Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the person who added the name is m4yb3_daijirou.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Kiwamu m Japanese
From classical verbs 究 (kiwamu) and 極 (kiwamu), modern kiwameru, meaning "to investigate thoroughly, master" and "to carry to extremes, go to the end of something" respectively.... [more]
Kizashi m & f Japanese (Rare)
From 兆し/萌し (kizashi) meaning "sign, omen."... [more]
Kizuna f & m Japanese
As a unisex name, it can be used as 絆, 創生 or 生沙 with 絆 (han, kizuna,, meaning "bonds, ties," 創 (shou, sou, kizu, kezu.shigeru,, haji.meru) meaning "genesis, originate, start, create," 生 (shou, sei, i.kiru, i.keru, -u, u.mare, o.u, ki,, ha.eru) meaning "birth, genuine, life" and 沙 (sa, sha, suna, yonageru) meaning "sand."... [more]
Kkonnip f Korean (Modern, Rare)
From native Korean 꽃잎 (kkonnip) meaning "petal," from a combination of Kkot and 잎 (ip) meaning "leaf, blade."
Kkossaem f Korean (Modern, Rare)
From Korean 꽃샘 (kkossaem), referring to cold, windy weather in the flowering season, from a combination of Kkot and Saem.
Kkot-ip f Korean (Modern, Rare)
Variant transcription of Kkonnip.
Kkum f & m Korean (Modern, Rare)
From native Korean 꿈 (kkum) meaning "dream," the verbal noun of verb 꾸다 (kkuda) meaning "to dream."
Koaliʻi m Hawaiian (Rare)
Means "chiefly warrior" or "ruling warrior," from koa meaning "soldier, warrior, fighter" and liʻi, shortened from aliʻi meaning "chief, officer, ruler, monarch, peer, headman, aristocrat, king, commander."
Koamalu m Hawaiian (Rare)
Means "brave strength," from koa meaning "brave, bold, fearless, valiant" and malu meaning "shelter, protection, peace, control, strength."
Koeda f Japanese (Rare)
From 小枝 (koeda) meaning "twig, spray" (compare Saeda).... [more]
Kogane f Japanese (Rare)
This name is used as either 黄金 or 小金 with 黄 (ou, kou, ki, ko-) meaning "yellow", 小 (shou, o-, ko-, sa-, chii.sai) meaning "little, small" and 金 (kin, kon, gon, kana-, kane, -gane) meaning "money, metal."... [more]
Kohare f Japanese (Modern, Rare)
From 晴れ (hare) meaning "clear/fine weather" prefixed with a ko kanji, like 小 meaning "small," 心 meaning "heart, mind," 木 meaning "tree" or 虹 meaning "rainbow."... [more]
Kokonoe f Japanese (Rare)
From 九重 (kokonoe) meaning "ninefold."... [more]
Komado f & m Japanese (Rare)
From 小窓 (komado), referring to a small window.... [more]
Ko’oko’o m & f Hawaiian (Rare)
Means "cane, staff, rod" or "support" in Hawaiian (compare Ko’o).
Koro f Basque
Basque form of Coro.
Kōshirō m Japanese
This name combines 光 (kou, hikari, meaning "light, ray," 公 (ku, kou, ooyake) meaning "formal, official, prince, public," 功 (ku, kou, isao) meaning "achievement, honour, merit, success," 孝 (kyou, kou) meaning "filial piety," 宏 (kou, hiro.i) meaning "large, wide, vast" or 幸 (kou, saiwa.i, sachi, meaning "blessing, fortune, happiness" with 四 (shi, yo, yo'.tsu, yo.tsu, yon) meaning "four" or 士 (shi) meaning "gentleman, samurai" and 郎 (ryou, rou, otoko) meaning "son."... [more]
Kotobuki m & f Japanese (Rare)
From 寿 (kotobuki) meaning "congratulations; longevity," derived, via a sound shift, from a combination of 言 (koto) meaning "word" and continuative/stem form of obsolete verb 祝く (hoku) meaning "to pray for a good outcome" (compare Kotohogi)... [more]
Kotohogi m & f Japanese (Rare)
From 寿 (kotohogi) meaning "congratulations; longevity" (see Kotobuki for further details).... [more]
Kozue f Japanese
This name can be used on its own as 梢 (shou, kusunoki, kozue) meaning "treetop, twig," derived from a combination of 木 (ko), the combining form of ki meaning "tree," and and 末 (sue) meaning "tip, top."... [more]
Krúpskaya f Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
Transferred use of the Russian surname Krupskaya feminine form of Krupski < крупа (krupa), "grain" in Russian, honouring Russian revolutionary Nadezhda Krupskaya (1869-1939), the wife of Vladimir Lenin.
m & f Hawaiian, Polynesian Mythology
From the word meaning "upright."... [more]
Kūhaʻo m Hawaiian (Rare)
From the word meaning "standing alone, indepedent."
Kumishi m Japanese (Rare)
From 与し/與し (kumishi) meaning "participation, support, agreement."... [more]
Kunio m Japanese
This name combines 国 (koku, kuni) meaning "country," 州 (shuu, su, su, kuni) meaning "province, state," 訓 (kin, kun, oshi.eru, kun.zuru,, kuni) meaning "teach, instruct," 邦 (hou, kuni) meaning "country, home country" or 都 (tsu, to, miyako, kuni) meaning "capital, metropolis" with 雄 (yuu, o-, osu, on) meaning "male, masculine," 男 (dan, nan, o, otoko) meaning "man, male" or 夫 (fu, fuu, bu, otto, sore, o) meaning "husband, man."... [more]
Kunugi f Japanese (Modern, Rare)
This name comes from the word for the sawtooth oak, which is most commonly written in kanji as 櫟 (like other words for flora and fauna, however, it is usually written in katakana), though, at this time, no evidence is found for kanji usage as a first name.... [more]
Kūpono m & f Hawaiian (Rare)
From the word meaning "honest, decent, appropriate, satisfactory, rightful, reliable, just, fair."
Kurando m Japanese
This name is used as 蔵人 with 蔵 (sou, zou, osa.meru, kaku.reru, kura, kuran) meaning "own, possess, storehouse" and 人 (jin, nin, -to, hito, -ri) meaning "person."... [more]
Kurara f Japanese (Modern)
Japanese translation of Clara/Klara, given to Japanese girls over the last several decades.... [more]
Kurea f Japanese (Modern)
Japanese translation of Claire/Clair/Clare, given to Japanese girls over the last few decades.... [more]
Kurōdo m Japanese
This name is used as 蔵人 with 蔵 (sou, zou, osa.meru, kaku.reru, kura, kurou) meaning "own, possess, storehouse" and 人 (jin, nin, -to, hito, -ri) meaning "person."... [more]
Kurōta m Japanese (Rare)
This name combines 九 (kyuu, ku, kokono, kokono.tsu) meaning "nine" & 郎 (ryou, rou, otoko) meaning "son" or 朗 (rou, aki.raka, hoga.raka) meaning "bright, cheerful, clear, merry" with 太 (ta, tai, futo.i, meaning "big, plump, thick."... [more]
Kurumi f & m Japanese
Directly taken from Japanese 胡桃 meaning "walnut". This name is mostly used for girls in Japan but occasionally given to boys as well. It is also often written in hiragana. Other kanji combinations are possible, but rather uncommon.
Kym m English (Australian)
Shortened form of the surname Reskymer, which is, most likely, of Cornish origin with the meaning, as of yet, unknown.... [more]
Kyūbē m Japanese
This name combines 久 (kyuu, ku, hisa.shii) meaning "long time" or 九 (kyuu, ku, kokono, kokono.tsu) meaning "nine" with 兵衛 (bee) (see Hyōe).... [more]
Kyūbei m Japanese
Variant transcription of Kyūbē.
Kyūji m Japanese
This name combines 久 (kyuu, ku, hisa.shii) meaning "long time," 宮 (kyuu, ku, kuu, guu, miya) meaning "palace," 九 (kyuu, ku, kokono, kokono.tsu) meaning "nine" or 球 (kyuu, tama) meaning "ball, sphere" with 二 (ji, ni, futa,, futa.tsu) meaning "two," 治 (ji, chi, osa.maru, osa.meru,, meaning "cure, govern, heal, reign, rule," 司 (shi, meaning "administer, direct, government office, official, rule" or 次 (shi, ji, tsugi, meaning "next, second."
Laʻakea m & f Hawaiian
Means "clear sacredness" or "clear holiness," from laʻa meaning "sacred, holy, devoted, consecrated, dedicated" and kea meaning "white, clear."
Lanakila m & f Hawaiian (Rare)
Means "victory, triumph."
Làrix m Catalan (Modern, Rare)
Means "larch" in Catalan.
Lawaiʻa m Hawaiian (Rare)
From the word meaning "fisherman."
Lea f & m English
Variant of Lee or short form of Eleanor, Leonora, Leonarda, etc.
Leahcim m & f English (Rare)
Michael spelled backwards.
Lehiwa f Hawaiian (Rare)
From the word meaning "admirable, attractive."
Lehuanani f Hawaiian
Means "beautiful ʻōhiʻa (flower)," from lehua, which refers to the flower of the ʻōhiʻa tree and also the tree itself, and nani meaning "beauty, glory, splendour."
Libertine m English (Rare)
This name is derived from Libertinus meaning "member of a class of freedmen", which is itself originated from libertus meaning "one's freedmen" (from liber meaning "free").... [more]
Lie f German (Rare), Swedish (Rare), Dutch (Rare)
Probably a short form of names ending with -lie, like Annelie and Emilie.
Liëlle f Dutch (Rare)
Dutch form of Lielle.
Lilikoʻi f Hawaiian
From the word which refers to a passion fruit which got its Hawaiian name from the place where it was first planted.
Lilinoe f Hawaiian, Polynesian Mythology
From the word meaning "fine mist." A deity in Hawaiian mythology goes by this name, associated with Mauna Kea alongside Poliʻahu and Waiau.
Linarejos f Spanish (European)
From the Spanish titles of the Virgin Mary La Virgen de Linarejos and Nuestra Señora de Linarejos, meaning "The Virgin of Linarejos" and "Our Lady of Linarejos", respectively. She is venerated at the sanctuary in Linares in the Andalusian province of Jaén, hence the name's high concentration in that province.
Linda m Zulu
Means "wait!" in Zulu (note that this is the imperative singular form of -linda).
Linkford m English (American, Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Linkford.
Lirios f Spanish (Rare)
Plural form of lirio which refers to a lily flower or an iris plant, taken from the Spanish and Valencian titles of the Virgin Mary, La Virgen de los Lirios and Mare de Déu dels Lliris, meaning "The Virgin of the Lilies" and "Mother of God of the Lilies" respectively.... [more]
Loana f Breton, French (Modern), French (Belgian, Modern)
Feminine form of Loan 1. This name saw a boost in popularity in 2001 thanks to Loana Petrucciani (1977-) when she appeared in the first season of Loft Story (the French adaptation of Big Brother).
Lolimar f Spanish (Caribbean), Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare), Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
Diminutive of Dolores María, most often used in Venezuela. In other words, this is a combination of Loli (a diminutive of Dolores) and -mar from names beginning with that syllable, such as Spanish María and Portuguese Maria.
Lopaka m Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Robert.
Luismar m Portuguese (Brazilian), Spanish (Latin American)
Combination of Luis (Spanish)/Luís (Portuguese) and -mar, from names beginning in that pattern, e.g. María (Spanish)/Maria (Portuguese).
Luismary f Spanish (Caribbean)
Feminine form of Luismar, used mostly in Venezuela.
Lujana f Spanish (Rare)
Strictly feminine form of Luján.
Lylian f & m English (Rare), Estonian (Rare), French
English and Estonian feminine and French masculine variant of Lilian.
Macedonia f Spanish (Rare)
Feminine form of Macedonio. It is also part of a name of the country (officially Republic of Macedonia/The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) in south-eastern Europe.
Macedonio m Spanish (Rare), Italian (Rare)
This name is derived from Latin Macedonius meaning "Macedonian," which is derived from Greek Makedones. That word literally means "highlanders" or "the tall ones," which is related to makednos meaning "long, tall" and makros "long, large."... [more]
Magdalène f French (Archaic), French (African)
Earlier form of Madeleine, as well as a more learned borrowing of Magdalena. This form is now mainly used in French-speaking African countries.
Magdelène f French (Archaic), French (African)
Variant of Magdalène. This form is now mainly used in French-speaking African countries.
Mai m Slovene
Variant of Maj 1.
Mairena f Spanish (Rare)
From place name Mairena.... [more]
Maito m Japanese
This name combines 舞 (bu, mai, ma.u, -ma.u) meaning "circle, dance, flit, wheel" with 人 (jin, nin, -to, hito, -ri) meaning "person" or 斗 (to, tou) meaning "Big Dipper."... [more]
Makamae f & m Hawaiian (Rare)
From the word meaning "precious, highly prized, darling."
Makkenyū m Japanese (Modern, Rare)
This name is used as 真剣佑 with 真 (shin, ma, ma-, makoto, ma') meaning "real, true," 剣 (ken, tsurugi) meaning "blade, sabre, sword" and 佑 (u, yuu, tasu.keru, suke) meaning "assist, help, save."... [more]
Malaurie f French (Modern)
French borrowing of Mallory.
Malgeum f & m Korean (Modern)
From the verbal noun of adjective 맑다 (makda) meaning "clear, clean, fresh, pure" (compare Malgeun).
Malgeun f & m Korean (Modern, Rare)
From the present determiner form of adjective 맑다 (makda) meaning "clear, clean, fresh, pure" (compare Malgeum).
Malvina f Spanish (Latin American)
From Islas Malvinas, the Spanish name for the Falkland Islands.... [more]
Malvinas f Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
From Islas Malvinas, the Spanish name for the Falkland Islands.
Manaka f Japanese
This name combines 愛 (ai, ito.shii, o.shimu, kana.shii, mana, me.deru) meaning "affection, love" or 真 (shin, ma, ma-, makoto, mana) meaning "real, true" with 華 (ka, ke, hana) meaning "flower," 佳 (ka, kei) meaning "beautiful, excellent, good," 花 (ka, ke, hana), which has the same meaning as 華, 香 (kyou, kou, ka, kao.ri, meaning "incense, perfume, smell" or 果 (ka, ha.tasu,, -ha.tasu, ha.te, ha.teru, -ha.teru) meaning "fruit."... [more]
Manassés m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Manasses.
Mañke m Mapuche
From Mapudungun mañke, referring to the condor vulture.
Mantė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Mantas as well as a short form of feminine compound names that start with Mant- (such as Mantvilė) or end in -mantė, such as Daumantė and Rimantė... [more]
Mar m & f Dutch
As a masculine name, this name is a short form of Marinus, Martinus or Marius.... [more]
Maradona m & f Various
Transferred use of the surname Maradona, honouring Argentine professional football player and manager Diego Maradona (1960-2020), widely regarded as one of the greatest players in football.
Maralene f English (Rare)
Variant of Maralyn or a combination of Mara 1 and the suffix lene.
Marbely f Spanish (Latin American), American (Hispanic)
Likely derived from a combination of Mar- (any name with that pattern, e.g. María) and -bel (mainly stemming from Isabel), suffixed with -ly(s).
Mare f Dutch
A pet form of Maria, Marina or any other name that begins with Mar-.
Marelvis f Spanish (Caribbean), Spanish (Latin American)
Combination of Mar-, from names beginning with this pattern like María or Martha, and Elvis or the infix -el(v)- (e.g. Elvin 1) combined with the suffix -is.
Mareyn m & f Dutch (Archaic)
Probably an archaic form of Marijn.
Margaritis m Greek
Masculine form of Margarita.
Margarito m Spanish (Rare)
Spanish masculine form of Margaret.
Mariángel f Spanish
Combination of Maria and Ángel, mostly used in Spanish-speaking countries of Latin and Central America but occassionally used in Spain as well.
Mariàngel f Catalan (Rare)
Combination of Maria and Àngel.
Maricourt f & m English (British, Rare)
From the place name Maricourt, located in the Somme department in northern France, first used during the First World War and last used before the Second World War.
Marilú f Spanish
Combination of Maria and names that begin with L(o)u-, like Luisa, Lucía and Lourdes.
Marilù f Italian
Combination of Maria and names that begin with Lu-, like Luisa and Lucia.
Marino f Japanese
This name is used as either 毬乃 or one of the 3 kanji combinations shown above. The kanji used are 毬 (kyuu, iga, mari) meaning "ball," 茉莉 (ma(tsu)ri) meaning "jasmine," made up of 茉 (batsu, ma, matsu) and 莉 (rai, ri, rei), 真 (shin, ma, ma-, makoto) meaning "real, truth," 梨 (ri, nashi) meaning "pear tree," 里 (ri, sato) meaning "parent's home, ri (unit of distance - equal to 3.927 km), village," 理 (ri, kotowari) meaning "logic, justice, reason, truth," 麻 (ma, maa, asa) meaning "flax, hemp," 万 (ban, man, yorozu, ma) meaning "ten thousand", 舞 (bu, mai, ma.u, -ma.u) meaning "circle, dance, flit, wheel," 乃 (ai, dai, nai, no, sunawa.chi, nanji, no) meaning "accordingly, from, wherefore" and 野 (sho, ya, no, no-) meaning "field, plain."... [more]
Markie f English
Possibly a feminine form of Mark.... [more]
Markley m English (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Markley.
Marteyn m Dutch (Archaic)
Probably an archaic form of Martijn.
Marziela f Italian (Rare)
Possibly an elaborated form of Marzia.
Masa f & m Japanese
Masa was a very popular name for girls in the early 1900s in Japan. It was usually spelled using katakana as マサ.... [more]
Masamune m Japanese
This name combines 正 (shou, sei, tada.shii,, masa, meaning "correct, right," 政 (shou, sei, matsurigoto, man, masa) meaning "government, politics," 昌 (shou, sakan, masa) meaning "prosper, flourish" or 真 (shin, ma, ma-, makoto, masa) meaning "real, true" with 宗 (shuu, sou, mune) meaning "origin, religion, sect."... [more]
Masurao m Japanese (Rare)
From 丈夫/益荒男 (masurao), referring to a manly person, a hero or warrior, itself a combination of 益荒 (masura), referring to manliness or having the strength of a god or man (from verb 増す (masu) meaning "to increase, grow" combined with suffix ら (-ra)) and 男/夫 (o) meaning "male."... [more]
Mataʻiapo m & f Cook Islands Maori
Means "first-born." It is also used as a hereditary title, specifically for the head of a sub-tribe.
Matamaru m & f Cook Islands Maori
Means "gentle face," derived from mata meaning "face" and maru meaning "soft, gentle."
Matangaro f & m Cook Islands Maori
Means "lost face," derived from mata meaning "face" and ngaro meaning "disappear, vanish, lose."
Matsu f Japanese
This name can be used as 松 (shou, matsu) meaning "pine tree" or it can be used to combine 末 (batsu, matsu, sue) meaning "close, end, powder, tip," 真 (shin, ma, ma-, makoto) meaning "real, true" or 麻 (ma, maa, asa) meaning "flax, hemp" with 津 (shin, tsu) meaning "harbour, port."... [more]
Matsuri f Japanese
This name can be used as 祭 (sai,, matsu(.)ri) meaning "festival" or 茉莉, which refers to the Arabian jasmine, made up of 茉 (batsu, ma, matsu) and 莉 (rai, ri, rei).... [more]
Matsuriko f Japanese (Rare)
This extremely rare name combines 祭 (sai,, matsu(.)ri) meaning "festival" with 子 (shi, su, tsu, (-)ko, ne) meaning "child."
Mawata f Japanese (Modern, Rare)
This name can used as 真綿 meaning "silk floss, silk wadding," combined from 真 (shin, ma(-), makoto) meaning "real, true" and 綿 (men, wata) meaning "cotton."... [more]
Mediadora f Spanish (Rare), Portuguese (Rare), Filipino (Rare)
From the title of the Virgin Mary, referring to her intercessory role as a mediator in the salvific redemption by her son Jesus Christ (compare English Mediatrix, French Médiatrice and Spanish/Portuguese Mediatriz alongside Portuguese Medianeira).
Medianeira f Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare)
From the title of the Virgin Mary, referring to her intercessory role as a mediator in the salvific redemption by her son Jesus Christ (compare English Mediatrix, French Médiatrice and Spanish/Portuguese Mediatriz alongside Spanish/Portuguese Mediadora).
Médiatrice f French (African)
From the title of the Virgin Mary, referring to her intercessory role as a mediator in the salvific redemption by her son Jesus Christ (compare English and Spanish/Portuguese equivalents Mediatrix and Mediatriz, Portuguese Medianeira and Spanish/Portuguese Mediadora).
Mediatrix f English (African), Filipino
From the title of the Virgin Mary, referring to her intercessory role as a mediator in the salvific redemption by her son Jesus Christ (compare Spanish/Portuguese and French equivalents Mediatriz and Médiatrice, Portuguese Medianeira and Spanish/Portuguese Mediadora).
Mediatriz f Filipino (Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare)
From the title of the Virgin Mary, referring to her intercessory role as a mediator in the salvific redemption by her son Jesus Christ (compare English and French equivalents Mediatrix and Médiatrice, Portuguese Medianeira and Spanish/Portuguese Mediadora).
Medius f & m English (African), Eastern African
Borrowed from Latin medius meaning "middle; half; moderate; indifferent." It is mostly used in Uganda where, compared to other surrounding countries, it is usually feminine in usage.
Megumiko f Japanese (Rare)
From Megumi combined with 子 (ko) meaning "child."... [more]
Mehana f Hawaiian
Variant of Mahana.
Melveen f English (Rare)
A combination of Melva and the suffix -een.... [more]
Merarí m & f Spanish, Spanish (Latin American), Biblical Spanish
Spanish form of Merari, used primarily as a feminine name in Latin America.
Mercês f Portuguese
Portuguese cognate of Mercedes.
Metua f & m Cook Islands Maori, Tahitian
Means "parent."
Meybelín f Spanish (Latin American, Rare), Central American
Spanish form of Maybelline. It is mainly used in El Salvador and Nicaragua.
Mi-ae f Korean
From Sino-Korean 美 (mi) meaning "beauty" and 愛 (ae) meaning "love," among other hanja combinations.
Michihito m Japanese
From Michi 1 combined with 人 (hito) meaning "person," also used as 仁 meaning "benevolence, compassion, humanity."
Michiru f & m Japanese
As a unisex name, this name can be used as 満 (ban, man, mi.tasu, mi.chiru, mi.tsu) meaning "full, fulfill, satisfy," 充 (juu, a.teru, mi.tasu) meaning "allot, fill" or 実 (shitsu, jitsu, makotoni, mi,, mino, meaning "real, true."... [more]
Mid-eum m & f Korean (Modern)
From the verbal noun of verb 믿다 (mitda) meaning "to believe in something, trust someone."
Mietje f Dutch
A diminutive of Mie, a short form of Maria/Marie.
Mifune f & m Japanese (Rare)
From 舟/船 (fune) meaning "ship, boat," prefixed with a mi kanji, like 美 meaning "beauty" or 三 meaning "three."... [more]
Migaku m Japanese
From verb 磨く/研く/琢く (migaku) meaning "to polish, shine; to refine, improve."
Mihonosuke m Japanese (Rare)
This name is used as 三保之介 with 三 (san, zou, mi, mi'.tsu, mi.tsu) meaning "three," 保 (ho, hou, tamo.tsu) meaning "keep, preserve, protect, support," 之 (shi, oite, kono, kore, no, yuku) meaning "of, this" and 介 (kai, suke) meaning "concern oneself with, jammed in, mediate, help, care."... [more]
Miʻimetua f & m Cook Islands Maori
Derived from miʻi meaning "grieve" and Metua.
Mikoto f Japanese
This name combines 美 (bi, mi, utsuku.shii) meaning "beautiful, beauty," 未 (bi, mi, ima.da, hitsuji, ma.da) meaning "not yet," 海 (kai, umi, mi) meaning "ocean, sea" or 三 (san, zou, mi, mi'.tsu, mi.tsu) meaning "three" with 琴 (kin, koto) meaning "koto." 美 and/or 実 (shitsu, jitsu, makotoni, mi,, mino,, which means "real, true," can be combined with 言 (gen, gon, i.u, koto) meaning "word."... [more]
Milagre f Portuguese
Singular form of Milagres.
Milagrito f & m Spanish, Spanish (Latin American), Filipino (Rare)
Diminutive of Milagro (compare Milagritos). As a given name, it is mostly used in Peru. Usage in the Philippines is mostly masculine.
Millennium f & m English
From the word referring to a period of time spanning a thousand years, from a Latin combination of mīlle meaning "thousand" and annus meaning "year" (with a>e vowel change and addition of abstract noun suffix -ium).
Minamo f Japanese (Modern, Rare)
This name means "water's surface," made up of 水 (sui, mizu, mizu-, mi) meaning "water" and 面 (ben, men, omo, omote, tsura, mo) meaning "face, surface." The word originally came about from a combination of 水 (mi), な (na), the Old Japanese equivalent of の (no) meaning "of" and 面 (mo) with the meaning of "surface."... [more]
Minamoto m Japanese (Rare)
From 源 (minamoto) meaning "fountainhead, river source; source, origin," derived from a combination of 水 (mi), the combining form of mizu meaning "water," and 元/本 (moto) meaning "source, origin" with the addition of the Old Japanese possessive particle na.... [more]
Minda m & f Chinese
Combination of Min 1 and Da. Alternatively, the first character can be used as 岷 (mín), referring to the Min River in Sichuan Province, and 達 () meaning "reach, arrive at."
Mine f Japanese
From 峰/嶺/峯/岑 (mine) meaning "peak, summit," also written with multiple kanji (+ phonetic mi), with a mi kanji like 美 meaning "beauty" or 三 meaning "three" and a ne kanji such as 根 meaning "root," 禰 meaning "ancestral shrine," 子, referring to the sign of the Rat, or 年 meaning "year."... [more]
Min-gyeom m & f Korean
Combination of a min hanja, like 旻 meaning "sky" or 玟 meaning "precious stone," and a gyeom hanja, e.g. 謙 meaning "humble, modest."
Min-sang m Korean
Combination of a min hanja, like 敏 meaning "quick, agile; smart, clever" or 旻 meaning "sky," and a sang hanja, e.g. 相 meaning "mutual; foundation, basis; help, aid."
Min-seung m & f Korean
Combination of a min hanja, like 民 meaning "people," 旼 meaning "mild, temperate; peaceful" or 玟 meaning "precious stone," and a seung hanja, e.g. 承 meaning "join, connect; respect, revere."
Min-woo m Korean
Variant transcription of Min-u.
Mirandas m Lithuanian (Rare)
Lithuanian masculine form of Miranda.
Mireie f Portuguese
Portuguese form of Mireille.
Mireu m & f Korean (Modern)
From native Korean 미르 (mireu) meaning "dragon." It may be either derived from Old Chinese *mroːŋ (龍) or a cognate with 물 (mul) meaning "water."
Miri-byeol f & m Korean (Modern, Rare)
Combination of the first two syllables of Mirinae and Byeol.
Mirinae f & m Korean (Modern, Rare)
From native Korean 미리내 (mirinae), referring to the Milky Way.
Misjel m Dutch (Rare)
Phonetic variant of Michel.
Misjelle f Dutch (Rare)
Phonetic variant of Michelle.
Mitiku m Amharic, Ethiopian
Means "replacement" in Amharic.
Mitsugi m Japanese
This can be used as 貢, 女貢 or 貢宜 with 貢 (ku, kou, meaning "finance, support, tribute," 女 (jo, nyo, nyou, onna, me) meaning "female, woman" and 宜 (gi, yoro.shii, yoro.shiku) meaning "good."... [more]
Mitsugu m Japanese
This name is used as 貢 or 女貢 with 貢 (ku, kou, meaning "finance, support, tribute" and 女 (jo, nyo, nyou, onna, me) meaning "female, woman."... [more]
Mitsukaze m Japanese (Rare)
From a combination of 光 (mitsu) meaning "light; ray, beam, glow" and 風 (kaze) meaning "wind," used as the formal adulthood name for Hazama Shinrokurō (間 新六郎) (1680-1703), one of the forty-seven rōnin.... [more]
Mitsuru f & m Japanese
From the Japanese kanji 満 (mitsuru) meaning "full; satisfy" or 暢 (mitsuru) meaning "stretch" or 充 (mitsuru) meaning "charge; raise". As a feminine name it can derive from 美 (mi) meaning "beautiful; beauty" combined with 鶴 (tsuru) meaning "crane".... [more]
Miuranosuke m Japanese (Rare)
This name is used as 三浦之助 with 三 (san, zou, mi, mi'.tsu, mi.tsu) meaning "three," 浦 (ho, ura) meaning "inlet, seacoast, seashore," 之 (shi, oite, kono, kore, no, yuku) meaning "of, this" and 助 (jo, suke, su.keru, tasu.karu, tasu.keru) meaning "assist, help, save, rescue."... [more]
Miyū f Japanese
This name is, essentially, a variant form of Miyu, using the yū/yuu reading (normal on'yomi/kun'yomi reading for kanji like 優/夕).
Moegi f & m Japanese (Modern, Rare)
From 萌え木 (moegi), referring to young tree sprouts/buds, or 萌黄/萌葱 (moegi), referring to the colour of a freshly sprouted onion or otherwise a light yellowish green colour.... [more]
Moeroa f & m Cook Islands Maori
Means "long sleep," derived from moe meaning "sleep" and roa meaning "long."
Moeum m & f Korean (Modern, Rare)
From the verbal noun of verb 모으다 (moeuda) meaning "to gather, collect."
Mohadeseh f Persian
This name derives from the Arabic word, محدث, meaning "breeder."
Mojtaba m Persian
Persian form of Mujtaba.
Momilani f Hawaiian (Rare)
Means "heavenly pearl," "spiritual pearl," "royal pearl" or "noble pearl," from momi meaning "pearl" and lani meaning "sky, heaven, heavenly, spiritual, royal, exalted, noble, aristocratic."
Momofuku m Japanese (Rare)
Combination of 百 (momo) meaning "hundred" and 福 (fuku) meaning "good fortune."... [more]
Monami f Japanese (Modern)
This name can be used as 萌波 or 萌南 with 萌 (hou, kiza.shi, mebae, mo.eru) meaning "bud, sprout," 波 (ha, nami) meaning "billow, wave, ripple" and 南 (na, nan, minami, nami) meaning "south."... [more]
Mondo m Japanese
This name is used as 主水 with 主 (shu, shuu, su, aruji, omo, neshi, mon) meaning "chief, lord, master, principal" and 水 (sui, mizu, do) meaning "water."... [more]
Mondonosuke m Japanese, Popular Culture
This name combines 主水 (mondo) (see Mondo) and 之 (shi, oite, kono, kore, no, yuku) meaning "of, this" with 介 (kai, suke) meaning "concern oneself with, jammed in, mediate, help, care" or 助 (jo, suke, tasu.keru) meaning "assist, help, save, rescue."... [more]
Mónico m Spanish (Rare)
Spanish masculine form of Monica.
Monsalud f Spanish (European, Rare)
From the Spanish titles of the Virgin Mary, La Virgen de Monsalud and Nuestra Señora de Monsalud, meaning "The Virgin of Monsalud" and "Our Lady of Monsalud" respectively, venerated at a hermitage located in the municipality of Alfarnate in Andalusia's Málaga province in southern Spain.
Montaña f Spanish
Means "mountain" in Spanish (compare English derivation Montana), taken from the Spanish title of the Virgin Mary, La Virgen de la Montaña, meaning "The Virgin of the Mountain."... [more]
Montañas f Spanish (Rare)
Plural form of Montaña, taken from the Spanish titles of the Virgin Mary, La Virgen de las Montañas and Nuestra Señora de las Montañas, meaning "The Virgin of the Mountains" and "Our Lady of the Mountains."... [more]
Montevirgen f Spanish (European, Rare)
From the Spanish title of the Virgin Mary, Nuestra Señora de Montevirgen, meaning "Our Lady of Mount Virgin."... [more]
Moschoula f Greek
Derived from Ancient Greek μόσχος (móskhos) meaning "young shoot; calf" or "musk" (the two senses having differing etymologies) with the diminutive suffix -ούλα (-oula).
Motome m & f Japanese
As a masculine name, it can be used as 求, 求馬 or 求女 with 求 (kyuu, gu, moto.meru) meaning "demand, request, require, want, wish for," 馬 (ba, uma, -uma, ma, me) meaning "horse" and 女 (jo, nyo, nyou, onna, me) meaning "female, woman."... [more]
Mozė m Lithuanian (Rare)
Lithuanian form of Moses.
Muga m Japanese (Rare)
This name can be used as 無我, 夢我, 武雅 with 無 (bu, mu, na.i) meaning "nothing(ness)," 夢 (bou, mu, kura.i, yume, yume.miru) meaning "dream, illusiom, vision," 武 (bu, mu, take.shi) meaning "military, warrior," 我 (ga, wa,, waga-, ware) meaning "ego, oneself" and 雅 (ga, meaning "elegant, graceful, gracious, refined."... [more]
Mugi f & m Japanese (Modern, Rare)
This name is used as 麦 (baku, mugi) meaning "wheat, barley," likely shortened from 群芒 (murenogi), made up of 群 (mure) meaning "group, cluster" and 芒 (nogi) which refers to an awn or a hair/bristle-like appendage.... [more]
Mugiho f Japanese (Modern, Rare)
This name is, essentially, a combination of Mugi and 穂 (sui, ho) meaning "ear (of plant), head," 歩 (fu, bu, ho,, aru.ku) meaning "walk, step" or 帆 (han, ho) meaning "sail."... [more]
Mulgyeol f & m Korean (Modern, Rare)
From Korean 물결 (mulgyeol) meaning "wave; tide," a combination of 물 (mul) meaning "water" and 결 (gyeol) meaning "layer, ply; chance, opportunity, moment."
Musashi m & f Japanese, Popular Culture
This name combines 武 (bu, mu, take.shi) meaning "military, warrior" with 蔵 (sou, zou, osa.meru, kaku.reru, kura, sashi) meaning "own, possess, storehouse", the combination also being read as Takezō.... [more]
Musubi f Japanese (Rare)
From 結び (musubi) meaning "join, union, connecting; knot" (compare Musubu).... [more]
Mutsuki f & m Japanese
This name combines 睦 (boku, moku, mutsu.bu, meaning "friendly, harmonious, intimate", 夢 (bou, mu, kura.i, yume, yume.miru) meaning "dream, illusiom, vision" or 陸 (riku, roku, oka, mu) meaning "land, six" with 月 (gatsu, getsu, tsuki) meaning "month, moon."... [more]
Mutsumi f & m Japanese
As a unisex name, this name can be used as 睦 (boku, moku, mutsu.bu, meaning "friendly, harmonious, intimante." It can also combine 睦 with 実 (shitsu, jitsu, makoto, makotoni, mi) meaning "reality, truth", 美 (bi, mi, utsuku.shii) meaning "beautiful, beauty", 己 (ki, ko, onore, tsuchinoto, na, mi) meaning "self, serpent, snake" or 巳 (shi, mi) meaning "sign of the snake/serpent (6th sign of the Chinese zodiac)."... [more]
Myū f & m Japanese (Modern, Rare)
This name is, essentially a variant of Miyū, shifted to be pronounced as a 2-mora name (Miyū, on the other hand, has 3 morae).... [more]
Myūji m Japanese (Modern, Rare)
First given to and made known by musician Myuji (美勇士), born Myūji Kuwana (桑名 美勇士) (1981-).... [more]
Na-bit f & m Korean (Modern, Rare)
From Bit prefixed with the first-person singular plain pronoun 나 (na).
Na-bom f & m Korean (Modern, Rare)
From Bom prefixed with the first-person singular plain pronoun 나 (na).
Nagomu m & f Japanese
From the verb 和む (nagomu) meaning "to be softened, calm down​" (compare Nagomi).... [more]
Nakaba m & f Japanese (Rare)
From 半ば (nakaba) meaning "middle, half."... [more]
Nākoa m Hawaiian
Means "the warriors," from plural definite article and koa meaning "soldier, warrior, fighter."
Nalu m Hawaiian (Rare)
From the word meaning "wave, surf."
Namu m & f Korean (Modern)
From native Korean 나무 (namu) meaning "tree; wood."
Na-nuri f & m Korean (Modern, Rare)
From Nuri prefixed with the first-person singular plain pronoun 나 (na).
Naosuke m Japanese
This name combines 直 (jika, jiki, choku,, tada.chini,,,,, nao) meaning "fix, frankness, honesty, repair, straightaway" or 尚 (shou, nao) meaning "esteem, furthermore, still, yet" with 典 (ten, den, suke) meaning "ceremony, code, law, rule", 亮 (ryou, akiraka, suke) meaning "clear, help", 輔 (fu, ho, tasu.keru, suke) meaning "help", 裕 (yuu, suke) meaning "abundant, fertile, rich", 介 (kai, suke) meaning "concern oneself with, jammed in, mediate, shellfish", 助 (jo, suke, tasu.keru) meaning "assist, help, rescue", 佑 (u, yuu, tasu.keru, suke) meaning "assist, help" or 弼 (hitsu, tasu.keru, yudame, suke) meaning "help."... [more]
Nāpua f & m Hawaiian
Means "the flowers," from plural definite article and pua meaning "flower, blossom."
Nara f Japanese (Rare)
This name can be used as 楢, 奈良, 那良 or 名良 with 楢 (shuu, yuu, nara) meaning "oak", 奈 (dai, na, nai, ikan, karanashi) meaning "Nara, what?", 那 (na, da, nani, nanzo, ikan) meaning "what?", 名 (myou, mei, na, -na) meaning "distinguished, name, noted, reputation" and 良 (ryou, i.i, -i.i, yo.i, -yo.i, ra) meaning "good, pleasing, skilled."... [more]
Narachan m Korean (Modern, Rare)
Combination of Nara and the present determiner form of verb 차다 (chada) meaning "to fill."
Naru m & f Korean (Modern)
From native Korean 나루 (naru) meaning "(river) port, ferry crossing."
Na-saem f & m Korean (Modern, Rare)
From Saem prefixed with the first-person singular plain pronoun 나 (na).
Natose f & m Japanese (Modern, Rare)
Taken from 南十字星 (minamijūjisei), referring to the Southern Cross.... [more]
Natzaret f Catalan
Catalan form of Nazareth.
Nayuta m & f Japanese (Modern)
From 那由他/那由多 (nayuta), originally a Buddhist term referring to an extremely great number (often said to be 100 million), derived from Sanskrit नयुत (nayuta) meaning “myriad” or नियुत (niyuta), referring to a very high number.
Neelke f Dutch (Rare), East Frisian, Flemish
Diminutive of Cornelia via its short form Neele. As an East Frisian name it was recorded from the 1500s onwards.
Néhémie m & f Biblical French, French (Modern), French (Belgian, Modern, Rare)
French form of Nehemiah. While this is originally a masculine name, it has also been used as a feminine name in recent years.
Neiro f Japanese (Modern)
This name is used as 音色 meaning "tone colour, timbre," a combination of 音 (in, on, -non, oto, ne) meaning "noise, sound" and 色 (shiki, shoku, iro) meaning "colour."... [more]
Neke f West Frisian
Diminutive of Neelke.
Neleh f English (American, Rare)
Helen spelled backwards.... [more]
Neul-binna f Korean (Modern, Rare)
From Binna prefixed with 늘 (neul) meaning "always, forever."
Neul-byeol f & m Korean (Modern, Rare)
From Byeol prefixed with 늘 (neul) meaning "always, forever."
Neul-pureum f & m Korean (Modern, Rare)
From Pureum prefixed with 늘 (neul) meaning "always, forever."
Neul-sarang f & m Korean (Modern, Rare)
From Sarang prefixed with 늘 (neul) meaning "always, forever."
Neul-somang f & m Korean (Modern, Rare)
From So-mang prefixed with 늘 (neul) meaning "always, forever."
Ngāmetua f & m Cook Islands Maori
Derived from the archaic plural article ngā and Metua.
Ngātamaʻine f Cook Islands Maori
Derived from the archaic plural article ngā and tamaʻine meaning "girl, daughter, young woman."
Ngātokorua m & f Cook Islands Maori
Derived from the archaic plural article ngā and tokorua meaning "partner, companion."
Nicoloso m Medieval Italian
Medievial Italian form of Nicholas.
Nijimaru m Japanese (Modern, Rare)
From Niji combined with the suffix 丸 (maru) meaning "circle, round," used before the Meiji Period (1868-1912) as a suffix denoting affection (along with -maro (麿/麻呂)) and was given to boys of upper class until they came of age, usually at ages 13 to 17.... [more]
Nikori f Japanese (Modern, Rare)
This name is written phonetically as にこり/ニコリ, used as an onomatopoeic word (usually written as にっこり (nikkori)) referring to the action of smiling sweetly or grinning.... [more]
Nineveh f & m Biblical, English (Rare)
Named after the ancient city in Assyria, which is said to derive from Latin Ninive and Septuagint Greek Nineyḗ (Νινευή) under influence of Biblical Hebrew Nīnewēh (נִינְוֶה)... [more]
Noanna f English (Rare)
Could be a combination of Noa 1, Noah 1 or the prefix no- and Anna.... [more]
Nobuhito m Japanese
From Nobu combined with 人 (hito) meaning "person," also used as 仁 meaning "benevolence, compassion, humanity."
Noelvis f & m Spanish (Latin American), Spanish (Caribbean)
Combination of Noel (or its derivations), the infix -el-, stemming from names like Elvia, and the suffix -is (or Elvis).
Nohealani f Hawaiian
Means "pretty sky," "pretty heaven," "lovely sky" or "lovely heaven," from nohea meaning "handsome, pretty, lovely" and lani meaning "sky, heaven, heavenly, spiritual, royal, exalted, noble, aristocratic."
Nonoka f Japanese
This name combines 野 (sho, ya, no, no-) meaning "civilian life, field, plains, rustic" & 乃 (ai, dai, nai, no, sunawa.chi, nanji, no) meaning "accordingly, from, possessive particle, whereupon", 野々 or 乃々 with 花 (ka, ke, hana) meaning "flower", 香 (kyou, kou, ka, kao.ri, meaning "incense, perfume, smell", 佳 (ka) meaning "beautiful, excellent, good, pleasing, skilled" and 華 (ka, ke, hana) meaning "flower, gay, gorgeous, luster, ostentatious, petal, shine, showy, splendour."
Noʻoroa m & f Cook Islands Maori
Means "long stay," derived from noʻo meaning "stay" and roa meaning "long."
Nube f South American
Means "cloud" in Spanish, taken from the titles of the Virgin Mary, La Virgen de la Nube and Nuestra Señora de la Nube, meaning "The Virgin of the Cloud" and "Our Lady of the Cloud" respectively.... [more]
Nuri f & m Korean (Modern)
From obsolete native Korean 누리 (nuri) meaning "world," also coinciding with the word meaning "hail" and the stem of verb 누리다 (nurida) meaning "to enjoy."
Nuri-bom f & m Korean (Modern, Rare)
Combination of Nuri and Bom.
Oakland m & f English (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Oakland.
Ocotlán f & m Spanish (Mexican)
From the Marian title Nuestra Señora de Ocotlán meaning "Our Lady of Ocotlán" (see Ocotlán), the Virgin of Ocotlán being the patron saint of Tlaxcala and the neighbouring state of Puebla.
Odyssefs m Greek
Modern Greek form of Odysseus (see also Odysseas).
Ōga m Japanese (Modern)
This name is used as 桜雅 with 桜 (ou, you, sakura) meaning "cherry (blossom) tree" and 雅 (ga, meaning "elegant, gracious, graceful, refined."... [more]
Olda m Czech
Diminutive of Oldřich.
Onnuri f & m Korean (Modern, Rare)
From native Korean 온누리 (onnuri) meaning "whole (wide) world," a combination of determiner 온 (on) meaning "all, whole, entire" and Nuri.
Oreum m & f Korean (Modern)
From the verbal noun of verb 오르다 (oreuda) meaning "to go up" (compare Oreun).
Oreun m & f Korean (Modern, Rare)
From the present determiner form of verb 오르다 (oreuda) meaning "to go up," coinciding with the dated term for the right(-hand) or right side (compare Oreum).
Osmar m Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazilian), Spanish, Spanish (Latin American)
Combination of Os-, from names beginning in this pattern like Oscar and Osvaldo, and -mar, from names beginning in that pattern, e.g. María (Spanish)/Maria (Portuguese).
Ōta m Japanese (Modern)
This name combines 桜 (ou, you, sakura) meaning "cherry (blossom) tree" with 太 (ta, tai, futo.i, meaning "big around, plump, thick" or 大 (tai, dai, oo-, -oo.ini, oo.kii, ta) meaning "big, large."... [more]
Oyuki f Japanese (Archaic), Spanish (Latin American), American (Hispanic)
From Yuki prefixed with the honorific 御/お- (o), used with regards to female names from around the Kamakura and Muromachi periods to around the 20th century.... [more]
Paine f & m Spanish (Latin American), Mapuche
Spanish form of Payne (compare Painé).
Painé f & m Spanish (Latin American), Mapuche
Spanish form of Payne (compare Paine).
Palani m Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Frank.
Panagioula f Greek
Diminutive of Panagiota.
Param m & f Korean (Modern, Rare)
From the verbal noun of adjective 파랗다 (parata) meaning "blue, green" (compare Pureum and Paran).
Paran m & f Korean (Modern, Rare)
From the present determiner form of adjective 파랗다 (parata) meaning "blue, green" (compare Pureun and Param).
Paseri f Japanese (Modern, Rare)
Japanese transliteration of the English word parsley, referring to the type of flowering plant that has been widely used in European, Middle Eastern and American cooking.... [more]
Peligros f Spanish (Rare)
Means "hazards, perils, dangers" in Spanish, taken from the title of the Virgin Mary, La Virgen de los Peligros, meaning "The Virgin of the Hazards."... [more]
Peña f Spanish (European)
Means "rock" in Spanish, taken from the Spanish titles of the Virgin Mary, La Virgen de la Peña and Nuestra Señora de la Peña, meaning "The Virgin of the Rock" and "Our Lady of the Rock" respectively.
Peñafrancia f Filipino
Taken from the Spanish titles of the Virgin Mary, Nuestra Señora de Peñafrancia/Nuestra Señora de la Peña de Francia and La Virgen de la Peña de Francia, meaning "The Virgin of the Rock of France" and "Our Lady of the Rock of France" respectively, venerated in Naga City though originating from the image enshrined in Salamanca, Spain.
Peñarroya f Spanish (Rare)
Taken from the title of the Virgin Mary, Nuestra Señora de Peñarroya, meaning "Our Lady of Peñarroya."... [more]
Pfeiffer f & m English (Modern, Rare)
Transferred use of the German surname Pfeiffer.
Piedras Albas f Spanish (Rare)
Means "white stones" in Spanish (the second word only used as a Latinism or in a poetic/literary sense, in place of blanca), taken from the titles of the Virgin Mary, La Virgen de Piedras Albas and Nuestra Señora de Piedras Albas, meaning "The Virgin of White Stones" and "Our Lady of White Stones" respectively.... [more]
Pierangelo m Italian
Combination of Piero and Angelo.
Piʻilani m & f Hawaiian
Means "rising sky" or "to ascend to heaven," from piʻi meaning "climb, ascend, advance, mount, rise" and lani meaning "sky, heaven, heavenly, spiritual, royal, exalted, noble, aristocratic."... [more]
Piren f Mapuche
From Mapudungun verb piren meaning "to snow, hail" (compare Pire, derived from the noun).
Piwke f & m Mapuche
From Mapudungun piwke meaning "heart."
Pōmaikaʻi f & m Hawaiian (Rare)
From the word meaning "good fortune, blessing, profit, prosperity."
Pono m Hawaiian
From the word meaning "goodness, morality, excellence, well-being, prosperity."
Poʻokela m Hawaiian
From the word meaning "best, superior, outstanding, greatest, supreme, utmost."
Popuri f Japanese (Modern, Rare)
Japanese transliteration of potpourri, from French pot-pourri, a calque from Spanish olla podrida meaning "rotten pot," referring to a mixture of dried fragrant plant material used to scent a room (originally referring to a Spanish stew with a wide variety of ingredients).... [more]