Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
Gender Feminine
Usage Tahitian

Meaning & History

Derived from Proto-Polynesian Sawaiki meaning "Ra'iātea", referring to the island of which the Polynesian peoples originated from. Today, Ra'iātea is the second largest island in French Polynesia.
Added 2/24/2017 by HL

Hawaiki 2
Gender Masculine & Feminine
Usage Maori
Pronounced Pron. HA-WA-EE-KEE  [key]
Other Forms FormsʻAvaiki, Havaiʻi, Hawaiʻi

Meaning & History

Means "sacred homeland" in Māori.
Added 1/10/2022 by anonymous
Edited 1/21/2022 by Mike C