Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the person who added the name is Rejtblat.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
'Adyahu m Ancient Hebrew
likely a combination of the elements עד ('ad) "eternity" and יהו (yahu) referring to the Israelite god. Put together the name means "Yahweh is everlasting"
Ah'em m Ancient Hebrew
Means "(maternal) uncle" in ancient Hebrew. (compare Ahab). This name is derived from the combination of the elements אח (ah') "brother" and אם (em) "mother"
Altilde f Frankish
From Altildis, a Latinized form of a Germanic name derived from the elements alt meaning "old" and hilt meaning "battle", making it a cognate of Old English Ealdhild.
Arje m Hebrew (Polonized)
a Polonized spelling of Aryeh
Balltesar m Medieval Portuguese
Medieval Portuguese variant of Baltasar
Batzion f Hebrew (Modern, Rare), Biblical Hebrew
Derived from בַּת־צִיּוֹן meaning "daughter of Zion". This name first appears as a personification of Jerusalem or the Judean nation (mainly in a negative context)... [more]
Beornfrith m Anglo-Saxon
A combination of the name elements beorn meaning "bear" and friþ "peace"
Berman m Yiddish (Archaic), Medieval Jewish
A variant of Bermann typically used outside of Medieval German-speaking lands.
Blime f Yiddish
a variant of Bluma
Blüme f Yiddish
Variant of Blume
Claretha f African American (Rare)
Elaboration of Clare in the same fashion as Aretha and Eartha.
Cwi m Hebrew (Polonized)
A Polonized spelling of Zvi
Czarna f Yiddish (Polonized, Rare)
Polonised spelling of Charna.
Czerniczsche f Medieval Jewish, Judeo-Slavic (?)
The older form of Czarna (See Charna)
Deslava f Jewish (Ashkenazi, Archaic)
Recorded in the pre-15th century in Jewish Moravian and Bohemian communities. ... [more]
Dörte f Low German (Rare), East Frisian
Low German and East Frisian short form of Dorothea.
Edel f Yiddish
A Judeo-German spelling of Eidel
Edrit m Anglo-Saxon (Rare)
meaning unknown
Esterke f Yiddish
Yiddish diminutive of Ester. It belongs to a legendary mistress of King Casimir the Great, a Polish king. according to the legend she persuaded him to invite Jews to Poland and grant them privileges.
Faithina f Caribbean (?)
An elaboration of Faith by using the feminine diminutive suffix ina
Fejga f Yiddish (Polonized)
a Polonized spelling of Feiga
Fleurent m Medieval French
Medieval French form of Florent.
Friedgart f German (Rare, Archaic)
Variant of Friedgard mostly recorded in Germany
Friedmann m Yiddish (Archaic), Medieval Jewish
Medieval Judeo-German vernacular form of Schalom (See Shalom). Compare also the German given name Friedemann.
Gabriell m Medieval Catalan
A middle Catalan spelling of Gabriel
Galila f Hebrew (Rare)
Derived from the place name Galil גליל, this name was mostly used from the 19th until the early 20th century and occasionally used after the establishment of Israel... [more]
German m Germanic
derived from the Germanic elements Ger (spear) and Man (man) meaning "man of spear". Now this name is used in Germany but in a different form and rarely Germann.
Gita f Yiddish
A Polish-Yiddish spelling of Guta, sometimes it is slavicized to Dobra
Glikel f Yiddish
A variant of Glukel
Glückel f Yiddish
German Yiddish variant of Glukel
Grèce f & m French (African)
Possibly derives from Grèce the French word for Greece. This name is mostly used in Congo.
Guiselle f Spanish (Latin American), Central American
Spelling of Giselle mainly used in Costa Rica.
Guisselle f Central American, Spanish (Latin American)
a variant of Guiselle Chiefly used in Chile.
Gütel f Yiddish (Rare, Archaic), Medieval German (Rare), Medieval Jewish (Rare)
Variant of Gittel that typically appears in German (gentile, Silesian) sources
Gutel f Yiddish (Rare, Archaic), Medieval Jewish
An archaic diminutive of Gute (see Gittel)
Hemda f Hebrew (Rare)
From the Hebrew חֶמְדָּה (Khemdah) meaning "Desire, passion, will". It was borne by Hemda Ben-Yehuda (1873–1951), the second wife of the Jewish linguist Eliezer Ben-Yehuda. The name Hemda was mostly used pre-establishment of the Israeli state and is rarely given to girls nowadays.
Hildemarie f Obscure
Feminine variant of Hildemar or a combo of Hilde and Marie.
Hose m Judeo-Anglo-Norman
Might be a variant of Hosea
Idessa f Yiddish
A variant of Yehudis
Ithobaal m Biblical, Phoenician
It is borne by (Ithobaal I) of the biblical queen Jezebel and Baal-Eser II, other Phoenician kings mentioned by the historian Josephus and Assyrian sources... [more]
Karaa f Ancient Hebrew
Derived from the root קרא (Kara) meaning "to call, to read". This name means "(she has) called"
Khayem m Yiddish
Variant of Chaim.
Leibl m & f Yiddish (Rare)
Diminutive of Liebe or Lieber
Leobert m Filipino
A combination of Leo and names ending in Bert
Lipa f Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian, Russian, Ukrainian
It derives from the Slavic name for the linden tree Lipa (Липа), which originates from the Greek word "Lipos" (λίπος) meaning: "fat, thick". And a shorter form of the Russian and Ukrainian name Olimpiada.
Löwe m Medieval Jewish, Yiddish (Archaic)
Medieval Yiddish form of Lieb
Mandy m Jewish
Jewish pet form of Mendel
Marços m Medieval Portuguese
Medieval Portuguese variant of Marcos
Massod m Judeo-Italian (Archaic), Medieval Jewish
possibly of Judeo-Arabic origin
Mendie m Yiddish
A pet form of Mendel
Minman m Medieval Jewish, Yiddish (Archaic)
a combination of the elements Minna "Love" and mann "man" meaning "loved man"
Ne'ehevet f Ancient Hebrew
derived from נאהבת meaning "beloved", which is a derivative of the root אהב meaning "love"
Oriyahu m Ancient Hebrew
Derived from the combination of the elements Ori "my light" אורי and Yahu יהו (compare to Oriya)
Palta f Ancient Hebrew
Derives from the root פלט (Palat) meaning "delivered", this name could mean something like "(she was) delivered"
Pearlean f African American (Rare, Archaic)
a spelling variant of Pearline used chiefly by African Americans
Platibaal m Phoenician
Derived from the Phoenician Plati meaning "refuge" and Baal. This name means "Baal is my refuge"
Ragenild f Medieval English
Medieval English variant Ragnhildr
Ranana f Hebrew
Derived from the classical Hebrew רְנָנָה meaning "happiness, singing, rejoicing"
Raphell m Medieval Catalan
a middle Catalan spelling of Raphael
Reingard f German (Rare)
This name is composed of the elements regin and gard, and it is a phonetically simplified Form of the name Ragingard
Richeman m Medieval English
Derived from middle English rī̆che meaning "rich" and man "person, man"
Roysia f Medieval English
A spelling variant of Rohesia (see also Royse)
Salkind m Medieval Jewish, Yiddish (Archaic)
A diminutive of Solomon made by using the diminutive element kind.
Sallvador m Medieval Portuguese
Medieval Portuguese variant of Salvador
Saluda f English (American, Rare, Archaic)
Possibly after the Saluda Mountains and Saluda River, both located along the border of North and South Carolina.
Salutia f Early Jewish, Late Roman (Rare)
female form of Salutius found in the Jewish catacombs of Rome... [more]
Salutius m Late Roman, Jewish
this name was found in the Jewish catacombs of Rome, it appears to be used almost exclusively by Roman Jews except for one well-recorded case... [more]
Schalom m Hebrew (Germanized)
German transcription of Shalom
Schönfrau f Medieval Jewish, Yiddish (Archaic)
derived from Schön "beautiful" and frau "woman"
Schönman m Yiddish (Rare, Archaic), Medieval Jewish
derived from Schön "beautiful" and man "man". unlike its female counterpart, Schönfrau Schönman was rarely given to boys.
Se'ev m Hebrew (Germanized)
Germanized form of Ze'ev (See Zeev)
Seev m Hebrew (Germanized)
Another transcription of Se'ev
Sha'al m Ancient Hebrew
Derived from the root שאל (shaal) meaning "to ask", as a given name it means "(he has) asked"
Sha'ala f Ancient Hebrew
A feminine form of Sha'al
Sheva f Hebrew (Modern, Rare)
Possibly short form of Batsheva or Elisheva or other names containing the Hebrew name element שבע meaning "Oath" or simply derived from the biblical word... [more]
Shu'al m Biblical, Ancient Hebrew
Derived from שועל meaning "fox"
Sibba f Medieval English
Medieval diminutive of Sybil
Slavik m Russian, Ukrainian
A diminutive of Vyacheslav and other names containing the element Слава (slava) meaning "glory"
Slove f Yiddish (Rare, Archaic)
Yiddish exclusively feminine form of Slava
Süßmann m Yiddish (Archaic), Medieval Jewish
Dithematic early Yiddish name formed from the Middle High German Süß meaning "Sweet" and Mann "Man"
Szterna f Yiddish (Polonized)
a Polonized form of Sterna
Tanhem m Ancient Hebrew
Derived from the Hebrew root נחם (Haham) meaning "to comfort". This name means "(you will) comfort". It was typically given to children around the same time a relative passed.
Tehatna f Ancient Hebrew
meaning unknown but is possibly derived from the root חתן (hatan) meaning "to get married", this name could mean "(you will get her) married"
Teuber m Yiddish (Rare, Archaic)
Masculine form of Taube (See Toiba)
Tsvi m Hebrew
Alternate transcription of Hebrew צְבִי (see Tzvi).
Wölflein m Yiddish (Archaic), Medieval Jewish
An archaic diminutive of Wolf
Yeshua f Hebrew (Modern, Rare)
From the Hebrew 'ישועה' meaning "salvation"
Yisraela f Hebrew (Rare)
Female varriant of Yisrael
Yoselmann m Medieval Jewish, Yiddish (Archaic)
an elaboration of Josel combined with the diminutive medieval German suffix mann
Yosl m Yiddish (Rare)
a variant of Yosel (see Yosel influenced by Polish (Yiddish) pronunciation
Yudke m Yiddish (Rare)
A diminutive of Yehudah, making it a masculine equivalent of Yutke.
Yuta f Yiddish (Rare)
Yiddishfied variant of the German given name Jutta via the Yiddish transcription יוטא
Zeew m Hebrew (Polonized)
A polonized spelling of Zeev
Zerle f Yiddish
a Judeo-German spelling of Zirel
Zinoviia f Ukrainian (Rare)
Variant transliteration of Зіновія (see Zinoviya).
Ziskind m Yiddish (Rare, Archaic)
Means "sweet kid" in Yiddish, derived from Süsskind.
Zusia f Polish
A variant of Zuzia
Zusia m Yiddish
Might be a pet form of Ziskind, Zusman or any male name being in זוס meaning "sweet"
Zyskind m Yiddish (Polonized)
Polish transcription of Ziskind