Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
Gender Feminine
Usage Japanese
Scripts 美琴, 未琴, 海琴, 三琴, 美言, 実言, 美古都, 実瑚都(Japanese Kanji) みこと(Japanese Hiragana) ミコト(Japanese Katakana)
Pronounced Pron. MEE-KO-TO  [key]

Meaning & History

This name combines 美 (bi, mi, utsuku.shii) meaning "beautiful, beauty," 未 (bi, mi, ima.da, hitsuji, ma.da) meaning "not yet," 海 (kai, umi, mi) meaning "ocean, sea" or 三 (san, zou, mi, mi'.tsu, mi.tsu) meaning "three" with 琴 (kin, koto) meaning "koto." 美 and/or 実 (shitsu, jitsu, makotoni, mi,, mino,, which means "real, true," can be combined with 言 (gen, gon, i.u, koto) meaning "word."
Examples of Mikoto with 3 kanji for females include 美古都 and 実瑚都 with 古 (ko, furu.i) meaning "old," 都 (tsu, to, miyako) meaning "capital, metropolis" and 瑚 (ko, go) meaning "coral."

As a word, mikoto (命) means "Lord, Highness," which is added after the name of a god or a noble or, in the honourific or respectful language, can be referred to as "the spoken words of the emperor or a noble." It is also an archaic derogatory form of "you."
Added 1/13/2015 by m4yb3_daijirou
Edited 1/28/2025 by ShioTanbo1, Mike C and m4yb3_daijirou