated form of Eleonóra.
Leopoldina f German (Rare), English (Rare), Portuguese (Rare), Galician, Romanian, Slovene, Hungarian
German, Portuguese and English variant and Galician, Romanian, Hungarian and Slovene form of Leopoldine. Leopoldina of Austria (1797 – 1826) was the first Brazilian empress.
Lestár m Hungarian
Hungarian variant of Euszták via the form Leustachius.
Létó f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Leto.
Letta f Hungarian
Short form of Violetta, occasionally used as a given name in its own right.
Levendula f Hungarian (Modern, Rare)
Derived from Hungarian levendula "lavender".
Lévi m Hungarian (Rare)
Hungarian form of Levi.
Levi m Hungarian
Diminutive of Levente.
Levina f German (Rare), Hungarian
Feminine form of Levin.
Liána f Hungarian
Diminutive of Juliána, used as a given name in its own right (compare Liana).
Liara f English (Modern, Rare), Hungarian (Modern, Rare), Popular Culture
Meaning unknown, possibly an elaboration of Lara 1, a variant of Liora, or a combination of the two... [more]
Liberátusz m Hungarian
Cognae of Liberatus, meaning "freed, released".
Libériusz m Hungarian
Cognate of Liberius, meaning "free" .
Lícia f Hungarian (Rare)
Truncated form of Felícia.
Lida f Hungarian
Diminutive of Lídia.
Lile f Hungarian
Hungarian word for "Charadriidae".
Liliom f & m Hungarian
Means "lily" in Hungarian, from the Latin "lilium". This name has been used since the Árpád age (pre 1000 A.C.). It has history as a male name, such as in the play "Liliom" (1909) by Ferenc Molnár (which has inspired a 1934 film and the musical "Carousel")... [more]
Lilu f Hungarian
Diminutive form of Liliom, meaning "lily".
Linetta f Italian, Hungarian
Diminutive of Lina 2.
Lipót m Hungarian (Archaic)
Hungarian adoption of Leopold.
Lipótka f Hungarian
Etymology uncertain, possibly a Hungarian form of Leopoldina.
Liviána f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Liviana.
Líviusz m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Livius.
Lizander m Polish (Rare), Hungarian (Rare)
Polish and Hungarian form of Lysander.
Lizandra f Hungarian
Feminine form of Lizander.
Lizavéta f Hungarian (Rare)
Hungarian borrowing of Lizaveta.
Lizett f Hungarian
Hungarian borrowing of Lisette.
Lizetta f Hungarian
Variant of Lizett.
Lóci m Hungarian
Diminutive of Lóránt.
Lóna f Hungarian
Diminutive of Ilona and Apollónia.
Loréna f Hungarian (Rare)
Hungarian form of Lorena 1.
Lorett f Hungarian
Variant of Loretta.
Lorin f Hungarian
Variant of Lorina.
Lorina f English (Rare), Italian (Rare), Romanian (Rare), Albanian, Swedish (Rare), Norwegian (Rare), Danish (Rare), Hungarian, Croatian, Romani (Archaic)
Italian elaboration of Lora and variant of Laurina as well as a Scandinavian feminine form of Lorens... [more]
Lőrincné f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Laurentinus
Lotár m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Lothar.
Lucián m Czech (Rare), Slovak, Hungarian
Hungarian, Czech and Slovak form of Lucian.
Lúciusz m Hungarian
Cognate of Lucius, meaning "light".
Lúcsia f Hungarian
Hungarian variant form of Lucia.
Lüdia f Hungarian (Archaic)
Hungarian form of Lidia
Ludovika f German (Rare), Hungarian, Slovene
German feminine form of Ludwig via the Latinization Ludovicus as well as a Hungarian borrowing of this name and the Slovene feminine form of Ludvik... [more]
Lujzi f Hungarian
Diminutive of Lujza.
Lujzika f Hungarian
Diminutive form of Luiza.
Lukrécia f Hungarian (Rare), Slovak (Rare)
Hungarian and Slovak form of Lucretia.
Lukréciusz m Hungarian
Cognate of Lucretius, meaning "profit, wealth"
Lüszi f Hungarian (Rare)
Hungarian form of Lucy.
Mábel f Hungarian
Hungarian borrowing of Mabel.
Madlen f Croatian (Rare), German (Rare), Bulgarian, Medieval German, Alsatian, Hungarian, Welsh
Bulgarian, Croatian, Alsatian, and German variant of Madeleine as well as a Hungarian borrowing of this name as well as a medieval German contracted and the Welsh regular form of Magdalena.
Madléna f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Madlena.
Magdó f Hungarian
Short form of Magdolna, occasionally used as a given name in its own right.
Magnólia f Hungarian, Portuguese
Hungarian and Portuguese forms of Magnolia.
Magnusz m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Magnus,
Magor m Hungarian, Hungarian Mythology
According to Simon of Kéza's 'Gesta Hunnorum et Hungarorum', written in the 1280s, Magor is the brother of Hunor and the son of Enéh and Ménrót... [more]
Mahália f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Mahalia.
Majoranna f Hungarian (Modern, Rare)
Derived from Hungarian majoránna "marjoram", with the spelling mimicking Anna.
Makabeus m Hungarian
Cognate of Maccabee, meaning "hammer".
Makár m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Macarius.
Makrina f German, Russian, Serbian, Greek, Banat Swabian, Hungarian
German, Greek, Russian, Hungarian and Serbian form of Macrina.
Malajka f Hungarian
From Arabic.
Málcsi f Hungarian
Diminutive form of Amália.
Maléna f Hungarian
Contracted form of Magdaléna.
Málika f Hungarian
Diminutive form of Amália.
Málna f Hungarian (Modern)
Directly taken from Hungarian málna "raspberry".
Malvin f Hungarian
Variant of Malvina.
Mályva f Hungarian (Rare)
Derived from Hungarian mályva "mallow".
Manfréd m Hungarian
Cognate of Manfred, meaning "strenght and peace".
Manfréda f Hungarian
Feminine form of Manfréd.
Manga f Medieval Hungarian, Hungarian (Rare)
Of uncertain origin and meaning. In medieval times, it might have been a variant of Magna, today, however, it is rather considered a diminutive of Margit and its variants.
Manka f Hungarian
Diminutive form of Manuéla, meaning "God is with us".
Manna f Hungarian
Variant form of Mária, meaning "bitterness".
Manó m Hungarian
Hungarian diminutive of Emanuel.
Mánuel m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Manuel.
Manuéla f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Manuela.
Manyi f Hungarian
Diminutive of Margit.
Marci m & f Hungarian
Diminutive of Márk, Márton, Mária and other names beginning with or Ma.
Marcián m Aragonese, Hungarian
Aragonese and Hungarian form of Marcianus.
Március m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Marcius. The name coincides with Hungarian március "(the month of) March".
Maréza f Hungarian
Contraction of Mária and Terézia.
Margó f Hungarian
Hungarian diminutive of Margit, used as a given name in its own right.
Marinetta f Italian, Hungarian
Italian diminutive of Marina.
Marinusz m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Marinus.
Márió m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Mario.
Marióra f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Mariora.
Máriusz m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Marius.
Márkó m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Marko.
Márkus m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Marcus.
Marléne f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Marlene.
Márti f Hungarian
Diminutive form of Márta, meaning "the lady".
Martinka f Slovene, Hungarian
Diminutive of Martina, occasionally used as a given name in its own right.
Martos m Hungarian
Diminutive of Márton.
Mátka f Hungarian (Modern, Rare)
Derived from Hungarian mátka "(archaic, dialectal) fiancée".
Matuzsálem m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Methuselah via its latinized form Mathusalem.
Mátyus m Hungarian
Diminutive of Mátyás.
Maurícia f Hungarian
Hungarian feminine form of Mauritius.
Maximilla f Late Roman, Medieval Italian, Hungarian
Latin diminutive of Maxima. Maximilla was a prophetess and an early advocate of Montanism, a heretical Christian sect founded in the third century A.D. by Montanus.
Méda f Hungarian
Of uncertain origin and meaning; a short form of Medárda and occasionally Médea has been suggested.
Medárd m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Medardus.
Medárda f Hungarian
Feminine form of Medárd.
Médea f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Medea.
Médi f Hungarian
Diminutive of Magdolna and Magdaléna.
Medox m Hungarian (Modern)
Hungarian borrowing of Maddox.
Megán f Hungarian (Modern, Rare)
Hungarian borrowing of Megan.
Melani f Spanish, Croatian, Slovene, Greek (Rare), Hungarian, English (American, Modern, Rare)
Spanish borrowing, Croatian and Slovene form, Modern Greek and English variant of Melanie and Hungarian variant of Melánia... [more]
Melikertész m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Melicertes.
Melizand f Hungarian (Rare)
Hungarian borrowing of Mélisande.
Meluzina f Hungarian (Rare)
Hungarian form of Melusine.
Mena f Hungarian
Originally the Hungarian form of Meina, this name is now considered a short form of names that end in -mena such as Filoména.
Mendi f Hungarian (Modern, Rare)
Hungarian borrowing of Mandy.
Menodóra f Hungarian (Rare)
Hungarian form of Menodora.
Menta f Italian (Rare), Medieval Italian, Hungarian (Rare)
Italian and Hungarian form of Minthe. The name coincides with both Italian and Hungarian menta "mint".
Menyhért m Hungarian (Rare)
Hungarian form of Meinhard.
Menyus m Hungarian
Hypochoristic form of Menyhért.... [more]
Meredisz f Hungarian (Modern, Rare)
Hungarian borrowing of Meredith.
Méta f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Meta.
Metta f German, Low German, American, Hungarian
German variant of Mette and Meta and Low German short form of Mechthild as well as a Hungarian borrowing of this name.
Mézi f Hungarian
From the English Maisy.
Mici f Hungarian
Hungarian version of Mitzi.
Mietta f English (Australian, Rare), Italian (Rare), Hungarian
Latinate form of Miette, or perhaps a Latinate diminutive of Mia.
Mihaéla f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Michaela.
Mikál f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Michal 2.
Mikes m Hungarian
Diminutive of Miklós.
Mikó m Hungarian
Diminutive of Mihály.
Mikolt f Hungarian, Medieval Hungarian, Hungarian Mythology
Old Hungarian name of uncertain origin and meaning; theories include a derivation from Mikál (via the variant Mikol) and a derivation from Nikola 2... [more]
Milágrosz f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Milagros.
Milda f Medieval English, Hungarian (Rare), Swedish, Finnish, Norwegian, Danish (Rare), Icelandic
Short form of names beginning with the element Mild-. In Scandinavia it may also be a variant of Milla.
Milla f Hungarian
Hungarian short form of Ludmilla and other names ending in -milla.
Miló m Hungarian
Cogmate of Milo.
Mimóza f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Mimosa.
Mína f Hungarian
Short form of Hermina and Vilhelmina.
Mínea f Hungarian
Hungarian borrowing of Minea.
Minka f Norwegian, Finnish, Hungarian, Polish, Swedish, Slovene
Diminutive of Mina 1, a short form of Vilhelmina, Wilhelmina, Hermine, Romina and other names containing mina or mine... [more]
Mirandella f Hungarian
Variant of Miranda, meaning "admirable"
Mirea f Hungarian (Rare)
Allegeldy a diminutive of Miranda.
Mirjána f Hungarian
Hungarian borrowing of Mirjana.
Mirkó m Hungarian
Cognate of Mirko, meaning "peace, world".
Mirtill f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Myrtle.
Misell f Hungarian
Hungarian borrowing of Michelle.
Miska m Hungarian
Diminutive of Mihály.
Moána f Hungarian (Modern, Rare)
Hungarian borrowing of Moana.
Modeszta f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Modesta.
Modesztina f Hungarian
Variant of Modeszta, meaning "moderate".
Modesztusz m Hungarian
Cognate of Modestus, meaning "moderate".
Mogyoró f Hungarian (Modern, Rare)
Means "hazelnut" in Hungarian.
Molli f English (American), Hungarian (Modern, Rare)
English variant and Hungarian borrowing of Molly.
Móna f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Mona 2.
Móni f Hungarian
Diminutive of Mónika.
Montika f Hungarian (Modern)
Derived from Hungarian montika, itself a vernacular name for Hungarian pipitér "camomile, chamomile".
Mürón m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Myron.
Múzsa f Hungarian
Directly taken from Hungarian múzsa "muse", as well as a refernce to the muses from Greek Mythology.
Nadin f Hungarian
Hungarian borrowing of Nadine, reflecting the French pronunciation.
Nadinka f Hungarian
Diminutive of Nadin, used as a given name in its own right.
Nádja f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Nadya 1.
Náel m Hungarian
Shortened version of Nátánael.
Nagyezsda f Hungarian (Rare)
Hungarian form of Nadezhda.
Nanett f Danish (Rare), Hungarian
Danish variant and Hungarian form of Nanette.
Nanetta f English (American, Rare), Hungarian, Romansh
English variant and Hungarian and Romansh form of Nanette.
Naómi f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Naomi 1.
Napsugár f Hungarian (Modern)
Modern name from the vocabulary word napsugár "sunbeam, sunshine", itself a compound of the vocabulary words nap "sun, day" and sugár "beam, ray". Its name days are March 21 and July 3.
Narcissza f Hungarian
Cognate of Narcissa, meaning "daffodil".
Narcisszusz m Hungarian
Masculine form of Nárcisz, meaning "daffodil".
Nárcisz f Hungarian
Originally the feminine form of Narcisszusz. Since this name also coincides with Hungarian nárcisz "daffodil", it is now considered a nature name.
Násfa f Hungarian
From an old Hungarian word meaning "wearing (gold) jewellery, necklace".
Naszim m Hungarian
Cognate of Nasim, meaning "breeze".
Nátán m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Nathan.
Nátánael m Hungarian
Hngarian form of Nathanael.
Natasa f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Natasha.
Názár m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Nazar.
Néci m Hungarian
Diminutive form of Ignác.
Nedda f Sicilian, Theatre, Hungarian
Sicilian diminutive of Antonietta as well as a Sicilian form of Nella. The name was also adopted into Hungarian usage. Furthermore, this name is borne by the main female role in the opera 'Pagliacci'.
Nefelejcs f Hungarian
The Hungarian word for the forget-me-not flower.
Nerella f Hungarian
Variant of Nerina.
Néreusz m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Nereus.
Néró m Hungarian
Cognate of Nero 1, meaning "strong, vigorous".
Neste f Hungarian
Variant of Nyeste.
Neszta f Hungarian
Variant of Nyeste as well as a short form of Anasztázia.
Nesztor m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Nestor.
Netti f Dutch (Rare), German (Rare), Hungarian
Hungarian borrowing and Dutch and German variant of Nettie.
Nétus m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Neitus.
Néva f Hungarian
Diminutive of Genovéva, meaning "family woman".
Niké f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Nike.
Niképhorosz m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Nikephoros.
Nikétás m Hungarian
Hungarian variant of the Greek Niketas.
Nikomédész m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Nikomedes.
Nilla f Italian (Rare), Swedish, Norwegian (Archaic), Hungarian
Truncated form of names ending in -nilla.... [more]
Ninácska f Hungarian
Diminutive form of Anikó.
Ninell f Hungarian
Variant of Ninelle.
Ninetta f English (Rare), Hungarian (Rare), Sardinian, Romansh
Latinate diminutive of Nina 1 (compare Ninette). Charles Dickens used it for "the infant phenomenon" in his novel Nicholas Nickleby (1839).
Noélia f Hungarian, French
Hungarian and French form of Noelia.
Noelin f Hungarian
Cognate of Noëlla, meaning "Christmas".
Noella f Hungarian
Hungarian borrowing of Noëlla.
Nóna f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Nona 1.
Nónusz m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Nonus.
Notika f Ukrainian, Hungarian
This name is a common name in Zakarpattia Oblast, Ukraine
Nyék m Hungarian (Rare, Archaic), Medieval Hungarian
Comes from the name of one of the seven tribes, that comes from the word nyék, meaning "fence", "hedge"
Nyeste f Hungarian
Old Hungarian name derived from Hungarian nyest "marten".
Nyina f Hungarian
Hungarian transliteration of Russian Нина (see Nina 1).
Obadiás m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Obadiah.
Odil f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Odile.
Odília f Portuguese, Provençal, Hungarian
Portuguese, Provençal and Hungarian form of Odilia. Also compare Odélia.
Odiló m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Odilo.
Odisszeusz m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Odysseus.