Fanateam & fPolynesian Name of Polynesian origin, composed by "fana", often referred to a bow and "tea", meaning "white". Hence the meaning can be interpreted as "white bow".
FuifuimPolynesian Tongan meaning "love love", to indicate "greatly loved". A famous namesake is Tongan-born international rugby league footballer Fuifui Moimoi.
Ha'aheof & mHawaiian Means "cherished with pride" in Hawaiian.
HaeremMaori Personification of the rainbow in Māori myth.
HaliafHawaiian Directly taken from Hawaiian hali'a meaning "memory of a loved one, cherished or loving memory". It made the top 100 in Hawaii for the first time in 2020, the year of the Covid19 pandemic.
HanafMaori Means "to radiate warmth" in Māori. Also Māori form of Hannah.
HanaifHawaiian Devivred from Hawaiian word (Hānai) meaning "to adopt" or "to nurture." Could also be a shortened version of the name Hanaiakamalama.
Hanaiakamalamaf & mHawaiian A compound name in Hawaiian meaning "work of the moon" or "guardian of the moon," derived from:... [more]
Hanaleif & mHawaiian Means "crescent bay" from Hawaiian hana "bay" and lei. It is sometimes used as the Hawaiian form of Henry.
HanaurafPolynesian Name of Polynesian origin, composed by "hana", that means "to create" and "ura", referred to a typical Polynesian dance. Hence the meaning can be interpreted as "creative dance" or "creative dancer".
Hanikeaf & mPolynesian Polynesian name, composed by "hani", meaning "melody" and "kea", meaning "white", "clear".
HaniteafPolynesian, Tahitian Name of Polynesian origin, composed by "hani", meaning "sweet" and "tea", meaning "white" or "bright".
HanivaifTahitian Tahitian name, composed by "hani", meaning "adorning" or "sweetness", in hawaiian also meand "caress", while "vai" means "water". Hence the meaning can be interpreted as "sweet water" or "caress of water".
Hanoraim & fPolynesian, Tahitian Name of Polynesian origin, composed by "hano", meaning "going" and "rai", meaning "sky". Hence the meaning is "going to the sky".
Haumanavam & fTahitian Combination of Tahitian hau meaning "peace" and manava meaning "welcome".
Haumiatiketikef & mMaori Long form of Haumia. The god of wild food in Māori myth.
HaunuimTahitian Means "great peace" from Tahitian hau meaning "peace, concord" and nui meaning "great, big".
Hauʻolim & fHawaiian Means "happiness" in Hawaiian. This name was used by American actress Mary Astor as a middle name for her daughter, Marylyn Hauoli Thorpe, who was born in 1932 in Honolulu, Hawaii. A known bearer is American football player Hauʻoli Kikaha (1992-).
Hauraim & fPolynesian Polynesian name, composed by "hau", meaning "peace" and "rai", meaning "sky", "heaven"; hence the meaning can be interpreted as "heavenly peace".
HaurevafPolynesian, Tahitian Polynesian origin name, composed by "hau", meaning "breath" or "breeze" (and also "peace") and "reva", that means "flying", "floating". Hence the meaning is interpreted as "floating breeze", "blowing breeze".
HaurevafPolynesian Polynesian name, meaning "wind breeze" or "wind of peace".
Hawaikim & fMaori Means "sacred homeland" in Māori.
HawaikifTahitian Derived from Proto-Polynesian Sawaiki meaning "Ra'iātea", referring to the island of which the Polynesian peoples originated from. Today, Ra'iātea is the second largest island in French Polynesia.
HeepuenuifTahitian Means "to lie in a cloudless sky"; from Tahitian heepuenui.
HeianafTahitian From the Tahitian hei meaning "wreath, garland of flowers" and ana meaning "he, she, it", or "belonging to him/her". Another commonly suggesting etymology is anaana meaning "bright, shining".
HeianifTahitian Possibly from Tahitian hei meaning "wreath, garland of flowers" and ani meaning "request".
Heiariim & fTahitian Means "crown king, royal crown" in Tahitian; derived from ari'i meaning "king".
Heiatam & fTahitian Means "cloud crown" in Tahitian; a combination of ata "cloud" and hei "crown".
Heiavaf & mPolynesian Polynesian name, meaning "garland" or "garland of waters".
HeinoafTahitian, Polynesian Name of Tahitian origin, composed by "hei", meaning "garland" and "noa", meaning "free. Hence the meaning can be interpreted as "garland of freedom".
HeiravafTahitian Tahitian name, meaning "precious garland" or "sparkly garland".
Heiroaf & mTahitian Tahitian name, meaning "noble crown".
Hei'urafTahitian From Tahitian hei meaning "wreath, garland of flowers" and 'ura an archaic term meaning "red".
HeiurafTahitian Means either "crown of feathers" or "crown of fire" depending on the pronunciation.
HeivafPolynesian Name of Polynesian origin, meaning "garland" or "dancing garland".
Heivanuim & fPolynesian Polynesian name, composed by "heiva", referred to a typical local festival, celebration and "nui", meaning "great", "big".
HenoheafHawaiian Hawaiian name, meaning "beautiful", "gorgeous".
HereanifTahitian Tahitian name, composed by "here", meaning "love" and "ani", meaning "request" or "desire", so the meaning is "desire of love" or "request of love".
Herehaum & fTahitian Means "love of peace" in Tahitian; a combination of here "love" and hau "peace".
HereitifTahitian Tahitian name, meaning "little love" or "sweet love".
HereorafPolynesian Name of Polynesian origin, meaning "love and life", or "bond of life".
HereurafPolynesian, Tahitian Polynesian origin name, composed by "here", meaning "love" and "ura", meaning "red", so the meaning is "red love", intended as "passionate love".
Hiʻilanif & mHawaiian Means "held in the arms of heaven," from hiʻi "bear, hold/carry in the arms" and lani meaning "sky, heaven, heavenly, spiritual, royal, exalted, noble, aristocratic."
HiʻileifHawaiian (Modern, Rare) Means "child carried in the arms" from Hawaiian hiʻi "carry in the arms" and lei "wreath" (by extension "child", carried on the shoulders like a lei).
Hinaleif & mHawaiian Combination of Hina, from the Hawaiian moon Goddess and lei "flowers, lei, child".
Hinaleimoanaf & mHawaiian Combination of Hinalei and Moana. Hinaleimoana Kwai Kong Wong-Kalu (1972- ) is a Native Hawaiian community leader in the field of Kanaka Maoli language and cultural preservation.
HirafMaori Means "great, important" or "abundant" in Maori.
HirawanumMoriori The name's meaning as of this typing is not known. This may not just be a Moriori name since there is at least one Maori with this name who was a chief of the Rangitane and Ngatitmotuahi tribes in 1858... [more]
Hokule'af & mHawaiian, Astronomy Hōkūleʻa is Hawaiian for “Star of Gladness” or “Clear Star”. The western name of this star is Arcturus. Hōkūleʻa is the brightest in the northern hemisphere and it is Hawaii’s zenith star... [more]
HoromonamMoriori The meaning of this name is possibly not known. This was the name of a boy who was one of the survivors in 1861 of the Moriori genocide. This name has been used as a surname as well.
IhimaerafMaori This name in English even though possibly female before European contact means Ishmael. This is the name of Owenga and Otonga Moriori Ihimaera Rehe (d. 1903) who was a daughter of Owenga-Otonga chief and mother of the last full blooded Moriori Tommy Solomon.
Irirangif & mMaori Means "spirit voice, radio wave" in Māori. Also a type of fern native to New Zealand.
IsafPolynesian, Chamorro A female Chamorro name, either derived from the noun isa meaning "rainbow", or possibly derived from the verb meaning "to flatter" or the transitive verb meaning "to rise, to haul up".
'IwalanifHawaiian This name means "heavenly frigate bird" or "heavenly man-of-war bird" from 'iwa meaning "frigate bird, man-of-war bird" and lani meaning "sky, heaven, heavenly, spiritual."