Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the person who added the name is mairinn.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Adelajdka f Polish
Diminutive of Adelajda.
Adelheida f German (Polonized, Rare)
Polonisation of Adelheid. Last year this name was borne by 11 women in Poland.
Adeliia f Russian
Variant transcription of Adeliya.
Adelka f Slovak
Diminutive of Adela.
Adelunia f Polish
Diminutive of Adela, Adelajda, Adelina, Adelinda, or other names beginning with Adel-.
Adula f Polish
Diminutive of Ada 1, Adelajda, Adrianna, or other names beginning with Ad-.
Adulka f Polish
Diminutive of Ada 1, Adelajda, Adrianna, or other names beginning with -AD.
Adusia f Polish
Diminutive of Ada 1, Adelajda, Adrianna, or other names beginning with Ad-.
Adzia f Polish
Diminutive of Ada 1.
Agnellus m History (Ecclesiastical)
Derived from Latin agnus "lamb" and the diminutive suffix -ellus.
Aisel f Turkish
Variant of Aysel.
Alusia f Polish
Diminutive of Alicja, Alina, Aldona, Aleksandra or other names beginning with Al-.
Andrzelina f Polish (Modern, Rare)
Alternate spelling of Angelina, possibly influenced by incorrect pronunciation of Angelina with a "zh", as seen in the much more common and established name Andrzej... [more]
Andzelika f Polish (Modern, Rare)
Rare variant spelling of Andżelika, without Polish special characters.
Andżelo m Polish (Modern, Rare)
Polish phonetic spelling of Angelo, reflecting the English pronunciation.
Aneliza f Polish (Rare)
Rare combination of Anna and Eliza, likely influenced by German Anneliese.
Anelya f Kazakh
Variant of Anel.
Angiela f Polish (Rare, Archaic)
Archaic form of Aniela and Angela, which appears to have been most common in eastern parts of Poland or among Poles in Ukraine... [more]
Angielika f Polish (Rare)
Rare variant of Angelika, possibly influenced by "ge" being pronounced as "gie" in some parts of Poland, or by some other Slavic language.
Angielina f Russian
Polish transcription of Ангелина (see Angelina).
Anhelyna f Ukrainian
Variant transcription of Ангеліна (see Anhelina).
Anneliza f Polish (Rare)
Polonisation of Anneliese.
Anżela f Polish (Rare)
Polish transcription of Анжела (see Anzhela) as well as variant of Angela influenced by Anzhela... [more]
Anżelika f Polish (Rare)
Polish transcription of Анжелика or Анжеліка (see Anzhelika. Rarely used as a Polish alternate form of Angelika, possibly influenced by the word "anżelika", which refers to candied Angelica, or to the plant Angelica in general.
Anzhella f Russian
Variant of Anzhela.
Arseniia f Russian
Variant transcription of Арсения (see Arseniya).
Ary f Norwegian (Modern, Rare)
In the case of Norwegian-Trinidadian electronic singer Ary, it is short form of Ariadne.
Aureliia f Russian
Russian form of Aurelia.
Azaela f Obscure
Feminine form of Azael.
Azaella f Obscure
Feminine form of Azael.
Belly f English
Short form of Beverly.
Bieta f Polish
Diminutive of Elżbieta.
Bietka f Polish
Diminutive of Elżbieta.
Blåsippa f Swedish (Modern, Rare)
Swedish name for the plant hepatica nobilis. It is the second middle name of popular Swedish folk singer Sofia Karlsson.
Celeryna f Polish (Rare)
Feminine form of Celeryn.
Celiusz m Polish (Rare)
Polish form of Caelius.
Daneliia f Kazakh
Variant transcription of Данэлия (see Daneliya.
Daniiela f Ukrainian
Ukrainian form of Danielle.
Dmitrij m Russian (Polonized)
Polish transcription of Dmitriy.
Dobielut m Polish (Rare), Old Church Slavic
Possibly means "soldier's day" from Slavic doba meaning "day" combined with lut meaning "soldier".
Dzmitryi m Belarusian
Variant transcription of Дзмітрый (see Dzmitry).
Edelburga f Polish (Rare)
Derived from Old High German adal "noble" and either Old High German bergan "to keep, to save, to preserve" or Old High German burg "fortress."
Edeltruda f Polish (Rare)
Polish form of Edeltraud. This name is considerably more popular among the German minority in Poland.
Elcia f Polish
Diminutive of Elżbieta.
Elek m Polish (Rare)
Diminutive of Eliasz and Eligiusz.
Eleukadiusz m Polish (Rare)
Of Greek origin, means "of Elis" (on the Peloponnese).
Elfeg m Polish (Rare)
Polish adoption of Ælfheah.
Elfryda f Polish (Rare)
Polish adoption of Elfriede.
Eliahu m Hebrew
Variant transcription of אֵלִיָּהוּ (see Eliyahu.
Elicja f Polish (Rare)
Possibly variation on Alicja, modified to rhyme with Felicja or inspired by names starting with El- such as Eliza.
Elifia f Polish (Rare)
Feminine form of Elifiusz.
Elizavieta f Russian
Variant transcription of Елизавета (see Elizaveta.
Elizaweta f Russian (Polonized)
Polish transcription of Елизавета (see Elizaveta).
Elizawieta f Russian (Polonized)
Polish variant transcription of Елизавета (see Elizaveta).
Elizbar m Georgian
Possibly a Georgian form of Elisha or Eleazar.
Elizka f Polish
Diminutive of Eliza.
Eljan m Azerbaijani (Anglicized)
Anglicized form of Elcan.
Ełła f Polish (Archaic)
Archaic diminutive of Elżbieta.
Elmaz f & m Arabic
Variant transcription of ألماس (see Almas.
Elpin m Medieval Polish
Medieval Polish form of Albuin via the Latinization Elpinus.
Elsevər m Azerbaijani
From el meaning "country" and the given name Sevər
Eltun m English (Rare)
Variant spelling of Elton.
Elwir m Polish (Rare)
Masculine form of Elwira.
Elwircia f Polish
Diminutive of Elwira.
Elwirka f Polish
Diminutive of Elwira.
Elwiruś f & m Polish
Diminutive of Elwira, or potentially its rare masculine form - Elwir.
Elwis m Polish (Modern, Rare)
Polish phonetic spelling of Elvis.
Elża f Kashubian
Kashubian diminutive of Elżbiéta.
Elzbieta f Polish (Rare)
A more international spelling of Elżbieta, without special characters.
Elżbietka f Polish
Diminutive of Elżbieta.
Elżbietta f Polish (Rare)
A very rare variant of Elżbieta, influenced by names like Wioletta or Bernadetta.
Elzhbeta f Belarusian
Variant transcription of Альжбета (see Alzhbeta).
Evanhelina f Ukrainian
Ukrainian form of Evangelina.
Ewangelia f Polish (Rare)
Either a Polonised spelling of Evangelia/Evangeliya, or in some cases possibly directly taken from the Polish word Ewangelia meaning "Gospel"... [more]
Felicytas f Polish (Latinized, Rare)
Variant of Felicyta, influenced by the Latin and German form Felicitas.
Feliksa f Polish (Rare)
Feminine form of Feliks.
Felunia f Polish
Diminutive of Felicja, Feliksa or Felicyta.
Feluś m Polish
Diminutive of Feliks or Felicjan.
Fidelisa f Polish (Rare)
Feminine form of Fidelis.
Gabryiela f Polish (Rare)
Rare variant spelling of Gabriela.
Gabryjela f Polish (Rare, Archaic)
Archaic spelling of Gabriela, still occasionally in use in modern times, with 29 women in Poland bearing this name in 2023.
Gelazja f Polish (Rare)
Feminine form of Gelazy.
Gelena f Belarusian
Belarusian form of Helena.
Georgis m Greek
Variant of Georgios.
Gratsiela f Bulgarian
Bulgarian form of Graciela and Graziella.
Gruff m Welsh
Diminutive of Gruffudd and Gruffydd.
Gwenan f Welsh
Variant of Gwennan.
Habriela f Ukrainian
Ukrainian form of Gabriella.
Habriella f Ukrainian
Ukrainian form of Gabriella.
Halka f Ukrainian, Polish (Rare)
Diminutive of Halyna (Ukrainian) or Halina (Polish).
Halusia f Polish
Diminutive of Halina.
Hannelora f Polish (Rare)
Polish borrowing of Hannelore.
Heladia f Polish (Rare), Galician (Rare)
Polish feminine form of Heladiusz and Galician feminine form of Heladio.
Helgarda f Polish (Rare)
Form of Helgard. Last year it was borne by 13 women in Poland.
Helusia f Polish
Diminutive of Helena.
Hiacenta f Polish (Rare)
Older variant of Hiacynta.
Humbelina f Polish (Rare), Medieval French
Feminine form of Humbelin, which in turn is a double diminutive of Humbert. Folk etymology connects it to Latin umbria meaning "shadow"... [more]
Ielyzaveta f Russian
Variant transcription of Yelizaveta.
Izabelka f Polish
Diminutive of Izabela.
Izbylut m Polish (Rare)
From the Slavic elements, izby meaning "to get rid of", "to dispose of", "to rid", "to do away with", "to clear out", "to dispense with", "to divest", "to choke off", "to bundle off", "to bundle out", "to deliver oneself of" and lut meaning "dour", "sharp", "acute", "pungent", "nipping", "strident", "with an edge", "clarion"... [more]
Izunia f Polish
Diminutive of Izabela and Izabella.
Jacenta f Polish (Rare)
Rare feminine form of Jacenty (see also Hiacynta.
Jacław m Polish (Modern, Rare)
Most likely a combination of the name Jacek with the suffix -sław, common in names of Slavic origin and deriving from sława meaning "glory", "fame". Perhaps influenced by Wacław and its diminutive Wacek.
Jacuś m Polish
Diminutive of Jacek or Jacenty.
Jagel m Medieval Polish
Alternative form of Jagiełło.
Jankiel m Yiddish (Polonized)
Polish spelling of Yankel.
Jelizawieta f Russian (Polonized)
Polish transcription of Russian Елизавета (see Yelizaveta).
Jelyzaveta f Ukrainian
Variant transcription of Єлизавета (see Yelyzaveta).
Joszko m Polish (Rare)
Polonisation of Jóska.
Kajusz m Polish (Rare)
Polish form of Caius.
Kamela f Polish (Modern, Rare)
Likely a form of Kamila or Kamelia, can also function as a nickname for the latter.
Kameliia f Ukrainian
Ukrainian form of Camellia.
Kandelaria f History (Ecclesiastical), Spanish (Rare), Polish
Polish form of Candelaria, as well as a Spanish variant.
Karmelia f Polish (Modern, Rare)
Elaboration of Karmela. Last year it was borne by 11 women in Poland.
Karmelita f Polish (Modern, Rare)
Rare Polish variant of Carmelita or elaboration of Karmela, which also coincides with the Polish word "karmelita" meaning (male) Carmelite... [more]
Kirylo m Ukrainian
Variant transcription of Кирило (see Kyrylo).
Korneliia f Bulgarian
Variant transcription of Корнелия (see Korneliya.
Kornelka f Polish
Diminutive of Kornelia.
Kornella f Polish (Modern, Rare)
Variant of Kornelia, borne by 11 women in Poland last year.
Łarysa f Ukrainian
Variant transcription of Лариса using Polish phonetics (see Larysa)
Laureta f Albanian
Albanian form of Lauretta.
Leontii m Russian
Variant transcription of Леонтий (see Leontiy).
Leosia f Polish
Diminutive of Leonia.
Lieselotta f Polish (Rare)
Partial polonisation of Lieselotte.
Lileia f Ukrainian (Rare)
Variant transliteration of Лілея (see Lileya).
Lilidh f Scottish Gaelic
Scottish form of Lily.
Liljanna f Polish (Rare)
Variant of Lilianna, generally considered a misspelling. There were 33 women with this name in Poland in 2020.
Lizelota f Polish (Rare)
Polonisation of Liselotte.
Lleuwen f Welsh
From Welsh lleuad "moon" and gwen "fair, white, blessed".
Lonka f Polish
Diminutive of names such as Leonia, Eleonora, Leonarda or Longina.
Lubart m Polish (Rare, Archaic)
Probably a form of Leonard. In use since the middle ages. There is also a theory that it is a Lithuanian name, originating from Lithuanian element ljauti meaning "to end", "to finish", "to complete", "to terminate", "to conclude", "to wind up", "to closure", "to clinch", "to cease", "to stand", "to leave off", and barti - "to call down", "to rout", "to grapple".
Lubczyk m Polish (Rare)
Diminutive of Lubomir. At the same time it is the Polish name for lovage.
Lubodrog m Polish (Rare, Archaic)
From Slavic elements lub "beloved", "darling" and drog "dear".
Lubomyr m Ukrainian
Ukrainian form of Lyubomir.
Lubomyra f Ukrainian
Feminine form of Lubomyr.
Luboradz m Polish (Rare)
From Slavic lubo "pleasant", "good-humoured", "beloved", "darling" and radz "to advise", formerly also "to care about", "to reck", "to care", "to look after", "to groom". Thus it could mean "someone who cares about those he loves".
Lubosz m Polish (Rare)
Short form of Lubosław, Lubomir and other names containing the Slavic element ľuby "love"... [more]
Lubowid m Polish (Rare)
From the Slavic lubo "pleasant", "beloved", "darling" and wid "to see", or possibly from widz "servant", "minion", "serf", "messenger", "commissionaire".
Luchiia f Russian
Variant transcription of Лучия (see Luchiya).
Lucjuszeczek m Polish
Diminutive of Lucjusz.
Lucusia f & m Polish
Diminutive of names beginning with Luc- such as Lucyna, Lucja, Lucjana or (more jokingly) of Lucjusz.
Lucylia f Polish (Rare)
Polish form of Lucilia.
Ludek m Polish
Diminutive of Ludwik or Ludomir.
Ludomiła f Polish (Rare)
Feminine form of Ludomił.
Ludomira f Polish (Rare)
Feminine form of Ludomir.
Ludosz m Polish
Diminutive of Ludosław, as well as other Slavic names with the element lud.
Ludwisia f Polish
Diminutive of Ludwika.
Lukasz m Polish (Rare)
More international spelling of Łukasz. 142 men bear this name in Poland.
Lukierda f Polish (Rare, Archaic)
Archaic Polish form of Luitgard.
Luneczka f Polish
Diminutive of Lunia.
Lunia f Polish
Diminutive of names beginning with Lu-, such as Lucyna, Luna, Łucja or Ludmiła.
Lusia f Polish
Usually a diminutive of names beginning with Lu- such as Lucyna, Lucja/Łucja or Ludmiła... [more]
Lutomiła f Polish (Rare)
From Slavic elements lut meaning "fierce", "severe" and milu "beloved", "dear".
Lutuś m Polish
Diminutive of Lucjan, Lucjusz or names beginning or containing lut-.
Magdalyna f Ukrainian
Ukrainian form of Magdalena.
Mahdalyna f Ukrainian
Ukrainian form of Magdalena.
Majkel m Polish (Modern, Rare)
Polish phonetic spelling of Michael.
Marela f Polish (Modern, Rare)
Possibly some variation of Maria (see Maryla), perhaps influenced by Mirela or other similar names... [more]
Mela f Polish
Diminutive of Melania, Amelia and other names beginning with or containing "-mel-".
Melaniusz m Polish (Rare)
Masculine form of Melania.
Melanja f Polish (Archaic)
Older spelling of Melania, considered incorrect in contemporary Polish ortography.
Melchiades m Ancient Greek, Polish (Rare)
Derived from the Ancient Greek μίλτος (míltos) Μιλτιάδης (Miltiádēs) meaning "red land, crimson". ... [more]
Mevludi m Georgian
Variant of Mevlud.
Migel m Various (Modern, Rare)
Alternate spelling of Miguel.
Misheel f Mongolian
Means "smile" in Mongolian.
Misza m & f Polish (Rare)
Polish transcription of Russian Миша (see Misha), which is sometimes also used as a nickname for Michał, or even Michalina... [more]
Miszel f & m Polish (Modern, Rare)
Polish phonetic spelling of Michelle or Michel.
Modlen f Welsh
Welsh form of Magdalene.
Mukhiddin m Uzbek
Variant of Muhiddin.
Myhailo m Ukrainian
Variant transcription of ихайло (see Mykhailo).
Nazrin f Persian
Alternate transcription of نسرین (see Nasrin.
Nellia f English (Rare)
Variant of Nelia and Nelly.
Neluś f Polish
Diminutive of Nela/Nella, itself a diminutive of names such as Kornelia, Helena, Aniela etc.
Ofeliia f Bulgarian (Rare)
Variant transcription of Офелия (see Ofeliya.
Oktavio m Polish (Modern, Rare)
Most probably an invented variant of Oktawiusz inspired by Octavio. Last year (2019) two baby boys in Poland were given this name as a first name.
Oleczka f Polish
Diminutive of Aleksandra.
Olenia f Polish (Rare)
Perhaps a diminutive of Aleksandra (see Ola 2 and Oleńka), or a variant/diminutive of Olena... [more]
Oleńka f Polish
Diminutive of Aleksandra.
Olgunia f Polish
Diminutive of Olga.
Olgusia f Polish
Diminutive of Olga.
Olka f Polish
Diminutive of Aleksandra.
Olunia f Polish
Diminutive of Aleksandra.
Olusia f Polish
Diminutive of Aleksandra.
Omelian m Ukrainian
Variant transcription of Омелян (see Omelyan.
Peigín f Irish
Diminutive of Máiréad.
Pelagja f Polish (Archaic)
Archaic form of Pelagia.
Pelaheia f Ukrainian (Rare)
Ukrainian form of Pelagia.
Pelin m Polish (Rare)
Allegedly derived from Greek πελινοσ (pelinos) "black", "dark", "dark-skinned".
Pelina f Polish (Rare)
Feminine form of Pelin.
Peni f Welsh (Modern)
Welsh spelling of Penny.
Petrunelia f Ukrainian (Rare)
Ukrainian form of Petronilla. It appears to have been most common among Poles living in Ukraine (see also Petronela.
Phildel f English (Rare)
In the case of singer-songwriter Phildel, it is a combination of her parents names - Philip and Della. -
Runa f Romanian
Diminutive of Miruna.
Ryn f English (American, Modern, Rare)
Possibly a short form of names ending in -ryn or -rin, such as Kathryn, Camryn and Erin.
Selwina f English (Rare)
Feminine form of Selwyn.
Sevdalina f Turkish
From Turkish sevda meaning "love".
Stazyjka f Kashubian
Diminutive of Anastazjô and Stazjô.
Sval f Norwegian (Modern, Rare)
From the Norwegian word svale meaning "swallow", which in turn comes from the Old Norse svala of the same meaning (see Svala ). It also coincides with the Scandinavian word sval meaning "cool", "chill"... [more]
Świelub m Polish (Rare)
From the Slavic elements wsze/świe meaning "every", "each", "all", "any", "everyone", "everybody", "every man", "always", "forever", "aye" and lub "beloved", "darling". It can mean "the one who likes all".
Szela m Polish
Polish form of Shelah.
Täpp f Swedish
Old Swedish name meaning "part of a field or meadow". It is more often used as a prefix name rather than a standalone first name. It is also a common farm name in Dalarna.
Tift f & m English (Rare)
From the surname Tift.
Torine f Norwegian
Variant of Torina.
Tymofij m Ukrainian
Polish transcription of Тимофій (see Tymofiy). b
Victoriya f Ukrainian
Variant transcription of Вікторія (see Viktoriya.
Vidia f Norwegian (Rare)
Short form of Ovidia.
Walentin m Russian
Polish transcription of Валентин (see Valentin).
Wangelia f Macedonian
Alternate transcription of Вангелија (see Vangelija.
Wasil m Belarusian
Polish transcription of Васіль (see Vasil.
Xawier m Polish (Modern, Rare)
Modern, Polonised form of Xavier (see Ksawery).
Yeliena f Russian
Variant transcription of Елена (see Yelena.
Yelisei m Russian
Variant transcription of Yelisey.
Yelisiei m Ukrainian
Variant transcription of Єлисей (see Yelysei).
Yelizar m Ukrainian
Variant transcription of Єлизар (see Yelyzar).
Yelizavieta f Russian
Variant transcription of Yelizaveta.
Yelysei m Ukrainian (Rare)
Ukrainian form of Elisha.
Yelyzar m Ukrainian
Ukrainian form of Eleazar.
Żeligniew m Polish (Rare, Archaic)
From old Polish żeli "to desire", "to crave", "to thirst", "to long for", "to hanker after" and gniew "rage", "wrath", "ire", "dander".
Żenia f Polish
Diminutive of Żaneta.
Zenoviy m Ukrainian
Variant transcription of Зіновій (see Zinoviy.
Zhanel f Kazakh
From Kazakh жан (zhan) meaning "soul" and ел (el) meaning "people, country".
Zofijka f Kashubian
Diminutive of Zofiô, influenced by the older form Zofija.
Zofka f Polish, Slovene, Kashubian
Polish and Slovene diminutive of Zofia and Kashubian diminutive of Zofiô. Zofka Kveder (1878 – 1926) is considered one of the first Slovene women writers and feminists.