Greek Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the language is Greek.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Aaronas m Lithuanian (Rare), Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek variant and Lithuanian form of Aaron.
Abinos m Greek
Variant diminutive form of Albinos (Ἀλβῖνος) primarily used in Italy. (Archaic)
Achillefs m Greek
Modern Greek form of Achilleus (see also Achilleas).
Ada f Greek
Variant transcription of Άντα (see Anta). It is also used as a diminutive of Adamantia.
Adamandia f Greek (Rare)
Alternate transcription of Greek Αδαμαντία (see Adamantia).
Adamantini f Greek, History (Ecclesiastical)
Feminine derivative of Adamantios. This was the name of a Thracian saint, also known as Adamantia, who was martyred during the persecutions of the Roman emperor Diocletian in the early 4th century.
Adamos m Greek
Transferred use of the surname Adamos.
Addikos m Greek
Variation of Attikos.
Adeodatos m Greek
Greek form of Adeodatus.
Admitos m Greek (Cypriot, Rare)
Modern Greek form of Admetos.
Adolfos m Greek (Rare)
Greek form of Adolf, mainly used to render the name of foreigners in Greek.
Adrianos m Greek
Greek form of Adrian.
Afrikanos m Greek
Modern Greek spelling of Aphrikanos, which is the ancient Greek form of Africanus.
Afro f Greek
Diminutive of Afroditi.
Afrodity f Greek
Alternate transcription of Afroditi
Afroula f Greek
Diminutive of Afroditi.
Afxentios m Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek form of Auxentios.
Agathie f Greek (Rare), Greek (Cypriot, Rare)
Variant transliteration of Αγαθή (see Agathi and Agathy).
Agathoklis m Greek
Modern Greek spelling of Agathokles.
Agathoniki f Greek
Modern Greek form of Agathonike.
Agathos m Greek (?)
Masculine form of "Agatha".
Agathy f Greek (Cypriot, Rare)
Modern transcription of Agathe. (Cf. Agathi.)
Aggela f Greek (Cypriot)
Variant transcription of Αγγέλα (see Angela).
Aggeliki f Greek
Variant of Angeliki.
Aggelina f Greek (Rare)
Variant transcription of Αγγελίνα (see Angelina).
Aggelos m Greek
Modern Greek spelling of Angelos.
Agoritsa f Greek
Diminutive of Agoro.
Agoro f Greek
Derived from Greek αγόρι (agori) meaning "boy, lad" and combined with the feminine suffix -ω (-o).
Aiantas m Greek
Modern Greek form of Aias.
Aigli f Greek
Modern Greek transcription of Aigle.
Aimilia f Ancient Roman (Hellenized), Greek
Hellenized form of Aemilia. Compare the masculine form Aimilios.
Aisonas m Greek
Modern Greek form of Aeson.
Aithra f Greek Mythology, Greek (Rare)
Original Greek form of Aethra.
Akakia f Greek (Rare)
Greek form of Acacia or feminine form of Akakios.
Akindynos m Greek (Rare), Late Greek
From Greek ἀκίνδυνος (akindynos) meaning "free from danger, without danger", composed of the negative prefix ἀ (a) and κίνδυνος (kindynos) "danger, hazard, venture".
Akis m Greek, Greek Mythology
Greek form of Acis as well as diminutive of many Greek names also very different from each other such as Theodoros, Andreas, Athanasios and Georgios.
Akos m Greek
Diminutive of Kyriakos.
Akrivi f Greek
Means "expensive" and "precise" in Greek. Akrive was the name of a 4th-century Eastern Orthodox martyr, one of 40 holy virgins who were martyred with the deacon Ammon (or Ammoun) in Thrace.
Alexakis m Greek
Modern Greek diminutive of Alexios and Alexis, as it contains the modern Greek diminutive suffix -άκης (-akis)... [more]
Alexianna f English (Rare), Greek (Rare)
Variant of Alexiana. As a modern Greek name, it is a combination of Alexia and Anna.
Alfeos m Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek form of Alphaios.
Alfredos m Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek form of Alfred.
Alike f Greek
Alternate transcription of Aliki.
Alikto f Greek
Modern Greek transcription of Alecto.
Alkeos m Greek
Modern Greek form of Alkaios.
Alki f Greek
Diminutive of Angeliki. This name was borne by Angeliki „Alki“ Zei (December 15, 1925 – February 27, 2020), a Greek novelist and children's writer.
Alkioni f Greek (Rare)
Variant transcription of Αλκυόνη (see Alkyoni).
Alkippi f Greek
Modern Greek transcription of Alcippe
Alkisti f Greek
Modern Greek variant of Alkistis.
Alkistis f Greek
Modern Greek transcription of Alcestis.
Alkyoni f Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek form of Alkyone.
Alphonsos m Greek, Germanic (Hellenized)
Original Greek form of Alphonsus (see Alfonso).
Alvanos m Greek
Modern Greek form of Albanos.
Alvertos m Greek
Modern Greek spelling of Albertos, which is an older Greek form of Albert.
Alvinos m Greek
Modern Greek form of Albinos.
Amarillida f Greek (Rare)
Alternate transcription of Greek Αμαρυλλίδα (see Amaryllida).
Amaryllida f Greek (Rare)
Greek variant of Amaryllis, from the genitive form Αμαρυλλίδος (Amaryllidos). This is also the Greek name for the amaryllis flower.
Amfilochios m Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek form of Amphilochios. A notable bearer of this name is the Greek saint Amfilochios of Patmos (1889-1970), whose name is usually written as Amphilochios in non-Greek sources.
Amvrosios m Greek
Modern Greek form of Ambrosios.
Amygdalia f Greek
The name is derived from the Greek word amygdale, meaning “almond tree”.
Anargiri f Greek (Rare)
Alternate transcription of Greek Ανάργυρη (see Anargyri), which is the feminine form of Anargyros.
Anargyri f Greek (Rare)
Feminine form of Anargyros.
Anastasakis m Greek
Modern Greek diminutive of Anastasios, as it contains the modern Greek diminutive suffix -άκης (-akis). This name is typically only used informally, meaning: it does not appear on birth certificates.
Anastasoula f Greek
Greek diminutive of Anastasia. Also compare the short form Tasoula.
Anda f Greek
Variant transcription of Άντα (see Anta).
Andigoni f Albanian (Rare), Greek (Rare)
Albanian form of Antigone and Greek variant transcription of Αντιγόνη (see Antigoni).
Andonia f Albanian (Rare), Greek (Rare)
Feminine form of Andon and variant transcription of Αντωνία (see Antonia).
Andriane f Greek
Alternate transcription of Greek Ανδριανή (see Andriani).
Andriani f Greek
Greek feminine form of Andreas; also compare Andriana.
Androklis m Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek form of Androkles.
Andromachi f Greek
Modern Greek form of Andromache.
Andromahi f Greek (Rare), Albanian (Rare)
Greek variant transcription of Ανδρομάχη (see Andromachi), as well as an Albanian form.
Andronika f Ancient Greek, Greek (Rare), Greek (Cypriot, Rare), Bulgarian (Rare), Albanian (Rare), South African
Feminine form of Greek Andronikos and Bulgarian Andronik. This name was borne by Andronika 'Donika' Arianiti (1428-1506), also known as Donika Kastrioti, the wife of Albanian national hero Skanderbeg, leader of a revolt against the Ottoman Empire.
Androniki f Greek
Modern Greek feminine form of Andronikos.
Andros m Greek (Cypriot, Rare), Greek Mythology
From an element ανδρος (andros), a genitive form of ανηρ (aner). In Greek mythology, he was the son of Anius and grandson of Apollo.
Androula f Greek (Cypriot)
Diminutive of Androniki (the modern Greek feminine form of Andronikos) or possibly of Andriana.
Anestis m Greek
Diminutive of Anastasios.
Angelakis m Greek
Modern Greek diminutive of Angelos, as it contains the modern Greek diminutive suffix -άκης (-akis). This name is typically only used informally, meaning: it does not appear on birth certificates.
Angelike f Greek (Rare)
Variant transliteration of Angeliki.
Angelis m Greek
Short form of Evangelos.
Angy f Greek (Anglicized, Modern), English (Rare)
Anglicized form of Antzy used in Greek as well as variant of English Angie.
Annaki f Greek
Greek diminutive of Anna, as -άκι (-aki) is a Greek diminutive suffix.
Annio f Greek
Diminutive of Anna.
Annita f Greek (Rare)
Either a diminutive of Anna or a Greek form of Anita 1.
Annoula f Greek
Greek diminutive of Anna.
Anodos m Greek (Anglicized, Rare, Archaic)
"Ascent" or "Upward Progress" from the Greek οδος with the prefix αν. Used by Plato to refer to enlightenment. Anodos is the central character in the George Macdonald novel "Phantastes"... [more]
Anoutsiata f Italian (Hellenized), Greek (Rare)
Greek form of the Italian name Annunziata.
Anta f Greek
Greek form of Ada 1, as well as a short form of Antonia, Antigoni, Adamantia, Triantafyllia and other Greek names containing the same sound.
Anthoulis m Greek (Cypriot)
Diminutive of names containing the Greek element ἄνθος (anthos) meaning "flower, blossom", such as Kleanthis.
Anthy f Greek (Rare)
Alternate transcription of Greek Ανθή (see Anthi).
Antigoni f Greek, Sicilian
Modern Greek and Sicilian form of Antigone.
Antonakis m Greek
Modern Greek diminutive of Antonios and Antonis, as it contains the modern Greek diminutive suffix -άκης (-akis)... [more]
Antriana f Greek (Rare)
Variant transcription of Αντριάνα (see Adriana).
Antzela f Greek
Variant transcription of Άντζελα (see Angela).
Antzi f Greek (Rare)
Diminutive of Antzela.
Antzy f Greek
Greek form of the English name Angie, used as a diminutive of Angeliki or Angela. This is borne by Greek singer Angeliki 'Antzy' Samiou (1960-).
Aourora f Greek (Rare)
Greek form of Aurora.
Apellis m Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek form of Apelles.
Apostolakis m Greek
Modern Greek diminutive of Apostolis and Apostolos, as it contains the modern Greek diminutive suffix -άκης (-akis)... [more]
Apostolia f Late Greek, Greek
Feminine form of Apostolos.
Archimidis m Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek form of Archimedes.
Archontia f Greek
Feminine form of Archontion.
Archontissa f Greek, Judeo-Greek (?)
Means "noblewoman, lady, female ruler; rich woman" in Greek, ultimately from Ancient Greek ἄρχων (archon) meaning "leader, ruler, commander" (see Archon)... [more]
Aretousa f Greek
Aretousa is one of the main characters in the story of Erotokritos written by Vitsentzos Kornaros.
Argea f Greek, Polish (Rare)
Variant and Polish form of Argia.
Argyri f Greek
Dialect form of Argyro found in Pontus, Epirus, Silata, Cappadocia, Western Macedonia and Skiathos.
Argyrios m Greek
From the word silver.
Argyroula f Greek
Diminutive of Argyro.
Arhontissa f Greek (Rare)
Alternate transcription of Greek Αρχόντισσα (see Archontissa).
Ariadni f Greek, Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare)
Modern Greek transcription of Ariadne.
Ariadnie f Greek (Rare)
Alternate transcription of Greek Αριάδνη (see Ariadni).
Arianthe f Greek (Rare, Expatriate)
Variant transcription of Arianthi. This is borne by Arianthe Galani (1940-), an Australian actress of Greek descent.
Arianthi f Greek
Possibly composed of the Greek intensifying prefix ἀρι- (ari-) and ἄνθος (anthos) meaning "flower".... [more]
Arion m Ancient Greek, Greek, Greek Mythology, Popular Culture
In Greek mythology, Arion is the name of a divine immortal talking horse, who is the son of the gods Poseidon and Demeter. In real life, this name was borne by a Greek singer and poet of Methymna on Lesbos, skilled at the cithara and inventor of the dithyramb... [more]
Aristea f Greek, Spanish (Mexican), English (American, Modern, Rare, ?)
Feminine form of Aristeo (Spanish). As a Greek name, it is a feminine form of names beginning with the element ἄριστος (aristos) meaning "best"... [more]
Aristodimos m Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek spelling of Aristodemos.
Aristofanis m Greek
Modern Greek form of Aristophanes.
Aristogenis m Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek form of Aristogenes.
Aristoklis m Greek
Modern Greek form of Aristokles.
Aristomenis m Greek
Modern Greek form of Aristomenes.
Aristos m Ancient Greek, Greek
Short form of Greek names beginning with the element αριστος (aristos) "best".
Aristovoulos m Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek form of Aristoboulos.
Ariti f Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek form of Ἀρήτη (Arete) - not be confused with Ἀρετή (see Arete), of which the modern Greek form is Areti.
Armandos m Greek (Rare)
Greek form of Armand.
Aroldos m Greek (Rare)
Greek form of Harold.
Arsinoi f Greek
Modern Greek form of Arsinoe.
Artemi f Greek
Modern Greek variant of Artemis.
Artemis m Greek
Variant of Artemios.
Arthouros m Greek (Rare)
Greek form of Arthur.
Artouros m Greek
Variant of Arthouros.
Asemina f Greek (Rare), Albanian (Rare)
Greek variant transcription of Ασημίνα (see Asimina), as well as an Albanian form.
Asimakis m Greek
Meaning uncertain. It might perhaps be a variant of Gerasimakis, or a combination of the Greek noun ασήμι (asimi) meaning "silver" with the modern Greek diminutive suffix -άκης (-akis).... [more]
Asimina f Greek
Derived from Greek ασήμι (asemi) meaning "silver", literally "without mark" from α (a), a negative prefix, combined with σῆμα (sema) "sign, mark, token"... [more]
Asimo f Greek (Rare)
Diminutive of Asimina.
Asklipios m Greek
Modern transcription of Asklepios.
Aspa f Greek
Short form of Aspasia.
Astarti f Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek form of Astarte.
Asterin f & m Greek
Perhaps related to or a diminutive of the name Aster of Greek origins, meaning "star".
Asterinos m Ancient Greek, Greek
Derived from Greek ἀστὴρ (aster) meaning "star".
Astero f Greek
Derived from Greek άστρο (astro) or αστέρι (asteri), both meaning "star". This is the name of the title character of a 1959 Greek film (played by Aliki Viougiouklaki), a remake of a 1929 movie (itself loosely based on Helen Hunt Jackson's 1884 novel Ramona).
Asther f Greek
Means Star; Flower in Greek
Astrinos m Greek (Rare)
Contracted form of Asterinos.
Atalanti f Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek form of Atalante.
Athanasakis m Greek
Modern Greek diminutive of Athanasios, as it contains the modern Greek diminutive suffix -άκης (-akis). This name is typically only used informally, meaning: it does not appear on birth certificates.
Athanasiou m Greek
A Greek form of Athanasius meaning “immortal.”
Athanasouda f Greek
Dialectical form of Athanasia found in Samothrace.
Athanasoula f Greek
Variant form of Athanasia.
Athinagoras m Greek
Modern Greek form of Athenagoras.
Athinais f Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek form of Athenais.
Athinodoros m Greek
Modern Greek form of Athenodoros.
Athos m Greek Mythology, Literature, French, Italian, Greek, Brazilian
Athos was one of the Gigantes, children of Gaia, who hurled a mountain at Zeus. Zeus knocked the mountain to the ground near Macedonia, and it became Mount Athos, or the "Holy Mountain."... [more]
Atreas m Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek form of Atreus.
Attalos m Ancient Greek, Greek (Rare)
Possibly derived from Greek ἀταλός (atalos) meaning "delicate, tender" or the related ἀτάλλω (atallo) meaning "to bring up a child, to foster", "to grow" or "to skip, gambol, frolic".
Attikou m Greek
Greek form of Atticus.
Attikus m Greek
Original spelling of the name Atticus. This name come from the Greek Ἀττικός Attikos means "from Attika" and was popularly used for Greek nobles.
Atzela f Greek
Variant of Antzela.
Augerinos m Greek, Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek ah (auge) meaning "sunlight, ray of light" or "dawn". This is sometimes used as a name for the planet Venus, the morning star.
Ava f Greek
Diminutive of Chrysavgi.
Avel m Breton, Bulgarian, Greek (Rare), Russian (Rare), Ukrainian
Form of Abel in various languages.... [more]
Averkios m Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek spelling of Aberkios.
Averof m Greek (Cypriot, Rare)
Meaning unknown. A notable bearer of this name is the Greek Cypriot politician Averof Neofytou (b. 1961).
Avgerinos m Greek
Modern Greek form of Augerinos.
Avgeris m Greek
Masculine derivative of Avgi, from Ancient Greek αὐγή (auge) meaning "dawn, sunlight".
Avgi f Greek
Modern Greek form of Auge.
Avgousta f Greek (Cypriot)
Modern Greek form of Augousta.
Avgoustina f Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek form of Augustina.
Avgoustinos m Greek
Modern Greek spelling of Augoustinos, which is the ancient Greek form of Augustinus.
Avgoustos m Greek
Modern Greek spelling of Augoustos, which is the ancient Greek form of Augustus.
Avivos m Greek (Modern, Rare)
Diminutive of Avraam or Greek form of Aviv.
Avlos m Greek
Modern Greek spelling of Aulos, which is the ancient Greek form of Aulus.
Avraam m Greek, Bulgarian, Biblical Romanian
Modern Greek and Romanian form of Abraham and Bulgarian variant of Avram.
Avramia f Greek (Rare)
Feminine form of Avraam.
Avrilia f Greek
Modern Greek form of Aurelia.
Avrilianos m Greek
Modern Greek spelling of Aurelianos, which is the ancient Greek form of Aurelianus.
Avrilios m Greek
Modern Greek form of Aurelios.
Avyi f Greek (Cypriot, Rare)
Variant transcription of Avgi.
Axilleas m Greek
Alternate transcription of Greek Αχιλλέας (see Achilleas).
Azalias m Greek (Rare, Archaic), Hebrew (Rare, Archaic)
The masculine variant of Azalia, and a variant of Azaliah.... [more]
Baia f Greek (Rare)
Variant transcription of Βαΐα, Βάϊα, or Βάια (see Vaia).
Bakis m Greek
Variant transcription of Μπάκης (see Mpakis).
Bambis m Greek
Variant transcription of Μπάμπης (see Mpampis).
Basilica f Greek
Given name from the Spanish and Italian word "basilica", derived from Ancient Greek "βασιλική στοά": a large oblong building in Roman architecture used as a public forum or town hall, sometimes also a church or court building... [more]
Belisarius m Greek (Latinized), History
From Greek Βελισάριος (Belisarios), probably of Illyric origin. This was the name of a famed Byzantine general and war hero who served the emperor Justinian. He was possibly of Slavic ancestry which has led to speculation that the name derives from Slavonic Beli-tzar "white prince" (the -sarius element being interpreted as coming from the old Slavic word tsesar or tsesari, which was derived from Caesar, thus giving Belisarius a "princely" connotation), but this etymology has since been discounted as somewhat dubious.
Beloc m Greek (Cypriot, Archaic)
Beloc is a classical rendering of the Semitic words bēlu and ba'al, which both mean "lord". It can be used as a theonym, personal name, or royal title. Beloc has multiple meanings, including: ... [more]
Benediktos m Greek
Greek form of Benedictus (see Benedict). A bearer of this name was Benediktos Adamantiades (1875-1962), a Greek ophthalmologist after whom a disease was named.
Bia f Greek
Variant transcription of Μπία (see Mpia).
Biktor m Late Roman (Hellenized), Georgian (Rare), Greek (Rare)
Late Greek form of Victor, as well as the original Georgian form of Victor. Biktor is considered an old and rare name in both Georgia and Greece... [more]
Bilis m Greek
Variant transcription of Μπίλης (see Mpilis).
Billy m Greek (Modern)
Variant of Bilis influenced by the unrelated English name Billy.
Bithleem f Greek (Rare, Archaic)
Alternate (possibly archaic) transcription of Greek Βηθλεέμ (see Vithleem).
Caesia f Ancient Roman, Greek, Italian
Caesia is a Latin word that means "bluish grey" or "light blue.” Caesia also refers to a genus of herbs.
Calia f Greek (Cypriot, Rare)
Variant transcription of Kalia.
Callia f Greek (Rare), Greek (Cypriot, Rare), English (Modern, Rare)
Alternate transcription of Κάλλια or Καλλία (see Kallia).
Caryophyllia f Greek
Derived from the greek word καρυόφυλλον meaning "carnation".
Cassis m Greek (?)
Probably means "spice of the wine."
Chaido f Late Greek, Greek
Greek name of medieval origin, from Greek χάιδι, χάδι meaning "song" or "pamper". Saint Chaido was one of the Forty Holy Virgin Martyrs who are celebrated on September 1, along with Saint Ammoun the Deacon... [more]
Chambos m Greek
Diminutive of Charalambos.
Charalambia f Greek (Cypriot)
Variant transcription of Χαραλαμπία (see Charalampia).
Charalampia f Greek
Feminine form of Charalampos.
Charidimos m Greek
Modern Greek form of Charidemos.
Charis m Greek
Diminutive of Zacharias and names containing the Greek element χάρις (charis) meaning "grace, kindness".
Charisios m Greek
Derived from Greek χάρις (charis) meaning "grace, kindness".
Charitini f Greek
Modern Greek form of Charitine.
Charoula f Greek
Diminutive of Chara.
Charri f Greek
In French Charri is associated with “charm” and “grace”. Having French, English, Irish, and Greek origins
Chilnta f Greek (Rare)
Greek form of Hilda.
Chioni f Greek
Modern Greek form of Chione.
Chionia f Late Greek, Greek (Rare), Italian (Archaic), Polish, History (Ecclesiastical)
Variant of Chione. This was the name of a virgin martyr and saint who lived during the reign of the Roman emperor Diocletian... [more]
Chionitsa f Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek diminutive of Chionia, as -ίτσα (-itsa) is a Greek feminine diminutive suffix. This name is typically only used informally, meaning: it does not appear on birth certificates.
Chionou f Greek (Cypriot)
Cypriot Greek variant of Chionia.
Chloi f Greek, Greek (Cypriot)
Modern Greek transcription of Chloe.
Chrisa f Greek
Variant transliteration of Χρύσα (see Chrysa).
Chrisanthi f Greek
Alternate transcription of Greek Χρυσάνθη (see Chrysanthi).
Chrisanthos m Greek (Cypriot, Rare)
Variant transcription of Χρύσανθος (see Chrysanthos).
Chrisi f Greek (Rare)
Variant transcription of Χρυσή (see Chrysi).
Chrisostomos m Greek (Rare)
Variant transcription of Greek Χρυσόστομος (see Chrysostomos).
Chrisoula f Greek (Rare)
Variant transcription of Χρυσούλα (see Chrysoula).
Chrissa f Greek
Variant transliteration of Χρύσα (see Chryssa).
Christi f Greek
Modern Greek transcription of Chreste. Also compare the masculine equivalent Christos.
Christofili f Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek transcription of Christophile.
Christofilos m Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek transcription of Christophilos.
Christofily f Greek (Americanized, Rare)
Alternate transcription of Greek Χριστοφίλη (see Christofili), which is the modern Greek feminine form of Christophilos.
Chrisula f Greek
Alternate transcription of Greek Χρυσούλα (see Chrysoula).
Chronis m Greek
Short form of Polychronis.
Chrysanna f Greek
Possibly a combination of Chrysa and Anna inspired by Chrysanthi.
Chrysavgi f Greek
Means "golden dawn, golden sunrise" in Greek.
Chrysi f Greek
Modern Greek form of Chryse.
Chrysiida f Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek form of Chryseida.
Chrysiis f Greek
Modern Greek form of Chryseis.
Chrysorroas m Greek, History (Ecclesiastical)
Means "streaming with gold" in Greek, from Greek χρυσός (chrysos) "gold" and ῥοάς (rhoás) "stream", derived from ῥοή (rhoé) "river, stream" (Compare river Chrysorrhoas)... [more]
Chrysostomi f Greek
Feminine form of Chrysostomos.
Chrysothea f Greek (Rare)
From Greek χρυσός (chrysos) "golden" combined with θεός (theos) "god".
Chrysoula f Greek
Diminutive of Chrysa.
Chrysovalantis m Greek
Masculine form of Chrysovalantou. A known bearer of this name is the Greek soccer player Chrysovalantis Kozoronis (b. 1992).
Chrysovalantou f Greek (Rare)
From the epithet of Irene Chrysovalantou, a 9th-century Greek Orthodox saint who is considered a patron of conception and fertility. It means "of Chrysobalanton", from the name of the ancient monastery in Constantinople where she was abbess (allegedly from the name of a region of the Byzantine empire which derives from Greek χρυσος (chrysos) "golden" and βαλαντιο (balantio) "coin").
Chrystos f & m English (American, Modern), Greek (Modern)
Variant of Christos. Chrystos, born Christina Smith, is an American writer and activist who self-identifies as two-spirit.
Ciprià m Catalan (Rare), Greek (Latinized)
Catalan form of Cyprianus (see Cyprian).
Cipriana f Italian, Portuguese, Galician, Spanish, Romanian, Greek (Rare), Gascon, Provençal
Italian, Romanian, Portuguese, Galician, Spanish, Gascon and Provençal feminine form of Cyprianus (compare Cypriana).