Hungarian Submitted Names

Hungarian names are used in the country of Hungary in central Europe. See also about Hungarian names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Odó m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Odo.
Ódor m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Ulrich via Old Hungarian Oldruch.
Odüsszeusz m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Odysseus.
Oineusz m Hungarian (Rare)
Hungarian form of Oeneus.
Oktáv m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Octavius.
Oktávia f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Octavia.
Oktávián m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Octavianus (see Octavian).
Olgácska f Hungarian
Diminutive form of Olga.
Oliána f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Oliana.
Omár m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Omar.
Opika f Hungarian
Feminine form of Apor via the variant Opor.
Orália f Hungarian (Rare, Archaic)
Of uncertain origin and meaning. Theories include a borrowing of Italian Orelia.
Orbó m Hungarian
Diminutive of Orbán.
Orgona f Hungarian (Modern)
Derived from Hungarian orgona "lilac (shrub or flower)".
Oriána f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Oriana.
Orlandó m Hungarian (Rare)
Hungarian form of Orlando.
Ormos m Hungarian
Of uncertain origin and meaning. Theories include a derivation from Hungarian orom "peak; ridge; summit".
Örs m Hungarian
Hungarian male name. Örs was an ancient Hungarian leader and the name seems to originate as one of the names of the Kabar (Turkic Khazar) tribes who joined the Magyar confederation in the 9th century... [more]
Örsébet f Hungarian (Archaic)
Early Modern variant of Erzsébet.
Örsi f Hungarian
Feminine form of Örs.
Orsi f Hungarian
Diminutive of Orsolya.
Orsika f Hungarian
Originally a diminutive of Orsolya, occasionally used as a given name in its own right.
Orzebet f Hungarian (Rare)
Alternative form of Erzsébet.
Örzse f Hungarian
Possibly a diminuitive of Erzsébet.
Oszi m Hungarian
Diminutive form of Oszkár.
Őszike f Hungarian (Modern)
Derived from Hungarian Őszi kikerics "autumn crocus".
Oszvald m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Oswald.
Oszvalda f Hungarian
Feminine form of Oszvald.
Otmár m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Otmar.
Ottokár m Hungarian
Cognate of Odovacar, meaning "wealthy and vigilant".
Oxána f Hungarian
Hungarian borrowing of Oxana.
Őzike f Hungarian (Modern)
Directly taken from Hungarian őzike "doe; fawn".
Özséb m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Eusebius.
Palika f Hungarian
Diminutive form of Paula or Paulina.
Palkó m Hungarian
Diminutive of Pál.
Pálma f Faroese, Hungarian
Faroese and Hungarian form of Palma.
Palóma f Hungarian
Hungarian borrowing of Paloma.
Paméla f Hungarian (Rare)
Hungarian form of Pamela.
Pamína f Hungarian (Rare)
Hungarian form of Pamina.
Páris m Hungarian (Rare)
Hungarian form of Paris 1.
Paszkál m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Pascal.
Paszkália f Hungarian
Feminine form of Paszkál.
Pasztorella f Hungarian
Cognate of Pastorella, meanig "little shepherdess".
Pelágiusz m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Pelagius.
Pellegrin m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Peregrinus.
Pénelopé f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Penelope.
Peónia f Hungarian (Modern)
Hungarian borrowing of Peony.
Peregrina f Spanish, Galician, Slovene (Rare), Hungarian (Rare)
Spanish and Galician feminine form of either Peregrino and Slovene feminine form of Peregrin.
Perenna f Hungarian (Rare)
Derived from the name of the old Roman deity of the circle or "ring" of the year, Anna Perenna. The name itself is derived from Classical Latin perennis "perennial; everlasting, perpetual" (ultimately from Latin per- “throughout” and annus “the year”).
Perszeusz m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Perseus.
Petrónia f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Petronia.
Petróniusz m Hungarian
Cognate of Petronius, meaning "yokel".
Petúr m Hungarian
19th-century misinterpretation of Petur which was used in medieval Hungarian records as a written form of Pétör.
Philiszkosz m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Philiscus.
Pilár f Hungarian (Rare)
Hungarian form of Pilar.
Pintyőke f Hungarian (Modern, Rare)
Derived from Hungarian pinty "finch".
Pipó m Hungarian (Archaic)
Shortened version of Filippo, a variant of Philip.... [more]
Pirit f Hungarian (Rare)
Old Hungarian variant of Piros.
Piros f Hungarian (Rare)
Old Hungarian name derived from Hungarian piros "red", originally referring to rosy cheeks or red hair. More recently, however, it is also used as a hypocoristic of Piroska.
Piusz m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Pius.
Polda f Hungarian
Diminutive of Leopoldina and Leopolda.
Polett f Hungarian
Hungarian borrowing of Paulette, reflecting the French pronunciation.
Pólika f Hungarian (Rare)
Originally a diminutive of Apollónia, Paula and Polixéna, occasionally used as a given name in its own right.
Polixéna f Hungarian (Rare)
Hungarian form of Polyxena.
Polli f Hungarian (Modern)
Hungarian borrowing of Polly.
Pompília f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Pompilia.
Pompónia f Hungarian
Cognate of Pomponia, meaning "five".
Pongrác m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Pankratios.
Porfir m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Porfirio.
Porphüriosz m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Porphyrios (see Porfirio).
Poszeidón m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Poseidon.
Potÿncza f Hungarian (Archaic)
Old Hungarian form of Potencia
Prímusz m Hungarian
Cognate of Primus, meaning "first".
Principiusz m Hungarian
Means "prince" in Latin.
Priszcilla f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Priscilla.
Próteusz m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Proteus.
Psziché f Hungarian (Rare)
Hungarian form of Psyche.
Pürrhosz m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Pyrrhos (see Pyrrhus).
Rabán m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Raban.
Ráchel f Czech, Slovak, Hungarian
Czech, Slovak and Hungarian form of Rachel.
Radiszló m Hungarian
Hungarian borrowing of Radoslav.
Radó m Hungarian
Hungarian borrowing of Rado.
Radomér m Hungarian
Cognate of Radomir, meaning "happy peace/world".
Radován m Hungarian
Hungarian borrowing of Radovan.
Rafaéla f Hungarian
Feminine form of Rafael.
Rafaella f Portuguese (Brazilian), Spanish (Latin American), Hungarian
Hungarian feminine form of Rafael and Latin American and Brazilian Portuguese variant of Rafaela.
Rájen m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Ryan.
Rajmond m Albanian, Slovene, Hungarian
Slovene, Hungarian and Albanian form of Raymond.
Rajmonda f Hungarian, Albanian
Feminine form of Rajmond.
Rajnald m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Raginald.
Rákis f Hungarian
Old Hungarian diminutive of Ráhel and Ráchel.
Rege f Hungarian (Modern)
Derived from Hungarian rege "myth, tale, saga, legend".
Regő m Hungarian (Archaic)
Old Hungarian name of uncertain origin and meaning. Theories include a short form of names beginning with the element Reg-.
Regös m Hungarian
Derived from Hungarian regös "minstrel, bard".
Regős m Hungarian
Younger form of Regös influenced by Regő.
Relinda f Hungarian
Hungarian borrowing of Relinde.
Rella f Hungarian
Originally a short form of Aurélia, occasionally used as a given name in its own right.
Relli f Hungarian
Variant of Rella.
Remény f Hungarian (Modern, Rare)
Directly taken from Hungarian remény "hope". Theories include that this name was coined as a translation of Nadezhda.
Reményke f Hungarian
Derived from Hungarian remény meaning "hope". (Cf. Remény.)
Renátó m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Renato.
Renátusz m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Renatus.
Réta f Hungarian (Rare)
Originally a short form of Margaréta, now occasionally used as a given name in its own right.
Réva m Hungarian
Hungarian. Allegedly the name of one of Attila the Hun's brothers, although not all sources agree.
Rezeda f Hungarian (Modern, Rare)
Derived from Hungarian rezeda "reseda, mignonette (the plant)".
Rézi f Hungarian
Diminutive of Terézia.
Riana f Hungarian (Modern)
Derived from Hungarian rianás, a word denoting an ice crack, specifically a thermal crack that forms on ice covering a body of water as well as the event of such a crack forming, typically accompanied by a distinctive sound.
Ribike f Hungarian (Rare)
From the Hungarian word ribiszke "currant".... [more]
Riczi m Hungarian
Diminutive form of Richard.
Rihárd m Hungarian
Variant of Richárd, meaning "brave ruler".
Rikárd m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Richard.
Rikarda f Hungarian
Feminine form of Richárd.
Ripszima f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Hripsime.
Riza f Hungarian
Short form of Terézia and, to a lesser extent, Rozália.
Robertó m Hungarian
Variant of Róbert, meaning "bright fame".
Rokkó m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Rocco.
Rókus m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Rochus.
Rómeó m Icelandic, Hungarian
Icelandic and Hungarian form of Romeo.
Rominett f Hungarian (Rare)
Elaborated form of Romina.
Röné f Hungarian
Hungarian borrowing of Renée, reflecting the French pronunciation.
Rovéna f Hungarian (Modern, Rare)
Hungarian borrowing of Rowena.
Roxán f Hungarian
Variant of Roxána.
Roxána f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Roxana.
Rozali f Hungarian
Hungarian borrowing of French Rosalie, reflecting the French pronunciation.
Rozalinda f Hungarian, Polish, Slovak
Hungarian, Polish and Slovak form of Rosalind.
Rozamunda f Polish, Hungarian
Polish and Hungarian form of Rosamund.
Rozanna f English (American, Rare), Dutch (Rare), Flemish, Hungarian, Polish, Greek
English and Dutch variant and Hungarian and Polish form of Rosanna as well as a Greek variant of Rozana.
Rozi f Hungarian
Diminutive of Rozália and Róza.
Rozmarin f Hungarian (Modern, Rare)
Derived from Hungarian rozmaring "rosemary".
Rózsika f Hungarian
Diminutive form of Róza, Rózsa, or Rozália.
Rozvita f Czech (Rare), Slovak (Rare), Hungarian
Czech, Slovak and Hungarian form of Roswitha.
Rubin f Hungarian
Derived from Hungarian rubin "ruby".
Rubinka f Hungarian
Diminutive of Rubina.
Rudolfina f Polish, Slovene, Hungarian
Feminine form of Rudolf.
Rúfusz m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Rufus.
Ruszalka f Hungarian
Diminutive of Ruszlána.
Ruszlán m Hungarian (Rare)
Hungarian form of Ruslan.
Rusztem m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Rostam. A known bearer of this name was the Hungarian jurist and politician Rusztem Vámbéry (1872-1948).
Ruzsinka f Hungarian
Diminutive of Fruzsina.
Sádók m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Zadok.
Sáfrány f Hungarian (Modern, Rare)
Means "saffron" in Hungarian.
Sámson m Hungarian (Rare)
Hungarian form of Samson.
Sándorné f Hungarian
A feminine form of Sándor
Sarlott f Hungarian (Rare, Archaic)
Hungarian borrowing of Charlotte, reflecting the French pronunciation.
Sebes m Hungarian (Archaic)
Old Hungarian short form of Sebestyén.
Sebő m Hungarian
Diminutive form of Sebestyén.
Senon f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Shannon.
Skolasztika f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Scholastica.
Solymár m Hungarian
Possibly from solymász meaning "falconer".
Sólyom m Hungarian
Means "falcon" in Hungarian.
Sosána f Hungarian
Hungarian variant of Shoshana.
Söván f Hungarian (Rare)
Hungarian variant of Sovann.
Stefi f Hungarian
Diminutive of Stefánia.
Sudárka f Hungarian (Rare)
Derived from Hungarian sudár "tall; slender; fair".
Sugár f Hungarian
Short form of Sugárka, meaning "beam, ray".
Sugárka f Hungarian
Derived from Hungarian sugár "(of light) ray, beam; (of liquid) jet, spurt, stream".
Szabbász m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Sabbas.
Szabella f Hungarian
Cognate of Sabella, meaning "God is my oath".
Szabin m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Sabinus.
Szabrina f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Sabrina.
Szaffi f Hungarian
Coined by Mór Jókai for his novel Gypánybaró. He possibly based the name on Szofi.
Szaléz m Hungarian
Cognate of Sales.
Szalóme f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Salome.
Szalvátor m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Salvator.
Szalvia f Hungarian
Feminine form of Szalviusz.
Szalviusz m Hungarian
Cognate of Salvius, meaning "safe".
Szamanta f Hungarian
Hungarian borrowing of Samantha.
Szamóca f Hungarian (Modern, Rare)
Means "wild strawberry" in Hungarian.
Szandika f Hungarian
Diminutive of Szandra
Szaniszló m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Stanislaus.
Szanna f Hungarian
Short form of Zsuzsanna.
Szantiágó m Hungarian
Hungarian variant of Santiago.
Szantina f Hungarian
Hungarian borrowing of Santina.
Szaszkia f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Saskia.
Száva f Hungarian, Literature
Probably derived from the Hungarian name for a river in central Europe, known as the Sava in English. This was used as a feminine name by French author Jules Verne in his novel Mathias Sandorf (1885).
Szavina f Hungarian
Variant of Szabina, meaning "a sabine".
Szebáld m Hungarian
Hungarian borrowing of Siegbald.
Szeder f Hungarian (Modern, Rare)
Means "blackberry" in Hungarian.
Szederke f Hungarian
Derived from szeder meaning "blackberry".
Szedra f Hungarian
Variant form of Szeder.
Szedrik m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Cedric.
Szegfű f Hungarian (Modern, Rare)
Directly taken from Hungarian szegfű "carnation".
Szelestény m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Celestin.
Szelina f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Celina.
Szellő f Hungarian
Derived from Hungarian szellő meaning "breeze".
Szellőke f Hungarian
Elaborated form of Szellő.
Szemere m Hungarian (Rare)
Means "grain, granule; small-sized" in Hungarian from the word szem.
Szemira f Hungarian
Short form of Szemirámisz, meaning "high heaven".
Szemirámisz f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Semiramis.
Szemőke f Hungarian
Means "little eye" in Hungarian.
Szende f Hungarian
Means "meek" in Hungarian.
Szendike f Hungarian
Derived from Hungarian szende "meek, ingenue, artless, naive".
Szendile f Hungarian (Modern, Rare)
Of uncertain origin and meaning; theories include a derivation from Hungarian szende ""meek, ingenue, artless, naive".
Szénia f Hungarian
Variant of Xénia.
Szenta f Hungarian
Female form of Szentes.
Szentes m Hungarian
From szent meaning "holy".
Szépa f Hungarian
Derived from Hungarian szép "beautiful".
Szépe f Hungarian
Derived from szép meaning "beautiful".
Szepes m Hungarian
From szép meaning "beautiful".
Szeráf m Hungarian
Hungarina form of Seraphinus.
Szerafin m Hungarian (Archaic)
Hungarian form of Seraphinus (see Seraphina).
Szerafina f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Seraphina.
Szeréna f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Serena.
Szerénke f Hungarian
Diminutive of Szeréna.
Szerénusz m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Serenus via Serena.
Szergej m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Sergei.
Szergiusz m Hungarian (Rare)
Hungarian form of Sergius.
Szervác m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Servatius.
Szerváciusz m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Servatius.
Szevér m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Severus.
Szeverin m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Severinus.
Szeverina f Hungarian
Feminine form of Szeverin.
Szibell f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Sybil.
Szibill f Hungarian
Hungarian borrowing of Sibyl as well as of French Sibylle, reflecting the French pronunciation.
Szibilla f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Sibylla.
Szidalisz f Hungarian
The name was created by György Bessenynei.
Szidi f Hungarian
Diminutive of Szidónia.
Szidónia f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Sidonia.
Szidor m Hungarian
Truncated form of Izidor.
Szigfrid m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Siegfried.
Sziglind f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Sieglinde.
Szigurd m Hungarian (Modern, Rare)
Hungarian variant of Sigurd.
Szilárda f Hungarian
Feminine form of Szilárd. This name was traditionally also used as a vernacular form as well as a Hungarian translation of Konstancia.
Szilárdka f Hungarian
Feminine form of Szilárd.
Szilvána f Hungarian
Feminine form of Szilvánusz.
Szilvánusz m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Silvanus.
Szilvesztra f Hungarian
Hungarian feminine form of Silvester.
Szilvi f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Silvie.
Szilvió m Hungarian (Rare)
Hungarian form of Silvio.
Szilviusz m Hungarian (Rare)
Hungarian form of Silvius.
Szimóna f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Simona.
Szira f Hungarian
Old Hungarian name, probably derived from the ancient Hungarian word for "grey". Another possible meaning is "Syrian woman".
Sziringa f Hungarian (Modern)
Derived from Latin syringa "lilac (shrub or flower)" (ultimately from Ancient Greek σῦριγξ (sûrinx) which also meant “shepherd's pipe”).
Szíriusz m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Sirius.
Szirka f Hungarian
Etymology uncertain, perhaps from an older form of szürke meaning "grey".
Szirom f Hungarian
Means "leaf" in Hungarian.
Szivárvány f Hungarian (Modern, Rare)
Means "rainbow" in Hungarian.
Szixtin f Hungarian
Short form of Szixtina, meaning "scraped, polished".
Szixtusz m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Sixtus.
Szmilla f Hungarian (Rare), Literature
Hungarian variant of Smillaaraq, a name created by Peter Hoeg.
Szofinett f Hungarian
Elaborated form of Szófia.
Szofron m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Sophron.
Szofrónia f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Sophronia.
Szókratész m Hungarian
Cognate of Socrates, meaning "whole power".
Szolanzs f Hungarian
Hungarian borrowing of Solange.
Szoraja f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Thurayya.
Szörénke f Hungarian
Feminine form of Szörény.
Szorina f Hungarian
Hungarian borrowing of Sorina.
Szöszill f Hungarian (Rare)
Hungarian form of Cecilia.
Sztella f Hungarian (Rare)
Hungarian variant of Stella 1.
Szulikó f Hungarian (Rare)
Diminutive form of Szultána.
Szultána f Hungarian (Rare)
Hungarian form of Sultana.
Szvetlána f Hungarian
Hungarian borrowing of Svetlana.