Hungarian Submitted Names

Hungarian names are used in the country of Hungary in central Europe. See also about Hungarian names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Bogárka f Hungarian
Derived from Hungarian bogár "beetle, bug".
Bogát m Hungarian (Rare)
Old Hungarian name of possibly Slavic origin which is said to mean "rich, wealthy". In Western Hungary, this is a byname of Saint Julian.
Bogáta f Hungarian
Feminine form of Bogát.
Bogdán m Hungarian
Cognate of Bogdan, meaning "gift of God".
Bogdána f Hungarian (Rare)
Hungarian form of Bogdana.
Bogi f Hungarian
Diminutive of Boglárka.
Boglár f Hungarian (Rare)
Directly taken from the archaic Hungarian word boglár "ornament".
Bogumil m Hungarian
The name originates from slavic culture. It means God + kind.
Bojána f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Bojana.
Bolda f Hungarian
19th-century coinage derived from Hungarian boldog "happy, joyous, cheerful".
Bonc m Hungarian (Archaic)
Possibly derives from Hungarian boncol meaning "to autopsy", itself derived from bont "to demolish" and szol a frequentative suffix.
Bonca m Hungarian
Variant of Bonc.
Bonifácia f Hungarian, Slovak
Hungarian and Slovak feminine form of Boniface. In Hungarian history, this name was borne by Erzsébet Bonifácia (born and died 1399), the short-lived daughter of Jadwiga I, Queen of Poland (sister of Mária/Marija I, Queen of Hungary and Croatia) and Vladislavas Jogaila, Grand Duke of Lithuania (later Władysław II Jagiełło, King of Poland); the princess was named for her godfather Pope Boniface IX.
Bónis m Hungarian
Diminutive of Bonifác.
Bóra f Hungarian (Modern)
Derived from Hungarian bóra "bora (northern to north-eastern katabatic wind in the Adriatic Sea)".
Borbolya f Hungarian
Directly taken from Hungarian borbolya "barberry, berberry".
Borcsa f Hungarian
Originally a diminutive of Borbála, used as a given name in its own right.
Boris f Hungarian
Diminutive of Borbála.
Boriska f Hungarian
Originally a diminutive of Borbála (via the variant diminutives Bori and Boris), now used as a given name in its own right.
Borisz m Hungarian
Hungarian adoption of Boris.
Borka f Hungarian
Originally a diminutive of Borbála, used as a given name in its own right.
Borostyán f Hungarian (Rare)
Two separate words in Hungarian; "amber" and "ivy".
Boroszló m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Bratislav.
Borsika f Hungarian
Derived from Hungarian bors "pepper" and borsikafű "summer savory".
Böske f Hungarian
Originally a diminutive of Erzsébet, used as a given name in its own right.
Bozsena f Hungarian
Hungarian borrowing of Božena.
Bozsidár m Hungarian
Hungarian borrowing of Božidar.
Bozsó m Hungarian
Diminutive of Bozsidár.
Bozsóka f Hungarian
Feminine form of Bozsó.
Brájen m Hungarian (Modern)
Hungarian form of Brian.
Brúnó m Hungarian (Rare)
Hungarian form of Bruno.
Buda m Hungarian (Rare, Archaic)
Possibly means "swelling one (of rounded shapes)", "elevated". This is the Hungarian form of Bleda, the name of the brother of Attila.
Búzavirág f Hungarian (Rare)
Means "cornflower" in Hungarian.
Cecilián m Hungarian, Slovak
Hungarian and Slovak form of Caecilianus.
Cecilla f Hungarian (Rare)
Contracted form of Cecília.
Celesztin m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Celestin.
Celesztina f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Celestine.
Celina f Occitan, Galician, Hungarian
Occitan, Galician and Hungarian form of Céline.
Cézár m Hungarian (Rare)
Hungarian version of Caesar.
Cezarin f Hungarian
Variant form of Cezarina.
Cezarina f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Cesarina.
Chajem m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Chaim
Ciklámen f Hungarian (Modern, Rare)
Means "cyclamen" in Hungarian.
Cilla f Hungarian, German
Hungarian form of Zillah as well as a Hungarian borrowing of German Cilla, itself a variant of Zilla.
Cinnia f Hungarian (Modern)
Hungarian form of Zinnia.
Cipora f Hungarian, Judeo-Anglo-Norman
Hungarian variant of Cippóra and Judeo-Anglo-Norman variant of Zipora.
Cippóra f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Zipporah.
Cipra f Hungarian
Short form of Cipriána, occasionally used as a given name in its own right.
Ciprián m Hungarian, Aragonese
Hungarian and Aragonese form of Cyprianus.
Cipriána f Hungarian
Feminine form of Ciprián.
Ciprienn f Hungarian
Hungarian borrowing of Cyprienne.
Cirill m Hungarian
Hungarian form Cyril.
Cirilla f Italian (Rare), Hungarian (Rare)
Italian and Hungarian feminine form of Cyril.
Cirják m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Cyriacus.
Csende f Hungarian (Modern)
Derived from Hungarian csend "silence; calmness".
Csendike f Hungarian (Modern)
Diminutive form of Csende.
Csengele f Hungarian (Modern)
Of debated origin and meaning. Theories include an elaboration of Csenge and an adoption of the Turkish place name.
Cseperke f Hungarian
From csiperke meaning "Agaricus (a type of mushroom)".
Cseresznye f Hungarian (Modern, Rare)
Directly taken from Hungarian cseresznye "cherry".
Csermely f Hungarian (Modern, Rare)
Directly taken from Hungarian csermely "brooklet, rivulet, little river".
Csikó m Hungarian
Means "colt, foal" in Hungarian.
Csillag f Hungarian
Means "star" in Hungarian.
Csillagvirág f Hungarian (Modern, Rare)
From Csillag and Virág, ultimately intended to mean "star flower".
Csillu f Hungarian
Diminutive of Csilla
Csinszka f Hungarian
A pet name created by Endre Ady, for his wife Berta Boncza, from the word 'csacsi' meaning "small donkey".
Csobán m Hungarian
Of Hungarian origin, meaning "herder". Masculine form of Csobánka.
Csobánka f Hungarian
Feminine form of Csobán.
Csombor m Hungarian
Means "savory (plant)" in Hungarian.
Csönge f Hungarian
Variant form of Csenge.
Dafna f Sicilian, Hungarian
Sicilian form of Dafne and Hungarian variant of Dafné.
Dafné f Hungarian, Provençal
Hungarian and Provençal form of Daphne.
Dagomér m Hungarian (Archaic)
Hungarian borrowing of Dagomar.
Dália f Hungarian, Slovak (Rare)
Hungarian and Slovak form of Dahlia.
Damarisz f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Damaris.
Damiána f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Damiana. The name coincides with the name of the plant damiána "damiana, turnera diffusa".
Damján m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Damian.
Damos m Hungarian
Diminutive of Damján.
Dana f & m Sorbian, Polish, Hungarian
Feminine short form of Danuta, Danisława, Bohdana and Danijela or Daniella and masculine short form of Danijel.
Dáni m Hungarian
Diminutive of Dániel.
Daniéla f Hungarian
Variant of Daniella and feminine form of Dániel.
Danila f Slovene, Sicilian, Hungarian
Feminine form of Danilo.
Dára f Hungarian
Contracted form of Dária.
Dária f Hungarian, Slovak
Feminine form of Dárius.
Dárisz m Hungarian
Shortened version of Dáriusz.
Dárius m Slovak, Hungarian
Slovak and Hungarian form of Darius.
Dasztin m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Dustin.
Dea f Hungarian
Short form of Adeodáta.
Debóra f Icelandic, Hungarian
Icelandic and Hungarian form of Debora.
Deli m Hungarian
Derived from Hungarian deli, a literary word meaning "stalwart, athletic (figure), well-built (person)" (from Ottoman Turkish deli "mad, insane", perhaps ultimately via Serbo-Croatian dèli "brave" and thus referring to a soldier in 16th-century Hungary).
Délibáb f Hungarian
From the Hungarian vocabulary word délibáb meaning "mirage".
Delinke f Hungarian
19th-century coinage intended as a feminine form of Deli.
Denisz m Hungarian
Variant of Dénes, the Hungarian form of Denis.
Deodát m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Deodatus.
Dés m Hungarian
Variant of Dezső.
Detre m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Dietrich. One notable bearer of the name is Bebek Detre, Palatine of Hungary between 1397 – 1402.
Detti f Hungarian
Diminutive of Bernadett.
Dézi f Hungarian
Hungarian phonetic spelling of Daisy.
Dezideráta f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Desiderata.
Dezsider m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Desiderius.
Dezsőné f Hungarian
Feminine form of Dezső.
Didra f Hungarian
Cogane of Deirdre, meaning "daughter".
Diké f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Dike.
Dionízia f Hungarian (Rare)
Hungarian form of Dionysia.
Dioszkorosz m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Dioskoros.
Diotíma f Hungarian (Rare)
Hungarian form of Diotima.
Ditmár m Hungarian
Hungarian borrowing of Dietmar.
Ditta f Italian, Hungarian
Truncated form of Editta as well as a Hungarian short form of Edit and Judit, used as a given name in its own right.
Ditti f Hungarian
Diminutive of Ditta and Ditte.
Dolli f Hungarian
Hungarian borrowing of Dolly.
Dolóresz f Hungarian (Rare)
Hungarian form of Dolores.
Dolóroza f Hungarian
Hungarian variant form of Dolores.
Domán m Hungarian
Old Hungarian short form of Domonkos.
Domicián m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Domitianus.
Domiciána f Hungarian
Feminine form of Domicián.
Dominka f Hungarian
Contracted form of Dominika.
Dömő m Hungarian
Diminutive form of Domokos.
Domokos m Hungarian
Hungarian variant of Domonkos, the usual Hungarian form of Dominic.
Donáta f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Donata.
Döníz f Hungarian
Hungarian phonetic rendering of French Denise.
Dóri f Hungarian
Diminutive of Dóra.
Dorián m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Dorian.
Dorinka f Hungarian
Diminutive of Dorina 2.
Dorion m Hungarian
Variant of Dorián.
Dorisz f Hungarian
Variant of Dorottya, meaning "gift of God".
Dorkás f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Dorcas.
Dormán m Hungarian
Cognate of Dorman.
Dormánd m Hungarian
Diminutive of Dormán.
Doroti f Hungarian (Modern)
Hungarian borrowing of Dorothy.
Dorotia f Hungarian (Archaic)
Archaic variant of Dorottya.
Dszamila f Hungarian
Hungarian phonetic transcription of Jamila
Duci f Hungarian
Short form of Magdolna.
Dusánka f Hungarian (Rare)
Hungarian form of Dušanka.
Dzseferzon m Hungarian
Hungarian variant of Jefferson.
Dzsenna f Hungarian (Modern, Rare)
Hungarian borrowing of Jenna.
Dzsenni f Hungarian (Modern, Rare)
Hungarian borrowing of Jenny.
Dzsindzser f Hungarian (Modern, Rare)
Hungarian phonetic transcription based on the English name Ginger.
Éda f Hungarian
Short form of various Germanic names beginning with the element adel- or edel-.
Edda f Hungarian
Variant of Éda.
Edgár m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Edgar.
Edvarda f Hungarian, Slovene
Hungarian feminine form of Edvárd and Slovene feminine form of Edvard.
Edvina f Croatian, Lithuanian, Danish (Rare), Norwegian (Rare), Swedish (Rare), Slovene, Hungarian
Croatian, Slovene, Hungarian, Lithuanian and Scandinavian form of Edwina.
Effi f Swedish (Rare, Archaic), Danish (Rare, Archaic), Norwegian (Archaic), Hungarian, German (Archaic), Literature
Scandinavian diminutive of Eufemia, German diminutive of Elfriede and Hungarian diminutive of Eufémia and Elfrida... [more]
Egmont m German (Rare), Flemish (Rare), Hungarian (Rare), Theatre
German variant of Egmund and Flemish variant of Egmond. Egmont (1788) is a play by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
Egres f Hungarian (Rare)
Means "gooseberry" in Hungarian.
Egyed m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Aegidius.
Életke f Hungarian (Modern)
Derived from Hungarian élet "life".
Eliána f Hungarian, Slovak
Hungarian form of Eliana 1.
Elígiusz m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Eligius.
Elíz f Hungarian
Hungarian borrowing of Élise, reflecting the French pronunciation.
Elma f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Alma 1.
Előd m Hungarian
Hungarian name probably meaning "firstborn".
Élon m Hungarian
Cognate of Elon, meaning "oak tree".
Emerenc f Hungarian (Rare)
Hungarian feminine form of Emerentius. The writer Magda Szabó used it for a character in her novel 'The Door' (1987).
Emerencia f Hungarian, Spanish (Rare)
Hungarian and Spanish form of Emerentia.
Emerita f Late Roman, Catalan (Rare), Latvian (Rare), German (Swiss), Romansh, Hungarian
Derived from Latin emeritus "earned, completed one's service" (past participle form of emereo; see Emerentius). This was the name of a Roman-era saint, martyred with Saint Digna in 259.
Emerka f Hungarian (Archaic)
Diminutive of Emerencia, used as a given name in its own right.
Emilián m Czech, Hungarian
Czech and Hungarian form of Aemilianus.
Emiliána f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Emiliana.
Emmuska f Hungarian
Diminutive of Emma. The novelist Baroness Emma "Emmuska" Orczy (1865-1947) wrote The Scarlet Pimpernel series.
Emő f Hungarian
Diminutive of Emőke.
Emőd m Hungarian
Means "suckling baby" in Hungarian.
Enciána f Hungarian (Modern, Rare)
Derived from Hungarian encián "gentian".
Ené f Hungarian
Variant of Enéh.
Éneás m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Aeneas.
Enéh f Hungarian, Hungarian Mythology
Derived from Old Hungarian eneγ (ünő in Modern Hungarian) "hind, deer; fawn; cow-calf".... [more]
Enese f Hungarian
Variant of Enéh.
Enna f Hungarian
Originally a Germanic short form of various names beginning with the element agin- or egin-.
Eper f Hungarian
Means "strawberry" or "mulberry" in Hungarian.
Eperke f Hungarian
Derived from Hungarian eper "strawberry (on the ground); mulberry (on a tree)" (ultimately from Proto-Ugric *äppärĕ-kə “strawberry”).
Epifánia f Hungarian
Cognate of Epiphany, meaning "manifestation".
Eponin f Hungarian (Rare)
Hungarian form of Eponine.
Erazmus m Hungarian (Rare)
Hungarian form of Erasmus.
Erneszt m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Ernest.
Erneszta f Hungarian
Feminine form of Erneszt.
Ernesztin f Hungarian
Variant form of Ernesztina.
Ernesztina f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Ernestina.
Ervina f Bosnian, Croatian, Slovene, Lithuanian, Hungarian, Albanian, Romansh
Bosnian, Croatian, Slovene, Hungarian, Albanian, Romansh and Lithuanian feminine form of Ervin.
Ervínia f Hungarian
Elaboration of Ervina.
Erzsie f Hungarian
It is a nickname of the Hungarian name Erzsebet, which means “god is my oath”. It is almost like Elizabeth and Lizzie.
Erzsók f Hungarian
Diminutive of Erzsébet.
Estilla f Hungarian
Coined by Mór Jókai for a character in his play 'Levente'. He most likely modelled the name on Estella.
Eszmeralda f Hungarian (Rare)
Hungarian borrowing of Esmeralda.
Esztella f Hungarian
Hungarian borrowing of Estelle.
Eszténa f Hungarian
Coined by Gyula Krúdy for a character in his novel 'Az útitárs'.
Eta f Hungarian
Short form of Etelka.
Ete m Hungarian
Short form of Etele.
Etka f Hungarian
Originally a short form of Etelka, now used as a given name in its own right.
Etus f Hungarian
Diminutive of Etelka.
Euniké f Hungarian, Czech (Rare)
Hungarian form of Eunice.
Euridiké f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Eurydice.
Euszták m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Eustachius, sometimes used to refer to Saint Eustace.
Eutim m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Euthymius.
Eutímia f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Euthymia.
Euzébia f Hungarian (Rare)
Hungarian form of Eusebia.
Évácska f Hungarian
Diminutive form of Eva.
Évald m Hungarian
Hungarian borrowing of Ewald.
Evariszt m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Evarist.
Evetke f Hungarian (Modern, Rare)
Recently coined from the Hungarian word evet "vair; squirrel".
Évi f Hungarian
Diminutive of Éva.
Evódia f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Euodia.
Ezékiel m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Ezekiel.
Ézsau m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Esau.
Fabiána f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Fabiana.
Fabióla f Hungarian (Rare)
Hungarian form of Fabiola.
Fábiusz m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Fabius.
Fabrícia f Hungarian
Feminine form of Fabríciusz.
Fabríciusz m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Fabricius.
Fahéj f Hungarian (Modern, Rare)
Means "cinnamon" in Hungarian.
Fáni f Hungarian
Hungarian short form of both Franciska and Stefánia, occasionally used as a given name in its own right.
Farkas m Hungarian (Rare)
Directly taken from Hungarian farkas "wolf".
Fatime f Crimean Tatar, Hungarian, Turkish
Crimean Tatar, Hungarian, and Turkish form of Fatimah.
Fauszta f Hungarian (Rare)
Hungarian form of Fausta
Fausztina f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Faustina.
Fausztusz m Hungarian (Rare)
Hungarian form of Faustus.
Fébé f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Phoebe.
Federika f Hungarian (Rare)
Hungarian borrowing of Federica.
Fedóra f Hungarian (Rare)
Hungarian borrowing of Fedora.
Fédra f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Phaedra.
Fehéra f Hungarian
Old Hungarian name derived from Hungarian fehér "white, fair", originally given in reference to the color of fair hair or fair skin.
Fehére f Hungarian
Variant form of Fehéra.
Fehérke f Hungarian
19th-century diminutive of Fehéra, occasionally used as a given name in its own right.
Felicián m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Felicianus.
Felicitász f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Felicitas.
Feodóra f Hungarian
Variant of Fedóra, meaning "gift of God".
Ferike f Hungarian
Diminutive of Franciska.
Fiametta f Hungarian
Hungarian borrowing of Fiammetta.
Fidél m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Fidelis.
Fidélia f Hungarian (Rare)
Hungarian form of Fidelia.
Filemon m Dutch (Rare), Danish, Norwegian, Swedish (Rare), Polish, Provençal, Hungarian
Dutch, Polish, Hungarian, Provençal and Scandinavian form of Philemon. This name is borne by Dutch journalist and television presenter Filemon Wesselink (b. 1979).
Fillisz f Hungarian (Rare)
Hungarian form of Phyllis.
Filoméla f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Philomela.
Filomén m Hungarian
Hungarian masculine form of Philomena.
Filoména f Czech, Slovak, Hungarian, History (Ecclesiastical)
Czech, Slovak and Hungarian form of Philomena.
Filotea f Italian, Hungarian, Polish
Italian, Polish and Hungarian form of Philothea.
Fineás m Hungarian
Cognate of Phineas, meaning "serpent's mouth".
Fióna f Faroese (Modern), Hungarian (Modern)
Faroese and Hungarian borrowing of Fiona.
Flamina f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Flaminia.
Flavián m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Flavianus.
Fláviusz m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Flavius.
Floransz f Hungarian
Hungarian adoption of Florance, reflecting the French pronunciation.
Florica f Hungarian
Diminutive form of Flóra.
Flóris m Hungarian
Diminutive of Flórián.
Főbe f Hungarian
Etymology uncertain. It may be a form of Phoebe influenced by the Hungarian meaning "main, principle".
Fodor m Hungarian
Means "wave, ripple" or "curl" in Hungarian. Useage as a given name may be influenced by Theodore.