Piʻikeaf & mHawaiian Hawaiian unisex name meaning "the life ascends".
Piʻilanim & fHawaiian Means "rising sky" or "to ascend to heaven," from piʻi meaning "climb, ascend, advance, mount, rise" and lani meaning "sky, heaven, heavenly, spiritual, royal, exalted, noble, aristocratic."... [more]
PoeranifTahitian Means "heavenly pearl" or "divine pearl"; a combination of Tahitian poe meaning "pearl" and rani, which is derived from Tuamotuan rangi meaning "heaven".
PoeravafTahitian Means "black pearl"; a combination of Tahitian poe meaning "pearl" and rava meaning "black".
PualeifHawaiian (Rare) Means "lei of flower" or "child of blossom," from pua meaning "flower, blossom" and lei meaning "lei, garland, wreath, (figuratively) beloved child."
Pueom & fHawaiian (Rare) From the word referring to the Hawaiian short-eared owl, the owl being one of the more famous physical forms assumed by ʻaumākua (ancestor spirits) in Hawaiian culture, which vary.
Puhim & fHawaiian Means "burn, set on fire" in Hawaiian.
PumipimMoriori This name could maybe be a feminine name. This was the name of a signatory to the 1862 Moriori Crown Petition and Waitangi district leading elder named Pumipi Te Rangaranga.
RangitokonamMoriori This is the name of the god who divided Heaven and earth and shaped man. This is also the name of a Maori Chief named Te Rangi Tokona.
RarahufLiterature, Tahitian French variant of Rarau used by Pierre Loti in his popular autobiographical novel 'Le mariage de Loti' (1880), where it belongs to a native Tahitian woman who is the lover of the narrator - a French naval officer stationed on the island.
RauparahamMaori This name in English is "calystegia sepium" a weedy vine or wildflower. New Zealand colonists mistranslated a person with this name "The Robuller." This is the name of Ngati Toa Chief Te Rauparaha (d... [more]
RiromRapa Nui The meaning of the name is possibly unknown. This was a name of an araki "king" of Rapa Nui named Riro Kāinga before his name was changed to Simeon Riro after his baptism. Simeon was his baptismal name before he changed it to Riroroko.
RīwaimMaori This word in the Maori tongue is a general term for potato. This is not just a first name but a last name. This was the name of farmhand and son Wairua elder of Te Rōpiha, Rīwai Te Rōpiha. This is a middle name of Ngāi Tahu rugby player Manuera Benjamin Rīwai Couch (1925-1996).
RohanafMoriori Meaning of this name is possibly not known. This was the name of Rohana Tapu (d. 1902) Moriori slave and wife of Owenga Moriori leader Hirawanu Tapu.
Rongo-mai-tauiramMoriori This was the name of a Moriori deity. He is the god of lightning and eels as well as "Will of the wisp."
RongomaiteremMoriori This is a personal noun. The name has different meanings that deal with the sea. It is an allegorical proportionate for ocean. This noun also means 'peace on the ocean.' One possible meaning is 'ocean god'... [more]
Rongomaiwhenuam & fMoriori This name means 'peace on the land' and is a allegorical equal for land. According to Moriori tradition this is the name for one of the founding ancestors of the Moriori and ancestor of the Hamata Moriori tribe who arrived on what is now the Chatham Islands.
Rongomai-whitimMoriori, Maori In a Moriori migration tradition story this is the name of a god who travel with people heading to what is now the Chatham islands. The name in the Maori language is referring to a god. Its possibly an description of Rongo (high ranking Maori god) or Rongomai (Maori god).
RūaimokomMaori God of earthquakes in Māori myth. Also Ruaumoko.
RuataatamTahitian Means "two people"; a combination of Tahitian rua "two" and ta'ata "human".
RuatapumMaori Ruatapu tried to kill his half brother, Kahutia-te-rangi (who assumed the name Paikea) and drove him out, forcing him to survive by riding humpback whales to present day New Zealand
SālotefTongan Tongan form of Charlotte. The most famous bearer of this name was Queen Sālote Tupou (1900-1965), the third monarch of the kingdom of Tonga and, so far, its only queen regnant.
TaimanifTongan Taimani is of Tongan origin, meaning 'diamond'. It's now used by the entire Pacific community, especially in Fiji, Sāmoa and other Polynesian nations.
TamaevafPolynesian A famous bearer of this name is Tamaeva IV, queen of the Polynesian island of Rimatara.
TamaheremTahitian Means "beloved child", from Tahitian tamariʻi meaning "child" and here "love".
TamairangifMaori Meaning as of yet unknown. This was the name of a 19th-century Maori tribal leader and poet.
TamakimMaori Maori name meaning the Auckland area of New Zealand.
TamakororomMoriori This name may also been used and may be use by females today. This was the name of a Moriori man who was killed in 1791 after a misunderstanding over a fishing net with the first outsiders who came to what is now the Chatham Islands.
TamemMoriori Meaning of this name is apparently unknown. This was the name of the last full blooded Moriori (Owenga and Otonga tribes) Tame Horomona Rehe aka Tommy Solomon (1884-1933) and Moriori elder Tame Tainui Tawarere.
TarainafTahitian Tahitian name, composed by "tara", meaning "star" or "light" and "aina", meaning "earth". Hence the meaning is "star on earth" or "light on earth".
TarianafMaori Possibly derived from Maori tāriana meaning "stallion".... [more]
TaritafPolynesian, English (American), Popular Culture The name was borne by the native Polynesian actress Tarita Teriipia who became the third wife of Marlon Brando. Initial research indicates its a Sanskrit name meaning, "to overcome obstacles" but this needs further research.
TawhāmMaori Means "caldera/boundary line" in Māori. Short for Tū-te-tawhā - loosely translated as 'holding the boundary'. Tū-te-tawhā was a Māori chieftain of the Ngāti Tūwharetoa tribe.
TeanaumMaori Meaning as of yet unknown. A notable bearer of this name is the Maori politician Teanau Tuiono (b. 1972) from New Zealand.
TehanifTahitian, Hawaiian, Literature Derived from Tahitian te meaning "the" and hani meaning "darling". This was used for a character in the novel Mutiny on the Bounty (1932) by Charles Nordhoff and James Norman Hall... [more]
TeheafTahitian Feminine of the unisex name, Tehei, meaning 'crown'.
Teheiuram & fTahitian Derived from Tahitian te hei 'ura literally meaning "the red crown".