Baltic Submitted Names

These names are used by Baltic peoples.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Dominyka f Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Dominica.
Donaldas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Donald.
Donalds m Latvian (Rare)
Latvian borrowing of Donald.
Donardas m Lithuanian (Rare)
Lithuanian form of Donard.
Donatilė f Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Donatilla.
Donāts m Latvian
Latvian form of Donatus (see Donato).
Dorians m Latvian (Rare)
Latvian form of Dorian.
Dose f Latvian (Archaic)
Recorded in Latvia in the 17th-century
Dovaidas m Lithuanian
The first element of this name is derived from old Lithuanian dotas or dovis meaning "gift, present". The second element is derived from the old Lithuanian verb vaidyti meaning "to visit, to appear", which is related to the modern Lithuanian verb vaidentis meaning "to haunt" as well as "to appear, to see"... [more]
Dovaidė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Dovaidas.
Dovainas m Lithuanian
Derived from old Lithuanian dotas or dovis meaning "gift, present" combined with the old Lithuanian noun vaina meaning "cause, reason" as well as "fault".
Dovainė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Dovainas.
Dovainis m Lithuanian
Variant form of Dovainas.
Dovaldas m Lithuanian
Derived from old Lithuanian dotas or dovis meaning "gift, present" combined with Baltic vald meaning "rule" (see Visvaldas).
Dovaldė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Dovaldas.
Dovas m Lithuanian
Short form of masculine names that start with Dov-, such as Dovainis, Dovilas and Dovydas.
Dovė f Lithuanian
Short form of feminine names that start with Dov-, such as Dovainė, Dovilė and Dovydė.
Doviltas m Lithuanian
Derived from old Lithuanian dotas or dovis meaning "gift, present" combined with Lithuanian viltis meaning "(to) hope". Also compare Dovilas.
Doviltė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Doviltas. Also compare Dovilė.
Dovydė f Lithuanian (Rare)
Feminine form of Dovydas.
Drąsius m Lithuanian
Derived from either the Lithuanian noun drąsa meaning "courage, bravery" or the Lithuanian adjective drąsus meaning "brave, courageous, bold".
Drąsutė f Lithuanian
Diminutive of the rare name Drąsė, since this name contains the feminine diminutive suffix -utė. In other words, you could say that this name is the feminine equivalent of Drąsutis.
Drąsutis m Lithuanian
Diminutive of Drąsius, since this name contains the masculine diminutive suffix -utis.
Drosma f Latvian
Derived from Latvian drosme "courage, bravery".
Drosme f Latvian (Rare)
Directly taken from Latvian drosme "courage, bravery".
Drosmis m Latvian
Masculine form of Drosma.
Druvis m Latvian
Derived from Latvian druva "cornfield".
Dūja f Latvian (Rare, Archaic)
Directly taken from Latvian dūja "dove".
Džeimss m Latvian (Rare)
Latvian form of James.
Džeinė f Lithuanian (Rare)
Lithuanian form of Jane, from the English pronunciation.
Džeks m Latvian (Modern, Rare)
Latvian adaptation of Jack.
Džeksons m Latvian (Rare)
Latvian borrowing of the English name Jackson.
Dzelme f Latvian (Rare)
Derived from Latvian dzelme "depth".
Džemma f Latvian (Modern, Rare)
Latvian adaptation of Gemma.
Dženija f Latvian (Modern, Rare)
Latvian adaptation of Jenny.
Dzīle f Latvian (Rare)
Directly taken from Latvian dzīle "depth".
Dzinta f Latvian (Rare)
Of debated origin and meaning. Theories include a variant of Dzintra and a variant of Zinta.
Dzintara f Latvian (Rare)
Feminine form of Dzintars.
Dzirkstīte f Latvian
Derived from Latvian dzirkste "spark".
Džiugas m Lithuanian
Derived from the Lithuanian adjective džiugus meaning "joyous, cheerful, happy".... [more]
Džiugė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Džiugas.
Džiuginta f Lithuanian
The name is derived from džiugus meaning "cheerful." Also see Džiugė
Džošua m Latvian
Latvian form of Joshua.
Džulija f Latvian (Modern, Rare)
Variant of Jūlija imitating the English pronunciation of Julia.
Džuljeta f Latvian (Rare)
Latvian borrowing of Juliette and Juliet.
Ebigaila f Latvian
Latvian form of Abigail.
Eda f Latvian (Rare)
Originally a short form of names beginning with the element Ed- (including, but not limited to, Edīte), this name has been used in its own right from the early 1600s onwards.
Edenas m Lithuanian (Modern)
Lithuanian masculine form of Eden.
Edītis m Latvian (Rare)
Latvian masculine form of Edith.
Edmundė f Lithuanian (Rare)
Lithuanian feminine form of Edmund.
Edvina f Croatian, Lithuanian, Danish (Rare), Norwegian (Rare), Swedish (Rare), Slovene, Hungarian
Croatian, Slovene, Hungarian, Lithuanian and Scandinavian form of Edwina.
Edvydas m Lithuanian (Rare)
This name is probably either a variant form of Eidvydas or Eitvydas (or even Gedvydas) or a combination of any name beginning with Ed- (such as Edmundas and Eduardas) with any name ending in -vydas, such as Alvydas and Tautvydas.
Egija f Latvian
Of uncertain origin and meaning, although a derivation from masculine Aegidius has been suggested.
Egils m Latvian
Latvian borrowing of Egil.
Egita f Latvian
Variant of Egija.
Egle f Latvian (Rare), Estonian
Latvian and Estonian cognate of Eglė as well as a direct derivation from Latvian egle "spruce tree; fir tree; pine tree".
Egons m Latvian
Latvian borrowing of Egon.
Eileitija f Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Ilithyia.
Eimija f Latvian (Modern)
Latvian adaptation of Amy.
Eiripīds m Latvian
Latvian form of Euripides.
Eivina f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Eivin.
Eiženija f Latvian (Rare)
Latvian form of Eugenia.
Eleina f Latvian (Modern, Rare)
Latvian adaptation of Elaine.
Elgars m Latvian
Latvian form of Algar.
Eliass m Latvian
Latvian form of Elias.
Elidijus m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Elidius.
Eligijus m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Eligius.
Elijots m Latvian
Latvian version of Elliot.
Elijus m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Elijah (compare Elijas).
Elinga f Lithuanian
Possibly a Lithuanian feminine form of Erling
Elīze f Latvian
Latvian form of Elise.
Ellija f Latvian
Latvian borrowing of Ellie.
Eloīza f Latvian (Modern, Rare)
Latvian borrowing of Eloise.
Elvijs m Latvian
Latvian form of Elvis
Elvinas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of the Germanic name Elwin, which is a short form of Edelwin, a variant form of Adalwin. In other words, you could also say that Elwin is a variant form of Alwin... [more]
Elvyra f Lithuanian, Medieval Spanish
Lithuanian form of Elvira, as well as a medieval Spanish variant.
Elžbeta f Latvian (Rare)
Latgalian form of Elizabeth.
Elzbietelė f Lithuanian
Diminutive form of Elzbieta.
Emanuelis m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Emmanuel.
Emanuels m Latvian
Latvian form of Emmanuel.
Emerencija f Croatian (Rare), Lithuanian (Archaic), Serbian (Rare)
Croatian, Lithuanian and Serbian form of Emerentia.
Emerita f Late Roman, Catalan (Rare), Latvian (Rare), German (Swiss), Romansh, Hungarian
Derived from Latin emeritus "earned, completed one's service" (past participle form of emereo; see Emerentius). This was the name of a Roman-era saint, martyred with Saint Digna in 259.
Emija f Latvian
Short form of Emīlija.
Emilė f Lithuanian
Variant form of Emilija.
Emilians m Latvian (Rare)
Latvian form of Emilian.
Emilijus m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Aemilius (see Emil).
Emilijutė f Lithuanian
Diminutive of Emilija. Compared to names containing the -utė diminutive suffix, e.g. Birutė, this name hasn't been used as an official given name.
Emmija f Latvian (Rare, Archaic)
Latvian borrowing of Emmy.
Endija f Latvian
Feminine form of Endijs.
Endijs m Latvian (Modern)
Latvian form of Andy.
Enrika f Lithuanian, Albanian (Rare)
Lithuanian variant of Henrika and Albanian borrowing of Italian Enrica.
Enrikas m Lithuanian (Rare)
Variant of Henrikas, seemingly based on Italian Enrico.
Eolas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Aiolos.
Eratostenas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Eratosthenes.
Erazmas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Erasmus.
Erdmė f Lithuanian (Rare)
Derived from Lithuanian erdmė "space".
Erebas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Erebus.
Erelis m Lithuanian
In Lithuanian means "eagle".
Ervina f Bosnian, Croatian, Slovene, Lithuanian, Hungarian, Albanian, Romansh
Bosnian, Croatian, Slovene, Hungarian, Albanian, Romansh and Lithuanian feminine form of Ervin.
Ervinas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Erwin.
Eshils m Latvian
Variant of Aishils.
Eslanda f English (American, Rare), Lithuanian (Rare)
Meaning uncertain. In the Americas, the name might be a combination of two existing names, such as Esmeralda and Yolanda... [more]
Ešlija m & f Latvian (?)
Latvian equivalent of Ashley.
Eterė f Lithuanian
From the Lithuanian word for "ether," this is occasionally used as a given name
Eulalija f Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Eulalia.
Eularija f Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Eularia.
Eustachijus m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Eustachius.
Eustolija f Latvian (Archaic), Lithuanian (Archaic)
Latvian and Lithuanian form of Eustolia.
Euzebijus m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Eusebios via its latinized form Eusebius.
Evaldas m Lithuanian
Variant of Evald.
Evanas m Lithuanian (Modern)
Lithuanian form of Evan, in use since the 2000s.
Evaristas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Evaristus.
Evija f Latvian
Latvian borrowing of Evie and Evi.
Ezavas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Esau.
Ezechielis m English (Archaic), German (Archaic), Lithuanian (Rare)
From Latin Ezechielis, which is the genitive of the third declension of Ezechiel, the biblical Latin form of the Hebrew name Yechezkel.... [more]
Fabija f Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Fabia.
Fabijolė f Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Fabiola.
Fabijonas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Fabianus (see Fabian).
Fanija f Latvian
Latvian borrowing of Fanny.
Faustas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Faustus.
Faustė f Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Fausta.
Febė f Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Phoebe.
Fedra f Greek, Azerbaijani, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Croatian (Rare), Galician, Italian, Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Serbian, Sicilian, Slovene, Spanish, Ukrainian, Theatre
Modern Greek form of Phaidra (see Phaedra) as well as the standard form in various other languages.... [more]
Felė f Lithuanian
Diminutive form of Felicija.
Felicija f Lithuanian, Croatian
Lithuanian and Croatian form of Felicia.
Felicijus m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Felicius.
Feliksas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Felix.
Fēlikss m Latvian
Latvian form of Felix.
Feodosija f Latvian, Lithuanian
Latvian and Lithuanian form of Theodosia.
Ferdinandas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Ferdinand.
Filemonas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Philemon. This name is not to be confused with Filomenas.
Filomenas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Philomenos, which is the masculine form of Philomena. This name is not to be confused with Filemonas.
Fiodoras m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Fyodor.
Fjodors m Latvian
Latvian borrowing of Fyodor.
Fjokla f Latvian (Rare)
Latvian borrowing of Russian Fyokla.
Florencija f Croatian (Rare), Lithuanian (Rare)
Croatian and Lithuanian form of Florentia (see Florence). Note that Florencija is also the Lithuanian name for the Italian city of Florence.
Florencijs m Latvian (Archaic)
Latvian form of Florentius (see Florence).
Florencijus m Lithuanian (Archaic)
Lithuanian form of Florentius (see Florence).
Florians m Latvian
Latvian from of Florian.
Florijonas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Florianus (see Florian).
Fortūnata f Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Fortunata.
Fortūnatas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Fortunatus (see Fortunato).
Frančeska f Latvian (Modern, Rare), Croatian
Croatian and Latvian borrowing of Francesca.
Frederikas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Frederick.
Freija f Latvian, Frisian
Variant of Freya.
Frėja f Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Freya.
Frenks m Latvian (Modern, Rare)
Latvian borrowing of Frank, reflecting the English pronunciation.
Friksas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Phrixos (see Phrixus).
Frydrichas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Frederick.
Fulgentas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Fulgentius (see Fulgencio).
Gabrielis m Dutch (Rare), Lithuanian (Rare)
From Latin Gabrielis, which is the genitive of the third declension of Gabriel, the biblical Latin (and also Greek) form of the Hebrew name Gavri'el.... [more]
Gaida f Latvian, Estonian
Derived from either Latvian gaidīt "to wait (for)" or Latvian gaidas "expectations". This name is also occasionally used in Estonia.
Gaidis m Latvian
Masculine form of Gaida.
Gailė f Lithuanian
Short form of names ending with gailė or beginning with Gail such as Mingailė, Karigailė and Jogailė, typically from gailas meaning "strong, powerful".
Gailigedas m Lithuanian
The first element of this name is derived from old Lithuanian gailas, which usually means "strong, potent" but has also been found to mean "sharp, jagged" as well as "angry, fierce, violent" and "miserable, sorrowful, remorseful"... [more]
Gailigedė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Gailigedas.
Gailimantas m Lithuanian
The first element of this name is derived from old Lithuanian gailas, which usually means "strong, potent" but has also been found to mean "sharp, jagged" as well as "angry, fierce, violent" and "miserable, sorrowful, remorseful"... [more]
Gailiminas m Lithuanian
The first element of this name is derived from old Lithuanian gailas, which usually means "strong, potent" but has also been found to mean "sharp, jagged" as well as "angry, fierce, violent" and "miserable, sorrowful, remorseful"... [more]
Gailiminė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Gailiminas.
Gaisma f Latvian
Directly taken from Latvian gaisma "light".
Gajus m Lithuanian, Polish
Lithuanian form of Gaius and Polish variant of Gajusz.
Galēns m Latvian
Latvian form of Galen.
Galijotas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Goliath.
Gaļina f Latvian
Latvian borrowing of Galina.
Gastons m Latvian (Rare)
Latvian borrowing of Gaston.
Gatis m Latvian
Originally a short form of Gothards, now used as a given name in its own right.
Gaudencija f Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Gaudentia.
Gaudencijus m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Gaudentius.
Gaudentas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Gaudentius.
Gaudminas m Lithuanian
The first element of this name is either derived from the Lithuanian verb gaudyti meaning "to take" as well as "to catch, to hunt" or from the Lithuanian adjective gaudus meaning "sonorous, resonant, ringing, loud, echoing"... [more]
Gaudminė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Gaudminas.
Gaudrė f Lithuanian
Short form of names beginning with Gaud- (e.g. Gaudminė), derived either from the Lithuanian verb gaudyti meaning "to take; to catch, to hunt" or adjective gaudus meaning "sonorous, resonant, ringing, loud, echoing."
Gaudrimas m Lithuanian
The first element of this name is either derived from the Lithuanian verb gaudyti meaning "to take" as well as "to catch, to hunt" or from the Lithuanian adjective gaudus meaning "sonorous, resonant, ringing, loud, echoing"... [more]
Gaudrimė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Gaudrimas.
Gaudvilas m Lithuanian
The first element of this name is either derived from the Lithuanian verb gaudyti meaning "to take" as well as "to catch, to hunt" or from the Lithuanian adjective gaudus meaning "sonorous, resonant, ringing, loud, echoing"... [more]
Gaudvilė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Gaudvilas.
Gaudvydas m Lithuanian
The first element of this name is either derived from the Lithuanian verb gaudyti meaning "to take" as well as "to catch, to hunt" or from the Lithuanian adjective gaudus meaning "sonorous, resonant, ringing, loud, echoing"... [more]
Gaudvydė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Gaudvydas.
Gedgailas m Lithuanian
The first element of this name is either derived from the old Lithuanian verb gedauti meaning "to ask" or from the (more) modern Lithuanian verb gedėti meaning "to mourn, to grieve" as well as "to miss" and "to long, to yearn, to pine (for)"... [more]
Gedgailė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Gedgailas.
Gedgaudas m Lithuanian
The first element of this name is either derived from the old Lithuanian verb gedauti meaning "to ask" or from the (more) modern Lithuanian verb gedėti meaning "to mourn, to grieve" as well as "to miss" and "to long, to yearn, to pine (for)"... [more]
Gedgaudė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Gedgaudas.
Ģedimins m Latvian
Latvian form of Gediminas.
Gedmantas m Lithuanian
The first element of this name is either derived from the old Lithuanian verb gedauti meaning "to ask" or from the (more) modern Lithuanian verb gedėti meaning "to mourn, to grieve" as well as "to miss" and "to long, to yearn, to pine (for)"... [more]
Gedmantė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Gedmantas.
Gedminas m Lithuanian
The first element of this name is either derived from the old Lithuanian verb gedauti "to ask" or from the more modern Lithuanian verb gedėti "to mourn, to grieve" as well as "to miss" and "to long for, to yearn, to pine"... [more]
Gedminė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Gedminas.
Gedmintas m Lithuanian
The first element of this name is either derived from the old Lithuanian verb gedauti meaning "to ask" or from the (more) modern Lithuanian verb gedėti meaning "to mourn, to grieve" as well as "to miss" and "to long, to yearn, to pine (for)"... [more]
Gedmintė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Gedmintas.
Gedrimas m Lithuanian
The first element of this name is either derived from the old Lithuanian verb gedauti meaning "to ask" or from the (more) modern Lithuanian verb gedėti meaning "to mourn, to grieve" as well as "to miss" and "to long, to yearn, to pine (for)"... [more]
Gedrimė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Gedrimas.
Gedvaidas m Lithuanian (Rare)
The first element of this name is either derived from the old Lithuanian verb gedauti meaning "to ask" or from the (more) modern Lithuanian verb gedėti meaning "to mourn, to grieve" as well as "to miss" and "to long, to yearn, to pine (for)"... [more]
Gedvainas m Lithuanian
The first element of this name is either derived from the old Lithuanian verb gedauti meaning "to ask" or from the (more) modern Lithuanian verb gedėti meaning "to mourn, to grieve" as well as "to miss" and "to long, to yearn, to pine (for)"... [more]
Gedvilas m Lithuanian
The first element of this name is either derived from the old Lithuanian verb gedauti meaning "to ask" or from the (more) modern Lithuanian verb gedėti meaning "to mourn, to grieve" as well as "to miss" and "to long, to yearn, to pine (for)"... [more]
Gedvilė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Gedvilas.
Gedvydas m Lithuanian
The first element of this name is either derived from the old Lithuanian verb gedauti meaning "to ask" or from the (more) modern Lithuanian verb gedėti meaning "to mourn, to grieve" as well as "to miss" and "to long, to yearn, to pine (for)"... [more]
Gedvydė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Gedvydas.
Gėlė f Lithuanian (Rare)
Derived from the Lithuanian noun gėlė meaning "flower".
Genovaita f Lithuanian
Variant form of Genovaitė.
Genutė f Lithuanian
Diminutive of Genovaitė, since this name contains the feminine diminutive suffix -utė.
Geraldas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Gerald.
Gerardas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Gerard.
Gerards m Latvian (Rare)
Latvian form of Gerhard.
Gerhards m Latvian (Rare)
Latvian form of Gerhard.
Germanas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Germanus.
Getautas m Lithuanian
The first element of this name is either derived from the old Lithuanian verb gedauti meaning "to ask" or from the (more) modern Lithuanian verb gedėti meaning "to mourn, to grieve" as well as "to miss" and "to long, to yearn, to pine (for)"... [more]
Getautė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Getautas.
Gilbertas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Gilbert.
Gileta f Lithuanian
Derived from Lithuanian gilus meaning "deep".
Ginta f Latvian
Of uncertain origin and meaning. Theories include a feminine form of Gints, a feminine form of Gintars and a purely phonetic coinage... [more]
Gintara f Lithuanian (Rare)
Latinate variant of Gintarė.
Gintars m Latvian
Latvian borrowing of Gintaras.
Gintautė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Gintautas.
Gints m Latvian
Latvian short form of borrowed Lithuanian names that begin with the element Gint-, such as Gintaras and Gintautas.
Gintvilas m Lithuanian
Means "to defend hope", derived from Lithuanian ginti meaning "to defend, to protect" combined with Baltic vil meaning "hope" (see Viltautas). In other words: this given name is basically the same as Vilgintas, but with the name elements in different places.
Gintvilė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Gintvilas.
Gintvydas m Lithuanian
Derived from Lithuanian ginti meaning "to defend, to protect" combined with Baltic vyd meaning "to see" (see Vytautas). Also compare other names that end in -vydas, such as Alvydas and Tautvydas.
Gintvydė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Gintvydas.
Ginvilas m Lithuanian
Variant form of Gintvilas.
Ginvilė f Lithuanian
Variant form of Gintvilė.
Ginvydas m Lithuanian
Variant form of Gintvydas.
Ginvydė f Lithuanian
Variant form of Gintvydė.
Girdmantas m Lithuanian
The first element of this name is derived from the Lithuanian noun girdas meaning "rumour", which is ultimately derived from the Lithuanian verb girdėti meaning "to hear". Also compare the related Lithuanian noun gandas meaning "rumour, hearsay"... [more]
Girdmantė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Girdmantas.
Girdvainas m Lithuanian
The first element of this name is derived from the Lithuanian noun girdas meaning "rumour", which is ultimately derived from the Lithuanian verb girdėti meaning "to hear". Also compare the related Lithuanian noun gandas meaning "rumour, hearsay"... [more]
Girdvainė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Girdvainas.
Girdvilas m Lithuanian
The first element of this name is derived from the Lithuanian noun girdas meaning "rumour", which is ultimately derived from the Lithuanian verb girdėti meaning "to hear". Also compare the related Lithuanian noun gandas meaning "rumour, hearsay"... [more]
Girdvilė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Girdvilas.
Girdvydas m Lithuanian
The first element of this name is derived from the Lithuanian noun girdas meaning "rumour", which is ultimately derived from the Lithuanian verb girdėti meaning "to hear". Also compare the related Lithuanian noun gandas meaning "rumour, hearsay"... [more]
Girdvydė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Girdvydas.
Girenė f Lithuanian
Means "forest dweller" in Lithuanian, from giria, meaning "forest" and -en.
Glebs m Latvian (Rare)
Latvian borrowing of Gleb.
Glicerijus m Lithuanian (Archaic)
Lithuanian form of Glykerios via its latinized form Glycerius.
Glikerija f Lithuanian (Rare), Serbian (Archaic)
Lithuanian and Serbian form of Glykeria.
Glita f Latvian (Rare)
Derived from Latvian glīts "pretty, good-looking, beautiful; neat."
Gluosnė f Lithuanian
Derived from Lithuanian gluosnis "willow."
Gosminas m Lithuanian (Rare)
Derived from the old Lithuanian verb gosti or gostis meaning "to desire, to crave" as well as "to seek, to pursue, to strive" combined with the Lithuanian verb minėti meaning "to celebrate" as well as "to remember, to commemorate".
Gostautas m Lithuanian
Derived from the old Lithuanian verb gosti or gostis meaning "to desire, to crave" as well as "to seek, to pursue, to strive" combined with Baltic tauta meaning "people, nation" (see Vytautas).
Gostautė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Gostautas.
Gotlibas m Lithuanian (Rare)
Lithuanian form of Gottlieb.
Gracijonas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Gratianus (see Gratian).
Gracijus m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Gratius.
Grafas m Lithuanian (Rare)
Derived from Lithuanian grafas meaning "count", which is ultimately derived from German Graf meaning "count".